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The effect of dietary cholesterol level on cholesterol absorption and its subsequent transport in thoracic duct lymph lipoproteins was studied in two species of nonhuman primates, namely the African green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) and the cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Each animal served as its own control because each received sequential, intraduodenal infusions of two fat-rich liquid diets that differed only in the amounts of cholesterol. The percentage of dietary cholesterol absorbed was calculated by dividing the rate of appearance of exogenous cholesterol radioactivity in lymph by the rate of infusion of dietary cholesterol radioactivity at a time when lymph cholesterol specific activity was constant relative to that of diet. The percentage of dietary cholesterol absorbed was similar during both diet infusions in African green monkeys but was significantly decreased during the high cholesterol diet infusion in cynomolgus macaques. Rates of appearance of lymph total cholesterol mass were significantly increased during infusion of high cholesterol diets due to a statistically significant increase in cholesteryl ester transport rates. This increase was due in large part to the preferential esterification of exogenous cholesterol that was incorporated into lymph chylomicrons and VLDL. The rate of appearance in lymph of exogenous cholesterol significantly increased during the high cholesterol diet infusion while that of endogenous cholesterol decreased. This decrease or compensation in endogenous cholesterol transport occurred during absorption of increased levels of dietary cholesterol and apparently was due to an approximate 50% decrease in the absorption of lumenal cholesterol. Our data demonstrated that there was not a simple one-to-one relationship between the amount of isotopic dietary cholesterol absorbed from the intestinal lumen and the mass of cholesterol moved into lymph via the intestine. Rather, the amount of sterol transported into the body depends on the degree of the decrease in endogenous cholesterol transport and probably on the efficiency of cholesterol esterification during absorption.  相似文献   

LDL from animals of three nonhuman primate species, Macaca mulatta, Macaca fascicularis, and Cercopithecus aethiops, were studied. A standard preparation of 125I-LDL was added to isolated lipoprotein mixtures just prior to separation of plasma lipoproteins by agarose gel chromatography. A relative size index, rI, was determined by dividing the elution volume of the iodinated LDL by the elution volume of the sample LDL, both volumes being determined simultaneously during chromatographic elution. Comparison of rI with molecular weights measured by flotation equilibrium analysis in the analytical ultracentrifuge showed a linear relationship across a molecular weight range of 2.5-8.0 X 10(6), r = 0.985. A regression equation describing this relationship was used to calculate molecular weights of LDL from a group of M. fascicularis that were fed cholesterol-containing diets. In these animals, plasma cholesterol concentration ranged from 100 to over 700 mg/dl and was highly correlated with LDL molecular weight and with the micromolar concentration of the LDL. Using multiple regression analyses, the two variables of plasma LDL could be shown to account for 94% of the variation in plasma cholesterol concentration in the M. fascicularis of this study. Micromolar concentration and molecular weight of LDL were not correlated with each other, suggesting that in M. fascicularis at least two independent types of controls are operative in the response of plasma LDL to dietary cholesterol. The increase in LDL molecular weight was associated with a large increase in cholesteryl ester content and concomitant smaller increases in protein, phospholipid, and free cholesterol. As molecular weight increased, these components appeared to be added to the LDL particles together as discrete increments of fixed composition. The data are consistent with a spherical model of LDL structure with a core of cholesteryl ester and triglyceride and a 21.3 A-thick coat of phospholipid, free cholesterol, and protein.  相似文献   

1H NMR spectroscopy at 200 MHz was used to study triglyceride crystalline leads to liquid transitions which occurred on heating between 10 and 50 degrees C in very low density lipoprotein and subfractionated chylomicron particles from nonhuman primates fed a saturated fat (butter fat) diet. Model system studies of pure triglycerides (triolein, tripalmitin and a 1:1 mixture) and emulsion particles consisting of these triglycerides with a surface of egg phosphatidylcholine showed that high resolution spectra were obtained only from liquid triglycerides. In lipoprotein spectra, changes in 1H NMR peak intensities and line widths accompanied the solid leads to liquid transition of the constituent triglycerides. Peak areas of fatty acyl resonances were proportional to the percentage of melted triglyceride determined by differential scanning calorimetry. NMR peak area measurements showed that the calorimetric transition involved the melting of relatively greater numbers of saturated fatty acyl chains than unsaturated chains; at temperatures well below the solid leads to liquid transition, the lipoproteins contained a significant fraction (approximately 33%) of liquid triglycerides which were relatively enriched in unsaturated fatty acyl chains. For model systems containing mixtures of solid and liquid triglycerides, the temperature dependence of line widths of fatty acyl resonances demonstrated that solid triglycerides decreased the mobility of the liquid triglycerides. A similar temperature dependence for the lipoprotein resonances suggested that solid and liquid species are co-mixed in individual lipoprotein particles within a purified subfraction. Temperature-dependent line width and intensity changes were observed for the phospholipid-choline methyl resonance in lipoprotein spectra and were apparently independent of the core transition.  相似文献   

The livers of both baboons and rhesus monkeys fed a high fat, high cholesterol diet secreted very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) that were enriched in cholesteryl ester and apoe as compared to VLDL secreted by the livers of chow-fed animals. Stimulation of macrophage cholesterol esterification by the experimental VLDL was compared to that produced by the standard beta-VLDL obtained from the plasma of a rhesus monkey fed 25% coconut oil plus 2% cholesterol. This standard beta-VLDL stimulated 7- to 10-fold more esterification than did the bovine albumin control. Hepatic VLDL from fat-fed animals stimulated esterification in J774 macrophages 50 to 150% as well as did the standard beta-VLDL, even though hepatic VLDL did not display beta electrophoretic mobility on agarose gel electrophoresis. Plasma VLDL from lard-fed baboons did not exhibit beta electrophoretic mobility but did stimulate esterification in macrophages. Baboons were divided into high and low responders based on the change in plasma cholesterol levels in response to a high fat, high cholesterol diet. Both plasma and hepatic VLDL from high responders stimulated cholesterol esterification, whereas hepatic VLDL obtained from low responders or chow-fed baboons did not stimulate cholesterol esterification in macrophages. There was a strong positive correlation (r = 0.866) between the number of apoE molecules per VLDL particle in VLDL obtained from chow-fed, lard-fed, or coconut oil-fed primates and the rate of cholesterol esterification in macrophages. Our results show that hepatic perfusate VLDL obtained from fat- and cholesterol-fed primates have compositional and functional properties usually ascribed to circulating beta-VLDL, without displaying beta mobility, and indicate that the liver may be an important source of atherogenic lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Experimental acholia was reproduced by applying a biliary fistula to the choledochus in cats for 20 days. It was established that acholia was accompanied by considerable changes in the lymph flow and in the protein-electrolyte composition of the lymph. The rate of the lymph flow in animals with acholia was more than 2 times as decreased as compared with control. The electrolyte and protein shifts in the lymph during acholia were manifested by the reduction in the lymph protein and K+ content.  相似文献   

Twenty-four adult male African green grivet monkeys were fed diets containing 42% of calories as lard or menhaden oil and 0.76 mg of cholesterol/kcal for a period of 8 months. Plasma samples from fasting animals were then taken and low density lipoproteins (LDL) were isolated by ultracentrifugation and agarose column chromatography. The LDL were analyzed chemically, and physical properties of the particles were studied by differential scanning calorimetry. The fish oil group had significantly smaller LDL (2.91 vs. 3.43 g/mumol), which contained fewer molecules per particle of all lipid constituents, except triglyceride, compared to the lard-fed animals. The fish oil-fed group had 15% of the total cholesteryl esters as n-3 fatty acyl species and the number of n-3, but not n-6, cholesteryl esters per LDL particle was proportional to LDL size. The numbers of saturated and monounsaturated cholesteryl ester species per LDL particle were highly correlated with LDL size for both diet groups. The LDL of the fish oil group had broad reversible thermotropic transitions that were 12-13 degrees C lower than those of the lard group. These transitions were indicative of order-disorder transitions of the LDL core cholesteryl esters. The peak transition temperature of LDL of the lard group was proportional to the ratio of saturated and monounsaturated to polyunsaturated cholesteryl ester species (CEFA ratio). However, the much lower peak transition temperature of the LDL of the fish oil group was not related to the CEFA ratio nor to the triglyceride content of the particles, but rather, to the n-3 cholesteryl ester content of the particles. Studies of cholesteryl ester model systems demonstrated that relatively small amounts of n-3 cholesteryl esters (less than 15% of total cholesteryl ester) could result in a lowering of the peak transition temperature of cholesteryl linoleate similar to that seen for intact LDL. We conclude that n-3 cholesteryl esters in small quantities have a marked disordering effect on the core cholesteryl esters of LDL, resulting in a striking depression of LDL transition temperature. In addition, we conclude that n-3 cholesteryl esters are preferentially utilized relative to n-6 cholesteryl esters to increase the number of cholesteryl esters per LDL particle with LDL enlargement in fish oil-fed animals.  相似文献   

Rat thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) were separated into two fractions by passing the cells through a column of rabbit anti-rat F (ab′)2 antibody coupled to Sephadex G-200. Cells with readily detectable surface immunoglobulin (Ig) were retained on the gel, whereas those without surface Ig were recovered in the effluent. Adherent cells were retrieved by eluting the column with rat Ig. Both dividing and nondividing lymphocytes were separated by this procedure. The adherent and non-adherent fractions contained functionally active lymphocytes as judged by a thymidine incorporation technique and the immunological performance of the cells after transfer to normal recipients. Antibody forming cells and B memory cells were concentrated in the adherent fraction. The non-adherent fraction contained antigen-sensitive T cells which initiate graft versus host reaction and specifically sensitized lymphocytes of the kind which transfer resistance to L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

The experiments on 25 dogs have shown a considerable decrease in the consumption of clotting factors and reduced hyperfibrinolysis with the onset of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome in animals poisoned with acetic essence (2 ml/kg).  相似文献   

By means of incubation of slices in 2% solution of glyoxylic acid distribution of adrenergic fibers in the rabbit lymph nodes and in the thoracic lymphatic duct has been studied. Adrenergic fibers get into parenchyma of the lymph nodes via two ways. The first--the perivascular, when the nervous fibers make a plexus and get into the node along the blood vessels, the second--diffuse nervous fibers get together with trabecules in between the lymphoid nodules. The distribution density of the adrenergic fibers is not the same in different groups of the lymph nodes. In the lumbar nodes it is the highest. In the lymph nodes of the cervical part the density of the sympathetic fibers is, as a rule, lower than in the lumbar, but higher than in the axillary nodes. The lowest density of th adrenergic fibers is in the mesenteric, superficial inguinal lymph nodes and in the lymph nodes, situating near the thoracic part of the aorta. In the lymphatic duct wall small amount of adrenergic fibers are revealed, they form a plexus, predominantly in the cranial part.  相似文献   

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