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Ultrastructure of oogenesis in the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian ultrastructure of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) was investigated during the reproductive season with the aim of improving our understanding of the reproductive biology in this species. The bluefin, like the other tunas, has an asynchronous mode of ovarian development; therefore, all developmental stages of the oocyte can be found in mature ovaries. The process of oocyte development can be divided into five distinct stages (formation of oocytes from oogonia, primary growth, lipid stage, vitellogenesis, and maturation). Although histological and ultrastructural features of most these stages are similar among all studied teleosts, the transitional period between primary growth and vitellogenesis exhibits interspecific morphological differences that depend on the egg physiology. Although the most remarkable feature of this stage in many teleosts is the occurrence of cortical alveoli, in the bluefin tuna, as is common in marine fishes, the predominant cytoplasmic inclusions are lipid droplets. Nests of early meiotic oocytes derive from the germinal epithelium that borders the ovarian lumen. Each oocyte in the nest becomes surrounded by extensions of prefollicle cells derived from somatic epithelial cells and these form the follicle that is located in the stromal tissue. The primary growth stage is characterized by intense RNA synthesis and the differentiation of the vitelline envelope. Secondary growth commences with the accumulation of lipid droplets in the oocyte cytoplasm (lipid stage), which is then followed by massive uptake and processing of proteins into yolk platelets (vitellogenic stage). During the maturation stage the lipid inclusions coalesce into a single oil droplet, and hydrolysis of the yolk platelets leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass of fluid yolk in mature eggs.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity plays a key role in modulating how environmental variation influences population dynamics, but we have only rudimentary understanding of how plasticity interacts with the magnitude and predictability of environmental variation to affect population dynamics and persistence. We developed a stochastic individual-based model, in which phenotypes could respond to a temporally fluctuating environmental cue and fitness depended on the match between the phenotype and a randomly fluctuating trait optimum, to assess the absolute fitness and population dynamic consequences of plasticity under different levels of environmental stochasticity and cue reliability. When cue and optimum were tightly correlated, plasticity buffered absolute fitness from environmental variability, and population size remained high and relatively invariant. In contrast, when this correlation weakened and environmental variability was high, strong plasticity reduced population size, and populations with excessively strong plasticity had substantially greater extinction probability. Given that environments might become more variable and unpredictable in the future owing to anthropogenic influences, reaction norms that evolved under historic selective regimes could imperil populations in novel or changing environmental contexts. We suggest that demographic models (e.g. population viability analyses) would benefit from a more explicit consideration of how phenotypic plasticity influences population responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Histology and histochemistry are useful tools to study reproductive mechanisms in fish and they have been applied in this study. In the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thymus L., oocyte development can be divided into 4 principal phases based on the morphological features of developing oocytes and follicles. The primary growth phase includes oogonia and basophilic or previtellogenic oocytes classified as chromatin-nucleolus and perinucleolus stages. The secondary growth phase is represented by vitellogenic oocytes at early (lipid globule and yolk granule 1), mid (yolk granule 2) and late (yolk granule 3) vitellogenesis stages. The maturation phase involves postvitellogenic oocytes undergoing maturation process. During the spawning period, both postovulatory follicles, which indicate spawning, and atretic follicles can be distinguished in the ovary. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and specially those rich in tyrosine, tryptophan, cystine, arginine, lysine and cysteine, as well phospholipids and/or glycolipids and neutral glycoproteins were detected in yolk granules. Moreover, affinity for different lectins (ConA, WGA, DBA and UEA) was detected in vitellogenic oocytes (yolk granules, cortical alveoli, follicular layer and zona radiata), indicating the presence of glycoconjugates with different sugar residues (Mannose- Man- and/or Glucose -Glc-; N-acetyl-D-glucosamine- GlcNAc- and/or sialic acid- NANA-; N-acetyl-D-galactosamine- GalNAc-; L-Fucose -Fuc-). Histochemical techniques also demonstrated the presence of neutral lipids in globules (vacuoles in paraffin sections) and neutral and carboxylated mucosubstances in cortical alveoli. By using anti-vitellogenin (VTG) serum, immunohistochemical positive results were demonstrated in yolk granules, granular cytoplasm and follicular cells of vitellogenic oocytes. Calcium was also detected in yolk granules and weakly in follicular envelope. In females, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased progressively from May, during early vitellogenesis, until June during mid and late vitellogenesis, where the highest values were reached. Subsequently, throughout the maturation-spawning phases (July), GSI decreased progressively reaching the minimal values during recovering-resting period (October).  相似文献   

The optimal management of the commercially important, but mostly over‐exploited, pelagic tunas, albacore (Thunnus alalunga Bonn., 1788) and Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT; Thunnus thynnus L., 1758), requires a better understanding of population structure than has been provided by previous molecular methods. Despite numerous studies of both species, their population structures remain controversial. This study reports the development of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in albacore and BFT and the application of these SNPs to survey genetic variability across the geographic ranges of these tunas. A total of 616 SNPs were discovered in 35 albacore tuna by comparing sequences of 54 nuclear DNA fragments. A panel of 53 SNPs yielded FST values ranging from 0.0 to 0.050 between samples after genotyping 460 albacore collected throughout the distribution of this species. No significant heterogeneity was detected within oceans, but between‐ocean comparisons (Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans along with Mediterranean Sea) were significant. Additionally, a 17‐SNP panel was developed in Atlantic BFT by cross‐species amplification in 107 fish. This limited number of SNPs discriminated between samples from the two major spawning areas of Atlantic BFT (FST = 0.116). The SNP markers developed in this study can be used to genotype large numbers of fish without the need for standardizing alleles among laboratories.  相似文献   

Life history plasticity and population regulation in sea otters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We contrasted body condition, and age‐specific reproduction and mortality between a growing population of sea otters (Enhydralutris) at Kodiak Island and a high‐density near‐equilibrium population at Amchitka Island, Alaska. We obtained data from marked individuals, population surveys, and collections of beach‐cast carcasses. Mass:length ratios indicated that females (but not males) captured in 1992 at Amchitka were in poorer condition than those captured at Kodiak in 1986–1987. In 1993, the condition of females at Amchitka improved in apparent response to two factors: (1) an episodic influx of Pacific smooth lumpsuckers, Aptocyclus ventricocus, from the epi‐pelagic zone, which otters consumed; and (2) an increase in the otters’ benthic invertebrate prey resulting from declining otter numbers. Reproductive rates varied with age (0.37 [CI=0.21 to 0.53] births female?1 yr?1 for 2–3‐yr‐olds, and 0.83 [CI=0.69 to 0.90] for females ≥4 yr old), and were similar at both areas. Weaning success (pups surviving to ≥120 d), in contrast, was almost 50% lower at Amchitka than at Kodiak and for females ≥4 yr of age was 0.52 (CI=0.38 to 0.66) vs 0.94 (CI=0.75 to 0.99), respectively. Sixty‐two percent of the preweaning pup losses at Amchitka occurred within a month of parturition and 79% within two months. Postweaning survival was also low at Amchitka as only 18% of instrumented pups were known to be alive one year after mother‐pup separation. Adult survival rates appeared similar at Amchitka and Kodiak. Factors affecting survival early in life thus are a primary demographic mechanism of population regulation in sea otters. By maintaining uniformly high reproductive rates over time and limiting investment in any particular reproductive event, sea otters can take advantage of unpredictable environmental changes favorable to pup survival. This strategy is consistent with predictions of “bet‐hedging” life history models.  相似文献   

The pineal organ of the bluefin tuna was studied using light and electron microscopy. The pineal, an evagination in the diencephalic pallium, consists of a distal expanded end-organ and a stalk. A pineal nerve connects this end-organ to the habenular area of the diencephalon. The tissues above the pineal are modified for light transmission. Supporting cells are the most numerous type seen in the pineal tissue. The cytoplasm often contains glycogen, while the golgi apparatus is seldom seen. The plasma membrane is a complex of folded membranes interdigitating with adjacent cells. The sensory cells are characterized by a basal nucleus, a constricted neck region, and an ellipsoid region that is capped distally by lamellae. Sensory cells have the basic appearance of retinal photoreceptors. The lamellae are more disorganized than those of retinal rods, and some lamellae appear to be discharged from the cell. This study indicates that the pineal may function to deliver photoperiodic stimuli to the central nervous system, through the transmission of nerve impulses.  相似文献   

The spawning grounds of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) are traditionally considered to be the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of Mexico) and the Mediterranean Sea (Mediterranean Sea). However, for the western Atlantic, unequivocal evidence of bluefin spawning outside the Gulf of Mexico has been shown. In this study we present the first records of genetically confirmed bluefin larvae in the southern Bay of Biscay (eastern Atlantic). These findings provide evidence of bluefin spawning activity outside the Mediterranean Sea, in the north-eastern Atlantic. However, our results suggest that the bluefin spawning in the Bay of Biscay is a sporadic phenomenon.  相似文献   

A primary challenge of animal surveys is to understand how to reliably sample populations exhibiting strong spatial heterogeneity. Building upon recent findings from survey, tracking and tagging data, we investigate spatial sampling of a seasonally resident population of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Maine, Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. We incorporate empirical estimates to parameterize a stochastic population model and simulate measurement designs to examine survey efficiency and precision under variation in tuna behaviour. We compare results for random, systematic, stratified, adaptive and spotter-search survey designs, with spotter-search comprising irregular transects that target surfacing schools and known aggregation locations (i.e., areas of expected high population density) based on a priori knowledge. Results obtained show how survey precision is expected to vary on average with sampling effort, in agreement with general sampling theory and provide uncertainty ranges based on simulated variance in tuna behaviour. Simulation results indicate that spotter-search provides the highest level of precision, however, measurable bias in observer-school encounter rate contributes substantial uncertainty. Considering survey bias, precision, efficiency and anticipated operational costs, we propose that an adaptive-stratified sampling alone or a combination of adaptive-stratification and spotter-search (a mixed-layer design whereby a priori information on the location and size of school aggregations is provided by sequential spotter-search sampling) may provide the best approach for reducing uncertainty in seasonal abundance estimates.
Nathaniel K. NewlandsEmail:

In this paper we report the first complete mapping of the pituitary in a tuna species. The various different adenohypophysis cell types of the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus L. have been identified and located using different antisera against mammalian and piscine hormones and various histochemical techniques: PAS, Alcian Blue pH 2.5 and lectins -ConA and WGA(Neutral and Acidic Glycoproteins); Bromophenol Blue (Proteins) and Tioglycollate-Ferric-Ferricianide-FeIII (-S-S- groups). Prolactin (PRL) and adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH) cells were located in the rostral pars distalis (RPD) of the pituitary, while the proximal pars distalis (PPD) displayed gonadotrophic (GTH), thyrotrophic (TSH), somatotrophic (GH) and also a few PRL cells. Moreover, somatolactin (SL) and melanotrophic (MSH) cells were identified inside the pars intermedia (PI). Interestingly, some SL-immunoreactive fibers were also detected in the neurohypophysis. Some GTH cells were also located on the exterior surface of the PI. Glycoproteins containing mannose (Man) and/or glucose (Glc); N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) and/or sialic acid sugar residues, as well as -S-S- groups, were observed in GTH, TSH and SL cells. The Bromophenol Blue technique stained amphiphilic SL, acidophilic GH cells and weakly ACTH cells. GH and ACTH cells were unreactive to PAS, Alcian Blue, Tioglycollate-Ferric-Ferricianide-FeIII and lectin (Con A and WGA) techniques. Finally, PAS reaction was positive in amphiphilic SL cells, which were PbH unreactive, while MSH and ACTH cells were stained with PbH technique.  相似文献   

The present study was focused on the morphology of the diencephalic nuclei (likely involved in reproductive functions) as well as on the distribution of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) in the rhinencephalon, telencephalon and the diencephalon of the brain of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) by means of immunohistochemistry. Bluefin tuna has an encephalization quotient (QE) similar to that of other large pelagic fish. Its brain exhibits well-developed optic tecta and corpus cerebelli. The diencephalic neuron cell bodies involved in reproductive functions are grouped in two main nuclei: the nucleus preopticus-periventricularis and the nucleus lateralis tuberis. The nucleus preopticus-periventricularis consists of the nucleus periventricularis and the nucleus preopticus consisting of a few sparse multipolar neurons in the rostral part and numerous cells closely packed and arranged in several layers in its aboral part. The nucleus lateralis tuberis is located in the ventral-lateral area of the diencephalon and is made up of a number of large multipolar neurones. Four different polyclonal primary antibodies against salmon (s)GnRH, chicken (c)GnRH-II (cGnRH-II 675, cGnRH-II 6) and sea bream (sb)GnRH were employed in the immunohistochemical experiments. No immunoreactive structures were found with anti sbGnRH serum. sGnRH and cGnRH-II antisera revealed immunoreactivity in the perikarya of the olfactory bulbs, preopticus-periventricular nucleus, oculomotor nucleus and midbrain tegmentum. The nucleus lateralis tuberis showed immunostaining only with anti-sGnRH serum. Nerve fibres immunoreactive to cGnRH and sGnRH sera were found in the olfactory bulbs, olfactory nerve and neurohypophysis. The significance of the distribution of the GnRH-immunoreactive neuronal structures is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, adaptive immune response was investigated in farmed southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, infected with a sanguinicolid Cardicola forsteri. A cohort (Cohort2005) of southern bluefin tuna was sampled between March 2005 and August 2006. Samples were taken at the transfer of wild caught tuna to sea cages and then at regular intervals. Parasite intensity, abundance and prevalence data were recorded. An ELISA was developed to detect and quantify an antibody response against the blood fluke in southern bluefin tuna serum. Intensity and prevalence of the blood fluke were shown to peak in May 2005 at 10.9 flukes per infected fish (SE = 1.72) and 97.5% prevalence and then decreased to low prevalence (10%) and intensity (1.0). There were no significant changes in prevalence or intensity in 2006. Antibody titres and seroprevalence increased from 1.37 U μl−1 and 10% at transfer in March 2005 to reach a peak in December 2005 of 25.86 U μl−1 (SE = 6.26 U μl−1) and 66.66%. No significant changes were observed in antibody titres for the same cohort of fish during 2006. Parasitological and serological values from Cohort2005 were compared to a 2006 cohort (Cohort2006) in March 2006 and August 2006 to determine if prior infection in Cohort2005 elicited any protection against infection in 2006. Although significant differences were not observed in intensities between cohorts it was shown that Cohort2005 had significantly lower abundances and prevalences of blood fluke infection than Cohort2006. Although there was no significant difference in mean antibody titres between cohorts in March 2006, the mean antibody titre of Cohort2006 was significantly greater than that of Cohort2005 in August 2006. No significant differences were observed in seroprevalence. This is one of the few studies to demonstrate the development of acquired resistance in fish against a parasite in an aquaculture environment under natural infection conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was surveyed at nine microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial control region (868 bp) to test for the presence of genetic stock structure in young-of-the-year Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) from the Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin tuna were sampled over a period of 5 years from the Balearic and Tyrrhenian seas in the western basin of the Mediterranean Sea, and from the southern Ionian Sea in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Analyses of multilocus microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial control region sequences revealed no significant heterogeneity among collections taken from the same location in different years; however, significant spatial genetic heterogeneity was observed across all samples for both microsatellite markers and mitochondrial control region sequences (FST=0.0023, P=0.038 and PhiST=0.0233, P=0.000, respectively). Significant genetic differentiation between the Tyrrhenian and Ionian collections was found for both microsatellite and mitochondrial markers (FST=0.0087, P=0.015 and PhiST=0.0367, P=0.030, respectively). These results suggest the possibility of a genetically discrete population in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Infections by blood flukes (Cardicola spp.) are considered the most significant health issue for ranched bluefin tuna, a major aquaculture industry in Japan and Australia. The host–parasite interfaces of trematodes, namely their teguments, are particularly rich in carbohydrates, which function both in evasion and modulation of the host immune system, while some are primary antigenic targets. In this study, histochemistry and mass spectrometry techniques were used to profile the glycans of Cardicola forsteri. Fluorescent lectin staining of adult flukes indicates the presence of oligomannose (Concanavalin A-reactive) and fucosylated (Pisum sativum agglutinin-reactive) N-glycans. Additionally, reactivity of succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (s-WGA) was localised to several internal organs of the digestive and monoecious reproductive systems. Glycan structures were further investigated with tandem mass spectrometry, which revealed structures indicated by lectin reactivity. While O-glycans from these adult specimens were not detectable by mass spectrometry, several oligomannose, paucimannosidic, and complex-type N-glycans were identified, including some carrying hexuronic acid and many carrying core xylose. This is, to our knowledge, the first glycomic characterisation of a marine platyhelminth, with broader implications for research into other trematodes.  相似文献   

The heart ventricle myoglobin of bluefin tuna has been purified to an apparent homogeneity. The amino acid analysis has revealed only a limited number of substitutions between the myoglobins of yellowfin and bluefin tuna. The alpha-helix content of tuna myoglobin has been found considerably lower than that of mammalian myoglobin. No correlation has been discovered between the conformational stability and alpha-helix content. Denaturation experiments have shown that the whole structure of tuna myoglobin results from the interaction of two structural units which represent the product of independent folding processes. The structure of tuna myoglobin has been found more open and disorganized than that of sperm whale. This result has been related to the low content of electrostatic interactions and explained in terms of evolutive adaptations.  相似文献   

Pacific bluefin tuna are active teleost fish with a large capacity for heat conservation and endothermy. They have a high metabolism, and hence the myocardium must be capable of sustaining elevated levels of cardiac output over a wide range of temperatures. To examine the way that the myocardial cells of bluefin tuna respond to their unique cardiac physiology, we have studied the ultrastructure of the internal membrane system and mitochondria of atrial and ventricular myocytes by light and electron microscopy. Our results reveal that cardiomyocytes of juvenile bluefin tuna posses a relatively high content of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), together with a large volume of mitochondria within the two (compact and spongy) ventricular compartments and in the atrial myocardium. The mitochondrial structure and distribution in bluefin tuna myocardium follow specific metabolic zonation resulting in a higher volume and lower cristae density in the compact ventricular layer than in atrium and spongy layer. The presence of junctional SR profiles and an extensive network of free SR within cells may ensure a rapid delivery of Ca(2+) to the myofibrils. This, in conjunction with transarcolemmal Ca(2+) entry, might contribute to a faster excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle and thus enhance cardiac performance, cardiac output, and the maintenance of excitability at low temperatures. We propose that the mitochondrial configuration together with the developed SR ultrastructure of bluefin tunas myocardium are important evolutionary steps for the maintenance of high heart rates and endothermy in this teleost fish.  相似文献   

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