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RNA interference (RNAi) refers to the selective degradation of mRNA induced by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), first discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans. Homology-dependent silencing phenomena related to RNAi have been observed in many species from all eukaryotic kingdoms. RNAi and related mechanisms share several conserved components. The hallmark of these phenomena is the presence of short dsRNA molecules (21-25 bp long), termed short interfering RNA (siRNA), which are generated from dsRNA by the activity of Dicer, a specific type III RNAse. These molecules serve as a template for the recognition and cleavage of the cognate mRNA. As it is beyond the scope of a single review to cover all aspects of RNAi, this review will focus on certain steps of the pathway relevant to mammals and on the use of long dsRNA to specifically silence genes in mammalian cells permissive to this technique, such as oocytes and early embryos.  相似文献   

Conditions for the electroporation of mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos have been optimised by following the incorporation of rhodamine labeled dextran. This procedure includes a step to weaken but not remove the zona pellucida that helps achieve good survival. This approach has been applied to introduce double-stranded RNA for c-mos into oocytes and green fluorescent protein (GFP) into transgenic GFP-expressing embryos at the 1- and 4-cell stages. In both cases we were able to observe sequence-specific interference with the expression of the target gene--a failure of oocytes to arrest at metaphase II and a loss in the green fluorescence of embryos by the morula or blastocyst stages. These effects could be observed in multiple oocytes or embryos allowed to develop together following electroporation.  相似文献   

Expression of MSY2 in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The presence and distribution of intermediate filament proteins in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos was studied. In immunoblotting analysis of electrophoretically separated polypeptides, a distinct doublet of polypeptides with Mr of 54K and 57K, reactive with cytokeratin antibodies, was detected in oocytes and in cleavage-stage embryos. A similar doublet of polypeptides, reactive with cytokeratin antibodies, was also detected in late morula-and blastocyst-stage embryos, and in a mouse embryo epithelial cell line (MMC-E). A third polypeptide with Mr of 50K, present in oocytes only as a minor component, was additionally detected in the blastocyst-stage embryos. No cytokeratin polypeptides could be detected in granulosa cells. Immunoblotting with vimentin antibodies gave negative results in both cleavage-stage and blastocyst-stage embryos. In electron microscopy, scattered filaments, 10-11 nm in diameter, were seen in detergent-extracted cleavage-stage embryos. Abundant 10-nm filaments were present in the blastocyst outgrowth cells. In indirect immunofluorescence microscopy (IIF) of oocytes and cleavage-stage embryos, diffuse cytoplasmic staining was seen with antibodies to cytokeratin polypeptides but not with antibodies to vimentin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, or neurofilament protein. Similarly, the inner cell mass (ICM) cells in blastocyst outgrowths showed diffuse cytokeratin-specific fluorescence. We could not detect any significant fibrillar staining in cleavage-stage cells or ICM cells by the IIF method. The first outgrowing trophectoderm cells already had a strong fibrillar cytokeratin organization. These immunoblotting and -fluorescence results suggest that cytokeratin-like polypeptides are present in mouse oocytes and preimplantation-stage embryos, and the electron microscopy observations show that these early stages also contain detergent-resistant 10- to 11-nm filaments. The relative scarcity of these filaments, as compared to the high intensity in the immunoblotting and immunofluorescence stainings, speaks in favor of a nonfilamentous pool of cytokeratin in oocytes and cleavage-stage embryos.  相似文献   

Mouse oocytes, cleavage-stage embryos, and blastocyst-stage embryos were studied to show the distribution of both an immunoanalog to nonerythroid spectrin (p 230) and F-actin. Using antibodies to nonerythroid spectrin, diffuse, positive cytoplasmic fluorescence was regularly seen in oocytes and embryo cells. The presence of nonerythroid spectrin in oocytes was confirmed by immunoblotting. Oocytes usually exhibited an inconspicuous submembranous layer of nonerythroid spectrin, which was more pronounced in the area of the polar body. Oocytes regularly exhibited a peripheral concentration of actin. Throughout the cleavage and blastocyst stages, a cortical layer of nonerythroid spectrin and actin was usually observed in embryo cells. These submembranous layers on the outer surface of the embryo were relatively thin as compared to those in areas of intercellular contact. The contact areas regularly showed distinct positive staining, including a concentration of label at the most peripheral region of each contact area. This resulted in the presence of ring-like fluorescence around each blastomere. Nonerythroid spectrin and actin showed concentration to the contact area between the oocyte and the polar body. Although the general localization patterns of nonerythroid spectrin and actin were similar, double-staining experiments revealed that slightly different planes of focus were necessary to obtain sharp definition of the fluorescence of these components in areas of intercellular contact: the ring-like concentration of nonerythroid spectrin appeared to be localized more peripherally than that of actin. The cells of preimplantation embryos show motile features that include actual cell movements and striking changes in cell shape (e.g., during compaction). The submembraneous layers of nonerythroid spectrin and actin may contribute to the regulation of the deformability and thus the shape of embryo cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Basigin is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and a key molecule related to mouse blastocyst implantation. Whether preimplantation mouse embryos express basigin mRNA is still unknown. The aim of this study was to use a quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction to assess quantitatively the levels of basigin mRNA in mouse oocyte and preimplantation embryos. Basigin mRNA was detected in the oocyte and all the stages of preimplantation embryos. The levels of basigin mRNA were 0.0606 +/- 0.0282 in the oocyte, 0.0102 +/- 0.0036 in the zygote, 0.0007 +/- 0.0003 in the 2-cell embryo, 0.0031 +/- 0.0017 in the 4-cell embryo, 0.0084 +/- 0.0024 in the 8-cell embryo, 0.0537 +/- 0.0121 in the morula and 0.0392 +/- 0.0161 attomoles in the blastocyst, respectively. The levels of basigin mRNA in the oocyte, morula and blastocyst were significantly higher than those in the zygote and embryos at the 2-cell, 4-cell and 8-cell stages. The high level of basigin expression in the blastocyst may play a role during embryo implantation.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the detection of membrane lipid rafts in mouse oocytes and cleaving preimplantation embryos. Cholera toxin β (CTβ), which binds to the raft-enriched ganglioside GM1, was selected to label rafts. In a novel application a Qdot reagent was used to detect CTβ labeling. This is the first reported use of nanocrystals in mammalian embryo imaging. Comparative membrane labeling with CTβ and lipophilic membrane dyes containing saturated or unsaturated aliphatic tails showed that the detection of GM1 in mouse oocytes and embryo membranes was consistent with the identification of cholesterol- and sphingolipid-enriched rafts in the cell membrane. Distribution of the GM1 was compared with the known distribution of non-raft membrane components, and disruption of membrane rafts with detergents confirmed the cholesterol dependence of GM1 on lipid raft labeling. Complementary functional studies showed that cholesterol depletion using methyl-β-cyclodextrin inhibited preimplantation development in culture. Our results show that the membranes of the mouse oocyte and zygote are rich in lipid rafts, with heterogeneous and stage-dependent distribution. In dividing embryos, the rafts were clearly associated with the cleavage furrow. At the morula stage, rafts were also apically enriched in each blastomere. In blastocysts, rafts were detectable in the trophectoderm layer, but could not be detected in the inner cell mass without prior fixation and permeabilization of the embryo. Lipid rafts and their associated proteins are, therefore, spatio-temporally positioned to a play a critical role in preimplantation developmental events.  相似文献   

The ability of preimplantation mouse embryos to utilize glucose oxidatively is controlled, in part at least, at the level of glycolysis. Various experimental observations are reviewed that indicate the regulatory mechanism in delayed implanting blastocysts involves the classic negative allosteric feedback of high levels of ATP on phosphofructokinase while the situation in 2-cell embryos appears to be more complicated. That is, in addition to the usual negative effect of ATP and citrate on phosphofructokinase, there appears to be a modification of hexokinase that prevents phosphorylation of adequate amounts of glucose and results in low levels of fructose-6-phosphate at the 2-cell stage and consequently there is a failure to release the inhibition of phosphofructokinase even if ATP and citrate levels decrease. Although both types of embryos have limited glycolytic activity, they do have adequate capacity for citric acid cycle activity and oxidative phosphorylation, and are able to maintain a high ATP : ADP. It is argued, therefore, that the reduced levels of macromolecular synthesis characteristic of 2-cell and delayed implanting blastocysts are not due to restricted energy substrates or regulatory controls on glycolysis and a subsequent low energy state. On the contrary, it seems that the reduction in oxidative utilization of glucose in these situations is a result of diminished energy demand because of the low level of synthetic activity. The potential significance of this relationship between energy production and utilization in terms of potential regulatory mechanisms in preimplantation embryos is discussed.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide microslab gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining was devised to visualize picogram to nanogram levels of proteins and was applied to the analysis of 1-20 mouse oocytes and embryos (approximately 16.5-330 ng of protein) during preimplantation development. Compared with values in embryos, more bands in the higher molecular weight range were found only for unfertilized oocytes in one-dimensional microelectrophoresis. A marked decrease in the number of protein spots occurred after fertilization in two-dimensional microelectrophoresis. Both findings indicate a decrease in maternal proteins caused by fertilization. Silver-staining densities were almost invariable for 8 major spots, but increased, decreased, or varied for 32 minor spots in developing embryos from the 1-cell to the morula stage, signifying spot-specific changes in the expression of zygotic proteins during development. The protein patterns in cumulus cells and blastocysts were different from those in oocytes and embryos. Even in a single 1-cell embryo, major spots and some minor spots were detectable by our two-dimensional microelectrophoretic technique, but many more minor spots were visualized in five 1-cell embryos, exemplifying the limit of our microelectrophoretic technique. As a preliminary result, a two-dimensional immunoblot pattern is shown for glucose transporter 1 expressed in morulae.  相似文献   

Cell volume regulation in mammalian oocytes and preimplantation embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The earliest stages of preimplantation embryos are particularly sensitive to increased osmolarity, even within the physiological range. This sensitivity contributed to persistent developmental arrest, even when embryos were cultured in vitro in older, conditioned culture media, and seems to arise when embryos at the 1‐ and 2‐cell stages accumulate inorganic ions used for cell volume homeostasis at too high a level, through activation of coupled Na+/H+ and HCO/Cl? exchange. Such accumulation of inorganic ions can be disruptive since, above a certain level, the increased ionic strength disrupts cellular biochemistry and macromolecular functions and alters membrane potential. To counter this, embryos have evolved mechanisms of cell volume regulation that are unique to early preimplantation embryogenesis. The primary role of these is glycine accumulation via the GLYT1 transporter, with a secondary contribution by betaine accumulation via the SIT1 transporter. Independent cell‐volume regulation first arises in the oocyte only after ovulation is triggered, when the strong oocyte‐zona pellucida adhesion present in germinal vesicle stage oocytes in the ovarian follicle is released and GLYT1 becomes activated to begin accumulating glycine. Open questions still remain regarding how these processes are regulated. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 821–831, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fucosylated glycoconjugates in mouse preimplantation embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Preimplantation mouse embryos were metabolically labelled with 3H or 14C-fucose to investigate the synthesis of fucosylated macromolecules. Scintillation counting revealed that there was a progressive increase in both total fucose taken up by the embryo and incorporation of fucose into TCA-precipitable material as embryos developed from the 4-cell to the blastocyst stage. This was reflected in the increasing intensity of bands on autoradiographs of radioactive fucose labelled proteins separated on 10% SDS-PAGs between the 4-cell embryo (at which stage bands were first detectable) and the blastocyst. Minor qualitative changes in fucoproteins were detected at the time of compaction and additional bands appeared at the blastocyst stage. Preliminary analysis of fucolipids in 6- to 8-cell embryos indicated that an approximately equal amount of fucose was incorporated into lipid and protein. Autoradiographs of semi-thin sections of 3H-fucose-labelled embryos showed substantial amounts of radioactive material in the vicinity of the plasma membrane both adjacent to other cells and facing the zona pellucida. These data would support a predominant role for fucoconjugates in cell surface events in the preimplantation embryo from the 8-cell stage.  相似文献   

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