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Sporulation in A. brassicae and A. brassicicola on naturally-infected leaf discs of oilseed rape and cabbage required humidities equal to or higher than 91.5% and 87% r.h. respectively. The optimum temperatures for sporulation were 18–24°C for A. brassicae and 20–30°C for A. brassicicola at which temperatures both fungi produced spores in 12–14 h. Above 24°C sporulation in A. brassicae was inhibited. At sub-optimal temperatures sporulation times for A. brassicicola were significantly longer than for A. brassicae with the differences increasing with decrease in temperature. Interrupting a 16-h wet period at 20°C with a period of 2 h at 70% or 80% r.h. did not affect sporulation in either fungus but a dry interruption of 3–4 h inhibited sporulation in both. Exposure of both fungi to alternating wet (18 h at 100% r.h., 20°C) and dry periods (6 or 30 h at 5565% r.h., 20°C) did not affect the concentration of spores produced in each wet period. Sporulation times were not affected by either the host type of the age of the host tissue. White light (136 W/m2) inhibited sporulation in A. brassicae with the degree of inhibition increasing with increasing light intensity. The effect of light on sporulation in A. brassicicola was not tested.  相似文献   

Bioorganic fertilizer containing Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21 showed very good antagonistic activity against Fusarium oxysporum. To optimize the role of P. polymyxa SQR-21 in bioorganic fertilizer, we conducted a study of spore germination under various conditions. In this study, l-asparagine, glucose, fructose and K+ (AGFK), and sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, and lactose) plus l-alanine were evaluated to determine their ability to induce spore germination of two strains; P. polymyxa ACCC10252 and SQR-21. Spore germination was measured as a decrease in optical density at 600 nm. The effect of heat activation and germination temperature were important for germination of spores of both strains on AGFK in Tris–HCl. l-Alanine alone showed a slight increase in spore germination; however, fructose plus l-alanine significantly induced spore germination, and the maximum spore germination rate was observed with 10 mmol l−1 l-alanine in the presence of 1 mmol l−1 fructose in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). In contrast, fructose plus l-alanine hardly induced spore germination in Tris–HCl; however, in addition of 10 mmol l−1 NaCl into Tris–HCl, the percentages of OD600 fall were increased by 19.6% and 24.3% for ACCC10252 and SQR-21, respectively. AGFK-induced spore germination was much more strict to germination temperature than that induced by fructose plus l-alanine. For both strains, fructose plus l-alanine-induced spore germination was not sensitive to pH. The results in this study can help to predict the effect of environmental factors and nutrients on spore germination diversity, which will be beneficial for bioorganic fertilizer storage and transportation to improve the P. polymyxa efficacy as biological control agent.  相似文献   

Sporangiospores of Pilobclus longipes germinated on a medium containing ascorbate and FeSO4, but neither ascorbate nor FeSO4 alone caused spores to germinate. The iron chelates (hemin, coprogen, and ferrichrome) that are known to promote mycelial growth of this and other species of Pilobolus had little or no effect on spore germination, suggesting that under these conditions dormant spores are unable to reduce iron III.Regardless of the medium used, maximum germination required treatment at two temperatures. The early stage of germination, spherical growth, was favored by treatment for several hours at about 38°C while optimum germ tube formation required incubation at lower temperatures (25°C). Under most conditions the requirement for a heat treatment was nearly absolute.When the iron-ascorbate and the heat treatments were separated it was found that they need not be applied simultaneously provided that iron and ascorbate are given first. Spores that were heated first and then given iron and ascorbate at lower temperatures did not germinate. Apparently dormancy of these spores is broken by available iron but a heat treatment is usually required to complete the germination process.  相似文献   

蕨类植物孢子萌发影响因素的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
鲁翠涛  梅兴国  钟凡 《广西植物》2002,22(6):503-508-508
蕨类植物经孢子萌发 ,产生配子体和形成孢子体 ,从而完成其世代交替的生活史 ;其中孢子萌发在整个生活周期中起着关键性的作用。简要介绍了近年来关于孢子萌发的研究进展。  相似文献   

Of the light- and dark-stored spores ofPithophora oedogonia for over a period of one and half years, the latter exhibited complete failure of germination under controlled culture conditions. pH 8, blue light and 1 klx intensity of white light proved to be ideal conditions as they resulted in optimum germination of akinetes. pH 5, green light and 0.25 klx light intensity delayed the initiation of sporulation and also reduced percentage sporulation. All filaments died before sporulation in pH 4.  相似文献   

环境因子对蕨类植物孢子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张正修  戴绍军 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1882-1893
蕨类植物通过孢子萌发形成独立生活的配子体,配子体能够形成精子器和颈卵器,进而通过受精作用形成新的孢子体。孢子萌发是蕨类植物生活史过程中配子体世代向孢子体世代转变的关键步骤。同时,此过程不仅受到多种环境因子的影响,也是研究细胞核极性移动、细胞不对称分裂、假根极性生长等独特的细胞学事件的良好模型。迄今为止,人们已经研究发现多种环境因子对约200余种蕨类植物孢子萌发有影响。总结了环境因子对蕨类植物孢子萌发影响的规律如下:(1)孢子萌发除了受到光照强度影响外,主要受光质的影响,光质的影响主要表现为4种方式:①孢子萌发受红光刺激与远红光抑制像开关一样调控;②孢子萌发不受远红光抑制;③孢子萌发受蓝光抑制;④孢子只能在黑暗条件下萌发。(2)重力作用会影响孢子细胞核移动,进而影响孢子细胞发育的极性。(3)赤霉素(GA)能增加孢子萌发率或帮助孢子打破休眠。成精子囊素与GA作用相似,启动或促进孢子萌发。而脱落酸(ABA)、茉莉酸(JA)和乙烯等其它激素对孢子萌发的影响相对较小。(4)不同植物孢子有着各自最适的萌发培养基条件,如不同种类孢子对MS培养基中无机盐含量、蔗糖含量、pH值的要求不同。孢子外被中的Ca2+、Mn2+和Mg2+,培养基中的Cd2+和La3+,以及孢子接种密度、萌发空间CO2含量也会对孢子萌发造成影响。(5)多数蕨类植物孢子在15-30℃可以萌发,最适萌发温度为25℃。(6)4℃和液氮储藏可以延长孢子寿命并保持较高萌发率。  相似文献   

The work was aimed at studying the requirements of sixteen Bacillus sphaericus strains with a different larvicidal activity in amino acids and some other compounds necessary for their growth and spore germination. Most of the strains were found to require arginine, glutamate, methionine, threonine, serine, glycine, alanine and lysine, but they did not assimilate phenylalanine and proline. Arginine, methionine and glutamate were shown to be the most effective inductors of spore germination. Specific differences were detected in the requirements of virulent and avirulent strains. Glucose repressed both spore germination and spore formation.  相似文献   

Factors associated with conidial germination and appressoria formation ofGlomerella cingulata causing the brown blight disease of tea (Camellia sinensis) were studiedin vitro. Spore germination and appressoria formation were optimum at a temperature of 25°C, pH 5.0, 7 h light/day regime and a 24-h incubation period. At a concentration of conidia of 1200/μL 10-d-old culture,G. cingulata exhibited a maximum germination and appressoria formation. A maximum production of lesions was also evident on detached tea leaves at this spore concentration and in diffuse light. Diffusates of a phenolie nature collected from tea varieties susceptible and resistant toG. cingulata inhibited spore germination and appressoria formation. Diffusates from resistant varieties were more fungitoxic than those from susceptible varieties. Some phenolics known to be present in tea leaves, when testedin vitro, exhibited varying degrees of fungitoxicity. Pyrogallol totally inhibited spore germination, while pyrocatechol and phloroglucinol completely inhibited appressoria formation.  相似文献   

Photocontrol of fungal spore germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Germination of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici uredospores is inhibited by continuous irradiation. Prehydration of spores enhances both dark germination and photoinhibition. Simultaneous irradiation with ineffective red (653 nanometers) and inhibitory far red light (720 nanometers) results in partial nullification of the inhibition brought about by far red light alone. This result would be consistent with the involveent of a photoreversible pigment system similar to phytochrome, operating via the high irradiance reaction.  相似文献   

Initiation of bacterial spore germination   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
To investigate the problem of initiation in bacterial spore germination, we isolated, from extracts of dormant spores of Bacillus cereus strain T and B. licheniformis, a protein that initiated spore germination when added to a suspension of heat-activated spores. The optimal conditions for initiatory activity of this protein (the initiator) were 30 C in 0.01 to 0.04 m NaCl and 0.01 m tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (pH 8.5). The initiator was inhibited by phosphate but required two co-factors, l-alanine (1/7 of K(m) for l-alanine-inhibited germination) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (1.25 x 10(-4)m). In the crude extract, the initiator activity was increased 3.5-fold by heating the extract at 65 C for 10 min, but the partially purified initiator preparation was completely heat-sensitive (65 C for 5 min). Heat stability could be conferred on the purified initiator by adding 10(-3)m dipicolinic acid. A fractionation of this protein that excluded l-alanine dehydrogenase and adenosine deaminase from the initiator activity was developed. The molecular weight of the initiator was estimated as 7 x 10(4). The kinetics of germination in the presence of initiator were examined at various concentrations of l-alanine and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that are increasingly recognized as significant causes of disease in AIDS patients. Gordon Leitch, Govinda Visvesvara and Qing He here describe the deployment of the microsporidian spore infection apparatus, the polar filament, and show how this may be a useful site for chemotherapeutic interdiction of the infections caused by these parasites.  相似文献   

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) of green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been used to report on protein mobility in single spores. Proteins found in dormant Bacillus spores are not mobile; however, mobility is restored when germination occurs and the core rehydrates. Spores of a cwlD mutant, in which the cortex is resistant to hydrolysis, are able to complete the earliest stages of germination in response to a specific germinant stimulus; in these circumstances, the protein in the spore remains immobile. Therefore, the earliest stages of spore germination, including loss of resistance to extreme heat and the complete release of the spore component dipicolinic acid, are achieved without the restoration of protein mobility.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum type A spores were inoculated at a level of 10(7) spores per ml into sterile beef media with protein concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6% and acidified to pH values of 2.01 to 4.75 with hydrochloric acid or 4.19 to 4.60 with citric acid. All experimental manipulations, including blending, acidification, inoculation, incubation (30 degrees C), and analyses, were conducted in an anaerobic chamber-incubator in which atmospheric oxygen levels were maintained below 2 ppm (2 microliters/liter). Under these strict anaerobic conditions (oxidation-reduction values in media ranging from -370 to -391 mV), C. botulinum spores were consistently found to germinate, grow, and produce toxin below pH 4.6. The boundary between toxic and atoxic samples in HC1-acidified beef media was mediated by titratable acidity, pH, and protein concentration. A limiting acidity was not established for the citrate-acidified samples; all blends tested (1, 2, 3, and 4% protein and titratable acidities of 0.091 to 0.453%) became toxic within 5 weeks. At the same pH and protein concentration, citric acid was less effective than HC1 in preventing the germination of C. botulinum spores. Higher levels of cell proliferation in the beef protein, as well as enhanced gas production and putrefactive degradation, indicated that beef was a better substrate than soy for C. botulinum spores under these conditions. Reducing the inoculum to 10(4) delayed but did not prevent spore outgrowth and toxin release at pH levels below 4.6.  相似文献   

Temperature and photocontrol of onoclea spore germination   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Towill LR 《Plant physiology》1978,62(1):116-119
Germination of Onoclea sensibilis L. spores is controlled by light and temperature. Temperatures of 30 C can induce maximal germination in the dark to a level of 60 to 95% of that induced by a saturating dose of red light (0.38 joules/square meter) providing the spores are placed at the elevated temperature immediately after being sown. Maximum dark germination occurs with a minimum exposure of 16 to 24 hours at 30 C, suggesting that the temperature treatment is required for the induction of germination rather than for the germination process per se. Interaction of temperature and light for induction of germination shows nonadditive behavior. Germination induced by light and temperature applied consecutively never exceeded that which could be induced by a saturating dose of red light alone. Imbibition of the spores at 25 C in the dark for 12 or more hours prior to incubation at 30 C results in a loss of thermosensitivity. Dose response curves for red light induction of germination after varying times of imbibition at 25 C show no concomitant loss of sensitivity of the spores to red irradiation. This suggests that the mechanism and/or pathway of thermoinduction of germination differs from that of photoinduction. The loss of thermosensitivity as a result of presoaking at 25 C can be prevented if the spores are imbibed at 25 C in osmotic agents such as 0.3 molar mannitol or 0.1 gram per liter of polyethylene glycol 400 or in 0.08% dimethylsulfoxide or 10 micrograms per milliliter of herbicide SAN 9789 (4-chloro-5-(methylamino)-2-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyl-3-(2H)pyridazinone). The latter two substances are hypothesized to act upon membranes. These results suggest that the degree of hydration and possibly changes in membrane properties play a role in the change in sensitivity of Onoclea spores to temperature.  相似文献   

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