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The genes for silk fibroin in Bombyx mori   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The genes for the protein silk fibroin were quantitated by hybridizaton of purified fibroin messenger RNA with the DNA from several tissues of the silk-worm Bombyx mori.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed to obtain native fibroin in a pure state from the reservoir part of the silk gland. The purified protein has a sedimentation coefficient of 10 S as determined on sucrose density gradients and the amino acid composition is similar to that reported for fibroin from the cocoons. The effects of various solvents has been studied; lithium thiocyanate was found to be the solvent of choice. By in vivo labeling of fibroin with [3H]glycine and [14C]alanine it was demonstrated that fibroin synthesized in the posterior part of the gland and that stored in the reservoir part are identical.  相似文献   

1. A solution of Bombyx mori silk fibroin was digested with chymotrypsin. Amino acid analyses of the chymotryptic precipitate showed in addition to the main constituents Gly, Ala, Ser and Tyr, very small amounts of Lys, His, Arg, Asp, Thr, Glu, Pro, Cys, Val, Met, Ile, Leu, Phe and Trp. 2. A stable solution of the chymotryptic precipitate in 6m-urea was obtained by dialysing a solution in 50% (w/v) lithium thiocyanate against 6m-urea. 3. The dinitrophenylated chymotryptic precipitate in 6m-urea was fractionated by gel filtration and by ion-exchange chromatography. On Dowex 1 (X2), a main fraction Id and three further fractions with different amino acid compositions and molecular weights were obtained. 4. Specific rearrangement and fission of the bonds involving the serine nitrogen atoms of fraction Id and fractionation of the resulting mixture by gel filtration yielded five fractions. Two of these fractions had the compositions DNP-Ser-(Gly6,Ala4,Ser) and DNP-Ser-(Gly4,Ala2 or Ala3,Ser) and are presumably double repeating units according to the proposed formula of Lucas, Shaw & Smith (1957), namely [Ser-Gly-(Ala-Gly)n]2, for n values of 2 and 1 respectively.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction measurements of regenerated Bombyx mori silk fibroin were carried out to determine its structural characteristic from an analysis of differential radial distribution functions (DRDFs). The temperature dependence of X-ray diffraction patterns from noncrystalline and crystal structures of regenerated silk fibroin was investigated using a high temperature furnace. Time resolved X-ray diffraction profiles were also obtained to construct kinematical models of structural changes caused by the addition of water. DRDFs, calculated from the experimental data, were compared with the DRDFs simulated on the basis of the Monte Carlo method. In order to model the noncrystalline structures, structural units were assumed to be parts of the crystalline structure of silk and those with appropriate structural defects reported previously. From the comparison of experimental and simulated DRDFs, it was determined that noncrystalline regenerated silk consisted of locally ordered atomic sheets similar to the atomic arrangement in the silk I crystal (Type-I sheets), and the final state of the structural change was noncrystalline, consisting of small crystallites, the structure of which is similar to that of silk II (Type-II crystallites). Time resolved DRDFs were also qualitatively interpreted by both the ordering of Type-I sheets and structural changes from Type-I to Type-II. The formation of the small Type-II crystallites obtained in this study was consistent with the nucleation of silk II by birefringence measurements of silk glands and the spinneret of Bombyx mori silkworm reported previously. X-ray diffraction should be a useful technique to understand the structural characteristics of noncrystalline organic materials.  相似文献   

The messenger RNA for the protein silk fibroin has been isolated from the posterior silk gland of Bombyx mori and identified by partial sequence analysis. The sequence of mRNA could be predicted because the protein has a simple repetitious primary structure in which glycine residues comprise 45% of all residues and alternate predominantly with alanine and serine.  相似文献   

In this paper, the spinnable regenerated silk fibroin aqueous solution with high concentration was prepared and the regenerated silk fibers were obtained from the aqueous solution by two different spinning processes at ambient temperature. The orientation of these fibers was characterized by polarizing microscope. Their secondary structure was investigated by Raman spectroscopy and related mechanical properties were also measured. These data showed that shearing is an important step for increasing orientation and silk II (β-sheet) structure, and the mechanical properties of the regenerated silk fibers can also be improved by shearing.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of fibroin in the silk gland of larval Bombyx mori   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fibroin molecules stored in Golgi vacuoles in the posterior silk gland cells of 72-h-old, fifth instar larvae of Bombyx mori L. were observed electron-microscopically. The fibers which float in the Golgi vacuoles often have their ends attached to the limiting membrane. The fibers are helical bundles about 130 Å in diameter composed of 5–7 threads, each 20–30 Å thick.  相似文献   

Radioactive iodinated silk fibroin messenger RNA and ribosomal RNA have been used as probes to localize their genes in tissue sections of Bombyx mori by in situ hybridization. From filter hybridization experiments it is inferred that the majority of the grains produced by in situ hybridization with fibroin mRNA represents specific hybridization to fibroin genes. Sections of the posterior silk gland where silk is synthesized have been compared with those of the middle gland which does not synthesize fibroin. Glands have been analyzed from the second through the fifth (last) larval instar during feeding and moulting periods. During later stages when the gland cells increase their DNA content by polyploidization, serial sections were required to follow the distribution of grains through entire nuclei. At all stages, both ribosomal DNA and fibroin genes are distributed randomly throughout the nuclei without a preferred relationship to any nuclear structure.  相似文献   

Regenerated silk fibroin materials show properties dependent on the methods used to process them. The molecular structures of B. mori silk fibroin both in solution and in solid states were studied and compared using X-ray diffraction, FTIR, and (13)C NMR spectroscopy. Some portion of fibroin protein molecules dissolved in formic acid already have a beta-sheet structure, whereas those dissolved in TFA have some helical conformation. Moreover, fibroin molecules were spontaneously assembled into an ordered structure as the acidic solvents were removed from the fibroin-acidic solvent systems. This may be responsible for the improved physical properties of regenerated fibroin materials from acidic solvents. Regenerated fibroin materials have shown poor mechanical properties and brittleness compared to their original form. These problems were technically solved by improving the fiber forming process according to a method reported here. The regenerated fibroin fibers showed much better mechanical properties compared to the native silk fiber and their physical and chemical properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction, solid state (13)C NMR spectroscopy, SinTech tensile testing, and SEM.  相似文献   

Biomaterial films of Bombyx mori silk fibroin with poly(ethylene oxide)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Phase separation into controllable patterned microstructures was observed for Bombyx mori silkworm silk and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) (900000 g/mol) blends cast from solution. The evolution of the microstructures with increasing PEO volume fraction is strikingly similar to the progression of phases and microstructures observed with surfactants. The chemically patterned materials obtained provide engineerable biomaterial surfaces with predictable microscale features which can be used to create topographically patterned or chemically functionalized biomaterials. Solution blending was used to incorporate water-soluble PEO into silk to enhance elasticity and hydrophilicity. The sizes of the globule fibroin phase ranged from 2.1 +/- 0.5 to 18.2 +/- 2.1 microm depending on the ratio of silk/PEO. Optical microscopy and SEM analysis confirmed the micro-phase separation between PEO and silk. Surface properties were determined by XPS and contact angle. Methanol can be used to control the conformational transition of silk fibroin to the insoluble beta-sheet state. Subsequentially, the PEO can be easily extracted from the films with water to generate silk matrixes with definable porosity and enhanced surface roughness. These blend films formed from two biocompatible polymers provide potential new biomaterials for tissue engineering scaffolds.  相似文献   

B Lotz  F Colonna Cesari 《Biochimie》1979,61(2):205-214
Some recent data (i.e. published in the last ten years) on the chemical and crystalline structures of B. mori silk are reviewed. The main emphasis is put on the crystallizable portion of silk fibroin, including its chemical constitution and its molecular conformation (at the crystallographic unit-cell level) in the two crystalline modifications : the beta pleated sheet and the silk I structures. The structural aspects are based on a discussion of X-ray and electron diffraction data, and on conformational energy analyses of a model (Ala-Gly)n polypeptide of silk fibroin.  相似文献   

After in vivo labeling with [3H]glycine the synthesis and transport of fibroin has been studied by radioautography and cell fractionation.Radioactivity appearing in the cytoplasm is rapidly transferred to the lumen where it accumulates in the so-called silk layer before reaching the central core of secreted fibroin. By sucrose density gradients it was demonstrated that the radioactivity appears immediately in the fibroin fraction, no precursors being observed.A simple fractionation procedure, based on the utilization of detergent, gives three fractions tentatively interpreted as synthesis, transport, and accumulation compartments in accordance with their kinetics of labeling.  相似文献   

An in vitro silk fibroin production system has been developed by culture of posterior silk glands from Bombyx mori. A large amount of the silk fibroin was produced continuously and effectively with a rotation culture procedure. Modified Grace's insect medium was used, and oxygen bubbling in the medium was performed. In addition, half of the medium was replaced with fresh medium every 6 h. The production yield of silk fibroin produced after 100 h culture was 81 mg/g wet weight of posterior silk gland. This culture system was used successfully for efficient (15)N isotope labeling of silk fibroin, which is required for (15)N solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of silk fibroin. Moreover, the introduction of fluorinated amino acids into silk fibroin was also carried out using this culture system. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Several peptides were isolated from the protein silk fibroin of Bombyx mori by means of ion-exchange chromatography of a chymotryptic digest. The sequences of three of the peptides, Gly-Ala-Gly-Tyr, Gly-Val-Gly-Tyr and Gly-Ala-Gly-Ala-Gly-Ala-Gly-Tyr, were known from previous chemical work, but the sequence of the fourth, Gly-Ala-Gly-Val-Gly-Ala-Gly-Tyr, was previously only partially known. The necessary volatility for mass-spectrometric examination of the peptides was achieved by permethylation of the N-acetyl-peptide methyl ester derivatives. From the mass spectra it was possible to confirm the known sequences and to establish that of the partially known one. In one instance it was possible to deduce from the same mass spectrum the sequence of a main peptide component and that of a small amount of contaminating peptide. These results demonstrate for the first time the use of mass spectrometry in the determination of the amino acid sequences in peptides from a protein hydrolysate.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Shao Z  Chen X  Zhou P 《Biomacromolecules》2004,5(3):773-779
Fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy were used to monitor the conformational transition of regenerated Bombyx mori silk fibroin (RSF) in aqueous solutions under different conditions. According to the analysis of fluorescence spectra using anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid magnesium salt (ANS) as an external probe, the destruction of the hydrophobic core prior to the secondary structure change suggests that this collapse may initiate the conformational transition from random coil to beta-sheet for RSF. The temperature dependence of the structural changes of RSF, detected by both fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism, shows a reversible process upon heating and recooling, with the midpoint around 45 degrees C. The results also indicate that most of the tryptophan (Trp) residues contained in silk fibroin are concentrated on the surface of the unfolded protein. However, they will change their location in the highly ordered structure (e.g., becoming more homogeneous) with the conformational transition of silk fibroin. Moreover, our studies also suggest that the presence of water plays a crucial role during the structure changes of fibroin.  相似文献   

A banded morphology has been observed for Bombyx mori silk fibroin films obtained from an aqueous hexane interface; the period of the banding is approximately 1 microm. Morphology and diffraction from different regions of the banded structure suggest that it is a free surface formed by a cholesteric liquid crystal. Truncated hexagonal lamellar crystallites of B. mori silk fibroin have been observed in films formed in the surface excess layer of fibroin at the interface between aqueous fibroin and hexane or chloroform. Based on initial crystallographic evidence, a three-fold helical conformation has been ascribed to the fibroin chains within the crystals. The chain conformation and crystalline habit appear to be similar to the silk III structure previously observed at the air-water interface (Valluzzi R, Gido SP. Biopolymers 1997;42:705-717; Valluzzi R, Gido S, Zhang W, Muller W, Kaplan D. Macromolecules 1996;29:8606-8614) but the crystalline packing is different. Diffraction data obtained for the crystallites are similar to diffraction behavior for a collagen-like model peptide. Diffraction patterns obtained from crystallized regions of the banded morphology can be indexed using the same unit cell as the hexagonal lamellar crystallites. Surfactancy of fibroin and subsequent aggregation and mesophase formation may help to explain the liquid crystallinity reported for silk, which is long suspected to play a role in the biological silk spinning process (Valluzzi R, Gido SP. Biopolymers 1997;42:705-717; Willcox, P. J.; Gido, SP, Muller W, Kaplan DL. Macromolecules 1996:29:5106-5110; Magoshi J, Magoshi Y, Nakamura S. In: Kaplan D, Adams W, Farmer B, Viney C, editors, Mechanism of Fiber Formation of Silkworm. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society 1994:292-310; Magoshi J, Magoshi Y, Nakamura S. J Appl Polym Sci Appl Polym Symp 1985;41:187-204; Magoshi J, Magoshi Y, Nakamura S. Polym Commun 1985;26:309.).  相似文献   

Zhao C  Yao J  Masuda H  Kishore R  Asakura T 《Biopolymers》2003,69(2):253-259
High-resolution solution (13)C-NMR and CD studies of Bombyx mori silk fibroin revealed the presence of an ordered secondary structure 3(10)-helix, in hexafluoro-iso-propanol (HFIP). The solid-state structure of the silk fibroin film prepared by drying it gently from the HFIP solution still keep the structure, 3(10)-helix, which was studied with high-resolution solid state (13)C-NMR. The structural transition from the 3(10)-helix to silk II structure, heterogeneous structure including antiparallel beta-sheet, occurred during the artificial spinning from the HFIP solution. The wide-angle x-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry thermograms of the artificial spinning fiber after postspinning treatments were observed together with the stress-strain curves. The results emphasize that the molecular structures, controlled morphology, and mechanical properties of the protein-based synthetic polymers can be modulated for enhancing biocompatibility.  相似文献   

The potential for using tyrosinase to graft the polysaccharide chitosan (Ch) onto Bombyx mori silk fibroin (SF) was examined. FT-IR spectroscopy coupled to HPLC amino acid analysis showed that mushroom tyrosinase (MT) catalyses the oxidation of tyrosine (Tyr) of SF to electrophilic o-quinones. Kinetic studies showed that only a fraction of the Tyr residues available on the SF chain were oxidized. This result was interpreted in the light of the structure assumed by SF in aqueous solution: Tyr aromatic side chain groups buried into the folded hydrophobic portions of the chain were probably less accessible to MT for steric reasons. Using slightly acidic conditions (pH 6), it was possible to modify SF under homogeneous conditions. FT-IR spectroscopy provided evidence that Ch was grafted onto MT-oxidized SF: the o-quinones were found to undergo a subsequent non-enzymatic reaction with nucleophilic amino groups of Ch via Schiff-base and Michael addition mechanisms. Various factors, i.e. reaction time, pH, MT/SF ratio, were found to influence the grafting yield. The highest grafting yield was achieved at pH 7, i.e. more favorable to MT activity rather than to Ch solubility, suggesting that the determining step of the grafting reaction is the formation of o-quinones. The FT-IR spectroscopy revealed that grafting induced a beta-sheet --> random coil conformational transition.  相似文献   

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