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中国迁徙鸣禽类的保护面对着与世界其他地区如欧洲和北美洲鸟类保护相似的挑战。迁徙鸣禽类具有复杂生活周期和很大的空间关联。迁徙过程中发生的事件对迁徙鸣禽类种群动态具有决定作用。对于鸣禽类迁徙中途停歇期的生态,比如停歇期的长短,能量的积累,生境的利用等,了解还非常有限。在中国东北部的一个鸟类迁徙停歇地对红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)的中途停歇生态包括迁徙时间、停歇时间、能量状态和性比进行了研究。2002年秋和2003年春分别捕获了1751只和684只红胁蓝尾鸲。红胁蓝尾鸲的体重在秋季迁徙时要比在春季迁徙时重。春季雌性红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时的能量状态指数最低; 而秋季的红胁蓝尾鸲比春季的红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时间更长。无论季节和性别,红胁蓝尾鸲的能量状态指数和第1次捕获的时间早晚成正相关, 间接证明红胁蓝尾鸲在停歇期间能够比较快地积累能量。秋季雄性红胁蓝尾鸲日体重净增率最大。估测秋季停歇期的每日能量净增能维持红胁蓝尾鸲雌性0.6h和雄性3.1h的飞行。红胁蓝尾鸲的中途停歇生态与北美和欧洲一些迁徙鸣禽类很相似。比如,春季迁徙过境的时间和脂肪积累的变化与自然选择对雄性的要求:当食物和气候适宜时尽快到达繁殖地的假设是一致的。对迁徙中途的停歇生态研究有利于更好地了解鸟类的迁徙行为和更有效地保护迁徙鸣禽类。  相似文献   

中国迁徙鸣禽类的保护面对着与世界其他地区如欧洲和北美洲鸟类保护相似的挑战.迁徙鸣禽类具有复杂生活周期和很大的空间关联.迁徙过程中发生的事件对迁徙鸣禽类种群动态具有决定作用.对于鸣禽类迁徙中途停歇期的生态,比如停歇期的长短,能量的积累,生境的利用等,了解还非常有限.在中国东北部的一个鸟类迁徙停歇地对红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)的中途停歇生态包括迁徙时间、停歇时间、能量状态和性比进行了研究.2002年秋和2003年春分别捕获了1751只和684只红胁蓝尾鸲.红胁蓝尾鸲的体重在秋季迁徙时要比在春季迁徙时重.春季雌性红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时的能量状态指数最低;而秋季的红胁蓝尾鸲比春季的红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时间更长.无论季节和性别,红胁蓝尾鸲的能量状态指数和第1次捕获的时间早晚成正相关,间接证明红胁蓝尾鸲在停歇期间能够比较快地积累能量.秋季雄性红胁蓝尾鸲日体重净增率最大.估测秋季停歇期的每日能量净增能维持红胁蓝尾鸲雌性0.6h和雄性3.1h的飞行.红胁蓝尾鸲的中途停歇生态与北美和欧洲一些迁徙鸣禽类很相似.比如,春季迁徙过境的时间和脂肪积累的变化与自然选择对雄性的要求:当食物和气候适宜时尽快到达繁殖地的假设是一致的.对迁徙中途的停歇生态研究有利于更好地了解鸟类的迁徙行为和更有效地保护迁徙鸣禽类.  相似文献   

Behavioral decisions made by migrating songbirds may depend on a variety of biotic and abiotic factors. To investigate which factors most influence songbird behavior on stopover, we related departure and directional decisions of captive birds released at the capture site to a variety of factors including, weather, date, energetic condition, age, sex, and species. We captured spring migrants during the day, released them after sunset, and visually assessed whether they departed the study site and if so, in which direction. Departure was strongly influenced by wind direction and energetic condition, especially fat stores. The proportion of birds departing increased as the season progressed. Directional decisions were also strongly influenced by energetic condition, particularly fat stores and plasma triglyceride levels. Wind direction also influenced the direction in which birds made migratory flights. While energetic condition, stage of migration, and weather seem to be important proximate determinants in departure and directional decisions, habitat availability and other factors may also need to be considered.  相似文献   

长距离迁徙鸟类对应于能量积累状态的取食行为调整   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
迁徙鸟类能够预计到迁徙过程中对能量需求的增加和迁徙途中获得能量的不确定性。最佳迁徙理论指出:迁徙停留期的一系列决策受到体内能量状态、取食机会和迁徙时间的影响。利用刚完成春季跨越墨西哥湾迁徙的鸫类,我们研究了取食行为、体内能量状态和能量积累速度的相互关系。我们用雾网捕获了停留的鸫,然后给每只鸟进行了环志和称重,并估测了表皮下积累的脂肪。为了检测体内能量积累大小对取食行为的影响,我们把在野外观察到的鸟分成肥、瘦两组。当一天里被捕获鸟的平均体重低于相关种的瘦体重时,这一天被观察到的取食鸟被归到瘦组,反之就属于肥组。我们同时对一部分鸟用有色环进行了标记,以便能在野外观察到它们时能准确地知道每一只鸟的初始能量积累状态。在春天完成跨越墨西哥湾迁徙以后的鸫大约有50%在到达停留地时就已经消耗了所有的表皮下脂肪。与肥组鸟相比,瘦组的个体在停留期扩展了取食方法和取食基底,增加了取食速度。与此相关的是,瘦鸟表现出体重积累更多、速度更快。我们的数据表明迁徙鸟在到达迁徙中途停留地时的能量状态会影响到它们停留期间的取食行为和继续迁徙时的生理机能,从而影响停留期的长短和在迁徙途中停留与否的决定[动物学报51(1):12—23,2005]。  相似文献   

Migrants are generally assumed to minimize their overall migration time by adjusting their departure fuel loads (DFL) in relation to anticipated and experienced fuel deposition rates (FDRs). We utilized a 21‐yr long migration banding station dataset to examine the relationship between FDR and DFL during spring migration in six Nearctic‐Neotropical migratory songbird species during stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) following trans‐gulf flight. Estimates of fuel stores, stopover durations, and FDRs from our long term migration data set were combined to determine DFL. We expected and found that migrants across all six species adjust their DFL to the rate at which they deposit fuel reserves. This robust finding suggests that songbird migrants are sensitive to time constraints during spring passage presumably to fine‐tune their stopover schedule in relation to experienced and anticipated habitat quality. Two of the species studied showed an effect of age on the FDR–DFL relationship: one was consistent with the expectation that older birds would be less sensitive to changes in FDR, while the second was contrary to our expectations and likely suggesting an age‐dependent response to habitat quality. We found sex‐dependent differences consistent with male DFL being more sensitive to FDR in only two of six species studied, and argue that both males and females are time constrained during spring passage in relation to arrival at breeding destinations. The positive relationship between FDR and DFL among all species and for age and sex groups in some species reflects a migration strategy sensitive to time.  相似文献   

During their staging at stopover sites, migrants may compete with resident species over food resources (“resource competition hypothesis”), or migrants feed on surplus that is not utilised by the residents. Here, I studied foraging behaviour of the Cyprus Wheatear, Oenanthe cypriaca, a ubiquitous and common species with a broad niche range, on Cyprus, which is an important stopover site during intercontinental spring migration. During adverse weather conditions, perch height and aerial sallying were lower and perch/pounce activity was higher. Average perch height and sallying increased over the season, while perch-pounce foraging decreased. There was no influence of clock time. Bivariate correlations suggested an influence of migrants on perch height but not on other variables. Using a series of regression analyses with sex, time of day, date, weather conditions and number of migrants as independent variables revealed no influence of the number of migrants on the foraging behaviour of the Cyprus Wheatear. This suggests that the abundance of migrants does not lead to a change in the behaviour of the Cyprus Wheatear.  相似文献   

迁徙鸟类中途停歇期的生理生态学研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
马志军  王勇  陈家宽 《生态学报》2005,25(11):3067-6075
大多数候鸟的迁徙活动由迁徙飞行和中途停歇两个部分组成。在迁徙过程中,鸟类要多次交替经历消耗能量的飞行阶段和积累能量的中途停歇阶段。从鸟类在中途停歇时期的能量积累速度、体重变化模式以及迁徙飞行中的禁食或食物限制、食物种类的改变、中途停歇的能量快速积累过程对消化器官的影响等方面,对目前迁徙鸟类的生理生态学研究成果进行回顾,并提出有待解决的问题及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

The conservation of migratory songbirds in China faces challenges similar to those in other parts of the world such as Europe and North America. Migratory songbirds have a complex life history and are associated with large spatial scale. Events that occur during migration play a vital role in determining population status. Little is known about the stopover behavior of migratory songbirds in China during their passage, including stopover duration, energetic condition (e.g., the amount of fat stores), and the habitat of these birds. We investigated migration timing, stopover duration, change of energetic condition and sex-related variations among Red-flanked Bush Robins (Tarsiger cyanurus) at a stopover site in Northeast China. A total of 1 751 Red-flanked Bush Robins were captured in the fall of 2002, with further 684 captured in the spring of 2003. The body mass of the fall birds was higher than that of the spring ones. The condition index (i.e., body mass adjusted for body size) was lowest among spring females. Birds were more likely to stay longer in fall than in spring. We detected a positive relationship between the time of initial capture and condition index regardless of season or sex, suggesting that the birds were able to replenish energy stores. The net daily mass gain was the highest among males in the fall (3% of body mass). The net daily mass gain would sustain a flight of 0.6 hours for females and 3.1 hours for males in the fall. The stopover biology of Red-flanked Bush Robins is similar to that of some migratory songbirds in Europe and North America. For example, the spring passage time and fat store variation between the sexes concurs with the hypothesis that males are selected to arrive at their breeding grounds as early as food resources or climatic conditions are adequate in the spring. Further research on stopover ecology is urgently required in China to achieve a better understanding of migratory behavior and ensure the conservation of these migratory songbirds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In an effort to reduce goose depredation at a traditional spring migratory stopover site, private landowners implemented a coordinated hazing plan to scare Aleutian cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) from private lands to adjacent public pastures that were cultivated and set aside specifically for geese. Coincidentally, some Aleutian geese began using a new stopover site 150 km farther south in their spring migratory range; numbers at the new site continue to increase. We tested the idea that when their ability to acquire resources deteriorates geese are likely to seek improved foraging conditions, especially during spring migration when individuals strive to maximize nutrient stores and minimize energy expenditure. We quantified measures of goose foraging performance in traditional and new spring staging sites by calculating foraging opportunity, foraging effort, body condition, and daily energy expenditure. Geese staging at the site with higher levels of human disturbance had less foraging opportunity and, despite increased foraging effort and more nutritious food-plants at the site, birds there experienced an elevated energy expenditure and poorer body condition than birds at the new stopover site. Reduced foraging time and increased energy expenditure at the traditional spring staging site may have triggered the colonization process. Suitability assessment of habitat for migratory geese should include measures of foraging opportunity, disturbance risks, and daily energy expenditure in addition to quantity and quality of foods.  相似文献   

Barrier islands on the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico are an internationally important coastal resource. Each spring hundreds of thousands of Nearctic-Neotropical songbirds crossing the Gulf of Mexico during spring migration use these islands because they provide the first landfall for individuals following a trans-Gulf migratory route. The effects of climate change, particularly sea level rise, may negatively impact habitat availability for migrants on barrier islands. Our objectives were (1) to confirm the use of St. George Island, Florida by trans-Gulf migrants and (2) to determine whether forested stopover habitat will be available for migrants on St. George Island following sea level rise. We used avian transect data, geographic information systems, remote sensing, and simulation modelling to investigate the potential effects of three different sea level rise scenarios (0.28 m, 0.82 m, and 2 m) on habitat availability for trans-Gulf migrants. We found considerable use of the island by spring trans-Gulf migrants. Migrants were most abundant in areas with low elevation, high canopy height, and high coverage of forests and scrub/shrub. A substantial percentage of forest (44%) will be lost by 2100 assuming moderate sea level rise (0.82 m). Thus, as sea level rise progresses, less forests will be available for migrants during stopover. Many migratory bird species’ populations are declining, and degradation of barrier island stopover habitat may further increase the cost of migration for many individuals. To preserve this coastal resource, conservation and wise management of migratory stopover areas, especially near ecological barriers like the Gulf of Mexico, will be essential as sea levels rise.  相似文献   

Due to being a virtually monomorphic wader species, migration dynamics and sex-related migration patterns in the Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) have rarely been investigated. We captured spring migrants at an important stopover site in northeastern Austria. Birds were individually color-marked, and sex was determined by an analysis of DNA from tail feather material. Among temporary residents (birds seen again after day of capture), males migrated on average 3 days earlier than females. However, since sexes did not differ in fat score, the length of stay and the proportion of transients (birds not seen again after day of capture) and temporary residents, we suggest that males and females adopt similar migration strategies in the spring. The large number of transients captured as well as shorter stopover durations in later temporary residents indicate that Wood Sandpipers minimize time at this stage of their northbound migration. Temporary residents earlier in the season exhibited lower fat stores than later ones. Nevertheless, since the fat stores of transients and temporary residents were similar even after the progress of the season had been accounted for, we assume that Wood Sandpipers may afford to exhibit individual flexibility in migration strategy and the use of stopover sites, especially early in the season. This variability may be a necessary adaptation to cope with possible varying environmental conditions at dynamic and unpredictable inland stopover sites. After having reached North Mediterranean regions, mean body mass of spring migrants gradually increases during successive stopovers, indicating that Wood Sandpipers follow a ‘hopping’ migration strategy. This emphasizes the high conservation value of even small artificial mudflat pools as important stepping stones in order to maintain a continuous network of wetland habitats for this continental migrant.  相似文献   

Energy demands of migration on red-eyed vireos, Vireo olivaceus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied the behavior of red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus)—includingtheir length of stopover, rate of mass change (lipid deposition),and foraging behavior—in relation to energy demand aftertheir spring migration across the Gulf of Mexico. We labeledeach foraging bird as ‘lean’ or ‘fat’based on the average condition of birds captured on that day.Lean birds stayed longer and were more likely to gain mass duringtheir stopover than birds that arrived with unmobilized fatreserves. Several aspects of the birds' foraging behavior variedin relation to mean body mass on observation days: Lean migrants(1) broadened their use of microhabitat but not their verticaldistribution of foraging locations, (2) expanded their feedingrepertoire, (3) moved at a higher mean velocity while averagingthe same frequency of foraging movements, and (4) increasedtheir degree of turning after a feeding attempt. We suggestthat the gain of mass by fat-depleted birds is a compensatoryresponse to energy demand mediated by changes in foraging behavior.  相似文献   

The phases of the annual cycle for migratory species are inextricably linked. Yet, less than five percent of ecological studies examine seasonal interactions. In this study, we utilized stable hydrogen isotopes to geographically link individual black‐and‐white warblers (Mniotilta varia) captured during spring migration with breeding destinations to understand a migrant's stopover strategy in the context of other phases of the annual cycle. We found that stopover strategy is not only a function of a bird's current energetic state, but also the distance remaining to breeding destination and a bird's time‐schedule, which has previously been linked to habitat conditions experienced in the preceding phase of the annual cycle. Birds in close proximity to their breeding destination accumulate additional energy reserves prior to arrival on the breeding grounds, as reflected by higher migratory condition upon arrival, higher refueling rates measured via blood plasma metabolites, and longer stopover durations compared to birds migrating to breeding destinations farther from the stopover site. However, late birds near their breeding destination were more likely to depart on the day of arrival (i.e., transients), and among birds that stopped over at the site, the average duration of stopover was almost half the time of early conspecifics, suggesting late birds are trying to catch‐up with the overall time‐schedule of migration for optimal arrival time on the breeding grounds. In contrast, birds with long distances remaining to breeding destinations were more likely to depart on the day of arrival and primarily used stopover to rest before quickly resuming migration, adopting similar strategies regardless of a bird's time‐schedule. Our study demonstrates that migrants adjust their en route strategies in relation to their time‐schedule and distance remaining to their breeding destination, highlighting that strategies of migration should be examined in the context of other phases of the annual cycle.  相似文献   

The migration strategy of many capital breeders is to garner body stores along the flyway at distinct stopover sites. The rate at which they can fuel is likely to be strongly influenced by a range of factors, such as physiology, food availability, time available for foraging and perceived predation. We analysed the foraging behaviour and fuel accumulation of pink‐footed geese, an Arctic capital breeder, at their mid‐flyway spring stopover site and evaluated to what extent their behaviour and fuelling were related to physiological and external factors and how it differed from other stopovers along the flyway. We found that fuel accumulation rates of geese at the mid‐flyway site were limited by habitat availability rather than by digestive constraints. However, as the time available for foraging increased over the stopover season, geese were able to keep constant fuelling rate. Putting this in perspective, geese increased their daily net energy intake along the flyway corresponding to the increase in time available for foraging. The net energy intake per hour of foraging remained the same. Geese showed differences in their reaction to predators/disturbance between the sites, taking higher risks particularly at the final stopover site. Hence, perceived predation along the flyway may force birds to postpone the final fuel accumulation to the last stopover along the flyway. Flexibility in behaviour appears to be an important trait to ensure fitness in this capital breeder. Our findings are based on a new, improved method for estimating fuel accumulation of animals foraging in heterogeneous landscapes based on data obtained from satellite telemetry and habitat specific intake rates.  相似文献   

Migrating birds require en route habitats to rest and refuel. Yet, habitat use has never been integrated with passage to understand the factors that determine where and when birds stopover during spring and autumn migration. Here, we introduce the stopover‐to‐passage ratio (SPR), the percentage of passage migrants that stop in an area, and use 8 years of data from 12 weather surveillance radars to estimate over 50% SPR during spring and autumn through the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts of the south‐eastern US, the most prominent corridor for North America’s migratory birds. During stopovers, birds concentrated close to the coast during spring and inland in forested landscapes during autumn, suggesting seasonal differences in habitat function and highlighting the vital role of stopover habitats in sustaining migratory communities. Beyond advancing understanding of migration ecology, SPR will facilitate conservation through identification of sites that are disproportionally selected for stopover by migrating birds.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mexico is a conspicuous feature of the Neotropical–Nearctic bird migration system. Traveling long distances across ecological barriers comes with considerable risks, and mortality associated with intercontinental migration may be substantial, including that caused by storms or other adverse weather events. However, little, if anything, is known about how migratory birds respond to disturbance‐induced changes in stopover habitat. Isolated, forested cheniere habitat along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico often concentrate migrants, during weather conditions unfavorable for northward movement or when birds are energetically stressed. We expected hurricane induced degradation of this habitat to negatively affect the abundance, propensity to stopover, and fueling trends of songbirds that stopover in coastal habitat. We used spring banding data collected in coastal Louisiana to compare migrant abundance and fueling trends before (1993–1996 and 1998–2005) and after hurricanes Rita (2006) and Ike (2009). We also characterized changes in vegetative structure before (1995) and after (2010) the hurricanes. The hurricanes caused dramatic changes to the vegetative structure, which likely decreased resources. Surprisingly, abundance, propensity to stopover, and fueling trends of most migrant species were not influenced by hurricane disturbance. Our results suggest that: 1) the function of chenieres as a refuge for migrants after completing a trans‐Gulf flight may not have changed despite significant changes to habitat and decreases in resource availability, and 2) that most migrants may be able to cope with habitat disturbance during stopover. The fact that migrants use disturbed habitat points to their conservation value along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Predicting how migratory animals respond to changing climatic conditions requires knowledge of how climatic events affect each phase of the annual cycle and how those effects carry-over to subsequent phases. We utilized a 17-year migration dataset to examine how El Niño-Southern Oscillation climatic events in geographically different regions of the Western hemisphere carry-over to impact the stopover biology of several intercontinental migratory bird species. We found that migratory birds that over-wintered in South America experienced significantly drier environments during El Niño years, as reflected by reduced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values, and arrived at stopover sites in reduced energetic condition during spring migration. During El Niño years migrants were also more likely to stopover immediately along the northern Gulf coast of the southeastern U.S. after crossing the Gulf of Mexico in small suboptimal forest patches where food resources are lower and migrant density often greater than larger more contiguous forests further inland. In contrast, NDVI values did not differ between El Niño and La Niña years in Caribbean-Central America, and we found no difference in energetic condition or use of coastal habitats for migrants en route from Caribbean-Central America wintering areas. Birds over-wintering in both regions had consistent median arrival dates along the northern Gulf coast, suggesting that there is a strong drive for birds to maintain their time program regardless of their overall condition. We provide strong evidence that not only is the stopover biology of migratory landbirds influenced by events during the previous phase of their life-cycle, but where migratory birds over-winter determines how vulnerable they are to global climatic cycles. Increased frequency and intensity of ENSO events over the coming decades, as predicted by climatic models, may disproportionately influence long-distance migrants over-wintering in South America.  相似文献   

We describe the detoured migration route of the Oriental honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus , showing differences between autumn and spring migration, using data from 10 adult individuals marked with satellite transmitters. In autumn, the migration routes were very similar from Japan to the south end of the Malay Peninsula. The wintering sites were distributed within the Philippines, Borneo and the Malay Archipelago. During autumn, migration of the birds had few long-term stopover sites, instead, sometimes decidedly slowing their migration rate while proceeding in a consistent direction. During spring migration, the honey-buzzards penetrated into southern China, moving north to the base of the Korean Peninsula. The birds then went south through the Korean Peninsula to reach Japan. Before travelling to China, all spring migrants stopped for several weeks in south-east Asia. The slow rate of travel in the autumn suggests that migrants were foraging and replenishing their energy reserves. Instead of a migration strategy that uses only a few long-term stopover sites, honey-buzzards may adopt a strategy based on a number of short-term stay sites.  相似文献   

ROLAND SANDBERG 《Ibis》1996,138(3):514-524
Mist-net capture data taken during 6 years (1988–1990 and 1992–1994) of field work were used to describe the arrival sequences and fat loads of nine species of migratory passerines which breed in a near-Arctic environment in Swedish Lapland. Long-distance migrants arrived with significantly larger mean fat reserves than did medium- and short-distance migrants. Long-distance migrants carried fat loads at arrival which corresponded to potential remaining flight distances between 242 and 500 km. When females and males arrived on the breeding grounds simultaneously, females carried significantly larger energy reserves than did males in seven out of nine species. In contrast, when the sexes showed a significant difference in median arrival date (two out of nine species), there was no difference in mean fat load carried into the breeding area. A relationship was found between the migratory habits and foraging ecology of each species and the amount of fat reserves at arrival, suggesting that species-specific migratory distances and feeding habits determine the amount of fat that is needed during the transition period between migration and onset of breeding. The short growing season in the study area restricts the time available for breeding and moult, and large energy reserves at arrival may speed up the breeding schedule to counteract possible time constraints. Overloading at the last stopover site during spring migration may be an adaptation allowing birds to cope with a restricted time frame for breeding and moult at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Lyons JE  Collazo JA  Guglielmo CG 《Oecologia》2008,155(3):417-427
Long-distance bird migration is fueled by energy gathered at stopover sites along the migration route. The refueling rate at stopover sites is a determinant of time spent at stopovers and impacts the overall speed of migration. Refueling rate during spring migration may influence the fitness of individuals via changes in the probability of successful migration and reproduction during the subsequent breeding season. We evaluated four plasma lipid metabolites (triglycerides, phospholipids, β-OH-butyrate, and glycerol) as measures of refueling rate in free-living semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) captured at non-breeding areas. We described the spatial and temporal variation in metabolite concentrations among one winter site in the Dominican Republic and four stopover sites in the South Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain regions of North America. Triglycerides and β-OH-butyrate clearly identified spatial variation in refueling rate and stopover habitat quality. Metabolite profiles indicated that birds had higher refueling rates at one site in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain than at three sites on the South Atlantic Coastal Plain and one site in the Dominican Republic. Temporal variation in lipid metabolites during the migration season suggested that male semipalmated sandpipers gained more weight at stopovers on the South Atlantic Coastal Plain than did females, evidence of differential migration strategies for the sexes. Plasma lipid metabolites provide information on migration physiology that may help determine stopover habitat quality and reveal how migratory populations use stopover sites to refuel and successfully complete long-distance migrations.  相似文献   

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