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Ion conduction is an essential function for electrical activity in all organisms. The non-selective ion channel NaK was previously shown to adopt two stable conformations of the selectivity filter. Here, we present solid-state NMR measurements of NaK demonstrating a population shift between these conformations induced by changing the ions in the sample while the overall structure of NaK is not affected. We show that two K+-selective mutants (NaK2K and NaK2K-Y66F) suffer a complete loss of selectivity filter stability under Na+ conditions, but do not collapse into a defined structure. Widespread chemical shift perturbations are seen between the Na+ and K+ states of the K+-selective mutants in the region of the pore helix indicating structural changes. We conclude that the stronger link between the selectivity filter and the pore helix in the K+-selective mutants, compared to the non-selective wild-type NaK channel, reduces the ion-dependent conformational flexibility of the selectivity filter.  相似文献   

We develop a simplified model of themultiply occupied Kcsa-like selectivityfilter based on the best availablestructural data. The existence of hierarchyof motions in the selectivity filter isshown. Fast fluctuations of the ion-iondistances may be considered adiabaticallydecoupled from the slow diffusive motion ofthe ions' center of masses. The latter canbe considered as a quasi-particle, called aquasi-ion, moving in an effectivepotential. In the Kcsa-like selectivityfilter occupied by three ions the effectivepotential allows free barrier-lessdiffusional motion of the quasi-ions. Theconcept of the quasi-ions performing iontranslocation through the channel may bevital in explaining barrier-less `knock-on' conduction postulated for real channels.  相似文献   

To explore the role of pore-lining amino acids in Na+ channel ion-selectivity, pore residues were  replaced serially with cysteine in cloned rat skeletal muscle Na+ channels. Ionic selectivity was determined by measuring permeability and ionic current ratios of whole-cell currents in Xenopus oocytes. The rSkM1 channels displayed an ionic selectivity sequence Na+>Li+>NH4 +>>K+>>Cs+ and were impermeable to divalent cations.  Replacement of residues in domain IV showed significantly enhanced current and permeability ratios of NH4 + and K+, and negative shifts in the reversal potentials recorded in the presence of external Na+ solutions when compared to cysteine mutants in domains I, II, and III (except K1237C). Mutants in domain IV showed altered selectivity sequences: W1531C (NH4 +>K+>Na+≥Li+≈Cs+), D1532C, and G1533C (Na+>Li+≥NH4 +>K+>Cs+). Conservative replacement of the aromatic residue in domain IV (W1531) with phenylalanine or tyrosine retained Na+ selectivity of the channel while the alanine mutant (W1531A) reduced ion selectivity. A single mutation within the third pore forming region (K1237C) dramatically altered the selectivity sequence of the rSkM1 channel (NH4 +>K+>Na+≥Li+≈Cs+) and was permeable to divalent cations having the selectivity sequence Ca2+≥Sr2+>Mg2+>Ba2+. Sulfhydryl modification of K1237C, W1531C or D1532C with methanethiosulfonate derivatives that introduce a positively charged ammonium group, large trimethylammonium moiety, or a negatively charged sulfonate group within the pore was ineffective in restoring Na+ selectivity to these channels. Selectivity of D1532C mutants could be largely restored by increasing extracellular pH suggesting altering the ionized state at this position influences selectivity. These data suggest that K1237 in domain III and W1531, D1532, and G1533 in domain IV play a critical role in determining the ionic selectivity of the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

Conformational change in the selectivity filter of KcsA as a function of ambient potassium concentration is studied with solid-state NMR. This highly conserved region of the protein is known to chelate potassium ions selectively. We report solid-state NMR chemical shift fingerprints of two distinct conformations of the selectivity filter; significant changes are observed in the chemical shifts of key residues in the filter as the potassium ion concentration is changed from 50 mM to 1 μM. Potassium ion titration studies reveal that the site-specific Kd for K+ binding at the key pore residue Val76 is on the order of ∼ 7 μM and that a relatively high sample hydration is necessary to observe the low-K+ conformer. Simultaneous detection of both conformers at low ambient potassium concentration suggests that the high-K+ and low-K+ states are in slow exchange on the NMR timescale (kex < 500 s− 1). The slow rate and tight binding for evacuating both inner sites simultaneously differ from prior observations in detergent in solution, but agree well with measurements by electrophysiology and appear to result from our use of a hydrated bilayer environment. These observations strongly support a common assumption that the low-K+ state is not involved in ion transmission, and that during transmission one of the two inner sites is always occupied. On the other hand, these kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of the evacuation of the inner sites certainly could be compatible with participation in a control mechanism at low ion concentration such as C-type inactivation, a process that is coupled to activation and involves closing of the outer mouth of the channel.  相似文献   

To understand the thermodynamic exclusion of Na+ relative to K+ from the S2 site of the selectivity filter, the distribution PX(ɛ) (X = K+ or Na+) of the binding energy (ɛ) of the ion with the channel is analyzed using the potential distribution theorem. By expressing the excess chemical potential of the ion as a sum of mean-field 〈ɛ〉 and fluctuation μexflux,X contributions, we find that selectivity arises from a higher value of μflux,Na+ex relative to μflux,K+ex. To understand the role of site-site interactions on μexflux,X, we decompose PX(ɛ) into n-dependent distributions, where n is the number of ion-coordinating ligands within a distance λ from the ion. For λ comparable to typical ion-oxygen bond distances, investigations building on this multistate model reveal an inverse correlation between favorable ion-site and site-site interactions: the ion-coordination states that most influence the thermodynamics of the ion are also those for which the binding site is energetically less strained and vice versa. This correlation motivates understanding entropic effects in ion binding to the site and leads to the finding that μexflux,X is directly proportional to the average site-site interaction energy, a quantity that is sensitive to the chemical type of the ligand coordinating the ion. Increasing the coordination number around Na+ only partially accounts for the observed magnitude of selectivity; acknowledging the chemical type of the ion-coordinating ligand is essential.  相似文献   

ROMK (Kir1.1) potassium channels are closed by internal acidification with a pKa of 6.7 ± 0.01 in 100 mM external K and a pKa of 7.0 ± 0.01 in 1 mM external K. Internal acidification in 1 mM K (but not 100 mM K) not only closed the pH gate but also inactivated Kir1.1, such that realkalization did not restore channel activity until high K was returned to the bath. We identified a new putative intersubunit salt bridge (R128-E132-Kir1.1b) in the P-loop of the channel near the selectivity filter that affected the K sensitivity of the inactivation process. Mutation of either R128-Kir1.1b or E132-Kir1.1b caused inactivation in both 1 mM and 100 mM external K during oocyte acidification. However, 300 mM external K (but not 200 mM Na + 100 mM K) protected both E132Q and R128Y from inactivation. External application of a modified honey-bee toxin, tertiapin Q (TPNQ), also protected Kir1.1 from inactivation in 1 mM K and protected E132Q and R128Y from inactivation in 100 mM K, which suggests that TPNQ binding to the outer mouth of the channel stabilizes the active state. Pretreatment of Kir1.1 with external Ba prevented Kir1.1 inactivation, similar to pretreatment with TPNQ. In addition, mutations that disrupted transmembrane helix H-bonding (K61M-Kir1.1b) or stabilized a selectivity filter to helix-pore linkage (V121T-Kir1.1b) also protected both E132Q and R128Y from inactivation in 1 mM K and 100 mM K. Our results are consistent with Kir inactivation arising from conformational changes near the selectivity filter, analogous to C-type inactivation.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) Car-Parrinello simulations were performed to estimate the coordination numbers of K+ and Na+ ions in the selectivity filter of the KcsA channel, and in water. At the DFT/BLYP level, K+ ions were found to display an average coordination number of 6.6 in the filter, and 6.2 in water. Na+ ions displayed an average coordination number of 5.2 in the filter, and 5.0 in water. A comparison was made with the average coordination numbers obtained from using classical molecular dynamics (6.7 for K+ in the filter, 6.6 for K+ in water, 6.0 for Na+ in the filter, and 5.2 for Na+ in water). The observation that different coordination numbers were displayed by the ions in QM/MM simulations and in classical molecular dynamics is relevant to the discussion of selectivity in K-channels.  相似文献   

Potassium channels display a high conservation of sequence of the selectivity filter (SF), yet nature has designed a variety of channels that present a wide range of absolute rates of K+ permeation. In KcsA, the structural archetype for K channels, under physiological concentrations, two K+ ions reside in the SF in configurations 1,3 (up state) and 2,4 (down state) and ion conduction is believed to follow a throughput cycle involving a transition between these states. Using free-energy calculations of KcsA, Kv1.2, and mutant channels, we show that this transition is characterized by a channel-dependent energy barrier. This barrier is strongly influenced by the charges partitioned along the sequence of each channel. These results unveil therefore how, for similar structures of the SF, the rate of K+ turnover may be fine-tuned within the family of potassium channels.  相似文献   

Preneoplastic lesions represent a useful target for early diagnosis and follow-up of gastrointestinal malignancies. hERG1 channel expression was tested by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a cohort of colorectal adenoma samples belonging to Italian subjects. Overall, hERG1 was expressed in 56.5% of cases with both high staining intensity and a high percentage of positive cells. Moreover, hERG1 was expressed in a higher percentage of dysplastic adenomas with respect to hyperplastic lesions, and the proportion of positive samples further increased in patients with high-grade dysplasia. Comparing hERG1 expression in other preneoplastic lesions of the GI tract (gastric dysplasia and Barrett’s esophagus), it emerged that in all the conditions, hERG1 was expressed with a diffused pattern, throughout the cell, with variable staining intensity within the samples. The highest expression was detected in gastric dysplasia samples and the lowest in Barrett’s esophagus at similar levels observed in colorectal adenomas. Our results show that hERG1 is aberrantly expressed in human preneoplastic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and has a different pattern of expression and role in the different sites. Overall, the detection of hERG1 expression in preneoplastic lesions could represent a novel diagnostic or prognostic marker of progression in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Mammalian voltage-dependent potassium (Kv) channels regulate the excitability of nerve and muscle cells. Kv12.2 features the longest S5-P loop among all known mammalian Kv channels with the most N-linked glycosylation sites (three sites). Despite its unique structural features, Kv12.2 is not well characterized. Because glycosylation plays important roles in the folding, trafficking, and function of various Kv channels, we focused on the N-glycosylation of Kv12.2. We show that Kv12.2 is N-glycosylated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and in cultured neurons as well as in the mouse brain. As an effect of N-glycosylation on the function of Kv12.2, we demonstrate that removal of sugar chains causes a depolarizing shift in the steady-state activation without a significant reduction in current amplitude. Unlike the previously reported shift for Shaker-type Kv channels, this shift does not appear to be due to negatively charged sialic acid residues in the sugar chains. We next examined the trafficking in CHO cells to address whether the unglycosylated Kv12.2 channels are utilized in vivo. Although double mutants, retaining only one glycosylation site, are trafficked to the surface of CHO cells irrespective of the position of the glycosylated site, unglycosylated channels are not trafficked to the cell surface. Furthermore, we could not detect unglycosylated channels in the mouse brain. Our data suggest that only glycosylated Kv12.2 channels show proper voltage dependence and are utilized in vivo.  相似文献   

hERG1 is a member of the cyclic nucleotide binding domain family of K+ channels. Alignment of cyclic nucleotide binding domain channels revealed an evolutionary conserved sequence HwX(A/G)C in the S5 domain. We reasoned that histidine 562 in hERG1 could play an important structure-function role. To explore this role, we created in silica models of the hERG1 pore domain based on the KvAP crystal structure with Rosetta-membrane modeling and molecular-dynamics simulations. Simulations indicate that the H562 residue in the S5 helix spans the gap between the S5 helix and the pore helix, stabilizing the pore domain, and that mutation at the H562 residue leads to a disruption of the hydrogen bonding to T618 and S621, resulting in distortion of the selectivity filter. Analysis of the simulated point mutations at positions 562/618/621 showed that the reciprocal double mutations H562W/T618I would partially restore the orientation of the 562 residue. Matching hydrophobic interactions between mutated W562 residue and I618 partially compensate for the disrupted hydrogen bonding. Complementary in vitro electrophysiological studies confirmed the results of the molecular-dynamics simulations on single mutations at positions 562, 618, and 621. Experimentally, mutations of the H562 to tryptophan produced a functional channel, but with slowed deactivation and shifted V1/2 of activation. Furthermore, the double mutation T618I/H562W rescued the defects seen in activation, deactivation, and potassium selectivity seen with the H562W mutation. In conclusion, interactions between H562 in the S5 helix and amino acids in the pore helix are important determinants of hERG1 potassium channel function, as confirmed by theory and experiment.  相似文献   

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