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Asner GP  Martin RE 《Ecology letters》2012,15(9):1001-1007
Lianas are an important growthform in tropical forests, and liana abundance and biomass may be increasing in some regions. Explanations for liana proliferation hinge upon physiological responses to changing resource conditions that would favour them over trees. Testing a chemical basis for such responses, we assessed 22 foliar traits in 778 lianas and 6496 trees at 48 tropical forest sites. Growthform differences in chemical allocation occurred on a leaf mass and area basis. Light capture-growth and maintenance-metabolism chemicals averaged 14.5 and 16.7% higher mass-based concentration in lianas than in trees globally, whereas structure and defence chemicals averaged 9.0% lower in lianas. Relative differences in chemical allocation by lianas and trees were mediated by climate with peak differences at about 2500 mm year(-1) and 25 °C. Differences in chemical traits suggest that liana expansion could be greatest in forests undergoing increased canopy-level irradiance via disturbance and climate change.  相似文献   

Leaf and stem functional traits related to plant water relations were studied for six congeneric species pairs, each composed of one tree species typical of savanna habitats and another typical of adjacent forest habitats, to determine whether there were intrinsic differences in plant hydraulics between these two functional types. Only individuals growing in savanna habitats were studied. Most stem traits, including wood density, the xylem water potential at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity, sapwood area specific conductivity, and leaf area specific conductivity did not differ significantly between savanna and forest species. However, maximum leaf hydraulic conductance (K leaf) and leaf capacitance tended to be higher in savanna species. Predawn leaf water potential and leaf mass per area were also higher in savanna species in all congeneric pairs. Hydraulic vulnerability curves of stems and leaves indicated that leaves were more vulnerable to drought-induced cavitation than terminal branches regardless of genus. The midday K leaf values estimated from leaf vulnerability curves were very low implying that daily embolism repair may occur in leaves. An electric circuit analog model predicted that, compared to forest species, savanna species took longer for their leaf water potentials to drop from predawn values to values corresponding to 50% loss of K leaf or to the turgor loss points, suggesting that savanna species were more buffered from changes in leaf water potential. The results of this study suggest that the relative success of savanna over forest species in savanna is related in part to their ability to cope with drought, which is determined more by leaf than by stem hydraulic traits. Variation among genera accounted for a large proportion of the total variance in most traits, which indicates that, despite different selective pressures in savanna and forest habitats, phylogeny has a stronger effect than habitat in determining most hydraulic traits.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of leaf tissue elasticity in four forest tree species   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Measures of leaf tissue elasticity were determined by analyzing the turgor pressure-water content relation developed from pressure-volume experiments, in four naturally occurring forest tree species. The relation between the bulk tissue elastic modulus and tissue turgor pressure varied by species and varied with state of leaf maturation through the growing season. Although the values of the elastic modulus reported here agree in magnitude with values reported in general for higher plant tissue, the functional dependency of the apparent elasticity on tissue water status was more complex in this study than can be accounted for by current models.  相似文献   

Water availability is a principal factor limiting the distribution of closed-canopy forest in the seasonal tropics, suggesting that forest tree species may not be well adapted to cope with seasonal drought. We studied 11 congeneric species pairs, each containing one forest and one savanna species, to test the hypothesis that forest trees have a lower capacity to maintain seasonal homeostasis in water relations relative to savanna species. To quantify this, we measured sap flow, leaf water potential (ΨL), stomatal conductance (g s), wood density, and Huber value (sapwood area:leaf area) of the 22 study species. We found significant differences in the water relations of these two species types. Leaf area specific hydraulic conductance of the soil/root/leaf pathway (G t) was greater for savanna species than forest species. The lower G t of forest trees resulted in significantly lower ΨL and g s in the late dry season relative to savanna trees. The differences in G t can be explained by differences in biomass allocation of savanna and forest trees. Savanna species had higher Huber values relative to forest species, conferring greater transport capacity on a leaf area basis. Forest trees have a lower capacity to maintain homeostasis in ΨL due to greater allocation to leaf area relative to savanna species. Despite significant differences in water relations, relationships between traits such as wood density and minimum ΨL were indistinguishable for the two species groups, indicating that forest and savanna share a common axis of water-use strategies involving multiple traits.  相似文献   

The study focuses on geographical patterns of genetic variation at allozyme loci common for four main tree species of Central Europe (Norway spruce, silver fir, common beech and sessile oak). Moving-window averaging of four indicators of allelic richness and diversity (proportion of polymorphic loci, mean number of alleles per locus, effective number of alleles and expected heterozygosity) with window size of 50 × 50 km was used to identify the patterns. Moreover, local genetic divergence was assessed using the G ST (Nei, Molecular population genetic and evolution, Amsterdam and Oxford, North-Holland, 1975) and D j (Gregorius and Roberds, Theor Appl Genet 71:826–834, 1986) statistics for common beech and silver fir, where raw genotype data were available. Spatial patterns of diversity and allelic richness were quite similar. Romanian Carpathians were identified as the most important hotspot of genetic diversity and evolutionary divergence in Central Europe. Implications for genetic conservation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

田俊霞  魏丽萍  何念鹏  徐丽  陈智  侯继华 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8383-8391
自然界中,森林植物叶片的生长随树冠高度呈现明显的垂直分布现象;然而,有关叶片性状随着树冠垂直高度增加的变化规律仍不清楚。为了更好地揭示植物叶片对光环境变化的适应策略以及对资源的利用能力,有必要深入探讨叶片性状与冠层高度的定量关系及其内在调控机制。以中国广泛分布的温带针阔混交林为对象,选取8种主要树种为研究对象(白桦、蒙古栎、水曲柳、大青杨、色木槭、千金榆、核桃楸和红松),通过测定这些物种9个冠层高度的叶片比叶面积(SLA)、叶片干物质含量(LDMC)、叶片氮含量(N)、叶片磷含量(P)、氮磷比(N∶P)和叶绿素含量(Chl)等属性,探讨了针阔混交林叶片性状的差异以及各性状之间的相关关系,进而揭示叶片性状随树冠垂直高度的变化规律。实验结果表明:1)温带针阔混交林内优势树种的部分叶片性状在不同冠层高度之间差异显著。2)随着树冠垂直高度的增加,SLA、LDMC、N、P、N∶P和Chl呈现不同的变化趋势。其中,阔叶树种SLA随着树冠垂直高度的增加而减小;所有树种的LDMC随着树冠垂直高度的增加而增加;不同树种的N、P、N∶P和Chl随着树冠垂直高度的变化规律存在差异。3)对于温带针阔混交林冠层中,SLA与N、P、N∶P均存在显著的正相关关系,高SLA伴随着高的N、P、N∶P,表明植物通过SLA与N、P等性状的协同来提高叶片的光合作用(或对光热资源的利用效率)。本研究通过定量分析探讨温带针阔混交林叶片性状随冠层高度的变化规律,一定程度地揭示了树木对光、热和水资源竞争的适应机制,以及植物叶片的资源利用和分配策略,不仅拓展了传统性状研究的范畴,其相关研究结论也有助于树木生长模型的构建和优化。  相似文献   

The relationships between foliage permanence and flowering throughout the year were analyzed in 92 woody species of Cerrado vegetation categorized as either deciduous (DE), semideciduous (SD) or evergreen (EV). Flowering of DE, SD and EV species was investigated via three variables, measured over the course of the year: flowering duration (FLD), calculated as the number of months in flower in each species; flowering distribution (FDI), calculated as the number of species in flower per month; and flowering peak (FPE), defined as the four consecutive months yielding the highest number of species in flower. The months with the highest numbers of species in flower were October (52 species), September (50) and August (49). These months correspond to the period of transition from the dry season to the wet season. In the majority of species studied, seasonal climatic factors were strong enough to induce fruit formation in the dry season and seed dispersal in the following wet season, when sufficient water was available to support germination and plantlet growth. However, significant differences in FLD, FDI and FPE were found among the leaf phenological groups. High FLD in EV species is likely favored by the continuous input of resources from the year-round foliage. In contrast, DE species employ reserves of carbon, water and nutrients to form new leaves and flowers on a crown free of foliage at the end of the dry season. In DE species, their low FLD may reduce the impact of flowering on reserve consumption. SD species showed an intermediate level of foliage persistence, resulting in intermediate FLD values. In addition, SD species exhibited a different pattern of flowering distribution from those of DE and EV species. Many SD species have two flowering periods per year. The first period occurs when the crowns are full of leaves, in the middle of the dry season in June, similar to EV species. The second occurs when only half of the original foliage area is present, near the peak of the dry season in September, similar to DE species. Therefore, despite a strong influence of seasonal climatic conditions on the flowering behavior of DE, SD and EV woody species of Cerrado vegetation, these leaf phenological groups differ significantly in FLD, FDI and FPE.  相似文献   

The spatial variation in epilithic lichen community structure was investigated as part of a larger study of the vegetation and ecology of the tall limestone cliffs within the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve in southern Ontario, Canada. The cover of all lichen taxa was visually estimated for a total of 199 samples taken from the top, middle, or bottom of the cliff face at five sites. Twelve environmental variables were also measured. Twenty-seven lichen taxa were identified on the samples. Multivariate ordinations of species composition (DCA, CCA, PCCA) revealed variation in community structure on multiple scales, but no groupings of sites that would have suggested the presence of several distinct species assemblages. A gradient in species composition from north to south, most clearly reflected in the decreasing cover of foliose and fruticose species, may reflect a gradient in human disturbance. There was also intermediate-scale patchiness in species composition in a horizontal plane across cliffs, but despite earlier claims made in the literature, no evidence of vertical zonation of the lichens on cliffs was found. Species composition also responded to small-scale factors possibly related to exposure, light, or moisture. Unlike community composition, the total cover of all lichens was homogeneous over large spatial scales and varied only on a small scale, illustrating that scale as well as resolution of a study may influence the ecological patterns seen. More than half of the species found on the Niagara Escarpment are rare on rock substrates elsewhere in southern Ontario, and two are new for North America (Candelariella heidelbergensis (Nyl.) Poelt and Lecanora perpruinosa Fröberg). The result that cliffs support a distinct flora containing many rare species suggests that they are a reservoir for biodiversity not just for vascular plants, but also for lichens.  相似文献   

During 2003–2005, we examined the effect of seasonal drought on water status, gas exchange, δ13C, chlorophyll fluorescence and spectral reflectance in six woody species in a valley savanna near the Yuanjiang River (the upper Red River) in southwestern China. Three different phenological types of these woody species were compared, i.e., an evergreen species, Cyclobalanopsis helferiana, two winter-deciduous (WD) species, Buchanania latifolia and Symplocos racemosa, and three drought-deciduous (DD) species, Terminthia paniculata, Wendlandia tinctoria and Woodfordia fruticosa. We aimed to test the following three hypotheses: (1) the evergreen and WD species employ a drought avoidance strategy, whereas DD species employ a drought tolerance strategy; (2) the evergreen and WD species have a more economical water use strategy than the DD species and (3) the evergreen and WD species have a stronger photoprotection capacity through thermal dissipation than the DD species. At the end of a prolonged drought, the predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) in C. helferiana and S. racemosa dropped to ca. −0.8 MPa, whereas the Ψpd in B. latifolia remained close to zero and DD species were leafless. In the rainy seasons, maximal photosynthetic rates of the evergreen (18.4 μmol m−2 s−1) and W. fruticosa (18.0 μmol m−2 s−1) were higher than those of the other four species (12.2−13.8 μmol m−2 s−1). The evergreen and WD species responded to drought by closing stomata and thus maintained a constant relative water content (RWC), which is a typical drought avoidance strategy; however, it is at the expense of carbon gain. DD species maintained a high photosynthetic capacity with a decrease in both stomatal conductance and RWC until the driest period, and then shifted from the drought tolerance strategy to the avoidance mechanism by shoot dieback. There was no significant difference in the means of δ13C across the phenological groups. The evergreen and WD species had stronger heat dissipation than the DD species in dry seasons. All species increased leaf spectral reflectance, probably because of degradation of chlorophyll as indicated by the leaf reflectance index, which should reduce light harvesting. All species showed a strong increase in the ratio of red to green spectral reflectance of leaves during dry seasons, indicating the accumulation of anthocyanin, which may contribute to screening sunlight and scavenging reactive oxygen species. Different responses to drought of savanna woody species with different leaf phenologies may facilitate the partitioning of resource use and hence their co-existence.  相似文献   

Changes in the activities of leaf glutamine synthetase (GS) isoforms were followed in four temperate deciduous trees from full leaf expansion to senescence (May to November). In the early part of the season, total GS activity was high in all species, with values ranging from 90 to 200 μmol h−1 g−1 fw. During this early period this activity comprised only the activity of the chloroplastic (GS2) isoform in all species. These high GS2 activities are consistent with the role of GS2 in the re-assimilation of photorespired ammonia. The early high values also coincided with high nitrate reductase activity in one of the species, the highly nitrophilous species Sambucus nigra, with values of up to 16μmol h−1 g−1 fw. This indicates that GS2 is also important in the assimilation of ammonia produced from nitrate reduction. From mid- to late-season, the cytosolic isoform (GS1) was detected in all four species and became increasingly more active in comparison to GS2. By the time of senescence it was the dominant enzyme of the two forms in both S. nigra and Carpinus betulus. The results provide strong support for recent findings that GS1 is an important enzyme for the mobilization of nitrogen for translocation or storage.  相似文献   

Fires are one of the main causes of forest loss in the tropics. Understanding the dynamic edge effects is critical for managing fires and protecting forests. We measured and analysed trends in microclimatic conditions (air temperature, relative humidity and vapour pressure deficit) over 7 months along three transects extending from core savanna areas to core forest areas. We tested two hypotheses: (i) that the forest edge is subject to microclimatic edge effects, and (ii) that the depth of these edge effects increases during dry periods. Sharp changes in each microclimatic variable were consistently observed between savanna and forest throughout the study period. Microclimatic transitions took place within 5 m outside the forest boundary. Drought levels increased homogenously throughout the forest and were not disproportionately severe in the vicinity of the forest edge. We suggest that these results were related to the fact that the studied period was abnormally humid due to a La Niña episode, and that under such conditions the vulnerability of the forest edge to savanna fires is relatively low. Relatively wet conditions in the savanna close to the forest edge may promote forest expansion by limiting fire spread. Prescribed fires during humid years could reduce fuel loads in savanna without affecting the forest edge, which would prevent fires during the dry years associated with El Niño episodes from having severe impacts.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The co-occurring of evergreen and deciduous angiosperm trees in Asian tropical dry forests on karst substrates suggests the existence of different water-use strategies among species. In this study it is hypothesized that the co-occurring evergreen and deciduous trees differ in stem hydraulic traits and leaf water relationships, and there will be correlated evolution in drought tolerance between leaves and stems.


A comparison was made of stem hydraulic conductivity, vulnerability curves, wood anatomy, leaf life span, leaf pressure–volume characteristics and photosynthetic capacity of six evergreen and six deciduous tree species co-occurring in a tropical dry karst forest in south-west China. The correlated evolution of leaf and stem traits was examined using both traditional and phylogenetic independent contrasts correlations.

Key Results

It was found that the deciduous trees had higher stem hydraulic efficiency, greater hydraulically weighted vessel diameter (Dh) and higher mass-based photosynthetic rate (Am); while the evergreen species had greater xylem-cavitation resistance, lower leaf turgor-loss point water potential (π0) and higher bulk modulus of elasticity. There were evolutionary correlations between leaf life span and stem hydraulic efficiency, Am, and dry season π0. Xylem-cavitation resistance was evolutionarily correlated with stem hydraulic efficiency, Dh, as well as dry season π0. Both wood density and leaf density were closely correlated with leaf water-stress tolerance and Am.


The results reveal the clear distinctions in stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance between the co-occurring evergreen and deciduous angiosperm trees in an Asian dry karst forest. A novel pattern was demonstrated linking leaf longevity with stem hydraulic efficiency and leaf water-stress tolerance. The results show the correlated evolution in drought tolerance between stems and leaves.Key words: Tropical dry forest, karst, leaf habit, hydraulic conductivity, cavitation resistance, leaf water-stress tolerance, wood density, leaf density, phylogenetic independent contrasts  相似文献   

We examined functional coordination among stem and root vulnerability to xylem cavitation, plant water transport characteristics and leaf traits in 14 co-occurring temperate tree species. Relationships were evaluated using both traditional cross-species correlations and phylogenetically independent contrast (PIC) correlations. For stems, the xylem tension at which 50% of hydraulic conductivity was lost (psi50) was positively associated (P < 0.001) with specific conductivity (K(S)) and with mean hydraulically weighted xylem conduit diameter (D(h-w)), but was only marginally (P = 0.06) associated with leaf specific conductivity (K(L)). The PIC correlation for each of these relationships, however, was not statistically significant. There was also no relationship between root psi50 and root K(S) in either cross-species or PIC analysis. Photosynthetic rate (A) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) were strongly and positively correlated with root psi50 in the cross-species analysis (P < 0.001), a relationship that was robust to phylogenetic correction (P < 0.01). A and g(s) were also positively correlated with stem psi50 in the cross-species analysis (P = 0.02 and 0.10, respectively). However, only A was associated with stem psi50 in the PIC analysis (P = 0.04). Although the relationship between vulnerability to cavitation and xylem conductivity traits within specific organs (i.e. stems and roots) was weak, the strong correlation between g(s) and root psi50 across species suggests that there is a trade-off between vulnerability to cavitation and water transport capacity at the whole-plant level. Our results were therefore consistent with the expectation of coordination between vulnerability to xylem cavitation and the regulation of stomatal conductance, and highlight the potential physiological and evolutionary significance of root hydraulic properties in controlling interspecific variation in leaf function.  相似文献   

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