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Qin PZ  Hideg K  Feigon J  Hubbell WL 《Biochemistry》2003,42(22):6772-6783
Site-directed spin labeling utilizes site-specific attachment of a stable nitroxide radical to probe the structure and dynamics of macromolecules. In the present study, a 4-thiouridine base is introduced at each of six different positions in a 23-nucleotide RNA molecule. The 4-thiouridine derivatives were subsequently modified with one of three methanethiosulfonate nitroxide reagents to introduce a spin label at specific sites. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the labeled RNAs were analyzed in terms of nitroxide motion and the RNA solution structure. At a base-paired site in the RNA helix, where the nitroxide has weak or no local interactions, motion of the nitroxide is apparently dominated by rotation about bonds within the probe. The motion is similar to that found for a structurally related probe on helical sites in proteins, suggesting a similar mode of motion. At other sites that are hydrogen bonded and stacked within the helix, local interactions within the RNA molecule modulate the nitroxide motion in a manner consistent with expectations based on the known structure. For a base that is not structurally constrained, the mobility is higher than at any other site, presumably due to motion of the base itself. These results demonstrate the general utility of the 4-thiouridine/methanethiosulfonate coupling method to introduce nitroxide spin labels into RNA and the ability of the resulting label to probe local structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

Identifying conformational changes with site-directed spin labeling   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Site-direct spin labeling combined with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for detecting structural changes in proteins. This review provides examples that illustrate strategies for interpreting the data in terms of specific rearrangements in secondary and tertiary structure. The changes in the mobility and solvent accessibility of the spin label side chains, and in the distances between spin labels, report (i) rigid body motions of alpha-helices and beta-strands (ii) relative movements of domains and (iii) changes in secondary structure. Such events can be monitored in the millisecond time-scale, making it possible to follow structural changes during function. There is no upper limit to the size of proteins that can be investigated, and only 50-100 picomoles of protein are required. These features make site-directed spin labeling an attractive approach for the study of structure and dynamics in a wide range of systems.  相似文献   

The misfolding and fibril formation of alpha-synuclein plays an important role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson disease. Here we used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, together with site-directed spin labeling, to investigate the structural features of alpha-synuclein fibrils. We generated fibrils from a total of 83 different spin-labeled derivatives and observed single-line, exchange-narrowed EPR spectra for the majority of all sites located within the core region of alpha-synuclein fibrils. Such exchange narrowing requires the orbital overlap between multiple spin labels in close contact. The core region of alpha-synuclein fibrils must therefore be arranged in a parallel, in-register structure wherein same residues from different molecules are stacked on top of each other. This parallel, in-register core region extends from residue 36 to residue 98 and is tightly packed. Only a few sites within the core region, such as residues 62-67 located at the beginning of the NAC region, as well as the N- and C-terminal regions outside the core region, are significantly less ordered. Together with the accessibility measurements that suggest the location of potential beta-sheet regions within the fibril, the data provide significant structural constraints for generating three-dimensional models. Furthermore, the data support the emerging view that parallel, in-register structure is a common feature shared by a number of naturally occurring amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), combined with site-directed spin labeling, is a powerful spectroscopic tool to characterize protein dynamics. The lineshape of an EPR spectrum reflects combined rotational dynamics of the spin probe's local motion within a protein, reorientations of protein domains, and overall protein tumbling. All these motions can be restricted and anisotropic, and separation of these motions is important for thorough characterization of protein dynamics. Multifrequency EPR distinguishes between different motions of a spin-labeled protein, due to the frequency dependence of EPR resolution to fast and slow motion of a spin probe. This gives multifrequency EPR its unique capability to characterize protein dynamics in great detail. In this review, we analyze what makes multifrequency EPR sensitive to different rates of spin probe motion and discuss several examples of its usage to separate spin probe dynamics and overall protein dynamics, to characterize protein backbone dynamics, and to resolve protein conformational states.  相似文献   

Columbus L  Hubbell WL 《Biochemistry》2004,43(23):7273-7287
In site-directed spin labeling, a nitroxide-containing side chain is introduced at selected sites in a protein. The EPR spectrum of the labeled protein encodes information about the motion of the nitroxide on the nanosecond time scale, which has contributions from the rotary diffusion of the protein, from internal motions in the side chain, and from backbone fluctuations. In the simplest model for the motion of noninteracting (surface) side chains, the contribution from the internal motion is sequence independent, as is that from protein rotary diffusion. Hence, differences in backbone motions should be revealed by comparing the sequence-dependent motions of nitroxides at structurally homologous sites. To examine this model, nitroxide side chains were introduced, one at a time, along the GCN4-58 bZip sequence, for which NMR (15)N relaxation experiments have identified a striking gradient of backbone mobility along the DNA-binding region [Bracken et al. (1999) J. Mol. Biol. 285, 2133]. Spectral simulation techniques and a simple line width measure were used to extract dynamical parameters from the EPR spectra, and the results reveal a mobility gradient similar to that observed in NMR relaxation, indicating that side chain motions mirror backbone motions. In addition, the sequence-dependent side chain dynamics were analyzed in the DNA/protein complex, which has not been previously investigated by NMR relaxation methods. As anticipated, the backbone motions are damped in the DNA-bound state, although a gradient of motion persists with residues at the DNA-binding site being the most highly ordered, similar to those of helices on globular proteins.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling (SDSL), the site-specific incorporation of nitroxide spin-labels into a protein, has allowed us to investigate ligand-induced conformational changes in the ligand-binding domain of human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha-LBD). EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy of the nitroxide probe attached to ER produces different spectra depending upon the identity of the bound ligand; these differences are indicative of changes in the type and degree of motional character of the spin-label induced by different ligand-induced conformations of labeled ER. Visual inspection of EPR spectra, construction of B versus C cross-correlation plots, and cross-comparison of spectral pairs using a relative squared difference (RSD) calculation allowed receptor-ligand complexes to be profiled according to their conformational character. Plotting B and C parameters allowed us to evaluate the liganded receptor according to the motional characteristics of the attached spin-label, and they were particularly illustrative for the receptor labeled at position 530, which had motion between the fast and intermediate regimes. RSD analysis allowed us to directly compare the similarity or difference between two different spectra, and these comparisons produced groupings that paralleled those seen in B versus C cross-correlation plots, again relating meaningfully with the pharmacological nature of the bound ligand. RSD analysis was also particularly useful for qualifying differences seen with the receptor labeled at position 417, which had motion between the intermediate and slow motional regimes. This work demonstrates that B and C formulas from EPR line shape theory are useful for qualitative analysis of spectra with differences subtler than those that are often analyzed by EPR spectroscopists. This work also provides evidence that the ER can exist in a range of conformations, with specific conformations resulting from preferential stabilization of ER by the bound ligand. Furthermore, it documents the complexity and uniqueness of the ligand-receptor structure, and highlights the fact that structural differences exist between the receptor bound with ligands of different pharmacological character that, nevertheless, produce similar crystal structures.  相似文献   

We have developed a computational molecular dynamics technique to simulate the motions of spin labels bound to the regulatory domain of scallop myosin. These calculations were then directly compared with site-directed spin labeling experimental results obtained by preparing seven single-cysteine mutants of the smooth muscle (chicken gizzard) myosin regulatory light chain and performing electron paramagnetic resonance experiments on these spin-labeled regulatory light chains in functional scallop muscle fibers. We determined molecular dynamics simulation conditions necessary for obtaining a convergent orientational trajectory of the spin label, and from these trajectories we then calculated correlation times, orientational distributions, and order parameters. Simulated order parameters closely match those determined experimentally, validating our molecular dynamics modeling technique, and demonstrating our ability to predict preferred sites for labeling by computer simulation. In several cases, more than one rotational mode was observed within the 14-ns trajectory, suggesting that the spin label samples several local energy minima. This study uses molecular dynamics simulations of an experimental system to explore and enhance the site-directed spin labeling technique.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling has become a popular biophysical tool for the characterization of protein structure, dynamics and conformational change. This method is well suited and widely used to study small soluble proteins, membrane proteins and large protein complexes. Recent advances in site-directed spin labeling methodology have occurred in two areas. The first involves an understanding of the conformations and local dynamics of the spin-labeled sidechain, including the features of proteins that influence electron paramagnetic resonance lineshape. The second advance is the application of pulse techniques to determine long-range distances and distance distributions in proteins. During the past two years, these technical developments have been used to address several important problems concerning the molecular function of proteins.  相似文献   

Paramagnetic relaxation has been used to monitor the formation of structure in the folding peptide chain of guanidinium chloride-denatured acyl-coenzyme A-binding protein. The spin label (1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrroline-3-methyl)methanesulfonate (MTSL) was covalently bound to a single cysteine residue introduced into five different positions in the amino acid sequence. It was shown that the formation of structure in the folding peptide chain at conditions where 95% of the sample is unfolded brings the relaxation probe close to a wide range of residues in the peptide chain, which are not affected in the native folded structure. It is suggested that the experiment is recording the formation of many discrete and transient structures in the polypeptide chain in the preface of protein folding. Analysis of secondary chemical shifts shows a high propensity for alpha-helix formation in the C-terminal part of the polypeptide chain, which forms an alpha-helix in the native structure and a high propensity for turn formation in two regions of the polypeptide that form turns in the native structure. The results contribute to the idea that native-like structural elements form transiently in the unfolded state, and that these may be of importance to the initiation of protein folding.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling and EPR spectroscopy were used to map two consecutive beta-strands of the putative transmembrane beta-barrel of BtuB. For these studies, a series of 29 consecutive single cysteine mutants of BtuB were produced covering residues 148-176. The proteins were then expressed, reacted with a sulfhydryl-specific spin label, purified in octyl glucoside (OG), and reconstituted into palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) bilayers. The labeled residues spanned from the extracellular region (position 148) to the small periplasmic loop (positions 160-163) and back up to the extracellular side (position 176) of BtuB. Continuous wave power saturation in the presence of oxygen or NiAA yielded an i, i + 2 periodicity for the collision frequencies at these sites and demonstrated the presence of a beta-strand structural motif. For both strands studied, the even-numbered residues were found to be exposed to the hydrophobic phase of the bilayer, whereas the odd-numbered residues pointed toward the interior of the barrel and the core of the protein. In addition, the collision parameters yielded the position of the protein within the bilayer. The phase relationship between the oxygen and metal collision frequencies along with the corresponding membrane depth parameters, Phi, indicates that segments 151-159 and 164-172 are within the bilayer. In POPC bilayers, there is a mobility gradient for spin labels along the barrel indicating enhanced backbone flexibility toward the periplasmic surface of the barrel. In POPC/OG mixed micelles, the even-numbered residues facing the hydrocarbon show an increased mobility compared with the bilayer environment whereas the inward-facing side chains show little change in motion. The data indicate that the protein core remains folded in POPC/OG mixed micelles but that this environment increases the backbone fluctuations of the strands. A model for the beta-barrel of BtuB is presented in part on the basis of these EPR data.  相似文献   

In RNA site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) studies, structural and dynamic information at the individual RNA nucleotide level is derived from the observed electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of a covalently attached nitroxide. A systematic approach for RNA SDSL is to establish a library that categorizes observed spectral lineshapes based on known RNA structures, thus enabling lineshape-based structure identification at any RNA site. To establish the first RNA SDSL library, selective secondary structure elements have been systematically engineered into a model RNA. Nitroxide lineshapes reporting features specific to each element were obtained utilizing a new avidin-tethering scheme for suppressing spectral effects due to uniform RNA tumbling. The data demonstrated two key features required for a SDSL library with a predicting power: (i) spectral divergence--distinctive lineshape for different elements; and (ii) spectral convergence--similar lineshape for the same element in different contexts. This sets the foundation for further RNA SDSL library development.  相似文献   

The method of site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) utilizes a stable nitroxide radical to obtain structural and dynamic information on biomolecules. Measuring dipolar interactions between pairs of nitroxides yields internitroxide distances, from which quantitative structural information can be derived. This study evaluates SDSL distance measurements in RNA using a nitroxide probe, designated as R5, which is attached in an efficient and cost-effective manner to backbone phosphorothioate sites that are chemically substituted in arbitrary sequences. It is shown that R5 does not perturb the global structure of the A-form RNA helix. Six sets of internitroxide distances, ranging from 20 to 50 A, were measured on an RNA duplex with a known X-ray crystal structure. The measured distances strongly correlate (R(2) = 0.97) with those predicted using an efficient algorithm for determining the expected internitroxide distances from the parent RNA structure. The results enable future studies of global RNA structures for which high-resolution structural data are absent.  相似文献   

The complex molecular motions central to the functions of helicases have long attracted attention. Protein crystallography has provided transformative insights into these dynamic conformational changes, however important questions about the true nature of helicase configurations during the catalytic cycle remain. Using pulsed EPR (PELDOR or DEER) to measure interdomain distances in solution, we have examined two representative helicases: PcrA from superfamily 1 and XPD from superfamily 2. The data show that PcrA is a dynamic structure with domain movements that correlate with particular functional states, confirming and extending the information gleaned from crystal structures and other techniques. XPD in contrast is shown to be a rigid protein with almost no conformational changes resulting from nucleotide or DNA binding, which is well described by static crystal structures. Our results highlight the complimentary nature of PELDOR to crystallography and the power of its precision in understanding the conformational changes relevant to helicase function.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation drives the disassembly of the vimentin intermediate filament (IF) cytoskeleton at mitosis. Chromatographic analysis has suggested that phosphorylation produces a soluble vimentin tetramer, but little has been determined about the structural changes that are caused by phosphorylation or the structure of the resulting tetramer. In this study, site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance (SDSL-EPR) were used to examine the structural changes resulting from protein kinase A phosphorylation of vimentin IFs in vitro. EPR spectra suggest that the tetrameric species resulting from phosphorylation is the A11 configuration. EPR spectra also establish that the greatest degree of structural change was found in the linker 2 and the C-terminal half of the rod domain, despite the fact that most phosphorylation occurs in the N-terminal head domain. The phosphorylation-induced changes notably affected the proposed "trigger sequences" located in the linker 2 region, which have been hypothesized to mediate the induction of coiled-coil formation. These data are the first to document specific changes in IF structure resulting from a physiologic regulatory mechanism and provide further evidence, also generated by SDSL-EPR, that the linker regions play a key role in IF structure and regulation of assembly/disassembly.  相似文献   

A cysteine-specific methanethiosulfonate spin label was introduced into yeast iso-1-cytochrome c at three different positions. The modified forms of cytochrome c included: the wild-type protein labeled at naturally occurring C102, and two mutated proteins, S47C and L85C, labeled at positions 47 and 85, respectively (both S47C and L85C derived from the protein in which C102 had been replaced by threonine). All three spin-labeled protein derivatives were characterized using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques. The continuous wave (CW) EPR spectrum of spin label attached to L85C differed from those recorded for spin label attached to C102 or S47C, indicating that spin label at position 85 was more immobilized and exhibited more complex tumbling than spin label at two other positions. The temperature dependence of the CW EPR spectra and CW EPR power saturation revealed further differences of spin-labeled L85C. The results were discussed in terms of application of the site-directed spin labeling technique in probing the local dynamic structure of iso-1-cytochrome c.  相似文献   

We describe a simple experimental approach for the rapid determination of protein global folds. This strategy utilizes site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) in combination with isotope enrichment to determine long-range distance restraints between amide protons and the unpaired electron of a nitroxide spin label using the paramagnetic effect on relaxation rates. The precision and accuracy of calculating a protein global fold from only paramagnetic effects have been demonstrated on barnase, a well-characterized protein. Two monocysteine derivatives of barnase, (H102C) and (H102A/Q15C), were 15N enriched, and the paramagnetic nitroxide spin label, MTSSL, attached to the single Cys residue of each. Measurement of amide 1H longitudinal relaxation times, in both the oxidized and reduced states, allowed the determination of the paramagnetic contribution to the relaxation processes. Correlation times were obtained from the frequency dependence of these relaxation processes at 800, 600, and 500 MHz. Distances in the range of 8 to 35 A were calculated from the magnitude of the paramagnetic contribution to the relaxation processes and individual amide 1H correlation times. Distance restraints from the nitroxide spin to amide protons were used as restraints in structure calculations. Using nitroxide to amide 1H distances as long-range restraints and known secondary structure restraints, barnase global folds were calculated having backbone RMSDs <3 A from the crystal structure. This approach makes it possible to rapidly obtain the overall topology of a protein using a limited number of paramagnetic distance restraints.  相似文献   

SNARE (soluble NSF acceptor protein receptor) proteins are thought to mediate membrane fusion by assembling into heterooligomeric complexes that connect the fusing membranes and initiate the fusion reaction. Here we used site-directed spin labeling to map conformational changes that occur upon homo- and heterooligomeric complex formation of neuronal SNARE proteins. We found that the soluble domains of synaptobrevin, SNAP-25, and syntaxin 1 are unstructured. At higher concentrations, the SNARE motif of syntaxin 1 forms homooligomeric helical bundles with at least some of the alpha-helices aligned in parallel. In the assembled SNARE complex, mapping of thirty side chain positions yielded spectra which are in good agreement with the recently published crystal structure. The loop region of SNAP-25 that connects the two SNARE motifs is largely unstructured. C-terminal truncation of synaptobrevin resulted in complexes that are completely folded N-terminal of the truncation but become unstructured at the C-terminal end. The binary complex of syntaxin and SNAP-25 consists of a parallel four helix-bundle with properties resembling that of the ternary complex.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of the N-terminal and core regions of BtuB, an outer membrane vitamin B(12) transporter from Escherichia coli, were investigated by site-directed spin labeling. Cysteine mutants were generated by site-directed mutagenesis to place spin labels in the N-terminal region (residues 1-17), the core region (residues 25-30), and double labels into the Ton box (residues 6-12). BtuB mutants were expressed, spin labeled, purified, and reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine. In the presence of substrate (vitamin B(12)), EPR spectroscopy demonstrates that there is a conformational change in the Ton box similar to that seen previously for BtuB in intact outer membranes. The Ton box is positioned within the beta-barrel of BtuB in the absence of substrate (docked configuration) but becomes unfolded and increases its aqueous exposure upon substrate binding (undocked configuration). This conformational change and the similarity in the EPR spectra between reconstituted and native membranes indicate that BtuB is correctly folded and functional in the reconstituted system. The protein segment on the N-terminal side of the Ton box is highly mobile, and it becomes more mobile in the presence of substrate. Side chains in the region C-terminal to the Ton box also show increases in mobility with substrate addition, but position 16 appears to define a hinge point for this conformation change. EPR line shapes and relaxation data indicate that residues 25-30 form a beta-strand structure, which is analogous to the first beta-strand in the cores of the homologous iron transporters. When substrate binds to BtuB, this first beta-strand remains folded. The EPR spectra of double-nitroxide labels within the Ton box are broadened because of dipolar and collisional exchange interactions. The broadening pattern indicates that the Ton box is not helical but is in an extended or beta-strand structure.  相似文献   

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