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F. A. Fattah 《Plant and Soil》1988,109(2):195-198
Wheat,Triticum aestivum L. cv. Mexipak was artificially inoculated withAnguina tritici (Steinb.) under field conditions. Nematode inocula: 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 g of seed galls/50 seeds or, germinated seeds of wheat (sown in a 1-m long row) were either added as intact seed galls or as a suspension of 2nd stage juveniles. Inoculation of ungerminated seeds with juveniles produced the highest incidence of ear-cockle disease. Whereas, intact seed galls inocula produced the highest incidence of tundu disease. Ear-cockle incidence was always greater than that of tundu at all treatments. The highest reduction in grain yield was associated with the treatments that caused the highest incidence of tundu disease.  相似文献   

Recent (13) CO(2) canopy pulse chase labeling studies revealed that photosynthesis influences the carbon isotopic composition of soil respired CO(2) (δ(13) C(SR)) even on a diel timescale. However, the driving mechanisms underlying these short-term responses remain unclear, in particular under drought conditions. The gas exchange of CO(2) isotopes of canopy and soil was monitored in drought/nondrought-stressed beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings after (13) CO(2) canopy pulse labeling. A combined canopy/soil chamber system with gas-tight separated soil and canopy compartments was coupled to a laser spectrometer measuring mixing ratios and isotopic composition of CO(2) in air at high temporal resolution. The measured δ(13) C(SR) signal was then explained and substantiated by a mechanistic carbon allocation model. Leaf metabolism had a strong imprint on diel cycles in control plants, as a result of an alternating substrate supply switching between sugar and transient starch. By contrast, diel cycles in drought-stressed plants were determined by the relative contributions of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration throughout the day. Drought reduced the speed of the link between photosynthesis and soil respiration by a factor of c. 2.5, depending on the photosynthetic rate. Drought slows the coupling between photosynthesis and soil respiration and alters the underlying mechanism causing diel variations of δ(13) C(SR).  相似文献   

Two Chinese cultivars of Glycine max, namely Heidou and Jindou, were exposed to ambient and supplemental levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation simulating a 24% depletion in stratospheric ozone over a 9-week growing period at an outdoor experimental site. Enhanced UV-B irradiation significantly reduced leaf, stem and root biomass, and plant height in the Heidou cultivar. These changes were associated with a diminished photosynthetic (net CO2) rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and water use efficiency, and accompanied by decreased foliar chlorophyll a and b, and total carotenoid concentrations and elevated foliar flavonoid levels. In contrast, the Jindou cultivar displayed only a significantly reduced stem mass and stomatal conductance, but no changes in pigment composition under elevated UV-B. The greater tolerance of elevated UV-B exposures by the Jindou cultivar was attributed partly to its higher foliar flavonoid content, smaller leaf size, thicker leaf cuticle and scabrous (hairy) lamina. Nevertheless both the Heidou cultivar and the less UV-B sensitive Jindou cultivar displayed an altered carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in their tissues following exposure to elevated UV-B. Such carbon isotope composition changes in plant tissues suggested a means of early detection of photosynthetic disruption in plants with anticipated increase in UV-B due to stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Two hypotrichous ciliates, Paraurostyla wuhanensis nov. spec. from Wuhan (China) and a new North American population of the Paraurostyla weissei complex, were studied based on live observations and protargol impregnation. Paraurostyla wuhanensis nov. spec. differs from the congeners by the combined features of having six or seven frontal cirri, 2–4 frontoventral cirri, 5–7 ventral rows, and yellow-greenish cortical granules. Ontogenesis proceeds as in the type species, except that fewer frontoventral cirri are formed in the new species. The morphology of the new population of the Paraurostyla weissei complex corresponds well with other American populations. In the phylogenetic trees based on the 18S rRNA gene, Paraurostyla sequences nest in a large clade together with Apoamphisiella and Notohymena. Monophyly of Paraurostyla is rejected by the results of the approximately unbiased test analyses. Morphological, morphogenetic, and phylogenetic analyses show a close relationship between the North American populations of the Paraurostyla weissei complex and Apoamphisiella, indicating that the taxonomic position of the former needs to be reassigned. A new combination, viz. Apoamphisiella polymicronucleata (Merriman, 1937) comb. nov., a reevaluation of the Paraurostyla weissei complex, and emended diagnoses of Paraurostyla and Apoamphisiella, are provided.  相似文献   

The simultaneous effects of habitat traits and interspecific interactions determine the occurrence and habitat use of wildlife populations. However, little research has been devoted to examining spatial co-occurrence among closely related species while considering the effect of habitat variation and imperfect detectability of species in the field. In this study, we focused on migratory and resident 'wood-warblers' that coexist during the winter in a Neotropical working landscape in southern Mexico to understand if habitat occupancy of resident wood-warblers is influenced by habitat characteristics and by the presence of other species of resident and migratory wood-warblers. For this purpose, we implemented two-species occupancy models, which account for the imperfect detectability of these birds in the field. Our results revealed that habitat occupancy of resident wood-warblers was positively influenced by the presence of other closely related species (both migratory and resident). These positive relationships may be explained by the fact that different species of wood-warblers frequently participate in mixed-species flocks. However, these patterns of species co-occurrence were more evident among resident species than between migratory and resident species, which may be explained by micro-habitat segregation and differences in behaviours between resident and migratory wood-warblers. We also found that some habitat characteristics may mediate the observed patterns of species co-occurrence. Specifically, sites with larger trees were associated with the co-occurrence of some species of resident wood-warblers. In addition, we discuss the possibility that species co-occurrence might be the result of shared preferences for environmental factors that we did not consider. Our study highlights the importance of the interplay between species co-occurrence and habitat traits in determining the presence and habitat use of resident birds in Neotropical working landscapes.  相似文献   

Farazdaghi H 《Bio Systems》2011,103(2):265-284
Photosynthesis is the origin of oxygenic life on the planet, and its models are the core of all models of plant biology, agriculture, environmental quality and global climate change. A theory is presented here, based on single process biochemical reactions of Rubisco, recognizing that: In the light, Rubisco activase helps separate Rubisco from the stored ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), activates Rubisco with carbamylation and addition of Mg2+, and then produces two products, in two steps: (Step 1) Reaction of Rubisco with RuBP produces a Rubisco-enediol complex, which is the carboxylase-oxygenase enzyme (Enco) and (Step 2) Enco captures CO2 and/or O2 and produces intermediate products leading to production and release of 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA) and Rubisco. PGA interactively controls (1) the carboxylation-oxygenation, (2) electron transport, and (3) triosephosphate pathway of the Calvin-Benson cycle that leads to the release of glucose and regeneration of RuBP. Initially, the total enzyme participates in the two steps of the reaction transitionally and its rate follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics. But, for a continuous steady state, Rubisco must be divided into two concurrently active segments for the two steps. This causes a deviation of the steady state from the transitional rate. Kinetic models are developed that integrate the transitional and the steady state reactions. They are tested and successfully validated with verifiable experimental data. The single-process theory is compared to the widely used two-process theory of Farquhar et al. (1980. Planta 149, 78-90), which assumes that the carboxylation rate is either Rubisco-limited at low CO2 levels such as CO2 compensation point, or RuBP regeneration-limited at high CO2. Since the photosynthesis rate cannot increase beyond the two-process theory's Rubisco limit at the CO2 compensation point, net photosynthesis cannot increase above zero in daylight, and since there is always respiration at night, it leads to progressively negative daily CO2 fixation with no possibility of oxygenic life on the planet. The Rubisco-limited theory at low CO2 also contradicts all experimental evidence for low substrate reactions, and for all known enzymes, Rubisco included.  相似文献   

Synopsis We describe the short-term patterns of egg production and release in the lemon tetra, Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis (Characidae) as observed over a six month aquarium study and then use our results and those of others to both describe general patterns and derive comparative predictions. Female lemon tetras ovulated about once every four days; differences among individuals were small and inconsistent. As in other species, the probability of ovulation depended strongly on time since last ovulation, indicative of an ovarian cycle; furthermore we found no obvious long-term patterns of ovulation within females and batch fecundity was independent of the length of the two previous interovulation intervals and of the one following. Each batch of ovulated eggs was released over an average of 23.1 spawning acts, beginning as soon as the lights went on in the morning. The number of spawning acts increased with ovulation fecundity but decreased with the number of other females spawning in the tank on that day. The mass of eggs produced every four days was greater than that of the remaining ovary, and the mass of eggs that could be produced in a season was greater than that of the female. This latter observation highlights the most important consequence of repeated reproduction within a season - increased reproductive output - and leads to predictions associating it with less seasonal environments (e.g. low latitudes), as well as with small ovaries and small body size. The significance of releasing a batch of eggs over many spawning acts remains unknown.  相似文献   

Microscopic turgor-operated gas valves on leaf surfaces—stomata—facilitate gas exchange between the plant and the atmosphere, and respond to multiple environmental and endogenous cues. Collectively, stomatal activities affect everything from the productivity of forests, grasslands and crops to biophysical feedbacks between land surface vegetation and climate. In 1976, plant physiologist Paul Jarvis reported an empirical model describing stomatal responses to key environmental and plant conditions that predicted the flux of water vapour from leaves into the surrounding atmosphere. Subsequent theoretical advances, building on this earlier approach, established the current paradigm for capturing the physiological behaviour of stomata that became incorporated into sophisticated models of land carbon cycling. However, these models struggle to accurately predict observed trends in the physiological responses of Northern Hemisphere forests to recent atmospheric CO2 increases, highlighting the need for improved representation of the role of stomata in regulating forest–climate interactions. Bridging this gap between observations and theory as atmospheric CO2 rises and climate change accelerates creates challenging opportunities for the next generation of physiologists to advance planetary ecology and climate science. This commentary was written to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.  相似文献   

The integrity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall requires a functional Pkc1–Slt2 MAP kinase pathway that contributes to transient growth arrest, enabling coordination of cell division with cell wall remodelling. How this coordination takes place is still an open question. Recently, we brought evidence that Knr4 protein, whose absence leads to several cell wall defects, may play a role in this function. Here, we show that Knr4 is a monomeric protein that exhibits an aberrant mobility on a SDS-gel electrophoresis and a non-globular structure. Furthermore, Knr4 is an unstable protein that is degraded as cells enter the stationary phase of growth, while its corresponding gene is constitutively expressed. In exponentially growing cells on glucose, Knr4 appeared to be present in a protein complex that migrates with an apparent Mw superior to 250 kDa. Using the TAP–tag methodology, nine potential partners of Knr4 were identified, which could be distributed into three biological processes. A first group consisted of Slt2 and Pil1, two proteins dedicated to cell wall maintenance and biogenesis. The second group comprised four proteins (Bud6, Act1, Cin8 and Jnm1) implicated in the establishment of cell polarity and bud integrity during mitosis. The last group contained four proteins (Asc1, Ubc1, Hsc82 and Gvp36) that probably deal with the stability/degradation of proteins. Deletion analysis revealed that the domain of interaction covered 2/3 of the Knr4 sequence on the N-terminal side. Moreover, the replacement of the two in vivo phosphorylated Ser200 and Ser203 by alanines led to a mutated protein with reduced protein interactions and a weaker complementation ability towards knr4 null mutant phenotypes. These results together with previous data from genome scale two-hybrid and synthetic interaction screens support the notion that Knr4 is a regulatory protein that participates in the coordination of cell wall synthesis with bud emergence, and that this function may be modulated by phosphorylation of this protein.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether wearing common white sportswear can reduce heat stress more than being semi-nude during exercise of different intensities performed under radiant heat and wind conditions, such as a hot summer day. After a 20-min rest period, eight male subjects performed three 20 min sessions of cycling exercise at a load intensity of 20 % or 50 % of their peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in a room maintained at a wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) of 28.7?±?0.1 °C using two spot lights and a fan (0.8 m/s airflow). Subjects wore common white sportswear (WS) consisting of a long-sleeved shirt (45 % cotton and 55 % polyester) and short pants (100 % polyester), or only swimming pants (SP) under the semi-nude condition. The mean skin temperature \( \left(\overline{T} sk\right) \) was greater when subjects wore SP than WS under both the 20 % and 50 % exercise conditions. During the 50 % exercise, the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and thermal sensation (TS), and the increases in esophageal temperature (ΔTes) and heart rate were significantly higher (P?<?0.001–0.05), or tended to be higher (P?<?0.07), in the WS than SP trials at the end of the third 20-min exercise session. The total sweat loss (m sw,tot) was also significantly higher in the WS than in the SP trials (P?<?0.05). However, during the 20 % exercise, the m sw,tot during exercise, and the ΔTes, RPE and TS at the end of the second and third sessions of exercise did not differ significant between conditions. The heat storage (S), calculated from the changes in the mean body temperature (0.9Tes + 0.1 \( \overline{T} sk \) ), was significantly lower in the WS trials than in the SP trials during the 20 min resting period before exercise session. However, S was similar between conditions during the 20 % exercise, but was greater in the WS than in the SP trials during 50 % exercise. These results suggest that, under conditions of radiant heat and wind at a WBGT greater than 28 °C, the heat stress associated with wearing common WS is similar to that of being semi-nude during light exercise, but was greater during moderate exercise, and the storage of body heat can be reduced by wearing WS during rest periods.  相似文献   

A recent article published by Diedrich (2011a, Hist Biol. iFirst online, 1–19, doi: 10.1080/08912963.2011.575938) aspired to provide a complete revision of the known material of the placodont genus Cyamodus Meyer, 1863 from the Germanic Basin of central Europe. It is the latest in a series of similar articles by the same author (see Diedrich 2010, Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol. 285(3–4):287–306; 2011b, Nat Sci. 3(1):9–27 for overview) focussing on the European members of the Placodontia (Reptilia: Sauropterygia), a diverse group of enigmatic marine reptiles known from Triassic shallow marine deposits. In a similar fashion to some previous works by Diedrich (see Tintori 2011, Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol. 300(1–4):205–207 for similar points of criticism), this newest article demonstrates a narrow scope of presenting and discussing data, including omitted articles relevant to the topic, and over-interpretation of results, all with the aim of embedding the idea of placodonts being herbivorous Triassic ‘sea cows’ feeding on macroalgae (Diedrich 2010, 2011b). The present contribution is intended to clarify mistakes and misinterpretations made by Diedrich (2011a), to incorporate vital citations previously omitted which allow alternative interpretations, and to put the paper into perspective by including a more general evolutionary and paleoecological overview of the remaining placodonts.  相似文献   

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