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The passive elastic properties of a muscle-tendon complex are usually estimated from the relationship between the joint angle and the passive resistive torque, although the properties of the different structures crossing the joint cannot be easily assessed. This study aimed to determine the passive mechanical properties of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle (GM) using supersonic shear imaging (SSI) that allows the measurement of localized muscle shear modulus (μ). The SSI of the GM was taken for 7 subjects during passive ankle dorsiflexion at a range of knee positions performed on an isokinetic dynamometer. The relationship between normalized μ and the length of the gastrocnemius muscle-tendon units (GMTU) was very well fitted to an exponential model (0.944相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between biceps brachii hardness using the transient elastography technique, and its activity level by quantifying the surface electromyographic signal (sEMG). Ten healthy subjects volunteered for this protocol. To assess the maximal biceps brachii myoelectric activity (sEMG-RMSm), subjects had to achieve their maximal voluntary contraction trial during an elbow flexion effort. They were then asked to perform an isometric biceps sEMG-RMS ramp trial in elbow flexion from 0% to 50% of their sEMG-RMSm in 120 s. A low-frequency pulse was sent every 5 s during all trials by an innovative shear elasticity probe previously placed over the belly of the biceps brachii allowing the calculation of a transverse shear modulus. The main results of this study were (i) the finding of a systematic linear relationship between the biceps brachii transverse shear moduli and the corresponding sEMG-RMS values. This was not the case when plotting transverse shear modulus versus the elbow flexion torque production. Therefore, the computation of a hardness index from the slope of individual transverse shear modulus-sEMG-RMS linear relationship was enabled; (ii) It was also found that the higher is the rest shear modulus, the lower is the hardness index, indicating that the transverse shear modulus change during contraction depends on its level at rest. Therefore, this non-invasive technique could be useful in the medical field to explore deep muscles which are unreachable by classical testing methods. It could also be applied for the follow-up of neuromuscular diseases inducing stiffness changes such as in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the in vivo passive mechanical properties, including the length below the slack length, of the gastrocnemius muscle (GAS) belly in humans. Transverse ultrasound images of the medial head of the GAS were taken in 11 subjects during passive knee extension from 80 degrees to 5 degrees with a constant ankle joint angle of 10 degrees (0 degrees is the neutral ankle position: positive values for dorsiflexion). The change in passive ankle joint moment (Mp), which is produced only by the GAS length change, was also measured during passive knee extension. The onset of Mp during passive knee extension was found to be 43+/-8 degrees (mean+/-SD) when the baseline of the Mp was set at the average Mp in the range of 55-60 degrees where the Mp was almost constant (SD<0.03 Nm). At this onset, the muscle fascicle length of the GAS (Lf) was 46+/-7 mm (slack length; Lfs). Lf at 80 degrees was 6+/-4 mm (13+/-6%) less than the Lfs, and Lf at 5 degrees was 12+/-5 mm (27+/-11%) greater than the Lfs. The passive force-resisting compression of the GAS did not produce a dorsiflexion moment in the joint angle range adopted. The passive ankle joint moment increased linearly with Lf (coefficient of determination (R2)=0.85-0.96), and the slopes of the relationships between Lf and Mp, and between the relative Lf to Lfs and Mp were 0.093+/-0.038 Nm/mm and 0.043+/-0.021 Nm/%Lfs. The findings of the present study can be implemented in musculoskeletal modeling, which would provide a more accurate evaluation of the passive mechanical properties of muscle during movement.  相似文献   

The mitral valve is a highly heterogeneous tissue composed of two leaflets, anterior and posterior, whose unique composition and regional differences in material properties are essential to overall valve function. While mitral valve mechanics have been studied for many decades, traditional testing methods limit the spatial resolution of measurements and can be destructive. Optical coherence elastography (OCE) is an emerging method for measuring viscoelastic properties of tissues in a noninvasive, nondestructive manner. In this study, we employed air-pulse OCE to measure the spatial variation in mitral valve elastic properties with micro-scale resolution at 1 mm increments along the radial length of the leaflets. We analyzed differences between the leaflets, as well as between regions of the valve. We found that the anterior leaflet has a higher elastic wave velocity, which is reported as a surrogate for stiffness, than the posterior leaflet, most notably at the annular edge of the sample. In addition, we found a spatial elastic gradient in the anterior leaflet, where the annular edge was found to have a greater elastic wave velocity than the free edge. This gradient was less pronounced in the posterior leaflet. These patterns were confirmed using established uniaxial tensile testing methods. Overall, the anterior leaflet was stiffer and had greater heterogeneity in its mechanical properties than the posterior leaflet. This study measures differences between the two mitral leaflets with greater resolution than previously feasible and demonstrates a method that may be suitable for assessing valve mechanics following repair or during the engineering of synthetic valve replacements.  相似文献   

Skeletal and cardiac muscles are remarkable biological machines that support and move our bodies and power the rhythmic work of our lungs and hearts. As well as producing active contractile force, muscles are also passively elastic, which is essential to their performance. The origins of both active contractile and passive elastic forces can be traced to the individual proteins that make up the highly ordered structure of muscle. In this Primer, we describe the organization of sarcomeres--the structural units that produce contraction--and the nature of the proteins that make muscle elastic. In particular, we focus on an elastic protein called myomesin, whose novel modular architecture helps explain elasticity.  相似文献   

Bouillard K  Nordez A  Hug F 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29261


Estimation of an individual muscle force still remains one of the main challenges in biomechanics. In this way, the present study aimed: (1) to determine whether an elastography technique called Supersonic Shear Imaging (SSI) could be used to estimate muscle force, (2) to compare this estimation to that one provided by surface electromyography (EMG), and (3) to determine the effect of the pennation of muscle fibers on the accuracy of the estimation.

Methods and Results

Eleven subjects participated in two experimental sessions; one was devoted to the shear elastic modulus measurements and the other was devoted to the EMG recordings. Each session consisted in: (1) two smooth linear torque ramps from 0 to 60% and from 0 to 30% of maximal voluntary contraction, for the first dorsal interosseous and the abductor digiti minimi, respectively (referred to as “ramp contraction”); (2) two contractions done with the instruction to freely change the torque (referred to as “random changes contraction”). Multi-channel surface EMG recordings were obtained from a linear array of eight electrodes and the shear elastic modulus was measured using SSI. For ramp contractions, significant linear relationships were reported between EMG activity level and torque (R2 = 0.949±0.036), and between shear elastic modulus and torque (R2 = 0.982±0.013). SSI provided significant lower RMSdeviation between measured torque and estimated torque than EMG activity level for both types of contraction (1.4±0.7 vs. 2.8±1.4% of maximal voluntary contraction for “ramp contractions”, p<0.01; 4.5±2.3 vs. 7.9±5.9% of MVC for “random changes contractions”, p<0.05). No significant difference was reported between muscles.


The shear elastic modulus measured using SSI can provide a more accurate estimation of individual muscle force than surface EMG. In addition, pennation of muscle fibers does not influence the accuracy of the estimation.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to test the effect of prolonged and repeated passive stretching (RPS) of the triceps surae muscle on reflex sensitivity. The results demonstrated a clear deterioration of muscle function immediately after RPS. Maximal voluntary contraction, average electromyographic activity of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, and zero crossing rate of the soleus muscle (recorded from 50% maximal voluntary contraction) decreased on average by 23.2, 19.9, 16.5, and 12.2%, respectively. These changes were associated with a clear immediate reduction in the reflex sensitivity; stretch reflex peak-to-peak amplitude decreased by 84. 8%, and the ratio of the electrically induced maximal Hoffmann reflex to the maximal mass compound action potential decreased by 43. 8%. Interestingly, a significant (P < 0.01) reduction in the stretch-resisting force of the measured muscles was observed. Serum creatine kinase activity stayed unaltered. This study presents evidence that the mechanism that decreases the sensitivity of short-latency reflexes can be activated because of RPS. The origin of this system seems to be a reduction in the activity of the large-diameter afferents, resulting from the reduced sensitivity of the muscle spindles to repeated stretch.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to characterize the muscle architecture of children and adults using magnetic resonance elastography and ultrasound techniques. Five children (8-12 yr) and seven adults (24-58 yr) underwent both tests on the vastus medialis muscle at relaxed and contracted (10% and 20% of MVC) states. Longitudinal ultrasonic images were performed in the same area as the phase image showing the shear wave's propagation. Two geometrical parameters were defined: the wave angle (α(_MRE)) corresponding to the shear wave propagation and the fascicule angle (α(_US)) tracking the path of fascicles. Moreover, shear modulus was measured at different localizations within the muscle and in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The association of both techniques demonstrates that the shear wave propagation follows the muscle fascicles path, reflecting the internal muscle architecture. At rest, ultrasound images revealed waves propagating parallel to the children fascicle while adults showed oblique waves corresponding to already oriented (α(_US)=15.4±2.54°) muscle fascicles. In contraction, the waves' propagation were in an oblique direction for children (α(_US_10%MVC)=10.6±2.27°, α(_US_20%MVC)=10.2±2.29°) as well as adults (α(_US_10%MVC)=15.4±2.54°, α(_US_20%MVC)=17.2±2.44°). A stiffness variation (1 kPa) was found between the upper and lower parts of the adult VM muscle and a lower stiffness (1.85±0.17 kPa) was measured in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the MRE technique to provide geometrical insights from the children and adults muscles and to characterize different physiological media.  相似文献   

The corneal viscoelasticity have great clinical significance, such as the early diagnosis of keratoconus. In this work, an analysis method which utilized the elastic wave velocity, frequency and energy attenuation to assess the corneal viscoelasticity is presented. Using phase‐resolved optical coherence tomography, the spatial‐temporal displacement map is derived. The phase velocity dispersion curve and center frequency are obtained by transforming the displacement map into the wavenumber‐frequency domain through the 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT). The shear modulus is calculated through Rayleigh wave equation using the phase velocity in the high frequency. The normalized energy distribution is plotted by transforming the displacement map into the spatial‐frequency domain through the 1D FFT. The energy attenuation coefficient is derived by exponential fitting to calculate the viscous modulus. Different concentrations of tissue‐mimicking phantoms and porcine corneas are imaged to validate this method, which demonstrates that the method has the capability to assess the corneal viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of lower extremity joint stiffnesses and simulated joint contractures on the muscle effort required to maintain static standing postures after a spinal cord injury (SCI). Static inverse computer simulations were performed with a three-dimensional 15 degree of freedom musculoskeletal model placed in 1600 different standing postures. The required lower extremity muscle forces were calculated through an optimization routine that minimized the sum of the muscle stresses squared, which was used as an index of the muscle effort required for each standing posture. Joint stiffnesses were increased and decreased by 100 percent of their nominal values, and contractures were simulated to determine their effects on the muscle effort for each posture. Nominal muscle and passive properties for an individual with a SCI determined the baseline muscle effort for comparisons. Stiffness changes for the ankle plantar flexion/dorsiflexion, hip flexion/extension, and hip abduction/adduction directions had the largest effect on reducing muscle effort by more than 5 percent, while changes in ankle inversion/eversion and knee flexion/extension had the least effect. For erect standing, muscle effort was reduced by more than 5 percent when stiffness was decreased at the ankle plantar flexion/dorsiflexion joint or hip flexion/extension joint. With simulated joint contractures, the postural workspace area decreased and muscle effort was not reduced by more than 5 percent for any posture. Using this knowledge, methods can be developed through the use of orthoses, physical therapy, surgery or other means to appropriately augment or diminish these passive moments during standing with a neuroprosthesis.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model for the elastic properties of vena cava abdominalis under orthotropic deformation is introduced and tested against the experimental data obtained from six specimen of rat venae cavae by pressurization experiments. The model is based on membrane approximation and suited for vessels where most of the elastic elements are oriented axially, while circumferential contraction is exerted by redirecting axial stress by some network of oblique fibers. For the experimental data considered in this paper, the ratio between axial and circumferential stress depends almost exclusively on the circumferential extension ratio. As a consequence, the mechanical system can be formally decomposed in a kinematic system reacting by axial contraction on circumferential extension without any loss or storage of energy, serially connected to a hyperelastic system acting only in axial direction. Both systems are modeled separately by equations obtained by a purely phenomenological approach with two parameters for each system. This leads to reasonable reproduction of the experimental data. Introducing a correction parameter, which takes into account that the model assumption on the decomposition does not hold exactly, we get better reproduction of data. However, this is paid for by loss of physical rigor and in particular by departing from the assumption of hyperelasticity.  相似文献   

A thick-wall spherical model for the rat left ventricle was used to deduce passive wall stiffness from diastolic pressure-volume data. This was done for rats in three age classes: young (1 mo), adult (17 mo) and old (17 mo). The model was based on finite deformation elasticity theory consistent with the magnitude of observed deformation. A least-squares procedure was used to determine elastic constants in postulated nonlinear stress-stretch relations for the myocardium. It was found that at a given level of stress, wall stiffness for ventricles in the young age class was consistently greater than wall stiffness in the other two classes. In addition, the difference in wall stiffness between rats in the adult and old age classes was found to be approximately 10%.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe cerebellum has never been mechanically characterised, despite its physiological importance in the control of motion and the clinical prevalence of cerebellar pathologies. The aim of this study was to measure the linear viscoelastic properties of the cerebellum in human volunteers using Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE).MethodsCoronal plane brain 3D MRE data was performed on eight healthy adult volunteers, at 80 Hz, to compare the properties of cerebral and cerebellar tissues. The linear viscoelastic storage (G′) and loss moduli (G) were estimated from the MRE wave images by solving the wave equation for propagation through an isotropic linear viscoelastic solid. Contributions of the compressional wave were removed via application of the curl-operator.ResultsThe storage modulus for the cerebellum was found to be significantly lower than that for the cerebrum, for both white and grey matter. Cerebrum: white matter (mean±SD) G′=2.41±0.23 kPa, grey matter G′=2.34±0.22 kPa; cerebellum: white matter, G′=1.85±0.18 kPa, grey matter G′=1.77±0.24 kPa; cerebrum vs cerebellum, p<0.001. For the viscous behaviour, there were differences in between regions and also by tissue type, with the white matter being more viscous than grey matter and the cerebrum more viscous than the cerebellum. Cerebrum: white matter G″=1.21±0.21 kPa, grey matter G″=1.11±0.03 kPa; cerebellum: white matter G″=1.1±0.23 kPa, grey matter G″=0.94±0.17 kPa.DiscussionThese data represent the first available data on the viscoelastic properties of cerebellum, which suggest that the cerebellum is less physically stiff than the cerebrum, possibly leading to a different response to mechanical loading. These data will be useful for modelling of the cerebellum for a range of purposes.  相似文献   

A constitutive equation for the passive properties of muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The passive properties of skeletal muscle play an important role in muscle function. While the passive quasi-static elastic properties of muscle fibers have been well characterized, the dynamic visco-elastic passive behavior of fibers has garnered less attention. In particular, it is unclear how the visco-elastic properties are influenced by lengthening velocity, in particular for the range of physiologically relevant velocities. The goals of this work were to: (i) measure the effects of lengthening velocity on the peak stresses within single muscle fibers to determine how passive behavior changes over a range of physiologically relevant lengthening rates (0.1–10Lo/s), and (ii) develop a mathematical model of fiber viscoelasticity based on these measurements. We found that passive properties depend on strain rate, in particular at the low loading rates (0.1–3Lo/s), and that the measured behavior can be predicted across a range of loading rates and time histories with a quasi-linear viscoelastic model. In the future, these results can be used to determine the impact of viscoelastic behavior on intramuscular stresses and forces during a variety of dynamic movements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine failure stresses and failure lengths of actively and passively stretched myofibrils. As expected, myofibrils failed at average sarcomere lengths (about 6–7 μm) that vastly exceeded sarcomere lengths at which actin–myosin filament overlap ceases to exist (4 μm) and thus actin–myosin-based cross-bridge forces are zero at failure. Surprisingly, however, actively stretched myofibrils had much greater failure stresses and failure energies than passively stretched myofibrils, thereby providing compelling evidence for strong force production independent of actin–myosin-based cross-bridge forces. Follow-up experiments in which titin was deleted and cross-bridge formation was inhibited at high and low calcium concentrations point to titin as the regulator of this force, independent of calcium. The results of this study point to a mechanism of force production that reduces stretch-induced muscle damage at extreme length and limits injury and force loss within physiologically relevant ranges of sarcomere and muscle lengths.  相似文献   

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