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Lothar Geitler 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》1975,124(1):7-30
Cymbella cesatii var.paradoxa, var. nova, is significantly characterized by its total variation of size, by the size of gamete mother cells and auxospores; moreover its particular mode of pairing is significant too. Whilst in var.cesatii, in connection with its naviculoid cell shape, the combinations ventral-ventral, dorsal-dorsal, ventral-dorsal are realized haphazardly, in var.paradoxa, which is naviculoid-shaped just the same, regularly only the combination dorsal-dorsal is practicable. With regard to the naviculoid shape of the cells it is concluded that not space-mechanical causes alone are involved, but that a factor controlling the mode of pairing is at work. In comparison with the twocesatii sibs it is remarkable that inCymbella microcephala, although its cells are more strongly dorsiventrally organized, nevertheless the three combinations are realized haphazardly. On the contrary, inC. delicatula, whilst its cells are not more dorsiventrally organized, pairing always is accomplished at the ventral sides. This comparison also shows the effectiveness of factors other than the form of the partner cells. Some specific peculiarities of pairing behavior in other allogamous diatoms are compared and discussed. — In both sibs ofC. cesatii ± deformed parthenogenetic primary cells exceptionally arise. A survey demonstrates the common occurence of clearly separable infraspecific sibs and aggregates in diatoms. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Lothar Geitler 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》1973,122(3):185-194
Summary The correlation between the start of chromatophore division and cell division is very different in various species ofEunotia. In some species the chromatophore division occurs before, in others after cell division.
Eunotia pectinalis var.polyplastidica, with eight chromatophores per cell, represents an extreme type of behaviour in so far as two of the four plastids in each daughter cell prior to their division are shifted to the new hypovalve while the other two rest in situ. There occur two patterns of distribution of the four plastids, and that in the ratio 11, whereas the theoretically possible third pattern is never realized. The cause of that phenomenon is discussed. The division of the four plastids, in the meantime grown to full size, is performed not before they have reached their definitive equilibrium position at the epivalve or, respectively, at the hypovalve in twos. InEunotia pectinalis var.polyplastidica, by its mode of chromatophore division, the constant dissymmetric (right-left-handed) arrangement of the growing chromatophores, established inEunotia arcus, is not to be expected and is in fact not realized. InEunotia lunaris, however, the shift of the daughter chromatophores, in relation to the dorsiventrality of the cell, shows not only the same kind of dissymmetry as inEunotia arcus but also the same direction of shifting.The four and four chromatophores inEunotia pectinalis var.polyplastidica correspond to the two chromatophore plates in other species but the are not comparable with the numerous little chromatophore discs of Diatomaceae and other species the number of which decreases with the reduction of cell size.Cells ofEunotia pectinalis var.polyplastidica are capable to move by raphe action.
Herrn Dr.Franz Berger zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet. 相似文献
Herrn Dr.Franz Berger zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet. 相似文献
H. Wenderoth 《Planta》1935,24(4):784-786
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 2 Textabbildungen (6 Einzelbildern). 相似文献
Zusammenfassung In der mitotischen Prophase vonVicia faba folgt auf das Zerstäubungsstadium, das bekanntlich durch einheitliche Beschaffenheit des Chromatins gekennzeichnet ist, ein Stadium der beginnenden Chromosomenrekonstruktion, in welchem das Heterochromatin neuerlich sehr deutlich hervortritt; dann gleicht sich der Unterschied zwischen Euchromatin und Heterochromatin wieder aus, um später abermals an den bereits deutlich verkürzten, aber noch nicht in ihrer ganzen Länge zu verfolgenden Chromosomen sichtbar zu werden, ehe er endgültig verschwindet.Das Heterochromatin erfährt also scheinbar einen zweimaligen Abbau und Wiederaufbau. Man könnte aber annehmen, daß sich das Heterochromatin durchwegs fortschreitend entwickelt, jedoch nicht im gleichen Tempo wie das Euchromatin und unter Tempowechsel, und daß dieses Verhalten das Bild des Ab- und Aufbaus bedingt. 相似文献
Klaus Peschke 《Zoomorphology》1978,89(2):157-184
Zusammenfassung Der Kopulationsablauf beiA. curtula wird beschrieben: Die Männchen stülpen bei Annäherung an ein Weibchen die Genitalorgane bei weit über den Kopf gebogenem Abdomen aus, schreiten oder rutschen mit den Parameren am weiblichen Abdomen zu dessen Ende und nehmen nach fester Koppelung die für die Aleocharinae typische face-to-end-Stellung ein.Abdomen und äußere Genitalorgane beider Geschlechter werden unter vorwiegend funktionsmorphologischem Aspekt beschrieben. Die Beweglichkeit des Abdomens und der Genitalorgane wird durch den Muskelverlauf erklärt. Gliederung und Muskulatur der Parameren ermöglichen deren Funktion als Klammer- und Schreitorgane bei der Kontaktorientierung. Die Koppelung der Partner erfolgt durch Einrasten des Aedeagushakens unter das Genitalkammersklerit, Einrasten der Zahnplatten in die Genitalkammergruben und durch Widerhaken auf den ballonartigen Endophallusdivertikeln. Die lagegerechte Fixierung ist hauptsächlich durch den Ausrollmechanismus des Endophallus bestimmt. Die Virga wird als Leitstruktur für den Spermatophorenschlauch in den Ductus receptaculi eingeführt.
Abkürzungsverzeichnis Ac Antecosta (-Ring) - Aed Aedeagus - Aed.Bb Aedeagus-Bulbus - Aed. H Aedeagus-Haken - Aed.Tb Aedeagus-Tubus - An Anus - Ap Apophyse - AR.Enph Außenrohr des Endophallus - AS.Enph Apikalsack des Endophallus - b.Bg basaler Bügel - d Divertikel - D.ej Ductus ejaculatorius - D.r Ductus receptaculi - Enph Endophallus - For.med Foramen medialis - GC Genitalkammer - GC.G Genitalkammergruben - GC.Skl Genitalkammersklerit - GC.Tsch Genitalkammertasche - Gpr Gonoporus - I Insertion, Ansatz - KS.Sph Klebsekret der Spermatophore - lat.Pmr.Skl laterales Paramerensklerit - Ld.Aed.Bb dorsale Lamina des Aedeagus-Bulbus - Ld.Aed.Tb dorsale Lamina des Aedeagus-Tubus - Lö.Skl Löffelsklerit - L.Ski Lateralsklerit - LT Laterotergit - Lv.Aed.Bb ventrale Lamina des Aedeagus-Bulbus - Lv.Aed.Tb ventrale Lamina des Aedeagus-Tubus - M 1–42 Muskeln (numeriert) - M (Vag.-D.r) Vagina-Ductus-Muskelkomplex - med.Pmr.Skl medianes Paramerensklerit - O Ursprung - Phb Phallobasis - Phtr Phallotrema - Pmr Paramere - R.Ski Rahmensklerit - S Sternit - Ski Sklerit - Sp.Sk Sperma-Sack - Sph Spermatophore - Sph.Sl Spermatophorenschlauch - St.Skl Stangensklerit - T Tergit - Tra Trachee - TS. Sph Trägersubstanz der Spermatophore - V Virga - Vag Vagina - Vb Virgabasis - Z Zahnplatten Herrn Prof. Dr. D. Fuldner und Herrn Dr. M. Achtelig danke ich für wertvolle Anregungen und Diskussionsbeiträge 相似文献
Functional and morphological investigations of the copulation ofAleochara curtula goeze (Coleoptera, staphylinidae)
Summary The mating behaviour ofA. curtula is described: Males approaching a female protrude their genitalia with inflected abdomen, and walk or glide with their parameres on the female abdomen to its end. After tight coupling the pair forms the typical face-to-end position of Aleocharinae.Functional and morphological investigations of the abdomen and the external genitalia of both sexes are reported: The mobility of the abdomen and the male genitalia is explained by the muscular system. Articulation and muscles of the parameres are responsible for their function as claspers and walking-organs. Coupling of the pairs is effected by attaching the hook of the aedeagus under a sclerite of the female genital chamber, hooking toothed plates into pits of the genital chamber, and by spines on the endophallus diverticles. The correct position of male organs in the genital chamber is mainly determinated by the mechanism of protruding the endophallus. A virga is introduced into the Ductus receptaculi as a guide rail for the tube of the spermatophore.
Abkürzungsverzeichnis Ac Antecosta (-Ring) - Aed Aedeagus - Aed.Bb Aedeagus-Bulbus - Aed. H Aedeagus-Haken - Aed.Tb Aedeagus-Tubus - An Anus - Ap Apophyse - AR.Enph Außenrohr des Endophallus - AS.Enph Apikalsack des Endophallus - b.Bg basaler Bügel - d Divertikel - D.ej Ductus ejaculatorius - D.r Ductus receptaculi - Enph Endophallus - For.med Foramen medialis - GC Genitalkammer - GC.G Genitalkammergruben - GC.Skl Genitalkammersklerit - GC.Tsch Genitalkammertasche - Gpr Gonoporus - I Insertion, Ansatz - KS.Sph Klebsekret der Spermatophore - lat.Pmr.Skl laterales Paramerensklerit - Ld.Aed.Bb dorsale Lamina des Aedeagus-Bulbus - Ld.Aed.Tb dorsale Lamina des Aedeagus-Tubus - Lö.Skl Löffelsklerit - L.Ski Lateralsklerit - LT Laterotergit - Lv.Aed.Bb ventrale Lamina des Aedeagus-Bulbus - Lv.Aed.Tb ventrale Lamina des Aedeagus-Tubus - M 1–42 Muskeln (numeriert) - M (Vag.-D.r) Vagina-Ductus-Muskelkomplex - med.Pmr.Skl medianes Paramerensklerit - O Ursprung - Phb Phallobasis - Phtr Phallotrema - Pmr Paramere - R.Ski Rahmensklerit - S Sternit - Ski Sklerit - Sp.Sk Sperma-Sack - Sph Spermatophore - Sph.Sl Spermatophorenschlauch - St.Skl Stangensklerit - T Tergit - Tra Trachee - TS. Sph Trägersubstanz der Spermatophore - V Virga - Vag Vagina - Vb Virgabasis - Z Zahnplatten Herrn Prof. Dr. D. Fuldner und Herrn Dr. M. Achtelig danke ich für wertvolle Anregungen und Diskussionsbeiträge 相似文献
Dr. Werner Müller 《Chromosoma》1972,38(2):139-172
Longitudinal thin sections of preselected spermatocytes were studied with the electron microscope. The kinetochores of autosomes and sex chromosomes show a characteristic change of their form during the meiotic divisions. Just after nuclear membrane breakdown the kinetochore profiles have the form of circles, in early prometaphase they have flame shape, and in metaphase appear as straight zones. As early as prometaphase I two sister kinetochores are discernible in each kinetochore region of a dyad. In prometaphase the sister kinetochores of the sex chromosomes are connected with each other through condensation zones which are continuous with both kinetochores. A double line structure is often seen in kinetochores and condensation zones. The morphological change of kinetochores can be asynchronous, as is especially conspicuous in the sex chromosomes. —The mitotic apparatuses of Pales behave in hexylenglycol medium like mitotic apparatuses of marine eggs. Crystalloids (Fuge, 1970) and microfilament bundles (Bajer and Molè-Bajer, 1969) occur in mitotic apparatuses in early and middle prometaphase. 相似文献
Sophie Acquart Nelly Campolmi Zhiguo He Giacomo Pataia Rémy Jullienne Olivier Garraud Frédéric Nguyen Michel Péoc’h Thierry Lépine Gilles Thuret Philippe Gain 《Cell and tissue banking》2014,15(3):471-482
We developed a non-invasive device to quantify transparency (T), clear corneal diameter (CCD) excluding arcus senilis, and scleral rim diameter (SRD) of stored corneas. The T value (expressed in % on a relative scale), based on the modulation transfer function principle, referred to the ratio of local contrasts of a special LED backlit chart measured with and without cornea. CCD and SRD (in mm) were automatically calculated by morphologic operations. Firstly, we assessed measurement reproducibility. We then determined the agreement of T and CCD values with 3-level scores given independently by three experts on 179 scientific corneas. Thirdly, an eye bank was equipped with the device, and 358 consecutive organ-cultured (OC) corneas were tested for donor- and storage- related factors possibly influencing T and CCD. Reproducibility of T, CCD and SRD measurements was high, with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.982, 0.886, and 0.999 respectively. Capacity to discriminate the three levels of transparency and arcus senilis was good, with T of 20.0 (10.0–33.6), 38.3 (24.3–75.4) and 57.9 (33.9–90.0) % respectively for T deemed poor, average, and good (P < 0.001), and CCD of 9.8 (7.3–10.6), 10.5 (8.2–11.5), and 11.1 (9.9–12.0) mm respectively for arcus senilis deemed prominent, moderate or absent (P < 0.001). T was correlated with neither donor age nor endothelial cell density nor storage time, but slightly worsened during OC for corneas assessed twice. In conclusion, the device, which can be easily integrated in the facilities of an eye bank, provides reliable objective measurement of T, CCD, and SRD. This could be a useful tool for standardizing quality assessment of stored corneas and consequently optimizing their selection for penetrating, endothelial or anterior lamellar keratoplasty. 相似文献
With an incidence of 1:2000–1:3000 births, craniosynostoses are among the most common craniofacial anomalies. Growth inhibition caused by premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures can lead to severe deformities of the skull and facial skeleton. Besides the severe aesthetic problems for the patient, it also has important clinical consequences. These may include raised intracranial pressure, optic nerve atrophy, respiratory, and developmental disorders. Despite major efforts, causative genes (e.g., FGFR1-3, TWIST1) have been detected for only a portion of the autosomal dominantly inherited craniosynostosis syndromes. The etiology of non-syndromic craniosynostosis still remains unclear. The application of next generation sequencing technologies will probably lead to the identification of additional causative genes underlying at the least syndromic forms of craniosynostosis in upcoming years. Due to their clinical complexity, particularly the syndromic forms of craniosynostosis require interdisciplinary care. The only treatment option currently available is craniofacial surgery, which in the long term often fails to remedy the genetically determined pathological growth pattern of complex syndromic craniosynostoses. 相似文献