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The telomerase ribonucleoprotein copies a short template within its integral RNA moiety onto eukaryotic chromosome ends, compensating for incomplete replication and degradation. Non-template regions of telomerase RNA (TER) are also crucial for telomerase function, yet they are highly divergent in sequence among species and their roles are largely unclear. Using both phylogenetic and mutational analyses, we predicted secondary structures for TERs from Kluyveromyces budding yeast species. A comparison of these secondary structure models with the published model for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TER reveals a common arrangement into three long arms, a templating domain in the center and several conserved elements in the same positions within the structure. One of them, a three-way junction element, is highly conserved in budding yeast TERs. This element also shows sequence and structure similarity to the critical CR4-CR5 activating domain of vertebrate TERs. Mutational analysis in Kluyveromyces lactis confirmed that this element, and in particular the residues conserved across yeast and vertebrates, is critical for telomerase action both in vivo and in vitro. These findings demonstrate that despite the extreme divergence of TER sequences from different organisms, they do share conserved elements, which presumably carry out common roles in telomerase function.  相似文献   

A common core structure for U3 small nucleolar RNAs.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

Secondary structure of vertebrate telomerase RNA   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
Chen JL  Blasco MA  Greider CW 《Cell》2000,100(5):503-514
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme that maintains telomere length by adding telomeric sequence repeats onto chromosome ends. The essential RNA component of telomerase provides the template for telomeric repeat synthesis. To determine the secondary structure of vertebrate telomerase RNA, 32 new telomerase RNA genes were cloned and sequenced from a variety of vertebrate species including 18 mammals, 2 birds, 1 reptile, 7 amphibians, and 4 fishes. Using phylogenetic comparative analysis, we propose a secondary structure that contains four structural domains conserved in all vertebrates. Ten helical regions of the RNA are universally conserved while other regions vary significantly in length and sequence between different classes of vertebrates. The proposed vertebrate telomerase RNA structure displays a strikingly similar topology to the previously determined ciliate telomerase RNA structure, implying an evolutionary conservation of the global architecture of telomerase RNA.  相似文献   

From recent work the putative eutherian karyotype from 100 Mya has been derived. Here, we have applied a new in silico technique, electronic chromosome painting (E-painting), on a large data set of genes whose positions are known in human, chicken, zebrafish and pufferfish. E-painting identifies conserved syntenies in the data set, and it enables a stepwise reconstruction of the ancestral vertebrate protokaryotype comprising 11 protochromosomes. During karyotype evolution in land vertebrates interchromosomal rearrangements by translocation are relatively frequent, whereas the karyotypes of birds and fish are much more conserved. Although the human karyotype is one of the most conserved in eutherians, it can no longer be considered highly conserved from a vertebrate-wide perspective.  相似文献   

Two rounds of whole genome duplication in the ancestral vertebrate   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dehal P  Boore JL 《PLoS biology》2005,3(10):e314
The hypothesis that the relatively large and complex vertebrate genome was created by two ancient, whole genome duplications has been hotly debated, but remains unresolved. We reconstructed the evolutionary relationships of all gene families from the complete gene sets of a tunicate, fish, mouse, and human, and then determined when each gene duplicated relative to the evolutionary tree of the organisms. We confirmed the results of earlier studies that there remains little signal of these events in numbers of duplicated genes, gene tree topology, or the number of genes per multigene family. However, when we plotted the genomic map positions of only the subset of paralogous genes that were duplicated prior to the fish–tetrapod split, their global physical organization provides unmistakable evidence of two distinct genome duplication events early in vertebrate evolution indicated by clear patterns of four-way paralogous regions covering a large part of the human genome. Our results highlight the potential for these large-scale genomic events to have driven the evolutionary success of the vertebrate lineage.  相似文献   

On the basis of the entire mitochondrial DNA sequence of common wheat, Triticum aestivum, 21 mitochondrial microsatellite loci having more than ten mononucleotide repeats were identified. The mitochondrial microsatellite variability at all loci was examined with 43 accessions from 11 Triticum and Aegilops species involved in wheat polyploidy evolution. Polymorphic banding patterns were obtained at 15 out of 21 mitochondrial microsatellite loci. The number of alleles per polymorphic microsatellite ranged from 2 to 5 with an average of 3.07, and the diversity values (H) ranged from 0.09 to 0.50 with an average of 0.29. These values are almost two third of wheat chloroplast microsatellite values, indicating that variability of mitochondrial microsatellite is much less than that of chloroplast microsatellite. Based on the allele variation at all loci, a total of seven mitochondrial haplotypes were identified among common wheat and its ancestral species. Three diploid species showed their own specific haplotypes and timopheevi group (11 accessions) had three types, whereas 29 accessions of emmer and common wheat groups shared the same haplotype. These results indicate that a single mitochondrial haplotype determined by microsatellite analysis has conservatively been maintained in the evolutionary lineage from wild tetraploid to cultivated hexaploid species.  相似文献   

From considerations of gene structure, phylogenetic analysis, modular organisation of related proteins and fibril shapes, we suggest a model for the evolution of contemporary vertebrate fibrillar collagens from a common ancestral alpha chain.  相似文献   

High-resolution gene maps of individual equine chromosomes are essential to identify genes governing traits of economic importance in the horse. In pursuit of this goal we herein report the generation of a dense map of horse chromosome 22 (ECA22) comprising 83 markers, of which 52 represent specific genes and 31 are microsatellites. The map spans 831 cR over an estimated 64 Mb of physical length of the chromosome, thus providing markers at approximately 770 kb or 10 cR intervals. Overall, the resolution of the map is to date the densest in the horse and is the highest for any of the domesticated animal species for which annotated sequence data are not yet available. Comparative analysis showed that ECA22 shares remarkable conservation of gene order along the entire length of dog chromosome 24, something not yet found for an autosome in evolutionarily diverged species. Comparison with human, mouse, and rat homologues shows that ECA22 can be traced as two conserved linkage blocks, each related to individual arms of the human homologue-HSA20. Extending the comparison to the chicken genome showed that one of the ECA22 blocks that corresponds to HSA20q shares synteny conservation with chicken chromosome 20, suggesting the segment to be ancestral in mammals and birds.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels set off a search for their functional homologues in archaea, the third domain of life. A new MS channel was identified in the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii by using the TM1 transmembrane domain of the bacterial MS channel of large conductance, MscL, as a genetic probe to search the archaeal genomic database for MS channel homologues. The hypothetical protein MJ0170 (MscMJ) was found to harbor two MscL-like TM1 structural motifs and showed a high degree of se quence and secondary structure conservation with MscS (YggB) homologues. The alignment of sequences of MscL, MscS and MscMJ homologues further revealed that bacterial and archaeal channels form a phylogenetic tree composed of three main branches and share a common ancestral origin. This suggests the evolution of prokaryotic MS channels via gene duplication of a MscL-like progenitor gene followed by divergence, fur ther indicating that the common ancestor of the prokaryotic MS channels most likely resembled MscL. When expressed in E. coli and functionally examined by the patch clamp, the MscMJ protein behaved as a MS channel with a conductance of 270 pS in 200 mM KCl and a cation selectivity (PK/PC]) of approximately 6. The structural and functional homologue of MscMJ, MscMJLR, was identified as a second type of MS channel in M. jannaschii. The channel has a conductance of approximately 2 nS, rectifies with voltage and shares cation selectivity with MscMJ. The stoichiometry of both types of MS channels revealed that the free energy of activation, deltaG0 approximately 7kT, obtained for MscMJ matches the one calculated for MscS, deltaG0 approximately 5kT, whereas the free energy of activation approximately deltaG0 approximately 18kT of MscMJLR resembles more the deltaG0 = 14-19kT reported for MscL. The presence of two types of MS channels discovered in the cell envelope of M. jannaschii indicates that multiplicity of MS channels in prokaryotes is a necessary element for their survival in the habitats frequently challenged by sudden changes in osmolarity. Further functional and phylogenetic study of MS channels from all three domains of the universal phylogenetic tree may help to understand the evolution and common biophysical principles that govern mechanosensory transduction.  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed for determining common RNA secondary structures within a set of homologous RNAs. The approach is a combination of phylogenetic and thermodynamic methods which is based on the prediction of optimal and suboptimal secondary structures, topological similarity searches and phylogenetic comparative analysis. The optimal and suboptimal RNA secondary structures are predicted by energy minimization. Structural comparison of the predicted RNA secondary structures is used to find conserved structures that are topologically similar in all these homologous RNAs. The validity of the conserved structural elements found is then checked by phylogenetic comparison of the sequences. This procedure is used to predict common structures of ribonuclease P (RNAase P) RNAs.  相似文献   



Thrombospondins (TSPs) are evolutionarily-conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding glycoproteins with important roles in cell-extracellular matrix interactions, angiogenesis, synaptogenesis and connective tissue organisation. Five TSPs, designated TSP-1 through TSP-5, are encoded in the human genome. All but one have known roles in acquired or inherited human diseases. To further understand the roles of TSPs in human physiology and pathology, it would be advantageous to extend the repertoire of relevant vertebrate models. In general the zebrafish is proving an excellent model organism for vertebrate biology, therefore we set out to evaluate the status of TSPs in zebrafish and two species of pufferfish.  相似文献   

Telomerase RNA is an essential component of the ribonucleoprotein enzyme involved in telomere length maintenance, a process implicated in cellular senescence and cancer. Vertebrate telomerase RNAs contain a box H/ACA snoRNA motif that is not required for telomerase activity in vitro but is essential in vivo. Using the Xenopus oocyte system, we have found that the box H/ACA motif functions in the subcellular localization of telomerase RNA. We have characterized the transport and biogenesis of telomerase RNA by injecting labeled wild-type and variant RNAs into Xenopus oocytes and assaying nucleocytoplasmic distribution, intranuclear localization, modification, and protein binding. Although yeast telomerase RNA shares characteristics of spliceosomal snRNAs, we show that human telomerase RNA is not associated with Sm proteins or efficiently imported into the nucleus. In contrast, the transport properties of vertebrate telomerase RNA resemble those of snoRNAs; telomerase RNA is retained in the nucleus and targeted to nucleoli. Furthermore, both nuclear retention and nucleolar localization depend on the box H/ACA motif. Our findings suggest that the H/ACA motif confers functional localization of vertebrate telomerase RNAs to the nucleus, the compartment where telomeres are synthesized. We have also found that telomerase RNA localizes to Cajal bodies, intranuclear structures where it is thought that assembly of various cellular RNPs takes place. Our results identify the Cajal body as a potential site of telomerase RNP biogenesis.  相似文献   

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