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2001-2003年在北京进行了2个年度的冬小麦小量播种秋播试验.2001-2002年,在22.5kg/hm2播量中,参试品种DS 1号的最好产量是5589.0kg/hm2.2002-2003年度,在22.5kg/hm2播量处理中,京411、鲁麦21、晋麦73、DS 1号的产量分别达到8537.7、7403.7、7353.75和6836.25kg/hm2.试验中,旗叶的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔阻力、CO2传导度和叶肉细胞CO2浓度表明植株的生理功能较旺盛.硝酸还原酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性较高,表明植株代谢活动较强.在产量构成因素中,这些品种的单株穗数较多.  相似文献   

水分胁迫效应对冬小麦生长发育影响的试验研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用大型水分试验场遮雨棚遮档自然降水,采用人工定量补水进水进行冬小麦土壤占田间持量40%-50%、45%-50%、50%-55%、50%-60%、55%-60%、60%-70%持续时间分别为5、10、15d水分胁迫处理的控制试验。试验结果表明:控制结束复水后,50%-60%、55%-70%水分胁迫处理诱发冬小麦根、茎、叶、总生物量显著增长或明显减缓其衰老速率。土壤含水量占田间持水量50%-60%处理,具有明显的增产、节水效率,确定土壤含水量占田间持水量55%为冬小麦拔期水分胁迫应增产节水的水分临界指标。  相似文献   

冬小麦水肥产量交互效应模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用人工控制土壤含水量的方法,对冬小麦水肥产量的交互效应研究结果表明,增加施肥量可提高冬小麦对土壤水利用程度。但低供水高施肥和高供水低施肥土壤水分的无效消耗增加,不利于提高水分生产效率。要获得理想产量必须量水施肥,才能提高水分生产效率。  相似文献   

冬小麦粒叶比杂种优势及遗传效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用9个冬小麦品种按5×4不完全双列杂交设计组配20个杂交组合,对小麦粒叶比的杂种优势和遗传效应进行分析。结果表明,小麦粒叶比表现出一定的杂种优势;一般配合力和特殊配合力方差均达极显著水平,说明亲本的粒叶比差异及杂交互作均对F1代产生遗传差异,该试验中石6021、农大99260080等的一般配合力较大,石6021×农大99260080、鲁麦14×济南17等组合的特殊配合力较大,产生了较强的杂种优势;粒叶比遗传符合加性-显性遗传模型,但以加性效应为主,其遗传决定度达87.65%,狭义遗传力为64.71%;在高粒叶比品种选育上应重视高粒叶比亲本筛选利用和杂交后代的早代选择。  相似文献   

农田秸秆覆盖对冬小麦水氮效应的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过田间试验研究了杨凌红油土农田秸秆覆盖条件下冬小麦的水氮效应.结果表明,秸秆覆盖使土壤水分状况明显改善,从而使补充灌水的效果相应减小,氮肥的作用更加突出;无覆盖条件下,水氮交互效应均为负值,而秸秆覆盖时水氮有正的交互作用.旱地秸秆覆盖条件下更应重视养分的投入.无秸秆覆盖条件下小麦取得高产的基础是良好的土壤底墒和充足的氮肥.秸秆覆盖使小麦达到最高产量所需要的灌水量降低,灌水时期后延.不论有无秸秆覆盖,拔节期灌水对冬小麦籽粒产量没有显著影响.  相似文献   

研究结果表明,与冬小麦-夏玉米平作和春玉米单作相比,冬小麦-春玉米-夏玉米复合种植模式各作物生残生长时期均处于高空间生态位,田间光、温、气等生态条件得以改善,改平面受光为立体受光,作物群体内相对光强明显提高,而且各作物行间地温升高种植带内风速加大,均有利于提高籽粒灌浆的强度和速度。同时,在籽粒灌浆过程中,各作物功能叶片内叶绿素含量和光合速率均比冬小麦夏玉米一年两熟平作或玉米单作有所提高,这是冬小麦-春玉米复合种植模式主要增产原因之一。  相似文献   

小量播种条件下冬小麦的产量效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2001~2003年在北京进行了2个年度的秋播,研究冬小麦在小量播种条件下的产量效应.结果表明,在22.5kg·hm^-2播量处理中,DS1号和临抗1号的平均最高产量分别达6836.25和7353.75kg·hm^-2,在一些重复小区中,产量超过7500kg·hm^-2,小量播种试验中,参试品种有正常的生育表现.麦苗的总糖、脯氨酸、赖氨酸含量较高,单株分蘖能力强.旗叶净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔阻力、CO2传导度和叶肉细胞CO2浓度表明植株的生理功能较旺盛.硝酸还原酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性较高,表明植株代谢活性较强.在产量结构中,单株穗数多.在小量播种生产中,品种选择是前提,播量确定是关键。  相似文献   

冬小麦品种粒重叶比的遗传研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Winter wheat was sown on 2 dates with 3 levels of nitrogen fiertiliser (0, 50 and 200 kg N ha−1) in one year and on 2 sites in a followign season. Shoot and root development and growth were measured between emergence and anthesis in the first season and emergence and 7 mainstem leaves in the second. Differences in temperature and light regime led to significant differences in shoot and root development and growth between sowing dates. A thermal time-scale, based on soil surface or air temperatures, with a base of 0°C, adequately described the production of mainstem leaves and nodal root axes over all treatments. Autumn applied nitrogen had little effect on development. Shoot growth and green area index increased exponentially with thermal time prior to spring nitrogen application and the completion of canopy development. Early-sown crops had larger root systems than late-sown crops prior to winter and this divergence was retained until anthesis. The relationship between root growth and thermal time was little better than with days after sowing and was not improved by either varying the site of temperature measurement or the base temperature used for calculation. Differences in soil texture and drainage, between sites, led to significant changes in root length distribution. Although spring applied nitrogen generally increased root length, its effects were inconsistent. There was a curvilinear relation between root length and the amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted; this relation was unaffected by sowing date or nitrogen treatment. The amount of root produced per unit PAR decreased as the season progressed, reflecting the decrease in the proportion of total dry matter partitioned to the root system.  相似文献   

田间增温对半干旱区春小麦生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所定西气象和生态环境试验站,利用开放式红外增温系统设置增加0 ℃(对照)、1 ℃、2 ℃3个温度梯度,模拟田间增温对春小麦生长发育、产量及产量构成因素的影响.结果表明: 冠层温度增加1~2 ℃,春小麦的全生育期比对照缩短7~11 d.生育前期增温使株高增高,叶面积指数增大;从拔节期开始增温使株高和叶面积指数降低,且增温2 ℃处理的效应大于增温1 ℃处理.温度升高导致叶绿素含量降低,尤其是灌浆后期到乳熟期.增温1~2 ℃,产量较对照降低25.4%~45.5%,主要是由于穗粒数和穗粒质量显著减少.增温处理明显降低了春小麦田间土壤贮水量,0~100 cm土壤贮水消耗量随温度的增加呈逐渐增加趋势,而在100 cm以下深层土壤变化趋势不明显.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were grown in columns of soil until early stem elongation at a wide range of constant root temperatures. Two light environments were imposed and three levels of nitrogen fertilizer added at sowing. Shoot and root development and growth were measured by destructive sampling to investigate the combined effects of temperature and changing nutrient and assimilate supply. Both mainstem leaf and root axis production were linearly related to thermal time above a base temperature of 0°C. Low irradiance affected the appearance of mainstem tillers and associated nodal root axes. Nitrogen had little effect on shoot or root development but increased shoot area between 6 and 8 mainstem leaves. Higher temperatures and supplementary light resulted in larger root systems when compared at equivalent times after sowing. Total root length and root dry weight increased exponentially with thermal time, based on the mean of 4 cm soil and 2 cm air temperatures, but no single relation existed for all temperature and light treatments. Total plant dry matter, root length and root dry weight increased linearly with accumulated, intercepted, photosynthetically active radiation. Root growth responded less than the shoot to supplementary light. Increasing temperature reduced the proportion of root weight to total plant weight.  相似文献   

多效抗旱驱鼠剂对田间小麦促长增产效果研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通过多效抗旱驱鼠剂浸种与拌种的田间试验,对小麦12个生长和产量构成因素进行了测定与多元统计分析。结果表明,RPA浓度是决定促长与增产效果的关键。药剂A的700倍水溶液浸种或30-50倍液拌种对苗期促长作用最好;与对照相比,除B的700倍水溶液浸种处理小麦种子,小麦产量比对照降低2.79%,其它处理均有增产作用,增产率为4.79%-98.67%。其中以药剂A的70倍水溶液拌种和C的600倍液浸种,增产效果最为显著,增产幅度达98.49%-98.67%;对11个影响产量因子的通径分析表明,单位面积的有效穗数是决定产量增长率的首要因素。  相似文献   

播期对春小麦生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了给陇中半干旱区春小麦高产栽培提供依据,2010年在甘肃定西进行了春小麦分期播种试验,并对不同播期条件下春小麦生长发育及产量形成进行了分析。结果表明:随着播期的推迟,春小麦播种-抽穗期日数减少、全生育期明显缩短;5月下旬之前,越早播种的春小麦LAI越大,5月下旬之后,播种愈晚春小麦LAI越大。早播春小麦LAI峰值靠前,晚播峰值滞后;6月下旬之前,播期早的春小麦叶绿素含量高于播期晚的,6月下旬之后播期愈早叶绿素含量下降愈快;不同播期春小麦群体生长率和净同化率在孕穗-抽穗期后差异显著,表现为3月18日播期最大,4月7日播期最小。各播期干物质累积在拔节期后表现为快速递增趋势。在拔节期前,早播处理的干物质积累速率较慢。随着播期的推迟,单株干物质最大积累速率出现时间提前,籽粒最大灌浆速率出现时间推迟,千粒重表现为先升后降;灌浆3个阶段各参数受播期影响比较显著;早播春小麦产量最高。  相似文献   

Root development was studied in winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv Starke II) grown at 5,10, 15 and 20°C in nutrient solutions with phosphate concentrations of 10, 100 or 1000 μM . The plants were grown for 38 days (5 and 10°C), 19 days (15°C) or 14 days (20°C). At the end of the cultivation period the phosphate influx in the roots was determined with 32P-phosphate. Root development (lateral and seminal roof length and number) was monitored throughout the cultivation period on the same individuals by repeated (approximately every second day) photocopying of the roots for measurements with digitizer and appropriate software. The 5°C treatment yielded no laterals, and the seminals were only slightly affected by the different phosphate treatments. The 10 μM phosphate treatment gave high root:shoot dry weight ratio, high average lateral root length and high specific root length [m root (g root fresh weight)-1]. The 1000 μM phosphate treatment yielded the highest number of laterals per m seminal root, and usually also the highest absolute numbers. Phosphate influx decreased with increased P status of the roots. It is argued that phosphate influx is dependent on factors such as P status, root geometry and relative root extension rate.  相似文献   

Finnish wheat cultivars, winter wheat ‘Vakka’ and spring wheat ‘Apu’, grown for 9 days at 25° and then for 52 days at 2–4°, were called ‘hardened’. Proteins and esterases of young leaves were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), porosity gradient PAGE (poroPAGE), isoelectric focusing (PAGIF) between pH 3 and 9, and by Na-dodecylsulfate (SDS)-PAGE. Hardened and unhardened leaves have different protein patterns after PAGE, PAGIF, poroPAGE and SDS-PAGE, respectively, as well as for esterases after PAGE and PAGIF. The PAGIF patterns of esterases show distinct changes of two bands especially for hardened leaves of winter wheat, one appearing, the other one disappearing.  相似文献   

钙离子对盐胁迫小麦幼苗氮代谢的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨增强小麦抗盐能力的调控途径,以普通小麦豫麦34为材料,研究了Ca2+对盐胁迫下小麦幼苗氮代谢及生长的影响.采用全营养液培养小麦幼苗至第一片叶完全展开,更换无钙营养液,并开始不同处理.处理分别为低盐胁迫(150 mmol · L-1 NaCl)、低盐胁迫+4 mmol · L-1 Ca2+、高盐胁迫(300 mmol · L-1 NaCl)、高盐胁迫+4mmol · L-1 Ca2+,以无NaCl胁迫的小麦为对照.5 d后取样,测定了氮同化酶活性、代谢物含量、积累量及幼苗生长状况.结果表明,Ca2+明显缓解了低盐胁迫对小麦幼苗的生长抑制,表现在鲜重、叶绿素及可溶性蛋白含量的增加,而对高盐胁迫下小麦幼苗的生长无明显改善效果;Ca2+改善了低盐胁迫下小麦幼苗的氮营养状况,表现在氮积累量的增加,这一效应主要是通过硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)以及异柠檬酸脱氢酶(NADP-ICDH)活性的增强而实现的.Ca2+未能改善高盐胁迫下小麦幼苗氮营养状况的主要限制因子在于NADP-ICDH活性未明显增加.  相似文献   

黄土高原塬区旱地长期施肥对小麦产量的影响   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
以18年长期肥料定位试验为背景,研究了长期施肥条件下小麦的增产效应18年单施氮肥平均增产418.1kg·hm^-2,增产率达28.4%,其中干旱年减产率为13.9%,常态年、丰水年增产率达30.3%、58.9%;单施磷肥平均减产率为9.3%,干旱年增产率达6.5%,常态年、丰水年减产率为15.4%、10.0%;有机肥平均增产率达82.8%;NP、PM、NM、NPM平均增产率分别达127.8%、118.9%、144.4%,169.3%,不同降水年型施肥对小麦的产量结构影响不同,普遍表现为干旱年成穗数、穗粒数、千粒重减少,丰水年增加,不同降水年型穗粒数、成穗数、千粒重的变化是不同施肥处理对小麦产量结构的调控措施。  相似文献   

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