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A recently reestablished and increasing population of Hawaiian monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) is encouraging for this endangered species. However, seals in the MHI may be exposed to a broad range of human, pet, livestock, and feral animal pathogens. Our objective was to determine the movement and foraging habitats of Hawaiian monk seals in the MHI relative to the potential exposure of seals to infectious diseases in near-shore marine habitats. We captured 18 monk seals in the MHI between January 27, 2004 and November 29, 2005, tested them for various infectious diseases, and then monitored the foraging movements of 11 of them using satellite-linked radio transmitters for the next 32–167 days. All seals tested negative for canine adenovirus, calicivirus, four morbilliviruses, phocine herpes virus, Leptospira sp., and feline and canine heartworm antigen/antibody. Six of the seals tested positive on complement fixation for Chlamydophila abortus (formerly Chlamydia psittaci). Four seals demonstrated positive titers to Sarcocystis neurona, two to Neospora caninum, and two to Toxoplasma gondii. Fecal cultures showed approximately half (n = 6) positive for E. coli 0157, no Salmonella sp., and only one with Campylobacter sp. Satellite monitored seals spent considerable time foraging, traveling, and resting in neritic waters close to human population centers, agricultural activity, and livestock ranges, and sources of land-based water runoff and sewage dispersal. Consequently, Hawaiian monk seals in the MHI may be at risk of exposure to several infectious disease agents associated with terrestrial animals that can contaminate marine habitats from runoff along drainages and that are known to cause disease in marine mammals. Further, some seals overlapped substantially in their use of coastal habitats and several moved among islands while foraging and were seen on beaches near each other. This suggests that diseased seals could infect healthy conspecifics throughout the MHI.  相似文献   

This is the first study that has used satellite telemetry to assess the spatial behaviour of adult leopard seals. Satellite tags on 11 leopard seals transmitted between 29 days and 282 days. Swim speeds, distances swum per day and distances from tagging site were significantly different among individuals and seasons. Swim speeds ranged from 0.004 km/h to 10.86 km/h; distances swum per day from 0 km/day to 150 km/day; and the maximum distances from tagging site ranged from 33.30 km to 319.97 km. Rather than moving north-south with the ice most seals remained within a 50 km radius of their tagging site from 11 days to 97 days. The relatively sedentary movement of the leopard seals was unexpected, particularly the movement of animals over winter, which although slightly offshore did not reflect the usual northward winter migration described for the leopard seal. But traditionally, the leopard seals spatial habits have been described from sightings of animals at higher latitudes. These are generally younger animals and their behaviour may not be representative of the adults. This study has focused on adult females and animals at the extreme southerly range of the leopard seal. This highlights the importance of understanding and reporting age structure and distribution when discussing animal spatial behaviour.  相似文献   

Captive harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) were fed infective larvae of Phocanema decipiens, an anisakine nematode from the flesh of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhus). Ova of P. decipiens were first detected in the feces of harbor seals 21(17–30) days after exposure; the patency period was 15 to 45 days. In gray seals, the prepatent period was 19(16–23) days; patency 20–60 days. By the sixth week of infection in harbor seals, mean body lengths of adult females and males of P. decipiens were 60.8(40.8–76.2) and 54.3(45.5–60.8) mm, respectively; mean fecundity of female nematodes was 156,000 ova. In infections of similar duration in gray seals, females and males of P. decipiens were 82.1(69.7–104.3) and 64.4(53.8–72.7) mm in length, respectively; mean fecundity of females was 366,000 ova. In sensitizing infections in harbor seals, 28% of P. decipiens survived to early patency (Days 25–30) while only 9% of the nematodes survived to midpatency (Days 35–45). In sensitizing infections in gray seals, 56% of P. decipiens survived to early patency (Days 20–30) and 48% survived to midpatency (Days 35–50). Seals with existing or recent P. decipiens infections resisted reinfection; <50% of the nematodes in challenge infections in gray seals survived to Day 3 and <10% survived to patency. Growth of the nematodes, however, was not retarded in the challenge infections and resistence to reinfection subsided when seals were maintained anisakinefree for 2–6 months after loss of prior natural or experimental infections. Natural anisakine infections were surveyed in 16 harbor and 53 gray seals from the Nova Scotia mainland. The mean incidence of P. decipiens was 62(5–177) in harbor seals and 577(11–1694) in gray seals; incidence varied seasonally and with age of host. Adult females of P. decipiens from harbor seals were 64.0(49.2–79.8) mm in length and contained 1.68(0.87–2.73) × 105 ova; females from gray seals were 78.3(62.3–92.1) mm in length and contained 2.39(0.69–4.39) × 105 ova.  相似文献   

Infective larvae of the anisakine nematode, Phocanema decipiens from cod (Gadus morhua), were fed to harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and gray seals (Halichoerus grypus). At termination of the experimental infections, 6 of 8 harbor seals were infected with 34(6–64) P. decipiens, while the remaining 2 seals had relatively heavy infections of 250 and 547 nematodes, respectively; 10 of 11 gray seals were infected with 128 (68–229) P. decipiens, but only 2 nematodes were recovered from the 11th seal. Larvae and adults of P. decipiens occurred throughout the gastrointestinal tract, but mainly in the fundic portion of the stomach; the anterior extremities of the nematodes were embedded in mucosa and submucosa. Clusters of adult P. decipiens were associated with ulcerous gastric lesions in harbor seals and raised inflammatory areas in stomachs of gray seals. Singly occurring larvae from challenge transmissions were associated with raised inflammatory areas in the stomachs of both host species. Histological examinations revealed that the lesions and inflammatory areas were eosinophilic granulomata. Anisakis sp. larvae from the viscera of cod were also fed to 1 of the gray seals. Eighty of these larvae were subsequently found in association with a general inflammation in the cardiac area of the stomach in this seal. Natural anisakine infection were surveyed in 16 harbor and 53 gray seals from the Nova Scotia mainland. The natural incidence of P. decipiens was 62(5–177) in harbor seals and 577(11–1694) in gray seals. Clusters of adult P. decipiens were found in association with gastric lesions in 2 juvenile harbor seals; however, in gray seals, the nematodes neither occurred in clusters nor in association with gastric lesions.  相似文献   

P. Thompson    P. Rothery 《Journal of Zoology》1987,212(4):597-603
This study followed the progress of the annual moult within a population of common seals in Orkney, Scotland. Moulting seals were seen over a three-month period, from 7 June until 16 September. Yearlings were first to start moulting. Amongst older seals, females completed their moult an average of seven days earlier than immature males and 19 days earlier than mature males. Differences in the timing of moult appeared to be related to the age or reproductive status of the animals, and may be the result of differential changes in levels of the sex hormones.  相似文献   

利用卫星标记跟踪方法对斑海豹的野外释放效果进行了研究。2010 年和2011 年6 月分别释放了4 头和3头人工繁殖的2 龄未成年斑海豹,2011 年同时释放了3 头野外出生的救助个体。标记斑海豹在释放后,7 头人工繁殖斑海豹中的5 头信标信号持续时间较长,在信号消失前,1 头斑海豹一直在渤海海域活动,另4 头沿辽宁沿岸、朝鲜西海岸到达辽东湾斑海豹的主要度夏海域韩国白翎岛附近。研究期间,1 头人工繁殖的斑海豹在59 d内运动的距离超过1 250 km。救助斑海豹中,2 头个体的信标信号持续较长,并分别在山东半岛沿海和黄渤海活动。研究结果表明,人工繁殖的斑海豹在经过野化训练后,放归自然海域后可以正常生活洄游。  相似文献   

This study investigated how female Antarctic fur seals adapt their foraging behavior, over time scales of days, to spatial unpredictability in the distribution of their food. Lactating Antarctic fur seals are central-place foragers that feed on highly patchy but spatially and temporally dynamic food. We measured the foraging distribution of 28 fur seals to test whether variation in foraging trip durations was reflected in variation in the location of foraging and the diving behavior of seals at sea. Based on the maximum distance travelled from the breeding beach, three categories of foraging trips were denned: those to the continental shelf area ( n = 12, median = 71 km), to oceanic water ( n = 11, median =164 km), and to farther offshore oceanic waters ( n = 5, median = 260 km). Trip duration and mean surface speed were positively correlated with the maximum distance travelled from the breeding beach. Seals on longer trips spent proportionally less of their time submerged, but there was no significant difference in the total number of dives or the total time spent foraging by seals in relation to trip duration. Evidence from this study and previous work investigating energy gain suggests that an animal on a longer foraging trip could potentially have a higher mean energy return per dive than a similar animal on a shorter foraging trip. Evidence presented suggests that the type of foraging trip (near or far) is not predetermined by the animal but may be a simple response to the stochastic distribution of the resources available.  相似文献   

We studied the haul-out patterns and movements of harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina richardsi ) on San Miguel Island, California, from 23 October through 6 December 1982 by attaching a radio transmitter to each of 18 seals and monitoring their presence ashore with continuously scanning receivers. Seals hauled out at all hours although, on average, the largest proportion of tagged seals was ashore between 1300 and 1500 h. Median durations of haul-out bouts of individual seals ranged from 4.7 to 21.8 h; 81% of all haul-out bouts were less than 12 h and 3% were longer than 24 h. Eighty-one percent of the seals that were resighted at least twice used only the sites where they were tagged; two seals used two sites and one seal used three. Most seals were hauled out on fewer than 51% of the days sampled. On average, about 41% of tagged seals hauled out each day whereas an average of about 19% was hauled out during peak afternoon hours. Using telemetry data to correct a count of 412 seals made during an aerial survey, we estimated absolute abundance at about 2,168 seals; a modified Peterson mark-recapture model produced an estimate of about 1,445 seals.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked tags were attached to 12 spotted seals (Phoca largha) captured at a coastal lagoon in the eastern Chukchi Sea during August 1991–1993. Movements of seals were tracked for 32–298 days using the Argos system. Of 9,651 total location records obtained, 7,268 were usable. Individual seals were located on 41–96% of the days that tags were operational. During August–November, tagged seals alternated haul-outs at coastal sites lasting 1–304 h with trips to sea of 14–901 h. Coastal haul-outs occurred at 14 sites in western Alaska and eastern Russia. On several trips to sea, seals covered distances of more than 1,000 km. Movement southward from the Chukchi Sea generally began in October, with most of the seals passing through the Bering Strait during November. Seals first hauled out on sea ice in October (Chukchi Sea) or November (Bering Sea), and generally moved southward during October–December as sea-ice coverage increased. Seven seals, whose transmitters were still operating, spent December to June in the Bering Sea region between Kuskokwim Bay and Anadyr Gulf, which corresponded to the location of the ice front. The seals made active east-west movements within the ice front. Spotted seals are unlike other ice-breeding seals in that they regularly use coastal haul-outs during summer and autumn. Compared to the closely related Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi), spotted seals make much longer trips to sea and spend longer continuous periods at their haul-outs during summer and autumn. Received: 9 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

 Nineteen hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) were tagged with satellite-linked platform terminal transmitters (PTT) on the sea ice near Jan Mayen. Fifteen were instrumented after completion of the moult in July 1992 (five males, ten females, at 71°N, 12°W), and four during breeding in March 1993 (four females, at 69°N, 20°W). Sixteen of the seals were tagged with Satellite-Linked Time-Depth-Recorders (SLTDR), yielding location, dive depth and dive duration data. The average (±SD) longevity of all PTTs was 199±84 days (n=19; range: 43–340 days), and they yielded 12,834 location fixes. Between tagging in July 1992 and pupping in March 1993, two seals remained in or near the ice off the east coast of Greenland for most of the tracking period. However, most of the seals made one or several trips away from the ice edge, mostly to distant waters. These excursions had an average (±SD) duration of 47±22 days (n=46; range: 4–99 days). Eight seals travelled to waters off the Faeroe Islands, three to the continental shelf break south of Bear Island, and three to the Irminger Sea southwest of Iceland. Eleven seals were tracked in the period between breeding (March/April) and moulting (July). Several of these spent extended periods at sea west of the British Isles, or in the Norwegian Sea. Received: 3 August 1994/Accepted: 4 July 1995  相似文献   

Habitat partitioning by adult and subadult ringed seals (Phoca hispida) is poorly understood. Conclusions about displacement of subadult seals to suboptimal offshore habitat are largely based on nearshore observations as few satellite tagging studies include data from winter months. In this study, movement patterns of 14 subadult and 11 adult ringed seals were monitored in the Bering and Chukchi seas using satellite-linked telemetry. Seals were captured in Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, during October 2007 and 2008 and tracked for 17–297 days. Subadult ringed seals traveled south from the Chukchi Sea into the Bering Sea ([`(x)] \bar{x}  = 36 km/day) as sea ice coverage increased during November and December, remained ~1,000 km south near the ice edge during winter and returned north in the spring with the receding ice edge. Adults remained in the Chukchi and northern Bering seas, where their movements were more localized ([`(x)] \bar{x}  = 22 km/day). Adults were on average 322 km farther from the ice edge and 48 km closer to land and shorefast ice than were subadults. During winter, adult ringed seals construct and maintain breathing holes through the ice, and in spring, females give birth in subnivean lairs, mostly in shorefast ice; adult males defend breeding territories around those lairs. Our results show that subadult ringed seals, unconstrained by the need to maintain territories that contain stable breeding/pupping habitat, moved south to the Bering Sea ice edge, where there are better feeding opportunities, lower energetic costs (no breathing hole maintenance), and less exposure to predation.  相似文献   

Developing methods to reduce the incidental catch of non-target species is important, as by-catch mortality poses threats especially to large aquatic predators. We examined the effectiveness of a novel device, a “seal sock”, in mitigating the by-catch mortality of seals in coastal fyke net fisheries in the Baltic Sea. The seal sock developed and tested in this study was a cylindrical net attached to the fyke net, allowing the seals access to the surface to breathe while trapped inside fishing gear. The number of dead and live seals caught in fyke nets without a seal sock (years 2008–2010) and with a sock (years 2011–2013) was recorded. The seals caught in fyke nets were mainly juveniles. Of ringed seals (Phoca hispida botnica) both sexes were equally represented, while of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) the ratio was biased (71%) towards males. All the by-caught seals were dead in the fyke nets without a seal sock, whereas 70% of ringed seals and 11% of grey seals survived when the seal sock was used. The seal sock proved to be effective in reducing the by-catch mortality of ringed seals, but did not perform as well with grey seals.  相似文献   

Nineteen wild ringed seals (Phoca hispida) were killed in winter 1999 to assess the health status of seals harvested in eastern Hudson Bay (Quebec, Canada). One of these seals, an 11-yr-old male, had a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma that severely constricted the lumen of the distal small intestine. The tumor was characterized by proliferation of polygonal epithelial cells that formed closely packed acini and cords. This appears to be the first reported case of adenocarcinoma of the small intestine in Pinnipedia.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis was identified in six northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) that were stranded in 1995 along the coast of California (USA). Histologic lesions in all seals included tubulointerstitial nephritis with tubular degeneration and necrosis. Infection was confirmed through identification of spirochetes using an immunohistochemical stain for Leptospira sp. antigens. One affected seal had an elevated titer to Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona. Four of the six seals developed leptospirosis during rehabilitation, and two seals had evidence of exposure in the wild. Potential sources of infection during rehabilitation include other elephant seals, California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsii), or free-ranging wildlife. These results indicate that northern elephant seals are susceptible to leptospirosis and can develop disease both in the natural environment and in a rehabilitation setting.  相似文献   

Numbers, sighting distances, and behavior of seals were studied during a nearshore seismic program off northern Alaska in July-September 1996. We observed from the seismic vessel for 885.6 h, including all periods (day and night) when airguns operated and many periods without airguns. Of 422 seals seen, 421 were seen in daylight; 91-8% were ringed seals, 7.3% were bearded seals, and 0.9% were spotted seals. About 79% were first seen within 250 m of the seismic boat, and sighting rate declined rapidly at lateral distances > 50 m. During daylight, seals were seen at nearly identical rates (0.60-0.63/ h) during periods with no airguns firing, one airgun, and a "full-array" of 8-11 120-in3 airguns. However, seals tended to be farther away ( P < 0.0001) during full-array seismic. There was partial avoidance of the zone <150 m from the boat during full-array seismic, but seals apparently did not move much beyond 250 m. "Swimming away" was more common during full-array than no-airgun periods, but relative frequencies of five behaviors did not differ significantly among distance categories. Airgun operations were interrupted 112 times when seals were sighted within safety radii (150–250 m). The National Marine Fisheries Service specified these radii in the Incidental Harassment Authorization issued for the project; they are based on a 190 dB re 1 μPa (rms) criterion for broadband received level. Methods for estimating numbers of seals potentially affected by the seismic program are described, and effectiveness of monitoring and mitigation is discussed. There is an urgent need for more data on effects of strong seismic pulses on seals.  相似文献   

Infective larvae of the anisakine nematode Phocanema decipiens from the muscle of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were fed to harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and gray seals (Halichoerus grypus). During maturation in the stomach of seal hosts, P. decipiens molted twice; these molts are the third and fourth of its life cycle. The third molt occurred between the second and fifth days of infection. The third stage, i.e., infective larva entering the third molt, had a cuticular tooth ventral to the mouth; the fourth stage larva emerging from the third molt had three bilobed lips with dentigerous ridges. The fourth molt occurred between the 5th and 15th days in seals. A female nematode emerging from the fourth molt possesses a vulva and a vagina; a male possesses caudal alae, pre- and postanal papillae. Significant morphometric changes in nematodes were associated with both molts. Females and males of P. decipiens reached maturity after 15 to 25 days in seals. Ova were detected in the feces of the seal hosts as early as the 16th day.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure of the spotted seal, Phoca largha, along coastal regions of Hokkaido was investigated, using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. A 571-bp fragment of the mtDNA control region and adjacent threonine and proline transfer RNA genes was sequenced from 66 seals. We categorized all individuals into three groups considering sampling area and season: twenty-four seals from the Sea of Okhotsk in winter, 11 seals from the Sea of Okhotsk coast in fall, and 31 seals from the Sea of Japan coast in winter. From the 66 animals, 57 haplotypes were identified. Compared with the harbor seal sequence, all spotted seals examined shared two deletions in the control region, which distinguished between the two species. Forty-nine haplotypes were represented by a single individual, and haplotypes shared by more than two animals were generally restricted to same sampling-groups. Phylogenetic trees did not indicate clear geographic differences among the three groups. An Analysis of molecular variances (AMOVA) did not showed any significant population genetic structure in Hokkaido spotted seals (Phi(st )= -0.003). Our results showed a high level of diversity but no genetic structure, and did not deny the possibility that seals in the Okhotsk breeding concentration mainly stayed in the fall Okhotsk and also inhabited in the winter Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Information on health parameters, such as antibody prevalences and serum chemistry that can reveal exposure to pathogens, disease, and abnormal physiologic conditions, is scarce for Antarctic seal species. Serum samples from Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella, n=88) from Bouvet?ya (2000-2001 and 2001-2002), and from Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii, n=20), Ross seals (Ommatophoca rossii, n=20), and crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus, n=9) from the pack-ice off Queen Maud Land, Antarctica (2001) were analyzed for enzyme activity, and concentrations of protein, metabolites, minerals, and cortisol. Adult Antarctic fur seal males had elevated levels of total protein (range 64-99 g/l) compared to adult females and pups (range 52-79 g/l). Antarctic fur seals had higher enzyme activities of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and amylase, compared to Weddell, Ross, and crabeater seals. Antibodies against Brucella spp. were detected in Weddell seals (37%), Ross seals (5%), and crabeater seals (11%), but not in Antarctic fur seals. Antibodies against phocine herpesvirus 1 were detected in all species examined (Antarctic fur seals, 58%; Weddell seals, 100%; Ross seals, 15%; and crabeater seals, 44%). No antibodies against Trichinella spp., Toxoplasma, or phocine distemper virus (PDV) were detected (Antarctic fur seals were not tested for PDV antibodies). Antarctic seals are challenged by reduced sea ice and increasing temperatures due to climate change, and increased anthropogenic activity can introduce new pathogens to these vulnerable ecosystems and represent a threat for these animals. Our data provide a baseline for future monitoring of health parameters of these Antarctic seal species, for tracking the impact of environmental, climatic, and anthropogenic changes in Antarctica over time.  相似文献   

Summary Neutralizing antibodies against European phocine herpesvirus were detected in sera of to two Antarctic seal species, Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) and crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus), collected in the eastern Weddell Sea. A large number of positive sera crossneutralized canine herpesvirus, but only few sera also contained antibodies to feline herpesvirus. The Weddell seals suffered from a respiratory disease when the sera were collected (January–February, 1990). The significance and possible origin of herpesvirus infections in Antarctic seals documented for the first time in this communication is discussed. All sera were negative for antibodies against phocine and canine distemper viruses.  相似文献   

In 13 Baikal seals Pusa sibirica (the body mass of 11–73 kg) on the empty stomach and at free swimming in a reservoir, gas exchange parameters were studied. In 5 of these individuals, the gas exchange was assessed in satiated and hungry animals. The numerical correlations are presented between the oxygen requirement of these both groups of animals and their body mass. The data obtained show that the basal metabolism of seals corresponds to that of terrestrial mammals and in the seals with the body mass of 40 kg and more, the temperature of the lake habitat is close to thermoneutral. The specific dynamic effect of food (fish) in the seals in the thermoneutral zone is 22–93%.  相似文献   

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