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The family of AAA+ proteins in eukaryotes has many members in various cellular compartments with a broad spectrum of functions in protein unfolding and degradation. The mitochondrial AAA protein Bcs1 plays an unusual role in protein translocation. It is involved in the topogenesis of the Rieske protein, Rip1, and thereby in the biogenesis of the cytochrome bc(1) complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Bcs1 mediates the export of the folded FeS domain of Rip1 across the mitochondrial inner membrane and the insertion of its transmembrane segment into an assembly intermediate of the cytochrome bc(1) complex. We discuss structural elements of the Bcs1 protein compared to other AAA proteins in an attempt to understand the mechanism of its function. In this context, we discuss human diseases caused by mutations in Bcs1 that lead to different properties of the protein and subsequently to different symptoms.  相似文献   

:线粒体的大多数蛋白质是由核基因编码、细胞质合成,而最终运输到线粒体。在此过程中,需要线粒体外膜和内膜的蛋白质运输机器(至少三种主要的移位酶复合物)来保证前体蛋白质的正确运输。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial biogenesis utilizes a complex proteinaceous machinery for the import of cytosolically synthesized preproteins. At least three large multisubunit protein complexes, one in the outer membrane and two in the inner membrane, have been identified. These translocase complexes cooperate with soluble proteins from the cytosol, the intermembrane space and the matrix. The translocation of presequence-containing preproteins through the outer membrane channel includes successive electrostatic interactions of the charged mitochondrial targeting sequence with a chain of import components. Translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane utilizes the energy of the proton motive force of the inner membrane and the hydrolysis of ATP. The matrix chaperone system of the mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 forms an ATP-dependent import motor by interaction with the polypeptide chain in transit and components of the inner membrane translocase. The precursors of integral inner membrane proteins of the metabolite carrier family interact with newly identified import components of the intermembrane space and are inserted into the inner membrane by a second translocase complex. A comparison of the full set of import components between the yeast Sacccharomyces cerevisiae and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans demonstrates an evolutionary conservation of most components of the mitochondrial import machinery with a possible greater divergence for the import pathway of the inner membrane carrier proteins.  相似文献   

GABA added to rat brain mitochondria causes oxidation of intramitochondrial NAD(P)H as well as inducing glutamate efflux from the mitochondrial matrix. The rate of NAD(P)H oxidation shows saturation characteristics, depends on GABA transport across the mitochondrial membrane and is inhibited by non-penetrant compounds and by the metal-complexing agent bathophenanthroline. These results show the existence of a specific GABA carrier. Inhibition studies strongly suggest the existence of two separate binding sites, namely the GABA binding site and the dicarboxylates binding site, as well as suggest the presence of a metal ion (ions) at GABA binding site. The occurrence of a GABA/GLUTAMATE antiport is proposed which allows a cyclical route to account for GABA synthesis and degradation in brain.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of mitochondria depends on the coordinated action of at least six protein translocases present in both mitochondrial membranes. They use different energy sources to drive unidirectional transport of proteins across and into mitochondrial membranes. Here we present an overview on the energetic requirements of different mitochondrial import pathways.  相似文献   

Platelet secretion (exocytosis) is critical in amplifying platelet activation, in stabilizing thrombi, and in arteriosclerosis and vascular remodeling. The signaling mechanisms leading to secretion have not been well defined. We have shown previously that cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) plays a stimulatory role in platelet activation via the glycoprotein Ib-IX pathway. Here we show that PKG also plays an important stimulatory role in mediating aggregation-dependent platelet secretion and secretion-dependent second wave platelet aggregation, particularly those induced via Gq-coupled agonist receptors, the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor, and protease-activated receptors (PARs). PKG I knock-out mouse platelets and PKG inhibitor-treated human platelets showed diminished aggregation-dependent secretion and also showed a diminished secondary wave of platelet aggregation induced by a TXA2 analog and thrombin receptor-activating peptides that were rescued by the granule content ADP. Low dose collagen-induced platelet secretion and aggregation were also reduced by PKG inhibitors. Furthermore PKG I knockout and PKG inhibitors significantly attenuated activation of the Gi pathway that is mediated by secreted ADP. These data unveil a novel PKG-dependent platelet secretion pathway and a mechanism by which PKG promotes platelet activation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial biogenesis utilizes a complex proteinaceous machinery for the import of cytosolically synthesized preproteins. At least three large multisubunit protein complexes, one in the outer membrane and two in the inner membrane, have been identified. These translocase complexes cooperate with soluble proteins from the cytosol, the intermembrane space and the matrix. The translocation of presequence-containing preproteins through the outer membrane channel includes successive electrostatic interactions of the charged mitochondrial targeting sequence with a chain of import components. Translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane utilizes the energy of the proton motive force of the inner membrane and the hydrolysis of ATP. The matrix chaperone system of the mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 forms an ATP-dependent import motor by interaction with the polypeptide chain in transit and components of the inner membrane translocase. The precursors of integral inner membrane proteins of the metabolite carrier family interact with newly identified import components of the intermembrane space and are inserted into the inner membrane by a second translocase complex. A comparison of the full set of import components between the yeast Sacccharomyces cerevisiae and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans demonstrates an evolutionary conservation of most components of the mitochondrial import machinery with a possible greater divergence for the import pathway of the inner membrane carrier proteins.  相似文献   

The cytochromebc complexes of the electron transport chain from a wide variety of organisms generate an electrochemical proton gradient which is used for the synthesis of ATP. Proton translocation studies with radiolabeled N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), the well-established carboxyl-modifying reagent, inhibited proton-translocation 50–70% with minimal effect on electron transfer in the cytochromebc 1 and cytochromebf complexes reconstituted into liposomes. Subsequent binding studies with cytochromebc 1 and cytochromebf complexes indicate that DCCD specifically binds to the subunitb and subunitb 6, respectively, in a time and concentration dependent manner. Further analyses of the results with cyanogen bromide and protease digestion suggest that the probable site of DCCD binding is aspartate 160 of yeast cytochromeb and aspartate 155 or glutamate 166 of spinach cytochromeb 6. Moreover, similar inhibition of proton translocating activity and binding to cytochromeb and cytochromeb 6 were noticed with N-cyclo-N-(4-dimethylamino-napthyl)carbodiimide (NCD-4), a fluorescent analogue of DCCD. The spin-label quenching experiments provide further evidence that the binding site for NCD-4 on helix cd of both cytochromeb and cytochromeb 6 is localized near the surface of the membrane but shielded from the external medium.  相似文献   

Palmitoyl protein thioesterase (PPT) 1 is an enzyme involved in deacylation of palmitoylated proteins. A deficiency in PPT1 results in a genetic disease, infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, associated with massive death of cortical neurons. The role of PPT1 in neuronal survival and apoptosis was studied in human neuroblastoma (LA-N-5) cells overexpressing PPT1. Overexpression of PPT1 was shown both by the 200-350% increase in depalmitoylating activity over basal level (as determined by an in vitro PPT assay) and by western blot analysis of transiently expressed epitope-tagged PPT1. Overexpressed PPT1 showed the same acidic pH optimum (pH 4.0) as the endogenous enzyme, when assayed with a P0-derived octapeptide substrate, and reduced the growth rate by 30%. LA-N-5 cells underwent apoptosis, as evidenced by increased caspase 3-like activity and increased DNA fragmentation, when challenged with either C2-ceramide or a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor (LY294002). Overexpression of PPT1 inhibited this C2-ceramide- or LY294002-mediated activation of caspase-3 by 50%. There was also a concomitant decrease in DNA fragmentation and cell death. Consistent with increased resistance to apoptosis, we found increased phosphorylation of the antiapoptotic protein Akt (protein kinase B) in PPT1-overexpressing cells. p21Ras is known to be dynamically palmitoylated and depalmitoylated and is involved in both growth and cell death. The C2-ceramide-induced membrane association of p21Ras was reduced by 30-50% in PPT1-overexpressing cells compared with control. PPT overexpression also led to reduced membrane association of another palmitoylated protein, GAP-43, a neuron-specific protein. Our studies suggest that protein palmitoylation could be a physiological regulator of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with several human diseases including infectious mononucleosis and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. EBV-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is oncogenic and indispensable for cellular transformation caused by EBV. Expression of LMP1 in host cells constitutively activates both the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and NF-kappaB pathways, which contributes to the oncogenic effect of LMP1. However, the underlying signaling mechanisms are not very well understood. Based mainly on overexpression studies with various dominant-negative constructs, LMP1 was generally thought to functionally mimic members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily in signaling. In contrast to the prevailing paradigm, using embryonic fibroblasts from different knockout mice and the small interfering RNA technique, we find that the LMP1-mediated JNK pathway is distinct from those mediated by either TNF-alpha or interleukin-1. Moreover, we have further elucidated the LMP1-mediated JNK pathway by demonstrating that LMP1 selectively utilizes TNF receptor-associated factor 6, TAK1/TAB1, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase kinases 1 and 2 to activate JNK.  相似文献   

The ATPase associated with various cellular activities (AAA-ATPase) p97 (p97) has been implicated in the retrotranslocation of target proteins for delivery to the cytosolic proteasome during endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD). Apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) is an ERAD substrate in liver cells, including the human hepatoma, HepG2. We studied the potential role of p97 in the ERAD of apoB-100 in HepG2 cells using cell permeabilization, coimmunoprecipitation, and gene silencing. Degradation was abolished when HepG2 cytosol was removed by digitonin permeabilization, and treatment of intact cells with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 caused accumulation of ubiquitinated apoB protein in the cytosol. Cross-linking of intact cells with the thiol-cleavable agent dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) (DSP), as well as nondenaturing immunoprecipitation, demonstrated an interaction between p97 and intracellular apoB. Small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA)-mediated reduction of p97 protein increased the intracellular levels of newly synthesized apoB-100, predominantly because of a decrease in the turnover of newly synthesized apoB-100 protein. However, although the posttranslational degradation of newly synthesized apoB-100 was delayed by p97 knockdown, secretion of apoB-100 was not affected. Knockdown of p97 also impaired the release of apoB-100 and polyubiquitinated apoB into the cytosol. In summary, our results suggest that retrotranslocation and proteasomal degradation of apoB-100 can be dissociated in HepG2 cells, and that the AAA-ATPase p97 is involved in the removal of full-length apoB from the biosynthetic pathway to the cytosolic proteasome.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, transport of proteins across cellular membranes has been studied extensively in various model systems. One of the major transport routes, the so-called Sec pathway, is conserved in all domains of life. Very little is known about this pathway in the third domain of life, archaea. The core components of the archaeal, bacterial and eucaryal Sec machinery are similar, although the archaeal components appear more closely related to their eucaryal counterparts. Interestingly, the accessory factors of the translocation machinery are similar to bacterial components, which indicates a unique hybrid nature of the archaeal translocase complex. The mechanism of protein translocation in archaea is completely unknown. Based on genomic sequencing data, the most likely system for archaeal protein translocation is similar to the eucaryal co-translational translocation pathway for protein import into the endoplasmic reticulum, in which a protein is pushed across the translocation channel by the ribosome. However, other models can also be envisaged, such as a bacterial-like system in which a protein is translocated post-translationally with the aid of a motor protein analogous to the bacterial ATPase SecA. This review discusses the different models. Furthermore, an overview is given of some of the other components that may be involved in the protein translocation process, such as those required for protein targeting, folding and post-translational modification.  相似文献   

Tail-anchored (TA) proteins are a special class of membrane proteins that carry out vital functions in all living cells. Targeting mechanisms of TA proteins are investigated as the best example for post-translational protein targeting in yeast. Of the several mechanisms, Guided Entry of Tail-anchored protein (GET) pathway plays a major role in TA protein targeting. Many in silico and in vivo analyses are geared to identify TA proteins and their targeting mechanisms in different systems including Arabidopsis thaliana. Yet, crop plants that grow in specific and/or different conditions are not investigated for the presence of TA proteins and GET pathway. This study majorly investigates GET pathway in two crop plants, Oryza sativa subsp. Indica and Solanum tuberosum, through detailed in silico analysis. 508 and 912 TA proteins are identified in Oryza sativa subsp. Indica and Solanum tuberosum respectively and their localization with respect to endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondria, and chloroplast has been delineated. Similarly, the associated GET proteins are identified (Get1, Get3 and Get4) and their structural inferences are elucidated using homology modelling. Get3 models are based on yeast Get3. The cytoplasmic Get3 from O. sativa is identified to be very similar to yeast Get3 with conserved P-loop and TA binding groove. Three cytoplasmic Get3s are identified for S. tuberosum. Taken together, this is the first study to identify TA proteins and GET components in Oryza sativa subsp. Indica and Solanum tuberosum, forming the basis for any further experimental characterization of TA targeting and GET pathway mechanisms in crop plants.  相似文献   

The trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) reductase of Escherichia coli is a soluble periplasmic molybdoenzyme. The precursor of this enzyme possesses a cleavable N-terminal signal sequence which contains a twin-arginine motif. By using various moa, mob and mod mutants defective in different steps of molybdocofactor biosynthesis, we demonstrate that acquisition of the molybdocofactor in the cytoplasm is a prerequisite for the translocation of the TMAO reductase. The activation and translocation of the TMAO reductase precursor are post-translational processes, and activation is dissociable from translocation. The export of the TMAO reductase is driven mainly by the proton motive force, whereas sodium azide exhibits a limited effect on the export. The most intriguing observation is that translocation of the TMAO reductase across the cytoplasmic membrane is independent of the SecY, SecE, SecA and SecB proteins. Depletion of Ffh, a core component of the signal recognition particle of E. coli, appears to have a slight effect on the export of the TMAO reductase. These results strongly suggest that the translocation of the molybdoenzyme TMAO reductase into the periplasm uses a mechanism fundamentally different from general protein translocation.  相似文献   

P-Rex1 is a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the small GTPase Rac that is directly activated by the betagamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins and by the lipid second messenger phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PIP(3)), which is generated by phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). Gbetagamma subunits and PIP(3) are membrane-bound, whereas the intracellular localization of P-Rex1 in basal cells is cytosolic. Activation of PI3K alone is not sufficient to promote significant membrane translocation of P-Rex1. Here we investigated the subcellular localization of P-Rex1 by fractionation of Sf9 cells co-expressing P-Rex1 with Gbetagamma and/or PI3K. In basal, serum-starved cells, P-Rex1 was mainly cytosolic, but 7% of the total was present in the 117,000 x g membrane fraction. Co-expression of P-Rex1 with either Gbetagamma or PI3K caused only an insignificant increase in P-Rex1 membrane localization, whereas Gbetagamma and PI3K together synergistically caused a robust increase in membrane-localized P-Rex1 to 23% of the total. PI3K-driven P-Rex1 membrane recruitment was wortmannin-sensitive. The use of P-Rex1 mutants showed that the isolated Dbl homology/pleckstrin homology domain tandem of P-Rex1 is sufficient for synergistic Gbetagamma- and PI3K-driven membrane localization; that the enzymatic GEF activity of P-Rex1 is not required for membrane translocation; and that the other domains of P-Rex1 (DEP, PDZ, and IP4P) contribute to keeping the enzyme localized in the cytosol of basal cells. In vitro Rac2-GEF activity assays showed that membrane-derived purified P-Rex1 has a higher basal activity than cytosol-derived P-Rex1, but both can be further activated by PIP(3) and Gbetagamma subunits.  相似文献   

Yan G  Luo W  Lu Z  Luo X  Li L  Liu S  Liu Y  Tang M  Dong Z  Cao Y 《Cellular signalling》2007,19(2):341-348
We have previously combined phosphorylation enrichment with proteomics technology to elucidate the novel phosphoproteins in the signaling pathways triggered by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) and shown that LMP1 can increase the phosphorylation level of annexin A2. Here, we further showed that LMP1 increased the serine, but not tyrosine, phosphorylation of annexin A2 by activating a novel signaling pathway, the protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathway. However, LMP1 did not affect the level of annexin A2 expression. In addition, we found that LMP1 induced the nuclear entry of annexin A2 in an energy- and temperature-dependent manner, suggesting that the nuclear entry of annexin A2 is an active process. Treatment of LMP1-expressing cells with the PKC inhibitor myr-psiPKC resulted in annexin A2 being present almost exclusively at cell surface, instead of within the nucleus, suggesting that the nuclear entry of annexin A2 was associated with serine phosphorylation mediated by PKC.  相似文献   

The bacterial toxin colicin Ia forms voltage-gated channels in planar lipid bilayers. The toxin consists of three domains, with the carboxy-terminal domain (C-domain) responsible for channel formation. The C-domain contributes four membrane-spanning segments and a 68-residue translocated segment to the open channel, whereas the upstream domains and the amino-terminal end of the C-domain stay on the cis side of the membrane. The isolated C-domain, lacking the two upstream domains, also forms channels; however, the amino terminus and one of the normally membrane-spanning segments can move across the membrane. (This can be observed as a drop in single-channel conductance.) In longer carboxy-terminal fragments of colicin Ia that include /=90 mV, even a 26-A stopper is translocated. Upon reduction of their disulfide bonds, all of the stoppers are easily translocated, indicating that it is the folded structure, rather than some aspect of the primary sequence, that slows translocation of the stoppers. Thus, the pathway for translocation is >/=26 A in diameter, or can stretch to this value. This is large enough for an alpha-helical hairpin to fit through.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains lacking the Ppz1 protein phosphatase are salt tolerant and display increased expression of the ENA1 Na+-ATPase gene, a major determinant for sodium extrusion, while cells devoid of the similar Ppz2 protein do not show these phenotypes. However, a ppz1 ppz2 mutant displays higher levels of ENA1 expression than the ppz1 strain. We show here that the increased activity of the ENA1 promoter in a ppz1 ppz2 mutant maps to two regions: one region located at −751 to −667, containing a calcineurin-dependent response element (CDRE), and one downstream region (−573 to −490) whose activity responds to intracellular alkalinization. In contrast, the increased ENA1 expression in a ppz1 mutant is mediated solely by an intact calcineurin/Crz1 signaling pathway, on the basis that (i) this effect maps to a single region that contains the CDRE and (ii) it is blocked by the calcineurin inhibitor FK506, as well as by deletion of the CNB1 or CRZ1 gene. The calcineurin dependence of the increased ENA1 expression of a ppz1 mutant would suggest that Ppz1 could negatively regulate calcineurin activity. In agreement with this notion, a ppz1 strain is calcium sensitive, and this mutation does not result in a decrease in the calcium hypertolerance of a cnb1 mutant. It has been shown that ENA1 can be induced by alkalinization of the medium and that a ppz1 ppz2 strain has a higher intracellular pH. However, we present several lines of evidence that show that the gene expression profile of a ppz1 mutant does not involve an alkalinization effect. In conclusion, we have identified a novel role for calcineurin, but not alkalinization, in the control of ENA1 expression in ppz1 mutants.  相似文献   

Cultured IMR-90 diploid human lung fibroblasts respond to withdrawal of serum or growth factors by increasing protein degradation. This increase, due to enhanced transfer of proteins into lysosomes, is specific for a class of intracellular proteins containing peptide sequences biochemically related to Lysine-Phenylalanine-Glutamate-Arginine-Glutamine (KFERQ). This peptide motif is recognized by an intracellular protein which facilitates its transfer into lysosomes in vitro and presumably, in vivo. We called this protein the peptide recognition protein of 73-kilodaltons (prp73). We have shown prp73 to be the constitutive member of the heat shock 70kD family (hsc73) by a variety of criteria. Furthermore, our reconstitution of this pathway of lysosomal degradation in vitro has provided insight in to the molecular mechanisms and requisite biochemical components.  相似文献   

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