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As a promising candidate for biodiesel production, the green alga Chlorella protothecoides can efficiently produce oleaginous biomass and the lipid biosynthesis is greatly influenced by the availability of nitrogen source and corresponding nitrogen assimilation pathways. Based on isotope‐assisted kinetic flux profiling (KFP), the fluxes through the nitrogen utilization pathway were quantitatively analyzed. We found that autotrophic C. protothecoides cells absorbed ammonium mainly through glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), and partially through glutamine synthetase (GS), which was the rate‐limiting enzyme of nitrogen assimilation process with rare metabolic activity of glutamine oxoglutarate aminotransferase (GOGAT, also known as glutamate synthase); whereas under heterotrophic conditions, the cells adapted to GS‐GOGAT cycle for nitrogen assimilation in which GS reaction rate was associated with GOGAT activity. The fact that C. protothecoides chooses the adenosine triphosphate‐free and less ammonium‐affinity GDH pathway, or alternatively the energy‐consuming GS‐GOGAT cycle with high ammonium affinity for nitrogen assimilation, highlights the metabolic adaptability of C. protothecoides exposed to altered nitrogen conditions.  相似文献   

Plants take up inorganic nitrogen and store it unchanged or convert it to organic forms. The nitrogen in such organic compounds is stoichiometrically recoverable by the Kjeldahl method. The sum of inorganic nitrogen and Kjeldahl nitrogen has long been known to equal the total nitrogen in plants. However, in our attempt to study the mechanism of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) metabolism, we unexpectedly discovered that about one-third of the total nitrogen derived from 15N-labeled NO2 taken up by Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants was converted to neither inorganic nor Kjeldahl nitrogen, but instead to an as yet unknown nitrogen compound(s). We here refer to this nitrogen as unidentified nitrogen (UN). The generality of the formation of UN across species, nitrogen sources and cultivation environments for plants has been shown as follows. Firstly, all of the other 11 plant species studied were found to form the UN in response to fumigation with 15NO2. Secondly, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants fed with 15N-nitrate appeared to form the UN. And lastly, the leaves of naturally fed vegetables, grass and roadside trees were found to possess the UN. In addition, the UN appeared to comprise a substantial proportion of total nitrogen in these plant species. Collectively, all of our present findings imply that there is a novel nitrogen mechanism for the formation of UN in plants. Based on the analyses of the exhaust gas and residue fractions of the Kjeldahl digestion of a plant sample containing the UN, probable candidates for compounds that bear the UN were deduced to be those containing the heat-labile nitrogen–oxygen functions and those recalcitrant to Kjeldahl digestion, including organic nitro and nitroso compounds. We propose UN-bearing compounds may provide a chemical basis for the mechanism of the reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and thus that cross-talk may occur between UN and RNS metabolisms in plants. A mechanism for the formation of UN-bearing compounds, in which RNS are involved as intermediates, is proposed. The important broad impact of this novel nitrogen metabolism, not only on the general physiology of plants, but also on plant substances as human and animal food, and on plants as an integral part of the global environment, is discussed.Abbreviations NO Nitric oxide - NO2 Nitrogen dioxide - RNS Reactive nitrogen species - UN Unidentified nitrogen - TNNAT, RNNAT, INNAT and UNNAT Total, Kjeldahl, inorganic and unidentified nitrogen in naturally fed plants, respectively - TNNIT, RNNIT, INNIT and UNNIT Total, Kjeldahl, inorganic and unidentified nitrogen derived from nitrate, respectively - TNNO2, RNNO2, INNO2 and UNNO2 Total, Kjeldahl, inorganic and unidentified nitrogen derived from NO2, respectively  相似文献   

The possibility to apply N-15 in vivo NMR spectroscopy to study algal N-metabolism has been investigated. N-15 labelled cells of the green alga Chlorella fusca, subjected to nitrogen starvation and N-14 labelled cells supplied with K15NO3 after prolonged nitrogen starvation were monitored by N-15 in vivo NMR spectroscopy at different times after the change in their nitrogen supply. During 20–40 min, necessary for the acquisition of 1 spectrum, the cells were under dark anaerobic conditions, but the relative amounts of the metabolites detected did not change. Signals from 2 acid amides, from the side chain nitrogens of arginine and lysine, from prolin as well as 4 signals from α amino groups of amino acids were detected. Besides two signals not yet reported in the literature were found. They may be due to amino compounds, but not to amino acids. The amount of free amino acids in the cells increases not only upon resupply of nitrogen starved cells with nitrate but also during the first hours after nitrate depletion. The spectra obtained from N-15 labelled autospores show that N-15 in vivo NMR spectroscopy can be applied to the investigation of N metabolism of the cells.  相似文献   

周宁一 《微生物学通报》2012,39(8):1197-1197
随着水体富营养化的加剧,有害藻类水华和赤潮的爆发日趋频繁,导致水质的恶化,水体资源丧失其功能和价值。修复藻型富营养化水体生态系统可以从控制藻类繁殖和调整藻类群落结构方面着手,使整个水生  相似文献   

Taurine entered the alga Chlorella fusca Shihira et Krauss strain 21l-8b via a pH and energy-dependent system ("permease"). Transport followed triphasic kinetics from 10−6 to 10−2 M with Km values for taurine of 5.4 × 10−5, 4.1 × l0−4 and l.5 × 10−3 M. This uptake system was specific for sulfonic acids and showed no affinity for α- and β -amino acids or Na+; thus the permease of C. fusca is different from all known taurine transport systems with respect to structural specificity and lack of Na+ -dependence. Uptake was not observed in sulfate-grown algae but developed as a response to sulfate limitation within 2 h. Sulfate addition caused a rapid decline in taurine transport capacity. Labeled taurine was rapidly metabolized in C. fusca to sulfate and ethanolamine, suggesting oxidative hydrolysis as the mechanism of C-S bond cleavage. Further incorporation of these catabolic products in C - and S -metabolism was demonstrated. Taurine catabolism was also detected in other green algae and some cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA was isolated and cloned from Chlorella, strain N1a, exsymbiotic with Paramecium bursaria. BamHI, SalI, SstI, KpnI and XhoI restriction fragments of the DNA were assembled into a circular map. The genome consists of approximately 120 kbp of DNA, has a G/C content of 38%, and contains only a single copy of the rRNA cistron. The rRNA cistron is small, 5000–8000 bp, and the 16S and 23S genes are separated by less than 2000 bp.  相似文献   

臭氧和氮添加对杨树叶片氮代谢的影响臭氧(O3)污染和氮(N)沉降/施肥都能同时影响植物的生长。然而,几乎没有研究探究O3和N添加对植物叶片N代谢过程的复合影响。本研究在开顶式气室(OTC)中对杨树进行了为期95 d的熏蒸实验,包括两个O3水平(NF,环境O3水平;NF60,NF + 60 ppb O3)和4个N处理(N0,没有N添加;N50,N0 + 50 kg N ha−1 yr−1;N100,N0 + 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1;N200,N0 + 200 kg N ha−1 yr−1)。测定了与叶片N代谢相关的一些指标,包括叶片N代谢酶的活性、总叶片N浓度、NO3-N浓度、NH4+-N浓度、总氨基酸浓度(TAA)、总可溶性糖的浓度(TSP)。研究结果表明,相对于NF,在8月份NF60处理显著刺激了硝酸还原酶(NR)的活性,使其升高了47.2%。当平均所有的N处理和两次取样时间时,NF60处理下谷氨酰胺酶(GS)的活性比NF处理下的高57.3%。但是O3处理并没有显著影响TSP浓度,并且在8月也没有降低TAA的浓度。相对N0,高的N添加处理(N200)显著增加了杨树叶片的饱和光合速率(Asat) 24%,并且分 别在8和9月增加了总叶片N浓度70.3%和43.3%。但是在8月份,N200处理下光合N利用效率比N0的低26.1%。这表明N添加导致的Asat和叶片总的N浓度的升高是不匹配的,高N处理下,叶片中一些剩余的N没有被用于优化植物碳的同化。同时,也发现高N添加显著刺激了叶片N代谢过程,叶片中的NO3-N浓度、NH4+-N浓度、TAA浓度、NR和GS活性都显著升高。然而,O3和N添加对杨树叶片所有N代谢相关的指标都没有交互影响。这些结果将有助于更好地了解在高O3污染和N沉降/施肥下植物的N代谢过程以及生物地球化学循环过程。  相似文献   

In freshwaters, algal species are exposed to different inorganic nitrogen (Ni) sources whose incorporation varies in biochemical energy demand. We hypothesized that due to the lesser energy requirement of ammonium ()‐use, in contrast to nitrate ()‐use, more energy remains for other metabolic processes, especially under CO2‐ and phosphorus (Pi) limiting conditions. Therefore, we tested differences in cell characteristics of the green alga Chlamydomonas acidophila grown on or under covariation of CO2 and Pi‐supply in order to determine limitations, in a full‐factorial design. As expected, results revealed higher carbon fixation rates for ‐grown cells compared to growth with under low CO2 conditions. ‐grown cells accumulated more of the nine analyzed amino acids, especially under Pi‐limited conditions, compared to cells provided with . This is probably due to a slower protein synthesis in cells provided with . In contrast to our expectations, compared to ‐grown cells ‐grown cells had higher photosynthetic efficiency under Pi‐limitation. In conclusion, growth on the Ni‐source did not result in a clearly enhanced Ci‐assimilation, as it was highly dependent on Pi and CO2 conditions (replete or limited). Results are potentially connected to the fact that C. acidophila is able to use only CO2 as its inorganic carbon (Ci) source.  相似文献   

PII proteins are a protein family important to signal transduction in bacteria and plants. PII plays a critical role in regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in cyanobacteria. Through conformation change and covalent modification, which are regulated by 2-oxoglutarate, PII interacts with different target proteins in response to changes of cellular energy status and carbon and nitrogen sources in cyanobacteria and regulates cellular metabolism. This article reports recent progress in PII research in cyanobacteria and discusses the mechanism of PII regulation of cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

PII proteins are a protein family important to signal transduction in bacteria and plants. PII plays a critical role in regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in cyanobacteria. Through conformation change and covalent modification, which are regulated by 2-oxoglutarate, PII interacts with different target proteins in response to changes of cellular energy status and carbon and nitrogen sources in cyanobacteria and regulates cellular metabolism. This article reports recent progress in PII research in cyanobacteria and discusses the mechanism of PII regulation of cellular metabolism .  相似文献   

Neochloris oleoabundans has been cultivated in mineral medium deficient in nitrogen. The yield of lipids was 35–54% of cell dry weight. Triglycerides comprised 80% of the total lipids. Aliphatic hydrocarbons, sterols, pigments, glycolipids and phospholipids comprised the remaining lipid fraction. Saturated, monounsaturated and diunsaturated octodecanoic acid represented approximately one-half of the total fatty acids.  相似文献   

植物内生菌促进宿主氮吸收与代谢研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨波  陈晏  李霞  任承钢  戴传超 《生态学报》2013,33(9):2656-2664
内生菌与植物共生能够提高宿主的氮吸收与氮代谢水平,这可能是由于内生菌在植物体内引发的多种效应的综合结果.植物内生菌能够通过促进植物根系发育和固氮作用为宿主植物提供更多的无机氮素;能够通过分泌多种胞外酶系如漆酶、蛋白水解酶等使宿主植物更好地利用有机氮素;能够提高宿主氮代谢关键酶如硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)等酶的活性;能够提高宿主植物激素水平和维生素含量从而促进宿主氮代谢;能够通过影响宿主植物氮代谢促进宿主植物分蘖、提高宿主植物叶绿素含量和光合速率等等.综述了国内外关于植物内生菌促进宿主氮代谢的相关报道,归纳了植物内生菌影响宿主氮素吸收与代谢的可能机制,并展望了关于植物内生菌促进宿主氮代谢机制方面的研究方向.  相似文献   

A sand-culture experiment was conducted to study the influence of a deficiency of and an excess of micronutrients on the uptake and assimilation of NH 4 + and NO 3 ions by maize. By studying the fate of15N supplied as15NH4NO3 or NH4 15NO3, it was demonstrated that in maize plants NH4−N was absorbed in preference to NO 3 −N. The uptake and distribution of N originating from both NH 4 + and NO 3 was considerably modified by deficiency of, or an excess of, micronutrients in the growth medium. The translocation of NH 4 + −N from roots to shoots was relatively less than that of NO 3 −N. Deficiency as well as excessive amounts of micronutrients, in the growth medium, substantially reduced the translocation of absorbed N into protein. This effect was more pronounced in the case of N supplied as NO 3 . Amino-N was the predominant non-protein fraction in which N from both NH 4 + and NO 3 tended to accumulate. The next important non-protein fractions were NO 3 −N when N was supplied as NO 3 and amide-N when NH 4 + was the source. The relative accumulation of15N into different protein fractions was also a function of imposed micronutrient levels.  相似文献   

The green colonial alga Botryococcus braunii has unusually high levels of hydrocarbons. Two distinct sites of hydrocarbon accumulation are present in the species: an internal pool present in cytoplasmic inclusions and an external pool in the trilaminar outer walls and associated globules. It is generally assumed that the hydrocarbons are produced within the cells and then excreted into the external pool to maintain the intracellular content at a normal value. Various feeding experiments showed, however, that the radioactivity of the external pool is much higher than the internal one. On the other hand, there was no decrease in the labelling of internal hydrocarbons in chase experiments. Therefore, an excretory process apparently does not take place in B. braunii. The outer wall, therefore, is the main site of hydrocarbon accumulation and also the place where the bulk of B. braunii hydrocarbons are produced. The outer wall also is involved in the matrix of colony formation and the above findings account for the sharp decrease of hydrocarbon production which is associated with the loss of colonial habit. The cultures were also shown to be unable, under usual growth conditions, to catabolize their own hydrocarbons. Such a feature, along with the extracellular location of the main site of production, may account for the abnormally high content of hydrocarbons typical of B. braunii.  相似文献   

谷岩  胡文河  徐百军  王思远  吴春胜 《生态学报》2013,33(23):7399-7407
本文以先玉420为试验材料,研究在大垄双行膜下滴灌种植模式下,氮素水平对玉米穗位叶光合特征及氮代谢关键酶活性的影响。结果表明:1)玉米穗位叶氮素含量、光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)和水分利用效率(WUE),均以N3(300 kg/hm2)水平最高,其平均Pn达35.1μmol m-2 s-1,Tr达7.57 m mol m-2 s-1,Gs 为0.58 mol m-2 s-1,WUE为 4.64μmol mmol-1。2) 最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)和光化学猝灭(qP),以N3水平最高,Fv/Fm均在0.75以上,ΦPSⅡ和qP均在0.45以上。3) PEP羧化酶对氮肥的响应较RUBP羧化酶敏感。氮肥少于100 kg/hm2才显著降低RUBP羧化酶活性;而PEP羧化酶则仅在N3处理时活性最高。4) 施用氮肥均增加穗位叶硝酸还原酶(NR)和谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性,以N3处理增幅最大,平均比不施氮肥分别增加22.4%(NR)和64.8%(GS),蛋白水解酶活性则相反,平均比不施氮肥分别降低51.6%(内肽酶)和76.9%(氨肽酶)。5)相关分析表明:穗位叶氮含量与与内肽酶和氨肽酶呈现负相关,与其他各项指标均呈现正相关,差异显著性因花后不同时期而不同。6)在供试试验区,在氮肥施用总量为300 kg/hm2时,玉米穗位叶保持较高的光合特性和相关酶活性,为玉米籽粒产量的形成奠定了基础。  相似文献   

When acetate-adapted cultures of Chlorella fusca were transferred to nitrogen-free medium containing glucose, isocitrate lyase activity was lost over a period of about 25 h. Using a combination of in vivo isotope labelling and immunoprecipitation with anti-isocitrate lyase IgG it was shown that: 1. The onset of loss of enzyme activity preceeded the complete cessation of enzyme synthesis. 2. Disappearance of isocitrate lyase activity was accompanied by loss of enzyme protein, without accumulation of antigenic protein distinguishable from the normal subunit polypeptide of the enzyme, as judged by SDS gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated samples from supernatant cell-free extracts. 3. SDS gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated isocitrate lyase revealed the presence of antigenic protein bands of Mr about twice that of the normal subunit polypeptide, but the appearance of these apparent dimer forms did not obviously correlate with enzyme degradation. 4. Isoelectric focusing of immunoprecipitated isocitrate lyase showed that the enzyme became progressively more oxidised during the period of its degradation in vivo. 5. By titrating crude broken cell suspensions with anti-isocitrate lyase antibody, preliminary evidence was obtained for transfer of the enzyme from the soluble fraction to an insoluble form as part of the process of disappearance.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the chemical characterization of the mucilage sheath produced by Chlorella sorokiniana. METHODS AND RESULTS: Algal mucilage sheath was hydrolysed with NaOH, containing EDTA. The purity of the hydrolysed sheath was determined by an ATP assay. The composition of polysaccharide in the sheath was investigated by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. Sucrose, galacturonic acid, xylitol, inositol, ribose, mannose, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose and fructose were detected in the sheath as sugar components. Magnesium was detected in the sheath as a divalent cation using inductively coupled argon plasma. The sheath matrix also contained protein. CONCLUSIONS: It appears that the sheath is composed of sugars and metals. Mucilage sheath contains many kinds of saccharides that are produced as photosynthetic metabolites and divalent cations that are contained in the culture medium. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report on chemical characterization of the sheath matrix produced by C. sorokiniana.  相似文献   

For both nitrogen and carbon metabolism there exist specific regulatory mechanisms to enable cells to assimilate a wide variety of nitrogen and carbon sources. Superimposed are regulatory circuits, the so called nitrogen and carbon catabolite regulation, to allow for selective use of “rich” sources first and “poor” sources later. Evidence points to the importance of specific regulatory mechanisms for short term adaptations, while generalized control circuits are used for long term modulation of nitrogen and carbon metabolism. Similarly a variety of regulatory mechanisms operate in amino acid metabolism. Modulation of enzyme activity and modulation of enzyme levels are the outstanding regulatory mechanisms. In prokaryotes, attenuation and repressor/operator control are predominant, besides a so called “metabolic control” which integrates amino acid metabolism into the overall nutritional status of the cells. In eukaryotic cells compartmentation of amino acid metabolites as well as of part of the pathways becomes an additional regulatory factor; pathway specific controls seem to be rare, but a complex regulatory network, the “general control of amino acid biosynthesis”, coordinates the synthesis of enzymes of a number of amino acid biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

以郑单958为材料,在高产田和中产田两种地力水平下,利用15N标记法研究了施氮量对夏玉米氮素分配率、利用率和碳氮代谢的影响.结果表明:高产田适量施氮可以提高玉米产量,过量施氮没有表现出进一步增产效果,其氮肥利用率较低(29 04%).中产田随施氮量的增加产量提高,但氮素利用率却降低.各个器官15N积累量依次为籽粒>叶片>茎>根>叶鞘>穗轴.在高产田,当施氮量超过300kg·hm-2时,玉米籽粒和叶片中积累15N有所下降,而茎和根中积累15N的量随施N量的增加而增加;在中产田,随着施N量的增加,籽粒和穗轴积累15N量均相应增加.高产田叶片的硝酸还原酶活性、谷氨酰胺合成酶活性和蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性以及籽粒中蔗糖合成酶活性和酸性转化酶活性均是施氮300kg·hm-2时最大,施氮450 kg·hm-2则抑制了其活性的增强,而中产田的各个酶活性则随着施氮量的增加而增加.  相似文献   

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