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Although archaeobotanical sampling and recovery programmes are a relatively recent implementation in East African archaeology, results from sites where they have been carried out follow a similar trend. This is one of abundant recovery of wood charcoal, but very little in the way of other macroscopic plant remains. Restricted archaeological evidence and ethnographic interviews show the importance of grains, in particular finger millet (Eleusine coracana), for the Bunyoro people of Uganda in pre-colonial times. It has been suggested that one of the possible reasons why finger millet is not being recovered in quantity from archaeological contexts is because the processing of this crop does not involve heating and hence there is not the chance of being deposited in charred form in the archaeological record. Recent ethnographic work on finger millet processing in Uganda shows that it is exposed to heat and potential charring during cleaning and preparation of the grain for either storage or cooking, and this regime is discussed in terms of its activities and products. These findings reinforce the need for archaeobotanists and archaeologists working in this region to look for other possible causes of the scarcity of macroscopic plant remains, and also the importance of considering integrated evidence for agricultural activity on prehistoric sites.  相似文献   

The impact on human ecology of the ivory trade entailed direct and indirect effects. First, the reduction or extermination of elephant populations had direct effects on the vegetation patterns over large areas. Second, the economic activities connected with hunting, transport, and trading affected regional systems of exchange and thereby, indirectly through the political economy, settlements, patterns of resource utilization, population parameters, and specialization of production. Ethnohistorical information from the 1800s suggests how coastal goods interacted with regional systems of exchange and environmental exploitation. Although such information cannot be directly projected onto the more distant past, it can be used to establish some possible pathways through which the hunting of elephants and transportation and trade of ivory could have affected the ecology of human resource use.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the life history of a single street boy in northwestern Tanzania, whom I name Juma. I suggest that Juma's experiences and the life trajectory of himself and of significant individuals around him (particularly his mother) were structured by everyday violence. I describe everyday violence in terms of a conjuncture between macrostructural forces in East Africa (including a history of failed development schemes and the contemporary political economy of neoliberalism) and the lived experience of individuals as they negotiate local, contextual factors (including land-tenure practices, the power dynamics between immediate and extended kin, life on the streets, and constructions of gender and sexuality). I suggest that AIDS and its many impacts on Juma's life course can only be understood in a broader context of everyday violence. From this basis, I draw several general conclusions regarding AIDS prevention and intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Transboundary marine protected areas have been proposed in East Africa to tackle threats to marine biodiversity, meet international MPA targets, promote tourism, and contribute to poverty reduction. This article examines what may drive, facilitate, or constrain states in creating a regime for transboundary MPAs. In East Africa, a regime between Mozambique and Tanzania is not yet formed and may be indefinitely delayed due to oil prospecting and exploration. There is, however, a well-developed regime between Mozambique and South Africa that has resulted in the two adjoining MPAs being declared the first transboundary MPA on the continent.  相似文献   

Hartnoll  R.G.  Cannici  S.  Emmerson  W.D.  Fratini  S.  Macia  A.  Mgaya  Y.  Porri  F.  Ruwa  R.K.  Shunula  J.P.  Skov  M.W.  Vannini  M. 《Wetlands Ecology and Management》2002,10(3):203-213
The aim of this work was to determine the abundance of crabs inmangrove communities along a latitudinal gradient along the eastern coastof Africa from 4°S to 32°S. Surveys were made atMombasa (Kenya), Zanzibar (Tanzania), Maputo (Mozambique) and in theTranskei (South Africa). Crabs were estimated at three designated levelsin the mangroves by visual census using a common protocol, and numberswere converted to biomass.Even after standardising the selection of sites and methods of censusthere was still extensive variability in the data, emphasising the complexheterogeneity of mangrove ecosystems. Lunar phase (full versus new moonsprings) did not have a consistent effect on results, but shore height hadseveral effects. Total crab biomass was similar in the two lower shore strataexamined, but about twice as high at the top-Avicennia level. Theratio of grapsid biomass:ocypodid biomass also changed with height: fromnear unity in the lower mangrove, to 0.14 in the middle strata, but to 15at the top.There was no consistent latitudinal trend in total crab numbers, but totalcrab biomass increased from north to south. In addition there was aconsistent and marked change in the grapsid biomass:ocypodid biomassratio: this swung from 0.65 at Mombasa to 6.8 in the Transkei. This hasimplications for the transfer of primary production through the food chain. Grapsids are important macrophagous feeders on the leaves and other partsof mangroves, whereas ocypodids are microphagous deposit feeders.  相似文献   

New detailed biome reconstructions are proposed in East Africa from modern pollen data derived from 150 sites located in northern Kenya (40 sites), north-western Uganda (51 sites) and southern Tanzania (59 new sites presented as pollen diagram), which are representative of the major vegetation associations occurring in seven phytogeographical regions, mosaics or centres of endemism. We use the standard biomisation method previously published for the African continent, but we reconsider the taxa assignment to plant functional types. We include in this approach all identified taxa (408) except aquatics, ferns and exotic taxa. The method is validated by comparison with local vegetation data and we show that 124 (82.6%) sites are assigned to the correct biome and that for all the biomes under investigation, the number of correct assignments always exceeds the number of incorrect ones. When an incorrect biome reconstruction occurs, mainly toward drier biomes, this is generally linked to the local open/degraded structure of the original vegetation or to the occurrence of a mosaic of open/closed vegetation. In turn, most of the reconstructions of more humid/closed biomes than the corresponding local vegetation (8.6%) remain unexplained. A comparison of our reconstructed biomes with the main East African vegetation types of White's map indicates that 121 (80.6%) sites are assigned to the correct biomes. However, the majority of sites are incorrectly reconstructed compared to Olson and IGBP maps from satellite data, mainly due to incorrect allocation of the land cover classes compared to the potential vegetation. The application of this method to our pollen data set demonstrates that modern pollen assemblages can successfully reconstruct the main modern East African vegetation types.  相似文献   

Summary Animal census data from Lake Manyara National Park in northern Tanzania are presented. The data refer to large mammalian herbivores, that is individually heavier than twenty kg, of which the numbers were counted in nine different years between 1959 and 1984. The total biomass of these herbivores was comprised mainly of African buffalo and African elephant. Five functional groups of herbivores were distinguished (buffalo, elephant-as-grazer, elephant-as-browser, other grazers, and other browsers). The pressures of all these groups were constant over time with the exception of that by buffalo. Buffalo numbers increased since the last outbreak of rinderpest in 1959. There was no correlation between herbivore biomass and rainfall fluctuations. Individual species showed large fluctuations in their numbers but within the total herbivore assemblage the different species compensated the fluctuations of the other species. This resulted in an overall constancy of herbivore biomass, and, thus, the carrying capacity of the system has to be viewed on the level of all species combined and not on that of the individual species. This view is supported by the result that size of the stability index showed that the system of herbivore species was stable.  相似文献   

Mangroves are among the most threatened ecosystems in the world and the coastal forests of East Africa are no exception to this trend. Although conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable management plans have been developed in various tropical regions, only a few locally based approaches have been launched along the Indian Ocean coast of Africa. In order to identify possible conditions for sustainable management of mangroves based on socio-economic and ecological considerations, we present a participatory approach designed to evaluate the relationships between mangroves and human activities and the use of multi-criterion analysis to identify management solutions. To achieve this goal, all the subjects involved in mangrove management (local communities, institutions and researchers) took an active part in the process. The research was carried out in three communities relying on mangrove swamps: Kisakasaka village on the island of Zanzibar, Mida Creek in Kenya, both relying on mangrove forests known to be endangered by over-exploitation, and Inhaca Island in Mozambique, where mangroves are more pristine. Families were the hub of the research and the importance of each of their economic activities was assessed. We then examined the methods by which mangroves are exploited by the local community and by other stakeholders working in the study areas. Our results show that the mangroves in Inhaca are exploited only for household needs and the pressure on the forests is still ecologically sustainable. In contrast, there is a well-established demand for mangrove products in Kisakasaka and Mida Creek and the mangroves represent an essential source of income for the families, resulting in an ecologically unsustainable rate of exploitation. Therefore, possible alternatives to the current management practices were identified in the two areas by means of a participatory approach. Multi-criterion analysis was then used to compare and discuss the alternatives in terms of social, economic and ecological criteria.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 33 Synechococcus strains isolated from the East China Sea (ECS) and the East Sea (ES) were studied based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and 16S–23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Pigment patterns of the culture strains were also examined. Based on 16S rRNA gene and ITS sequence phylogenies, the Synechococcus isolates were clustered into 10 clades, among which eight were previously identified and two were novel. Half of the culture strains belonged to clade V or VI. All strains that clustered into novel clades exhibited both phycoerythrobilin and phycourobilin. Interestingly, the pigment compositions of isolates belonging to clades V and VI differed from those reported for other oceanic regions. None of the isolates in clade V showed phycourobilin, whereas strains in clade VI exhibited both phycourobilin and phycoerythrobilin, which is in contrast to previous studies. The presence of novel lineages and the different pigment patterns in the ECS and the ES suggests the possibility that some Synechococcus lineages are distributed only in geographically restricted areas and have evolved in these regions. Therefore, further elucidation of the physiological, ecological, and genetic characteristics of the diverse Synechococcus strains is required to understand their spatial and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Late Jurassic Mammals from Tendaguru, Tanzania, East Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Records of Mesozoic mammals are extremely rare in Africa. The only previous record from the Upper Jurassic of Africa is a fragmentary mandible without teeth of Brancatherulum tendagurense. Here I report the discovery of two new mammals from the Upper Jurassic of Tendaguru, Tanzania. The fossils were recovered from the Middle Saurian Bed of the Tendaguru Series. A lower molar of a triconodontid mammal is described as Tendagurodon janenschi gen. et sp. nov., and a fragmentary dentary of a eupantothere as Tendagurutherium dietrichi gen. et sp. nov. The eupantothere in particular contributes to documenting the evolution of mammals during the Mesozoic. The posterior portion of the mandible of Tendagurutherium dietrichi gen. et sp. nov. shows that the angular (tympanic) bone was not yet completely separated from the dentary, a previously undocumented stage of eupantotherian middle ear evolution.  相似文献   

Human societies maintain between-group variation despite mixing of people and ideas. In order for variation to remain, migrants or their children must preferentially adopt local norms, customs, and beliefs. Yet the details of how cultural variation is maintained, despite mixing, remain unknown. This article addresses this problem by using a simple model of the evolution of cultural learning to interpret the results of a study of cultural variation in a small region of East Africa. I argue that the manner in which migrants of two diverse regions adapt to local beliefs and behavior depends on the costs and accuracy of learning in each domain. Observational studies are never definitive tests of any hypothesis, but these results suggest that conclusions about the significance of cultural learning for understanding individual attitudes and behavior depend strongly upon the domain of investigation.  相似文献   

African terrestrial vertebrate faunas change over the time range from 14 my to 4 my, the period during which hominids are presumed to have diverged from other hominoids. The most complete local sequence showing this is provided by the Tugen Hills, west of Lake Baringo in Kenya. A large component of the pattern of faunal changes seen there, and at other relevant sites, could be explained by local environmental alterations, or by sampling properties of fossil assemblages and collections. It is hard to justify global climatic change as the sole explanation of observed faunal shifts, although such external factors cannot be ruled out and on general grounds are likely to be involved. As yet there is no convincing demonstration of synchronicity in faunal turnover. Evidence of a simple shift from forest conditions to grasslands, an event that has been correlated with the origins of hominid bipedalism, is hard to detect. Existing data suggest a more patchy distribution of forest and grassland in both space and time.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Comparison of dominant wind directions with seasonal redistribution of Spodoptera exempta caterpillar outbreaks in East Africa provides further circumstantial evidence to support the hypothesis of downwind migration by adult moths.
2. Calculated backward and forward tracks for sixty-nine nights during the 1973–74 and 1974–75 seasons, when there were sudden increases in numbers of moths caught at six light traps, illustrate the variability of downwind movement due to the effects of temporary atmospheric disturbances.
3. Comparison of calculated tracks with known outbreaks before and after the nights of increased moth catch suggests that some outbreaks are derived from unreported sources, especially eariy in the season, and it is therefore unwise to link new outbreaks only with known earlier ones.  相似文献   

Increasing population pressure, land scarcity and diminishing production resources are promoting goat production in the tropics. Dairy goat breeding (DGB) projects have been implemented by development agencies, governments and the private sector with the objective of improving the dairy merits genetically through crossbreeding with exotic genotypes. The performance of these projects is still a cause for concern. Therefore, sustainable dairy goat breeding forces various stakeholders to re-orient their breeding goals, strategies and design of breeding programmes towards a sustainability perspective. This paper highlights a set of key requirements for establishing sustainable dairy goat breeding programmes. Conclusions are drawn based on the lessons learnt from numerous examples of DGB projects in East and Central Africa keeping sustainability concerns insight to inform on-going and future projects.  相似文献   

Agricultural development projects in the fertile and most well-watered areas of arid and semiarid Africa usually deny access to nomadic pastoralists whose production system and livelihood depend upon such areas in the dry season and during frequent droughts. The result can be degradation of range resources through overgrazing, and greater vulnerability of pastoralists. Recent calls for compatible land use schemes or nonexclusionary agricultural development projects in the context of pastoralist transhumance, suggest allowing pastoralists structured access to project sites in the dry season in order to utilize forage and water supplies. This paper examines the capacity of an irrigation scheme to support the seasonal influx of transhumant livestock in dry seasons of varying severity. The livestock carrying capacity of the existing mosaic of land use patterns and practices is used in the determination of the proportional areas of land use needed to absorb large seasonal concentrations of livestock.  相似文献   

The chronometric dating evidence for all hominid fossils from Africa and the Near East that have previously been dated to 500-50 ka is critically assessed using the concept of chronometric hygiene, and these dates are revised using Bayesian statistical analyses where possible. Sixteen relevant hominid sites lacking chronometric evidence are briefly discussed. Chronometric evidence from 37 sites is assessed in detail. The dates for many hominid fossils are poorly constrained, with a number dated by comparisons of faunal assemblages-a method that does not have good chronological resolution for much of the last million years. For sites with stratigraphic sequences of dates, it is generally possible to refine the dating, but in some cases, the revised chronology is less precise than previous chronologies. Fossils over 200 ka in age tend to be poorly dated, but for the last 200 kyr, dating is better due to the availability of electron-spin-resonance and thermoluminescence dating. Consideration of the chronologies favored by the proponents of the out-of-Africa and multiregional hypotheses of human evolution shows their selectivity. The chronological assessment of the fossils here is compatible with either hypothesis. If evolutionary schemes that do not rely on the morphology of the hominid fossils to decide the sequence of fossils are to be built, then further dating is required, alongside full publication of existing dates.  相似文献   

Archaeological studies have revealed cultural connections between the two sides of the Red Sea dating to prehistory. The issue has still not been properly addressed, however, by archaeogenetics. We focus our attention here on the mitochondrial haplogroup HV1 that is present in both the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa. The internal variation of 38 complete mitochondrial DNA sequences (20 of them presented here for the first time) affiliated into this haplogroup testify to its emergence during the late glacial maximum, most probably in the Near East, with subsequent dispersion via population expansions when climatic conditions improved. Detailed phylogeography of HV1 sequences shows that more recent demographic upheavals likely contributed to their spread from West Arabia to East Africa, a finding concordant with archaeological records suggesting intensive maritime trade in the Red Sea from the sixth millennium BC onwards. Closer genetic exchanges are apparent between the Horn of Africa and Yemen, while Egyptian HV1 haplotypes seem to be more similar to the Near Eastern ones.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to characterize the short-term land-cover change processes that were detected in Eastern Africa, based on a set of change metrics that allow for the quantification of interannual changes in vegetation productivity, changes in vegetation phenology and a combination of both. We tested to what extent land use, fire activity and livestock grazing modified the vegetation response to short-term rainfall variability in East Africa and how this is reflected in change metrics derived from MODerate Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) time series of remote sensing data. We used a hierarchical approach to disentangle the contribution of human activities and climate variability to the patterns of short-term vegetation change in East Africa at different levels of organization. Our results clearly show that land use significantly influences the vegetation response to rainfall variability as measured by time series of MODIS data. Areas with different types of land use react in a different way to interannual climate variability, leading to different values of the change indices depending on the land use type. The impact of land use is more reflected in interannual variability of vegetation productivity and overall change in the vegetation, whereas changes in phenology are mainly driven by climate variability and affect most vegetation types in similar ways. Our multilevel approach led to improved models and clearly demonstrated that climate influence plays at a different scale than land use, fire and herbivore grazing. It helped us to understand dynamics within and between biomes in the study area and investigate the relative importance of different factors influencing short-term variability in change indices at different scales.  相似文献   

The African butterfly Danaus chrysippus , like other members of the family Danaidae, feeds as a larva on species of milkweeds (Asclepiadaceae). It has been demonstrated in a sample from a West African population that only a minority of adult D. chrysippus accumulated detectable amounts of poisonous and presumably emetic cardenolides from their larval foodplants. It has also been shown in D. chrysippus and the related monarch butterfly ( D. plexippus ) that the cardenolide content of adults varies with that of their respective milkweed foodplants.
Three population samples of D. chrysippus from sites in East Africa are analysed for cardenolides using the spectrophotometric technique refined by Brower, Edmunds & Moffitt (1975), which allows the assay of individual butterflies. The East African samples all have a palatability spectrum with a considerably higher percentage of cardenolide-containing individuals than the West African one.
This is discussed in terms of its effect on potential bird predators and the 'automimicry' of emetic by palatable individuals. In East Africa D. chrysippus is polymorphic and appears to act as a model in a complex mimicry ring, whereas in West Africa it is monomorphic and may have 'shed' most of its mimics. This latter hypothesis is discussed in the light of our results.  相似文献   

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