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Isolation and characterization of murine Ia antigens   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The isolation and characterization of Ia antigens from both lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells was attempted by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of radiolabeled, NP-40 solubilized, and anti-Ia precipitated lysates. The profiles obtained indicate that membrane proteins with a molecular weight of approximately 30,000 can be isolated from peripheral B but not from peripheral T cells. Ia antigens cannot be immunoprecipitated from cortisone-resistant thymocytes, total thymocytes, allogeneically activated T cells, Con A stimulated T cells, and anti-Ig immunoadsorbent purified T cells. Ia antigens seem to comprise only 1%–2% of labeled splenic intracellular and membrane-associated proteins. They differ from H-2 antigens and immunoglobulin H and L chains with respect to size and serological reactivity. Ia antigens cannot be found to be secreted from lymph node cells or splenocytes into the extracellular incubation media. Tissue distribution studies indicate that Ia antigens are present on macrophages, fetal liver cells, epidermal cells, and bone marrow cells. They have not been found on such tumor cells as myelomas, teratomas, and lymphocytic leukemias.  相似文献   

Rabbit anti-Ia sera was produced by immunization with detergentsolubilized extracts from splenic, lymph-node and thymus cells. The antisera contained activity against H-2 as well as Ia molecules. By a sequential immunoprecipitation assay it was shown that the rabbit anti-mouseH-2 s serum precipitated a second Ia molecule in theH-2 s haplotype. Previous studies with alloantisera have shown only one Ia molecule associated with this haplotype. Sequential precipitations with alloantiserum against the wholeI region were used to show that this second Ia molecule is coded by genes within theI region. Since only I-A- and I-E-region coded molecules are immunoprecipitable in most haplotypes, we presume that the rabbit antiserum could be identifying the I-E-subregion coded molecule in theH-2 s haplotype. The rabbit antiserum reacts with an isotypic specificity on the molecule. The studies suggest that theI-E subregion does exist in theH-2 s haplotype even though alloantiserum cannot be produced to identify allotypic variants associated with this subregion.  相似文献   

Several studies indicate that cell-mediated immune responses, i.e., macrophage (MPhi) cytokine release capacities, myosin heavy chain (MHC) class II (Ia) expression, etc., are suppressed after trauma-hemorrhage in male mice. Testosterone has been shown to be responsible for the depression of MPhi cytokine responses in males after trauma-hemorrhage. Antigen presentation via MHC class II plays a key role in initiating and maintaining cell-mediated and humoral immune responses. It remains unknown, however, whether testosterone has any effect on MHC class II after trauma-hemorrhage. To study this, male C3H/HeN mice were castrated or sham castrated 2 wk before trauma (midline laparotomy) and hemorrhage (Hem; blood pressure 35 +/- 5 mmHg for 90 min and resuscitation) or sham operation. Four hours thereafter, MHC class II (Ia) expression was measured using flow cytometry. The results indicate that MHC class II (Ia) expression on peritoneal and splenic MPhi was significantly suppressed in male mice after trauma-hemorrhage. Prior castration, however, prevented the depression in MHC class II (Ia) expression on peritoneal and splenic MPhi after trauma-hemorrhage. Castration did not affect MHC class II (Ia) expression in MPhi from sham-castrated mice. Thus testosterone depresses MHC class II (Ia) expression on peritoneal and splenic MPhi after trauma-hemorrhage in males. Because MHC class II is necessary for an adequate immune response, our results suggest that depletion of male sex steroids or blockade of androgen receptors using agents such as flutamide might prevent immunosuppression via maintaining MHC class II (Ia) expression after trauma and severe blood loss.  相似文献   

Congenic anti-Ia antisera were used to bind radiolabelled Ia antigens from cells of various strains of mice of knownH-2 haplotype. The results indicate that Ia antigens are proteins of molecular weight 30,000 to 35,000 daltons. The Ia antigens are distinct from known H-2 antigens as judged by independent immunoprecipitation as well as by molecular weight. Ia antigens are synthesized by, and are present on the surface of lymphoid cells as evidenced by incorporation studies using3H-leucine and enzymatic radioiodination of cells, respectively. Tissue distribution of cell surface Ia suggests that Ia antigens are on B cells. Ia antigens were detected in the incubation media of3H-leucine labeled splenocytes suggesting that antigens may be secreted.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of IL-4 (B cell stimulatory factor 1) on the expression of MHC gene products in normal bone marrow-derived macrophages, peritoneal macrophages, and the myelomonocytic cell line WEHI-3. Using both IL-4-containing T cell supernatant and rIL-4, we have observed significant induction of both class I and class II MHC surface expression (about 1.5- to 4-fold increase) in 2-, 3-, and 4-day cultures of bone marrow-derived macrophages. This induction was also apparent at the mRNA level as assessed by Northern blot analysis using A beta, E alpha, and class I probes. Kinetic analysis revealed that induction of class II mRNA by IL-4 was slower than induction by IFN-gamma, requiring 48 h before a significant increase was noted. The magnitude of MHC induction by IL-4 was not as great as that seen with IFN-gamma, which was found to increase surface expression of MHC antigens two- to eightfold. IL-4 also differs from IFN-gamma in the repertoire of macrophages responsive to it. IL-4 was unable to induce class I or class II expression in either thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages or WEHI-3 cells whereas IFN-gamma induced MHC antigen expression on both cell types under the same conditions. These data demonstrate that IL-4 is capable of inducing both class I and class II MHC gene products in some, but not all, macrophages.  相似文献   

Background: Neuroblastoma is the most common solid extracranial tumor in childhood, still with poor survival rates for metastatic disease. Neuroblastoma cells are of neuroectodermal origin and express a number of cancer germline (CG) antigens. These CG antigens may represent a potential target for immunotherapy such as peptide-based vaccination strategies. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the presence of MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3/A6, and NY-ESO-1 on an mRNA and protein level and to determine the expression of MHC class I and MHC class II antigens within the same tumor specimens. Methods: A total of 68 tumors were available for RT-PCR, and 19/68 tumors were available for immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3/A6, and NY-ESO-1. In parallel, the same tumors were stained with a panel of antibodies for MHC class I and MHC class II molecules. Results: Screening of 68 tumor specimens by RT-PCR revealed expression of MAGE-A1 in 44%, MAGE-A3/A6 in 21%, and NY-ESO-1 in 28% of cases. Immunohistochemistry for CG antigens of selected tumors showed good agreement between protein and gene expression. However, staining revealed a heterogeneous expression of CG antigens. None of the selected tumors showed MHC class I or MHC class II expression. Conclusions: mRNA expression of MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3/A6, and NY-ESO-1 is congruent with the protein expression as determined by immunohistochemistry. The heterogeneous CG-antigen expression and the lack of MHC class I and II molecules may have implications for T-cell–mediated immunotherapy in neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

Chicken MHC class II (B-L) antigens were immunoprecipitated by the monoclonal antibody TaP1 from inbred chicken splenic leukocytes and a lymphoblastoid B cell line (RP9), and were studied by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. B-L antigens are composed of one alpha and one beta chain that are noncovalently bound at the cell surface. In all haplotypes studied, a single acidic 34,000 dalton non-polymorphic chain was observed, whereas two polymorphic chains could be distinguished, differing in both pH and m.w. The alpha-beta heterodimer is associated during its maturation in the cytoplasm with several basic invariant molecules with m.w. ranging from 30,000 to 42,000 daltons. Treatment of cells with tunicamycin and treatment of immunoprecipitated molecules with several glycosidases revealed a complex process of maturation for all of these molecules. The alpha and beta chains undergo a N-glycosylation of complex type, whereas the invariant molecules bear N-linked high mannose glycans, and perhaps also O-linked glycans in the RP9 lymphoblastoid line. Overall, the B-L antigens appear very similar to the HLA-DR and I-E antigens.  相似文献   

During the gestational cycle the placental tissue does not express class II MHC antigens and whether this phenomenon is important to fetal survival has not yet been evoked. It has been reported that class II antigen expression precedes renal and cardiac graft rejection, which may also be the case in fetal abortion. In a recent report we showed that placental cells can be induced to express class II antigens in vitro and that these cells undergo different regulatory mechanisms depending on their anatomical position in the placenta. Thus, spongiotrophoblast-derived cells express these antigens after interferon-gamma treatment, whereas labyrinthine trophoblast-derived cells are induced by 5-azacytidine. In the present study we examined the effect of 5-azacytidine on class II antigen expression in the placenta and fetal abortion in vivo. We report that 5-azacytidine, when given to pregnant females before the ectoplacental cone formation, dramatically increases fetal loss, which correlates with class II antigen expression in the labyrinthine trophoblast zone. No site effects of 5-azacytidine on placental cell proliferation, splenic T and B cell responses, or reproductive capability of treated females were observed. However, after treatment with 5-azacytidine placental cells can stimulate maternal spleen cells to proliferate in a mixed cell reaction, whereas untreated controls cannot. Furthermore, the abortive effect of 5-azacytidine can be rescued in allogeneic pregnancy by anti-paternal class II monoclonal antibody injection into the animals during the 5-azacytidine treatment. These results suggest that the maintenance of the class II antigen-negative expression on the placenta is indeed necessary to avoid maternal immune attack and ensure fetal survival.  相似文献   

Glomerular mesangial cells (MC) were isolated from rats and cultured for a prolonged period of time, resulting in a homogeneous cell population. MC were characterized as belonging to the smooth muscle type. They were negative for MHC class II expression. IFN-gamma and TNF alpha suppressed the proliferation of MC, demonstrating receptors for these cytokines on MC. IFN-gamma or TNF alpha, respectively, enhanced basal MHC class I Ag expression of proliferating cells in culture. The combination of the two cytokines yielded stronger effects. IL-1 beta was ineffective in enhancing MHC class I Ag expression, although MC possessed receptors for this cytokine. IFN-gamma dose dependently induced the expression of MHC class II Ag, while TNF alpha or IL-1 beta were ineffective alone. The combination of IFN-gamma with TNF alpha or IL-1 beta resulted in an enhanced induction of MHC class II Ag, compared to IFN-gamma administration alone. These findings suggest that proliferating mesangial cells of the smooth muscle type may participate in local inflammatory responses or substitute for macrophages by meeting the accessory cell requirement in the interaction with T lymphocytes. Furthermore, the data have important implications for the evaluation of the role of mesangial cells in autoimmune disease of the kidney.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that murine B cell membrane proteins undergo rearrangements in the plasma membrane to form new molecular associations in response to mitogenic stimulation. These complexes were covalently stabilized by photoreactive cross-linking agents and were analyzed by SDS PAGE. We have now identified certain complexes that involve class II MHC products, the Ia antigens. Upon stimulation of B cells with LPS, Ia surface molecules (as identified by radioimmunoprecipitation with polyclonal anti-Ia antiserum) enter into a molecular complex with a 95-kd membrane-associated protein (p95) to form a 200-kd complex that may be stabilized by the cross-linking agent dithiobisphenylazide (DTPA). This molecular association is not observed upon stimulation with mitogenic anti-Ig reagents, nor with the polyclonal B cell activator 8-bromoguanosine. p95 is not a disulfide-linked molecule itself, and by separate immunoprecipitation experiments we have established that it is not a component of surface Ig, transferrin receptor, the B cell Fc receptor, or CR1, the receptor for complement component C3b. Further analysis of the association of Ia antigens with surface proteins, with the use of monoclonal antibodies directed against I-A or I-E, has demonstrated that each subregion gene product forms a unique molecular association. Precipitation of radiolabeled lysates from LPS-activated B cells with anti-I-A reveals the aforementioned association with p95. In contrast, the I-E antigen apparently forms complexes with a multimer of a 15-kd protein to give complexes of 45, 60, 75, and 90 kd. When analyzed by two-dimensional diagonal gels (nonreducing/reducing), only the I-E bands are revealed by autoradiography, indicating that the putative p15 that associates with I-E may not be accessible to surface labeling. The disparate molecular associations for I-A and I-E suggest that the formation of these distinct protein complexes may be functionally related to a different role in the process of cellular activation for each of these Ia subregion gene products.  相似文献   

Peptides associated with class II MHC molecules are normally derived from exogenous proteins, whereas class I MHC molecules normally associate with peptides from endogenous proteins. We have studied the ability of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PE) fusion proteins to deliver exogenously added antigen for presentation by both MHC class I and class II molecules. A MHC class II-restricted antigen was fused to PE; this molecule was processed in a manner typical for class II-associated antigens. However, a MHC class I-restricted peptide fused to PE was processed by a mechanism independent of proteasomes. Furthermore, we also found that the PE fusion protein was much more stable in normal human plasma than the corresponding synthetic peptide. We believe that effective delivery of an antigen to both the MHC class I and class II pathways, in addition to the increased resistance to proteolysis in plasma, will be important for immunization.  相似文献   

Surgical specimens of lung cancers were examined immunopathologically for the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) antigens in the tumor cells and their relationship to the lymphocytic infiltration. A lymphocytic infiltrate was frequently observed in the tumor tissue, though its intensity differed among the various histological types. MHC-II antigens were often demonstrated in tumors with a lymphocytic infiltrate. They were detected predominantly in the cytoplasm of tumor cells and to a lesser extent on the cell membranes. The emergence of the MHC-II-positive tumor cells was closely related to a local infiltration by lymphocytes including interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-producing T-cells. On the basis of the histological findings, an in vitro experiment was carried out. Four types of lung cancer cells were incubated with recombinant IFN-gamma in order to induce MHC-II antigens. MHC-II antigens (HLA-DR as well as HLA-DQ and HLA-DP antigens) were elicited in three cancer cell lines depending on the concentration of IFN-gamma. Immunoelectron microscopic study revealed that they were expressed on the surface of the cell membrane, though to a lesser extent than in the cytoplasm. It was considered that MHC-II antigens could be induced in some tumor cells in the immunological environment where IFN-gamma was secreted from T-cells and concentrated locally.  相似文献   

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