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The variability in the success of Pteridium aquilinum (bracken) control and vegetation restoration has been highlighted as a major issue in the United Kingdom. Experiments were set up at four different regional locations to assess bracken control at the national scale and the impact of restoration practices at the local scale. Bracken control treatments (cutting once or twice per year, a combination of cutting and asulam spraying, and asulam in year 1) were combined with site‐specific treatments designed to restore appropriate heathland or acid grassland vegetation. This article considers the effects on the developing understorey vegetation, testing the following hypotheses: (1) local differences between sites would affect community change; (2) treatments applied to control Pt. aquilinum (same at all sites) influences community change; and (3) treatments applied at the individual site level to restore vegetation influences community change toward the target vegetation. There were a considerable number of spatial effects. It is, therefore, difficult to develop a one‐size‐fits‐all policy for vegetation restoration within a national Pt. aquilinum control strategy. Few bracken control treatment effects were found, and, where they were detected, it was only at single sites. Thus, the development of target vegetation requires a combination of control and restoration treatments that take into consideration the aspects of that site. Only three species, Deschampsia flexuosa, Galium saxatile, and Campylopus introflexus, increased as a direct effect of the control treatments. Vegetation restoration was most successful in the cutting‐twice‐per‐year plots, the treatment with the greatest reduction in Pt. aquilinum cover.  相似文献   

Currently, there is little professional consensus as to which ecological metrics should be used to measure restoration success in wetlands. Aquatic macroinvertebrate communities have many qualities to recommend them as useful metrics in this manner; yet, they have not been widely used to evaluate wetland restoration success. We examined the macroinvertebrate communities of four restored seasonal wetlands across a chronosequence of postrestoration age and compared them to a remnant natural wetland in the Central Valley of California. We examined two qualitatively different sets of aquatic macroinvertebrate metrics, general measures of community properties (abundance, richness, and diversity) and specific assemblage membership (nonmetric multidimensional scaling and permutational multivariate analysis of variance). Our results using these two different sets of metrics give us different answers. The general measures suggest that wetland macroinvertebrate communities converge on relatively stable values sometime after 10 years postrestoration. The specific assemblage results imply that the particular set of taxa found in restored wetlands is not predictable over the chronosequence we examined. Taken together, our results suggest that aquatic macroinvertebrate communities may be useful for measuring some aspects of restoration success but that there is unlikely to be a final aquatic community pattern indicating restoration success.  相似文献   

Evaluating Ecological Restoration Success: A Review of the Literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assessing the success of ecological restoration projects is critical to justify the use of restoration in natural resource management and to improve best practice. Although there are extensive discussions surrounding the characteristics that define and measure successful restoration, monitoring or evaluation of projects in practice is widely thought to have lagged behind. We conducted a literature review to determine trends in evaluations of restoration projects and identify key knowledge gaps that need to be addressed. We searched the Web of Knowledge plus two additional restoration journals not found in the database for empirical papers that assessed restoration projects post‐implementation. We quantified the extent that key attributes of success, including ecological (vegetation structure, species diversity and abundance, and ecosystem functioning) and socioeconomic, were addressed by these papers along with trends in publication and restoration characteristics. Encouragingly, we found the number of empirical evaluations has grown substantially in recent years. The increased age of restoration projects and number of papers that assessed ecological functions since previous reviews of the literature is also a positive development. Research is still heavily skewed toward United States and Australia, however, and identifying an appropriate reference site needs further investigation. Of particular concern is the dearth of papers identified in the literature search that included any measure of socioeconomic attributes. Focusing future empirical research on quantifying ecosystem services and other socioeconomic outcomes is essential for understanding the full benefits and costs of ecological restoration and to support its use in natural resource management .  相似文献   

Abstract Efficient and accurate vegetation sampling techniques are essential for the assessment of wetland restoration success. Remotely acquired data, used extensively in many locations, have not been widely used to monitor restored wetlands. We compared three different vegetation sampling techniques to determine the accuracy associated with each method when used to determine species composition and cover in restored Pacific coast wetlands dominated by Salicornia virginica (perennial pickleweed). Two ground‐based techniques, using quadrat and line intercept sampling, and a remote sensing technique, using low altitude, high resolution, color and color infrared photographs, were applied to estimate cover in three small restoration sites. The remote technique provided an accurate and efficient means of sampling vegetation cover, but individual species could not be identified, precluding estimates of species density and distribution. Aerial photography was determined to be an effective tool for vegetation monitoring of simple (i.e., single‐species) habitat types or when species identities are not important (e.g., when vegetation is developing on a new restoration site). The efficiency associated with these vegetation sampling techniques was dependent on the scale of the assessment, with aerial photography more efficient than ground‐based sampling methods for assessing large areas. However, the inability of aerial photography to identify individual species, especially mixed‐species stands common in southern California salt marshes, limits its usefulness for monitoring restoration success. A combination of aerial photography and ground‐based methods may be the most effective means of monitoring the success of large wetland restoration projects.  相似文献   

Afforestation has been accepted as a key measure for preventing soil erosion on the Chinese Loess Plateau for 40 years. In this study, we assessed the ecological success of afforestation by comparing afforested with pre‐afforested (croplands) and natural recovery sites in a typical watershed on the Loess Plateau. We evaluated the ecosystem response in terms of vegetation structure, plant diversity, and several key ecological processes of soil moisture, soil nutrients, and soil anti‐erodibility. Compared with the croplands, we found that the following indexes were significantly enhanced in afforested sites: vegetation structure and species diversity (species richness, Margalef index, Shannon–Wiener index, and Sorensen's similarity index), soil nutrients (organic carbon, total nitrogen, extractable ammonium nitrogen, available potassium, and available phosphorous), and soil anti‐erodibility indexes (water‐stable soil aggregates, mean weight diameter, and the ratio of soil structure dispersion). Afforestation offered few additional advantages when compared with natural recovery sites. More importantly, afforestation had significant negative effects on soil desiccation, with negative impacts on the long‐term sustainability of these ecosystems. In order to develop self‐sustaining and functional ecosystems, our results suggest that natural revegetation offers a more adaptive and appropriate method of ecological restoration on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Parametric life-cycle assessment (LCA) models have been integrated with traditional design tools and used to demonstrate the rapid elucidation of holistic, analytical trade-offs among detailed design variations. A different approach is needed, however, if analytical environmental assessment is to be incorporated in very early design stages. During early stages, there may be competing product concepts with dramatic differences. Detailed information is scarce, and decisions must be made quickly.
This article explores an approximate method for providing preliminary LCAs. In this method, learning algorithms trained using the known characteristics of existing products might allow environmental aspects of new product concepts to be approximated quickly during conceptual design without defining new models. Artificial neural networks are trained to generalize on product attributes, which are characteristics of product concepts, and environmental inventory data from pre-existing LCAs. The product design team then queries the trained artificial model with new high-level attributes to quickly obtain an impact assessment for a new product concept. Foundations for the learning system approach are established, and then an application within the distributed object-based modeling environment (DOME) is provided. Tests have shown that it is possible to predict life-cycle energy consumption, and that the method could be used to predict solid waste, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, acidification, eutrophication, winter and summer smog.  相似文献   

High coral cover and topographic complexity are favorable qualities of a healthy coral reef. Because coral reef restoration is expensive and coral growth is naturally slow, there is a need to strategically arrange coral transplants to maximize coral cover and topographic complexity. Similarly, it is important to understand how differences in the life history characteristics of coral transplants can influence changes in the structural attributes of coral reefs. This study utilizes agent‐based computer modeling to explore the different spatial scenarios of coral transplantation using corals with contrasting r‐ and K‐selected life histories. Spatial indexes are used to compare coral cover and topographic complexity at incremental time scales, within which disturbance events are of minor importance in spatial structuring. The outcomes of the model suggest that even‐spaced grided transplanting arrangements provide the fastest increase in coral cover and three‐dimensional habitat space (topographic complexity) across large temporal scales (<30 years) for corals with r‐selected life history strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Ecologists often develop complex regression models that include multiple categorical and continuous variables, interactions among predictors, and nonlinear relationships between the response and predictor variables. Nomograms, which are graphical devices for presenting mathematical functions and calculating output values, can aid biologists in interpreting and presenting these complex models. To illustrate benefits of nomograms, we developed a logistic regression model of elk (Cervus elaphus) resource selection. With this model, we demonstrated how a nomogram helps scientists and managers interpret interactions among variables, compare the relative biological importance of variables, and examine predicted shapes of relationships (e.g., linear vs. nonlinear) between response and predictor variables. Although our example focused on logistic regression, nomograms are equally useful for other linear and nonlinear models. Regardless of the approach used for model development, nomograms and other graphical summaries can help scientists and managers develop, interpret, and apply statistical models.  相似文献   

Restoration has become an integral part of coastal management as a result of seagrass habitat loss. We studied restoration of the seagrass (Halodule wrightii) near Tampa Bay, Florida. Experimental plots were established in June 2002 using four planting methods: three manually planted and one mechanically transplanted by boat. Seagrass cover was recorded at high resolution (meter scale) annually through July 2005. Natural seagrass beds were concurrently examined as reference sites. We also evaluated the suitability of a commonly used protocol (Braun‐Blanquet scores, BB) for comparing the development of seagrass cover using the planting methods and quantifying spatial patterns of cover over time. Results show that BB scores mirrored conventional measures of seagrass characteristics (i.e., shoot counts and above‐ and belowground biomass) well when BB scores were either low or very high. However, more caution may be required at intermediate cover scores as judged by comparison of BB scores with direct measurement of seagrass abundance. Significant differences in seagrass cover were detected among planting methods and over time (2002–2005), with manual planting of rubber band units resulting in the highest cover. In contrast, the peat pot and mechanical planting methods developed very low cover. Recovery rates calculated from development of seagrass spatial cover were less than those reported for natural expansion. Importantly, time to baseline recovery may be substantially greater than 3 years and beyond standard monitoring timelines. Prolonged recovery suggests that the rate of service returns, critical for estimating compensatory restoration goals under habitat equivalency analysis, may be severely underestimated.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration is expected to reverse the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Due to the low number of well‐replicated field studies, the extent to which restoration recovers plant communities, and the factors underlying possible shortcomings, are not well understood even in medium term. We compared the plant community composition of 38 sites comprising pristine, forestry‐drained, and 5 or 10 years ago restored peatlands in southern Finland, with special interest in understanding spatial variation within studied sites, as well as the development of the numbers and the abundances of target species. Our results indicated a recovery of community composition 5–10 years after restoration, but there was significant heterogeneity in recovery. Plant communities farthest away from ditches were very similar to their pristine reference already 10 years after restoration. In contrast, communities in the ditches were as far from the target as the drained communities. The recovery appears to be characterized by a decline in the number and abundance of species typical to degraded conditions, and increase in the abundance of characteristic peatland species. However, we found no increase above the drained state in the number of characteristic peatland species. Our results suggest that there is a risk of drawing premature conclusions on the efficiency of ecological restoration with the current practice of short‐term monitoring. Our results also illustrate fine‐scale within‐site spatial variability in the degradation and recovery of the plant communities that should be considered when evaluating the success of restoration. Overall, we find the heterogeneous outcome of restoration observed here promising. However, low recovery in the number of characteristic species demonstrates the importance of prioritizing restoration sites, and addressing the uncertainty of recovery when setting restoration targets. It appears that it is easier to eradicate unwanted species than regain characteristic species by restoration.  相似文献   

Abstract We compared the floristic composition and structure of restoration areas of eucalypt woodland with untreated pasture (control) and remnant vegetation (reference) in western Sydney. The restored areas comprised over 1,000 ha of abandoned pasture, which had been treated to reduce weeds and planted with seedlings of 26 native plant species raised from seed obtained locally from remnant vegetation. Plantings were carried out 0–9 years ago. Floristic composition was measured in quadrats using frequency scores and cover abundance. As far as possible treatments and restoration ages were replicated across sites. Ordination and analyses of similarity failed to distinguish the composition of restored vegetation from that of untreated pasture, which were both significantly different from that of remnant vegetation. There was a weak compositional trend with age of restored vegetation, but this was not in the direction of increasing resemblance to remnant vegetation. There was some evidence for convergence in structural features of restored with remnant vegetation, but this was at least partly attributed to plant growth. Subject to constraints imposed by the sampling design, environmental factors, and spatial variation were discounted as explanations for the results. The results therefore suggest either failure of restoration treatments or a restoration trajectory that is too slow to detect within 10 years of establishment. Our conclusions agree with those of similar studies in other ecosystems and support: (1) the need to monitor restoration projects against ecological criteria with rigorous sampling designs and analytical methods, (2) further development of restoration methods, and (3) regulatory approaches that seek to prevent damage to ecosystems rather than those predicated on replacing losses with reconstructed ecosystems.  相似文献   

Couture  P.  Thellen  C.  Thompson  P. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):269-276
Both structural and functional relationships were investigated in experiments using S. capricornutum populations and an indigenous microbial community. Our aims were to diagnose cellular stress and to predict recovery during exposures to a chlor-alkali effluent.Laboratory experiments demonstrated that the effluent was toxic at concentrations greater or equal to 4%, v/v. It appears that during the exposure period, the functional parameters, particularly the intracellular adenylates ratios were reliable in predicting algal population recovery.On the other hand, the river gradient experiments failed to demonstrate a toxic effect on community structure over the time scale studied. Functional parameters revealed a significant effect on photosynthetic activity while adenylate energy charge was an insensitive indicator.Finally, our results tend to demonstrate that functional responses, particularly intracellular adenylates ratios (ATP/cell; ATP/AMP) are appropriate to predict recovery responses to a toxicant at the population and community levels. This would prove useful in enhancing the ecological significance of toxicity tests in hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration is usually based on predefined species assemblages from large‐scale maps of potential vegetation. However, most restoration plans apply to smaller spatial scales, so a homogeneous species assemblage is usually assigned to the target site. We propose defining species assemblages for restoration by modeling the distribution of individual target species. The example presented here is about postfire restoration, but it can be used in other types of disturbed areas. We surveyed 212 plots in well‐preserved vegetation around the burned area to obtain a list of target species and physical parameters of the plots. The burned area was divided in a grid of 723 squares, 1 ha each, and then characterized according to the same physical parameters. From these data, we modeled the distribution of 23 target species. A target map of predicted species assemblages was built combining species maps. This map largely resembles the native vegetation in terms of species richness per plot, environmental gradients in α‐diversity, spatial variation in β‐diversity, and frequency of species occurrence. Comparison between the target map and the current vegetation (recovery status) indicated that, on average, only half of the potential set of species is already present in each plot. Analysis of the recovery status suggested that both rock outcrops and areas at lower altitude, with gentle slope and deeper soil, recover faster. This illustrates the utility of target maps to outline plots in more need of restoration.  相似文献   

Accurate detection and quantification of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) in complex matrices is required for pharmaceutical, environmental, and food sample testing. Rapid BoNT testing of foodstuffs is needed during outbreak forensics, patient diagnosis, and food safety testing while accurate potency testing is required for BoNT-based drug product manufacturing and patient safety. The widely used mouse bioassay for BoNT testing is highly sensitive but lacks the precision and throughput needed for rapid and routine BoNT testing. Furthermore, the bioassay''s use of animals has resulted in calls by drug product regulatory authorities and animal-rights proponents in the US and abroad to replace the mouse bioassay for BoNT testing. Several in vitro replacement assays have been developed that work well with purified BoNT in simple buffers, but most have not been shown to be applicable to testing in highly complex matrices. Here, a protocol for the detection of BoNT in complex matrices using the BoTest Matrix assays is presented. The assay consists of three parts: The first part involves preparation of the samples for testing, the second part is an immunoprecipitation step using anti-BoNT antibody-coated paramagnetic beads to purify BoNT from the matrix, and the third part quantifies the isolated BoNT''s proteolytic activity using a fluorogenic reporter. The protocol is written for high throughput testing in 96-well plates using both liquid and solid matrices and requires about 2 hr of manual preparation with total assay times of 4-26 hr depending on the sample type, toxin load, and desired sensitivity. Data are presented for BoNT/A testing with phosphate-buffered saline, a drug product, culture supernatant, 2% milk, and fresh tomatoes and includes discussion of critical parameters for assay success.  相似文献   

Peatlands in Australia and New Zealand are composed mainly of Restionaceous and Cyperaceous peats, although Sphagnum peat is common in wetter climates (Mean Annual Precipitation > 1,000 mm) and at higher altitudes (>1,000 m). Experimental trials in two contrasting peatland types—fire‐damaged Sphagnum peatlands in the Australian Alps and cutover restiad bogs in lowland New Zealand—revealed similar approaches to peatland restoration. Hydrological restoration and rehydration of drying peats involved blocking drainage ditches to raise water tables or, additionally in burnt Sphagnum peatlands, peat‐trenching, and the use of sterilized straw bales to form semipermanent “dam walls” and barriers to spread and slow surface water movement. Recovery to the predisturbance vegetation community was most successful once protective microclimates had been established, either artificially or naturally. Specifically, horizontally laid shadecloth resulted in Sphagnum cristatum regeneration rates and biomass production 3–4 times that of unshaded vegetation (Australia), and early successional nurse shrubs facilitated establishment of Sporadanthus ferrugineus (New Zealand) within 2–3 years. On severely burnt or cutover sites, a patch dynamic approach using transplants of Sphagnum or creation of restiad peat “islands” markedly improved vegetation recovery. In New Zealand, this approach has been scaled up to whole mine‐site restoration, in which the newly vegetated islands provide habitat and seed sources for plants and invertebrates to spread onto surrounding areas. Although a vegetation cover can be established relatively rapidly in both peatland types, restoration of invertebrate communities, ecosystem processes, and peat hydrological function and accumulation may take many decades.  相似文献   

Accurate population estimates provide the foundation for managing feral horses (Equus caballus ferus) across the western United States. Certain feral horse populations are protected by the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 and managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the United States Forest Service on designated herd management areas (HMAs) or wild horse territories, respectively. Horses are managed to achieve an appropriate management level (AML), which represents the number of horses determined by BLM to contribute to a thriving natural ecological balance and avoid deterioration of the range. To achieve AML for each HMA, BLM resource managers need accurate and precise population estimates. We tested the use of non-invasive fecal samples in a genetic capture-recapture framework to estimate population size in a closed horse population at the Little Book Cliffs HMA, Colorado, USA, with a known size of 153 individuals. We collected 1,957 samples over 3 independent sampling periods in 2014 and amplified them at 8 microsatellite loci. We applied mark-recapture models to determine population size using 954 samples that amplified at all 8 loci. We subsampled and reanalyzed our dataset to simulate different data collection protocols and evaluated effects on accuracy and precision of estimates using N-mixture modeling, full likelihood closed-capture modeling, and capwire single-occasion modeling that used data from all 3 sampling periods. Our model results were accurate and precise for analyses that used data from all 3 occasions; however, capwire single-occasion modeling was not accurate when we analyzed each sampling period separately. For all subsampling analysis scenarios, reducing sample size decreased precision, whether by reducing number of field staff, field days, or geographic areas surveyed on each period. Reducing spatial coverage of the survey area did not result in accurate population estimates and only marginally lowered the number of samples that would need to be collected to maintain accuracy. Because laboratory analysis contributes the greatest expense for this method ($80 U.S./sample), reducing fecal sample size is advantageous. Our results demonstrate that non-invasive sampling combined with good survey design and careful genetic and capture-recapture analyses can provide an alternative method to estimate the number of feral horses in a closed population. This method may be especially appropriate in situations where aerial inventories are not practical or accurate because of low sighting conditions. But the higher costs associated with laboratory sample analyses may reduce the method's feasibility compared to helicopter surveys. © 2021 The Wildlife Society. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

In November 1994 dikes were breached around Spencer Island, restoring tidal inundation and connections to the Snohomish River estuary, Washington. Approximately 23.7 ha (58.5 ac) of palustrine wetlands previously dominated by Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) now experience diurnal tides and are in the process of transition to a freshwater tidal system. It was expected that brackish water would accompany the return of tidal influence to the site, but post‐project monitoring has revealed little evidence of salinity. Pre‐ and post‐project monitoring of changes in habitat function included aerial photography, vegetation and fish sampling, and benthic prey studies. To date site changes include (1) die back of pre‐project vegetation, development of tidal mudflat, and emergent wetland habitats, with recruitment of vegetation typical of freshwater tidal wetlands; (2) presence of juvenile coho, chum, and chinook salmon that feed on invertebrate prey typical of the site; (3) presence of three distinct benthic invertebrate assemblages in the project area; and (4) some invasion by Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife). The unexpected freshwater conditions, the lack of published information about tidal oligohaline marshes in the Pacific Northwest, the use of the site by endangered salmonid species, and the invasion by an undesired plant species underscore the importance of long‐term monitoring at the site.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper illustrates how age-at-harvest data, when combined with hunter-effort information routinely collected by state game management agencies, can be used to estimate and monitor trends in big game abundance. Twenty-four years of age-at-harvest data for black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus) were analyzed to produce abundance estimates ranging from 1,281 adult females to 3,232 adult females on a 22,079-ha tree farm in Pierce County, Washington, USA. The annual natural survival probability was estimated to be 0.7293 ( = 0.0097) for this female population. The estimated abundance was highly correlated with an independent browse damage index (r = 0.8131, P < 0.001). A population reconstruction incorporating the browse index did not substantially improve the model fit but did provide an auxiliary model for predicting deer abundance. This population reconstruction illustrates a cost-effective alternative to expensive big game survey methods.  相似文献   

We studied the restoration success of a cut‐away peatland 10 years after restoration by comparing the vegetation and CO2 dynamics with those of a pristine peatland of similar nutrition level and climate. Vegetation and CO2 dynamics were monitored during one growing season. We used DCA (detrended correspondence analysis) and diversity indices to study the vegetation composition within and between the sites, and non‐linear regression models to estimate the seasonal CO2 fluxes and balances of the sites. Based on both DCA and diversity indices, the study plots in the restored site differed more in the vegetation composition than the study plots in the pristine site. The variation in the CO2 fluxes and balance was greater in the restored than in the pristine site, resulting from the heterogeneous vegetation in the restored site. The seasonal net CO2 balance was positive (sink) at both sites, the restored site binding on average 500 ± 410 g CO2/m2 and the pristine site 390 ± 265 g CO2/m2 (statistically not different, p = 0.575). The results indicate that the restoration of the vegetation composition is still incomplete but the vegetation coverage is sufficient for the restored site to function as a sink of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

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