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The Superoxide Synthases of Rose Cells : Comparison of Assays   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In an effort to identify the enzymatic mechanism responsible for the synthesis of reactive oxygen species produced during the hypersensitive response, preparations of rose (Rosa damascena) cell plasma membranes, partially solubilized plasma membrane protein, and cytosol were assayed for the NADH- and NADPH-dependent synthesis of superoxide using assays for the reduction of cytochrome c (Cyt c), assays for the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium, and assays for the chemiluminescence of N,N′-dimethyl-9,9′-biacridium dinitrate (lucigenin). Each assay ascribed the highest activity to a different preparation: the Cyt c assay to cytosol, the nitroblue tetrazolium assay to plasma membrane, and the lucigenin assay to the partially solubilized plasma membrane protein (with NADH). This suggests that no two assays measure the same set of enzymes and that none of the assays is suitable for comparisons of superoxide synthesis among different cell fractions. With the plasma membrane preparation, the presence of large amounts of superoxide-dismutase-insensitive Cyt c reductase confounded attempts to use Cyt c to measure superoxide synthesis. With the partially solubilized membrane protein, direct reduction of lucigenin probably contributed to the chemiluminescence. Superoxide synthesis detected with lucigenin should be confirmed by superoxide-dismutase-sensitive Cyt c reduction.  相似文献   

Serpe MD  Nothnagel EA 《Plant physiology》1996,112(3):1261-1271
Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) have been purified from the plasma membrane of suspension-cultured Paul's Scarlet rose (Rosa sp.) cells. The two most abundant and homogeneous plasma membrane AGP fractions were named plasma membrane AGP1 (PM-AGP1) and plasma membrane AGP2 (PM-AGP2) and had apparent molecular masses of 140 and 217 kD, respectively. Both PM-AGP1 and PM-AGP2 had [beta]-(1-3)-, [beta]-(1,6)-, and [beta]-(1,3,6)-galactopyranosyl residues, predominantly terminal [alpha]-arabinofuranosyl residues, and (1,4)- and terminal glucuronopyranosyl residues. The protein moieties of PM-AGP1 and PM-AGP2 were both rich in hydroxyproline, alanine, and serine, but differed in the abundance of hydroxyproline, which was 1.6 times higher in PM-AGP2 than in PM-AGP1. Another difference was the overall protein content, which was 3.7% (w/w) in PM-AGP1 and 15% in PM-AGP2. As judged by their behavior on reverse-phase chromatography, PM-AGP1 and PM-AGP2 were not more hydrophobic than AGPs from the cell wall or culture medium. In contrast, a minor plasma membrane AGP fraction eluted later on reverse-phase chromatography and was more negatively charged at pH 5 than either PM-AGP1 or PM-AGP2. The more negatively charged fraction contained molecules with a glycosyl composition characteristic of AGPs and included at least two different macromolecules. The results of this investigation indicate that Rosa plasma membrane contains at least four distinct AGPs or AGP-like molecules. These molecules differed from each other in size, charge, hydrophobicity, amino-acyl composition, and/or protein content.  相似文献   

Two types of β-glucan synthases, GS-I and GS-II, were found in cultured rice cells (Oryza sativa L.). In glycerol density gradient centrifugation, GS-I activity peak co-migrated with a marker enzyme of the Golgi membrane, while GS-II co-migrated with the plasma membrane. Analysis of the reaction products of GS-I and GS-II, suggested that GS-I and GS-II were mainly β-1,4,- and β-1,3-glucosyltransferases, respectively. GS-I had a higher substrate affinity for UDP-glucose than GS-II, and needed divalent cations for its activity. Effects of nucleotides on the activity were also considerably different between GS-I and GS-II. GS-I was solubilized well with CHAPS and digitonin, and GS-II was solubilized effectively with sucrose monolaurate.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) light causes a specific leakage of K+ from cultured rose cells (Rosa damascena). During K+ efflux, there is also an increase in extracellular HCO3 and acidification of the cell interior. We hypothesized that the HCO3 originated from intracellular hydration of respiratory CO2 and served as a charge balancing mechanism during K+ efflux, the K+ and HCO3 being cotransported out of the cell through specific channels. An alternative hypothesis which would yield similar results would be the countertransport of K+ and H+. To test these hypotheses, we studied the effect of a range of external pH values (pH 5-9), regulated by various methods (pH-stat, 100 millimolar Tris-Mes buffer, or CO2 partial pressure), on the UV-induced K+ efflux. Both UV-C (<290 nanometers) and UV-B (290-310 nanometers) induced K+ efflux with a minimum at about pH 6 to 7, and greater efflux at pH values of 5, 8, and 9. Since pH values of 8 and 9 increased instead of reduced the efflux of K+, these data are not consistent with the notion that the efflux of K+ is dependent on an influx of H+, a process that would be sensitive to external H+ concentration. We suggest that the effect of pH on K+ efflux may be mediated through the titration of specific K+-transporting proteins or channels in the plasma membrane. Since we could not detect the presence of carbonic anhydrase activity in cell extracts, we could not use the location of this enzyme to aid in our interpretation regarding the site of hydration of CO2.  相似文献   

Organelles from 10 g phase suspension-cultured sugar cane cellshave been analysed by isopyenic sucrose density gradient centrifugation.The distribution profiles for marker enzymes have allowed therecognition of tonoplast, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus,plasma membrane, mitochondrial and microbody fractions. In thissystem the glucan synthases I and II, which have previouslybeen regarded as specific marker enzymes for the Golgi apparatusand plasma membrane respectively, show a two-peak profile inthe gradient. For each glucan synthase the peaks correspondroughly with the positions of the Golgi apparatus and plasmamembrane. Analysis of the in vitro synthesized polymers fromthe glucan synthase assay indicates that a mixed-linked (ß,l 3; ß l 4) glucan is produced by both organelle fractions.Supported by individual observations from other authors we suggestthat, in the case of members of the Gramineae, the allocationof the two glucan synthases to two different membrane fractionsis not possible. Key words: Golgi apparatus, Glucan synthases, Plasma membrane, Sugar cane cells  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of the membrane of Nicotianatabacum var. Sarnsun cultured cells were determined using amicroelectrode technique in standard medium containing 1 mMKC1, 1 mM NaCl and 1 mu CaCl2 at pH 7. Tobacco callus was derivedfrom the pith (Em=–104.4%16.2 mV). The membrane potentialsof the callus cells did not show a symmetrical Gaussian distributionbut were scattered over a wide range. The percentage of highmembrane potential cells increased as the subculture was continueduntil about 11 months and then decreased. The response of themembrane potential to electric stimulus, ionic composition,metabolic inhibitors, sugars and amino acids was characteristicof high (Em=–{small tilde}–160 220 mV; H-cells)and low (Em=–80{small tilde}–90 mV; L-cells) membranepotential cells. The membrane potential of H-cells was largelydepolarized by addition of CN, carbonium cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone,decyclohexylcarbodiimide, and triphenyltin chloride and transientlydepolarized by addition of glucose, galactose, mannose or sucrose,and D-alanine, L-alanine or Llysine, but the membrane potentialof L-cells was not. (Received December 3, 1982; Accepted March 16, 1983)  相似文献   

A method was developed to measure the osmotic water permeability (Pf) of plasma membranes in cell layers and applied to cells and epithelia expressing molecular water channels. It was found that the integrated intensity of monochromatic light in a phase contrast or dark field microscope was dependent on relative cell volume. For cells of different size and shape (Sf9, MDCK, CHO, A549, tracheal epithelia, BHK), increased cell volume was associated with decreased signal intensity; generally the signal decreased 10–20% for a twofold increase in cell volume. A theory relating signal intensity to relative cell volume was developed based on spatial filtering and changes in optical path length associated with cell volume changes. Theory predictions were confirmed by signal measurements of cell layers bathed in solutions of various osmolarities and refractive indices. The excellent signal-to-noise ratio of the transmitted light detection permitted measurement of cell volume changes of <1%. The method was applied to characterize transfected cells and tissues that natively express water channels. Pf in control Chinese hamster ovary cells was low (0.0012 cm/s at 23°C) and increased more than fourfold upon stable transfection with aquaporins 1, 2, 4, or 5. Pf in apical and basolateral membranes in polarized epithelial cells grown on porous supports was measured. Pf bl and Pf ap were 0.0011 and 0.0024 cm/s (MDCK cells), and 0.0039 and 0.0052 cm/s (human tracheal cells) at 23°C. In intact toad urinary bladder, basolateral Pf was 0.036 cm/s and apical membrane Pf after vasopressin stimulation was 0.025 cm/s at 23°C. The results establish light microscopy with spatial filtering as a technically simple and quantitative method to measure water permeability in cell layers and provide the first measurement of the apical and basolateral membrane permeabilities of several important epithelial cell types.  相似文献   

In highly cryoprotectable Lavandula vera cells, selected bya repeated freeze-thaw procedure, the degree of fatty acid unsaturationof plasma membrane phospholipids increased after treatment withdimethylsulfoxide-glucose mixture at 0?C for 2 h. The degreeof fatty acid unsaturation, in particular in phosphatidylethanolamineand phosphatidic acid did not increase in the unselected originalcells which were less cryoprotected by such treatment. (Received May 12, 1989; Accepted November 13, 1989)  相似文献   

Plasma Membrane Turnover in Plant Cells   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Steer, M. W. 1988. Plasma membrane turnover in plant cells.—J.exp. Bot. 39: 987–996. Plasma membrane turnover in plant cells occurs as a consequenceof secretion, which incorporates new membrane into the cellsurface and endocytosis, which internalizes surface membrane.Development of methods that provide estimates of the rate ofnew membrane flow to the cell surface has allowed the estimationof turnover times for the plasma membrane. These times rangefrom 10 min for a non-expanding secretory cell to 3 h for anelongating epidermal cell. At least part, if not all, of thereturn route into the cell is via endocytotic vesicles. Quantitativestudies are required to establish the precise level of flowthrough this route. However, turnover times estimated from theabundance of coated patches on the plasma membrane are comparableto those estimated from secretion studies. The effect of thesehigh turnover rates on a number of plasma membrane functionsare discussed and assessed. Key words: Plasma membrane, endocytosis, secretion, plant cells  相似文献   

An experimental technique and some preliminary observations are reported here for the measurement of electric noise and potentials intrinsic to the physiological function of living cells, using an in vitro yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) model. The design and working of technique is based on a micro-electrode-based sensor working in a modified patch-clamp configuration. We present recordings of intrinsic noise and cellular electric potentials in living and aerobically respiring cells (in an electromagnetically shielded environment). An important observation of the effect of aerobic respiration on the studied cells is discussed, whereby conspicuously higher magnitude potentials were seen with aerobically respiring active yeast cells, as compared to anaerobic or dead cells. Recorded noise potentials from aerobically respiring cells are found to have a magnitude on the order of a few microVolts/cm and fall within the range of 140– in the low-frequency (LF) band.  相似文献   

Freeze fracturing of Myxosporidian spores reveals the occurrence of a continuous layer of transmembrane particles all over the surface area of the valve cells which form the spore envelope. These particles are densely packed all over the P face membrane. Due to their polygonal outline, their diameter (6-7 nm) and their central core, they resemble the particles forming the connections of gap junctions which metabolically couple the neighboring cells in animal tissues. In the present report, the role of the transmembrane particles is still hypothetical. However, they might represent a membrane structural specialization of the spores which are submitted to osmotic variations of the fluid external medium. Furthermore similar transmembrane particles are observed at the level of the septate junction which seals the valve cells. In this occurrence, they are arranged in a series of 40 double rows parallel to the suture of the spore envelope. These findings support the view that Myxosporidia are Metazoa and raise the problem of their origin.  相似文献   

It has been generally accepted that autophagy contributes to the degradation of cellular components under nutrient starvation conditions. In a previous study, however, we showed that the degradation of membrane phospholipids occurs mainly by mechanisms distinct from autophagy in suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) BY-2 cells. In response to deprivation of sucrose, the amounts of total phospholipids and a major phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine (PC), decreased. 3-Methyladenine, which inhibits autophagy, did not affect the degradation of total phospholipids or PC. On the other hand, glycerol inhibited PC degradation although it did not block autophagy. In the present study, we labeled intracellular phospholipidsby loading cells with a fluorochrome-labeled fatty acid and observed cellular morphology by fluorescence microscopy. Most cellular membrane structures were stained at the start of starvation; but 12 h after starvation treatment, concomitant with PC degradation, fluorescence on membranes disappeared and instead the centralvacuole became fluorescent. 3-Methyladenine did not inhibit this process, whereas glycerol did. These results suggest that the degradation of membrane phospholipids can be traced by light microscopy and support the notion that autophagy is not a main contributor to the degradation of membrane phospholipids in tobacco cells cultured in sucrose-free medium.  相似文献   

多种有机和无机离子作为重要的营养物质、渗透物质、辅酶和信号分子, 参与植物生殖、生长发育和逆境反应等多种生物学过程。离子通道是离子跨质膜和内膜运动的重要渠道和动态调控因子, 直接影响和调控细胞内离子浓度及亚细胞分布的动态变化。目前, 植物尤其是模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的多个离子通道家族被先后鉴定出来, 其中部分离子通道蛋白定位在细胞质膜上, 其基本生物学功能, 诸如蛋白结构、离子选择性和通透性、门控特点、活性调控机理以及不同离子通道之间的协同关系等均取得重要进展。该文概要介绍近年来植物细胞质膜离子通道方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Rice cells in suspension culture had high alcohol dehydrogenaseactivity during the logarithmic growth phase (3rd to 5th day).Ethanol was accumulated both in the cells and in the medium.The highest amount of ethanol was accumulated on the 4th dayin cells (10 µmoles/g fresh weight) and during the stationarygrowth phase (8th day) (180 mM, ca. 1%) in the medium. The enzymewas isolated from the cell extract and purified 36-fold witha 14% yield by ammonium sulfate fractional precipitation, andchromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, Sephadex G-150 and Blue Dextran-Sepharose.The purified enzyme was homogeneous, as judged by its sedimentationvelocity, and poly acrylamide gel, starch gel and SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoreses. Its molecular weight was 76,000 distributedin two, identical 37,000 subunits. The isoelectric point wasat pH 5.5. The enzyme contained 2.1 g atoms of zinc, 12 freeSH groups and 3 to 4 SS bonds per molecule. The pH optimum forethanol oxidatioa was pH 9.5 and for acetaldehyde reductionpH 6.0. The Km values for ethanol, NAD$, acetaldehyde and NADHwere 64.5 mM, 47.1 µM, 1.3 mM and 9.5 µM. The aminoacid composition, substrate specificity, and the effects ofchelators, SH reagents and sugar metabolic intermediates alsoare reported. (Received August 25, 1981; Accepted December 7, 1981)  相似文献   

When lysed in an actin stabilizing buffer, protoplasts madefrom tobacco BY-2 suspension culture cells formed plasma membraneghosts that retained both cortical actin and microtubules. Distinctcytoskeletal arrays occurred: the most common ghost array (typeI) derived from protoplasts in interphase and had random actinand microtubules, although the alignment of the actin was dependent,at least partially, on microtubule organization. Type II ghostswere larger and more irregular in shape than type I ghosts,and were characterized by a lack of microtubules and the presenceof distinctive arrays of actin bundles in concentric arcs. Theseghosts derived from protoplasts lacking cortical microtubulesproduced when wall digestion occurred while the cells were incell division, or from protoplasts isolated in the presenceof 100 µM propyzamide. Because type II ghosts derivedfrom protoplasts of similar size to those that give rise totype I ghosts, and because type II ghosts retained ordered actinarrays while the parent protoplasts had random cortical actin,type II ghosts apparently form differently to type I ghosts.We speculate that instead of the protoplast being sheared offto produce a round ghost, the plasma membrane tears and collapsesonto the slide, ordering the actin bundles in the process. Oneimplication of this model would be that cortical microtubulesprovide structural support to the plasma membrane of the protoplastso that only in their absence do the type II ghosts form. (Received May 26, 1998; Accepted October 26, 1998)  相似文献   

Jurkat T细胞质膜蛋白组学研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析Jurkat T细胞质膜蛋白质组成,并对这些质膜蛋白的生理学过程和功能进行初步分析,为进一步研究Jurkat T细胞膜蛋白功能奠定基础.方法:首先采用差异密度梯度离心法提取Jurkat T细胞膜蛋白,然后将提取出的膜蛋白根据分子量大小通过SDS-PAGE进行初步分离,再进一步将分离出的蛋白条带切下进行胶内酶解,酶解后的肤段通过液相-芯片-离子阱质谱技术进行鉴定和生物信息学分析,建立Jurkat T细胞质膜蛋白全谱图,并进一步通过GO(Gene Ontology)对这些质膜蛋白进行功能分析.结果:成功提取了Jurkat T细胞的膜总蛋白,并建立了Jurkat T细胞质膜蛋白全谱图,共鉴定出618个质膜蛋白,经GO注释分析,其中与结合功能相关的质膜蛋白有493个,与信号转导活性相关的有186个,具有酶催化活性的有166个,具有转运活性的有137个,有些还具有酶调节活性、结构分子活性或者运动活性等,功能尚不清楚的有49个.结论:通过差异密度梯度离心,结合一维SDS-PAGE和HPLC-CHIP-MS/MS,成功建立了Jurkat T细胞质膜蛋白全谱图,并通过GO注释,初步分析了这些蛋白的功能和生理学过程,为进一步研究Jurkat T细胞质膜蛋白的功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Auh CK  Murphy TM 《Plant physiology》1995,107(4):1241-1247
An elicitor prepared from the autoclaved cell walls of Phytophthora sp. induced O2- generation and H2O2 accumulation by cultured cells of Rosa damascena Mill. cv Gloire de Guilan. N,N-Diethyldithiocarbamate, a superoxide dismutase inhibitior, blocked H2O2 accumulation and caused a dramatic accumulation of O2- by elicitor-treated rose cells. In the absence of N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate no detectable O2- was accumulated. Diphenyleneiodonium, quinacrine, pyridine, and imidazole, inhibitors of the mammalian neutrophil NADPH oxidase responsible for the generation of O2- during phagocytosis, inhibited O2- generation by elicitor-treated rose cells. Diphenyleneiodonium also inhibited NADH-dependent O2- production by plasma membranes isolated from rose cells. None of the four compounds inhibited the peroxidase activity in the cell-suspension medium. These results demonstrate that elicitor-stimulated accumulation of H2O2 comes only from superoxide dismutase-catalyzed dismutation of O2-. The data are inconsistent with the hypothesis that the synthesis of O2- is catalyzed by extracellular peroxidase and suggest that the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of O2- by elicitor-treated rose cells might be similar to the mammalian neutrophil NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

Intracellular concentrations of sodium and potassium as well as resting potentials and overshoots have been determined in heart tissue from chick embryos aged 2–18 days. Intracellular potassium declined from 167 mM at day 2 to 117–119 mM at days 14–18. Intracellular sodium remained nearly constant at 30–35 mM during the same period. The mean resting potential increased from -61.8 mV at day 3 to about -80 mV at days 14–18. The mean overshoot during the same period increased from 12 to 30 mV. PNa/PK calculated from the ion data and resting potentials declined from 0.08 at day 3 to 0.01 at days 14–18. Thus, the development of embryonic chick heart during days 2–14 is characterized by a declining intracellular potassium concentration and an increasing resting potential and overshoot. Heart cells from 7- to 8-day embryos, cultured either in monolayer or reassociated into aggregates, were compared with intact tissue of the same age. The intracellular concentrations of sodium and potassium were similar in the three preparations and cultured cells responded to incubation in low potassium medium or treatment with ouabain in a manner similar to that of intact tissue. Resting potentials and overshoots were also similar in the three preparations.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the mechanisms governing receptor trafficking between the plasma membrane (PM) and intracellular compartments requires an experimental approach with excellent spatial and temporal resolutions. Moreover, such an approach must also have the ability to distinguish receptors localized on the PM from those in intracellular compartments. Most importantly, detecting receptors in a single vesicle requires outstanding detection sensitivity, since each vesicle carries only a small number of receptors. Standard approaches for examining receptor trafficking include surface biotinylation followed by biochemical detection, which lacks both the necessary spatial and temporal resolutions; and fluorescence microscopy examination of immunolabeled surface receptors, which requires chemical fixation of cells and therefore lacks sufficient temporal resolution1-6 . To overcome these limitations, we and others have developed and employed a new strategy that enables visualization of the dynamic insertion of receptors into the PM with excellent spatial and temporal resolutions 7-17 . The approach includes tagging of a pH-sensitive GFP, the superecliptic pHluorin 18, to the N-terminal extracellular domain of the receptors. Superecliptic pHluorin has the unique property of being fluorescent at neutral pH and non-fluorescent at acidic pH (pH < 6.0). Therefore, the tagged receptors are non-fluorescent when within the acidic lumen of intracellular trafficking vesicles or endosomal compartments, and they become readily visualized only when exposed to the extracellular neutral pH environment, on the outer surface of the PM. Our strategy consequently allows us to distinguish PM surface receptors from those within intracellular trafficking vesicles. To attain sufficient spatial and temporal resolutions, as well as the sensitivity required to study dynamic trafficking of receptors, we employed total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy (TIRFM), which enabled us to achieve the optimal spatial resolution of optical imaging (~170 nm), the temporal resolution of video-rate microscopy (30 frames/sec), and the sensitivity to detect fluorescence of a single GFP molecule. By imaging pHluorin-tagged receptors under TIRFM, we were able to directly visualize individual receptor insertion events into the PM in cultured neurons. This imaging approach can potentially be applied to any membrane protein with an extracellular domain that could be labeled with superecliptic pHluorin, and will allow dissection of the key detailed mechanisms governing insertion of different membrane proteins (receptors, ion channels, transporters, etc.) to the PM.  相似文献   

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