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Radio-tagged Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus nesting in conifer plantation clearings and on lowland heath in Dorset travelled an average of 3.1 km away from their nesting areas at night to atypical habitats, presumably to feed. Comparison of habitat availability with use showed that Nightjars preferred deciduous or mixed woodland habitats, while they avoided conifer plantations and arable or improved grassland. Absence from the nesting area was recorded on 72 % of bird-nights and birds were least likely to be away during the middle third of the night. The use of atypical habitats may have implications for Nightjar conservation.  相似文献   

The practice of induced molting involves the restriction of light, feed removal and optionally water for 5-14 days. However, there is growing concern regarding feed removal and animal welfare issues. With this in mind, alternative diets have been developed to produce similar molting effects as that of feed deprivation. Alfalfa, which largely consists of insoluble fiber, can be used as a molting diet. In this study, heterophil and lymphocyte counts, serum chemistry, and organ weight parameters were evaluated in hens that were deprived of feed or fed alfalfa during a nine day induced molt. Full-fed hens were used as the control. Blood serum parameters assessed included calcium, magnesium, glucose, total protein, ketone bodies, uric acid, and cholesterol. White blood cells were counted and categorized by cell type. On the ninth day of the trial, the hens were euthanized and the liver, spleen, heart, intestine, pancreas, ovary, oviduct, and kidney were collected and weighed. On day 8 birds molted with alfalfa or by feed deprivation had significantly higher (P<0.05) levels of ketone bodies and cholesterol and lower levels of calcium, and magnesium compared to the full-fed hens while birds molted by feed deprivation exhibited significantly lower levels of uric acid. Birds molted by both methods exhibited significant reductions in ovary, oviduct, liver and pancreas weights and increased spleen weights when compared to the non-molted hens. On days 0, 2, and 6 there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in either heterophil or lymphocyte percentages. However, heterophil percentages were higher in feed withdrawal birds than full-fed birds on day 4 but lymphocyte percentages were higher in full-fed birds compared to feed withdrawal birds. On day 8 of the induced molt lymphocyte percentages were higher from full-fed birds when compared to feed withdrawal birds but no significant differences were detectable for heterophil percentages. Based on reproductive organ weight loss and changes in serum and immunological responses of birds during molt, it appears that alfalfa meal can be an effective molt induction alternative.  相似文献   

中国南方紫水鸡(Porphyrio porphyrio)在快速扩散,探究其生态适应十分必要。2014年3月至2015年8月在云南鹤庆草海湿地的观察,得到以下结果。紫水鸡集中分布在以开阔水域为主并有足够植被覆盖的西草海,很少见于附近干扰频繁的其他湿地,其适宜的生境开阔水域约占49.6%、水生植被覆盖水面占39.3%、陆地占11.1%;紫水鸡早间(7:00~9:00时)频繁活动在开阔水域、高草丛、岸边草地,中午后逐渐远离岸边而藏掖草丛中;白天活动的紫水鸡集群大小在1~7只之间,1~2只的集群占62.0%,大的集群中常有司职警戒、领头的个体;紫水鸡用于觅食、休息、警戒的时间分别占47.8%、23.5%、15.1%,很少互动交流,但常驱赶靠近的其他鸟类以维护个体自身的"领域";紫水鸡应对干扰威胁的警戒、避让、惊飞平均距离分别是26.4 m、20.5 m和17.6 m。在鹤庆的紫水鸡集中分布于西草海湿地并避让人为干扰,说明其以避让和逃逸方式应对人为干扰和生境胁迫,应该考虑立法给予重点保护。  相似文献   

The majority of bird taxa perform water bathing, but little is known about the adaptive value of this behaviour. If bathing is important for feather maintenance then birds that have not bathed should have poorer feather condition, compromised escape ability and therefore increased responsiveness to cues of predation. We conducted two experiments examining the behaviour of captive starlings responding to conspecific alarm calls. Birds that had no access to bathing water showed a decreased willingness to feed and increased their vigilance behaviour following an alarm call. We argue that birds denied access to bathing water interpreted an ambiguous cue of threat as requiring more caution than birds that had access, consistent with higher levels of anxiety. Our results support the provision of bathing water for captive birds as an important welfare measure.  相似文献   

2014年7月至2018年10月,利用20台红外相机监测陕西观音山国家级自然保护区一条内部道路对兽类和鸟类活动的影响.监测期间获得照片16168张,共鉴定到13种兽类和14种鸟类,包括4种国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物和7种国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物.结果 显示,距道路的距离越远,出现的物种种类越多.有2种兽类只活动于距离道路...  相似文献   

Summary On 24. and 26.7. 1986 a ringed first-year male kingfisher was observed carrying fish into a burrow containing nestlings 22–24 days old. The first-year bird had hatched at a breeding site 5.5 km away from the place where it helped feed the nestlings and left its own natal nest on 11.6. 1984. The first-year kingfisher's parents were not the adult birds whose nestlings the young male was feeding.  相似文献   

Histomoniasis (infectious enterohepatitis, blackhead) is caused by the protozoan parasite Histomonas meleagridis (H. meleagridis). After the ban of all prophylactic and therapeutic drugs in the European Union, histomoniasis is increasingly responsible for considerable economic problems to the poultry industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a herbal product with extracts from cinnamon, garlic, lemon, and rosemary on H. meleagridis in turkey poults in vivo. For this purpose, 60 two-week-old poults were divided into three groups. Group 1 received the herbal product in the feed six days before infection and in water three days before infection, then in feed and drinking water until the end of the experiment. Groups 2 and 3 were left untreated. At week 3 of age, Groups 1 and 2 were infected intracloacally with H. meleagridis. Three weeks after infection the surviving birds were euthanized and examined for pathological lesions. Mortality was 20% in Group 1 and 50% in Group 2. There were no deaths in Group 3. DNA of histomonads was detected in all examined caeca and livers of the dead birds, but was not detected in any examined organ of the surviving birds of all groups. There was no noticeable difference in the lesion scores of the dead birds between the groups. The surviving birds of all groups did not show lesions post mortem. Since all effective prophylactic and therapeutic drugs against histomoniasis were banned in the EU, under given conditions the investigated herbal product seems to be an effective alternative for the reduction of mortality in turkeys caused by histomoniasis.  相似文献   

为研究纳帕海环湖公路交通噪声对冬季鸟类的影响域和对敏感物种黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollus)行为的影响,于2009年和2010年冬季沿环湖公路以自驾车匀速行驶调查(40 km/h)与徒步定点观测两种形式对路域鸟类的回避距离及黑颈鹤的行为反应进行了研究.结果显示:(1)纳帕海环湖公路路域一共记录到鸟类36种,其中...  相似文献   

The effects of experimental infections with Eimeria tenella (Experiment 1, n = 144) or E. maxima (Experiment 2, n = 216) in broiler chickens fed whole wheat, with or without access to grit, as compared to a standard pelleted feed were studied. Inclusion of whole wheat was gradually increased up to 30% at 3 weeks of age. Grit was given separately. The chickens were kept on litter in a parasite-free environment with free access to water and feed. At 3 weeks of age half the number of chickens were individually inoculated with 500 sporulated oocysts of E. tenella (Experiment 1) or 3 000 sporulated oocysts of Eimeria maxima (Experiment 2), and the remaining birds were kept separate as uninfected controls. Neither coccidiostats nor growth enhancers were used. Oocyst concentration was determined from each group separately. Intestinal lesions were scored on 6 birds per feed regime 7 d postinoculation, and on the remaining birds at slaughter. Diet had no significant effect on bird performance during infection. However, there was an indication that the E. maxima infection had more negative effect on weight gain in birds given standard feed than in those given whole wheat supplement, but the difference was not significant (p<0.09). The number of oocysts shed or mean intestinal lesion scores did not differ between diets in either experiment. In both experiments, the number of Clostridium perfringens was higher in the caeca of inoculated birds, but there were no differences between diets.  相似文献   

Broiler breeders (parents of meat chickens) are selected for fast growth and become obese if fed ad libitum. To avoid this and maintain good health and reproductive ability, they are feed restricted to about 1/3 of what they would eat ad libitum. As a result, they experience chronic hunger and exhibit abnormal behaviour patterns that may indicate stress and frustration. One approach to measuring hunger is to observe how much birds will work, such as pecking a key, for access to more or different types of food. However, the sight, smell, and feedback from consumption of the feed reward changes the context and may artificially raise feeding motivation. To avoid this, we tested broiler breeders in an apparatus in which they could work for access to a wooden platform covered in wood shavings by crossing a water runway which increased in length and depth in 8 successive tests. In the wood shavings area, they could perform exploratory and foraging behaviour (the appetitive phase of feeding) but were never rewarded with feed. Sixty birds were divided into three feed quantity treatments: commercial restriction (R), and twice (2R) or three times (3R) this amount. Overall, birds fed R worked harder to reach the wood shavings area (reached it in a larger number of tests) than 2R and 3R birds (P<0.001). More restricted birds took less time to reach the area (P<0.001, R<2R<3R) and spent more time foraging while there (P<0.001, R>2R>3R). This indicates that restricted-fed birds were hungry and willing to work for the opportunity to forage even though food was never provided, suggesting that their motivation to perform the appetitive component of feeding behaviour (foraging/food searching) was sufficient to sustain their response. Thus food restriction in broiler breeders is a welfare concern. However these methods could be used to test alternative feeding regimes to attempt to find ways of alleviating hunger while still maintaining healthy growth and reproduction in these birds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Waterbird research increasingly involves capturing birds to measure attributes of individuals and for attachment of telemetry devices, but there are few established techniques for capturing wading birds away from their nests. We describe the construction and testing of a new trapping technique for wading birds based on a small flip trap. Our trap was developed to capture wading birds in the Florida Everglades in water less than 30 cm deep, but could also be used to capture other waterbirds and upland species. The primary advantages of this new trap design are its ability to be easily concealed, ability to selectively capture birds, low injury rate, ease of resetting the trap after captures, minimal training requirements for operator, capacity to be fired remotely, and moderate cost. We also evaluated the effectiveness of using a net gun to capture wading birds in wetlands. Our results demonstrated that the net gun was the most effective method for capturing large numbers of wading birds, however, the modified flip trap provides a safer alternative that may be appropriate for endangered species.  相似文献   

In most cooperatively breeding birds, individuals do not breed with their natal group members. In order to breed, they have either to disperse into another group or wait for an opposite-sex individual to join their group. In most of these species, females disperse more than males. We develop a dynamic game-theoretic model to account for this asymmetry. When males are physically larger/heavier than females, this allows them to effectively welcome female immigrants into their natal group and overcome the local females' opposition more than vice versa. The model further assumes that the dispersal decision is not confined to a restricted time window, but is rather based on acquired information and responsive to opportunities. The model predicts that (i) females disperse more than males, and (ii) females are willing to tolerate more risks in dispersal than do males. The latter prediction is supported inter alia by the fact that in many cooperatively breeding birds, females disperse at a younger age, and further away from their natal group as compared to dispersing males.  相似文献   

A rifampin-resistant Lactobacillus salivarius strain, CTC2197, was assessed as a probiotic in poultry, by studying its ability to prevent Salmonella enteritidis C-114 colonization in chickens. When the probiotic strain was dosed by oral gavage together with S. enteritidis C-114 directly into the proventriculus in 1-day-old Leghorn chickens, the pathogen was completely removed from the birds after 21 days. The same results were obtained when the probiotic strain was also administered through the feed and the drinking water apart from direct inoculation into the proventriculus. The inclusion of L. salivarius CTC2197 in the first day chicken feed revealed that a concentration of 10(5) CFU g(-1) was enough to ensure the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract of the birds after 1 week. However, between 21 and 28 days, L. salivarius CTC2197 was undetectable in the gastrointestinal tract of some birds, showing that more than one dose would be necessary to ensure its presence till the end of the rearing time. Freeze-drying and freezing with glycerol or skim milk as cryoprotective agents, appeared to be suitable methods to preserve the probiotic strain. The inclusion of the L. salivarius CTC2197 in a commercial feed mixture seemed to be a good way to supply it on the farm, although the strain showed sensitivity to the temperatures used during the feed mixture storage and in the chicken incubator rooms. Moreover, survival had been improved after several reinoculations in chicken feed mixture.  相似文献   

Low Foraging Success of Semipalmated Sandpipers at the Edges of Groups   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Variation in foraging success in relation to spatial position in a group is little known in species that feed on mobile prey that can hide or flee upon disturbance by foragers. I examined the foraging success of individuals located either at the edge or at the centre of flocks of semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) feeding on a burrowing amphipod (Corophium volutator) during migration stopover in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. The rates of pecking, prey capture and success were lower for individuals foraging at the edge than at the centre of flocks. Edge birds spent more time running and more time flying than centre birds. Edge birds moved away from the centre of the flock and made frequent short flights towards the centre. In contrast, centre birds rarely moved in a specific direction and flew mostly to relocate elsewhere with the whole flock. Sandpiper flocks foraged over a large area in a relatively short amount of time. In addition, amphipod density is high in this habitat. It thus appears unlikely that prey depletion or low food availability at the edges of groups could explain the spatial variation in foraging success. Low foraging success at the edges of flocks thus arose mainly because of time costs related to flock expansion and retraction. The effect of mutual interference among foragers and of predation risk by falcons is discussed with respect to flock expansion and retraction.  相似文献   

2004年和2005年两个繁殖季节,在安庆市望江县漳湖镇,采用全事件采样法和瞬间扫描采样法,对东方白鹳留居种群繁殖特征和繁殖生境内的干扰因素进行了初步研究。东方白鹳在高压电线塔上营巢繁殖,营巢地点距离最近的村庄仅500m远,取食地点主要是水稻田,影响繁殖活动的主要自然因素:强风和高温。巢区和取食生境内的人为干扰强度较大,主要有燃烧秸秆、在巢塔上安装鸟刺、农耕活动和飞机噪音等。农业活动等人为干扰,对东方白鹳的取食、取材等行为造成很大影响,导致产生警戒、逃逸等行为。东方白鹳留居繁殖种群繁殖干扰因素的识别对进一步开展保护工作具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Luís  A.  Goss-Custard  J.D.  Moreira  M.H. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):335-343
Usually waders (Aves, Charadrii) feed in the inter-tidal zone over the low tide period and roost over high tide. But occasionally when their energetic needs increase, due to adverse weather conditions or to a need to store fat to fuel migration, the birds also feed during high tide, sometimes in agricultural land. At the Ria de Aveiro, about 44% (corresponding to 4500 birds) of the wintering dunlin (Calidris alpina) use artificial salt pan habitats throughout the winter whilst the others utilize natural intertidal habitats, mainly mudflats. The dunlin that feed intertidally in natural areas, such as the Canal de Mira, do not feed over high tide. In contrast, the birds that use the salt pan area feed both during low tide, in abandoned salt pans whose walls are breached and thus allow access to the tide, and high tide, in active salt pans, and keep on doing so throughout the winter. The energetic needs of both groups of birds are thought to be similar. However, the benthos of the abandoned salt pans seem to be different, and poorer in energetic terms, from those of the natural mudflats. It is argued that dunlin wintering in the salt pan area must compensate for this by feeding over high tide in active salt pans. Rather than just being a means of obtaining more energy at certain times of high energy demand, it would seem that feeding in active salt pans over high tide should be considered as a normal component of the feeding strategy of these birds, a strategy that is different from those wintering in the natural mudflats. These findings highlight the importance of the salt exploitation industry to waders and also show that artificial habitats can support large numbers of wintering waders.  相似文献   

Numbers of breeding pairs of African Black Oystercatchers showed a highly significant increase at Cape Agulhas over a 24year study period. Mean numbers of fledglings per pair did not increase correspondingly but showed a cyclic tendency, peaking twice, with a slight overall decline. The increase in the frequency of repeat clutches was close to significant. Nest failures were ascribed largely to human disturbance. Indications of increasing public awareness about the sensitivity of breeding oystercatchers were noted as well as increasing adaptability to human presence among some birds, whereas other birds moved their nests further away from this disturbance. In view of the closure of the Overberg coast to recreational vehicles from 20 February 2002 and the relative importance of the area for the conservation of oystercatchers, this long-term study represents an important baseline against which to measure change.  相似文献   

Wandering Albatrosses Diomedea exulans are frequently killed when they attempt to scavenge baited hooks deployed by long-line fishing vessels. We studied the foraging ecology of Wandering Albatrosses breeding on Marion Island in order to assess the scale of interactions with known long-line fishing fleets. During incubation and late chick-rearing, birds foraged further away from the island, in warmer waters, and showed high spatial overlap with areas of intense tuna Thunnus spp. long-line fishing. During early chick-rearing, birds made shorter foraging trips and showed higher spatial overlap with the local Patagonian Toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides long-line fishery. Tracks of birds returning with offal from the Toothfish fishery showed a strong association with positions at which Toothfish long-lines were set and most diet samples taken during this stage contained fishery-related items. Independent of these seasonal differences, females foraged further from the islands and in warmer waters than males. Consequently, female distribution overlapped more with tuna long-line fisheries, whereas males interacted more with the Toothfish long-line fishery. These factors could lead to differences in the survival probabilities of males and females. Non-breeding birds foraged in warmer waters and showed the highest spatial overlap with tuna long-line fishing areas. The foraging distribution of Marion Island birds showed most spatial overlap with birds from the neighbouring Crozet Islands during the late chick-rearing and non-breeding periods. These areas of foraging overlap also coincided with areas of intense tuna long-line fishing south of Africa. As the population trends of Wandering Albatrosses at these two localities are very similar, it is possible that incidental mortality during the periods when these two populations show the highest spatial overlap could be driving these trends.  相似文献   


Histomoniasis (infectious enterohepatitis, blackhead) is caused by the protozoan parasite Histomonas meleagridis (H. meleagridis). After the ban of all prophylactic and therapeutic drugs in the European Union, histomoniasis is increasingly responsible for considerable economic problems to the poultry industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a herbal product with extracts from cinnamon, garlic, lemon, and rosemary on H. meleagridis in turkey poults in vivo. For this purpose, 60 two-week-old poults were divided into three groups. Group 1 received the herbal product in the feed six days before infection and in water three days before infection, then in feed and drinking water until the end of the experiment. Groups 2 and 3 were left untreated. At week 3 of age, Groups 1 and 2 were infected intracloacally with H. meleagridis. Three weeks after infection the surviving birds were euthanized and examined for pathological lesions. Mortality was 20% in Group 1 and 50% in Group 2. There were no deaths in Group 3. DNA of histomonads was detected in all examined caeca and livers of the dead birds, but was not detected in any examined organ of the surviving birds of all groups. There was no noticeable difference in the lesion scores of the dead birds between the groups. The surviving birds of all groups did not show lesions post mortem. Since all effective prophylactic and therapeutic drugs against histomoniasis were banned in the EU, under given conditions the investigated herbal product seems to be an effective alternative for the reduction of mortality in turkeys caused by histomoniasis.  相似文献   

A variance statistic was used to partition the total variance into that attributable to each step of a TMEN assay procedure. Estimation of the TMEN of wheat was used as an example. The variance statistic can also be used to optimize the design of a TMEN experiment with respect to cost of the experiment and desired accuracy of the result. Experimental design optimization is accomplished by providing a functional relationship between the accuracy of the estimate and the number of replicates of feed, the number of birds used in the experiment, and the cost of each step. The variance statistic is also a useful tool for identifying and removing outliers and highly variable measurements. This feature was demonstrated with the chosen example data. Gross energy of the feed will explain approximately 50% of the variance of the TMEN estimate depending on how many replicates are evaluated. Nitrogen content of the feed sample will explain approximately 40% of the total variance. It is recommended to replicate this measurement as many times as possible. Ten replicates were recommended for the example data. The energy content of excreta from fed birds represented the next largest source of variance, at approximately 4% of the total variance, respectively. If within-bird variance is large, better homogenization of the sample and more replicates are recommended. If among-bird variance is significantly different, more birds should be used. Nitrogen content of excreta from fed birds represented less than 2.5% of the total variance. Energy and nitrogen content of excreta from unfed birds combined represented less than 2% of the total variance, suggesting that the number of unfed birds and the amount of excreta sub-samples may be reduced without adversely affecting the accuracy of the TMEN estimate. Variance due to the amount of excreta collected from the fed birds, and variance due to the amount of feed consumed by the birds, are expected to be small. This result suggested that force-feeding may not be necessary for accurate TMEN estimates.  相似文献   

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