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Neurons are highly polarized specialized cells. Neuronal integrity and functional roles are critically dependent on dendritic architecture and synaptic structure, function and plasticity. The cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that form cell adhesion complexes in various tissues. They are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, the catenins. While the functional roles of the complex have been extensively investigates in non-neuronal cells, it is becoming increasingly clear that components of the complex have critical roles in regulating dendritic and synaptic architecture, function and plasticity in neurons. Consistent with these functional roles, aberrations in components of the complex have been implicated in a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders. In this review, we discuss the roles of the classical cadherins and catenins in various aspects of dendrite and synapse architecture and function and their relevance to human neurological disorders. Cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that were initially identified as Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion molecules. They are present on plasma membrane of a variety of cell types from primitive metazoans to humans. In the past several years, it has become clear that in addition to providing mechanical adhesion between cells, cadherins play integral roles in tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. The cadherin family is composed of more than 100 members and classified into several subfamilies, including classical cadherins and protocadherins. Several of these cadherin family members have been implicated in various aspects of neuronal development and function.1-3 Deans, MR, Krol A, Abraira VE, Copley CO, Tucker AF, Goodrich LV. Control of neuronal morphology by the atypical cadherin Fat3. Neuron 2011; 71:820-32; PMID:21903076; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2011.06.026 S0896-6273(11)00556-3 [pii] Matsunaga E, Nambu S, Oka M, Iriki A. Differential cadherin expression in the developing postnatal telencephalon of a New World monkey. J Comp Neurol 2013; 521:4027-60; PMID:23784870; http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cne.23389 Li Y, Xiao H, Chiou TT, Jin H, Bonhomme B, Miralles CP, Pinal N, Ali R, Chen WV, Maniatis T, De Blas AL, et al. Molecular and functional interaction between protocadherin-gammaC5 and GABAA receptors. J Neurosci 2012; 32:11780-97; PMID:22915120; http://dx.doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0969-12.2012 32/34/11780 [pii]  The classical cadherins are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, collectively called the catenins. While the functional roles of the cadherin-catenin cell adhesion complex have been extensively investigated in epithelial cells, it is now clear that components of the complex are well expressed in central neurons at different stages during development.4,5 McLachlan IG, Heiman MG. Shaping dendrites with machinery borrowed from epithelia. Curr Opin Neurobiol 2013; 23:1005-10; PMID:23871793; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2013.06.011 S0959-4388(13)00130-X [pii] Hirano S, Takeichi M. Cadherins in brain morphogenesis and wiring. Physiol Rev 2012; 92:597-634; PMID:22535893; http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/physrev.00014.2011 92/2/597 [pii] (2012)  Recent exciting studies have shed some light on the functional roles of cadherins and catenins in central neurons. In this review, we will provide a brief overview of the cadherin superfamily, describe cadherin family members expressed in central neurons, cadherin-catenin complexes in central neurons and then focus on role of the cadherin-catenin complex in dendrite morphogenesis and synapse morphogenesis, function and plasticity. The final section is dedicated to discussion of the emerging list of neural disorders linked to cadherins and catenins. While the roles of cadherins and catenins have been examined in several different types of neurons, the focus of this review is their role in mammalian central neurons, particularly those of the cortex and hippocampus. Accompanying this review is a series of excellent reviews targeting the roles of cadherins and protocadherins in other aspects of neural development.  相似文献   

Neurons are highly polarized specialized cells. Neuronal integrity and functional roles are critically dependent on dendritic architecture and synaptic structure, function and plasticity. The cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that form cell adhesion complexes in various tissues. They are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, the catenins. While the functional roles of the complex have been extensively investigates in non-neuronal cells, it is becoming increasingly clear that components of the complex have critical roles in regulating dendritic and synaptic architecture, function and plasticity in neurons. Consistent with these functional roles, aberrations in components of the complex have been implicated in a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders. In this review, we discuss the roles of the classical cadherins and catenins in various aspects of dendrite and synapse architecture and function and their relevance to human neurological disorders. Cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that were initially identified as Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion molecules. They are present on plasma membrane of a variety of cell types from primitive metazoans to humans. In the past several years, it has become clear that in addition to providing mechanical adhesion between cells, cadherins play integral roles in tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. The cadherin family is composed of more than 100 members and classified into several subfamilies, including classical cadherins and protocadherins. Several of these cadherin family members have been implicated in various aspects of neuronal development and function.1-3 The classical cadherins are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, collectively called the catenins. While the functional roles of the cadherin-catenin cell adhesion complex have been extensively investigated in epithelial cells, it is now clear that components of the complex are well expressed in central neurons at different stages during development.4,5 Recent exciting studies have shed some light on the functional roles of cadherins and catenins in central neurons. In this review, we will provide a brief overview of the cadherin superfamily, describe cadherin family members expressed in central neurons, cadherin-catenin complexes in central neurons and then focus on role of the cadherin-catenin complex in dendrite morphogenesis and synapse morphogenesis, function and plasticity. The final section is dedicated to discussion of the emerging list of neural disorders linked to cadherins and catenins. While the roles of cadherins and catenins have been examined in several different types of neurons, the focus of this review is their role in mammalian central neurons, particularly those of the cortex and hippocampus. Accompanying this review is a series of excellent reviews targeting the roles of cadherins and protocadherins in other aspects of neural development.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) are essential for neuronal morphogenesis in the developing brain. The MT cytoskeleton provides physical support to shape the fine structure of neuronal processes. MT-based motors play important roles in nucleokinesis, process formation and retraction. Regulation of MT stability downstream of extracellular cues is proposed to be critical for axonogenesis. Axons and dendrites exhibit different patterns of MT organization, underlying the divergent functions of these processes. Centrosomal positioning has drawn the attention of researchers because it is a major clue to understanding neuronal MT organization. In this review, we focus on how recent advances in live imaging have revealed the dynamics of MT organization and centrosome positioning during neural development.  相似文献   

Cadherins not only maintain the structural integrity of cells and tissues but also control a wide array of cellular behaviours. They are instrumental for cell and tissue polarization, and they regulate cell movements such as cell sorting, cell migration and cell rearrangements. Cadherins may also contribute to neurite outgrowth and pathfinding, and to synaptic specificity and modulation in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

To establish genetic tools for conditional gene deletion in mouse neurons, we generated two independent neuron-specific enolase (Nse)-cre transgenic lines. The transgenic line termed Nse-cre(CK1) showed cre activity in most neuronal regions in the nervous system, while the Nse-cre(CK2) line exhibited a unique cre activity that has not been reported in other cre transgenic lines. Nse-cre(CK2) cre activity was detectable from embryogenesis and mostly restricted to neuronal regions. In postnatal brain, the Nse-cre(CK2) line exhibited cre activity limited to differentiated neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Cre activity was assayed in several internal organs and sporadic activity was limited to the kidney and testis. We conclude that these cre lines will be useful for studying loss of gene function in specific neuronal populations.  相似文献   

Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are G protein-coupled receptors that are distributed throughout the brain and play important roles in regulation of synaptic efficacy. Some studies report that mGluRs heterologously expressed in nonneuronal cells are sensitive not only to glutamate but also to extracellular Ca2+ (Ca o 2+ ). We studied the Ca o 2+ -sensitivity of native mGluRs in mammalian central neurons. In cerebellar Purkinje cells that naturally express type-1 mGluR (mGluR1), physiological levels of Ca o 2+ (around 2 mM) activate mGluR1-mediated intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. The activation of the native mGluR1 response to Ca o 2+ appears to be slower than that to glutamate. Ca o 2+ (2 mM) also augments glutamate analog-evoked, native mGluR1-mediated inward cation current and intracellular Ca o 2+ mobilization. Detailed analysis of this effect suggests that Ca o 2+ modulates the glutamate responsiveness of native and heterologously expressed mGluR1s in different manners. These findings suggest that Ca o 2+ may enhance the basal level and glutamate responsiveness of neuronal mGluR signaling in vivo.  相似文献   

A compelling amount of data is accumulating about the polyphonic role of neuronal cadherins during brain development throughout all developmental stages, starting from the involvement of cadherins in the organization of neurulation up to synapse development and plasticity. Recent work has confirmed that specifically N-cadherins play an important role in asymmetrical cellular processes in developing neurons that are at the basis of polarity. In this review we will summarize recent data, which demonstrate how N-cadherin orchestrates distinct processes of polarity establishment in neurons.  相似文献   

A compelling amount of data is accumulating about the polyphonic role of neuronal cadherins during brain development throughout all developmental stages, starting from the involvement of cadherins in the organization of neurulation up to synapse development and plasticity. Recent work has confirmed that specifically N-cadherins play an important role in asymmetrical cellular processes in developing neurons that are at the basis of polarity. In this review we will summarize recent data, which demonstrate how N-cadherin orchestrates distinct processes of polarity establishment in neurons.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter-containing synaptic vesicle(SV)fusion with the nerve terminal plasma membrane initiates neurotransmission in response to neuronal excitation.Under mild stimulation,the fused vesicular membrane is retrieved via kiss-and-run and/or clathrin-mediated endocytosis,which is sufficient to maintain recycling of SVs.When neurons are challenged with very high stimulation,the number of fused SVs can be extremely high,resulting in significant plasma membrane addition.Under such conditions,a higher capacity retrieval pathway,bulk endocytosis,is activated to redress this large membrane imbalance.Despite first being described more than 40 years ago,the molecular mechanisms underpinning this important process have yet to be clearly defined.In this review,we highlight the current evidence for bulk endocytosis and its prevalence in various neuronal models,as well as discuss the underlying molecular components.  相似文献   

With the goal of performing astrocyte‐specific modification of genes in the mouse, we have generated a transgenic line expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the human glial fibrillary acidic protein (hGFAP) promoter. Activity was monitored by crossing the hGFAP‐cre transgenics with either of two reporter lines carrying a lacZ gene whose expression requires excision of loxP‐flanked stop sequences. We found that lacZ expression was primarily limited to the central nervous system, but therein was widespread in neurons and ependyma. Cell types within the brain that notably failed to activate lacZ expression included Purkinje neurons of the cerebellum and choroid plexus epithelium. Onset of Cre expression began in the forebrain by e13.5, suggesting that the hGFAP promoter is active in a multi‐potential neural stem cell. genesis 31:85–94, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

beta-Catenin plays a key role in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion as well as in canonical Wnt signaling. To study the role of beta-catenin during eye development, we used conditional Cre/loxP system in mouse to inactivate beta-catenin in developing lens and retina. Inactivation of beta-catenin does not suppress lens fate, but instead results in abnormal morphogenesis of the lens. Using BAT-gal reporter mice, we show that beta-catenin-mediated Wnt signaling is notably absent from lens and neuroretina throughout eye development. The observed defect is therefore likely due to the cytoskeletal role of beta-catenin, and is accompanied by impaired epithelial cell adhesion. In contrast, inactivation of beta-catenin in the nasal ectoderm, an area with active Wnt signaling, results in formation of crystallin-positive ectopic lentoid bodies. These data suggest that, outside of the normal lens, beta-catenin functions as a coactivator of canonical Wnt signaling to suppress lens fate.  相似文献   


Mobilization of intracellular Ca(2+) stores regulates a multitude of cellular functions, but the role of intracellular Ca(2+) release via the ryanodine receptor (RyR) in the brain remains incompletely understood. We found that nitric oxide (NO) directly activates RyRs, which induce Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores of central neurons, and thereby promote prolonged Ca(2+) signalling in the brain. Reversible S-nitrosylation of type 1 RyR (RyR1) triggers this Ca(2+) release. NO-induced Ca(2+) release (NICR) is evoked by type 1 NO synthase-dependent NO production during neural firing, and is essential for cerebellar synaptic plasticity. NO production has also been implicated in pathological conditions including ischaemic brain injury, and our results suggest that NICR is involved in NO-induced neuronal cell death. These findings suggest that NICR via RyR1 plays a regulatory role in the physiological and pathophysiological functions of the brain.  相似文献   

Spinal motor neurons are critical to the ability of animals to move and thus essential to survival. Motor neurons that project axons to distinct limb-muscle targets are topographically organized such that central nervous system position reflects the location of the muscle in the limb. The central positioning of limb-projecting motor neurons arises during development through motor neuron migration followed by a period of coalescence into discrete groupings of motor neurons which project axons to an individual muscle. These so-called motor pools are a common feature of motor organization in higher vertebrates. Recent work has highlighted the critical role for armadillo family member catenin-dependent functions of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules in directing the organization of motor neurons. Cadherin function appears to be important for both the motor neuron migration and coalescence phases of the emergence of motor neuron topography. Here, I review this recent work in the context of our understanding of the general development of spinal motor neurons.  相似文献   

The Slit-Robo GTPase activating protein 3 (srGAP3) dynamically regulates cytoskeletal reorganisation through inhibition of the Rho GTPase Rac1 and interaction with actin remodelling proteins. SrGAP3-mediated reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton is crucial for the normal development of dendritic spines and loss of srGAP3 leads to abnormal synaptic activity and impaired cognitive behaviours in mice, which is reminiscent of an association between disrupted srGAP3 and intellectual disability in humans. Additionally, srGAP3 has been implicated to act downstream of Slit-Robo signalling in commissural axons of the spinal cord. Thus, srGAP3-mediated cytoskeletal reorganisation has an important influence on a variety of neurodevelopmental processes, which may be required for normal cognitive function.  相似文献   

Spinal motor neurons are critical to the ability of animals to move and thus essential to survival. Motor neurons that project axons to distinct limb-muscle targets are topographically organized such that central nervous system position reflects the location of the muscle in the limb. The central positioning of limb-projecting motor neurons arises during development through motor neuron migration followed by a period of coalescence into discrete groupings of motor neurons which project axons to an individual muscle. These so-called motor pools are a common feature of motor organization in higher vertebrates. Recent work has highlighted the critical role for armadillo family member catenin-dependent functions of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules in directing the organization of motor neurons. Cadherin function appears to be important for both the motor neuron migration and coalescence phases of the emergence of motor neuron topography. Here, I review this recent work in the context of our understanding of the general development of spinal motor neurons.  相似文献   

神经钙粘着蛋白在P19神经元分化中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用RT-PCR技术,我们检测P19细胞体外神经元分化过程中神经钙粘着蛋白(N-cadherin)的表达模式。结果显示,该基因在上述过程中存在上调和下调过程,与体内中枢神经系统发育过程的表达模式十分相近。在此基础上,我们将神经钙粘着蛋白基因cDNA全长转入P19细胞,通过药物筛选,得到稳定表达钙粘着蛋白的细胞株。  相似文献   

Cadherins are transmembrane glycoproteins involved in Ca2+-dependent cell–cell adhesion. Deletion of the COOH-terminal residues of the E-cadherin cytoplasmic domain has been shown to abolish its cell adhesive activity, which has been ascribed to the failure of the deletion mutants to associate with catenins. Based on our present results, this concept needs revision. As was reported previously, leukemia cells (K562) expressing E-cadherin with COOH-terminal deletion of 37 or 71 amino acid residues showed almost no aggregation. Cells expressing E-cadherin with further deletion of 144 or 151 amino acid residues, which eliminates the membrane-proximal region of the cytoplasmic domain, showed E-cadherin–dependent aggregation. Thus, deletion of the membrane-proximal region results in activation of the nonfunctional E-cadherin polypeptides. However, these cells did not show compaction. Chemical cross-linking revealed that the activated E-cadherin polypeptides can be cross-linked to a dimer on the surface of cells, whereas the inactive polypeptides, as well as the wild-type E-cadherin polypeptide containing the membrane-proximal region, can not. Therefore, the membrane-proximal region participates in regulation of the adhesive activity by preventing lateral dimerization of the extracellular domain.  相似文献   

The model research animal Caenorhabditis elegans has unique properties making it particularly advantageous for studies of the nervous system. The nervous system is composed of a stereotyped complement of neurons connected in a consistent manner. Here, we describe methods for studying nervous system structure and function. The transparency of the animal makes it possible to visualize and identify neurons in living animals with fluorescent probes. These methods have been recently enhanced for the efficient use of neuron-specific reporter genes. Because of its simple structure, for a number of years, C. elegans has been at the forefront of connectomic studies defining synaptic connectivity by electron microscopy. This field is burgeoning with new, more powerful techniques, and recommended up-to-date methods are here described that encourage the possibility of new work in C. elegans. Fluorescent probes for single synapses and synaptic connections have allowed verification of the EM reconstructions and for experimental approaches to synapse formation. Advances in microscopy and in fluorescent reporters sensitive to Ca2+ levels have opened the way to observing activity within single neurons across the entire nervous system.  相似文献   

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