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The partial modification of carboxylic acid terminated polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers with glucosamine has been reported to give dendrimer glucosamine conjugates novel immuno-modulatory and anti-angiogenic properties. Experimental analysis of these glycosylated dendrimers showed that, on average, eight glucosamine molecules were covalently bound to each dendrimer. In order to better understand the surface loading and distribution of these glucosamine molecules, molecular reactivity was determined by evaluation of electronic properties using frontier molecular orbital theory (FMOT) and molecular dynamics simulations. It was shown that the surface loading and distribution of zero length amide bond-conjugated glucosamine molecules was determined by both electronic effects and by the different dynamic conformations adopted by the modified dendrimer during the incremental addition of glucosamine. Importantly, the structural features and the dynamic behavior of the partially glycosylated generation 3.5 PAMAM dendrimer showed that its flexibility and polarity changed with the incremental addition of glucosamine. These peripheral glucosamine molecules remained available on the dendrimer’s surface for interaction with the biological target.  相似文献   

The interaction mechanism of lipopeptide antibiotic daptomycin and polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers was studied using fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence changes observed are associated with daptomycin–dendrimer interactions. The binding isotherms were constructed by plotting the fluorescence difference at 460 nm from kynurenine (Kyn‐13) of daptomycin in the presence and absence of dendrimer. A one‐site and two‐site binding model were quantitatively generated to estimate binding capacity and affinity constants from the isotherms. The shape of the binding isotherm and the dependence of the estimated capacity constants on dendrimer sizes and solvent pH values provide meaningful insight into the mechanism of interactions. A one‐site binding model adequately describes the binding isotherm obtained under a variety of experimental conditions with dendrimers of various sizes in the optimal binding pH region 3.5 to 4.5. Comparing the pH‐dependent binding capacity with the ionization profiles of daptomycin and dendrimer, the ionized aspartic acid residue (Asp‐9) of daptomycin primarily interact with PAMAM cationic surface amine. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of ethylenediamine core PAMAM dendrimers, on the release of nifedipine suspended in aqueous gels and to correlate release to the increase in solubility afforded by the dendrimers. Drug release from aqueous 5% HPMC gels containing nifedipine (2% wt/vol) through 0.2-μm membranes was measured using Enhancer cells and 50% ethanolic solution as the receptor medium. The release from gels containing PAMAM G-3 and G-5 (0.25%–1% wt/vol) was compared with gels containing the cosolvent isopropyl alcohol (10%–80% vol/vol). PAMAM dendrimers significantly increased the solubility of nifedipine. This caused a significant increase in the release rate of nifedipine from the gel suspensions. The increase in drug release depended on the concentration and generation size of the dendrimers added. For higher generations (G-5) lower concentrations were needed to obtain equivalent increases in release. Although the increase in solubility and release was not as high as from gels containing high concentrations of the cosolvent isopropyl alcohol, the dendrimers prevented the recrystallization of the drug that was observed when the gels containing isopropyl alcohol were left open. Published: October 24, 2005  相似文献   

Liposomes or oil-in-water emulsions containing egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EPC) were combined with aqueous polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB). The bactericidal activity of these preparations against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus as well as their cytotoxicity on cultured murine fibroblasts (L929 cells) was then assayed for either 30 min or 60 min in the presence of cell culture medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum as surrogate for wound fluid. We used two assay designs: in the first bactericidal activity and cytotoxicity were determined in separate experiments; in the second both were determined in one experiment. Combining PHMB and EPC containing o/w emulsions or liposomes protects mammalian cells without neutralizing the antiseptic effect. From all tested combinations the o/w emulsions containing 0.05% PHMB proved to be superior in this respect to the aqueous preparation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop chromatographic methods for the determination of the modification degree and the characterization of poly(ethylene glycol)-modified polyamidoamine dendrimers (PEG–PAMAMs). The PEG–PAMAMs were prepared by reacting PAMAM generation 4 with monomethoxy PEG–nitrophenyl carbonate (mPEG–NPC). The modification degrees of PEG–PAMAMs were determined by quantifying 4-nitrophenol released from mPEG–NPC after PEGylation reaction using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection. The PEG–PAMAMs, which have poor UV absorbances, were characterized by HPLC with charged aerosol detection. This study demonstrates that the combination of these two detectors is a powerful tool for the preparation and characterization of PEG–PAMAMs.  相似文献   

Surface modification of amine-terminated polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers by poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) groups generally enhances water-solubility and biocompatibility for drug delivery applications. In order to provide guidelines for designing appropriate dendritic scaffolds, a series of G3 PAMAM-PEG dendrimer conjugates was synthesized by varying the number of PEG attachments and chain length (shorter PEG 550 and PEG 750 and longer PEG 2000). Each conjugate was purified by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and the molecular weight (MW) was determined by (1)H NMR integration and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). NOESY experiments performed in D 2O on selected structures suggested no penetration of PEG chains to the central PAMAM domain, regardless of chain length and degree of substitution. CHO cell cultures exposed to PAMAM-PEG derivatives (< or =1 microM) showed a relatively high cell viability. Generally, increasing the degree of PEG substitution reduced cytotoxicity. Moreover, compared to G3 PAMAM dendrimers that were N-acetylated to varying degrees, a lower degree of surface substitution with PEG was needed for a similar cell viability. Interestingly, when longer PEG 2000 was fully incorporated on the surface, cell viability was reduced at higher concentrations (32 muM), suggesting increased toxicity potentially by forming intermolecular aggregates. A similar observation was made for anionic carboxylate G5.5 PAMAM dendrimer at the same dendrimer concentration. Our findings suggest that a lower degree of peripheral substitution with shorter PEG chains may suffice for these PAMAM-PEG conjugates to serve as efficient universal scaffolds for drug delivery, particularly valuable in relation to targeting or other ligand-receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Polyamidoamine dendrimers having poly(ethylene glycol) grafts were designed as a novel drug carrier which possesses an interior for the encapsulation of drugs and a biocompatible surface. Poly(ethylene glycol) monomethyl ether with the average molecular weight of 550 or 2000 was combined to essentially every chain end of the dendrimer of the third or fourth generation via urethane bond. The poly(ethylene glycol)-attached dendrimers encapsulating anticancer drugs, adriamycin and methotrexate, were prepared by extraction with chloroform from mixtures of the poly(ethylene glycol)-attached dendrimers and varying amounts of the drugs. Their ability to encapsulate these drugs increased with increasing dendrimer generation and chain length of poly(ethylene glycol) grafts. Among the poly(ethylene glycol)-attached dendrimers prepared, the highest ability was achieved by the dendrimer of the fourth generation having the poly(ethylene glycol) grafts with the average molecular weight of 2000, which could retain 6.5 adriamycin molecules or 26 methotrexate molecules/dendrimer molecule. The methotrexate-loaded poly(ethylene glycol)-attached dendrimers released the drug slowly in an aqueous solution of low ionic strength. However, in isotonic solutions, methotrexate and adriamycin were readily released from the poly(ethylene glycol)-attached dendrimers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results obtained from a comprehensive characterization of newly synthesized dendrimeric molecules in a solvated environment, by computer-aided simulations. The evidences allowed us to formulate some structure-activity relationships (SARs) between the experimentally verified cytotoxicity/noncytotoxicity of these compounds and some molecular features such as, for instance, radius of gyration, molecular shape, and dimensions. In particular, all noncytotoxic dendrimers were characterized by a more dense and globular shape and by a smoother surface pattern, as quantified by their fractal dimension D.  相似文献   

Epsilon toxin is produced by Clostridium perfringens types B and D which are responsible for fatal intestinal diseases in animals. The main biological activity of epsilon toxin is the production of oedema in various organs. We have previously found that epsilon toxin forms a large membrane complex in MDCK cells which is not internalized into cell, and induces cell volume enlargement and loss of cell viability (Petit, L., Gibert, M., Gillet, D., Laurent-Winter, C., Boquet, P., Popoff, M. R. (1997) J Bacteriol 179, 6480-6487). Here, we show that epsilon toxin is very potent to decrease the trans-epithelial electrical resistance of polarized MDCK cells grown on filters without altering the organization of the junctional complexes. The dose-dependent decrease in trans-epithelial electrical resistance, more marked when the toxin was applied to the apical side than to the basal side of MDCK cells, was associated with a moderate increase of the paracellular permeability to low-molecular-weight compounds but not to macromolecules. Epsilon toxin probably acts by forming large membrane pores which permit the flux of ions and other molecules such as the entry of propidium iodide and finally to the loss of cell viability.  相似文献   

Cells of mammalian origin as well as those of higher plants appear to be very sensitive to triethyllead ion (Et3Pb+). Neuroblastoma cells kept in the presence of 1 μM Et3Pb+ lost their viability within 6 h. Growth of suspension culture cells of soybean (G. max(L.)Merr.) was inhibited by 1 μM Et3Pb+, and finally the cells died. Morphologically, Et3Pb+ caused the complete breakdown of microtubular structures in neuroblastoma cells; thus microtubules appeared to be the main target for the toxin. While in a previous study the effect of Et3Pb+ on microtubules has been well documented at concentrations of 50–200 μM 1, the present study demonstrates that the formation of microtubules from pig brain tubulin is disturbed at concentrations of Et3Pb+ as low as 0.5 to 1 μM . We conclude from these data that Et3Pb+ freely permeates the plasma membranes of mammalian as well as plant cells.  相似文献   

Vanadium (III,IV,V)-dipicolinate complexes with different redox properties were selected to investigate the structure-property relationship of insulin-mimetic vanadium complexes for membrane permeability and gastrointestinal (GI) stress-related toxicity using the Caco-2 cell monolayer model. The cytotoxicity of the vanadium complexes was assayed with 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazoyl-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays and the effect on monolayer integrity was measured by the trans-epithelial electric resistance (TEER). The three vanadium complexes exhibited intermediate membrane permeability (P(app) = 1.4-3.6x10(-6) cm/s) with low cellular accumulation level (<1%). The permeability of all compounds was independent of the concentration of vanadium complexes and excess picolinate ligands. Both V(III) and V(V)-dipicolinate complexes induced 3-4-fold greater reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) production than the V(IV)-dipicolinate complex; while the vanadium (III)-dipicolinate was 3-fold less damaging to tight junction of the Caco-2 cell monolayer. Despite the differences in apparent permeability, cellular accumulation, and capacity to induce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) levels, the three vanadium complexes exhibited similar cytotoxicity (IC50 = 1.7-1.9 mM). An ion pair reagent, tetrabutylammonium, increased the membrane apparent permeability by 4-fold for vanadium (III and IV)-dipicolinate complexes and 16-fold for vanadium (V)-dipicolinate as measured by decrease in TEER values. In addition, the ion pair reagent prevented damage to monolayer integrity. The three vanadium (III,IV,V)-dipicolinate complexes may pass through caco-2 monolayer via a passive diffusion mechanism. Our results suggest that formation of ion pairs may influence compound permeation and significantly reduce the required dose, and hence the GI toxicity of vanadium-dipicolinate complexes.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is implicated in the pathogenesis of lung inflammation and edema. In this study, the effects of nitric oxide (NO)-donors on membrane water permeability and cell surface expression of aquaporin-5 (AQP5) in mouse lung epithelial cells were examined. NO-donors, GSNO and NOC-18 decreased cell surface expression of AQP5, concentration- and time-dependently, whereas they did not affect the amount of AQP5 in whole cell lysates. The membrane water permeability of cells was also decreased by treatment with NO-donors. The decrease in cell surface AQP5 by NO was abolished by simultaneous treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, but not with ODQ, an inhibitor of the cGMP-dependent pathway. In addition, immunocytochemistry with anti-AQP5 indicated that NO changed AQP5 localization from the plasma membrane to the intracellular fraction. These data indicate that NO stimulates AQP5 internalization from the plasma membrane through a cGMP-independent mechanism, and decreases membrane water permeability.  相似文献   

Dendrimers are highly branched macromolecules with the potential in biomedical applications. Due to positively charged surfaces, several dendrimers reveal toxicity. Coating peripheral cationic groups with carbohydrate residues can reduce it. In this study, the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of three types of 4th generation poly(propylene imine) dendrimers were investigated. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were treated with uncoated (PPI-g4) dendrimers, and dendrimers in which approximately 40% or 90% of peripheral amino groups were coated with maltotriose (PPI-g4-OS or PPI-g4-DS) at concentration of 0.05, 0.5, 5 mg/ml. Abbreviations OS and DS stand for open shell and dense shell respectively, that describes the structure of carbohydrate modified dendrimers. After 1 h of cell incubation at 37°C, the MTT and comet assays were performed. PPI dendrimers demonstrated surface-modification-degree dependent toxicity, although genotoxicity of PPI-g4 and PPI-g4-OS measured by the comet assay was concentration dependent up to 0.5 mg/ml and at 5 mg/ml the amount of DNA that left comet's head decreased. Results may suggest a strong interaction between dendrimers and DNA, and furthermore, that coating PPI dendrimers by maltoriose is an efficient method to reduce their genotoxicity what opens the possibilities to use them as therapeutic agents or drug carriers.  相似文献   

Biophysical characteristics of the plasma membrane, such as osmotic sensitivity and water and cryoprotectant permeability are important determinants of the function of spermatozoa after cryopreservation. A series of experiments was conducted with rhesus macaque spermatozoa at 23 degrees C to determine their: (1) cell volume and osmotically inactive fraction of the cell volume; (2) permeability coefficients for water and the cryoprotectants dimethyl sulfoxide, glycerol, propylene glycol, and ethylene glycol; (3) tolerance to anisosmotic conditions; and (4) motility after a one step addition and removal of the four cryoprotectants. An electronic particle counter and computer aided semen analysis were used to determine the cell volume and permeability coefficients, and motility, respectively. Rhesus spermatozoa isosmotic cell volume was 27.7+/-3.0 microm3 (mean+/-SEM) with an osmotically inactive cell fraction of 51%. Hydraulic conductivity in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide, glycerol, propylene glycol, and ethylene glycol was 1.09+/-0.30, 0.912+/-0.27, 1.53+/-0.53, and 1.94+/-0.47 microm/min/atm, respectively. Cryoprotectant permeability was 1.39+/-0.31, 2.21+/-0.32, 3.38+/-0.63, and 6.07+/-1.1 (x10(-3)cm/min), respectively. Rhesus sperm tolerated all hyposmotic exposures. However, greater than 70% motility loss was observed after exposure to solutions of 600 mOsm and higher. A one step addition and removal of all four cryoprotectants did not cause significant motility loss. These data suggest that rhesus sperm are tolerant to hyposmotic conditions, and ethylene glycol may be the most appropriate cryoprotectant for rhesus sperm cryopreservation, as it has the highest permeability coefficient of the tested cryoprotectants.  相似文献   

The effect of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) buffer on outer membrane permeability was examined in a smooth strain (D280) and in a heptose-deficient lipopolysaccharide strain (F515) of Escherichia coli O8. Tris buffer (pH 8.00) was found to increase outer membrane permeability on the basis of an increased Vo of whole-cell alkaline phosphatase activity and on the basis of sensitivity to lysozyme and altered localization pattern of alkaline phosphatase. The Tris buffer-mediated increase in outer membrane permeability was found to be dependent upon the extent of exposure to and concentration of the Tris buffer. The Tris buffer effects were demonstrated not to be due to allosteric activation of cell-associated alkaline phosphatase and were specific for Tris buffer. Exposure of cells to Tris resulted in the release of a limited amount of cell envelope component. Investigators utilizing Tris buffer are cautioned that Tris is not physiologically inert and that it may interact with the system under investigation.  相似文献   

We studied the properties of the permeability transition pore (PTP) in rat liver mitochondria and in mitoplasts retaining inner membrane ultrastructure and energy-linked functions. Like mitochondria, mitoplasts readily underwent a permeability transition following Ca(2+) uptake in a process that maintained sensitivity to cyclosporin A. On the other hand, major differences between mitochondria and mitoplasts emerged in PTP regulation by ligands of the outer membrane translocator protein of 18 kDa, TSPO, formerly known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor. Indeed, (i) in mitoplasts, the PTP could not be activated by photo-oxidation after treatment with dicarboxylic porphyrins endowed with protoporphyrin IX configuration, which bind TSPO in intact mitochondria; and (ii) mitoplasts became resistant to the PTP-inducing effects of N,N-dihexyl-2-(4-fluorophenyl)indole-3-acetamide and of other selective ligands of TSPO. Thus, the permeability transition is an inner membrane event that is regulated by the outer membrane through specific interactions with TSPO.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c (Cyt. c) is known to be released from the mitochondria into the cytosol by means of the membrane permeability transition (MPT) mechanism, thereby activating caspase cascade activity, and inducing cell apoptosis. Recently we reported that L-carnitine suppressed palmitoyl-CoA-induced MPT as well as apoptosis in some cell types (Biochem. Pharmacol, in press). In the present study T(3) was found to induce MPT and Cyt. c release, while cyclosporin A (CsA), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and L-carnitine were found to inhibit this action in a concentration-dependent manner. Similarly, long chain fatty acid (LCFA) also induced MPT and Cyt. c release, which was then inhibited by CsA, BSA and L-carnitine. From these results the authors postulate that T(3)-induced MPT is in part regulated by fatty acid metabolism through a dynamic balance between LCFAs and L-carnitine.  相似文献   

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