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To study the interaction between D-amino acid oxidase [EC] and quasi-substrates such as benzoate and o-, m-, and p-aminobenzoate, visible circular dichroism spectra (CD spectra) were measured and the binding rate and affinity of o-aminobenzoate to the enzyme were observed by following the absorption changes at various wavelengths. We found a new CD band around 560 nm, corresponding to the charge-transfer complexes which result from the formation of aminobenzoate complexes with the enzyme. The ellipticity of this band was positive for the p-aminobenzoate complex, but negative for the o- and m-aminobenzoate complexes. Crossover points in CD spectra were observed at 470 nm for the m-aminobenzoate complex and at 475 nm for the o-aminobenzoate complex. They probably resulted from overlapping of the positive CD band of FAD bound with the enzyme and the negative CD band of the charge-transfer complex. We propose that the amino group in aminobenzoate, not the pi-electrons of the benzene ring, is the electron donor in the charge-transfer complex and that the position of the amino group is very important for the charge-transfer interaction. The binding rate and affinity of o-aminobenzoate to the enzyme were determined using the absorption changes at 370 nm (380 nm), caused by the modification of electronic states of FAD bound with the enzyme, and at 550 nm (565 nm), caused by the formation of the charge-transfer complex of o-aminobenzoate with the enzyme. No differences between these parameters with wavelength were observed. This independence of wavelength simplifies discussion of the experimental data obtained from absorption changes.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra of two reaction intermediates of D-amino acid oxidase with substrate analogs were obtained. The reaction intermediates studied were (1) the one in the aerobic oxidative reaction of the enzyme with beta-cyano-D-alanine and (2) the other in the reverse reductive reaction of the enzyme with chloropyruvate and ammonium. Both intermediates are characterized with the charge transfer absorption bands in the long wavelength region extending beyond 600 nm. The RR spectra of the two intermediates excited at 488.0 or 514.5 nm are those of oxidized flavin, which is consistent with our previous assumption that oxidized flavin is involved in these reaction intermediates. Relatively simple RR spectra were obtained for these intermediates with excitation at 632.8 nm which is within the region of the charge transfer bands. The resonance enhancement for the Raman lines around 1585 and 1350 cm-1 for either of the intermediates with excitation in the region of the charge transfer bands suggests that the charge transfer interaction involves the N(5)-C(4a) region extending to the C(10a)-N(1)-C(2) region of the isoalloxazine nucleus. The Raman line at 1657 cm-1 for the intermediate with chloropyruvate and ammonium was assigned to C = N of an imino acid from the isotopic frequency shift upon 15N-substitution. The assignment substantiates our previous conclusion that the intermediate involves an imino acid, alpha-imino-beta-chloropropionate.  相似文献   

P Marcotte  C Walsh 《Biochemistry》1976,15(14):3070-3076
Proparglyglycine (2-amino-4-pentynoate) and vinylglycine (2-amino-3-butenoate) have been examined as substrates and possible inactivators of two flavo enzymes, D-amino acid oxidase from pig kidney and L-amino acid oxidase from Crotalus adamanteus venom. Vinylglycine is rapidly oxidized by both enzymes but only L-amino acid oxidase is inactivated under assay conditions. The loss of activity probably involves covalent modification of an active site residue rather than the flavin adenine dinucleotide coenzyme and occurs once every 20000 turnovers. We have confirmed the recent observation (Horiike, K, Hishina, Y., Miyake, Y., and Yamano, T. (1975) J, Biochem. (Tokyo), 78, 57) that D-proparglglycine is oxidized with a time-dependent loss of activity by D-amino acid oxidase and have examined some mechanistic aspects of this inactivation, The extent of residual oxidase activity, insensitive to further inactivation, is about 2%, at which point 1.7 labels/subunit have been introduced with propargly[2-14C]glycine as substrate. L-Proparglyclycine is a substrate but not an inactivator of L-amino acid oxidase and the product ahat accumulats in the nonnucleophilic N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid buffer is acetopyruvate. In the presence of butylamine HCl, a species with lambdaman 317 nm (epsilon = 15 000) accumulates that may be a conjugated eneamine adduct. The same species accumulates from D-amino acid oxidase oxidation of D-propargylglycine prior to inactivation; the inactivated apo D-amino acid oxidase has a new peak at 317 nm that is probably a similar eneamine. A likely inactivating species is 2-keto-3,4-pentadienoate arising from facile rearrangement of the expected initial product 2-keto 4 pentynoate. Vinylglycine and proparglyglycine show inactivation specificity, then, for L-and D-amino acid oxidase, respectively.  相似文献   

The apoprotein of hog kidney D-amino acid oxidase was reconstituted with 5-deazaflavin adenine dinucleotide (5-deazaFAD) to yield a protein which contains 1.5 mol of 5-deazaFAD/mol of enzyme. The deazaFAD-containing enzyme forms complexes with benzoate, 2-amino benzoate, and 4-aminobenzoate which are both qualitatively and quantitatively similar to those observed with native enzyme. The complex with 2-aminobenzoate exhibits a new long wavelength absorption band characteristic of a flavin charge-transfer complex. The reconstituted enzyme exhibits no activity when assayed by D-alanine oxidation. However, the bound chromophore can be reduced by alanine, phenylalanine, proline, methionine, and valine, but not by glutamate or aspartate, indicating the deazaFAD enzyme retains the substrate specificity of the native enzyme. Reduction of the enzyme by D-alanine exhibits a 1.6-fold deuterium isotope effect. Reoxidation of the reduced enzyme occurred in the presence of pyruvate plus ammonia, but not with pyruvate alone or ammonia alone. beta-Phenylpyruvate and alpha-ketobutyrate, but not alpha-ketoglutarate could replace pyruvate. Reduced enzyme isolated following reaction with [alpha-3H]alanine was found to contain 0.5 mol of tritium/mol of deazaFADH2. After denaturation of the tritium-labeled enzyme, the radioactivity was identified as deazaFADH2. Reaction of the reduced tritium-labeled enzyme with pyruvate plus ammonia prior to denaturation yields [alpha-3H]alanine and unlabeled deazaFAD. These results suggest that reduction and reoxidation of enzyme-bound deazaFAD involves the stereo-specific transfer of alpha-hydrogen from substrate to deazaFAD.  相似文献   

The enzyme D-amino acid oxidase and its apoenzyme have been irradiated at pH 5.5--10 under conditions designed to assess the inactivating effect of OH radicals and the selective free radicals Br2- and (SCN)2-. Near neutral pH, removal of the coenzyme FAD from the enzyme results in greater inactivation by selective free-radical attack. From pulse-radiolysis spectra, this increase is associated with attack on tyrosine and tryptophan residues in the protein. A large increase in inactivation of both the haloenzyme and apoenzyme by selective free-radical attack is seen with increasing alkalinity. This is consistent with attack on tyrosine being of major importance.  相似文献   

The apoenzyme of D-amino acid oxidase from Rhodotorula gracilis was obtained at pH 7.5 by dialyzing the holoenzyme against 2 M KBr in 0.25 M potassium phosphate, 0.3 mM EDTA, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol and 20% glycerol. To recover a reconstitutable and highly stable apoprotein, it is essential that phosphate ions and glycerol be present at high concentrations. Apo-D-amino acid oxidase is entirely present as a monomeric protein, while the reconstituted holoenzyme is a dimer of 79 kDa. The equilibrium binding of FAD to apoprotein was measured from the quenching of flavin fluorescence and by differential spectroscopy: a Kd of 2.0 x 10(-8) M was calculated. The kinetics of formation of the apoprotein-FAD complex were studied by the quenching of protein and flavin fluorescence, by differential spectroscopy and by activity measurements. In all cases a two-stage process was shown to be present with a fairly rapid first phase, followed by a slow secondary change which represents only 4-6% of the total recombination process. In no conditions was a lag in the recovery of maximum catalytic activity observed. The process of FAD binding to yeast D-amino acid oxidase appears to be of the type Apo + FAD in equilibrium holoenzyme, even though the existence of a transient intermediate not detectable under our conditions cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

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