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We examined the diet of the alien Nile tilapia and bluegill, redear sunfish, and largemouth bass over a two-year period in coastal Mississippi. Nile tilapia diet was visually separated from the three natives based on group-average linkage cluster analysis. Sequential two-way nested analysis of similarities indicted there was no season effect (Global R = 0.026, P = 24.3%), but there was a moderate size class effect (Global R = 0.457, P = 0.1%) and a strong species effect (Global R = 0.876, P = 0.1%). Pairwise tests indicated species fed on different components of and locations within the environment, with bluegill, redear sunfish and largemouth bass (all R ≤ 0.683, P = 0.1%) having the most similar dietary components and Nile tilapia (all R ≥ 0.953, P = 0.1%) having the most distinct. Multivariate dispersion indicated that largemouth bass (1.425) and bluegill (1.394) had the most diverse diets compared to redear sunfish (0.906) and Nile tilapia (0.918). Similarities of percentages indicated that diets were separated based on prey: bluegill and redear sunfish consumed chironomids and insects; largemouth bass consumed fish and insects; and Nile tilapia fed most often on sediment resources such as nematodes, rotifers, bryozoans and hydrozoans. Nile tilapia had the highest frequency of mud, sand and detritus in their stomachs, suggesting they fed directly on bottom sediments. These data and the fact that Nile tilapia has a 1.3–7.6 times longer intestine on average than its body length, support our contention that this alien species feeds at the base of the food web and is well adapted to survive and proliferate in non-native environments.  相似文献   

The causes of the extensive (0.86%/yr; 288,414 ha/yr) and welldocumented dramatic and accelerating rate of coastal wetlandloss in the northern Gulf of Mexico were investigated by aninterdisciplinary university research team to discern the roleof outer continental shelf development. The landscape changesand potential causal agents are emphasized herein. Natural drivingfactors include sea level rise and geological compaction, whichappear to remain constant this century, and sediment supplyfrom the Mississippi River which has declined by 50%,since the1950s. Man-made influences include hydrologic changes from riverdiversions, flood protection levees, an extensive canal andspoil bank network, belowground fluid withdrawal and accidentaland intentional impoundments. Wetland loss is not simply a geologicalphenomenon. Wetland plants hold sediments together, add to verticalaccretion rates, withstand storm winds and waves, and assistin sediment trapping. Plant physiologic stress is documentedwhere hydrologic changes occur, and much of the wetland losscould be attributed to the effects of soil waterlogging on plants,not to sediment deprivation.  相似文献   

As result of its biological and ecological strategies, Pseudupeneus grandisquamis is a dominant species in the demersal community of the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Our main objective was to understand these strategies with respect to distribution, abundance and reproduction. We analyzed 5,175 individuals representing partial collections from five oceanographic expeditions between 1989 and 1990. It is a typical demersal marine species, with a wide distribution on the continental shelf. The highest abundance of P. grandisquamis occurs in March and November, around the 40 m isobath, facing the Superior-Inferior lake systems and Mar Muerto Lagoon. Reproduction occurred during all of the months studied, particularly from August to October, corresponding to the rainy season, when the salinity and temperature is lower. The presence of juveniles, principally in November and March, suggests a long period of recruitment; they are distributed mainly in the Superior-Inferior Lagoons, which serves as a nursery area where they remain until they are adults. The total female to male sex ratio was nearly 1:1 throughout the year. The maximum total length was 213 mm and the size at first maturity was 138 mm TL. The high abundance and reproduction occur when the gulf has a high level of ecological production, in accordance with the dynamics of the system, where the influence of coastal lagoons is important. Protection strategies for the area above the continental shelf of the Gulf of Tehuantepec are recommended for the estuary processes and for the reproduction and rearing of a large number of species, including P. grandisquamis.  相似文献   

Although autochthonous vibrio densities are known to be influenced by water temperature and salinity, little is understood about other environmental factors associated with their abundance and distribution. Densities of culturable Vibrio vulnificus containing vvh (V. vulnificus hemolysin gene) and V. parahaemolyticus containing tlh (thermolabile hemolysin gene, ubiquitous in V. parahaemolyticus), tdh (thermostable direct hemolysin gene, V. parahaemolyticus pathogenicity factor), and trh (tdh-related hemolysin gene, V. parahaemolyticus pathogenicity factor) were measured in coastal waters of Mississippi and Alabama. Over a 19-month sampling period, vibrio densities in water, oysters, and sediment varied significantly with sea surface temperature (SST). On average, tdh-to-tlh ratios were significantly higher than trh-to-tlh ratios in water and oysters but not in sediment. Although tlh densities were lower than vvh densities in water and in oysters, the opposite was true in sediment. Regression analysis indicated that SST had a significant association with vvh and tlh densities in water and oysters, while salinity was significantly related to vibrio densities in the water column. Chlorophyll a levels in the water were correlated significantly with vvh in sediment and oysters and with pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus (tdh and trh) in the water column. Furthermore, turbidity was a significant predictor of V. parahaemolyticus density in all sample types (water, oyster, and sediment), and its role in predicting the risk of V. parahaemolyticus illness may be more important than previously realized. This study identified (i) culturable vibrios in winter sediment samples, (ii) niche-based differences in the abundance of vibrios, and (iii) predictive signatures resulting from correlations between environmental parameters and vibrio densities.Vibrio spp. occur naturally in estuarine and marine environments, and two species of this genus, V. vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus, are responsible for the majority of reported vibrio illnesses in the United States (2). V. vulnificus infections are most commonly associated with the Gulf of Mexico, either via consumption of raw oysters harvested from these waters or wound infections following exposure to seawater. On average, about 50 cases of V. vulnificus septicemia are reported in the United States each year, with a case fatality rate of approximately 50% (31), the highest of any food-borne pathogen. In contrast, V. parahaemolyticus is the most common cause of seafood-associated bacterial gastroenteritis in the United States, with an estimated annual rate of 4,500 cases per year according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. V. parahaemolyticus also causes wound infections, though these are less frequent and less severe compared to those caused by V. vulnificus (5). Primary septicemia can occur following V. parahaemolyticus infection, but it is relatively rare for this pathogen. In the United States, V. parahaemolyticus illness most often results from consumption of raw or undercooked seafood, particularly oysters.It is well established that vibrio densities correlate strongly with sea surface temperature (SST), with densities increasing as temperatures increase; however, with the exception of salinity, little is definitively known about the influence of other environmental parameters, such as turbidity and chlorophyll a (22, 33). Consequently, while SST has been estimated to explain approximately 50% of the annual variation of V. parahaemolyticus abundance in oysters harvested from the northern Gulf of Mexico (40), a considerable amount of variation remains unexplained. It is of interest to delineate the effects of other environmental parameters independent of SST, as these parameters may be associated with spatial and temporal variation of vibrio densities within seasonal periods when SST is relatively constant and risk of human exposure and illness is high. Moreover, the majority of what is known about V. parahaemolyticus in the environment is based on total populations; little information is available on the pathogenic subpopulations. Isolates containing genetic markers for pathogenicity factors, including the thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) typically constitute <1% of the population in marine or postharvest oyster samples, but they account for >90% of clinical isolates (12). The basis for V. vulnificus pathogenicity remains unclear, as few pathogenicity factors have been described definitively (31). To address these data gaps, we monitored densities of culturable V. vulnificus containing vvh (the V. vulnificus hemolysin gene) and V. parahaemolyticus containing tlh (the thermolabile hemolysin gene, ubiquitous in V. parahaemolyticus), tdh, and trh in water, oysters, and sediment collected from coastal waters of Mississippi and Alabama. Associations between bacterial densities and environmental parameters were analyzed by regressing observations against sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a, turbidity, and salinity.  相似文献   

Spotted sand bass (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus) is one of the most common inshore reef fishes in the northern Gulf of California (GOC), Mexico, but has rarely been studied. Objectives of this study were to estimate age and growth parameters of this species from two areas in the northern GOC and use an age-structured model to assess fishery yield and Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) over a wide range of exploitations. Samples yielded fish up to age 8, although most were between age 2 and 5. Growth was extremely rapid, with most of the growth in length achieved in the first year, followed by much slower growth. Conditional rates of natural mortality averaged 0.37. Yield models predicted that spotted sand bass in the GOC were less vulnerable to fishing than those in the Pacific Ocean, likely due to faster growth and higher natural mortality. Growth overfishing and SPR values below 0.20 were only predicted at the lowest natural mortality and high (>0.50) exploitation rates. Results suggested that the species could support a commercial fishery in the GOC that might alleviate some of the conservation issues currently facing biologists in this unique marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Baseline information on the chemical and biological quality of sediments is provided for six coastal locations in the northern Gulf of Mexico, which were considered possible candidates for regional reference areas. Chemical quality, toxicity and benthic community composition were determined for sediments collected three times from each of 12 sites during an approximate one-year period. Potential contaminants in the usually sand-dominated sediments exceeded individual threshold effects level guidelines proposed for Florida coastal areas in approximately 31% of the samples collected from 8 of 12 sites. No probable effects level guidelines were exceeded. Acute toxicity occurred in 16% or less of the sediment samples and no significant chronic toxicity was observed to the infaunal amphipod, Leptocheirus plumulosus. Approximately, 11% and 17% of the sediments were classified as poor or marginal, based on low benthic taxa abundance and diversity index values, respectively. Sediment quality at many sites was less degraded than that for nearby coastal areas receiving point and non-point source contaminants, which suggests their suitability to serve as reference sediments although further confirmation is recommended. In a broader context, the results of this survey reflect the complexity in field verification of reference conditions for near-coastal sediments. This is attributable largely to the natural variability in their physical, biological, and chemical characteristics and to the lack of biocriteria for benthic macro and meiofauna.  相似文献   

A total of 172 bottom trawl/skimmer samples (183 to 3655-m depth) from three deep-sea studies, R/V Alaminos cruises (1964–1973), Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope (NGoMCS) study (1983–1985) and Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos (DGoMB) program (2000 to 2002), were compiled to examine temporal and large-scale changes in epibenthic fish species composition. Based on percent species shared among samples, faunal groups (≥10% species shared) consistently reoccurred over time on the shelf-break (ca. 200 m), upper-slope (ca. 300 to 500 m) and upper-to-mid slope (ca. 500 to 1500 m) depths. These similar depth groups also merged when the three studies were pooled together, suggesting that there has been no large-scale temporal change in depth zonation on the upper section of the continental margin. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) also detected no significant species changes on the limited sites and areas that have been revisited across the studies (P>0.05). Based on the ordination of the species shared among samples, species replacement was a continuum along a depth or macrobenthos biomass gradient. Despite the well-known, close, negative relationship between water depth and macrofaunal biomass, the fish species changed more rapidly at depth shallower than 1,000 m, but the rate of change was surprisingly slow at the highest macrofaunal biomass (>100 mg C m−2), suggesting that the composition of epibenthic fishes was not altered in response to the extremely high macrofaunal biomass in the upper Mississippi and De Soto Submarine Canyons. An alternative is that the pattern of fish species turnover is related to the decline in macrofaunal biomass, the presumptive prey of the fish, along the depth gradient.  相似文献   



The incidence of West Nile virus (WNv) has remained high in the northern Great Plains compared to the rest of the United States. However, the reasons for the sustained high risk of WNv transmission in this region have not been determined. To assess the environmental drivers of WNv in the northern Great Plains, we analyzed the county-level spatial pattern of human cases during the 2003 epidemic across a seven-state region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

County-level data on WNv cases were examined using spatial cluster analysis, and were used to fit statistical models with weather, climate, and land use variables as predictors. In 2003 there was a single large cluster of elevated WNv risk encompassing North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska along with portions of eastern Montana and Wyoming. The relative risk of WNv remained high within the boundaries of this cluster from 2004–2007. WNv incidence during the 2003 epidemic was found to have a stronger relationship with long-term climate patterns than with annual weather in either 2002 or 2003. WNv incidence increased with mean May–July temperature and had a unimodal relationship with total May–July precipitation. WNv incidence also increased with the percentage of irrigated cropland and with the percentage of the human population living in rural areas.


The spatial pattern of WNv cases during the 2003 epidemic in the northern Great Plains was associated with both climatic gradients and land use patterns. These results were interpreted as evidence that environmental conditions across much of the northern Great Plains create a favorable ecological niche for Culex tarsalis, a particularly efficient vector of WNv. Further research is needed to determine the proximal causes of sustained WNv transmission and to enhance strategies for disease prevention.  相似文献   

谭志军  颜天  周名江  李钧  于仁诚  王云峰 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1635-1639
通过塔玛亚历山大藻 ( Alexandrium tamarense)对黑褐新糠虾 ( N eomysis awatschensis)的急性和慢性毒性作用研究 ,发现塔玛亚历山大藻对黑褐新糠虾的存活、生殖、生长等有不利影响 ,影响程度随塔玛亚历山大藻藻细胞密度的增加而增加。在 96 h急性毒性实验中 ,塔玛亚历山大藻对黑褐新糠虾的半致死密度为 70 0 0 cells/ml,去藻过滤液中糠虾的死亡率为 2 5 %。在 6 2 d的慢性毒性实验中 ,密度为 90 0 cells/ml的塔玛亚历山大藻对黑褐新糠虾的繁殖有严重影响 ,在此影响下的实验组亲虾产幼虾总数只有 2 7尾 ,仅为对照组产幼虾数目的 1 6 .4 % ;其总产幼虾天数、日最高产幼数分别只有对照的 32 %、4 1 % ,其初次产虾日期也推迟了 3d,并出现了 3次生殖中断。塔玛亚历山大藻对黑褐新糠虾亲虾的存活、生长也有一定的影响 ,处在密度为 90 0 cells/ml塔玛亚历山大藻中的黑褐新糠虾亲虾的存活率只有对照的 6 3% ,糠虾亲虾的体长和体重分别为对照组亲虾的 95 .6 %和 81 .9% ,但差异尚不显著 ( P>0 .0 5 )  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Information on stock condition and reproductive biology are important for fisheries conservation and management planning. This study examined reproduction, growth,...  相似文献   

Many European rivers are characterized by a canalized main channel, steep stony embankments, the absence of aquatic vegetation, regulated flow dynamics, reduced hydrological connectivity to the floodplains and a lack of spawning and nursery areas for many fish species. In such regulated rivers, tributaries may be particularly important for recruitment of fish populations in the main channel. This paper describes the reproduction, growth and migration of fishes in the Everlose Beek, a regulated lowland tributary stream of the river Meuse (The Netherlands), using bi-weekly sampling from January to December 2002. A total of 8615 fishes were caught, belonging to 13 different species. The fish species were classified into three groups, viz., residents, migrants and transients, based on the presence of various life-stages in the tributary. Size-frequency data suggest that each group uses the Everlose Beek differently: (i) Stone loach (Barbatula barbatula), Gudgeon (Gobio gobio) and Three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were resident species using the tributary as a spawning, nursery and adult habitat; (ii) Bream (Abramis brama), Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Rudd (R. erythrophthalmus), Tench (Tinca tinca), and Pike (Esox lucius) were migratory species, using the tributary as a spawning area, as well as a nursery habitat during their first year of growth, but migrating towards the river Meuse typically at a length of 5–15 cm; and (iii) Bleak (Alburnus alburnus), Sunbleak (Leucaspius delineatus), Carp (Cyprinus carpio), Crucian carp (Carassius carassius), and Perch (Perca ,fluviatilis) were transient species, characterized by an absence of reproduction, .and the occurrence in very low densities of >age-1 juveniles and adults only. Lowland tributaries, such as the Everlose Beek, can contribute to the recruitment of particularly migrant species, hence contributing to fish populations of the regulated river Meuse.  相似文献   

Daphnia pulex were raised under nine light intensities, 0, 1.7, 3.5, 7, 14, 28, 55 and 110 ft-c, polarized light, 6.6 ft-c, and four wavelength ranges, violet, blue, green and red.Of the nine light intensities studied, only 28 ft-c significantly depressed growth. Light generally may retard growth between molts. There was no intensity effect on molting rate although there was a significant affect on the number of preadult molts. Light may affect the amount of time prior to the release of the first brood. Light intensity did not affect the average number of broods per adult but significantly affected the number of young per brood and young per adult and the effects varied. High light intensity significantly affected the number of undeveloped young and nonviable eggs and abortion rate. Reproduction curves under darkness, 3.5, 7, 14, 28 and 55 ft-c do not drop rapidly after an initial peak and apparent plateaus exist with a decline in reproduction during later instars. Light did not significantly affect survival.All effects of polarized light (6.6 ft-c) were indistinguishable from the effects of light intensity.Red wavelengths significantly retard total growth and green wavelengths significantly stimulate molting and retard growth between molts. There was no effect of wavelength on the number of preadult molts but red populations took significantly longer to release the first brood. Wavelengths did not affect the number of broods per adult but blue wavelength significantly increased the number of young per brood and per adult. Wavelength did not affect the number of undeveloped young, nonviable eggs or abortion rate. Reproduction curves under vioîlet and green wavelength do not decline after an initial peak. Animals raised under only a portion of the visible spectrum, and specifically green wavelenghts, had an increased mortality. The effects of wavelengths are probably independent of light intensity.This paper is part of a Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Kansas.Supported in part by a NSF Summer Traineeship and Grant # 1175 from the University of Kansas Computation Center.Supported in part by a NSF Summer Traineeship and Grant # 1175 from the University of Kansas Computation Center.  相似文献   

Invasive Indo-Pacific red lionfish, Pterois volitans, were first reported in the northern Gulf of Mexico (nGOM) in summer 2010. To examine potential impacts on native reef fish communities, lionfish density and size distributions were estimated from fall 2010 to fall 2013 with a remotely operated vehicle at natural (n = 16) and artificial (n = 22) reef sites. Lionfish (n = 934) also were sampled via spearfishing to examine effects of habitat type, season, and fish size on their diet and trophic ecology. There was an exponential increase in lionfish density at both natural and artificial reefs over the study period. By fall 2013, mean lionfish density at artificial reefs (14.7 fish 100 m−2) was two orders of magnitude higher than at natural reefs (0.49 fish 100 m−2), and already was among the highest reported in the western Atlantic. Lionfish diet was significantly different among habitats, seasons, and size classes, with smaller (<250 mm total length) fish consuming more benthic invertebrates and the diet of lionfish sampled from artificial reefs being composed predominantly of non-reef associated prey. The ontogenetic shift in lionfish feeding ecology was consistent with δ15N values of white muscle tissue that were positively related to total length. Overall, diet results indicate lionfish are generalist mesopredators in the nGOM that become more piscivorous at larger size. However, lionfish diet was much more varied at artificial reef sites where they clearly were foraging on open substrates away from reef structure. These results have important implications for tracking the lionfish invasion in the nGOM, as well as estimating potential direct and indirect impacts on native reef fish communities in this region.  相似文献   

Nesting strategies and use of important in-water habitats for far-ranging marine turtles can be determined using satellite telemetry. Because of a lack of information on habitat-use by marine turtles in the northern Gulf of Mexico, we used satellite transmitters in 2010 through 2012 to track movements of 39 adult female breeding loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) tagged on nesting beaches at three sites in Florida and Alabama. During the nesting season, recaptured turtles emerged to nest 1 to 5 times, with mean distance between emergences of 27.5 km; however, several turtles nested on beaches separated by ∼250 km within a single season. Mean total distances traveled throughout inter-nesting periods for all turtles was 1422.0±930.8 km. In-water inter-nesting sites, delineated using 50% kernel density estimation (KDE), were located a mean distance of 33.0 km from land, in water with mean depth of −31.6 m; other in-water inter-nesting sites, delineated using minimum convex polygon (MCP) approach, were located a mean 13.8 km from land and in water with a mean depth of −15.8 m. Mean size of in-water inter-nesting habitats were 61.9 km2 (50% KDEs, n = 10) and 741.4 km2 (MCPs, n = 30); these areas overlapped significantly with trawling and oil and gas extraction activities. Abundance estimates for this nesting subpopulation may be inaccurate in light of how much spread there is between nests of the same individual. Further, our results also have consequences for critical habitat designations for northern Gulf loggerheads, as protection of one nesting beach would not encompass the entire range used by turtles during breeding seasons.  相似文献   

Invasive Indo-Pacific red lionfish (Pterois volitans) have become well-established residents within reef communities across the western Atlantic Ocean where they pose substantial threats to native fish communities and reef ecosystems. Species-specific identification of prey is necessary to elucidate predator–prey interactions, but can be challenging with traditional visual identification methods given prey are often highly digested, thus not identifiable visually. To supplement visual diet analysis of lionfish (n = 934) sampled in the northern Gulf of Mexico, we applied DNA barcoding to identify otherwise unidentifiable fish prey (n = 696) via amplification of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of the mitochondrial genome. Barcoding nearly doubled the number of identifiable fish prey, thereby greatly enhancing our ability to describe lionfish diet. Thirty-three fish prey species were identified via barcoding, twenty-four of which were not previously detected by traditional methods. Some exploited reef fishes were newly reported (e.g., red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus) or found to constitute higher proportions of lionfish diet than previously reported (e.g., vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens). Barcoding added a significant amount of new dietary information, and we observed the highest prey diversity reported to date for invasive lionfish. Potential cannibalism on juveniles also was identified via DNA barcoding, with the highest incidence corresponding to high lionfish densities, thus suggesting density-dependent prey demand may have driven this response. Overall, DNA barcoding greatly enhanced our ability to describe invasive lionfish diet in this study, suggesting that even studies with relatively large diet sample sizes could benefit from barcoding analysis.  相似文献   

Shade coffee plantations can be important refuges for epiphytes, but are not suitable for all species. To test if the performance of early life stages, often the most sensitive phase, is responsible for the species’ ability to colonize coffee plantations, we compared growth and mortality rates of three epiphytic bromeliad species that differ in their ability to colonize secondary arboreal vegetation by transplanting juveniles to trees in forests, and shade trees in old and young coffee plantations in Central Veracruz, Mexico. Growth rates of Tillandsia viridiflora, generally restricted to forests, and Tillandsia juncea, an early colonizer, were related to the pattern of the species occurrence among habitats with growth rates of T. viridiflora being generally higher in forests and growth of T. juncea higher in coffee plantations. Performance of the third species, Tillandsia heterophylla, which is intermediate in habitat preference, was not clearly related to habitat. No difference in growth rates was found between plants transplanted in wet or dry season. In general, mortality in transplanted bromeliads was relatively low (mostly < 5% per month). In coffee plantations herbivory had a severe effect during part of the wet season, when mortality in young coffee plantations reached between 15 and 24 percent per month. Given the substantial contribution of herbivory to the mortality of juvenile plants and the significant differences between habitats, herbivory may be co‐limiting the colonization of young coffee plantations by some epiphytic bromeliads.  相似文献   

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