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Next-generation DNA sequencing platforms provide exciting new possibilities for in vitro genetic analysis of functional nucleic acids. However, the size of the resulting data sets presents computational and analytical challenges. We present an open-source software package that employs a locality-sensitive hashing algorithm to enumerate all unique sequences in an entire Illumina sequencing run (∼108 sequences). The algorithm results in quasilinear time processing of entire Illumina lanes (∼107 sequences) on a desktop computer in minutes. To facilitate visual analysis of sequencing data, the software produces three-dimensional scatter plots similar in concept to Sewall Wright and John Maynard Smith’s adaptive or fitness landscape. The software also contains functions that are particularly useful for doped selections such as mutation frequency analysis, information content calculation, multivariate statistical functions (including principal component analysis), sequence distance metrics, sequence searches and sequence comparisons across multiple Illumina data sets. Source code, executable files and links to sample data sets are available at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/sewal.  相似文献   

One essential application in bioinformatics that is affected by the high-throughput sequencing data deluge is the sequence alignment problem, where nucleotide or amino acid sequences are queried against targets to find regions of close similarity. When queries are too many and/or targets are too large, the alignment process becomes computationally challenging. This is usually addressed by preprocessing techniques, where the queries and/or targets are indexed for easy access while searching for matches. When the target is static, such as in an established reference genome, the cost of indexing is amortized by reusing the generated index. However, when the targets are non-static, such as contigs in the intermediate steps of a de novo assembly process, a new index must be computed for each run. To address such scalability problems, we present DIDA, a novel framework that distributes the indexing and alignment tasks into smaller subtasks over a cluster of compute nodes. It provides a workflow beyond the common practice of embarrassingly parallel implementations. DIDA is a cost-effective, scalable and modular framework for the sequence alignment problem in terms of memory usage and runtime. It can be employed in large-scale alignments to draft genomes and intermediate stages of de novo assembly runs. The DIDA source code, sample files and user manual are available through http://www.bcgsc.ca/platform/bioinfo/software/dida. The software is released under the British Columbia Cancer Agency License (BCCA), and is free for academic use.  相似文献   

Various biases affect high-throughput sequencing read counts. Contrary to the general assumption, we show that bias does not always cancel out when fold changes are computed and that bias affects more than 20% of genes that are called differentially regulated in RNA-seq experiments with drastic effects on subsequent biological interpretation. Here, we propose a novel approach to estimate fold changes. Our method is based on a probabilistic model that directly incorporates count ratios instead of read counts. It provides a theoretical foundation for pseudo-counts and can be used to estimate fold change credible intervals as well as normalization factors that outperform currently used normalization methods. We show that fold change estimates are significantly improved by our method by comparing RNA-seq derived fold changes to qPCR data from the MAQC/SEQC project as a reference and analyzing random barcoded sequencing data. Our software implementation is freely available from the project website http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/software/lfc.  相似文献   

Accurate tools for multiple sequence alignment (MSA) are essential for comparative studies of the function and structure of biological sequences. However, it is very challenging to develop a computationally efficient algorithm that can consistently predict accurate alignments for various types of sequence sets. In this article, we introduce PicXAA (Probabilistic Maximum Accuracy Alignment), a probabilistic non-progressive alignment algorithm that aims to find protein alignments with maximum expected accuracy. PicXAA greedily builds up the multiple alignment from sequence regions with high local similarities, thereby yielding an accurate global alignment that effectively grasps the local similarities among sequences. Evaluations on several widely used benchmark sets show that PicXAA constantly yields accurate alignment results on a wide range of reference sets, with especially remarkable improvements over other leading algorithms on sequence sets with local similarities. PicXAA source code is freely available at: http://www.ece.tamu.edu/∼bjyoon/picxaa/.  相似文献   

Methods to reliably assess the accuracy of genome sequence data are lacking. Currently completeness is only described qualitatively and mis-assemblies are overlooked. Here we present REAPR, a tool that precisely identifies errors in genome assemblies without the need for a reference sequence. We have validated REAPR on complete genomes or de novo assemblies from bacteria, malaria and Caenorhabditis elegans, and demonstrate that 86% and 82% of the human and mouse reference genomes are error-free, respectively. When applied to an ongoing genome project, REAPR provides corrected assembly statistics allowing the quantitative comparison of multiple assemblies. REAPR is available at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/reapr/.  相似文献   

The Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea (GEBA) project was launched by the JGI in 2007 as a pilot project with the objective of sequencing 250 bacterial and archaeal genomes. The two major goals of that project were (a) to test the hypothesis that there are many benefits to the use the phylogenetic diversity of organisms in the tree of life as a primary criterion for generating their genome sequence and (b) to develop the necessary framework, technology and organization for large-scale sequencing of microbial isolate genomes. While the GEBA pilot project has not yet been entirely completed, both of the original goals have already been successfully accomplished, leading the way for the next phase of the project.Here we propose taking the GEBA project to the next level, by generating high quality draft genomes for 1,000 bacterial and archaeal strains. This represents a combined 16-fold increase in both scale and speed as compared to the GEBA pilot project (250 isolate genomes in 4+ years). We will follow a similar approach for organism selection and sequencing prioritization as was done for the GEBA pilot project (i.e. phylogenetic novelty, availability and growth of cultures of type strains and DNA extraction capability), focusing on type strains as this ensures reproducibility of our results and provides the strongest linkage between genome sequences and other knowledge about each strain. In turn, this project will constitute a pilot phase of a larger effort that will target the genome sequences of all available type strains of the Bacteria and Archaea.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the rice genome is expected to broaden our understanding of genes related to the agronomic characteristics and the genetic relationship among cultivars. In this study, we conducted whole-genome sequencings of 6 cultivars, including 5 temperate japonica cultivars and 1 tropical japonica cultivar (Moroberekan), by using next-generation sequencing (NGS) with Nipponbare genome as a reference. The temperate japonica cultivars contained 2 sake brewing (Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku), 1 landrace (Kameji), and 2 modern cultivars (Koshihikari and Norin 8). Almost >83% of the whole genome sequences of the Nipponbare genome could be covered by sequenced short-reads of each cultivar, including Omachi, which has previously been reported to be a temperate japonica cultivar. Numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, and deletions were detected among the various cultivars and the Nipponbare genomes. Comparison of SNPs detected in each cultivar suggested that Moroberekan had 5-fold more SNPs than the temperate japonica cultivars. Success of the 2 approaches to improve the efficacy of sequence data by using NGS revealed that sequencing depth was directly related to sequencing coverage of coding DNA sequences: in excess of 30× genome sequencing was required to cover approximately 80% of the genes in the rice genome. Further, the contigs prepared using the assembly of unmapped reads could increase the value of NGS short-reads and, consequently, cover previously unavailable sequences. These approaches facilitated the identification of new genes in coding DNA sequences and the increase of mapping efficiency in different regions. The DNA polymorphism information between the 7 cultivars and Nipponbare are available at NGRC_Rices_Build1.0 (http://www.nodai-genome.org/oryza_sativa_en.html).  相似文献   

DNA sequences are translated into protein coding sequences and then further assigned to protein families in metagenomic analyses, because of the need for sensitivity. However, huge amounts of sequence data create the problem that even general homology search analyses using BLASTX become difficult in terms of computational cost. We designed a new homology search algorithm that finds seed sequences based on the suffix arrays of a query and a database, and have implemented it as GHOSTX. GHOSTX achieved approximately 131–165 times acceleration over a BLASTX search at similar levels of sensitivity. GHOSTX is distributed under the BSD 2-clause license and is available for download at http://www.bi.cs.titech.ac.jp/ghostx/. Currently, sequencing technology continues to improve, and sequencers are increasingly producing larger and larger quantities of data. This explosion of sequence data makes computational analysis with contemporary tools more difficult. We offer this tool as a potential solution to this problem.  相似文献   

Protein sequences predicted from metagenomic datasets are annotated by identifying their homologs via sequence comparisons with reference or curated proteins. However, a majority of metagenomic protein sequences are partial-length, arising as a result of identifying genes on sequencing reads or on assembled nucleotide contigs, which themselves are often very fragmented. The fragmented nature of metagenomic protein predictions adversely impacts homology detection and, therefore, the quality of the overall annotation of the dataset. Here we present a novel algorithm called GRASP that accurately identifies the homologs of a given reference protein sequence from a database consisting of partial-length metagenomic proteins. Our homology detection strategy is guided by the reference sequence, and involves the simultaneous search and assembly of overlapping database sequences. GRASP was compared to three commonly used protein sequence search programs (BLASTP, PSI-BLAST and FASTM). Our evaluations using several simulated and real datasets show that GRASP has a significantly higher sensitivity than these programs while maintaining a very high specificity. GRASP can be a very useful program for detecting and quantifying taxonomic and protein family abundances in metagenomic datasets. GRASP is implemented in GNU C++, and is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/grasp-release.  相似文献   

Genomic enrichment methods and next-generation sequencing produce uneven coverage for the portions of the genome (the loci) they target; this information is essential for ascertaining the suitability of each locus for further analysis. lociNGS is a user-friendly accessory program that takes multi-FASTA formatted loci, next-generation sequence alignments and demographic data as input and collates, displays and outputs information about the data. Summary information includes the parameters coverage per locus, coverage per individual and number of polymorphic sites, among others. The program can output the raw sequences used to call loci from next-generation sequencing data. lociNGS also reformats subsets of loci in three commonly used formats for multi-locus phylogeographic and population genetics analyses – NEXUS, IMa2 and Migrate. lociNGS is available at https://github.com/SHird/lociNGS and is dependent on installation of MongoDB (freely available at http://www.mongodb.org/downloads). lociNGS is written in Python and is supported on MacOSX and Unix; it is distributed under a GNU General Public License.  相似文献   

In this paper we present VDJSeq-Solver, a methodology and tool to identify clonal lymphocyte populations from paired-end RNA Sequencing reads derived from the sequencing of mRNA neoplastic cells. The tool detects the main clone that characterises the tissue of interest by recognizing the most abundant V(D)J rearrangement among the existing ones in the sample under study. The exact sequence of the clone identified is capable of accounting for the modifications introduced by the enzymatic processes. The proposed tool overcomes limitations of currently available lymphocyte rearrangements recognition methods, working on a single sequence at a time, that are not applicable to high-throughput sequencing data. In this work, VDJSeq-Solver has been applied to correctly detect the main clone and identify its sequence on five Mantle Cell Lymphoma samples; then the tool has been tested on twelve Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma samples. In order to comply with the privacy, ethics and intellectual property policies of the University Hospital and the University of Verona, data is available upon request to ti.rvinu.oeneta@itnetu.otroppus after signing a mandatory Materials Transfer Agreement. VDJSeq-Solver JAVA/Perl/Bash software implementation is free and available at http://eda.polito.it/VDJSeq-Solver/.  相似文献   

Small non-coding RNAs play a key role in many physiological and pathological processes. Since 2004, miRNA sequences have been catalogued in miRBase, which is currently in its 21st version. We investigated sequence and structural features of miRNAs annotated in the miRBase and compared them between different versions of this reference database. We have identified that the two most recent releases (v20 and v21) are influenced by next-generation sequencing based miRNA predictions and show significant deviation from miRNAs discovered prior to the high-throughput profiling period. From the analysis of miRBase, we derived a set of key characteristics to predict new miRNAs and applied the implemented algorithm to evaluate novel blood-borne miRNA candidates. We carried out 705 individual whole miRNA sequencings of blood cells and collected a total of 9.7 billion reads. Using miRDeep2 we initially predicted 1452 potentially novel miRNAs. After excluding false positives, 518 candidates remained. These novel candidates were ranked according to their distance to the features in the early miRBase versions allowing for an easier selection of a subset of putative miRNAs for validation. Selected candidates were successfully validated by qRT-PCR and northern blotting. In addition, we implemented a web-server for ranking potential miRNA candidates, which is available at: www.ccb.uni-saarland.de/novomirank.  相似文献   

Repeat elements are important components of eukaryotic genomes. One limitation in our understanding of repeat elements is that most analyses rely on reference genomes that are incomplete and often contain missing data in highly repetitive regions that are difficult to assemble. To overcome this problem we develop a new method, REPdenovo, which assembles repeat sequences directly from raw shotgun sequencing data. REPdenovo can construct various types of repeats that are highly repetitive and have low sequence divergence within copies. We show that REPdenovo is substantially better than existing methods both in terms of the number and the completeness of the repeat sequences that it recovers. The key advantage of REPdenovo is that it can reconstruct long repeats from sequence reads. We apply the method to human data and discover a number of potentially new repeats sequences that have been missed by previous repeat annotations. Many of these sequences are incorporated into various parasite genomes, possibly because the filtering process for host DNA involved in the sequencing of the parasite genomes failed to exclude the host derived repeat sequences. REPdenovo is a new powerful computational tool for annotating genomes and for addressing questions regarding the evolution of repeat families. The software tool, REPdenovo, is available for download at https://github.com/Reedwarbler/REPdenovo.  相似文献   

SNUFER is a software for the automatic localization and generation of tables used for the presentation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). After input of a fasta file containing the sequences to be analyzed, a multiple sequence alignment is generated using ClustalW ran inside SNUFER. The ClustalW output file is then used to generate a table which displays the SNPs detected in the aligned sequences and their degree of similarity. This table can be exported to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or as a single text file, permitting further editing for publication. The software was written using Delphi 7 for programming and FireBird 2.0 for sequence database management. It is freely available for noncommercial use and can be downloaded from http://www.heranza.com.br/bioinformatica2.htm.  相似文献   

DNA modifications such as methylation and DNA damage can play critical regulatory roles in biological systems. Single molecule, real time (SMRT) sequencing technology generates DNA sequences as well as DNA polymerase kinetic information that can be used for the direct detection of DNA modifications. We demonstrate that local sequence context has a strong impact on DNA polymerase kinetics in the neighborhood of the incorporation site during the DNA synthesis reaction, allowing for the possibility of estimating the expected kinetic rate of the enzyme at the incorporation site using kinetic rate information collected from existing SMRT sequencing data (historical data) covering the same local sequence contexts of interest. We develop an Empirical Bayesian hierarchical model for incorporating historical data. Our results show that the model could greatly increase DNA modification detection accuracy, and reduce requirement of control data coverage. For some DNA modifications that have a strong signal, a control sample is not even needed by using historical data as alternative to control. Thus, sequencing costs can be greatly reduced by using the model. We implemented the model in a R package named seqPatch, which is available at https://github.com/zhixingfeng/seqPatch.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian strain (CB4856) of Caenorhabditis elegans is one of the most divergent from the canonical laboratory strain N2 and has been widely used in developmental, population, and evolutionary studies. To enhance the utility of the strain, we have generated a draft sequence of the CB4856 genome, exploiting a variety of resources and strategies. When compared against the N2 reference, the CB4856 genome has 327,050 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and 79,529 insertion–deletion events that result in a total of 3.3 Mb of N2 sequence missing from CB4856 and 1.4 Mb of sequence present in CB4856 but not present in N2. As previously reported, the density of SNVs varies along the chromosomes, with the arms of chromosomes showing greater average variation than the centers. In addition, we find 61 regions totaling 2.8 Mb, distributed across all six chromosomes, which have a greatly elevated SNV density, ranging from 2 to 16% SNVs. A survey of other wild isolates show that the two alternative haplotypes for each region are widely distributed, suggesting they have been maintained by balancing selection over long evolutionary times. These divergent regions contain an abundance of genes from large rapidly evolving families encoding F-box, MATH, BATH, seven-transmembrane G-coupled receptors, and nuclear hormone receptors, suggesting that they provide selective advantages in natural environments. The draft sequence makes available a comprehensive catalog of sequence differences between the CB4856 and N2 strains that will facilitate the molecular dissection of their phenotypic differences. Our work also emphasizes the importance of going beyond simple alignment of reads to a reference genome when assessing differences between genomes.  相似文献   

Recent metagenomics studies of environmental samples suggested that microbial communities are much more diverse than previously reported, and deep sequencing will significantly increase the estimate of total species diversity. Massively parallel pyrosequencing technology enables ultra-deep sequencing of complex microbial populations rapidly and inexpensively. However, computational methods for analyzing large collections of 16S ribosomal sequences are limited. We proposed a new algorithm, referred to as ESPRIT, which addresses several computational issues with prior methods. We developed two versions of ESPRIT, one for personal computers (PCs) and one for computer clusters (CCs). The PC version is used for small- and medium-scale data sets and can process several tens of thousands of sequences within a few minutes, while the CC version is for large-scale problems and is able to analyze several hundreds of thousands of reads within one day. Large-scale experiments are presented that clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly proposed algorithm. The source code and user guide are freely available at http://www.biotech.ufl.edu/people/sun/esprit.html.  相似文献   

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