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In determining the structure of large proteins by NMR, it would be desirable to obtain complete backbone, side-chain, and NOE assignments efficiently, with a minimum number of experiments and samples. Although new strategies have made backbone assignment highly efficient, side-chain assignment has remained more difficult. Faced with the task of assigning side-chains in a protein with poor relaxation properties, the Tetrahymena histone acetyltransferase tGCN5, we have developed an assignment strategy that would provide complete side-chain assignments in cases where fast 13C transverse relaxation causes HCCH-TOCSY experiments to fail. Using the strategy presented here, the majority of aliphatic side-chain proton and carbon resonances can be efficiently obtained using optimized H(CC-CO)NH-TOCSY and (H)C(C-CO)NH-TOCSY experiments on a partially deuterated protein sample. Assignments can be completed readily using additional information from a 13 C-dispersed NOESY-HSQC spectrum. Combination of these experiments with H(CC)NH-TOCSY and (H)C(C)NH-TOCSY may provide complete backbone and side-chain assignments for large proteins using only one or two samples.  相似文献   

An algorithm is proposed for the conversion of a virtual-bond polypeptide chain (connected C alpha atoms) to an all-atom backbone, based on determining the most extensive hydrogen-bond network between the peptide groups of the backbone, while maintaining all of the backbone atoms in energetically feasible conformations. Hydrogen bonding is represented by aligning the peptide-group dipoles. These peptide groups are not contiguous in the amino acid sequence. The first dipoles to be aligned are those that are both sufficiently close in space to be arranged in approximately linear arrays termed dipole paths. The criteria used in the construction of dipole paths are: to assure good alignment of the greatest possible number of dipoles that are close in space; to optimize the electrostatic interactions between the dipoles that belong to different paths close in space; and to avoid locally unfavorable amino acid residue conformations. The equations for dipole alignment are solved separately for each path, and then the remaining single dipoles are aligned optimally with the electrostatic field from the dipoles that belong to the dipole-path network. A least-squares minimizer is used to keep the geometry of the alpha-carbon trace of the resulting backbone close to that of the input virtual-bond chain. This procedure is sufficient to convert the virtual-bond chain to a real chain; in applications to real systems, however, the final structure is obtained by minimizing the total ECEPP/2 (empirical conformational energy program for peptides) energy of the system, starting from the geometry resulting from the solution of the alignment equations. When applied to model alpha-helical and beta-sheet structures, the algorithm, followed by the ECEPP/2 energy minimization, resulted in an energy and backbone geometry characteristic of these alpha-helical and beta-sheet structures. Application to the alpha-carbon trace of the backbone of the crystallographic 5PTI structure of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, followed by ECEPP/2 energy minimization with C alpha-distance constraints, led to a structure with almost as low energy and root mean square deviation as the ECEPP/2 geometry analog of 5PTI, the best agreement between the crystal and reconstructed backbone being observed for the residues involved in the dipole-path network.  相似文献   

Fang Q  Shortle D 《Proteins》2005,60(1):90-96
The frequencies of occurrence of atom arrangements in high-resolution protein structures provide some of the most accurate quantitative measures of interaction energies in proteins. In this report we extend our development of a consistent set of statistical potentials for quantifying local interactions between side-chains and the polypeptide backbone, as well as nearby side-chains. Starting with phi/psi/chi1 propensities that select for optimal interactions of the 20 amino acid side-chains with the 2 flanking peptide bonds, the following 3 new terms are added: (1) a distance-dependent interaction between the side-chain at i and the carbonyl oxygens and amide protons of the peptide units at i +/- 2, i +/- 3, and i +/- 4; (2) a distance-dependent interaction between the side-chain at position i and side-chains at positions i + 1 through i + 4; and (3) an orientation-dependent interaction between the side-chain at position i and side-chains at i + 1 through i + 4. The relative strengths of these 4 pseudo free energy terms are estimated by the average information content of each scoring matrix and by assessing their performance in a simple fragment threading test. They vary from -0.4 - -0.5 kcal/mole per residue for phi/psi/chi1 propensities to a range of -0.15 - -0.6 kcal/mole per residue for each of the other 3 terms. The combined energy function, containing no interactions between atoms more than 4 residues apart, identifies the correct structural fragment for randomly selected 15 mers over 40% of the time, after searching through 232,000 alternative conformations. For 14 out of 20 sets of all-atom Rosetta decoys analyzed, the native structure has a combined score lower than any of the 1700-1900 decoy conformations. The ability of this energy function to detect energetically important details of local structure is demonstrated by its power to distinguish high-resolution crystal structures from NMR solution structures.  相似文献   

Chen J  Lu Z  Sakon J  Stites WE 《Biophysical chemistry》2004,110(3):15334-248
Efforts to design proteins with greatly reduced sequence diversity have often resulted in proteins with so-called molten globule properties. Substitutions were made at six neighboring sites in the major hydrophobic core of staphylococcal nuclease to create variants with all leucine, all isoleucine or all valine at these sites. The mutant proteins with simplified cores constructed here are quite unstable and have poorly packed cores, attested to by interaction energies. Eight related mutants with greater sequence diversity were also constructed. Comparison to these mutants and 159 other permutations of these 3 aliphatic side chains at these same 6 sites previously constructed shows that the simplified cores are not unusual in their stabilities or interaction energies. Further, crystal structures of the two mutants with the worst packing, as measured by interaction energies, showed no unusual disorder in the core. Therefore, reduction of sequence diversity is not necessarily incompatible with a single stable native structure. Other factors must also contribute to previous protein design failures.  相似文献   

Grouping the 20 residues is a classic strategy to discover ordered patterns and insights about the fundamental nature of proteins, their structure, and how they fold. Usually, this categorization is based on the biophysical and/or structural properties of a residue's side-chain group. We extend this approach to understand the effects of side chains on backbone conformation and to perform a knowledge-based classification of amino acids by comparing their backbone phi, psi distributions in different types of secondary structure. At this finer, more specific resolution, torsion angle data are often sparse and discontinuous (especially for nonhelical classes) even though a comprehensive set of protein structures is used. To ensure the precision of Ramachandran plot comparisons, we applied a rigorous Bayesian density estimation method that produces continuous estimates of the backbone phi, psi distributions. Based on this statistical modeling, a robust hierarchical clustering was performed using a divergence score to measure the similarity between plots. There were seven general groups based on the clusters from the complete Ramachandran data: nonpolar/beta-branched (Ile and Val), AsX (Asn and Asp), long (Met, Gln, Arg, Glu, Lys, and Leu), aromatic (Phe, Tyr, His, and Cys), small (Ala and Ser), bulky (Thr and Trp), and, lastly, the singletons of Gly and Pro. At the level of secondary structure (helix, sheet, turn, and coil), these groups remain somewhat consistent, although there are a few significant variations. Besides the expected uniqueness of the Gly and Pro distributions, the nonpolar/beta-branched and AsX clusters were very consistent across all types of secondary structure. Effectively, this consistency across the secondary structure classes implies that side-chain steric effects strongly influence a residue's backbone torsion angle conformation. These results help to explain the plasticity of amino acid substitutions on protein structure and should help in protein design and structure evaluation.  相似文献   

Pathophysiological processes associated with oxidative stress lead to the generation of reactive lipid species. Among them, lipids bearing unsaturated aldehyde or ketone moieties can form covalent adducts with cysteine residues and modulate protein function. Through proteomic techniques we have identified actin as a target for the addition of biotinylated analogs of the cyclopentenone prostaglandins 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-PGJ(2) (15d-PGJ(2)) and PGA(1) in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. This modification could take place in vitro and mapped to the protein C-terminal end. Other electrophilic lipids, like the isoprostane 8-iso-PGA(1) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, also bound to actin. The C-terminal region of actin is important for monomer-monomer interactions and polymerization. Electron microscopy showed that actin treated with 15d-PGJ(2) or 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal formed filaments which were less abundant and displayed shorter length and altered structure. Streptavidin-gold staining allowed mapping of biotinylated 15d-PGJ(2) at sites of filament disruption. These results shed light on the structural implications of actin modification by lipid electrophiles.  相似文献   

A series of quinoylalkyl side chains was designed and synthesized, followed by introduction into ketolides by coupling with building block 6 or 32. The corresponding targets 7a–n, 33b, and 33e were tested for their in vitro activities against a series of macrolide-sensitive and macrolide-resistant pathogens. Some of them showed a similar antibacterial spectrum and comparable activity to telithromycin. Among them, two C2-F ketolides, compounds 33b and 33e, displayed excellent activities against macrolide-sensitive and macrolide-resistant pathogens.  相似文献   

Current methods for antibody structure prediction rely on sequence homology to known structures. Although this strategy often yields accurate predictions, models can be stereo‐chemically strained. Here, we present a fully automated algorithm, called AbPredict, that disregards sequence homology, and instead uses a Monte Carlo search for low‐energy conformations built from backbone segments and rigid‐body orientations that appear in antibody molecular structures. We find cases where AbPredict selects accurate loop templates with sequence identity as low as 10%, whereas the template of highest sequence identity diverges substantially from the query's conformation. Accordingly, in several cases reported in the recent Antibody Modeling Assessment benchmark, AbPredict models were more accurate than those from any participant, and the models' stereo‐chemical quality was consistently high. Furthermore, in two blind cases provided to us by crystallographers prior to structure determination, the method achieved <1.5 Ångstrom overall backbone accuracy. Accurate modeling of unstrained antibody structures will enable design and engineering of improved binders for biomedical research directly from sequence. Proteins 2016; 85:30–38. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

M J Sippl  S Weitckus 《Proteins》1992,13(3):258-271
We present an approach which can be used to identify native-like folds in a data base of protein conformations in the absence of any sequence homology to proteins in the data base. The method is based on a knowledge-based force field derived from a set of known protein conformations. A given sequence is mounted on all conformations in the data base and the associated energies are calculated. Using several conformations and sequences from the globin family we show that the native conformation is identified correctly. In fact the resolution of the force field is high enough to discriminate between a native fold and several closely related conformations. We then apply the procedure to several globins of known sequence but unknown three dimensional structure. The homology of these sequences to globins of known structures in the data base ranges from 49 to 17%. With one exception we find that for all globin sequences one of the known globin folds is identified as the most favorable conformation. These results are obtained using a force field derived from a data base devoid of globins of known structure. We briefly discuss useful applications in protein structural research and future development of our approach.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have become a central tool for investigating various biophysical questions with atomistic detail. While many different proxies are used to qualify MD force fields, most are based on largely structural parameters such as the root mean square deviation from experimental coordinates or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts and residual dipolar couplings. NMR derived Lipari–Szabo squared generalized order parameter (O2) values of amide N? H bond vectors of the polypeptide chain were also often employed for refinement and validation. However, with a few exceptions, side chain methyl symmetry axis order parameters have not been incorporated into experimental reference sets. Using a test set of five diverse proteins, the performance of several force fields implemented in the NAMDD simulation package was examined. It was found that simulations employing explicit water implemented using the TIP3 model generally performed significantly better than those using implicit water in reproducing experimental methyl symmetry axis O2 values. Overall the CHARMM27 force field performs nominally better than two implementations of the Amber force field. It appeared that recent quantum mechanics modifications to side chain torsional angles of leucine and isoleucine in the Amber force field have significantly hindered proper motional modeling for these residues. There remained significant room for improvement as even the best correlations of experimental and simulated methyl group Lipari–Szabo generalized order parameters fall below an R2 of 0.8.  相似文献   

Poly-N-substituted glycines or "peptoids" are protease-stable peptide mimics. Although the peptoid backbone is achiral and lacks hydrogen-bond donors, substitution with alpha-chiral side chains can drive the formation of stable helices that give rise to intense CD spectra. To systematically study the solution properties and stability of water-soluble peptoid helices with alpha-chiral side chains, we have synthesized and characterized an amphipathic, 36-residue N-substituted glycine oligomer. CD was used to investigate effects of concentration and solvent environment on this helical peptoid. We saw no significant dependence of helical structure on concentration. Intense, "alpha-helix-like" CD spectra were observed for the 36-mer in aqueous, 2,2,2-trifluorethanol (TFE), and methanol solution, proving a relative insensitivity of peptoid helical structure to solvent environment. While CD spectra taken in these different solvents were fundamentally similar in shape, we did observe some interesting differences in the intensities of particular CD bands in the various solvents. For example, the addition of TFE to an aqueous solvent increases the degree of peptoid helicity, as is observed for polypeptide alpha-helices. Moreover, the helical structure of peptoids appears to be virtually unaffected by heat, even in an aqueous buffer containing 8 M urea. The extraordinary resistance of these peptoid helices to denaturation is consistent with a dominant role of steric forces in their structural stabilization. The structured polypeptoids studied here may have potential as robust mimics of helical polypeptides of therapeutic interest.  相似文献   

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that arise from the reaction of sugars with protein side chains are supposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases; therefore, the effects of AGEs on cells are the objective of numerous investigations. Because AGE modifications are an extremely heterogeneous group of side chain modifications, the exact characterization of an AGE-modified protein is impossible. To gain a deeper understanding about AGE formation kinetics and structures, AGEs can be characterized with respect to the degree of modification, specific side chain modifications, absorbance and fluorescence characteristics, and changes in the protein structure and molecular weight. For this study, human serum albumin (HSA)-AGEs derived from different concentrations of glucose, methyl glyoxal, and glyoxylic acid were used. The molecular mass of the obtained AGEs was determined using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The mass data were compared with earlier results concerning the degree of lysine and arginine side chain modifications and AGE-specific fluorescence and absorbance data. The molecular masses were found to gradually increase with increasing concentrations of the individual modifier without reaching a plateau. The mass increase correlates very well with the AGE-specific absorbance at 360 nm and with the degree of side chain modifications. The mass spectrometric data prove, for the first time, that an increasing absorbance at 360 nm is directly correlated to a mass increase during the AGE formation process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to clarify the dynamical process of reorientation of a polyethylene chains under high magnetic fields. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at constant temperature and pressure are carried out to study the reorientation of two polyethylene chains with different configurations. We utilized static homogeneous external magnetic fields of 25 T into the velocity Verlet integration algorithm through a suitable Taylor expansion.

Simulations reveal that the gained potential energy through magnetic annealing facilitated the reorganization of the polyethylene chains closer to the direction of the applied magnetic field. The current study offer an alternative explanation for the orientation that was not available through the hydrodynamics continuum approach based on the diamagnetic susceptibilities as the driving force for reorientation.  相似文献   

We examined a new backbone torsion-energy term proposed by us in the force field for protein systems. This torsion-energy term is represented by a double Fourier series in two variables, namely the backbone dihedral angles φ and ψ. It gives a natural representation of the torsion energy in the Ramachandran space in the sense that any two-dimensional energy surface periodic in both φ and ψ can be expanded by the double Fourier series. We can then easily control secondary-structure-forming tendencies by modifying the torsion-energy surface. For instance, we can increase or decrease the α-helix-forming-tendencies by lowering or raising the torsion-energy surface in the α-helix region and likewise increase or decrease the β-sheet-forming tendencies by lowering or raising the surface in the β-sheet region in the Ramachandran space. We applied this torsion-energy modification method to six force fields, AMBER parm94, AMBER parm96, AMBER parm99, CHARMM27, OPLS-AA and OPLS-AA/L, and demonstrated that our modifications of the torsion-energy terms resulted in the expected changes of secondary-structure-forming tendencies by performing folding simulations of α-helical and β-hairpin peptides.  相似文献   

M Ohgushi  A Wada 《FEBS letters》1983,164(1):21-24
In rat lacrimal glands, Forskolin induces a dose-dependent [3H]protein release. This effect can be potentiated by papaverine. As for the other inducers whose effects on protein secretion are assumed to be cAMP-mediated, Forskolin secretion time course shows a latency. Isoproterenol decreases the Forskolin EC5- at least 60--times. On the other hand, Forskolin enhances the efficacy of isoproterenol without affecting its potency. As a whole, the data collected show that isoproterenol-induced [3H]protein secretion in rat lacrimal glands involved adenylate cyclase activation by coupling with β-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

The CarS antirepressor activates a photo-inducible promoter in Myxococcus xanthus by physically interacting with the CarA repressor and eliminating the latter’s binding to operator DNA. Interestingly, interactions with both CarS and operator are crucially dependent on the DNA recognition helix of the CarA winged-helix DNA-binding domain. The CarA–CarS and the CarA-operator interfaces therefore overlap, and CarS may have structural features that mimic operator DNA. CarS has no known sequence homologues and its Gly and Pro contents are unusually high. Here, we report 1H, 13C and 15N backbone and side chain assignments of CarS1, an 86-residue truncated yet fully functional variant of CarS. Secondary structural elements inferred from these data differ from those predicted from sequence.  相似文献   

Recently we developed methods for the construction of knowledge-based mean fields from a data base of known protein structures. As shown previously, this approach can be used to calculate ensembles of probable conformations for short fragments of polypeptide chains. Here we develop procedures for the assembly of short fragments to complete three-dimensional models of polypeptide chains. The amino acid sequence of a given protein is decomposed into all possible overlapping fragments of a given length, and an ensemble of probable conformations is calculated for each fragment. The fragments are assembled to a complete model by choosing appropriate conformations from the individual ensembles and by averaging over equivalent angles. Finally a consistent model is obtained by rebuilding the conformation from the average angles. From the average angles the local variability of the structure can be calculated, which is a useful criterion for the reliability of the model. The procedure is applied to the calculation of the local backbone conformations of myoglobin and lysozyme whose structures have been solved by X-ray analysis and thymosin beta 4, a polypeptide of 43 amino acid residues whose structure was recently investigated by NMR spectroscopy. We demonstrate that substantial fractions of the calculated local backbone conformations are similar to the experimentally determined structures.  相似文献   

We introduce here i, i + 3 and i, i + 4 side chain interactions into the modified Lifson-Roig helix-coil theory of Doig et al. (1994, Biochemistry 33:3396-3403). The helix/coil equilibrium is a function of initiation, propagation, capping, and side chain interaction parameters. If each of these parameters is known, the helix content of any isolated peptide can be predicted. The model considers every possible conformation of a peptide, is not limited to peptides with only a single helical segment, and has physically meaningful parameters. We apply the theory to measure the i, i + 4 interaction energies between Phe and Met side chains. Peptides with these residues spaced i, i + 4 are significantly more helical than controls where they are spaced i, i + 5. Application of the model yields delta G for the Phe-Met orientation to be -0.75 kcal.mol-1, whereas that for the Met-Phe orientation is -0.54 kcal.mol-1. These orientational preferences can be explained, in part, by rotamer preferences for the interacting side chains. We place Phe-Met i, i + 4 at the N-terminus, the C-terminus, and in the center of the host peptide. The model quantitatively predicts the observed helix contents using a single parameter for the side chain-side chain interaction energy. This result indicates that the model works well even when the interaction is at different locations in the helix.  相似文献   

Backbone dynamics of mouse major urinary protein I (MUP-I) was studied by (15)N NMR relaxation. Data were collected at multiple temperatures for a complex of MUP-I with its natural pheromonal ligand, 2- sec -4,5-dihydrothiazole, and for the free protein. The measured relaxation rates were analyzed using the reduced spectral density mapping. Graphical analysis of the spectral density values provided an unbiased qualitative picture of the internal motions. Varying temperature greatly increased the range of analyzed spectral density values and therefore improved reliability of the analysis. Quantitative parameters describing the dynamics on picosecond to nanosecond time scale were obtained using a novel method of simultaneous data fitting at multiple temperatures. Both methods showed that the backbone flexibility on the fast time scale is slightly increased upon pheromone binding, in accordance with the previously reported results. Zero-frequency spectral density values revealed conformational changes on the microsecond to millisecond time scale. Measurements at different temperatures allowed to monitor temperature dependence of the motional parameters.  相似文献   

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