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Abstract The present work deals with the characterization of an ATP-dependent proton translocation monitored by the ΔpH probe acridine orange. The ATP-dependent proton translocation has an optimum activity at pH 6.5 and is substrate specific for ATP. It is stimulated by Cl, HCO3 and Br, but is insensitive to several monovalent cations. Divalent cations (Mg2+ or Mn2+) are required for proton translocation, while in the presence of Ca2+ no uptake is observed. NO3, NO2 and citrate strongly inhibit proton uptake. On the contrary, F, SO42−, malate, pyruvate, succinate, oxalate and acetate have no inhibitory effect. Proton uptake is stimulated by valinomycin and unaffected by molybdate. Two thiols, dithioerythritol and dithiothreitol, are able partially to prevent the FCCP-abolished proton uptake or partially restore the ATP-dependent proton translocation in FCCP-collapsed vesicles. It is suggested that pea stem microsomes possess an electrogenic ATPase, acting as a proton pump, which, on the basis of its characteristics, can be tentatively associated with membranes of tonoplast origin.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of Cercospora beticola toxin (CBT) on ATP-dependent and nigericin-induced proton translocation, monitored by acridine orange uptake in pea stem microsomal vesicles, was studied. CBT inhibits ATP-dependent proton translocation, but not the nigericin-induced H+/K+ exchange. The inhibitory effect is dependent on CBT concentration, time of preincubation with CBT and protein concentration of the vesicle suspension.
The previously observed effects of CBT on membrane transport phenomena, in the light of the present results, are in agreement with the hypothesis that the primary effect of the toxin is exerted on an ATPase of plasmalemma and/or tonoplast, acting as a proton pump.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan-oligosaccharides and cello-oligosaccharides, both of which are potential products of the action of cellulase on plant cell wail polysaccharides, inhibited acid-induced elongation in pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) stem segments. Xyloglucan-derived nonasaccharide (XG9; Glc4-Xyl3)Gal-Fuc) and decasaccharide (XG10; Glc4-Xyl3-Gal2-Fue) inhibited acid-induced growth at 1.0 and 0.1 n M , respectively, whereas the heptasaccharide (XG7; Glc4-Xyl3) and octasaccharide (XG8; Glc4-Xyl3-Gal)2 which lack L-fucose, did not. XG9 at 1 n M inhibited acid-induced growth as effectively as it inhibits auxin-induced elongation. This suggests that XG9's effect as an inhibitor of auxin action is not mediated by a suppresion of H+-efflux, but rather that XG9 blocks some step that is common to the action of both auxin and H+ on growth. Cello-oligosaccharides (degree of polymerisation 4–7) also inhibited acid-induced growth at 10 n M ; these are therefore a new class of possible oligosaccha-rin. The inhibitory effect of xyloglucan- and cellooligosaccharides on acid-induced growth was rapidly reversed by washing.  相似文献   

The carboxanilide systemic fungicide 2-iodobenzanilide (2-IB) after 2 h pretreatment at 0.25 m M inhibited K+ and SO42- uptake by excised corn roots ( Zea mays L., cv. Dekalb 342) up to ca 70 and 40%, respectively. Proton extrusion from corn roots was also reduced by ca 50% after 1 h contact, and the microsomal K+-stimulated ATPase activity from corn roots and pea stems ( Pisum sativum L., cv. Alaska) inhibited by 50 and 72%, respectively. In contrast, the Mg2+-ATPase activities of microsomes and mitochondria at pH 6.0 and 8.7, respectively, were unaffected. After 2 h of preincubation with 0.25 m M 2-IB, O2 consumption by corn roots and pea stems was inhibited by 12 and 18%, respectively. ATP content of corn roots was not altered by 2-IB treatment. Therefore, energy availability "in vivo" was unaffected and the primary effect on corn roots is suggested to be at the plasmalemma ATPase which forms the proton gradient.
With isolated pea stem mitochondria, 0.25 m M 2-IB inhibited O2 consumption by ca 60% when NADH or malate plus pyruvate were added as substrates; when succinate was used O2 consumption was unaffected. The mode of action on isolated mitochondria was different from that shown for carboxin and also formerly attributed to the whole class of carboxanilide fungicides.  相似文献   

Abstract In 24-h-genninaled radish seedlings erythrosin B (EB), an effective inhibitor of microsomal as well as of partially purified vanadate-sensitive ATPase markedly inhibited the basal and the FC-stimulated proton extrusion, and induced a rapid depolarization of FC-hyperpolarized trans-membrane electric potential (PD) without causing any significant change of ATP level. The effects of EB on H+ extrusion were partially additive with those of vanadatc, another inhibitor of plasma membrane H+-ATPase. These effects are interpreted as due to a direct inhibition by EB on plasma membrane H+-ATPase involved in H+ electrogenic transport in the higher plants.  相似文献   

Manabe, K. 1987. Low temperature spectrophotometry of the phototransformation of Pfr to Pr, in pelletable pea phytochrome.
Low temperature spectrophotometry was used to study the phototransformation of Pfr to Pr in 1000–7000 g pelletable fractions extracted from dark grown pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) epicotyls which had been irradiated with red and then far-red light. At -170°C, far-red irradiation of the pelletable phytochrome which had been pre-irradiated with saturating fluence of red light before freezing caused formation of an intermediate (named I660), the difference spectrum of which showed a marked ab-sorbance decrease at 740 nm and a concomitant small increase at about 660 nm. The inermediate I660 was converted to another intermediate (I660) when it was warmed above -80°C. The difference spectrum of this intermediate showed a positive peak at 670 nm. This intermediate was photoconverted to Pfr by red irradiation and also underwent dark reversion to Pfr at -60°C. I660 formed Pr if the temperature was above -10°C. The basic features of the phytochrome intermediates resemble those obtained in vivo and in degraded purified phytochrome.  相似文献   

The H+/PPi stoichiometry of the mitochondrial H+‐PPiase from pea ( Pisum sativum L.) stem was determined by two kinetic approaches, and compared with the H+/substrate stoichiometries of the mitochondrial H+‐ATPase, and the vacuolar H+‐PPiase and H+‐ATPase. Using sub‐mitochondrial particles or preparations enriched in vacuolar membranes, the rates of substrate‐dependent H+‐transport were evaluated: by a mathematical model, describing the time‐course of H+‐gradient (ΔpH) formation; or by determining the rate of H+‐leakage following H+‐pumping inhibition by EDTA at the steady‐state ΔpH. When the H+‐transport rates were divided by those of PPi or ATP hydrolysis, measured under identical conditions, apparent stoichiometries of ca 2 were determined for the mitochondrial H+‐PPiase and H+‐ATPase, and for the vacuolar H+‐ATPase. The stoichiometry of the vacuolar H+‐PPiase was found to be ca 1. From these results, it is suggested that the mitochondrial H+‐PPiase may, in theory, function as a primary H+‐pump poised towards synthesis of PPi and, therefore, acting in parallel with the main H+‐ATPase.  相似文献   

The pattern of incorporation of label into the nucleotides of axillary bud ribonucleic acid was investigated in Pisum sativum L. cv. Meteor following the application of N 6[8-I4C]furfuryladenine or of [8-14C]adenine to the root system of decapitated plants and to cultured excised buds. When N 6[8-14C]furifaryladenine was applied to the root system label was confined to the guanine nucleotide moiety of the axillary bud ribonucleic acid; label from [8-14C]adenine was incorporated preferentially into adenine nucleotide in the molar ratio adenine nucleotide/guanine nucleotide = 3.23. When isolated buds were incubated in media containing [8-14C]adenine or N 6[8-14C]furfuryladenine, label was incorporated into both purine moieties of the ribonucleic acid. However, the relative incorporation into the guanine nucleotide fraction was considerably greater for N 6[8-I4C]furfuryladenine (adenine nucleotide/guanine nucleotide = 2.23) than for [8-14C]adenine (ratio = 4.67).
It was concluded that the pattern of metabolism of adenine to guanine and its incorporation into the guanine nucleotide moiety of pea axillary bud ribonucleic acid, is influenced by the presence of a substitution in the N 6 position of the adenine base.  相似文献   

Abstract Nitrate uptake into intact pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. cv. Feltham First) grown in hydroponic culture has been investigated. Following inoculation with Rhizobium leguminosarum a twofold increase in net nitrate uptake was observed. Changes in morphological characteristics following inoculation were found to decrease the effective area available for absorption. There was a two-fold decrease in net nitrate uptake into intact seedlings grown in the presence of N compared with N free media. In the former case net nitrate uptake appeared to stall at regular intervals. In both cases only the initial rates of nitrate uptake were found to be responsive to the external nitrate concentration. The results are discussed in terms of current models for the regulation of NO?3 uptake by higher plants.  相似文献   

Abstract Washed cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans , grown under photodenitrifying conditions, exhibited K+ uptake dependent on the transmembrane proton gradient (Δ pH). These cells also acidified the suspension medium in response to K+ pulses both aerobically and anaerobically in light and in the dark. The results indicate that the photodenitrifier has a reversible K+/H+ exchange activity which reflects its role in regulating the intracellular K+ concentration, as well as intracellular pH. The acidification of the external medium resulting from K+ pulses was inhibited by carbonyl cyanide- m -chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) indicating that the antiporter is energy-dependent. Addition of KCl to washed cells depolarized the membrane potential (Δψ) with a concomitant increase in ΔpH, indicating that the K+/H+ antiporter was electrogenic.  相似文献   

Three levels of atmospheric CO2 and 2 levels of relative humidity (RH) during the rooting period were tested for their effect on several factors presumed to influence adventitious root formation in leafy pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) cuttings. Compared to normal CO2 levels (350 μl l−1), neither 1800 nor 675 μl l−1 CO2 affected the rooting percentage or the number of roots per cutting. However, 1800 μl l−1 CO2 increased root and shoot dry weight, root length, carbohydrate levels in the base of the cuttings and water potential (Ψw) of cuttings compared to normal levels of CO2. Compared to 87% RH. 55% RH decreased all of the above parameters, including the number of roots per cutting. A polyvinyl chloride antitranspirant (which partially blocks stomata and slows photosynthesis) applied simultaneously with 87% RH increased Ψw and root length but lowered all of the other above parameters, compared to 87% RH without antitranspirant. Increasing current photosynthate (products of photosynthetic activity after excision), carbohydrate, or Ψw either alone or together was associated with increased root system size but not necessarily with increased rooting percentage or root number. The data are consistent with a hypothesis that the number of roots per cutting increased with increasing current photosynthate and carbohydrate until some other factor became limiting. Also, the effect of Ψw on rooting percentage and root number was mediated through its effect on current photosynthate and carbohydrate.  相似文献   

The activity of the H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) was characterized in microsomes from 24-h-old radish ( Raphanus sativus L., ev. Tondo Rosso Quarantino) seedlings, which are virtually devoid of the tonoplast H+-ATPase. The H+-PPase was localized to membranes which roughly comigrated with the plasma membrane in a sucrose density gradient, but clearly separated from plasma membrane when microsomes were partitioned in an aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase system. The H+-PPase activity was strictly dependent on Mg2+ and on the presence of a monovalent cation (K+=Rb+=NH3+Cs+≫Na+Li+) and was insensitive to anions such as Cl−, Br−, NO3− and SO42-. It was inhibited by F−, imidodiphosphate and Ca2+. It had a pH optimum between pH 7.5 and 8.5 and was saturated by low concentrations of pyrophosphate (half saturation at 30 μ M pyrophosphate). All of these characteristics are identical to those reported for the tonoplast H+-PPase from various plant materials. The functional molecular weight of the H+-PPase, measured with the radiation-inactivation technique was 96 kDa.  相似文献   

Nigericin stimulated the ATPase activity of tightly-sealed membrane vesicles prepared from Hevea brasiliensis Müll.-Arg. lutoïds in the presence of K+. This stimulation required a functioning membrane since it was membrane-bound and since it was not observed for the ATPase activity solubilized from the tonoplast by dichloromethane. The extent of nigericin-induced stimulation of tonoplast ATPase was proportional to the ΔpH collapsed by the ionophore in the presence of K+.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen partitioning was examined in a wild-type and a nitrate reductase-deficient mutant (A317) of Pisum sativum L. (ev. Juneau), effectively inoculated with two strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum (128C23 and 128C54) and grown hydroponically in medium without nitrogen for 21 days, followed by a further 7 days in medium without and with 5 mM NH4NO3. In wild-type symbioses the application of NH4NO3 significantly reduced nodule growth, nitrogenase (EC activity, nodule carbohydrates (soluble sugars and starch) and allocation of [14C]-labelled (NO3, NH4+, amino acids) in roots. In nodules, there was a decline in amino acids together with an increase in inorganic nitrogen concentration. In contrast, symbioses involving A317 exhibited no change in nitrogenase activity or nodule carbohydrates, and the concentrations of all nitrogenous solutes measured (including asparagine) in roots and nodules were enhanced. Photosynthate allocation to the nodule was reduced in the 128C23 symbiosis. Nitrite accumulation was not detected in any case. These data cannot be wholly explained by either the carbohydrate deprivation hypothesis or the nitrite hypothesis for the inhibition of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by combined nitrogen. Our result with A317 also provided evidence against the hypothesis that NO3 and NH4+ or its assimilation products exert a direct effect on nitrogenase activity. It is concluded that more than one legume host and Rhizobium strain must be studied before generalizations about Rhizobium /legume interactions are made.  相似文献   

The vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) of plant cells contains two functionally and physically distinct phosphohydrolases, which catalyse electrogenic H+ -translocation: An ATPase (tp-ATPase; EC and an inorganic pyrophosphatase (tp-PPase; Neither enzyme belongs to the F0F1– or E1E2-categories of primary cation pumps, but instead belong to a third and fourth category of enzyme, respectively. Research priorities for the tp-ATPase are studies directed at understanding the roles of the 70 and 60 kDa subunits in catalysis and regulation; the involvement of the 16 kDa subunit in transmembrane H+ conduction; and investigations of F0F1- like structure/function partitioning. In the longer term, comparisons of sequence homology between the N,N'- dicyclohexylcarbodiimide -binding (16 kDa) proteins from different sources may enable elucidation of the evolutionary relationship of the tp-ATPase with other putative third-category H+– translocases. The tp-PPase, on the other hand, represents an exciting but largely unexplored biochemical entity, which necessitates a reconsideration of accepted views concerning the involvement of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) in transmembrane energy conservation. Just why the tonoplast should be endowed with two H+-translocases is a problem that can only be approached once consideration is given to the paramount question of H+/PPi stoichiometry. Once the stoichiometry is known, it should be possible to establish the physiological poise of the tp-PPase, and hence to speculate on its role in the metabolism of plant cells.  相似文献   

The presence of an electrogenic pump in pea stem microsomal vesicles has already been demonstrated, but no evidence on the nature of the electrogenic ion has been presented (Rasi-Caldogno, F., De Michelis, M.I. and Pugliarello, M.C. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 642, 37–45). In this work we tested the usefulness of the ΔpH probe Acridine orange to monitor both ATP-dependent and ionophore-induced H+ fluxes in pea stem microsomal vesicles. The H+/K+ exchanger nigericin causes a marked uptake of protons into the vesicles that can be followed, with similar results, both as Acridine orange absorbance changes and pH changes of the external medium. ATP induces an uptake of Acridine orange into the vesicles which is reversed by FCCP and abolished by the presence of Triton X-100 in the incubation medium, thus indicating an inward, ATP-driven, H+ translocation. The ATP-dependent acridine orange uptake is Mg2+-requiring and KCl-stimulated. Such activity is inhibited by two specific ATPase inhibitors, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and diethylstilbestrol, while it is unaffected by oligomycin and Na3VO4. These results show that Acridine orange is a useful probe to measure pH gradients in our membrane system and are consistent with the hypothesis that an ATPase of plasmalemma may act as a proton pump.  相似文献   

Several major proteins of synaptic vesicles from rat or cow brain sediment as a large complex on sucrose density gradients when solubilized in nonionic detergents. A vacuolar H(+)-ATPase identified by sensitivity to bafilomycin A1 appears to be associated with this oligomeric protein complex. Two subunits of this complex, synaptic vesicle proteins S and U, correspond to the 57-kDa (B) and 39-kDa accessory (Ac39) subunits, respectively, of bovine chromaffin granule vacuolar H(+)-ATPase as shown by Western immunoblot analysis. The five subunits of the oligomeric complex constitute approximately 20% of the total protein of rat brain synaptic vesicles. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that the abundant, multisubunit complex partially purified from brain synaptic vesicles by density gradient centrifugation is a vacuolar H(+)-ATPase. Bafilomycin A1 completely blocks proton pumping in rat brain synaptic vesicles as measured by [14C]methylamine uptake and also blocks catecholamine accumulation measured by [3H]dopamine uptake. Moreover, ATPase activity, [14C]methylamine uptake, and [3H]dopamine uptake are inhibited by bafilomycin A1 at similar I50 values of approximately 1.7 nmol/mg of protein. These findings indicate that the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase is essential for proton pumping as well as catecholamine uptake by mammalian synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

The gas exchange characteristics of intact attached nodulated roots of pea (Pisum sativum cv. Finale X) and lupin (Lupinus albus cv. Ultra) were studied under a number of environmental conditions to determine whether or not the nodules regulate resistance to oxygen diffusion. Nitrogenase activity (H2 evolution) in both species was inhibited by an increase in rhizosphere pO2 from 20% to 30%, but recovered within 30 min without a significant increase in nodulated root respiration (CO2 evolution). These data suggest that the nodules possess a variable barrier to O2 diffusion. Also, nitrogenase activity in both species declined when the roots were either exposed to an atmosphere of Ar:O2 or when the shoots of the plants were excised. These declines could be reversed by elevating rhizosphere pO2, indicating that the inhibition of nitrogenase activity resulted from an increase in gas diffusion resistance and consequent O2-limitation of nitrogenase-linked respiration. These results indicate that nodules of pea and lupin regulate their internal O2 concentration in a manner similar to nodules of soybean, despite the distinct morphological and biochemical differences that exist between the nodules of the 3 species. Experiments in which total nitrogenase activity (TNA = H2 production in Ar:O2) in pea and lupin nodules was monitored while rhizosphere pO2 was increased gradually to 100%, showed that the resistance of the nodules to O2 diffusion maintains nitrogenase activity at about 80% of its potential activity (PNA) under normal atmospheric conditions. The O2-limitation coefficient of nitrogenase (OLCN= TNA/PNA) declined significantly with prolonged exposure to Ar:O2 or with shoot excision. Together, these results indicate a significant degree of O2-limitation of nitrogenase activity in pea and lupin nodules, and that yields may be increased by realizing full potential activity.  相似文献   

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