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Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory skin disease, characterized by epidermal hyperplasia and infiltration of leukocytes into the dermis and epidermis. IL-23 is expressed in psoriatic skin, and IL-23 injected into the skin of mice produces IL-22-dependent dermal inflammation and acanthosis. The chemokine receptor CCR2 has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory diseases, including psoriasis. CCR2-positive cells and the CCR2 ligand, CCL2 are abundant in psoriatic lesions. To examine the requirement of CCR2 in the development of IL-23-induced cutaneous inflammation, we injected the ears of wild-type (WT) and CCR2-deficient (CCR2−/−) mice with IL-23. CCR2−/− mice had increased ear swelling and epidermal thickening, which was correlated with increased cutaneous IL-4 levels and increased numbers of eosinophils within the skin. In addition, TSLP, a cytokine known to promote and amplify T helper cell type 2 (Th2) immune responses, was also increased within the inflamed skin of CCR2−/− mice. Our data suggest that increased levels of TSLP in CCR2−/− mice may contribute to the propensity of these mice to develop increased Th2-type immune responses.  相似文献   

In apical membrane vesicles from beef tracheal epithelia expressing up to 30% of the proteins as functional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-- i.e. a voltage-independent and PKA-sensitive 36Cl- flux--an ATPase activity, different from P, F0F1 and V types, was reproducibly detected. Its specific activity averaged 20 micromol Pi h(-1) mg(-1) with an apparent affinity for ATP of 530 +/- 30 microM. Its possible involvement in CFTR functions was supported by (1) the linear relationship between the ATPase activity and the magnitude of 36Cl- fluxes (turnover rate: 3 ATP hydrolyzed per CFTR per second), (2) the same rank of potency of ATP, ITP, GTP, UTP and CTP to be hydrolyzed and to open CFTR chloride channels, (3) the similar and parallel inhibition of the ATPase and CFTR Cl- fluxes by NS004 (IC50: 60 microM) and (4) the potency of anti-R domain antibodies to increase by 18% the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

猪精子中与卵透明带糖蛋白ZP3结合的蛋白质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依次经PSL-Sepharose亲和层析柱和纤维素CM-52离子交换层析柱,从猪精子的CHAPS抽提液分离得4个蛋白质组分。用固相透明带精蛋白结合试验(IZPGBA)检测;表明精子蛋白SP1和SP2具有结合透明带糖蛋白ZP3的活性,SP2并显示凝集血球的活性。精子蛋白SP1与卵预温育明显抑制精卵结合,抑制活性与加入的精子蛋白的浓度呈正相关。用生物素标记的ZP3和蛋白质印迹技术,证明SP1中的68kD精子蛋白与ZP3结合,提示68kD精子蛋白参与精卵结合。  相似文献   

We have constructed an ALDH3a1 null mouse to investigate the role of this enzyme that comprises nearly one-half of the total water-soluble protein in the mouse corneal epithelium. ALDH3a1-deficient mice are viable and fertile, have a corneal epithelium with a water-soluble protein content approximately half that of wild-type mice, and contain no ALDH3a1 as determined by zymograms and immunoblots. Despite the loss of protein content and ALDH3a1 activity, the ALDH3a1(-/-) mouse corneas appear indistinguishable from wild-type corneas when examined by histological analysis and electron microscopy and are transparent as determined by light and slit lamp microscopy. There is no evidence for a compensating protein or enzyme. Even though the function of ALDH3a1 in the mouse cornea remains unknown, our data indicate that its enzymatic activity is unnecessary for corneal clarity and maintenance, at least under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Infection with Helicobacter species is endemic in many animal facilities and may alter the penetrance of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) phenotypes. However, little is known about the relative pathogenicity of H. typhlonius, H. rodentium, and combined infection in IBD models. We infected adult and neonatal IL10−/− mice with H. typhlonius, H. rodentium, or both bacteria. The severity of IBD and incidence of inflammation-associated colonic neoplasia were assessed in the presence and absence of antiHelicobacter therapy. Infected IL10−/− mice developed IBD with severity of noninfected (minimal to no inflammation) < H. rodentium < H. typhlonius < mixed H. rodentium + H. typhlonius (severe inflammation). Inflammation-associated colonic neoplasia was common in infected mice and its incidence correlated with IBD severity. Combined treatment with amoxicillin, clarithromycin, metronidazole, and omeprazole eradicated Helicobacter in infected mice and ameliorated established IBD in both infected and noninfected mice. Infection of IL10−/− mice with H. rodentium, H. typhlonius, or both organisms can trigger development of severe IBD that eventually leads to colonic neoplasia. The high incidence and multiplicity of neoplastic lesions in infected mice make this model well-suited for future research related to the development and chemoprevention of inflammation-associated colon cancer. The similar antiinflammatory effect of antibiotic therapy in Helicobacter-infected and -noninfected IL10−/− mice with colitis indicates that unidentified microbiota in addition to Helicobacter drive the inflammatory process in this model. This finding suggests a complex role for both Helicobacter and other intestinal microbiota in the onset and perpetuation of IBD in these susceptible hosts.Abbreviations: IBD, Inflammatory bowel diseaseInflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is hypothesized to develop due to aberrant immune responses induced by gut microbes.5 IBD does not occur in germ-free IL10−/− mice,2,15 indicating the importance of microorganisms as environmental triggers of intestinal inflammation. However, conventionally colonized or specific pathogen-free IL10−/− mice may develop colitis spontaneously2,32 or in response to specific triggers such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs3,14 or infections with certain bacteria.6,16,18 The normal lack of ongoing immune responses against bacteria in subjects without IBD has been attributed to the immunologic tolerance that specifically downregulates immune responses against antigens derived from these bacteria. Nevertheless, despite a large number of studies, no single bacterial type has fulfilled Koch postulates and been confirmed as a cause of IBD in animals or humans.Previous studies used fluorescence in situ hybridization with probes specific for bacterial 16S rRNA combined with conventional histologic techniques to study the relationships between various species of intestinal bacteria and the mucosa in mice and humans with IBD.33,34 Those studies showed that in normal mice, most bacterial groups are separated from the mucosal surface by either a mucus layer that excludes bacteria or, in the cecum and proximal colon, by an ‘interlaced’ layer that is composed of tightly packed bacteria. The interlaced or mucus layer thus limits the contact of the bulk of the enteric bacteria with the mucosal epithelium. In contrast, complex biofilms composed of multiple species of bacteria that were firmly adherent to the mucosal surface were identified in the majority of colon tissue samples collected from humans and mice with IBD.33,34 The presence of a biofilm abrogates the protective effects of the normal layer of mucus and can allow luminal bacterial antigens and toxins to reach the unshielded epithelial surface, where they can trigger cascades of host inflammatory responses. Situations that cause defects in the epithelial surface or degrade the protective qualities of mucus or the interlaced layer (or both) may allow contact of bacterial antigens and adjuvants with immune cells located in the lamina propria and lead to the generation of immune responses that result in IBD.34Helicobacter species are used frequently to model microbial triggers of colon inflammation, because they have previously been linked to the development of both IBD- and inflammation-associated neoplasia.11,21,29 Most studies have been performed by using Helicobacter hepaticus or H. bilis.20 However, H. typhlonius, H. rodentium, H. muridarum, H. ganmani, H. trogontum and other species8,12,17,29,35 can also be endemic in research animal facilities. The pathophysiologic effects of these less-common Helicobacter species are, for the most part, poorly investigated.Most rodent Helicobacter species are urease-negative and therefore preferentially colonize the intestine, but some species produce urease enzyme and can translocate to the liver or colonize the biliary system.13 H. typhlonius was shown to cause an enteric disease characterized by mucosal hyperplasia and associated inflammation in the cecum and colon in immunodeficient mice11,23 and IL10−/− mice.18 H. typhlonius is genetically related most closely to H. hepaticus, having only 2.36% difference in the 16S rRNA gene sequence, but H. typhlonius has a unique intervening sequence in this gene that makes it easily recognizable by PCR.9,12 Molecular detection of this pathogen with PCR is rapid, sensitive and allows the detection of the early phases of infection; further enhanced sensitivity is achieved with nested primers.22 One of the most important features of PCR is that it can be performed noninvasively on fecal pellets. Data regarding the pathogenetic mechanisms of H. rodentium are scarce.35,36 H. rodentium alone apparently does not cause hepatitis or enteritis in A/JCr or C.B-17/IcrCrl-scidBr mice; however, coinfection with H. hepaticus and H. rodentium was associated with augmented cecal gene expression and clinical diarrheal disease in immunodeficient mice compared with mice infected with H. hepaticus alone.23Previous reports demonstrated that H. typhlonius was capable of initiating colitis in adult IL10−/− mice.10,11 In those studies, colitis was relatively mild, with no development of inflammation-associated neoplasia. H. rodentium has been described to be nonpathogenic in adult wild-type mice but did enhance cytokine production in the cecum of mice also infected with H. hepaticus.23 We recently observed rapid onset of severe IBD and a high incidence of inflammation-associated neoplasia in IL10−/− mice that were coinfected with both H. typhlonius and H. rodentium as pups.16 The current study was undertaken to determine the relative roles of H. rodentium and H. typhlonius, individually and in combination, and age at infection in the development of colon inflammation and inflammation-associated neoplasia in IL10−/− mice. Novel features of our model include controlled infection of the combination of H. typhlonius and H. rodentium9 and infection of IL10−/− mice during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) concentrations are frequently elevated in central nervous system (CNS) viral infections, but the pathophysiologic significance of such elevations is not known. To examine the role of IL-1β in CNS viral pathogenesis, we compared the natural histories of IL-1β-deficient and wild-type 129 SV(ev) mice infected with a neurovirulent viral strain, neuroadapted Sindbis virus (NSV). We found that the incidence of severe paralysis and death was markedly decreased in NSV-infected IL-1β−/− mice compared to NSV-infected wild-type mice (4 versus 88%, P < 0.001). Despite this marked difference in clinical outcome, no differences in numbers of apoptotic cells or presence of histopathologic lesions in the brains of moribund wild-type mice and those of clinically healthy IL-1β−/− mice could be detected. These results suggest that IL-1β deficiency is protective against fatal Sindbis virus infection by a mechanism that does not involve resistance to CNS virus-induced apoptosis or histopathology.  相似文献   

Understanding the host genetics of the immune response in retrovirus infection models could provide insights for basic HIV vaccine discovery. In Friend retrovirus (FV) infection of mice, Fv1 differentially inhibits N-tropic versus B-tropic FV infection by mediating a capsid-dependent post-entry block, Fv2 susceptibility governs splenomegaly induction, and Rfv3 resistance primes a stronger neutralizing antibody response due to more potent Apobec3 activity. Apobec3 polymorphisms in inbred mouse strains correlate with Rfv3 resistance and susceptibility, with one unresolved exception. The 129/OlaHsd (129P2) mouse strain is Fv2 and Rfv3 susceptible based on genotyping, but infection of 129P2 mice with B-tropic FV resulted in strong neutralizing antibody responses and no splenomegaly. Here we confirm that 129P2 mice are Fv1nr/nr, explaining its resistance to B-tropic FV. Infection of 129P2 mice with NB-tropic FV, which can efficiently infect mice independent of Fv1 genotype, resulted in severe splenomegaly, high levels of viremia and weak neutralizing antibody responses regardless of Apobec3 status. Notably, high-dose B-tropic FV infection of 129P2 Apobec3-deficient mice induced significant adaptive immune responses and conferred high levels of protection following challenge with pathogenic NB-tropic FV. This immunological protection complemented previous studies that N-tropic FV can act as a live-attenuated vaccine in Fv1 b/b mice. Altogether, the results obtained in 129P2 mice strengthen the conclusion that Rfv3 is encoded by Apobec3, and highlight Fv1 incompatibility as a retroviral vaccine paradigm in mice. Due to its susceptibility to disease that allows for pathogenic challenge studies, B-tropic FV infection of 129P2 mice may be a useful model to study the immunological pathways induced by retroviral capsid restriction.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1)-binding protein Reg1 is required to maintain complete repression of ADH2 expression during growth on glucose. Surprisingly, however, mutant forms of the yeast PP1 homologue Glc7, which are unable to repress expression of another glucose-regulated gene, SUC2, fully repressed ADH2. Constitutive ADH2 expression in reg1 mutant cells did require Snf1 protein kinase activity like constitutive SUC2 expression and was inhibited by unregulated cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity like ADH2 expression in derepressed cells. To further elucidate the functional role of Reg1 in repressing ADH2 expression, deletions scanning the entire length of the protein were analyzed. Only the central region of the protein containing the putative PP1-binding sequence RHIHF was found to be indispensable for repression. Introduction of the I466M F468A substitutions into this sequence rendered Reg1 almost nonfunctional. Deletion of the central region or the double substitution prevented Reg1 from significantly interacting with Glc7 in two-hybrid analyses. Previous experimental evidence had indicated that Reg1 might target Glc7 to nuclear substrates such as the Snf1 kinase complex. Subcellular localization of a fully functional Reg1-green fluorescent protein fusion, however, indicated that Reg1 is cytoplasmic and excluded from the nucleus independently of the carbon source. When the level of Adr1 was modestly elevated, ADH2 expression was no longer fully repressed in glc7 mutant cells, providing the first direct evidence that Glc7 can repress ADH2 expression. These results suggest that the Reg1-Glc7 phosphatase is a cytoplasmic component of the machinery responsible for returning Snf1 kinase activity to its basal level and reestablishing glucose repression. This implies that the activated form of the Snf1 kinase complex must cycle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Elevated intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) inhibition of NHE3 is reconstituted by NHERF2, but not NHERF1, by a mechanism involving the formation of multiprotein signaling complexes. To further evaluate the specificity of the NHERF family in calcium regulation of NHE3 activity, the current study determined whether NHERF3 reconstitutes elevated [Ca2+]i regulation of NHE3. In vitro, NHERF3 bound the NHE3 C terminus between amino acids 588 and 667. In vivo, NHE3 and NHERF3 associate under basal conditions as indicated by co-immunoprecipitation, confocal microscopy, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Treatment of PS120/NHE3/NHERF3 cells, but not PS120/NHE3 cells, with the Ca2+ ionophore, 4-bromo-A23187 (0.5 μm): 1) inhibited NHE3 Vmax activity; 2) decreased NHE3 surface amount; 3) dissociated NHE3 and NHERF3 at the plasma membrane by confocal immunofluorescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Similarly, in Caco-2BBe cells, NHERF3 and NHE3 colocalized in the BB under basal conditions but after elevation of [Ca2+]i by carbachol, this overlap was abolished. NHERF3 short hairpin RNA knockdown (>50%) in Caco-2BBe cells significantly reduced basal NHE3 activity by decreasing BB NHE3 amount. Also, carbachol-mediated inhibition of NHE3 activity was abolished in Caco-2BBe cells in which NHERF3 protein expression was significantly reduced. In summary: 1) NHERF3 colocalizes and directly binds NHE3 at the plasma membrane under basal conditions; 2) NHERF3 reconstitutes [Ca2+]i inhibition of NHE3 activity and dissociates from NHE3 in fibroblasts and polarized intestinal epithelial cells with elevated [Ca2+]i; 3) NHERF3 short hairpin RNA significantly reduced NHE3 basal activity and brush border expression in Caco-2BBe cells. These results demonstrate that NHERF3 reconstitutes calcium inhibition of NHE3 activity by anchoring NHE3 basally and releasing it with elevated Ca2+.In normal digestive physiology, the brush border (BB)2 Na+/H+ exchanger, NHE3, mediates the majority of the NaCl and NaHCO3 absorption in the ileum (1). Sequential inhibition and stimulation of NHE3 occur as part of digestive physiology. Short-term regulation of NHE3 activity is achieved through a variety of factors that affect NHE3 turnover number and/or surface expression and often involve a role for the cytoskeleton and accessory proteins, including the multi-PDZ domain containing proteins, NHERF1 and NHERF2 (1, 2). However, many details of this regulation are not understood.The NHERF (Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor) family of multi-PDZ domain containing proteins consists of four evolutionarily related members, all of which are expressed in epithelial cells of the mammalian small intestine (2). NHERF1 and NHERF2 have been previously shown to contribute to acute NHE3 stimulation and inhibition (310). Recently, two additional PDZ domain containing proteins, termed NHERF3/PDZK1 and NHERF4/PDZK2/IKEPP, have been demonstrated to possess sequence homology with NHERF1 and NHERF2 (1114). However, unlike NHERF1 and NHERF2, which are comprised of two tandem PDZ domains flanked by a C-terminal ezrin/radixin/moesin binding domain, NHERF3 and NHERF4 consist of four PDZ domains but no other protein-protein interacting domains (12).NHERF3 was initially identified by a yeast two-hybrid screen from a human kidney cDNA library using the membrane-associated protein MAP17, as bait (12). NHERF3 is expressed in the brush border of epithelial cells of the kidney proximal tubule and the small intestine (12). NHERF3 associates with and, in a few cases, has been shown to regulate the activity of multiple apical membrane ion transporters including the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), urate anion exchanger 1 (URAT1), sodium-phosphate cotransporter type IIa (NaPiIIa), proton-coupled peptide transporter (PEPT2), and organic cation/carnitine cotransporter (OCTN2) (1519). Furthermore, NHERF3 directly binds the C terminus of NHE3 (20). Recent studies have begun evaluating the effect of NHERF3 on mouse intestinal Na+ and Cl transport. Basal electroneutral sodium absorption was decreased by >40% in the NHERF3 null mouse jejunum (21) and by >80% in the colon (22). In addition, Cinar et al. (22) demonstrated that cAMP and [Ca2+]i inhibition of NHE3 activity was abolished in the NHERF3 null mouse colon. However, the mechanism by which NHERF3 regulates NHE3 activity was not resolved.Several physiological and pathophysiological agonists, acting through [Ca2+]i-induced second messenger systems, are known to inhibit electroneutral NaCl absorption in the small intestine (1, 23). Elevation of [Ca2+]i has previously been demonstrated to inhibit NHE3 activity in a NHERF2-, but not NHERF1-dependent manner (5). NHERF2 regulation of NHE3 involves the formation of multiprotein complexes at the plasma membrane that include NHE3, NHERF2, α-actinin-4, and PKCα, which induce endocytic removal of NHE3 from the plasma membrane by a PKC-dependent mechanism (5, 24). Because multiple PDZ proteins exist in the apical pole of epithelial cells (2), the current study was designed to determine whether NHERF3 could reconstitute Ca2+ regulation of NHE3 activity and to define how that occurred.  相似文献   

Otitis media is a common reason for hearing loss, especially in children. Otitis media is a multifactorial disease and environmental factors, anatomic dysmorphology and genetic predisposition can all contribute to its pathogenesis. However, the reasons for the variable susceptibility to otitis media are elusive. MCPH1 mutations cause primary microcephaly in humans. So far, no hearing impairment has been reported either in the MCPH1 patients or mouse models with Mcph1 deficiency. In this study, Mcph1-deficient (Mcph1tm1a /tm1a) mice were produced using embryonic stem cells with a targeted mutation by the Sanger Institute''s Mouse Genetics Project. Auditory brainstem response measurements revealed that Mcph1tm1a /tm1a mice had mild to moderate hearing impairment with around 70% penetrance. We found otitis media with effusion in the hearing-impaired Mcph1tm1a /tm1a mice by anatomic and histological examinations. Expression of Mcph1 in the epithelial cells of middle ear cavities supported its involvement in the development of otitis media. Other defects of Mcph1tm1a /tm1a mice included small skull sizes, increased micronuclei in red blood cells, increased B cells and ocular abnormalities. These findings not only recapitulated the defects found in other Mcph1-deficient mice or MCPH1 patients, but also revealed an unexpected phenotype, otitis media with hearing impairment, which suggests Mcph1 is a new gene underlying genetic predisposition to otitis media.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to evaluate the influence of diet-induced obesity on IL-6 deficiency-induced bone remodeling abnormality. Seven-week-old IL-6-/- mice and their wild type (WT) littermates were fed a standard diet (SD) or high-fat diet (HFD) for 25 weeks. Lipid formation and bone metabolism in mice tibiae were investigated by histochemical analysis. Both IL-6-/- and WT mice fed the HFD showed notable body weight gain, thickened cortical bones, and adipose accumulation in the bone marrow. Notably, the HFD normalized the bone phenotype of IL-6-/- mice to that of their WT counterpart, as characterized by a decrease in bone mass and the presence of an obliquely arranged, plate-like morphology in the trabecular bone. Alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin expressions were attenuated in both genotypes after HFD feeding, especially for the IL-6-/- mice. Meanwhile, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase staining was inhibited, osteoclast apoptosis rate down-regulated (revealed by TUNEL assay), and the proportion of cathepsin K (CK)-positive osteoclasts significantly increased in IL-6-/- mice on a HFD as compared with IL-6-/- mice on standard chow. Our results demonstrate that HFD-induced obesity reverses IL-6 deficiency-associated bone metabolic disorders by suppressing osteoblast activity, upregulating osteoclastic activity, and inhibiting osteoclast apoptosis.  相似文献   

Gallbladder Na+ absorption is linked to gallstone formation in prairie dogs. Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) is one of the major Na+ absorptive pathways in gallbladder. In this study, we measured gallbladder Na+/H+ exchange and characterized the NHE isoforms expressed in prairie dogs. Na+/H+ exchange activity was assessed by measuring amiloride-inhibitable transepithelial Na+ flux and apical 22Na+ uptake using dimethylamiloride (DMA). HOE-694 was used to determine NHE2 and NHE3 contributions. Basal J Na ms was higher than J Na sm with J Na net absorption. Mucosal DMA inhibited transepithelial Na+ flux in a dose-dependent fashion, causing J Na ms equal to J Na sm and blocking J Na net absorption at 100 μm. Basal 22Na+ uptake rate was 10.9 ± 1.0 μmol · cm−2· hr−1 which was inhibited by ∼43% by mucosal DMA and ∼30% by mucosal HOE-694 at 100 μm. RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis demonstrated expression of mRNAs encoding NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 in the gallbladder. Expression of NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 polypeptides was confirmed using isoform-specific anti-NHE antibodies. These data suggest that Na+/H+ exchange accounts for a substantial fraction of gallbladder apical Na+ entry and most of net Na+ absorption in prairie dogs. The NHE2 and NHE3 isoforms, but not NHE1, are involved in gallbladder apical Na+ uptake and transepithelial Na+ absorption. Received: 9 February 2001/Revised: 11 April 2001  相似文献   

Caspr3 (Contactin-associated protein-like 3, Cntnap3) is a neural cell adhesion molecule belonging to the Caspr family. We have recently shown that Caspr3 is expressed abundantly between the first and second postnatal weeks in the mouse basal ganglia, including the striatum, external segment of the globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra. However, its physiological role remains largely unknown. In this study, we conducted a series of behavioral analyses on Capsr3-knockout (KO) mice and equivalent wild-type (WT) mice to investigate the role of Caspr3 in brain function. No significant differences were observed in most behavioral traits between Caspr3-KO and WT mice, but we found that Caspr3-KO mice performed poorly during the early phase of the accelerated rotarod task in which latency to falling off a rod rotating with increasing velocity was examined. In the late phase, the performance of the Caspr3-KO mice caught up to the level of WT mice, suggesting that the deletion of Caspr3 caused a delay in motor learning. We then examined changes in neural activity after training on the accelerated rotarod by conducting immunohistochemistry using antibody to c-Fos, an indirect marker for neuronal activity. Experience of the accelerated rotarod task caused increases in the number of c-Fos-positive cells in the dorsal striatum, cerebellum, and motor cortex in both Caspr3-KO and WT mice, but the number of c-Fos-positive cells was significantly lower in the dorsal striatum of Caspr3-KO mice than in that of WT mice. The expression of c-Fos in the ventral striatum of Caspr3-KO and WT mice was not altered by the training. Our findings suggest that reduced activation of neural cells in the dorsal striatum in Caspr3-KO mice leads to a decline in motor learning in the accelerated rotarod task.  相似文献   

Suzuki  Toru  Tanaka  Kenji F. 《Neurochemical research》2022,47(9):2645-2655
Neurochemical Research - Gain or loss of appetite and resulting body weight changes are commonly observed in major depressive disorders (MDDs). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is broadly...  相似文献   

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