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Journal of Plant Research - The major tissues of the cereal endosperm are the starchy endosperm (SE) in the inner and the aleurone layer (AL) at the outer periphery. The fates of the cells that...  相似文献   

Barley endosperm begins development as a syncytium where numerous nuclei line the perimeter of a large vacuolated central cell. Between 3 and 6 days after pollination (DAP) the multinucleate syncytium is cellularized by the centripetal synthesis of cell walls at the interfaces of nuclear cytoplasmic domains between individual nuclei. Here we report the temporal and spatial appearance of key polysaccharides in the cell walls of early developing endosperm of barley, prior to aleurone differentiation. Flowering spikes of barley plants grown under controlled glasshouse conditions were hand-pollinated and the developing grains collected from 3 to 8 DAP. Barley endosperm development was followed at the light and electron microscope levels with monoclonal antibodies specific for (1→3)-β-d-glucan (callose), (1→3,1→4)-β-d-glucan, hetero-(1→4)-β-d-mannans, arabino-(1→4)-β-d-xylans, arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) and with the enzyme, cellobiohydrolase II, to detect (1→4)-β-d-glucan (cellulose). Callose and cellulose were present in the first formed cell walls between 3 and 4 DAP. However, the presence of callose in the endosperm walls was transient and at 6 DAP was only detected in collars surrounding plasmodesmata. (1→3,1→4)-β-d-Glucan was not deposited in the developing cell walls until approximately 5 DAP and hetero-(1→4)-β-d-mannans followed at 6 DAP. Deposition of AGPs and arabinoxylan in the wall began at 7 and 8 DAP, respectively. For arabinoxylans, there is a possibility that they are deposited earlier in a highly substituted form that is inaccessible to the antibody. Arabinoxylan and heteromannan were also detected in Golgi and associated vesicles in the cytoplasm. In contrast, (1→3,1→4)-β-d-glucan was not detected in the cytoplasm in endosperm cells; similar results were obtained for coleoptile and suspension cultured cells.  相似文献   

Although the morphological steps of maize (Zea mays) endosperm development are well described, very little is known concerning the coordinated accumulation of the numerous proteins involved. Here, we present a proteomic study of maize endosperm development. The accumulation pattern of 409 proteins at seven developmental stages was examined. Hierarchical clustering analysis allowed four main developmental profiles to be recognized. Comprehensive investigation of the functions associated with clusters resulted in a consistent picture of the developmental coordination of cellular processes. Early stages, devoted to cellularization, cell division, and cell wall deposition, corresponded to maximal expression of actin, tubulins, and cell organization proteins, of respiration metabolism (glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle), and of protection against reactive oxygen species. An important protein turnover, which is likely associated with the switch from growth and differentiation to storage, was also suggested from the high amount of proteases. A relative increase of abundance of the glycolytic enzymes compared to tricarboxylic acid enzymes is consistent with the recent demonstration of anoxic conditions during starch accumulation in the endosperm. The specific late-stage accumulation of the pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase may suggest a critical role of this enzyme in the starch-protein balance through inorganic pyrophosphate-dependent restriction of ADP-glucose synthesis in addition to its usually reported influence on the alanine-aromatic amino acid synthesis balance.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis nuclear receptor BXR has recently been shown to be activated by a class of endogenous benzoate metabolites, indicating the presence of a novel and unsuspected benzoate ligand-dependent signalling pathway. The receptor is expressed ubiquitously in blastula and gastrula stage embryos, and its expression declines during neurula stages. In order to examine further this novel vertebrate signalling system, we have examined the expression of the BXR gene in tailbud stage embryos and adults. We show here that in Xenopus tailbud stage embryos expression is restricted to the hatching gland, suggesting a role in hatching gland function. Neither BXR nor a BXR-VP16 fusion is sufficient to specify hatching gland in neurally-induced tissue. In adults, BXR expression is abundant in the brain and gonads. This expression pattern in adults is distinct from any of the putative mammalian homologues. A nuclear receptor that mediates benzoate signalling has yet to be found in mammals.  相似文献   

Multi-cellular organisms need to successfully link cell growth and metabolism to environmental cues during development. Insulin receptor-target of rapamycin (InR-TOR) signalling is a highly conserved pathway that mediates this link. Herein, we describe poly, an essential gene in Drosophila that mediates InR-TOR signalling. Loss of poly results in lethality at the third instar larval stage, but only after a stage of extreme larval longevity. Analysis in Drosophila demonstrates that Poly and InR interact and that poly mutants show an overall decrease in InR-TOR signalling, as evidenced by decreased phosphorylation of Akt, S6K and 4E-BP. Metabolism is altered in poly mutants, as revealed by microarray expression analysis and a decreased triglyceride : protein ratio in mutant animals. Intriguingly, the cellular distribution of Poly is dependent on insulin stimulation in both Drosophila and human cells, moving to the nucleus with insulin treatment, consistent with a role in InR-TOR signalling. Together, these data reveal that Poly is a novel, conserved (from flies to humans) mediator of InR signalling that promotes an increase in cell growth and metabolism. Furthermore, homology to small subunits of Elongator demonstrates a novel, unexpected role for this complex in insulin signalling.  相似文献   

The septins are a conserved family of proteins that are involved in cytokinesis and other aspects of cell-surface organization. In Drosophila melanogaster, null mutations in the pnut septin gene are recessive lethal, but homozygous pnut mutants complete embryogenesis and survive until the pupal stage. Because the completion of cellularization and other aspects of early development seemed likely to be due to maternally contributed Pnut product, we attempted to generate embryos lacking the maternal contribution in order to explore the roles of Pnut in these processes. We used two methods, the production of germline clones homozygous for a pnut mutation and the rescue of pnut homozygous mutant flies by a pnut(+) transgene under control of the hsp70 promoter. Remarkably, the pnut germline-clone females produced eggs, indicating that stem-cell and cystoblast divisions in the female germline do not require Pnut. Moreover, the Pnut-deficient embryos obtained by either method completed early syncytial development and began cellularization of the embryo normally. However, during the later stages of cellularization, the organization of the actin cytoskeleton at the leading edge of the invaginating furrows became progressively more abnormal, and the embryos displayed widespread defects in cell and embryo morphology beginning at gastrulation. Examination of two other septins showed that Sep1 was not detectable at the cellularization front in the Pnut-deficient embryos, whereas Sep2 was still present in normal levels. Thus, it is possible that Sep2 (perhaps in conjunction with other septins such as Sep4 and Sep5) fulfills an essential septin role during the organization and initial ingression of the cellularization furrow even in the absence of Pnut and Sep1. Together, the results suggest that some cell-division events in Drosophila do not require septin function, that there is functional differentiation among the Drosophila septins, or both.  相似文献   

Zheng Y  Wang Z 《Plant cell reports》2011,30(7):1281-1288
In cereal seed, there are no symplastic connections between the maternal tissues and the endosperm. In order to facilitate solute transport, both the nucellar projection and its opposite endosperm epithelial cells in wheat caryopsis differentiate into transfer cells. In this paper, we did contrast observation and investigation of wheat endosperm transfer cells (ETC) and nucellar projection transfer cells (NPTC). The experimental results showed that there were some similarities and differences between ETC and NPTC. ETC and NPTC almost developed synchronously. Wall ingrowths of ETC and NPTC formed firstly in the first layer nearest to the endosperm cavity, and formed later in the inner layer further from the endosperm cavity. The mature ETC were mainly three layers and the mature NPTC were mainly four layers. Wall ingrowths of ETC were flange type and wall ingrowths of NPTC were reticulate type. NPTC were not nutrient-storing cells, but the first layer of ETC had aleurone cell features, and the second layer and third layer of ETC accumulated starch granules and protein bodies.  相似文献   

Cell wall formation in the syncytial endosperm of Arabidopsis was studied by using high-pressure-frozen/freeze-substituted developing seeds and immunocytochemical techniques. The endosperm cellularization process begins at the late globular embryo stage with the synchronous organization of small clusters of oppositely oriented microtubules ( approximately 10 microtubules in each set) into phragmoplast-like structures termed mini-phragmoplasts between both sister and nonsister nuclei. These mini-phragmoplasts produce a novel kind of cell plate, the syncytial-type cell plate, from Golgi-derived vesicles approximately 63 nm in diameter, which fuse by way of hourglass-shaped intermediates into wide ( approximately 45 nm in diameter) tubules. These wide tubules quickly become coated and surrounded by a ribosome-excluding matrix; as they grow, they branch and fuse with each other to form wide tubular networks. The mini-phragmoplasts formed between a given pair of nuclei produce aligned tubular networks that grow centrifugally until they merge into a coherent wide tubular network with the mini-phragmoplasts positioned along the network margins. The individual wide tubular networks expand laterally until they meet and eventually fuse with each other at the sites of the future cell corners. Transformation of the wide tubular networks into noncoated, thin ( approximately 27 nm in diameter) tubular networks begins at multiple sites and coincides with the appearance of clathrin-coated budding structures. After fusion with the syncytial cell wall, the thin tubular networks are converted into fenestrated sheets and cell walls. Immunolabeling experiments show that the cell plates and cell walls of the endosperm differ from those of the embryo and maternal tissue in two features: their xyloglucans lack terminal fucose residues on the side chain, and callose persists in the cell walls after the cell plates fuse with the parental plasma membrane. The lack of terminal fucose residues on xyloglucans suggests that these cell wall matrix molecules serve both structural and storage functions.  相似文献   

The role of Notch signaling in general and presenilin in particular was analyzed during mouse somitogenesis. We visualize cyclical production of activated Notch (NICD) and establish that somitogenesis requires less NICD than any other tissue in early mouse embryos. Indeed, formation of cervical somites proceeds in Notch1; Notch2-deficient embryos. This is in contrast to mice lacking all presenilin alleles, which have no somites. Since Nicastrin-, Pen-2-, and APH-1a-deficient embryos have anterior somites without gamma-secretase, presenilin may have a gamma-secretase-independent role in somitogenesis. Embryos triple homozygous for both presenilin null alleles and a Notch allele that is a poor substrate for presenilin (N1(V-->G)) experience fortuitous cleavage of N1(V-->G) by another protease. This restores NICD, anterior segmentation, and bilateral symmetry but does not rescue rostral/caudal identities. These data clarify multiple roles for Notch signaling during segmentation and suggest that the earliest stages of somitogenesis are regulated by both Notch-dependent and Notch-independent functions of presenilin.  相似文献   

R. Gao  S. Dong  J. Fan  C. Hu 《Biologia Plantarum》1998,41(4):539-546
The most basal endosperm cells of maize (Zea mays L.) began differentiating into transfer cells in 10 days after pollination (DAP). The thickening and ingrowths forming in the transfer cell wall were slow during 10 and 15 DAP. There were many vesicles, silky and string ball objects in cytoplasm, and the number of mitochondria and rough endoplasm reticulum increased. After 15 DAP, the wall thickening and ingrowths forming in the transfer cells sped up. By 20 DAP, the transfer cell zone had developed, there appeared 65 - 70 rows of cells in width and 3 - 4 layers of cell in depth, the obvious cell wall ingrowths presented strong positive reaction with periodic acid Schiff's reagent. After 20 DAP, no significant change appeared in the shape and structure of the transfer cells, and the transfer cells entered function stage. In the mature kernels (53 DAP), the most basal transfer cells were filled with ingrowths, however, dense cytoplasm was also found in these cells. The nuclei had quite irregular shapes in these cells. Some transfer cells contained black grains and crystals. A black layer formed in the pericarp tissue adjacent to the transfer cell zone. Full development of endosperm transfer cells was important for reduction of kernel abortion and increase of kernel mass. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Early cellularization of the free-nuclear endosperm and subsequent differentation of the aleurone cells in the ventral region of the developing wheatgrain (Triticumaestivum L. cv. Heron) were examined using both light and electron microscopy. In ovules harvested 1 d after anthesis, irregular wall ingroths typical of transfer cells protrude into the multinucleate cytoplasm. Initital cellularization occurs by a process of free wall formation in much the same fashion as in the dorsal region of the grain. In places, sheets of endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes appear to be closely associated with the growing wall. Like the wall ingrowths noted earlier, the freely growing walls are intensely fluorescent after staining with aniline blue. Initiatal cellularization is complete 2–3 days after anthesis. Unlike the first-formed cells in the dorsal region of the developing grain, those in the ventral region are not meristematic. These amitotic cells become the groove aleurone cells which at an early stage of development are set apart from the rest of the endosperm by their irregularly thickened walls and dense cytoplasm. Autofluorescence is first apparent in the walls of those cells next to the degenerating nucellus. In contrast to the aleurone cells in the dorsal region of the grain, at maturity only the inner wall layer of each of the groove aleurone cells remains autofluorescent. The aleurone grains are highly variable in appearance and contain no Type II inclusions.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins (Nt) and their tyrosine kinase Trk receptors play an essential role in the development and maintenance of the complex vertebrate nervous system. Invertebrate genome sequencing projects have suggested that the Nt/Trk system is a vertebrate innovation. We describe the isolation and characterisation of the amphioxus Trk receptor, AmphiTrk. Its ancestral link to vertebrate Trk receptors is supported by phylogenetic analysis and domain characterisation. The genomic structure of AmphiTrk strongly suggests that a ProtoTrk gene emerged by means of exon-shuffling prior to the cephalochordate/vertebrate split. We also examined the physiological response of AmphiTrk to vertebrate neurotrophins, and found that despite 500 million years of divergence, AmphiTrk transduces signals mediated by NGF, BDNF, NT3 and NT4. Markedly, AmphiTrk is able to activate survival and differentiation pathways, but fails to activate the PLCgamma pathway, which is involved in synaptic plasticity in higher vertebrates. AmphiTrk is expressed during amphioxus embryogenesis in sensory neural precursors in the epidermis, which possesses single migratory cells. We propose that the duplication and divergence of the Nt/Trk system, in tandem with recruitment of the PLCgamma pathway, may have provided the genetic basis for a key aspect of vertebrate evolution: the complexity of the nervous system.  相似文献   

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