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Yeast mitochondrial NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase is an octamer composed of four each of two nonidentical but related subunits designated IDH1 and IDH2. IDH2 was previously shown to contain the catalytic site, whereas IDH1 contributes regulatory properties including cooperativity with respect to isocitrate and allosteric activation by AMP. In this study, interactions between IDH1 and IDH2 were detected using the yeast two-hybrid system, but interactions between identical subunit polypeptides were not detected with this or other methods. A model for heterodimeric interactions between the subunits is therefore proposed for this enzyme. A corollary of this model, based on the three-dimensional structure of the homologous enzyme from Escherichia coli, is that some interactions between subunits occur at isocitrate binding sites. Based on this model, two residues (Lys-183 and Asp-217) in the regulatory IDH1 subunit were predicted to be important in the catalytic site of IDH2. We found that individually replacing these residues with alanine results in mutant enzymes that exhibit a drastic reduction in catalysis both in vitro and in vivo. Also based on this model, the two analogous residues (Lys-189 and Asp-222) of the catalytic IDH2 subunit were predicted to contribute to the regulatory site of IDH1. A K189A substitution in IDH2 was found to produce a decrease in activation of the enzyme by AMP and a loss of cooperativity with respect to isocitrate. A D222A substitution in IDH2 produces similar regulatory defects and a substantial reduction in V(max) in the absence of AMP. Collectively, these results suggest that the basic structural/functional unit of yeast isocitrate dehydrogenase is a heterodimer of IDH1 and IDH2 subunits and that each subunit contributes to the isocitrate binding site of the other.  相似文献   

Yeast NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is an octamer containing two types of homologous subunits. Ligand-binding analyses were conducted to examine effects of residue changes in putative catalytic and regulatory isocitrate-binding sites respectively contained in IDH2 and IDH1 subunits. Replacement of homologous serine residues in either subunit site, S98A in IDH2 or S92A in IDH1, was found to reduce by half the total number of holoenzyme isocitrate-binding sites, confirming a correlation between detrimental effects on isocitrate binding and respective kinetic defects in catalysis and allosteric activation by AMP. Replacement of both serine residues eliminates isocitrate binding and measurable catalytic activity. The putative isocitrate-binding sites of IDH1 and IDH2 contain five identical and four nonidentical residues. Reciprocal replacement of the four nonidentical residues in either or both subunits (A108R, F136Y, T241D, and N245D in IDH1 and/or R114A, Y142F, D248T, and D252N in IDH2) was found to be permissive for isocitrate binding. This provides further evidence for two types of binding sites in IDH, although the authentic residues have been shown to be necessary for normal kinetic contributions. Finally, the mutant enzymes with residue replacements in the IDH1 site were found to be unable to bind AMP, suggesting that allosteric activation is dependent both upon binding of isocitrate at the IDH1 site and upon the changes in the enzyme normally elicited by this binding.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenases (IDHs) are key regulators of flux through biosynthetic and oxidative pathways in response to cellular energy levels. Here we present the first structures of a eukaryotic member of this enzyme family, the allosteric, hetero-octameric, NAD(+)-specific IDH from yeast in three forms: 1) without ligands, 2) with bound analog citrate, and 3) with bound citrate + AMP. The structures reveal the molecular basis for ligand binding to homologous but distinct regulatory and catalytic sites positioned at the interfaces between IDH1 and IDH2 subunits and define pathways of communication between heterodimers and heterotetramers in the hetero-octamer. Disulfide bonds observed at the heterotetrameric interfaces in the unliganded IDH hetero-octamer are reduced in the ligand-bound forms, suggesting a redox regulatory mechanism that may be analogous to the "on-off" regulation of non-allosteric bacterial IDHs via phosphorylation. The results strongly suggest that eukaryotic IDH enzymes are exquisitely tuned to ensure that allosteric activation occurs only when concentrations of isocitrate are elevated.  相似文献   

Lin AP  McAlister-Henn L 《Biochemistry》2011,50(38):8241-8250
Yeast NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase is an allosterically regulated octameric enzyme composed of four heterodimers of a catalytic IDH2 subunit and a regulatory IDH1 subunit. Despite structural predictions that the enzyme would contain eight isocitrate binding sites, four NAD(+) binding sites, and four AMP binding sites, only half of the sites for each ligand can be measured in binding assays. On the basis of a potential interaction between side chains of Cys-150 residues in IDH2 subunits in each tetramer of the enzyme, ligand binding assays of wild-type (IDH1/IDH2) and IDH1/IDH2(C150S) octameric enzymes were conducted in the presence of dithiothreitol. These assays demonstrated the presence of eight isocitrate and four AMP binding sites for the wild-type enzyme in the presence of dithiothreitol and for the IDH1/IDH2(C150S) enzyme in the absence or presence of this reagent, suggesting that interactions between sulfhydryl side chains of IDH2 Cys-150 residues limit access to these sites. However, only two NAD(+) sites could be measured for either enzyme. A tetrameric form of IDH (an IDH1(G15D)/IDH2 mutant enzyme) demonstrated half-site binding for isocitrate (two sites) in the absence of dithiothreitol and full-site binding (four sites) in the presence of dithiothreitol. Only one NAD(+) site could be measured for the tetramer under both conditions. In the context of the structure of the enzyme, these results suggest that an observed asymmetry between heterotetramers in the holoenzyme contributes to interactions between IDH2 Cys-150 residues and to half-site binding of isocitrate, but that a form of negative cooperativity may limit access to apparently equivalent NAD(+) binding sites.  相似文献   

Yeast NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is an octameric enzyme composed of four heterodimers of regulatory IDH1 and catalytic IDH2 subunits. The crystal structure suggested that the interactions between tetramers in the octamer are restricted to defined regions in IDH1 subunits from each tetramer. Using truncation and mutagenesis, we constructed three tetrameric forms of IDH. Truncation of five residues from the amino terminus of IDH1 did not alter the octameric form of the enzyme, but this truncation with an IDH1 G15D or IDH1 D168K residue substitution produced tetrameric enzymes as assessed by sedimentation velocity ultracentrifugation. The IDH1 G15D substitution in the absence of any truncation of IDH1 was subsequently found to be sufficient for production of a tetrameric enzyme. The tetrameric forms of IDH exhibited ~50% reductions in V(max) and in cooperativity with respect to isocitrate relative to those of the wild-type enzyme, but they retained the property of allosteric activation by AMP. The truncated (-5)IDH1/IDH2 and tetrameric enzymes were much more sensitive than the wild-type enzyme to inhibition by the oxidant diamide and concomitant formation of a disulfide bond between IDH2 Cys-150 residues. Binding of ligands reduced the sensitivity of the wild-type enzyme to diamide but had no effect on inhibition of the truncated or tetrameric enzymes. These results suggest that the octameric structure of IDH has in part evolved for regulation of disulfide bond formation and activity by ensuring the proximity of the amino terminus of an IDH1 subunit of one tetramer to the IDH2 Cys-150 residues in the other tetramer.  相似文献   

Based on allosteric regulatory properties, NAD+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is believed to control flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle in vivo. To distinguish growth phenotypes associated with regulatory dysfunction of this enzyme in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we analyzed strains expressing well defined mutant forms of IDH or a non-allosteric bacterial NAD+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDHa). As previously reported, expression of mutant forms of IDH with severe catalytic defects but intact regulatory properties produced an inability to grow with acetate as the carbon source and a dramatic increase in the frequency of generation of petite colonies, phenotypes also exhibited by a strain (idh1Deltaidh2Delta) lacking IDH. Reduced growth rates on acetate medium were also observed with expression of enzymes with severe regulatory defects or of the bacterial IDHa enzyme, suggesting that allosteric regulation is also important for optimal growth on this carbon source. However, expression of IDHa produced no effect on petite frequency, suggesting that the intermediate petite frequencies observed for strains expressing regulatory mutant forms of IDH are likely to correlate with the slight reductions in catalytic efficiency observed for these enzymes. Finally, rates of increase in oxygen consumption were measured during culture shifts from medium with glucose to medium with ethanol as the carbon source. Strains expressing wild-type or catalytically deficient mutant forms of IDH exhibited rapid respiratory transitions, whereas strains expressing regulatory mutant forms of IDH or the bacterial IDHa enzyme exhibited much slower respiratory transitions. This suggests an important physiological role for allosteric activation of IDH during changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Yeast NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is an octameric enzyme composed of four each of regulatory IDH1 and catalytic IDH2 subunits that share 42% sequence identity. IDH2 contains catalytic isocitrate/Mg2+ and NAD+ binding sites whereas IDH1 contains homologous binding sites, respectively, for cooperative binding of isocitrate and for allosteric binding of AMP. Ligand binding is highly ordered in vitro, and IDH exhibits the unusual property of half-site binding for all ligands. The structures of IDH solved in the absence or presence of ligands have shown: (a) a heterodimer to be the basic structural/functional unit of the enzyme, (b) the organization of heterodimers to form tetramer and octamer structures, (c) structural differences that may underlie cooperative and allosteric regulatory mechanisms, and (d) the possibility for formation of a disulfide bond that could reduce catalytic activity. In vivo analyses of mutant enzymes have elucidated the physiological importance of catalytic activity and allosteric regulation of this tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme. Other studies have established the importance of a disulfide bond in regulation of IDH activity in vivo, as well as contributions of this bond to the property of half-site ligand binding exhibited by the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Yeast NAD+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is an octamer of four IDH1 and four IDH2 subunits, and the basic structural unit of the enzyme is an IDH1/IDH2 heterodimer. To investigate one aspect of the interaction between IDH1 and IDH2, residues in a hydrophobic region at the heterodimer interface (Val-216, Ser-220, and Val-224 in IDH1; Ile-221, Val-225, and Val-229 in IDH2) were replaced by alanine residues in each and in both subunits. Gel filtration and sedimentation velocity analyses demonstrated that the residue substitutions do not disrupt the octameric structure of IDH. However, these substitutions produce novel kinetic properties including, with respect to cofactor, positive allosteric regulation by AMP and cooperativity in the absence of AMP. These allosteric properties are also apparent in NAD+-binding experiments. Despite substantial measurable activity for the mutant enzyme containing residue substitutions in both subunits, expression of this enzyme produces growth phenotypes indicative of IDH dysfunction in vivo.  相似文献   

Yeast NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is an allosterically regulated octameric enzyme composed of two types of homologous subunits designated IDH1 and IDH2. Based on sequence comparisons and structural models, both subunits are predicted to have adenine nucleotide binding sites. This was tested by alanine replacement of residues in putative sites in each subunit. Targets included adjacent aspartate/isoleucine residues implicated as important for determining cofactor specificity in related dehydrogenases and a residue in each IDH subunit in a position occupied by histidine in other cofactor binding sites. The primary kinetic effects of D286A/I287A and of H281A replacements in IDH2 were found to be a dramatic reduction in apparent affinity of the holoenzyme for NAD(+) and a concomitant reduction in V(max). Ligand binding assays also showed that the H281A mutant enzyme fails to bind NAD(+) under conditions that are saturating for the wild-type enzyme. In contrast, the primary effect of corresponding D279A/D280A and of R274A replacements in IDH1 is a reduction in holoenzyme binding of AMP, with concomitant alterations in kinetic and isocitrate binding properties normally associated with activation by this allosteric effector. These results suggest that the nucleotide cofactor binding site is primarily contributed by the IDH2 subunit, whereas the homologous nucleotide binding site in IDH1 has evolved for regulatory binding of AMP. These results are consistent with previous studies demonstrating that the catalytic isocitrate binding sites are comprised of residues primarily contributed by IDH2, whereas sites for regulatory binding of isocitrate are contributed by analogous residues of IDH1. In this study, we also demonstrate that a prerequisite for holoenzyme binding of NAD(+) is binding of isocitrate/Mg(2+) at the IDH2 catalytic site. This is comparable to the dependence of AMP binding upon binding of isocitrate at the IDH1 regulatory site.  相似文献   

Isozymes of NADP+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDP) provide NADPH in cytosolic, mitochondrial, and peroxisomal compartments of eukaryotic cells. Analyses of purified IDP isozymes from yeast and from mouse suggest a general correspondence of pH optima for catalysis and pI values with pH values reported for resident cellular compartments. However, mouse IDP2, which partitions between cytosolic and peroxisomal compartments in mammalian cells, exhibits a broad pH optimum and an intermediate pI value. Mouse IDP2 was found to similarly colocalize in both cellular compartments when expressed in yeast at levels equivalent to those of endogenous yeast isozymes. The mouse enzyme can compensate for loss of yeast cytosolic IDP2 and of peroxisomal IDP3. Removal of the peroxisomal targeting signal of the mouse enzyme precludes both localization in peroxisomes and compensation for loss of yeast IDP3.  相似文献   

Yeast NAD(+)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase is an allosterically regulated octameric enzyme composed of four each of two homologous but nonidentical subunits designated IDH1 and IDH2. Models based on the crystallographic structure of Escherichia coli isocitrate dehydrogenase suggest that both yeast subunits contain isocitrate-binding sites. Identities in nine residue positions are predicted for the IDH2 site whereas four of the nine positions differ between the IDH1 and bacterial enzyme sites. Thus, we speculate that the IDH2 site is catalytic and that the IDH1 site may bind but not catalytically alter isocitrate. This was examined by kinetic analyses of enzymes with independent and concerted replacement of residues in each yeast IDH subunit site with the residues that differ in the other subunit site. Mutant enzymes were expressed in a yeast strain containing disrupted IDH1 and IDH2 loci and affinity-purified for kinetic analyses. The primary effects of various residue replacements in IDH2 were reductions of 30->300-fold in V(max) values, consistent with the catalytic function of this subunit. In contrast, replacement of all four residues in IDH1 produced a 17-fold reduction in V(max) under the same assay conditions, suggesting that the IDH1 site is not the primary catalytic site. However, single or multiple residue replacements in IDH1 uniformly increased half-saturation concentrations for isocitrate, implying that isocitrate can be bound at this site. Both subunits appear to contribute to cooperativity with respect to isocitrate, but AMP activation is lost only with residue replacements in IDH1. Overall, results are consistent with isocitrate binding by IDH2 for catalysis and with isocitrate binding by IDH1 being a prerequisite for allosteric activation by AMP. The effects of residue substitutions on enzyme function in vivo were assessed by analysis of various growth phenotypes. Results indicate a positive correlation between the level of IDH catalytic activity and the ability of cells to grow with acetate or glycerol as carbon sources. In addition, lower levels of activity are associated with increased production of respiratory-deficient (petite) segregants.  相似文献   

Early biochemical studies have demonstrated that lipid accumulation by oleaginous yeasts is linked to the activity of the NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh). However, molecular study of Idh of oleaginous microorganisms remains limited. Here, we present the cloning of a mitochondrial NAD+-specific Idh from Rhodosporidium toruloides (RtIdh), an excellent microbial lipid producer that uses carbohydrates as the carbon source. The evolutionary relationship analyses among RtIdhs and other yeast Idhs revealed that RtIdh had a closer relationship with the Idhs of Ustilago maydis and Schizophyllum commune. We expressed the RtIDH gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae idhΔ mutant. Under the nitrogen-limited condition, the intracellular lipid content and extracellular citrate concentration of the culture of the S. cerevisiae idhΔ carrying the RtIDH gene increased as the carbon/nitrogen molar ratio of the media increased, while the wild-type S. cerevisiae strain showed no correlation. Our data provided valuable information for elucidating the molecular mechanism of microbial oleaginicity and for engineering microorganisms to produce metabolites of fatty acid pathway.  相似文献   

NAD+-依赖型异柠檬酸脱氢酶的结构和功能研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
NAD^ —依赖型异柠檬酸脱氢酶是一个核编码线粒体酶,参与三羧酸循环,负责催化异柠檬酸氧化脱羧成α-酮戊二酸,是循环路径中的限速酶。目前在酶学性质、亚基组成、基因克隆、蛋白组装与转运,以及功能等方面开展了许多研究。本文就这些方面的新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

M T Mas  R F Colman 《Biochemistry》1984,23(8):1675-1683
The interaction of the 2'-phosphate-containing nucleotides (NADP+, NADPH, 2'-phosphoadenosine 5'-diphosphoribose, and adenosine 2',5'-bisphosphate) with NADP+ -specific isocitrate dehydrogenase was studied by using 31P NMR spectroscopy. The separate resonances corresponding to free and bound nucleotides, characteristic for slow exchange of nuclei on the NMR time scale, were observed in the spectra of the enzyme (obtained in the presence of excess ligand) with NADP+ and NADPH in the absence and presence of Mg2+ and with 2'-phosphoadenosine 5'-diphosphoribose in the absence of metal or in the presence of the substrate magnesium isocitrate. The position of the 31P resonance of the bound 2'-phosphate group in these spectra is invariant (delta = 6) in the pH range 5-8, indicating that the pK of this group is much lower in the complexes with the enzyme than that (pK = 6.13) in the free nucleotides. The additional downfield shift of this resonance by 1.8 ppm beyond that (delta = 4.22) of the dianionic form of the 2'-phosphate in free nucleotides suggests interaction with a positively charged group(s) and/or distortion of P-O-P angles as the result of binding to the enzyme. A single resonance of 2'-phosphate was observed in the spectrum of the enzyme complex with 2'-phosphoadenosine 5'-diphosphoribose in the presence of Mg2+, with the chemical shift dependent on the nucleotide to enzyme ratio, characteristic for the fast exchange situation. Addition of metal does not perturb the environment of the 2'-phosphate in the complexes of NADP+ and NADPH with isocitrate dehydrogenase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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