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We have cloned and sequenced the first ectothermic animal CD4 gene from fugu, Takifugu rubripes, using a public database of the third draft sequence of the fugu genome. The fugu CD4 gene encodes a predicted protein of 463 amino acids containing four extracellular immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains, a transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic tail. Fugu CD4 shares low identity of about 15–20% with avian and mammalian CD4 proteins. Unlike avian and mammalian CD4, fugu CD4 lacks the Cys pair of the first Ig-like domain, but has a unique possible disulfide bond in the third domain. These differences suggest that fugu CD4 may have a different structure that could affect binding of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and subsequent T-cell activation. In the putative fugu cytoplasmic region, the protein tyrosine kinase p56lck binding motif is conserved. The predicted fugu CD4 gene is composed of 12 exons, differing from other CD4 genes, but showing conserved synteny and many conserved sequence motifs in the promoter region. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the fugu CD4 gene is expressed predominantly in lymphoid tissues. We also show that fugu CD4 can be expressed on the surface of cells via transfection. Molecular characterization of CD4 in fish provides insights into the evolution of both the CD4 molecule and the immune system.  相似文献   

The antigens recognized by CD4+T cells are key to rational vaccine design, but have been difficult to identify due to limitations of conventional methods. A novel strategy for identifying CD4+T-cell-stimulating antigen genes is described here. Using antigen-specific, lacZ-expressing T cells as single-cell probes, a DNA library was screened as recombinantEscherichia coli.An antigen gene was isolated from theE. coliclone that, when ingested by the macrophages, allowed generation of the appropriate peptide/MHC class II complex and T-cell activation. This strategy was successfully applied to the identification of a previously unknown listeria gene product with characteristics of a membrane-bound lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The Alzheimer's disease-linked amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) belongs to a superfamily of proteins, which also comprises the amyloid-beta precursor-like proteins, APLP1 and APLP2. Whereas APP has been identified in both lower and higher vertebrates, thus far, APLP1 and 2 have been characterized only in human and rodents. Here we identify the first nonmammalian APLP2 protein in the South African claw-toed frog Xenopus laevis. The identity between the Xenopus and mammalian APLP2 proteins is approximately 75%, with the highest degree of conservation in a number of amino-terminal regions, the transmembrane domain and the cytoplasmic tail. Furthermore, amino acid residues known to be phosphorylated and glycosylated in mammalian APLP2 are conserved in Xenopus. The availability of the Xenopus APLP2 protein sequence allowed a phylogenetic analysis of APP superfamily members that suggested the occurrence of APP and preAPLP lineages with their separation predating the mammalian-amphibian split. As in mammals, Xenopus APLP2 mRNA was ubiquitously expressed and alternatively spliced forms were detected. However, the expression ratios between the mRNA forms in the various tissues examined were different between Xenopus and mammals, most prominently for the alternatively spliced forms containing the Kunitz protease inhibitor-coding region that were less abundantly expressed than the corresponding mammalian forms. Thus, the identification of APLP2 in Xenopus has revealed evolutionarily conserved regions that may help to delineate functionally important domains, and its overall high degree of conservation suggests an important role for this APP superfamily member.  相似文献   

Studies of memory T cell differentiation are hampered by a lack of quantitative models to test hypotheses in silico before in vivo experimentation. We created a stochastic computer model of CD4+ memory T cell generation that can simulate and track 10(1)-10(8) individual lymphocytes over time. Parameters for the model were derived from experimental data using naive human CD4+ T cells stimulated in vitro. Using discrete event computer simulation, we identified two key variables that heavily influence effector burst size and the persistent memory pool size: the cell cycle dependent probability of apoptosis, and the postactivation mitosis at which memory T cells emerge. Multiple simulations were performed and varying critical parameters permitted estimates of how sensitive the model was to changes in all of the model parameters. We then compared two hypotheses of CD4+ memory T cell generation: maturation from activated naive to effector to memory cells (model I) vs direct progression from activated naive to memory cells (model II). We find that direct progression of naive to memory T cells does not explain published measurements of the memory cell mass unless postactivation expansion of the memory cell cohort occurs. We conclude that current models suggesting direct progression of activated naive cells to the persistent memory phenotype (model II) do not account for the experimentally measured size of the postactivation CD4+, Ag-specific, memory T cell cohort.  相似文献   

CD4 recruitment to T cell receptor (TCR)-peptide-major histocompatibility class II complexes is required for stabilization of low affinity antigen recognition by T lymphocytes. The cytoplasmic portion of CD4 is thought to amplify TCR-initiated signal transduction via its association with the protein tyrosine kinase p56(lck). Here we describe a novel functional determinant in the cytosolic tail of CD4 that inhibits TCR-induced T cell activation. Deletion of two conserved hydrophobic amino acids from the CD4 carboxyl terminus resulted in a pronounced enhancement of CD4-mediated T cell costimulation. This effect was observed in the presence or absence of p56(lck), implying involvement of alternative cytosolic ligands of CD4. A two-hybrid screen with the intracellular portion of CD4 identified a previously unknown 33-kDa protein, ACP33 (acidic cluster protein 33), as a novel intracellular binding partner of CD4. Since interaction with ACP33 is abolished by deletion of the hydrophobic CD4 C-terminal amino acids mediating repression of T cell activation, we propose that ACP33 modulates the stimulatory activity of CD4. Furthermore, we demonstrate that interaction with CD4 is mediated by the noncatalytic alpha/beta hydrolase fold domain of ACP33. This suggests a previously unrecognized function for alpha/beta hydrolase fold domains as a peptide binding module mediating protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The gene for the CD4-membrane glycoprotein-receptor for HIV has been cloned. The 179 amino acids fragment of the CD4-receptor responsible for binding of gp120 HIV glycoprotein has been fused with beta-galactosidase and shown to be expressed in Escherichia coli cells. The recombinant protein in ELISA and immunoblotting techniques reacts with the monoclonal antibodies OKT4A and Leu3A known to block the interaction between the CD4 and gp120 HIV glycoprotein. The recombinant protein can be used for different scientific and practical purposes including studying of the mechanisms for HIV interaction with the sensitive cells as well as for viral gp120 protein purification, etc.  相似文献   

More than ten bradykinin-related peptides and their cDNAs have been identified from amphibians, but their genes are unknown. In present study, four cDNAs encoding one, two, four and six copies of bradykinin-related peptides were cloned from the frog (Odorrana grahami) skin cDNA library, respectively. Three bradykinin-related peptides (bradykinin, Thr6-bradykinin, Leu5Thr6-bradykinin) were deduced from these four cDNA sequences. Based on the cDNA sequence, the gene sequence encoding an amphibian bradykinin-related peptide from O. grahami was determined. It is composed of 7481 base pairs including two exons and two introns. The first exon codes signal peptide and the second exon codes acidic spacer peptide and Thr6-bradykinin. The promoter region of the bradykinin gene contains several putative recognition sites for nuclear factors, such as SRY, GATA-1, LYF-1, DeltaE, CDXA, NKX-2.5, MIF1 and S8. The current work may facilitate to understand the regulation and possible functions of amphibian skin bradykinin-related peptides.  相似文献   

CD4 作为TCR的共受体可以提高TCR/抗原-MHC复合体的稳定性,辅助TCR识别抗原,并且参与T细胞活化.本研究从斜带石斑鱼Epinephelus coioides头肾中克隆得到全长2240 bp的CDM cDNA序列,该序列包含长1410 bp的ORF,编码469个氨基酸,预测蛋白分子包含一段信号肽,4个Ig样区...  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Th1 and Th2 subsets has not been characterized mainly due to the limited information regarding cytokines in nonmammalian vertebrates. In this study, we characterize a Th1-like regulatory system focusing on the IL-18-regulated IFN-gamma secretion. Stimulation of splenocytes with chicken IL-18 induced high levels of IFN-gamma secretion. Depletion of either macrophages or CD4(+) T cells from the splenocyte cultures caused unresponsiveness to IL-18. In contrast, PBL were unresponsive to IL-18 in the presence or absence of macrophages, but IFN-gamma secretion was stimulated by suboptimal anti-TCR cross-linking combined with IL-18. Splenocytes from five different chicken lines responded equally well to the IL-18 treatment. LSL chicken splenocytes, however, responded only to IL-18 when stimulated either with optimal TCR cross-linking alone or suboptimal TCR cross-linking combined with IL-18. IL-18 not only induced IFN-gamma secretion, but also stimulated splenocyte proliferation. This IL-18-induced proliferation was compared with the effects observed with IL-2. Both cytokines activated the splenocytes as demonstrated by increased size and MHC class II Ag up-regulation in the case of IL-18. Phenotypic analyses following 6 days of culture revealed that IL-2 mainly affected the proliferation of CD8(+) cells, whereas IL-18 had an opposite effect and stimulated the proliferation of CD4(+) cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate the conservation of Th1-like proinflammatory responses in the chicken; they characterize IL-18 as a major growth factor of CD4(+) T cells and identify two distinct mechanisms of IL-18-induced IFN-gamma secretion.  相似文献   

树鼩作为多种人类疾病研究模型的可能性已受到广泛关注,但尚缺乏研究其免疫功能的基本标志以及单克隆抗体。该实验首先以树鼩外周血总RNA为材料,通过RT-PCR扩增得到长度为1365bp的树鼩CD4全长编码序列,并确定了数据库中缺失的两个片段,进而通过ClustalW等软件对其序列和分子特征进行分析,发现树鼩CD4氨基酸序列胞外和胞内域保守性较好,且与人类和猴的亲缘关系较近。虽然树鼩和人CD4分子表面大部分区域均带正电荷,但与人CD4胞外域D1相比,树鼩CD4D1结构区域表面带负电荷较多,且多出两个N-糖基化位点。这些差异对抗体的结合可能存在影响。该研究为今后树鼩CD4单克隆抗体制备及功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

C3a, C4a, and C5a anaphylatoxins generated during complement activation play a key role in inflammation. C5a is the most potent of the three anaphylatoxins in eliciting biological responses. The effects of C5a are mediated by its binding to C5a receptor (C5aR, CD88). To date, C5aR has only been identified and cloned in mammalian species, and its evolutionary history remains ill-defined. To gain insights into the evolution, conserved structural domains, and functions of C5aR, we have cloned and characterized a C5aR in rainbow trout, a teleost fish. The isolated cDNA encoded a 350-aa protein that showed the highest sequence similarity to C5aR from other species. Genomic analysis revealed the presence of one continuous exon encoding the entire open reading frame. Northern blot analysis showed significant expression of the trout C5a receptor (TC5aR) message in PBLs and kidney. Flow cytometric analysis showed that two Abs generated against two different areas of the extracellular N-terminal region of TC5aR positively stained the same leukocyte populations from PBLs. B lymphocytes and granulocytes comprised the majority of cells recognized by the anti-TC5aR. More importantly, these Abs inhibited chemotaxis of PBLs toward a chemoattractant fraction purified from complement-activated trout serum. Our data suggest that the split between C5aR and C3aR from a common ancestral molecule occurred before the emergence of teleost fish. Moreover, we demonstrate that the overall structure of C5aR as well as its role in chemotaxis have remained conserved for >300 million years.  相似文献   

人CD14基因的克隆及序列测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR技术,从佛波酯乙醇刺激的HL-60细胞基因组DNA中扩增获得了1.1 kb的人CD14基因.序列分析表明,有四个碱基发生了突变,其中两处为首次报道.  相似文献   

可溶性CD14基因克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对人可溶性CD14(sCD14)的cDNA序列设计引物,通过反转录PCR技术,从U937细胞中,扩增出编码人可溶性CD14的基因序列,并将其克隆至质粒pGEM-T中,通过PCR、酶切及序列测定鉴定重组载体。结果表明获得了人可溶性CD14基因片段,为下一步进行CD14表达及生物学活性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A soluble form of the CD4 receptor (sCD4) can either enhance or inhibit the infection of cells by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and human immunodeficiency virus. We investigated the basis for these varying effects by studying the entry of three SIV isolates into CD4-positive and CD4-negative cells expressing different chemokine receptors. Infection of CD4-negative cells depended upon the viral envelope glycoproteins and upon the chemokine receptor, with CCR5 and gpr15 being more efficient than STRL33. Likewise, enhancement of infection by sCD4 was observed when CCR5- and gpr15-expressing target cells were used but not when those expressing STRL33 were used. The sCD4-mediated enhancement of virus infection of CD4-negative, CCR5-positive cells was related to the sCD4-induced increase in binding of the viral gp120 envelope glycoprotein to CCR5. Inhibitory effects of sCD4 could largely be explained by competition for virus attachment to cellular CD4 rather than other detrimental effects on virus infectivity (e.g., disruption of the envelope glycoprotein spike). Consistent with this, the sCD4-activated SIV envelope glycoprotein intermediate on the virus was long-lived. Thus, the net effect of sCD4 on SIV infectivity appears to depend upon the degree of enhancement of chemokine receptor binding and upon the efficiency of competition for cellular CD4.  相似文献   

Like other vertebrate Toll-like receptors (TLRs), the TLRs of teleost fish can be subdivided into six major families, each of which recognize a general class of molecular patterns. However, there also are a number of Tlrs with unknown function, the presence of which seems unique to the bony fish, among which is Tlr20. We identified full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences for tlr20 of zebrafish and common carp, two closely related fish species. Zebrafish have six copies of tlr20, whereas carp express only a single copy. Both zebrafish Tlr20 (at least Tlr20a–d) and carp Tlr20 have 26 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Three-dimensional modeling indicates a best fit to the crystal structure of TLR8. Phylogenetic analyses place Tlr20 in the TLR11 family closest to Tlr11 and Tlr12, which sense ligands from protozoan parasites in the mouse. Conservation of genes on zebrafish chromosome 9, which carries tlr20, with genes on mouse chromosome 14, which carries tlr11, indicates Tlr11 could be a possible ortholog of Tlr20. Confocal microscopy suggests a subcellular localization of Tlr20 at the endoplasmatic reticulum. Although in vitro reporter assays could not identify a ligand unique to Tlr20, in vivo infection experiments indicate a role for Tlr20 in the immune response of carp to protozoan parasites (Trypanoplasma borreli). Carp tlr20 is mainly expressed in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) with B lymphocytes, in particular, expressing relatively high levels of Tlr20. In vitro stimulation of PBL with T. borreli induces an upregulation of tlr20, supportive of a role for Tlr20 in the immune response to protozoan parasites.  相似文献   

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