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Adult muscle fibres of the frog Rana temporaria were cultured with neurons from embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis. Electron microscopical and electro-physiological examination of the cultures showed that hetero-specific (Xenopus-Rana) neuromuscular junctions were formed in vitro. Nerve processes, without any Schwann cell covering, made contacts anywhere along a muscle fibre, and the junctions resembled those seen during early regeneration of neuromuscular synapses in situ. Functional contacts, as inferred by the presence of spontaneous miniature endplate potentials, or currents, were more common if the muscle fibres were denervated prior to culturing with neurons. Miniature endplate currents (m.e.p.cs) had a skewed amplitude distribution, with many small events lost in the recording noise, and their mean amplitude was much smaller than that of m.e.p.cs in the original lumbricalis muscle. The time constant of decay of m.e.p.cs in the hetero-specific junctions formed in vitro was several times longer than the decay of m.e.p.cs in the original muscle. Analysis of membrane current noise elicited by ionophoretically applied acetylcholine (ACh) suggests that the slower decay of m.e.p.cs in the junctions formed in vitro is due to a prolonged lifetime of the channels opened by ACh and to repetitive activation of ACh-receptors, which becomes possible because of a comparative lack of cholinesterase in the junctions.  相似文献   

Myoblasts from rudiments of slow and fast muscle, anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) respectively, of 9-day-old quail embryos were cultured in vitro for a period of up to 60 days in order to give rise to well-differentiated muscle fibres. These fibres were innervated by neurons from either quail or mouse embryo spinal cord and their innervation pattern was examined by the visualization of acetylcholine receptors (ACh-R) and of acetylcholinesterase (ACh-E) activity at the neuromuscular contacts. In the culture system used, quail neurons always innervated muscle fibres at several sites and only when a fast-type activity was imposed on these neurons did a reduction in the number of the previously established neuromuscular contacts take place. In contrast, in the muscle fibres innervated by mouse neurons, a spontaneous reduction in the number of the previously established neuromuscular contacts occurred but this spontaneous reduction depended upon the level of differentiation reached by the muscle fibres in vitro. In the cultures of muscle fibres previously innervated by mouse neurons, the addition of quail neurons did not provoke any modification in the initial innervation pattern, and no quail ACh-R cluster was observed. In contrast, in the muscle fibres previously innervated by quail neurons, the mouse neurons contacted these fibres, resulting in a decrease in the number of quail ACh-R clusters. These results emphasize the part played by neurons in the establishment of the innervation pattern when muscle fibres have reached a high level of differentiation. In vitro, the slow and fast characteristics of the muscle fibres do not influence this pattern.  相似文献   

Formation of neuromuscular connections in mammals may involve a hierarchy of efficiency of synapse formation at a stage when motor nerves have already contacted muscle fibers and during the transitional period of multiple innervation. In an attempt to test for such a hierarchy, we examined, in neonatal rats, the relative efficiency of reinnervation by foreign or original nerves implanted simultaneously in a large muscle so that competition for muscle fibers was minimized. The tibial nerve, containing gastrocnemius nerve fibers, and the “foreign” peroneal nerve were implanted into the denervated lateral gastrocnemius muscle. One to five months later, indirect tetanic tensions obtained upon stimulating the implanted nerves were measured by isometric techniques and were compared to contralateral control muscles. When both nerves were implanted side by side at the end-plate region, approximately equal tetanic tensions were obtained at the time of testing. The same result was also obtained when the tibial and common peroneal nerves were implanted into non-end-plate and end-plate regions, respectively. However, in the reverse experiment, the tibial nerve implanted at the end-plate region produced significantly higher tetanic tension than the peroneal nerve at the non-end-plate site in the same muscle. Thus, the original nerve, compared to a foreign nerve, appeared to reinnervate neonatal muscle more effectively, but this was only revealed under conditions where access to former end-plate regions was unequal.  相似文献   

Myogenic cells from regenerating adult rat muscle were compared in culture with embryonic myoblasts. No differences were found in their growth rates or fusion characteristics. Embryonic and regenerating cells fused with one another to form mosaic myotubes. Both showed the same increase in creatine kinase activity and shift in isozyme profile following fusion. These results support the view that myogenic cells from regenerating muscle are essentially the same as embryonic myoblasts.  相似文献   

Early rise of cytosolic Ca2+ induced by NGF in PC12 and chromaffin cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A rise of cytosolic Ca2+ is induced by NGF in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 and bovine chromaffin cells investigated (both in suspension and while attached to polyornithine-coated glass slides) by fluorescence techniques (with quin-2 and fura-2). The effect of NGF on [Ca2+]i is delayed (30-40 s of lag phase), slow (t1/2 = 40 s), relatively small (+50-75%) and persistent (over 10 min). It is due to Ca2+ influx (requires extracellular Ca2+ greater than 10 microM) through a pathway different from the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel, possibly accompanied by intracellular Ca2+ redistribution, and might play a messenger role in NGF action.  相似文献   

We found that a monokine induced by interferon-gamma (Mig, CXCL9), which belongs to the CXC chemokine subfamily, acts as a neurotrophic factor on PC12 cells and rat primary sympathetic neurons. PC12 cells were shown to express a single class of high affinity binding sites for Mig (670 receptors/cell, Kd = 2.9 nm). Mig induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Comparison of extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathways between Mig and nerve growth factor (NGF) revealed that these pathways are crucial for Mig action as well as NGF. K252a, an inhibitor of tyrosine autophosphorylation of tyrosine kinase receptors (Trks) did not inhibit the action of Mig, suggesting that Mig action occurs via a different receptor from that of NGF. Furthermore, Mig as well as NGF promoted PC12 survival under serum-free conditions and activated Akt/protein kinase B downstream from phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). Because the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 prevented the Mig- and NGF-induced survival effect, this effect is probably mediated by the PI3K signaling pathway. Mig also promoted survival of rat primary sympathetic neurons that die when deprived of NGF. These results suggest that chemokines, including Mig (CXCL9) have neurotrophic effects on the nervous system.  相似文献   

The early and late gene products of human adenovirus type 12 (Ad12), as well as the viral proteins synthesized in an Ad12-transformed cell line, were identified by translation of viral mRNA in an in vitro protein-synthesizing system. Cytoplasmic RNA was isolated from permissive KB or nonpermissive BHK cells infected with Ad12 and from Ad12-transformed HA12/7 cells. Virus-specific RNA was selected by hybridization to Ad12 DNA covalently bound to cellulose. Viral RNA was then translated in a fractionated rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system or in wheat germ S-30 extracts. The proteins synthesized were characterized by immunoprecipitation and subsequent electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. RNA prepared from KB cells late after infection with Ad12 elicited the synthesis of most of the structural polypeptides of the virion and at least two presumably nonstructural Ad12 proteins. When viral RNA isolated early after infection of KB cells with Ad12 was translated in vitro, 10 polypeptides were observed: E-68K, E-50K, E-42K, E-39K, E-34K, E-21K, E-19K, E-13K, E-12K, and E-10K. Ad12-specific RNA was also isolated from the Ad12-transformed hamster cell line HA12/7, which contains several copies of the Ad12 genome integrated in the host genome. The RNA codes for at least seven polypeptides with molecular weights very similar to those of the early viral proteins.  相似文献   

Although peroxynitrite stimulates apoptosis in many cell types, whether peroxynitrite acts directly as an oxidant or the induction of apoptosis is because of the radicals derived from peroxynitrite decomposition remains unknown. Before undergoing apoptosis because of trophic factor deprivation, primary motor neuron cultures become immunoreactive for nitrotyrosine. We show here using tyrosine-containing peptides that free radical processes mediated by peroxynitrite decomposition products were required for triggering apoptosis in primary motor neurons and in PC12 cells cultures. The same concentrations of tyrosine-containing peptides required to prevent the nitration and apoptosis of motor neurons induced by trophic factor deprivation and of PC12 cells induced by peroxynitrite also prevented peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of motor neurons, brain homogenates, and PC12 cells. The heat shock protein 90 chaperone was nitrated in both trophic factor-deprived motor neurons and PC12 cells incubated with peroxynitrite. Tyrosine-containing peptides did not affect the induction of PC12 cell death by hydrogen peroxide. Tyrosine-containing peptides should protect by scavenging peroxynitrite-derived radicals and not by direct reactions with peroxynitrite as they neither increase the rate of peroxynitrite decomposition nor decrease the bimolecular peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation of thiols. These results reveal an important role for free radical-mediated nitration of tyrosine residues, in apoptosis induced by endogenously produced and exogenously added peroxynitrite; moreover, tyrosine-containing peptides may offer a novel strategy to neutralize the toxic effects of peroxynitrite.  相似文献   

Yang W  Liu P  Liu Y  Wang Q  Tong Y  Ji J 《Proteomics》2006,6(10):2982-2990
PC12 cell line is well documented and widely applied as many kinds of models in neurobiological and neurochemical studies. Yet a thorough proteomic analysis has not been performed so far. Here we report the construction of a large-scale 2-D protein database for PC12 cells. The proteins extracted from PC12 cells were separated by 2-DE and identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. A total of 1080 protein spots, excised from three different 2-D gels, were identified with high confidence. These proteins represent 474 different gene products, mainly binding proteins and enzymes. Three hundred and seven identified protein spots were located in the low-molecular weight region below 20 kDa. This database today represents one of the largest 2-D databases for higher eukaryotic cell proteomes and for low-molecular weight proteins. In addition, fragment ion spectra obtained by TOF/TOF confirmed that calcylin in PC12 cells was N-acetylated. The database of PC12 proteome is expected to be a powerful tool for neuroscientists.  相似文献   

The micropipet aspiration technique and the parallel-plate flow chamber were used to investigate the deformation and detachment properties, respectively, of normal and transformed rat fibroblasts. The normal Cloned Rat Embryo Fibroblasts (CREF) cell line was transfected with the T24ras oncogene to produce the transformed cell line CREF T24. The CREF T24 cell line was transfected with a Kirstenras revertant gene (K-rev 1a suppressor) to produce the CT24HKB1 cells, which have the same morphological characteristics as the cells in the CREF line. The cells utilized in this investigation were derived from the parent cell line CREF, the only differences being the presence or absence of the T24ras oncogene and the Kirstenras revertant gene. The detachment and deformation properties, therefore, could be related to the metastatic phenotype of the cell rather than inherent differences between disparate cell lines. Results indicated that transfecting the CREF cell line with theras oncogene greatly modified the detachment and deformation properties. The CREF T24 cells were more easily detached from normal cells and were 50% more deformable. Both CREF and CT24HKB1 showed similar detachment properties. Based on these results, it is speculated that K-rev la reversedras- induced membrane alterations in these cells. Preliminary investigations have demonstrated that both CREF and CREF T24 cells in different phases of the cell cycle differed in morphological characteristics. However, the majority of the cells within a given cell line showed similar deformation characteristics. Current investigations are focusing on characterization of both detachment and deformation properties of these cells as a function of the cell cycle using synchronization techniques.  相似文献   

We have examined phosphorylation of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor in cultured sympathetic neurons and PC12 cells. Dissociated rat superior cervical ganglion neurons or PC12 cells were incubated with 32Pi to label cellular phosphoproteins. Membrane proteins were solubilized, and NGF receptor proteins were immunoprecipitated with the monoclonal antibody 192-IgG. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography showed that NGF receptor components of Mr = 80,000 and Mr = 210,000 were phosphorylated. Phosphorylation of neither species was affected by treating the cells with NGF or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. When the 80,000-Da protein was subjected to complete trypsin proteolysis and then analyzed by reverse phase liquid chromatography, two 32P-labeled peptides were resolved. The more hydrophobic peptide accounted for most of the 32P and contained only phosphoserine; the other peptide contained phosphoserine and phosphothreonine. No phosphotyrosine was detected in the receptor proteins. When receptor molecules from nonlabeled PC12 cells were immunoprecipitated and then incubated in vitro with [gamma-32P]ATP and the cAMP-independent protein kinase FA/GSK-3, phosphorylation occurred predominantly on serine and to a lesser extent on threonine. However, the immunoprecipitated receptor proteins neither autophosphorylated nor were they detectably phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, casein kinase II, or protein kinase C (the Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme). We conclude that binding units of the NGF receptor are phosphorylated constitutively in at least two sites in intact cells and that they can be phosphorylated by FA/GSK-3 in vitro.  相似文献   

Little is known about the interactions between nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs and mAChRs). Here we report that methacholine (MCh), a selective agonist of mAChRs, inhibited up to 80% of nicotine-induced nAChR currents in sympathetic superior cervical ganglion neurons and adrenal chromaffin cells. The muscarine-induced inhibition (MiI) substantially reduced ACh-induced membrane currents through nAChRs and quantal neurotransmitter release. The MiI was time- and temperature-dependent. The slow recovery of nAChR current after washout of MCh, as well as the high value of Q10 (3.2), suggested, instead of a direct open-channel blockade, an intracellular metabotropic process. The effects of GTP-γ-S, GDP-β-S and pertussis toxin suggested that MiI was mediated by G-protein signalling. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (bisindolymaleimide–Bis), protein kinase A (H89) and PIP2 depletion attenuated the MiI, indicating that a second messenger pathway is involved in this process. Taken together, these data suggest that mAChRs negatively modulated nAChRs via a G-protein-mediated second messenger pathway. The time dependence suggests that MiI may provide a novel mechanism for post-synaptic adaptation in all cells/neurons and synapses expressing both types of AChRs.  相似文献   

In human cell lines, the caspase 2 adaptor RAIDD interacts selectively with caspase 2 through its caspase recruitment domain (CARD) and leads to caspase 2-dependent death. Whether RAIDD induces such effects in neuronal cells is unknown. We have previously shown that caspase 2 is essential for apoptosis of trophic factor-deprived PC12 cells and rat sympathetic neurons. We report here that rat RAIDD, cloned from PC12 cells, interacts with rat caspase 2 CARD. RAIDD overexpression induced caspase 2 CARD- and caspase 9-dependent apoptosis of PC12 cells and sympathetic neurons. Apoptosis correlated with the formation of discrete perinuclear aggregates. Both death and aggregates required the expression of full-length RAIDD. Such aggregates may enable more effective activation of caspase 2 through close proximity. Following trophic deprivation, RAIDD overexpression increased death and aggregate formation. Therefore, RAIDD aggregation is important for its death-promoting effects and may play a role in trophic factor withdrawal-induced neuronal apoptosis.  相似文献   

The epidermal cells isolated from 14-day chicken embryo shank skin epidermis were infected in vitro with Rous sarcoma virus (RSV). Within a few weeks, rapidly growing colonies of epithelial cells appeared among the sea of transformed fibroblastic cells. When isolated and subcultured, these cells were found to possess typical markers of skin epidermis. The presence of major keratin and typical epithelial cell type morphology strongly suggested that these cells were transformed epidermal cells retaining their differentiated characteristics but having the capacity to propagate in cell culture. If RSV tsNY68, an RSV mutant having a temperature lesion in the src gene, was used, similar transformed epidermal cells were obtained at 36 degrees C (permissive temperature). At the nonpermissive temperature (41 degrees C) the growth rate of these cells decreased and additional keratin species appeared. At 41 degrees C the cells were flattened and lost the refractivity in their peripheries. All the keratins which are synthesized at the nonpermissive temperature were present in normal differentiated shank skin of 19-day old chick embryo. These cells also had "cornified envelop," indicating extensive differentiation. Viral production was as efficient as transformed fibroblasts during the rapid growth phase, while it declined significantly after the cells reached confluency, exhibiting the differentiated characteristics. Since no normal epidermal cells could be cultured under our experimental conditions, these results represent examples in which the src gene is essential for propagation of differentiated cells in cell culture while it abolishes only a part of differentiated characteristics.  相似文献   

The micropipet aspiration technique and the parallel-plate flow chamber were used to investigate the deformation and detachment properties, respectively, of normal and transformed rat fibroblasts. The normal Cloned Rat Embryo Fibroblasts (CREF) cell line was transfected with the T24 ras oncogene to produce the transformed cell line CREF T24. The CREF T24 cell line was transfected with a Kirsten ras revertant gene (K-rev 1a suppressor) to produce the CT24HKB1 cells, which have the same morphological characteristics as the cells in the CREF line. The cells utilized in this investigation were derived from the parent cell line CREF, the only differences being the presence or absence of the T24 ras oncogene and the Kirsten ras revertant gene. The detachment and deformation properties, therefore, could be related to the metastatic phenotype of the cell rather than inherent differences between disparate cell lines. Results indicated that transfecting the CREF cell line with the ras oncogene greatly modified the detachment and deformation properties. The CREF T24 cells were more easily detached from normal cells and were 50% more deformable. Both CREF and CT24HKB1 showed similar detachment properties. Based on these results, it is speculated that K-rev 1a reversed ras-induced membrane alterations in these cells. Preliminary investigations have demonstrated that both CREF and CREF T24 cells in different phases of the cell cycle differed in morphological characteristics. However, the majority of the cells within a given cell line showed similar deformation characteristics. Current investigations are focusing on characterization of both detachment and deformation properties of these cells as a function of the cell cycle using synchronization techniques.  相似文献   

The growth of two normal and four transformed rat liver epithelial cell lines in a methionine-containing medium and a methionine-deficient medium supplemented with homocysteine was examined. The growth rates of the normal cells on the homocysteine-supplemented medium were approximately one-half the growth rates shown by the same cells in the methionine-containing medium. In contrast, three of the four transformed cell lines studied showed virtually no growth on the homocysteine-supplemented medium, although they grew quite rapidly on the methionine-containing medium. The fourth, transformed by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, was able to grow on the homocysteine-supplemented medium at about one-third the rate as on the methionine-containing medium. Thus, transformed rat liver epithelial cells resemble other malignant cells in their reduced capacity to grow on homocysteine in the absence of methionine.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that mesenchymal cells derived from bone marrow may differentiate into not only mesenchymal lineage cells but also other lineage cells. There is possibility for insulin-producing cells (IPCs) to be differentiated from mesenchymal cells. We used self-functional repair stimuli of stem cells by partial injury. Rat pancreatic extract (RPE) from the regenerating pancreas (2 days after 60% pancreatectomy) was treated to rat mesenchymal cells. After the treatment of RPE, they made clusters like islet of Langerhans within a week and expressed four pancreatic endocrine hormones; insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide, and somatostatin. Moreover, IPCs released insulin in response to normal glucose challenge. Here we demonstrate that the treatment of RPE can differentiate rat mesenchymal cells into IPCs which can be a potential source for the therapy of diabetes.  相似文献   

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