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In the present study, medaka embryos were exposed to acidified freshwater (pH 5) to investigate the mechanism of acid secretion by mitochondrion-rich (MR) cells in embryonic skin. With double or triple in situ hybridization/immunocytochemistry, the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3) and H(+)-ATPase were localized in two distinct subtypes of MR cells. NHE3 was expressed in apical membranes of a major proportion of MR cells, whereas H(+)-ATPase was expressed in basolateral membranes of a much smaller proportion of MR cells. Gill mRNA levels of NHE3 and H(+)-ATPase and the two subtypes of MR cells in yolk sac skin were increased by acid acclimation; however, the mRNA level of NHE3 was remarkably higher than that of H(+)-ATPase. A scanning ion-selective electrode technique was used to measure H(+), Na(+), and NH(4)(+) transport by individual MR cells in larval skin. Results showed that Na(+) uptake and NH(4)(+) excretion by MR cells increased after acid acclimation. These findings suggested that the NHE3/Rh glycoprotein-mediated Na(+) uptake/NH(4)(+) excretion mechanism plays a critical role in acidic equivalent (H(+)/NH(4)(+)) excretion by MR cells of the freshwater medaka.  相似文献   

Specification of primordial germ cells in medaka (Oryzias latipes)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Primordial germ cells (PGCs) give rise to gametes that are responsible for the development of a new organism in the next generation. Two modes of germ line specification have been described: the inheritance of asymmetrically-localized maternally provided cytoplasmic determinants and the induction of the PGC fate by other cell types.  相似文献   

Germ cell-less expression in medaka (Oryzias latipes)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The gene germ cell-less (gcl) plays an important role in the early differentiation of germ cells in Drosophila. We isolated the gcl homolog of the model teleost medaka (Oryzias latipes) using degenerated primers and an ovary cDNA bank. The predicted amino acid sequence of medaka gcl showed 92, 68 and 31% overall identity to mouse, human and Drosophila gcl respectively. RT-PCR revealed stronger expression in the ovary and weaker expression in testis, brain, heart, liver and muscle tissue. Expression in early embryos indicates the presence of maternal mRNA. By in situ hybridisation (ISH), gcl could not be detected in embryos. In contrast to vasa, ISH revealed expression of gcl in the ovary but not in the testis. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 67: 15-18, 2004.  相似文献   

The gene segments encoding antibodies have been studied in many capacities and represent some of the best-characterized gene families in traditional animal disease models (mice and humans). To date, multiple immunoglobulin light chain (IgL) isotypes have been found in vertebrates and it is unclear as to which isotypes might be more primordial in nature. Sequence data emerging from an array of fish genome projects is a valuable resource for discerning complex multigene assemblages in this critical branch point of vertebrate phylogeny. Herein, we have analyzed the genomic organization of medaka (Oryzias latipes) IgL gene segments based on recently released genome data. The medaka IgL locus located on chromosome 11 contains at least three clusters of IgL gene segments comprised of multiple gene assemblages of the kappa light chain isotype. These data suggest that medaka IgL gene segments may undergo both intra- and inter-cluster rearrangements as a means to generate additional diversity. Alignments of expressed sequence tags to concordant gene segments which revealed each of the three IgL clusters are expressed. Collectively, these data provide a genomic framework for IgL genes in medaka and indicate that Ig diversity in this species is achieved from at least three distinct chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

Japanese medaka, (Oryzias latipes), small, freshwater, tropical cyprinodonts, are principally used for toxicologic and carcinogenicity assays, but are finding more applications in developmental genetic and biological research. An increase in mortality began in brood stock of adult medaka that had been shipped and housed separately by sex. Initially, mortality averaged one fish daily and began in females two weeks after they were received. Cohabitation began eight weeks after arrival. After four to six weeks of cohabitation in different spawning aquaria, mortality was observed in males. Clinical signs of disease included loss of scale luster and color, with subsequent blanching of dorsal flank musculature, small raised nodules on various external surfaces, emaciation, fraying of fin tips, and equilibrium disturbances. Histologic examination of affected adults revealed multi-organ granulomatous inflammation with intracellular acid-fast bacilli. Specimens from 46 juvenile medaka that were spawned from affected adults, were submitted for culture and histologic evaluation. Of 18 fish, two had lesions similar to those of adults. The organism isolated from the remaining fish was identified as Mycobacterium fortuitum. Due to atypical rapid progression of disease, spread of M. fortuitum to progeny, and poor prognosis, the entire colony was euthanized.  相似文献   

In the mammalian testis germline stem cells keep producing many sperms, while there is no direct evidence for the presence of germline stem cells in the ovary. It is widely accepted in mammals that the mature oocytes are supplied from a pool of primordial follicles in the adult ovary. In other vertebrates, such as fish, however, there has been no investigation on the mechanism underlying the high egg-producing ability. In this review, we introduce the recently identified ovarian germline stem cells and the surrounding unique structure in teleost fish, medaka (Oryzias latipes) [Nakamura S et al. Science. 2010; 328: 1561-1563]. We also discuss about the expression and function of sox9 that characterizes this unique structure.  相似文献   

Letrozole is a synthetic aromatase inhibitor and interferes in the committed step in the synthesis of endogenous estrogens from androgens. To evaluate potential effects on the early life stages of Japanese medaka, larvae and fertilized eggs were exposed to letrozole for 96 h and 14 days, respectively. No larvae died and no adverse effects were found on embryonic development at concentrations up to 3125 microg/L. Reproductive effects were assessed by exposing adults to 1, 5, 25, 125 and 625 microg/L letrozole for 21 days. A dose-dependent decrease in fecundity (>25 microg/L) and fertility (>5 microg/L) accompanied by histological changes suggested the inhibition of oocyte growth and possibly maturation. At 625 microg/L, the fish ceased spawning during the last week of exposure. Letrozole (>5 microg/L) reduced plasma vitellogenin levels in females in a dose-dependent manner. Transgenerational effects were evaluated by removing freshly-laid F1 eggs from letrozole-contaminated water and raising them to 15 days post-hatching in control water. Hatchability and time to hatching were detrimentally affected (>5 microg/L), but no morphological deformities were observed. Furthermore, a dose-dependent increase in the proportion of genotypic F1 males was found (>5 microg/L).  相似文献   

Mesodermal metamerism in the teleost, Oryzias latipes (the medaka)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of the metameric pattern in mesodermal tissues of chick, mouse, turtle, and amphibian embryos have indicated that segmental characteristics exist along the entire length of the embryo. This paper describes this phenomenon in a fish embryo, for some differences in the cranial segmental plan exist between the anamniote and the amniote embryos hitherto studied. Embryos of the cyprinodont, Oryzias latipes, were fixed at various times, the examined by means of stereo scanning electron microscopy. As in other vertebrate embryos, the first indication of mesodermal metamerism in this fish embryo is the occurrence of somitomeres, which are orderly, tandemly arranged units of uncondensed mesenchymal cells in the paraxial mesoderm. As many as ten somitomeres can be observed caudal to the last formed somite to the elongating tail region. In addition, 7 somitomeres are present rostral to the first definitive somite, which is segment number eight. As in other vertebrate embryos examined, somitomeres in Oryzias embryos are circular, bilaminar arrays of paraxial mesoderm that form before any indications of segmentation can be seen with the light microscope. In the trunk region these mesodermal units condense to give rise to definitive somites, but in the head they eventually disperse. Despite a fundamentally different mode of gastrulation and a relatively small number of cells in the newly formed somitomeres, cranial segmentation in Oryzias embryos was found to be more similar in number to the metameric pattern of the embryos of the bird, reptile, and mammal than to the situation found in the two amphibians studied thus far.  相似文献   

The production of cloned fish in the medaka (Oryzias latipes)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The measurement of cellular DNA content by DNA microfluorometry revealed that medaka embryos that were fertilized with normal sperm and exposed to heat shock (41 degrees C for 3 min) or hydrostatic pressure (700 kg/cm2 for 10 min) at 85-95 min after insemination were tetraploid. Embryos fertilized with normal sperm and exposed to heat shock (41 degrees C for 2 min at 2-3 min after insemination) were triploid. These results suggest that heat shock or hydrostatic pressure at 85-95 min after insemination arrests the first cleavage, while heat shock at 2-3 min after insemination arrests the second meiotic division. Medaka clones have been produced by the following method: Eggs from orange-red or variegated variety were activated by UV-irradiated, genetically impotent sperm of wild-type fish (UV sperm). The haploid eggs obtained were diploidized by preventing the first cleavage with heat shock or hydrostatic pressure to produce homozygous females. Each of the two homozygous females was mated with vasectomized male in isotonic balanced salt solution to collect unfertilized eggs. The collected eggs were activated with UV sperm and converted from haploid to diploid by arrest of the second meiotic division with heat shock. Hatched fry of each homozygous diploid (all females) were fed with a methyltestosterone-containing diet (40 micrograms/gm diet) to produce sex-reversed males, which were mated with brood females, and thus two cloned lines were obtained.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the estrogenic effect of the phytoestrogen genistein on several measures of endocrine function in adult Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) relative to 17-beta-estradiol. Adult animals of both sexes were exposed to 75, 750 and 30,000 ng/fish (average fish weight equals 0.26 g) of genistein by i.p. injection, with a positive control group treated with 300 ng/fish of 17-beta-estradiol, while a negative control group received a vehicle-only (corn oil) injection. Content of vitellogenin, the yolk glycoprotein made in the liver in response to estradiol stimulation, was measured using Western blots. Circulating estradiol and testosterone levels were measured using a steroid-enzyme immunosorbant assay. The ability of ovaries and testes to synthesize and release estradiol and testosterone was determined by ex vivo incubation of gonads with 25-hydroxycholesterol. Vitellogenin, while induced by 17-beta-estradiol, was not increased in the liver of individuals treated with genistein. In females, genistein treatment at 750 and 30,000 ng increased the estradiol production of ovaries more than the 17-beta-estradiol treatment. In males, genistein treatment resulted in decreased testosterone production from ex vivo testis and a comparable reduction in circulating testosterone level. The changes in vitellogenin, circulating steroids and ex vivo steroidogenesis in medaka in response to genistein are similar to that of 17-beta-estradiol. However, some endpoints are more sensitive to estradiol treatment (vitellogenin), while others are more sensitive to genistein (male testosterone and ovarian estrogenesis).  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TG) is an essential enzyme to catalyze cross-linking reactions of epidermal proteins. Recently, we biochemically characterized human skin TG orthologues for medaka (Oryzias latipes), a model fish. By genome editing, gene-modified fishes for the two orthologues were obtained, both of which lack the ordinal enzymes. These fish appeared to exhibit higher susceptibility to osmolality at the period of larvae.  相似文献   

Alkalinity stress is common in cultured aquatic animals and considered to be one of the major stress factors for fishes when they are transferred to saline‐alkali waters. To evaluate potential effects of alkalinity on the developmental biology of Oryzias latipes, fertilized eggs, larvae and breeding fish were exposed to different carbonate alkalinity concentrations of 1.5–64.5 meq l?1, for 9, 120, and 60 days, respectively. The mortality of embryos significantly increased when exposed to the high concentrations (16.5–64.5 meq l?1). Although more than 50% of survived embryos hatched in 16.5 and 31.4 meq l?1 concentrations of carbonate alkalinity, most were not able to swim up after hatching. Morphological abnormalities such as coagulated embryos, halted embryo development, and hatching failure were observed at stages 15, 29–33 and 38 in high concentrations (31.4, 64.5 meq l?1). Almost all larvae in 16.5 and 31.4 meq l?1 treatments died 70 d post‐hatch. Growth of juveniles exposed to carbonate alkalinity of 5.3 and 8.8 meq l?1 was not significantly different at 70 d and 120 d post‐hatch. The number of eggs released by breeders, the fertilization rate and the hatching rate of eggs were significantly lower in the 31.4 meq l?1 treatment than in other treatments. Although medaka are capable of surviving in high alkalinities (31.4, 64.5 meq l?1) for an extended period of time, these conditions are stressful to the fish, especially at the embryonic and reproductive stages.  相似文献   

The recent model showed that seawater (SW) mitochondrion-rich (MR) cells with hole-type apical openings secrete Cl? through the transporters including the Na+, K+-ATPase (NKA), Na+, K+, 2Cl? cotransporter (NKCC), and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The present study focused on the dynamic elimination of the Cl? secretory capacity and illustrated different phases (i.e., acute and regulatory phases) of branchial MR cells in response to hypoosmotic challenge. Time-course remodeling of the cell surfaces and the altered expressions of typical ion transporters were observed in the branchial MR cells of SW-acclimated brackish medaka (Oryzias dancena) when exposed to fresh water (FW). On the 1st day post-transfer, rapid changes were shown in the acute phase: the flat-type MR cells with large apical surfaces replaced the hole-type cells, the gene expression of both Odnkcc1a and Odcftr decreased, and the apical immunostaining signals of CFTR protein disappeared. The basolateral immunostaining signals of NKCC1a protein decreased throughout the regulatory phase (> 1 day post-transfer). During this period, the size and number of NKA-immunoreactive MR cells were significantly reduced and elevated, respectively. Branchial NKA expression and activity were maintained at constant levels in both phases. The results revealed that when SW-acclimated brackish medaka were transferred to hypoosmotic FW for 24 h, the Cl? secretory capacity of MR cells was eliminated, whereas NKCC1a protein was retained to maintain the hypoosmoregulatory endurance of the gills. The time-course acute and regulatory phases of gill MR cells showed different strategies of the euryhaline medaka when subjected to hypoosmotic environments.  相似文献   

Identification of three duplicated Spin genes in medaka (Oryzias latipes)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wang XL  Mei J  Sun M  Hong YH  Gui JF 《Gene》2005,350(2):99-106
Gene and genomic duplications are very important and frequent events in fish evolution, and the divergence of duplicated genes in sequences and functions is a focus of research on gene evolution. Here, we report the identification and characterization of three duplicated Spindlin (Spin) genes from medaka (Oryzias latipes): OlSpinA, OlSpinB, and OlSpinC. Molecular cloning, genomic DNA Blast analysis and phylogenetic relationship analysis demonstrated that the three duplicated OlSpin genes should belong to gene duplication. Furthermore, Western blot analysis revealed significant expression differences of the three OlSpins among different tissues and during embryogenesis in medaka, and suggested that sequence and functional divergence might have occurred in evolution among them.  相似文献   

Wild-type medaka are known to have remarkable capabilities of fin, or epimorphic, regeneration. However, a hypothyroid mutant, kamaitachi (kmi), frequently suffers from injury in fins, suggesting an important role of thyroid hormone in fin regeneration. This led us to examine the relationship between thyroid hormone and fin regeneration using medaka as a model. For this, we first set up a medaka experimental system in which the rate of regeneration was statistically analyzed after caudal fin amputation under normal and hypothyroid conditions. As expected, the regeneration of amputated caudal fins was delayed in hypothyroid kmi -/- mutants. We then examined wild-type medaka with thiourea-induced hypothyroidism to evaluate the requirement of thyroid hormone during epimorphic fin regeneration. The results demonstrate that the growth rate of regenerates was much reduced in severely hypothyroid medaka throughout the regeneration period. This reduction in regenerative rate was recovered by exogenous administration of L-thyroxine. The present study is thus the first to report the direct involvement of thyroid hormone in teleost fin regeneration, and provides a basic framework for future molecular and genetic analyses.  相似文献   

Oryzias latipes (Adrianichthyidae), known as Japanese medaka or Japanese killifish, is a small 2-4 cm long fish common in rice paddies in coastal Southeast Asia and is also a popular aquarium fish. It has been widely used as a research model because of its small size and because it is very easy to rear. Alkalinity stress is considered to be one of the major stressors on fish in saline-alkaline water. As very little is known about molecular genetic responses of aquatic organisms to alkalinity stress, we examined genome-wide gene expression profiles of Japanese medaka in response to carbonate alkalinity stress. Adult fish were exposed to freshwater and high carbonate alkaline water in the laboratory. We designed a microarray containing 26,429 genes for measuring gene expression change in the gills of the fish exposed to high carbonate alkalinity stress. Among these genes, 512 were up-regulated and 501 were down-regulated in the gills. These differentially expressed genes can be divided into gene groups using gene ontology, including biological processes, cellular components and molecular function. These gene groups are related to acid-base and ion regulation, cellular stress response, metabolism, immune response, and reproduction processes. Biological pathways including amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism, porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism, metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450, drug metabolism, aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, glycine, serine and threonine metabolism, ascorbate and aldarate metabolism, pentose and glucuronate interconversions, glutathione metabolism, and fructose and mannose metabolism were significantly up-regulated. Alkalinity stress stimulates the energy and ion regulation pathways, and it also slows down the pathways related to the immune system and reproduction.  相似文献   

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