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Expression of Synaptophysin During Postnatal Development of the Mouse Brain   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
The expression of the synaptic vesicle membrane protein, synaptophysin, was analyzed during postnatal development of the mouse cerebrum using a quantitative immunoblotting procedure. From birth to adulthood, the relative contents of synaptophysin increased 80-fold, reaching a final level of 3.5 micrograms/mg of total protein. The time course of accumulation suggests that synaptophysin expression is correlated with synaptogenesis. Thus synaptophysin may be used as a reliable marker of nerve terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

Proliferation of cardiomyocytes and interstitial cells in the cardiac ventricle of the mouse during pre- and postnatal development was studied. Furthermore, the number of cardiomyocyte and interstitial cell nuclei per unit area was determined on histological sections. The labelling index of cardiomyocytes decreases from 23% on day 14 of gestation to about zero at 3 weeks after birth. the number of cardiomyocyte nuclei per unit area increases up to day 16 of gestation and then continuously declines. This coincides with the concept that the increase in size of the heart during early fetal life is mainly due to hyperplasia, while during late fetal life and after birth it is mainly, and during adult life exclusively, due to hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes. Proliferation of interstitial cells continues up to 5 days after birth and then decreases. the ratio of cardiomyocytes to interstitial cells decreases by a factor of about 10 between day 14 of gestation and 3 weeks after birth.  相似文献   

We investigated postnatal alterations of neurons, interneurons and glial cells in the mouse substantia nigra using immunohistochemistry. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), neuronal nuclei (NeuN), parvalbumin (PV), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba 1), CNPase (2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) immunoreactivity were measured in 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-week-old mice. In the present study, the maturation of NeuN-immunopositive neurons preceded the production of TH in the substantia nigra during postnatal development in mice. Furthermore, the maturation of nNOS-immunopositive interneurons preceded the maturation of PV-immunopositive interneurons in the substantia nigra during postnatal development. Among astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes, in contrast, the development process of oligodendrocytes is delayed in the substantia nigra. Our double-labeled immunohistochemical study suggests that the neurotrophic factors such as BDNF and GDNF secreted by GFAP-positive astrocytes may play some role in maturation of neurons, interneurons and glial cells of the substantia nigra during postnatal development in mice. Thus, our findings provide valuable information on the development processes of the substantia nigra.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-18, a member of the IL-1 cytokine family, is an important mediator of peripheral inflammation and host defence responses. However, although IL-1 is a key proinflammatory cytokine in the brain, little is known about IL-18 changes in glial cells under excitotoxic neurodegeneration. In this study, we characterized the expressions of IL-18 and IL-18 receptor (IL-18R) in kainic acid (KA)-induced excitotoxicity in mouse hippocampus by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. IL-18 immunoreactivity was found in microglia whereas IL-18R immunoreactivity was observed in astrocytes. Levels of IL-18 and IL-18R in hippocampus homogenates increased progressively from day 1 post-KA and peaked at 3 days. This study demonstrates the cellular sources of IL-18 and IL-18R, and their temporal correlations after KA-insult, and suggests roles for IL-18 and IL-18R in glial cells in response to excitotoxic damage in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

1. Tau, which is a microtubule-associated protein, with mRNA targeted to the axon and growth cone, is involved in axonal elongation. During postnatal development in mouse, Tau expression in cerebellar granule cells is reduced after the second postnatal week. The aim of this work was to study the regulation of the rate of the synthesis of Tau protein during the period of granule cell axonal growth in mouse cerebellum.2. We found four [35S]methionine-labeled isoforms of Tau synthesized postnataly. Their levels remain constant from postnatal day 9 to 12 (P9–P12), and decreased by P20.3. The rate of Tau synthesis showed differences with the rate of synthesis of total proteins. They also differ from proteins phosphatases 2A and 2B, both associated with the regulation of Tau function. In addition, the turnover of newly synthesized Tau increased at P20, compared with P9 and P12.4. These results imply a specific developmental regulation of mRNA translation of Tau, and indicate that, after the period of synapse formation is complete, and therefore axonal growth has finished (P20), only a limited number of new Tau molecules are synthesized. This might reflect that, after synapse formation is complete, newly synthesized Tau molecules are not longer needed.  相似文献   

A peroxidase-conjugated avidin–biotin complex was used to detect endogenous biotin-containing proteins in mouse cerebellum. By this method, Bergmann glial cells were found to be strongly labelled in the adult mouse cerebellum. Developmentally, cells in the granular layer, probably astrocytes, appeared to be labelled around postnatal 10-day (P10). Their labelling decreased after P20, although the positive-labelling remained in the Bergmann glial cells up to the adult stage. The findings were confirmed by using a Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated streptavidin technique. The labelling was not affected by routine hydrogen peroxide treatment, but it was eliminated by avidin–biotin blocking. By another transblot method, the reactive proteins in the mouse cerebellum were found to be 120?kDa (the strongest one) and 75?kDa. For electron microscopy, a gold-conjugated anti-biotin antibody was immunoreacted to the mitochondria of Bergmann glial cells. These results suggest that endogenous biotin-containing proteins are abundant in the Bergmann glial cells. Therefore, the avidin–biotin complex method is useful for detecting Bergmann glial cells, probably because of the difference of biotin metabolism in the cerebellar glial cells.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy of F98 glioma cell extracts showed that chronic hypertonic conditions largely increased the intracellular content of small, osmotically active molecules. Moreover, hypertonic stress decreased the incorporation of 13C-labeled amino acids into the cellular proteins albeit their cytosolic concentrations were increased, which reflects an inhibition of protein synthesis under these conditions. Reincubation with isotonic medium restored almost completely the control values for the cytosolic metabolites but not for amino acid incorporation into the protein. An increased amount of 13C label was found in the phospholipids, which indicates stimulation of membrane synthesis processes due to the recovery-induced cell swelling. On the other hand, chronic hypotonic conditions largely decreased the steady state concentration and synthesis of small, cytosolic molecules, whereas the effect on the incorporation of 13C-labeled amino acids into the cellular proteins was variable. Reincubation with isotonic medium partially restored the depressed cytosolic metabolite content and also the incorporation of labeled amino acids into cellular protein, but induced an inhibition of phospholipid synthesis. The results verify that readaptation of glial cell metabolism during recovery from chronic osmotic stress is impaired or at least seriously retarded.  相似文献   

小脑浦肯野细胞的轴突是小脑皮层唯一的传出通路,研究其动作电位传输能力对于了解小脑的生理功能具有重要意义.大鼠在出生后第2周到第3周,小脑浦肯野细胞的形态及功能都有显著变化,产生动作电位的能力明显增强.而轴突上动作电位传输能力的变化还有待研究.运用胞体以及轴突的双电极膜片钳技术,研究了出生8天以及15天的Wistar大鼠小脑浦肯野细胞轴突上动作电位的传输.与8天组相比,15天组大鼠小脑浦肯野细胞轴突上动作电位的传输能力明显增强.后超极化可以增强8天组轴突上动作电位的传输能力.研究表明,随着发育的成熟,动作电位的产生能力以及轴突上动作电位的传输能力同步增强.  相似文献   

Postnatal rat urothelium was studied from day 0 to day 14, when intense cell loss as part of tissue remodeling was expected. The morphological and biochemical characteristics of urothelial cells in the tissue and released cells were investigated by light and electron microscopy, by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay, by annexin V/propidium iodide assay, and by immunofluorescent detection of active caspases and tight-junction protein occludin. Intense apoptosis and massive desquamation were detected between postnatal days 7 and 10. During this period, active caspases and TUNEL-positive cells were found in the urothelium. Disassembled cell–cell junctions were detected between cells. The majority of desquamated cells expressed no apoptotic cell morphology, but were active caspase positive and TUNEL positive. Ann+/PI− apoptotic bodies and desquamated Ann+/PI+ cells were detected in the lumen. These results indicate that apoptosis and desquamation participate in urothelial cell loss in the rat early postnatal period, indispensable for fast urothelial remodeling during development. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:721–730, 2009)  相似文献   

The process of methylation of chromosomal proteins [histones and nonhistone proteins (NHP)] in neuronal and glial cell nuclei obtained from cerebral hemispheres of rats at 1, 10, and 30 days of age was investigated. Purified neuronal and glial nuclei were incubated in the presence of S-adenosyl[methyl-3H]methionine. Histone and NHPs were extracted and fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results obtained indicate remarkable differences in the process of methylation of histones and NHPs between neuronal and glial nuclei, especially during the first period of postnatal development. In both nuclear populations the histone fraction H3 was labeled to a greater degree than the other fractions and showed the major changes during postnatal development. The densitometric and radioactive patterns of NHPs show considerable changes in the two nuclear populations at the various ages examined. The main difference between neuronal and glial nuclei consists in the intense methylation of proteins with a molecular weight of approximately 100,000, which are present in neuronal nuclei and virtually absent in glial ones. The results obtained may be correlated with the different chromatin structures of neuronal and glial nuclei and with the patterns of maturation and differentiation of neuronal and glial cells during postnatal development.  相似文献   

Northern blot and "dot" blot analyses using a myelin basic protein (MBP) specific cDNA probe and in vitro translation techniques were utilized to estimate the relative levels of myelin basic protein messenger RNA (mRNA) in the brains of C57BL/6J control mice, three dysmyelinating mutants (qk/qk, jp/Y, and shi/shi), and three heterozygote controls (qk/+, jp/+, and shi+) during early postnatal development. In general, the MBP mRNA levels measured directly by Northern blot and "dot" blot analyses correlated well with the indirect in vitro translation measurements. The Northern blots indicated that the size of MBP mRNAs in quaking and jimpy brain polysomes appeared to be similar to controls. Very low levels of MBP mRNAs were observed in shi/shi brain polyribosomes throughout early postnatal development. Compared to C57BL/6J controls, accumulation of MBP mRNAs in qk/qk and qk/+ brain polyribosomes was delayed by several days. That is, whereas MBP mRNA levels were below normal between 12 and 18 days, normal levels of message had accumulated in both qk/qk and qk/+ brain polyribosomes by 21 days. Furthermore, normal levels of MBP mRNAs were observed to be maintained until at least 27 days. MBP mRNA levels remained well below control levels in jp/Y brain polyribosomes throughout early postnatal development. The levels did, however, fluctuate slightly and peaked at 15 days in both jp/Y and jp/+ brains, 3 days earlier than in normal mice. Thus, it appears that jimpy and quaking mice exhibit developmental patterns of MBP expression different from each other and from C57BL/6J control mice.  相似文献   

Changes in in vitro testosterone production by Leydig cells induced by chorionic gonadotropin, dibutyryl-cAMP, and pregnenolone have been studied during postnatal development of four inbred mouse strains BALB/c, PT, CBA/Lac, and A/He, with contrast hormonal activity of testes in sexually mature males. The interlinear differences significantly change with age of the males by all studied indices indicating genotype-dependent formation of hormonal activity of Leydig cells during postnatal development. Coordinated interlinear variability between all indices of Leydig cells reactivity has been established for each studied period of postnatal development. Hence, we have established coordinated interlinear genetic variability of hormonal function of Leydig cells, which was confirmed by considerable changes in it during postnatal development at puberty. Definitive genotypic differences in hormonal activity of Leydig cells appeared by late pubertal and early postpubertal development (day 60) and coincided with termination of morphological differentiation of Leydig cells and appearance of the differentiated cell population.  相似文献   

Fujita  K.  Shibayama  K.  Yamauchi  M.  Kato  T.  Ando  M.  Takahashi  H.  Iritani  K.  Yoshimoto  N.  Nagata  Y. 《Neurochemical research》1998,23(4):557-562
Oxidative stress is suggested as a significant causative factor forpathogenesis of neuronal degeneration on spinal cord of human ALS. Wemeasured some enzymic activities implicating neuronal degenerationprocess, such as cytochrome c oxidase (CO), superoxidedismutase (SOD), and transglutaminase (TG) in spinalcord of an animal model of ALS, motor neuron degeneration(Mnd) mouse, a mutant that exhibits progressivedegeneration of lower spinal neurons during developmental growth, andcompared them with age-matched control C57BL/6 mice. CO activity inMnd spinal cord decreased during early postnatal period, whileSOD activity reduced in later stage. In Mnd tissue, TG activityin lumbar cord was increasing during early stage, but tended to declinein later period gradually. These biochemical alterations became evidentprior to the appearance of clinical motor dysfunction which wereobserved in later stages of development in Mnd spinal cord.  相似文献   

Postnatal Development of Cholinergic Enzymes and Receptors in Mouse Brain   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The developmental profiles for the cholinergic enzymes acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase, and the muscarinic and nicotinic receptors were determined in whole mouse brain. The enzyme activities (per milligram of protein) increased steadily from birth, reaching adult levels at 20 days of age. These increases were primarily due to increases in Vmax. Muscarinic receptor numbers, measured by [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding, also increased from birth to 25 days of age. Brain nicotinic receptors were measured with the ligands L-[3H]nicotine and alpha-[125I]-bungarotoxin. Neonatal mouse brain had approximately twice the number of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites found in adult mouse brain. Binding site numbers rose slightly until 10 days of age, after which they decreased to adult values, which were reached at 25 days of age. The nicotine binding site was found in neonatal brain at concentrations comparable to those at the alpha-bungarotoxin site followed by a steady decline in nicotine binding until adult values were reached. Thus, brain nicotinic and muscarinic systems develop in totally different fashions; the quantity of muscarinic receptors increases with age, while the quantity of nicotinic receptors decreases. It is conceivable that nicotinic receptors play an important role in directing the development of the cholinergic system.  相似文献   

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