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Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a widely available, inexpensive means of providing a wealth of information about an organism's diversity and evolution. However, WGS for many pathogenic bacteria remain limited because they are difficult, slow and/or dangerous to culture. To avoid culturing, metagenomic sequencing can be performed directly on samples, but the sequencing effort required to characterize low frequency organisms can be expensive. Recently developed methods for selective whole genome amplification (SWGA) can enrich target DNA to provide efficient sequencing. We amplified Coxiella burnetii (a bacterial select agent and human/livestock pathogen) from 3 three environmental samples that were overwhelmed with host DNA. The 68- to 147-fold enrichment of the bacterial sequences provided enough genome coverage for SNP analyses and phylogenetic placement. SWGA is a valuable tool for the study of difficult-to-culture organisms and has the potential to facilitate high-throughput population characterizations as well as targeted epidemiological or forensic investigations.  相似文献   

Aims: Classic virological tests are time consuming and labour‐intensive; real‐time RT‐PCR has proven to be a fast method to detect and quantify enterovirus genomes in clinical and environmental samples. This method is unable to discriminate between infective and noninfective enterovirus particles; few clinical studies have compared real‐time RT‐PCR and viral culture. We wondered if the enterovirus genome quantification could be correlated to the infectivity. Methods and Results: We used the statistical approach to verify our hypotheses to correlate data, obtained by the standard method (most probable number of cytopathic units—MPNCU) and molecular test (real‐time RT‐PCR), on wastewater treatment plant samples. Chi‐squared test was used, considering several cut‐off values (‘50’‐‘100’‐‘200’ genome copy numbers), to determine statistical significance in comparison of the two methods. Chi‐square value was not significant when cut‐off of 50 (P = 0·103) and 100 (P = 0·178) was assumed but was significant with cut‐off of 200 (P = 0·044). Conclusion: This limit, 200 genome copy, could be used as cut‐off value to indicate enterovirus survival in environmental monitoring. Significant and Impact of the Study: To introduce a fast procedure that is able to compensate for disadvantages of cell culture method for viral environmental analyses.  相似文献   

Dear Editor,Since its invention,next generation sequencing(NGS)has greatly facilitated biomedical research and clinical diagnosis(Sikkema-Raddatz et al.,2013).Continuous dropping of the cost further accelerated the adaptation of sequencing as a standard analytical tool,from identification of drug candidates(Walker et al.,2015)to deciphering the complex biological systems(McConnell et al.,2013).  相似文献   

The development of a genetic vector for protozoan parasites is a major hurdle yet to be crossed in the study of the molecular and cellular biology of these parasites. We have identified and isolated a double-stranded RNA virus (G. lamblia virus [GLV]) from certain strains of the intestinal parasitic protozoan Giardia lamblia (A. L. Wang and C. C. Wang, Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 21:269-276, 1986), which is capable of infecting other virus-free strains of G. lamblia (R. L. Miller, A. L. Wang, and C. C. Wang, Exp. Parasitol. 66:118-123, 1988). Here we demonstrate that G. lamblia can be infected with GLV by electroporating uninfected cells with purified single-stranded RNA (E. S. Furfine, T. C. White, A. L. Wang, and C. C. Wang, Nucleic Acids Res. 17:7453-7467, 1989) representing a full-length copy of one strand of the GLV double-stranded RNA genome. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration in vivo that a single-stranded RNA is a competent replicative intermediate for this class of double-stranded RNA virus. In addition, this result represents the first long-term transfection of a protozoan by a single species of RNA and will hopefully expedite the development of GLV as a genetic transfecting vector.  相似文献   

Microbial cloning makes Sanger sequencing of complex DNA samples possible but is labor intensive. We present a simple, rapid and robust method that enables laboratories without special equipment to perform single-molecule amplicon sequencing, although in a low-throughput manner, from sub-picogram quantities of DNA. The method can also be used for quick quality control of next-generation sequencing libraries, as was demonstrated for a metagenomic sample.  相似文献   

Impact of whole genome amplification on analysis of copy number variants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large-scale copy number variants (CNVs) have recently been recognized to play a role in human genome variation and disease. Approaches for analysis of CNVs in small samples such as microdissected tissues can be confounded by limited amounts of material. To facilitate analyses of such samples, whole genome amplification (WGA) techniques were developed. In this study, we explored the impact of Phi29 multiple-strand displacement amplification on detection of CNVs using oligonucleotide arrays. We extracted DNA from fresh frozen lymph node samples and used this for amplification and analysis on the Affymetrix Mapping 500k SNP array platform. We demonstrated that the WGA procedure introduces hundreds of potentially confounding CNV artifacts that can obscure detection of bona fide variants. Our analysis indicates that many artifacts are reproducible, and may correlate with proximity to chromosome ends and GC content. Pair-wise comparison of amplified products considerably reduced the number of apparent artifacts and partially restored the ability to detect real CNVs. Our results suggest WGA material may be appropriate for copy number analysis when amplified samples are compared to similarly amplified samples and that only the CNVs with the greatest significance values detected by such comparisons are likely to be representative of the unamplified samples.  相似文献   

王志明  潘元龙  吴俊  朱宝利 《微生物学报》2012,52(10):1219-1227
【目的】对卡介苗(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin,BCG)美国株(BCG Tice)进行基因组补缺口(补洞)工作,以得到它的基因组完整序列。【方法】首先对BCG Tice进行高通量测序,使用SOAPdenovo软件对得到的数据进行拼接。由于在高通量测序的过程中基因组某些区域测序覆盖度低,测序质量差会使测序结果经拼接后形成众多的重叠群(contig),相邻的位置关系确定的contig形成一个scaffold,contig之间未测到的区域为缺口序列(gap),在contig末端设计引物进行PCR扩增,得到连接相邻contig的PCR产物,对PCR产物进行测序。通过优化PCR引物设计策略,尝试不同的聚合酶进行聚合反应,调整PCR反应条件并结合PCR产物构建克隆测序等方法,补齐contig之间的缺口序列。【结果】完成了BCG Tice的全基因组测序,得到了它的基因组完整序列,序列已提交到美国国立生物技术信息中心(NCBI)的GenBank数据库。【结论】BCG属于高GC含量的革兰氏阳性细菌,其基因组GC含量高达65.65%。本文以BCG Tice基因组补洞为例,对高GC含量基因组补缺口过程中遇到的问题与采取的策略给予概述,望给相关高GC含量基因组的物种全基因组测序补缺口工作提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   



Copy number variations (CNVs) confer significant effects on genetic innovation and phenotypic variation. Previous CNV studies in swine seldom focused on in-depth characterization of global CNVs.


Using whole-genome assembly comparison (WGAC) and whole-genome shotgun sequence detection (WSSD) approaches by next generation sequencing (NGS), we probed formation signatures of both segmental duplications (SDs) and individualized CNVs in an integrated fashion, building the finest resolution CNV and SD maps of pigs so far. We obtained copy number estimates of all protein-coding genes with copy number variation carried by individuals, and further confirmed two genes with high copy numbers in Meishan pigs through an enlarged population. We determined genome-wide CNV hotspots, which were significantly enriched in SD regions, suggesting evolution of CNV hotspots may be affected by ancestral SDs. Through systematically enrichment analyses based on simulations and bioinformatics analyses, we revealed CNV-related genes undergo a different selective constraint from those CNV-unrelated regions, and CNVs may be associated with or affect pig health and production performance under recent selection.


Our studies lay out one way for characterization of CNVs in the pig genome, provide insight into the pig genome variation and prompt CNV mechanisms studies when using pigs as biomedical models for human diseases.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-593) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Resting eggs banks are unique windows that allow us to directly observe shifts in population genetics, and phenotypes over time as natural populations evolve. Though a variety of planktonic organisms also produce resting stages, the keystone freshwater consumer, Daphnia, is a well‐known model for paleogenetics and resurrection ecology. Nevertheless, paleogenomic investigations are limited largely because resting eggs do not contain enough DNA for genomic sequencing. In fact, genomic studies even on extant populations include a laborious preparatory phase of batch culturing dozens of individuals to generate sufficient genomic DNA. Here, we furnish a protocol to generate whole genomes of single ephippial (resting) eggs and single daphniids. Whole genomes of single ephippial eggs and single adults were amplified using Qiagen REPLI‐g Single Cell kit reaction, followed by NEBNext Ultra DNA Library Prep Kit for library construction and Illumina sequencing. We compared the quality of the single‐egg and single‐individual amplified genomes to the standard batch genomic DNA extraction in the absence of genome amplification. At mean 20× depth, coverage was essentially identical for the amplified single individual relative to the unamplified batch extracted genome (>90% of the genome was covered and callable). Finally, while amplification resulted in the slight loss of heterozygosity for the amplified genomes, estimates were largely comparable and illustrate the utility and limitations of this approach in estimating population genetic parameters over long periods of time in natural populations of Daphnia and also other small species known to produce resting stages.  相似文献   

Comprehensive identification of the acquired mutations that cause common cancers will require genomic analyses of large sets of tumor samples. Typically, the tissue material available from tumor specimens is limited, which creates a demand for accurate template amplification. We therefore evaluated whether phi29-mediated whole genome amplification introduces false positive structural mutations by massive mate-pair sequencing of a normal human genome before and after such amplification. Multiple displacement amplification led to a decrease in clone coverage and an increase by two orders of magnitude in the prevalence of inversions, but did not increase the prevalence of translocations. While multiple strand displacement amplification may find uses in translocation analyses, it is likely that alternative amplification strategies need to be developed to meet the demands of cancer genomics.  相似文献   

As next-generation sequencing continues to have an expanding presence in the clinic, the identification of the most cost-effective and robust strategy for identifying copy number changes and translocations in tumor genomes is needed. We hypothesized that performing shallow whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 900–1000-bp inserts (long insert WGS, LI-WGS) improves our ability to detect these events, compared with shallow WGS of 300–400-bp inserts. A priori analyses show that LI-WGS requires less sequencing compared with short insert WGS to achieve a target physical coverage, and that LI-WGS requires less sequence coverage to detect a heterozygous event with a power of 0.99. We thus developed an LI-WGS library preparation protocol based off of Illumina’s WGS library preparation protocol and illustrate the feasibility of performing LI-WGS. We additionally applied LI-WGS to three separate tumor/normal DNA pairs collected from patients diagnosed with different cancers to demonstrate our application of LI-WGS on actual patient samples for identification of somatic copy number alterations and translocations. With the evolution of sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analyses, we show that modifications to current approaches may improve our ability to interrogate cancer genomes.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a new potato virus X (PVX) strain Tula isolated by us has been determined. Based on comparison of the PVX Tula nucleotide sequence with the sequences of 12 other PVX strains, this strain was assigned to the European cluster of PVX strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the same phylogeny for both full genome sequences and nucleotide sequences of polymerase and coat protein genes, suggesting that the PVX evolution did not involve recombination between different strains. The full-size cDNA copy of the PVX Tula genome was cloned and the accumulation of the viral coat protein in infected Nicotiana benthamiana was shown to be about twofold higher than for the PVX strain UK3. Based on the PVX Tula genome, a new vector which contained the target gene instead of the removed triple transport gene block and the coat protein gene has been constructed for expression of target proteins in plants. The productivity of the new vector was about 1.5-2-fold higher than the productivity of the vector of the same structure based on the standard PVX strain genome. The new viral vector can be used for superproduction of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   

While DNA of good quality and sufficient amount can be obtained easily from whole blood, buccal swabs, surgical specimens, or cell lines, these DNA-rich sources are not always available. This is particularly the case in studies for which biological specimens were collected when genotyping assays were not widely available. In those studies, serum or plasma is often the only source of DNA. Newly developed whole genome amplification (WGA) methods, based on phi29 polymerase, may play a significant role in recovering DNA in such instances. We tested a total of 528 plasma samples kept in storage at -40 degrees C for approximately 10 years for 8 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using the 5' exonuclease (TaqMan) assay. These specimens yielded undetectable levels of DNA following extraction with an affinity column but produced an average 52.7 microg (standard deviation of 31.2 microg) of DNA when column-extracted DNA was used as a template for WGA. This increased the genotyping success rate from 54% to 93%. There were only 3 disagreements out of 364 paired genotyping results for pre- and post-WGA DNAs, indicating an error rate of 0.82%. These results are encouraging for expanding the use of poor DNA resources in genotyping studies.  相似文献   

The high risk of metabolic disease traits in Polynesians may be partly explained by elevated prevalence of genetic variants involved in energy metabolism. The genetics of Polynesian populations has been shaped by island hoping migration events which have possibly favoured thrifty genes. The aim of this study was to sequence the mitochondrial genome in a group of Maoris in an effort to characterise genome variation in this Polynesian population for use in future disease association studies. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genomes of 20 non-admixed Maori subjects using Affymetrix technology. DNA diversity analyses showed the Maori group exhibited reduced mitochondrial genome diversity compared to other worldwide populations, which is consistent with historical bottleneck and founder effects. Global phylogenetic analysis positioned these Maori subjects specifically within mitochondrial haplogroup--B4a1a1. Interestingly, we identified several novel variants that collectively form new and unique Maori motifs--B4a1a1c, B4a1a1a3 and B4a1a1a5. Compared to ancestral populations we observed an increased frequency of non-synonymous coding variants of several mitochondrial genes in the Maori group, which may be a result of positive selection and/or genetic drift effects. In conclusion, this study reports the first complete mitochondrial genome sequence data for a Maori population. Overall, these new data reveal novel mitochondrial genome signatures in this Polynesian population and enhance the phylogenetic picture of maternal ancestry in Oceania. The increased frequency of several mitochondrial coding variants makes them good candidates for future studies aimed at assessment of metabolic disease risk in Polynesian populations.  相似文献   

Binding sites for type C viral phosphoprotein on the viral RNA genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of binding sites for R-MuLV p12 phosphoprotein on the viral genome has been examined. Ribonucleoprotein complexes formed using 3′-poly A-containing viral RNA fragments of varying lengths and in vitro radioiodinated p12 protein have been analyzed by sedimentation velocity and buoyant density gradients. Binding sites for 2–3 molecules of p12 protein can be detected within the first 400 nucleotides from the 3′-poly A segment. The possible presence of binding sites near the middle of the genome (~2500 nucleotides from the 3′-end) and very close to the 5′-terminus (within the terminal 100–200 nucleotides) is also indicated.  相似文献   

A number of avocado (Persea americana) cultivars are known to contain high-molecular-weight double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules for which a viral nature has been suggested, although sequence data are not available. Here we report the cloning and complete sequencing of a 13.5-kbp dsRNA virus isolated from avocado and show that it corresponds to the genome of a new species of the genus Endornavirus (family Endornaviridae), tentatively named Persea americana endornavirus (PaEV).  相似文献   

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