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Females of several catarrhine primate species exhibit exaggerated sexual swellings that change in size and coloration during the menstrual cycle and, in some species, gestation. Although their function remains under debate, studies indicate that swellings may contain information males could use to discern ovulation and the probability that a cycle will be conceptive. Here we combine visual ratings of swellings with hormonal data for a group of Sanje mangabeys (18 adult, 3 adolescent females) to determine if their swellings provide reliable information on female fertility. In all cases where ovulation was detected (N = 7), it occurred during maximum tumescence, and in 83.3% during the first two days of the “shiny phase,” a period during maximum tumescence when the swelling was brightest. There were no significant differences in maximum tumescence and shiny phase duration among cycles of different probability of conception, although there was a trend toward conceptive cycles exhibiting shorter shiny phases than nonconceptive ones. Only 25% (N = 4) of postconceptive swellings developed the shiny phase, and adolescents displayed the longest maximum tumescence and shiny phases. The conspicuous nature of the shiny phase and the frequent overlap between its onset and ovulation suggest that its presence serves as a general signal of ovulation and that the cycle has a high probability of being conceptive. It also suggests that swellings in some Sanje mangabeys are more accurate signals of fertility than in other primates.  相似文献   

In many Old World primate species, female attractivity increases during the tumescent phase of the sexual swelling for a period that lasts considerably longer than oestrus‐related attractivity in other mammals. We examined the reliability of the swelling as an indicator of ovulation in captive bonobos, a species with a long and variable phase of maximum tumescence. Using a combined approach of (1) observations of sexual behaviour, (2) visual scoring of the sexual swelling and (3) analysis of faecal progestin to assess the timing of ovulation during 23 ovulatory cycles of eight adult females, we found that in 30% of these cycles the presumed day of ovulation did not fall within the period of maximum tumescence. When ovulation did occur during maximum swelling, it was more closely related to the end rather than the onset of the maximum swelling period. However, the pattern of sexual swelling was not a reliable indicator of ovulation. In addition, sexual behaviour of both sexes increased in frequency with the degree of the swelling but not around the time of ovulation. We conclude that swellings in bonobos provide honest information on the probability of ovulation, but not its exact timing, and that therefore the `obvious ovulation'‐hypothesis cannot explain the function of sexual swellings in bonobos.  相似文献   

The occurrence of genital swellings was examined in adult female silvered langurs (Trachypithecus cristatus). In contrast to the exaggerated swellings found in cercopithecines and apes, genital swellings in silvered langurs are confined to the vulva and the surrounding perineum, but they may nevertheless convey information similar to that of exaggerated swellings (i.e., correlate with the receptive period and fertility). If so, genital swellings would be expected to occur most frequently in cycling females, and sexual behavior and male interest should most frequently involve females with swellings. Swellings during gestation, if they occur at all, should be most pronounced at the beginning. Swelling sizes (in three size categories) in nine adult females were examined throughout different reproductive states (cycling, pregnant, and lactating), and in relation to proceptivity, receptivity, and attractivity. Data were collected from November 2002 through March 2004 (on 500 of the 502 calendar days) at the Wildlife Conservation Society's Bronx Zoo. Female sexual behavior (proceptivity and receptivity) and male inspection (attractivity) were recorded each day for 6 hr by video camera (2,948 hr total) and analyzed as present or absent for each female day. Swellings were assessed directly (not from videotapes). In contrast to the predictions, swellings occurred significantly less frequently in cycling females (compared to pregnant females) and no regular, cyclic pattern could be detected. Some females conceived without a swelling. Female attractivity was independent of swellings but coincided with proceptive behavior. Swellings occurred most frequently in pregnant females, especially toward the end of the gestation period. Therefore, genital swellings in silvered langurs are not similar to exaggerated swellings or the smaller genital swellings that have been described for some other primates. It is currently not clear what they signal to conspecifics. Male behavior needs to be studied in more detail, and the hormonal basis for these swellings should be explored.  相似文献   

Past studies of female primate reproduction have focused on regularly cycling females, and thus the reproductive characteristics of females in other reproductive states (e.g., pregnant, or lactating) have rarely been investigated. In this study, data were collected on estrous swellings and sexual and proceptive behavior in six female lion-tailed macaques during recovery from lactational amenorrhea for the first three to five postpregnancy cycles. For these females, the length of the first lactational recovery swelling cycle averaged 81 days, nearly three times the length of cycles exhibited by nonparturient, isosexually housed females Actual swelling durations were also nearly three times the length of those seen in nonlactating females, and occupied a larger proportion of the cycle For most females, cycle duration and sexual and proceptive behavior declined progressively over successive cycles. The alpha female in each group accounted for the majority of copulations in the first three cycles, and this effect was pronounced in the first cycle. Extended postpregnancy cycles in this species may be related to female reproductive competition and /or a tactic to attract extra-group males. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Conspicuous swellings of the perineal skin can be observed in females of many catharrine primate species particularly during the middle stages of the ovarian cycle. The functional significance of this trait remains poorly understood. Recently, two hypotheses, the "reliable indicator" hypothesis and the "graded signal" hypothesis that take into account not only the pattern but also the exaggerated size of sexual swellings, have gained attention. Here we test several predictions made by these hypotheses by combining (i) direct size measures (from video captures) of female sexual swellings with (ii) urinary hormone data to indicate timing of ovulation through enzyme immunoassay measurements of estrone conjugates and pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) and (iii) behavioral observations of male mating efforts throughout 36 ovulatory cycles in 12 wild chimpanzees. We are able to show that (i) even within the traditionally defined maximum swelling period, further slight increases in swelling size indicate approaching ovulation, and (ii) that male mating interest changes according to the changes in swelling size. Furthermore, absolute swelling size during the periovulatory period increases and the alpha male associates more with females as the number of cycles to conception decreases. Finally, when having the choice between several "maximally" tumescent females, the alpha male prefers the female that is in the fertile phase of her cycle rather than that with the biggest swelling at that time. Thus, most of our findings are in line with the predictions of the graded signal hypothesis while none of them would support the reliable indicator hypothesis.  相似文献   

Male mate-guarding episodes ('consortships'), are taxonomically widespread, yet costly to individual males. Consequently, males should bias consortships toward females with whom the probability of conception is high. We combined data on consortships with visual scoring of sexual swellings and assays of fecal estrogen concentrations (fE) in a wild population of baboons (Papio cynocephalus) to test the hypotheses that sexual swellings are reliable indicators of (1) within-cycle timing of ovulation, (2) differences in conception probability among females that differ in maturational stage, and (3) conceptive versus non-conceptive cycles of parous females. We also evaluated whether adult males might rely on swellings or other estrogen-dependent signals (e.g., fE) for mate-guarding decisions. We found that sexual swellings reflected conception probability within and among cycles. Adult males limited their consortships to the turgescent phase of cycles, and consorted more with adult females than with newly cycling adolescents. The highest ranking (alpha) males discriminated more than did males of other ranks; they (1) limited their consortships to the 5-day peri-ovulatory period, (2) consorted more with adult than with adolescent females, and (3) consorted more with adult females on conceptive cycles than on non-conceptive cycles, all to a greater extent than did males of other ranks. Male mate choice based on sexual swellings and other estrogenic cues of fertility may result in sexual selection on these female traits and enhance dominance-based reproductive skew in males. Alpha males are the least constrained in their mating behavior and can best take advantage of these cues to mate selectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if sexual swellings in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) are a reflection of reproductive endocrine state. Urine samples were assayed using an enzyme immunoassay measuring pregnanediol‐3‐glucuronide (PdG) and estrone conjugates (E1C). Hormone patterns of ovarian cycles, pregnancy and lactation were characterized and compared with sexual swellings and copulations relative to menses and peak E1C. Cycle lengths averaging 28.7 days and pregnancy length of 181 days determined by hormonal and sexual swelling measures were similar to those reported in other Old World primate species. First day of copulation was observed during rising E1C concentrations and preceded observations of peak swelling by 1–2 days. Observations of peak sexual swellings occurred at or on the day after peak E1C and decreased following the ovulatory increase in PdG. Observations of menses and sexual swellings are a useful method to track mandrill ovarian cycles and can assist zoos in determining the reproductive state of females in their collections. Zoo Biol 27:320–330, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In many primate species, male intanticide is assumed to pose a serious risk for infants, and therefore female counter-strategies are expected. These counter-strategies may include changes in the females' reproductive behavior and physiology, e.g., mating with multiple males and prolonged receptivity. Since the risk of infanticide is particularly high when a new male enters the group or when a male rises in rank, we studied the changes in female reproductive conditions, e.g., post-partum amenorrhea and interbirth intervals, following group take-overs by new males in a captive group of hamadryas baboons (Papio h. hamadryas). Following take-overs, five out of six lactating females immediately developed sexual swellings, thus shortening their post-partum amenorrhea. However, none of these females conceived during the first cycles after the take-over, their reproduction was not accelerated, and four out of five dependent infants survived. Thus, interbirth intervals did not decrease compared to times with no group take-overs. We therefore suggest that these situation-dependent swellings are used by female hamadryas baboons as a counter-strategy to reduce the risk of infanticide, which exists in this species after male take-overs. By offering new males mating opportunities without allowing them to reproduce, females may increase their infants' probability of survival and at the same time avoid the costs of being pregnant and lactating simultaneously.  相似文献   

In contrast to most mammalian species, female sexual activity is not limited to the fertile phase of the ovarian cycle in anthropoid primates, which has long been proposed to conceal the timing of ovulation to males. It is now generally believed that females are still most attractive during the fertile phase, leading to high-ranking males successfully mate-guarding them specifically during this period. While studies conducted in species exhibiting exaggerated sexual swellings (probabilistic signal of the fertile phase) have generally supported this hypothesis, mixed support comes from others. Here, we investigated whether high-ranking males timed mate-guarding effort towards female fertile phases in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). In this species, adult females do not exhibit sexual swellings, but undergo facial skin colour variation, an alternative oestrogen-dependent graded-signal of female reproductive status. We collected behavioural, hormonal and genetic paternity data during two mating seasons for one group of the free-ranging population of Cayo Santiago. Our results show that mate-guarding by top-ranking males did not completely cover the entire female fertile phase and that this tactic accounted for only 30-40% of all fertilisations observed. Males tended to prolong mate-guarding into the luteal phase (null probability of fertilisation), which mirrors the pattern of male attraction to female facial colour reported in an earlier study. These findings suggest that males may have limited knowledge regarding the exact timing of females' fertile phase in rhesus macaques, which presumably allows females to gain more control over reproduction relative to other anthropoid primate species.  相似文献   

The probability of ovulation in a number of primate species is associated with both visual and auditory cues. We use 18‐month behavioral data from two chacma baboon troops to provide the first systematic assessment of the possibility that olfactory cues are also involved. Using variance in the rate of olfactory inspection by males as a proxy for changes in the intensity of female vaginal odor, we found that rates of inspection were broadly correlated with changes in female fertility. Males inspected cycling females significantly more than anovulatory, noncycling females and swelling females significantly more than nonswollen cycling females. Rates of inspection peaked around the time at which males first started guarding females and were sustained until the detumescence of the female's sexual skin. We conclude, therefore, that olfactory cues represent one component of a multimodal signal of ovulation in chacma baboons. The possible reasons for such a multimodal signal are discussed. Am. J. Primatol. 71:493–502, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although female catarrhine primates show cyclic changes in sexual behavior and sexual swellings, the value of these sexual signals in providing information to males about timing of the fertile phase is largely unclear. Recently, we have shown that in Barbary macaques, males receive information from females which enables them to discern the fertile phase and to focus their reproductive effort accordingly. Here, we investigate the nature of the cues being used by examining female sexual behavior and the size of sexual swelling as potential indicators of the fertile phase. We collected behavioral data and quantified swelling size using digital images of 11 females of the Gibraltar Barbary macaque population and related the data to the time of ovulation and the fertile phase as determined from fecal hormone analysis. We found that rates of female sexual behaviors were not correlated with female estrogen levels and did not significantly differ between the fertile and non-fertile phases of the cycle. In contrast, swelling size was significantly correlated with female estrogen levels and increased predictably towards ovulation with size being maximal during the fertile phase. Moreover, frequencies of male ejaculatory copulations showed a strong positive correlation with swelling size and highest rates were found during maximum swelling. Our data provide strong evidence that female Barbary macaques honestly signal the probability of fertility through sexual swelling and that males apparently use this information to time their mating activities. Honest advertising of the fertile phase might be part of a female strategy to manipulate male mating behavior for their own advantage, such as ensure fertilization with high quality sperm or influence paternity outcome.  相似文献   

We review possible effects of sexual selection upon sperm morphology, and sexual skin morphology, in primates. Comparative morphometric studies, involving 31 species representing 21 primate genera, revealed a positive relationship between volume of the sperm midpiece, occurrences of multiple partner matings by females, and large relative testes sizes, which indicate sperm competition. The midpiece houses the mitochondria required to power sperm motility. Hence, sperm competition may have influenced the evolution of increased mitochondrial loading in species where females mate with multiple partners during the fertile period. Females of some Old World monkey species and female chimpanzees exhibit large estrogen-dependent sexual skin swellings during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Studies of mandrills support the conclusion that swellings act primarily as sexually attractive, graded signals and that swelling size may indicate current reproductive quality. Measurements of the genitalia in chimpanzees indicate a secondary function for female swellings. The swelling increases the operating depth of the female's vagina by 50% during the fertile phase of her cycle. Males have evolved long, filiform penes capable of placing sperm close to the os cervix during competitive multipartner matings. This may exemplify how morphologic specializations in females can influence the coevolution of advantageous genitalic specializations in males: the phenomenon that Eberhard (1985) dubbed cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

This paper describes and discusses events observed in the Madrid colony of hamadryas and hybrid baboons, when a novel group of 3 adult males, 3 adult females and 1 unweaned infant was introduced to the resident colony comprising 12 adult females, 11 juveniles and 6 unweaned infants. Novel males took over resident adult females in any reproductive condition, and all acyclic females (i.e. lactating, pregnant and immature) exhibited a dramatic enhancement of sexual activity. Lactating females shortened their postpartum amenorrhoea periods and resumed oestrous cycles around day 14 following the introduction of the novel males, without infanticide occurring. Their return to breeding condition was not affected by the age of their current infant or the day they were taken over by the males. A female in an early stage of pregnancy aborted spontaneously and resumed oestrus on day 26. The other pregnant female significantly shortened her gestation time, delivered a viable infant on day 13, and resumed breeding activity 39 days post-partum (on day 52), while suckling her infant. A cycling female adopted and suckled a 74-day-old infant, continued showing oestrous cycles and conceived. Immature females reached menarche significantly earlier than expected and only then joined one of the newly established harem units. It is argued that the observed enhancement of sexual activity was not imposed by the males' aggressive behaviour but rather was a spontaneous female response to male novelty. This single causal factor was potent enough to override the role that nutrition and lactation normally play in the control of the females' reproductive activity. Differences in latency until the appearance of the response were probably due to the different constraints imposed by the female's current reproductive state. It was also hypothesized that when (a) sexual swellings are attractive to males, (b) novel males are especially active in the process of bonding with new females, and (c) males are important sources of coalitionary support, females might by developing sexual swellings compete more successfully against other females and attain a higher position in the female hierarchy of the newly established unit. This would have the ultimate effect of increasing their potential reproductive success. In several cases females did gain socially by coming into oestrus, but attained no immediate reproductive advantage.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that menstrual synchrony may occur in humans and is more dependent on factors of close personal association than simple prox imity. Part I of this study analyzed the estrous cycles of 10 captive group living chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) housed in two separate groups in the same building. Each group contained at least one male. The mean discrepan cies for (1) the approximate day of ovulation (last day of maximum swelling) and (2) the day of onset of estrous swelling were determined for all possible pairs within groups and compared to the mean discrepancies of pairs between groups. With respect to the probable day of ovulation, the mean discrepancy of animals caged together was 8.0 days and that of animals caged separately was 10. 7 days. Comparing the onset of estrous swelling, the mean between groups was 10.4 days, whereas females caged together averaged only 5.7 days. A repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated a significant group effect in the onset of estrous swelling (F = 5.68,p < 0.05), whereas there was no significant difference between the animals caged together and those caged separately with respect to the last day of maximum swelling (F = 1.37, NS). Part II of the study compared the onset of the first postpar tum estrus (PPE) to the onset of estrus in cagemates. During a 6-year period, 13 females exhibited 33 PPEs while in social contact with cycling females. Of 86 paired comparisons, the PPE onset of 43 (50%) occurred with in 6 days of the swelling onset of a cagemate. The results suggest that, as in other species (including humans), the social contact and time spent together influence the synchrony of chimpanzee estrous cycles, especially in terms of swelling onset. The synchrony of estrous swelling and possible mediation by olfactory and/or hormonal cues are discussed as they relate to chimpanzee social structure and female reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

The menstrual cycles of 14 captive Talapoin monkeys ( Miopithecus talapoin ) were studied by making serial observations on the vaginal smears and sexual skin swellings for up to 15 months. Twelve of these females menstruated and the mean duration of their cycle was32–9 days (95% confidence limits 28.0-37.7). The corresponding value for the seven most regular females was 33.0 days (29.1-36.8). There were rhythmic changes in the vaginal smears and sexual skin during the menstrual cycle. Maximum cornification of the smears and maximum sexual skin swelling were observed at midcycle; the sexual skin deflated and the smear became less cornified during the luteal phase. The follicular phase—i.e. from menstruation to maximum skin swelling lasted 20.4 days with a wide distribution, in contrast to the mean duration of the luteal phase (13.7 days) which showed a pronounced peak at 14 days. The menstrual cycle of the talapoin thus resembles those of certain other Old World monkeys that exhibit perineal sexual skin swelling.
Sexual behaviour of the male and female was maximal near the female's midcycle and minimal during the luteal phase, with intermediate values in the follicular phase. The males were most aggressive towards other females of the group when one female was at midcycle; there were no consistent changes in aggression between the male and the female herself. The number of times one animal looks at another (a characteristic behaviour pattern in talapoins) was measured and occurred most often at midcycle, but other preliminary observations indicated a more pronounced correlation between this behaviour pattern and an animal's position in the hierarchy.  相似文献   

We present 12 years of perineal swelling data for a semifree-ranging colony of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx), and evaluate the influence of rank, parity, and seasonality on reproductive parameters. Female sexual swellings showed a seasonal pattern, with August the median month of ovulation. Overlapping periovulatory periods did not decrease the likelihood of conception. Females showed their first genital swelling at age 3.6 years (n = 28; range, 3.2-4.6 years), and higher-ranking females experienced their first swelling earlier than low-ranking females. Median postpartum amenorrhea (PPA) duration was 208 days (n = 92; range, 74-538 days). PPA was longer in primiparous females than in multiparous females, but PPA duration was unrelated to female rank. Median follicular phase duration was 24 days for the first cycle after parturition (n = 84; range, 12-40 days), shortening to 17 days in subsequent cycles (n = 55; range, 6-39 days). The follicular phase was longer in nulliparous females than in parous females, but was unrelated to female rank. Median cycle length (from one sexual swelling breakdown to the next) was 38 days (n = 57; range, 18-108 days). Eighty-seven percent of conceptions occurred within two cycles, and half of the nulliparous females conceived during their first swelling cycle. Lower-ranking females were more likely to require more cycles to conceive than higher-ranking females. The cycling phase was significantly longer in nulliparous females than in parous females, and was also significantly longer in lower-ranking females than in higher-ranking females. We discuss the influence of provisioning on female reproductive parameters, the influence of parity and rank on the different phases of the interbirth interval, and the evolution of long and variable follicular phases in mandrills.  相似文献   

Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) are one of the most endangered gibbon species in the world. Data on the reproductive biology of the species are almost nonexistent, and a general understanding of the female reproductive biology of this species is important for both ex situ and in situ conservation. Using 18 years of data from 11 captive individuals, we provide new information on the reproductive biology of Javan gibbons based on sexual swelling and menstrual bleeding, including reproductive development, interbirth intervals, and ovarian cycle lengths. Menarche and the onset of sexual swelling occurred at 6.2 and 6.5 years respectively, followed by a period of adolescent sterility of about 1.5 years. Average age at first birth was 8.8 years, and interbirth intervals were about 2.3 years, decreasing to 1.0 year during cases of infant mortality at or shortly after birth. Ovarian cyclicity was measured through periods between menstrual bleeding and sexual swelling. Menstrual bleeding indicates the start of a new ovarian cycle, while sexual swelling normally occurs near the time of ovulation. Menstrual bleeding intervals gave a cycle length of 25.6 days, while sexual swelling intervals gave a cycle length of 27.3 days. These both correspond closely to cycle lengths in other gibbon species, as well as hormonal studies in Javan gibbons. In particular, observing the presence/absence of swellings was found to be a useful and easy method to monitor female ovarian cycles, and could be a practical noninvasive technique for caretakers and researchers. Zoo Biol 29:449–456, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Experimental work using coagulated masturbatory seminal emissions from nine adult male chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)as a dependent variable revealed that males show a greater sexual arousal response to female conspecifics exhibiting exaggerated perineal swellings. The menstrual cycles of the “superswollen” females did not differ in length or patterning from the controls. Since additional experimental work, including behavioral observations on females with normal and supersized swellings, failed to reveal differences in female proceptivity, the male’s increased arousal response appears dependent upon the perineal size per se.The males’ responses suggest that the supersized swellings may be an example of an operational visual supernormal stimulus and response interaction.  相似文献   

Previous reports of increased sexual activity associated with genital swelling during chimpanzee pregnancy have suggested that the tumescent pregnant female may be regarded as a regularly cycling estrous female. Analysis of additional data from seven pregnant and eight cycling females, however, indicated that tumescent pregnant females differed from cycling females in some social interactions with males. As in earlier reports, pregnant females were more receptive to male-initiated copulatory bouts. In addition, pregnant females initiated grooming bouts with males much less frequently than did cycling females, and males spent less time grooming and less frequently inspected the genitals of pregnant than cycling cagemates. This tendency to decrease social interaction during pregnancy is consistent with field reports that pregnant chimpanzees prefer the company of their offspring and other noncycling females. In addition, the genital swelling patterns of 40 chimpanzee pregnancies were analyzed. Length of gestation averaged 231.5 days. Although a high degree of individual variation existed, females were swollen an average of 41% of the days observed, yet reached maximum swelling only 8.7% of the time. Genital swelling was less frequent during the third trimester, averaging 50.5, 47.9, and 22.6% tumescent days in each trimester. Young pregnant females showed maximum swelling more often than did older females. This finding is discussed with respect to field reports of intercommunity transfer of young, tumescent female chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Baboon researchers commonly use the timing of sexual swelling detumescence to infer the timing of ovulation. These estimates are then used for a variety of purposes, including the interpretation of male and female behaviour, assessment of likely paternity, and the calculation of gestation lengths. Although captive studies have measured the timing of ovulation with respect to detumescence, this has not been measured in wild baboons. Here, we use observational data on female sexual swellings, and hormonal data measured from faeces, to investigate the timing of ovulation with respect to detumescence in wild olive baboons. Our data show similar variability in the timing of ovulation with respect to detumescence as that produced by captive studies, although there are some notable differences, including the absence of any ovulations measured on or after the day of swelling detumescence. We discuss the importance of our results for baboon researchers using swellings to infer ovulation as part of their studies.  相似文献   

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