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Given the previously documented importance of lipid concentration and composition in the successful cryopreservation of gorgonian corals, these parameters were assessed in oocytes of five species of scleractinian coral; Platygyra daedalea, Echinopora gemmacea, Echinophyllia aspera, Oxypora lacera and Astreopora expansa. Wax esters, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and fatty acids were all measured at detectable levels, and the latter were produced at significantly elevated quantities in E. gemmacea, E. aspera, and O. lacera. On the other hand, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and wax ester were found at significantly higher concentrations in A. expansa oocytes. Triacylglycerol was not present in any species. Interestingly, the total lipid content of oocytes from all five scleractinians was significantly lower than that of oocytes of two gorgonian species, Junceella juncea and Junceella fragilis. As higher total lipid concentrations may be correlated with greater degrees of cellular membrane fluidity at lower temperatures, it stands to reason that gorgonian coral oocytes may be more likely to survive the cryopreservation process than oocytes of scleractinian corals.  相似文献   

卵母细胞是雌性动物的生殖细胞,其质量决定雌性动物的繁殖能力.卵母细胞含有丰富的脂质,大部分以甘油三酯的形式储存在脂滴中.脂滴的大小、颜色以及分布模式与卵母细胞的发育能力相关.卵母细胞中甘油三酯可以脂解为脂肪酸,脂肪酸的β-氧化是卵母细胞和早期胚胎发育的重要能量来源.卵母细胞中脂质沉积过多会增加活性氧的含量(reacti...  相似文献   

采用生物化学方法测定了罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)、日本沼虾(M.japonicus)成熟卵细胞和胚胎发育时期可溶蛋白的组成及含量。结果显示,2种沼虾的可溶蛋白在组成和含量上体现了较高的相似特性。可溶蛋白的含量在胚胎发育过程中逐渐降低;在成熟卵细胞和胚胎期,可溶蛋白在组成上以89 ku和100 ku的卵黄磷蛋白(Vitellin,Vn)为主,同时还存在243 ku1、81 ku6、7 ku5、4 ku和31 ku等其他一些蛋白亚基。40 ku蛋白亚基仅出现在成熟卵细胞中,推测可能参与执行了特定的生殖功能。可溶蛋白随着胚胎的发育呈现出蛋白亚基经水解逐渐由大分子变成小分子的趋势。前状幼体期和状幼体期出现的74 ku蛋白亚基可能与其在胚胎后期发育的功能有关。可溶蛋白在不同物种胚胎发育时期不同的变化,显示了每个物种在卵黄蛋白的组成、利用以及组织结构蛋白的形成中各自的特点。  相似文献   

Marine Biotechnology - Coral symbionts are important members of the coral holobiont, and coral bacterial flora are essential in host health maintenance and coral conservation. Coral symbionts are...  相似文献   

The changes in composition of the complex lipids were followed during the greening of dark-grown pea (Pisum sativum) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seedlings. No significant changes in glycerolipid concentrations in the leaves were observed during the early stages of greening (0-8 hour for peas and 0-12 hour for beans). On further greening, there was an increase in the proportion of galactolipids and a decrease in the phospholipids. The fatty acid composition of the galactolipids remained constant during 24 hours of greening, but there was a slight increase in α-linolenic acid at 72 hours in the bean. The percentage of α-linolenic acid in the phospholipids and in sulfolipid showed a marked increase between 24 and 72 hours in the bean. Trans3-hexadecenoic acid was the major fatty acid of phosphatidyl glycerol in bean leaves at 72 hours, but it was barely detectable at 24 hours. The lipid composition of greening leaves is discussed in relation to the fine structure and photochemical activity of the developing plastids.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of old and new roots was determined for soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Ransom) at root-zone temperatures of 14, 18, and 22°C during a 26-day period. New roots had a greater concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids than old roots. The ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acid concentration in new roots exposed to 14 and 18°C peaked at 16 days and declined, while the corresponding ratio in old roots increased throughout the treatment period. Apparently the response of fatty acid composition in old and new roots to low temperature was mediated by tissue aging or differentiation. These findings were contrary to the concept that modifications in fatty acid composition remain constant at lower temperatures.

The function of root tissues exposed to lower temperature was evaluated with respect to the ability of the root systems to absorb NO3. Over the relatively long periods of exposure, the ability of whole root systems to absorb NO3 was similar at cool and warm temperatures. The effect of cool temperature on functioning of roots appeared to involve reductions in the rates of initiation and differentiation of young root tissues rather than changes in membrane permeability related to alteration of fatty acid composition.


The alterations in chloroplast phospholipid acyl chain composition and phospholipid molecular species composition of Dunaliella salina (UTEX 1644) were monitored during acclimation to low temperature. Chlorophyll fluorescence yield, an indicator of chloroplast membrane stability, was used as a physical means of following the acclimation process.

Minor alterations in phospholipid acyl chain composition were evident within 36 hours of shifting the cells from 30 to 12°C. Between 36 and 60 hours, pronounced changes in the acyl chain composition of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) were observed. Changes in the acyl chain composition of phosphatidylcholine (PC) did not occur until sometime after 60 hours.

Alterations in the phospholipid molecular species during acclimation were also examined. The pattern of change observed in PC molecular species, namely a decrease in species having one saturated chain (16:0) paired with a C18 acyl chain and a concomitant increase in species having two unsaturated C18 acyl chains, suggests that molecular species changes augment fatty acid compositional changes as a mean of adapting to low temperature. The molecular species of PG were found to change abruptly between 36 and 60 hours following a shift to low temperature. During this time, a dramatic alteration in the threshold temperature of thermal denaturation of the photosynthetic apparatus, as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence, also occurred. Lipid compositional changes other than those associated with PG were negligible during this time. This strongly suggests that a correlation exists between the molecular species composition of PG and the thermal stability of the photosynthetic membrane.


A detailed analysis of the low temperature-induced alterations of Dunaliella salina (UTEX 1644) microsomal membrane lipids was carried out. Microsomal membranes were isolated from cells grown at 30 degrees C, from cells shifted to 12 degrees C for 12 hours, and from cells acclimated to 12 degrees C. Fatty acid analyses of the major lipid classes demonstrated significant changes in the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholinemine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) but not phosphatidylcholine (PC) during the initial 12 hours at low temperature. These changes did not entail enhanced desaturation of linoleic acid. Subsequent to 12 hours, the proportions of linolenic acid increased in all phospholipids.Molecular species analyses of the phospholipids demonstrated that the most immediate changes following a shift to low temperature were limited to several molecular species of PE and PG. The changes observed in PE included a decrease in C(30) species and concomitant increases in C(34) and C(36) species. Compositional changes associated with PG entailed the emergence of a new molecular species (18:1/18:1) not found at 30 degrees C. The retailoring of molecular species resulted in an increase in the number of species having two unsaturated acyl chains and did not reflect a simple enhancement of desaturase activity as suggested by the fatty acid analysis. We conclude that the initial alterations in response to low temperature stress involve discrete changes in certain molecular species. These and further alterations of molecular species following acclimation to low temperature would appear to augment increases in acyl chain desaturation as a means of modifying membrane properties in response to low temperature stress.  相似文献   

The effects of root age, temperature, and soil water statuson root hydraulic conductivity (LP) were investigated for twocactus species, Ferocactus acanthodes and Opuntia ficus-indica.The volumetric flux density of water was measured for excisedroot segments, either using negative hydrostatic pressures appliedto the proximal end or using reverse flow of water from theroot to the soil. For both species, LP at 20 ?C increased withroot age, average values reaching a maximum of 3.9 ? 10–7m s–1 MPa–1 for F. acanthodes and 5.2 ? 10–7m s–1 MPa–1 for O.ficus-indica at 11 to 17 weeksof age; LP subsequently declined with increasing root age forboth species. LP was maximal at a temperature of about 10 ?Cfor the youngest roots (1–3 weeks), this optimum shiftingto 40 ?C for 8-week-old roots of both species. For older roots(up to 1.5-years-old), LP increased with temperature from 0?C to 50 ?C, with a Q10 of 1.3 between 20 ?C and 30 ?C. At asoil water potential (soil) of –0.016 MPa, root LP wasindependent of the direction of water flow for both species.Depending on root age, LP declined 45- to 500-fold for F. acanthodesand 90- to 800-fold for O.ficus-indica as soil was reduced from–0.016 to –1.06 MPa, consistent with a rectifier-likebehaviour with respect to water movement between soil and roots.Incorporation of such responses into water uptake models shouldlead to a better understanding of root function. Key words: Ferocactus acanthodes, Opuntia ficus-indica, water potential, tension, reverse flow  相似文献   

Spore suspensions of 15 strains in 15 species of Micromonospora prepared with ultrasonication-technique were tested for resistance to moist heat, acid, alkali, and organic solvents (5 alcohols, 4 ketones and ether). More than 50% spore-survival was found in most organisms heated at 60°C for 20min, but less than 0.5% survived at 80°C. The spore-viability did not change at pH 6 to 8, but decreased beyond this range, and remarkably at acidic pH. A maximum reduction in viability was found with most organic solvents at a concentration of around 80%, and the spores were more resistant to ketone than alcohols and dioxane. Several Streptomyces species were also studied, and their spores were less resistant to heat and organic solvents than those of Micromonospora.  相似文献   

百合品种‘精粹’的鳞茎周径和鲜重随着叶面喷施水杨酸(SA)的浓度的增加而增加;品种‘普瑞头’鳞茎周径和鲜重也随着叶面喷施SA的浓度的变化而变化,其中以0.5mmol·L^-1SA的效应最明显。叶面喷施SA的百合鳞茎中ABA和GA3含量下降,IAA和ZR含量上升,鳞茎中(IAA+GA3)/ABA、IAA/GA3比值均比未喷施SA的高,而IAA/ZR、GA3/ZR比值则比未喷施SA的低。显示鳞茎膨大与内源激素的含量相关。  相似文献   

Estimating the patterns of connectivity in marine taxa with planktonic dispersive stages is a challenging but crucial task because of its conservation implications. The red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata is a habitat forming species, characterized by short larval dispersal and high reproductive output, but low recruitment. In the recent past, the species was impacted by mass mortality events caused by increased water temperatures in summer. In the present study, we used 9 microsatellites to investigate the genetic structure and connectivity in the highly threatened populations from the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). No evidence for a recent bottleneck neither decreased genetic diversity in sites impacted by mass mortality events were found. Significant IBD pattern and high global FST confirmed low larval dispersal capability in the red gorgonian. The maximum dispersal distance was estimated at 20–60 km. Larval exchange between sites separated by hundreds of meters and between different depths was detected at each site, supporting the hypothesis that deeper subpopulations unaffected by surface warming peaks may provide larvae for shallower ones, enabling recovery after climatically induced mortality events.  相似文献   

When winter rape plants were transferred from favourable temperature conditions (25/20°C day/night temperature) to 5°C, the frost resistance of the leaves was increased whereas the frost tolerance of the roots remained unaffected. This permitted an analysis of the changes in lipid and fatty acid composition both as related to functioning of the plant at low temperature alone (roots) and as related to adaptation to freezing and functioning at low temperature (leaves). — Transfer of the plants to 5°C lead to an increase in the level of linolenic acid in roots and leaves. This increase was most evident in the phosphatidyl choline and ethanolamine fractions of the leaves, and in the neutral lipids and in an unidentified phospholipid from the roots. It was concluded that upon transfer of the plants to 5°C a general and non-specific increase in linolenic acid level contributed to functioning of the rape plants at low temperature; and that parallel but minor increases in linolenic acid level of digalactosyl diglyceride, phosphatidyl inositol and the unknown phospholipid in roots and leaves could only contribute to low-temperature functioning in specific membrane enzyme locations. Combined adaptation of the leaves to freezing tolerance and low-temperature functioning was correlated with a higher level of phosphatidyl choline and ethanolamine, predominantly esterified with linolenic acid.  相似文献   

Nie GY  Baker NR 《Plant physiology》1991,96(1):184-191
The effects of reductions in growth temperature on the development of thylakoids of maize (Zea mays var LG11) leaves are examined. Thylakoids isolated from mesophyll cells of leaves grown at 17° and 14°C, compared with 25°C, exhibited a decreased accumulation of many polypeptides, which was accompanied by a loss of activity of photosystems (PS) I and II. Probing the polypeptide profiles with a range of antibodies specific for thylakoid proteins demonstrated that a number of polypeptides encoded by the chloroplast genome failed to accumulate at low temperatures. Although thylakoid protein synthesis was reduced severely at 14°C compared with 25°C, major synthesis of both chloroplast and nuclear encoded polypeptides was detected. It is suggested that the lack of accumulation of some thylakoid proteins at low temperatures may be due to an inability to stabilize the proteins in the membranes. A number of thylakoid polypeptides were found to appear as the growth temperature was decreased. Analyses of pigments and polypeptides demonstrated that decreases in the photosystem reaction center core complexes occur relative to the light harvesting complex associated with PS II at reduced growth temperatures. Differential effects on the development of PSI and PSII were also observed, with PSII activity being preferentially reduced. Reductions in PSII content and activity occurred in parallel with decreases in the quantum yield and light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation. Fractionation of thylakoid pigment-protein complexes showed that the ratio of monomeric:oligomeric form of the light harvesting complex associated with PSII increased at low growth temperature, which is consistent with a chill-induced modification of thylakoid organization. Many, but not all, of the characteristic changes in thylakoid protein metabolism, which were observed when leaves were grown at low temperatures in controlled environments, were identified in leaves of a field maize crop during the early growing season when low temperatures were experienced by the crop. Chill-induced perturbations of thylakoid development can occur in the field in temperate regions and may have implications for the photosynthetic productivity of the crop.  相似文献   

Populations of four co-habiting annual grass species Bromusmollis L. (Soft brome), Hordeum hystrix Roth (Mediterraneanbarley grass), Lolium rigidum Gaud. (Wimmera ryegrass) and Vulpiabromoides (L.) S. F. Gray (Squirrel-tail fescue) were examinedfor the presence and comparative levels of vernalization andphotoperiod response. This was evaluated as the number of daysfrom sowing to heading in both long (16 h) and short (normal,over-winter) photoperiods at two levels of temperature. Wide variation among the species in both vernalization and photoperiodicresponse was detected. L. rigidum possessed a high level ofvernalization response and was comparatively sensitive to photoperiodwhile V. bromoides possessed little or no vernalization responseand was comparatively insensitive to photoperiod. B. mollisand H. hystrix appeared to be intermediate between these twospecies for both responses. There were wide differences in timeto heading under long photoperiod (16 h) and high temperature(20 °C) of plants derived from seed of three of the speciesripened under non-vernalizing temperatures. This variation indicatesthe likely existence of genetic differences in vernalizationresponse between plants of these populations. The implications of these findings to the adaptability of thesespecies to the Australian environment have been outlined. Bromus mollis L., soft brome, Hordeum hystrix Roth, Mediterranean barley grass, Lolium rigidum Gaud, Wimmera ryegrass, Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray, Squirrel-tail fescue, flowering, vernalization, photoperiod, temperature  相似文献   

Yeo  Young K.  Park  Eek J.  Lee  Chul W.  Joo  Han T.  Farkas  Tibor 《Neurochemical research》1997,22(10):1257-1264
Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) whole brain was used to investigate the thermal acclimation changes under normoxic conditions of three-subclasses (alkenylacyl-, alkylacyl- and diacyl-subclasses) of choline glycerophospholipids (CGP), ethanolamine glycerophospholipids (EGP) and inositol glycerophospholipids (IGP) as well as their acyl chain profiles and molecular species composition. The alkenylacyl subclass of CGP and IGP and the alkylacyl subclass of CGP and EGP varied significantly during summer (25°C) acclimation compared to winter (5°C). The levels of alkenylacyl and alkylacyl-CGP, alkylacyl-EGP and alkenylacyl-IGP were 17.3-, 3.7-, 3.5- and 1.3-fold higher in the summer, respectively, while the alkenylacyl EGP was moderately lower. The levels of diacyl subclasses from CGP and IGP were considerably lower in the summer to compensate for the higher proportion of alkenylacyl and alkylacyl subclasses. Significant changes of ether phospholipids and the reorganization of the molecular species composition of all lipid subclasses may be associated with the fine tuning of the physical properties of the cellular membranes in carp brain due to temperature acclimation. The overall acyl chain profile of the three subclasses of carp brain phospholipids showed differences in composition depending upon the subclass of the individual phospholipid. Generally, the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) chain composition increased relative to monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) during winter acclimation. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was richer in the winter compared to summer. However, no DHA was found in ether-containing species of IGP from either winter or summer, except for 2% in alkylacyl-IGP during the summer. The above observations suggest that the content of ether phospholipids (alkenylacyl and alkylacyl) as well as the reorganization of the molecular species composition of all phospholipids may serve to maintain a functional fluid-crystalline state to preserve the signaling functions in carp brain.  相似文献   

利用半薄切片技术、ICP—OES和HPLC研究梭梭和白梭梭的根结构、根系中矿质元素与次生代谢产物含量,结果表明,梭梭和白梭梭根基本结构相同,均由表皮、皮层及维管柱组成,具异常维管组织,皮层薄壁细胞在根中比例较大:梭梭和白梭梭根系中Na和K元素含量较高;根系次生代谢产物中蒽醌、生物碱类物质的含量较高。  相似文献   

The composition of molecular species and the positional distribution in fatty acids of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) isolated from poplar ( Populus deltoides cv. Lux 1-69/55 and Poeuramericarla cv.I- 45/51 ) leaves were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), enzym hydrolysis and gas phase chromatography (C,C), and the different cold-resistant poplars were compared with respect to the compositions of molecular species of PG isolated from their leaves. The results showed that the fatty acid compositions ( sn- 1/sn-2) of the major molecular species in PCs from poplar leaves were as follows: 18:3/18:2(18:2/18:3), 18:3/16: 1(3t); 18:3/16:0; 18:2/ 16:1 (3t); 16:0/18:2,18:2/16:0; 18: 1/16: l(3t); 16:0/16: l(3t); 18: 1/18: 1,16:0/18: 1( 18: 1/16:0); 16:0/16:0o The positional distribution of fatty acids in lPG from poplar leaves was found that 16:1(30 was exclusively occupied the sn-2 position, whereas 16:0 was present in both the sn1 position and the sn-2 position. The C18 acids were principally localized at the sn-2 position. The relative contents of the unsaturated molecular species of leaf PCs were more than 70% in both coldresistant poplar and cold-sensitive poplar. The ratio of the unsaturated/saturated molecular species of PG isolated from the cold-resistant Ⅰ -45 poplar was 3.10, which was higher than that of the PG from the cold-sensitive cottonwood, which was 2.38. The sum of the relative contents of the disaturated molecular species of the PG from poplar leaves was closely associated with the cold-resistance of plants. The ∑[ 16:0/16:0+ 16:0/16: l(3t) ] of the PG from cottonwood was higher than that of the PG from cold-resistant I -45 poplar. The differences in the compositions of molecular species and the phase transition temperatures of PCs between cold-resistant and cold-sensitive plants were discussed in terms of the pathways and the activities of selective acyhransferases involved in the PG biosynthesis in chloroplast.  相似文献   

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