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山麻雀的生态研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
罗时有  王燕 《四川动物》1990,9(2):23-25
本文报道山麻雀的栖息环境、活动规律、食性、繁殖习性及雏鸟生长发育等。山麻雀在调查地区5—8月进行繁殖,每年繁殖2窝,每窝产卵4—6枚。孵化期13—14天,孵化率88%;育雏期12—14天,雏鸟成活率59.09%。根据其食性分析,提出该鸟在调查区内是有益于农林业的益鸟。  相似文献   

咬合力作为衡量动物生存能力的重要指标,可以在一定程度上反映动物捕食、反捕食和争夺配偶的能力。对于蜥蜴类动物而言,头部形态和咬合力大小之间常呈现显著线性关系。通过测量2018年7月采集于新疆霍城县图开沙漠的24号草原蜥(Trapelussanguinolenta)(雌13,雄11)的头部形态指标,并使用薄膜压力测试仪测定咬合力,采用单因素方差分析(ANOVA)、主成分分析、模型拟合及逐步回归4种方法探究草原蜥咬合力的两性差异及其与头部形态指标的关系。结果表明,草原蜥头体长、头长、头宽、头高、口宽和下颌长在两性个体间均无显著差异,草原蜥两性个体之间咬合力也没有显著差异。主成分分析及赤池信息模型拟合结果均显示,头长、头宽和下颌长是影响草原蜥咬合力的重要因素,逐步回归分析揭示草原蜥的咬合力主要受头宽影响。上述研究结果表明,草原蜥的咬合力受头部形态大小的影响,但两性个体之间咬合力却不存在显著差异,这与头部形态特征未表现出两性差异一致,这可能是草原蜥对灌丛生活的适应,具体而言,是头部大小与运动权衡的结果。  相似文献   

山西芦芽山自然保护区山麻雀的生态资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000~2003年的4~10月在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区,对山麻雀的生态进行了观察。结果表明,山麻雀在本区最早迁来为5月4日,最晚迁离为9月24日;繁殖前每公里遇见数为0.64只,繁殖后每公里遇见数0.79只。最早营巢期为6月1日,最早产卵期为6月9日,窝卵数4~6枚,最早孵化期为6月13日,孵化期12~13天,孵化率为84.44%;巢内育雏期为13~14天,巢外育雏期为8~9天,幼鸟成活率为86.84%,繁殖力为2.11只。食物中动物性食物占75.43%,植物性食物占24.60%。  相似文献   

咬合力在食物获取和雄性竞争等多方面影响大熊猫的生存和繁殖,同时,食性和咀嚼系统的独特性使大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)成为研究咬合力的理想物种。以往研究仅局限在通过测量大熊猫头骨进行力学模型估测,未经实体测量验证。本研究采用测力传感器定量测量了不同年龄段46只大熊猫的体重、切齿咬合力和采食速率,并重点关注幼仔期的发育过程。结果显示:幼年大熊猫的切齿咬合力在切齿由乳齿到恒齿的过渡期呈较快速度的增长,与此同时,采食竹笋的速率也呈快速上升趋势;在全部切齿更换为恒齿后,其切齿咬合力仍然呈上升趋势,但速度变缓,而采食速率进入平台期。经Logistics模型对采食速率增长曲线拟合,表明月龄可以解释速率变异的87.56%。不同年龄阶段的大熊猫咬合力中位数随年龄呈现明显的增长趋势,8~12月龄组的咬合力显著小于其他年龄组,13~18月龄的咬合力显著小于亚成年组、成年组以及老年组;亚成年组、成年组和老年组间尚未检测出显著性差异。竹笋和胡萝卜的采食速率以成年大熊猫最高,亚成年次之,老年略低于亚成年,幼年最低。本研究验证了测力传感器测量大熊猫咬合力的可行性,记录了咬合力和采食速率在幼...  相似文献   

产卵次序可对鸟类卵黄中的营养成分、卵壳色素以及卵壳厚度等产生影响。一些鸟类可通过产卵次序对不同卵的资源进行分配,从而实现繁殖成效的最大化。本研究对不同产卵次序下山麻雀(Passer cinnamomeus)的卵色、卵大小和卵重量进行分析,结果表明,山麻雀的卵重和卵大小随着产卵次序并无显著变化,卵色与卵的大小和重量均无显著相关性,但卵背景的色度随产卵次序有明显下降趋势,而卵斑点密度则呈相反的变化。卵背景的色度随产卵次序下降可能是山麻雀有限的色素在卵中不均匀分配的结果,而卵斑点密度的增加则可能是对后期卵壳厚度变薄的一种补偿。  相似文献   

不同生境中云南松及其近缘种芽的比较形态解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王昌命  王锦  姜汉侨 《广西植物》2009,29(4):433-437
对滇东南、滇中以及滇西北地区的10个云南松种群及其近缘种的芽进行了比较形态解剖学研究,云南松种群及其近缘种芽的形态和结构特征表现为多态性,随着纬度或海拔(样带取样)的增加,从滇东南-滇中-滇西北,芽鳞长度和芽鳞排列的紧密程度等随着海拔高度的升高有增加的趋势。针叶的发育为"不对称"叶原基分化,形成不同针叶数的针束。云南松及其近缘种芽形态结构的多样性是生态环境的复杂性与生态因子组合的多样性共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

生活史是鸟类生态学研究的重要内容之一,分析生活史的影响因子对于研究鸟类的生态适应具有重要意义。2007年3~9月,在广东省肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)和纯色山鹪莺(P.inornata)的繁殖参数进行了比较研究。结果表明:1)除筑巢集中期、窝卵数、巢捕食率和割草毁巢率外,两种山鹪莺各繁殖参数均存在显著性差异;2)黄腹山鹪莺的窝卵数相对较小,但卵重较大,而纯色山鹪莺则相反;3)与体重相似的9种雀形目鸟类相比,两种山鹪莺具有相对较高的年生产力;4)两种山鹪莺在部分繁殖参数上出现了分化,这可能是它们对不同巢捕食风险的响应,黄腹山鹪莺的巢捕食率相对较高,采取低窝卵数和高的卵重,而纯色山鹪莺则为高的窝卵数和低的卵重。  相似文献   

相同环境下3种藓类植物光合色素含量的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光合色素是客观反映植物利用光照能力的一类重要指标,往往可以作为判断植物光合生理能力、反映环境胁迫状况的重要指标[1~3].不同植物具有不同的光合色素含量特征,研究表明,植物光合色素因环境变化和生长发育阶段的不同而变化[1,4~8].  相似文献   

换羽是鸟类为保证持续生存的重要过程。换羽策略与鸟类进化及对环境的适应紧密相关,研究鸟类换羽特征,对于了解鸟类的分类、系统发育、进化历史及其对环境的适应性等方面都有重要意义。2007年3月至9月,在广东肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)和纯色山鹪莺(P.inornata)的春季换羽进行了研究。通过设置雾网捕捉2种山鹪莺,对捕捉到的成体进行体重及身体量度的测量;对飞羽及尾羽进行标记:初级飞羽以翅尖的第一枚羽毛标记为"P1",次级飞羽以翅中部最外一枚标记为"S1",向内依次递增标记;尾羽以中央两根最长尾羽为"T1",分别向两侧递增标记为"T2~T5"。采用单因素方差分析(One way ANOVA)对不同月份山鹪莺的体重值进行差异性检验,对体重与月份进行Pearson相关分析,对尾羽的长度和宽度进行Pearson偏相关分析(控制变量:体长)。研究结果表明:1)两种山鹪莺换羽期为3至5月,持续时间约为60 d;2)两种山鹪莺春季换羽仅更换尾羽,换羽模式均为离心型,即中央一对尾羽最先开始替换,然后向两侧由内到外逐次更替;3)两种山鹪莺的尾羽长度和宽度同步变化,但绝大部分山鹪莺非繁殖期尾羽长度与繁殖期尾羽长度之比大于非繁殖期尾羽宽度与繁殖期尾羽宽度之比,即繁殖期尾羽相对较宽;4)两种山鹪莺换羽期间体重大致呈现下降趋势,但变化不显著(P0.05)。推测两种山鹪莺通过增加食物的摄入来抵抗换羽期和繁殖期重叠而导致的能量消耗,这可能与该地区丰富的食物资源有关,并在一定程度上体现了两种山鹪莺换羽策略对环境的适应性。  相似文献   

两近缘种烟草上棉铃虫种群适合度的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别在室内和自然条件下,比较研究了普通烟草和黄花烟草两种不同寄主植物上棉铃虫生长发育、食物转化和利用及种群增长情况。结果表明: (1) 室内26±1℃、75%±5% RH和16L∶8D光周期条件下,与普通烟草相比,黄花烟草上幼虫的发育历期显著延长,1龄和2龄幼虫的存活率及雌蛾产卵量显著下降,种群净增殖率(R0=30.5374)和内禀增长率(rm=0.0951)减小;(2) 6龄幼虫对两种烟草的近似消化率及其相对生长率无显著差异,但对黄花烟草的利用率和转化率显著下降,相对取食量显著提高;(3) 第2代棉铃虫在普通烟田的种群增长(I=1.9922>1)比黄花烟田(I=1.1581>1)快,“烟草和其他”对种群起主要控制作用,特别是对低龄幼虫;第3代棉铃虫在普通烟田的种群增长有所减慢但仍呈上升趋势(I=1.5994>1),而在黄花烟田则呈下降趋势(I=0.6434<1),低龄幼虫受烟草抗性和雨水等的影响较大,高龄幼虫被病菌感染的数量增多。这些结果表明,与普通烟草相比,黄花烟草不适合棉铃虫种群的增长和繁殖。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市噪声水平显著升高。噪声会掩盖鸟类的声音信号,这无疑会影响鸟类的交流。在嘈杂的城市环境中,鸟类通常以高频率鸣唱来避免声信号被掩蔽。然而,较低的发声频率才是雄性品质的重要表征,提高发声频率可能会影响声信号对雌性的吸引力。因此,鸟类会在提高发声频率和保持较低频率之间进行权衡。为确定城市噪声对树麻雀(Passer montanus)鸣唱行为的影响,在沈阳市选取6个研究地点,比较了沈阳市区和近郊不同噪声水平下树麻雀繁殖期的鸣唱特征。在2019年4月至7月,使用定向麦克风录制了320只繁殖期树麻雀的鸣唱,并使用声级计测定噪声水平。研究结果显示,城市研究地点的噪声水平显著高于郊区研究地点。与安静郊区相比,城市嘈杂环境中的树麻雀鸣唱的最高频率、最低频率和主峰峰频显著较高,频宽更大,而时长没有差别。树麻雀鸣唱的最高频率、频宽、主峰峰频和时长均与噪声水平无显著相关,而最低频率与研究地点的噪声水平呈显著正相关。上述结果说明,在噪声环境中,树麻雀选择提高最低频率以利于声信号的传输。  相似文献   

Avian life-history studies are often conducted on populations nesting in nestboxes. However, the type of nestbox used is a potentially confounding variable, as each model shows specific characteristics. In recent decades, a new commercial model of artificial nestbox made of woodcrete, a mixture of sawdust and additives, has become popular owing to its better protection against predators compared with the classic wooden design. We assess the effect of nestbox type on the breeding ecology of Tree Sparrows Passer montanus , focusing on their thermal properties, an influential factor in nestbox selection. Occupancy rates and reproductive parameters of Tree Sparrows were compared between birds breeding in woodcrete and wooden nestboxes over 5 years. Woodcrete nestboxes had a higher occupancy rate and birds breeding in them had earlier clutches, a shorter incubation period and more reproductive attempts per season than birds nesting in wooden boxes. Clutch size and nestling condition did not differ between nestbox types, but reproductive success was higher in woodcrete nestboxes. The higher temperature in woodcrete nestboxes (1.5 °C higher on average) might explain these differences. Such differences may bias results obtained in comparative studies where more than one nestbox type is used.  相似文献   

为探讨温度和光周期驯化对树麻雀消化道形态特征和能量预算的影响,以不同环境温度(5℃和25℃)、不同光周期(16L∶8D和8L∶16D)的4组树麻雀进行为期4周的人工气候箱驯化,并对驯化后的4组树麻雀消化道形态特征各指标以体质量为协变量,采用温度、光周期双因素协方差分析和组间进行单因素协方差分析及进行Tukey HSD比较。结果表明,温度降低或光周期缩短导致消化道长度极显著增加;反之,则缩短。温度显著影响消化道干组织质量;温度和光周期的交互作用对消化道净鲜质量和干组织质量的影响显著;总消化道和各器官的长度(直肠长度除外)、质量均存在明显的组间差异。可见,不同的温度或光周期可引起树麻雀消化道形态结构和功能能力相应的适应性变化,消化道各器官长度和质量的改变与其个体的摄能需求密切相关,消化道各器官功能能力和器官能耗之间高投资高收益的能量预算是个体适合度与环境压力之间能量预算的结果。  相似文献   

Within the Palaearctic Region, the Willow tit (Parus montanus) displays four vicariant forms of territorial song. 1. “Alpine” form (pure single-frequency whistles, Fig. 5: 1) in the Alps and adjacent mountains to the East. 2. “Lowland” or “Normal” form (frequency change from high to low within one note, Fig. 5: 2) in the other parts of NW, Central and SE Europe. 3. In populations of N and E Europe as well as of W and E Siberia every individual bird uses - so far as known - both song types; this “Siberian” form (Figs. 1, 2) includes intergrades (Fig. 3). The comparatively type-rich Siberian repertoire is found in a vast area from N and E Europe to the Amur River and Ussuriland in Siberia. 4. In song types of S Palaearctic Asia whistled notes dominate, as in the Alpine form, but the single notes contrast by marked differences in pitch (frequency jumps); this is the “Sino-Japanese” form (Altai, China, Japan, Fig. 4). These acoustically defined groups of Eurasia comprise several morphological subspecies. Subspecies groups with the same song type are closely related. We hypothesize that the Alpine and Lowland song types developed in Pleistocene refuge areas in the southern Alps and in the Balkan Peninsula, respectively, both originating from the complex Siberian song type. According to this hypothesis, both extant Central European song types lost one note type of the Siberian song type (Lowland or Alpine, respectively). In contact zones and hybrid belts of Alpine and Lowland song, the Secondary Siberian song type occurs, which combines the Lowland and Alpine types. Marked song types, which cover vast areas, also characterize the closest relatives in the Nearctic Region, the Chickadees P. atricapillus, P. carolinensis and P. sclateri (Mexico), the most southerly representative of Chickadees in America. P. carolinensis uses Sino-Japanese song, P. atricapillus a derived form with only minor frequency jumps. The Willow tit probably evolved in the E Palaearctic Region, perhaps in the area of E China, Amur/Ussuri and NE Siberia, rich in diverse local taxa at present (songarus sector; parts of montanus sector; kamtschatkensis sector, respectively, Fig. 5). The Sino-Japanese song type was also developed here. Starting from this area, montanus settled the W Palaearctic Region, where the song types were modified as follows: loss of frequency jumps of the old Sino-Japanese form, threefold geographical splitting into areas of Alpine, Lowland and Siberian song. Also starting from NE Asia, the Nearctic Region was colonized by at least two immigration waves. The first one resulted in the present P. carolinensis, which introduced Sino-Japanese song into the Nearctic Region. Considered not closely related to P. carolinensis on genetic grounds, the present P. atricapillus may represent another immigrant from E Asia with already modified Sino-Japanese song (minor frequency jumps). In the Nearctic Region, Alpine song occurs in Alaska, where it resembles much Alpine song in Siberia and the rare Alpine form in Japan. Territorial song supports the currently rejected assumption of conspecifity of palaearctic and nearctic Willow tits under the name P. atricapillus. Despite allozyme differences, P. atricapillus and P. carolinensis behave largely as a common biological species. In accordance with its peculiar song, the allopatric P. sclateri is attributed species status. Song structure in both the montanus and atricapillus / carolinenis complexes of the Holarctic Region is highly conservative and gives even better insight into evolutionary history than morphological characters.  相似文献   

Two new marine diatom species from Argentinean coastal waters, Pleurosigma hinzianum Sterrenburg, Sunesen & Sar, sp. nov. and P. frenguellianum Sunesen, Sterrenburg & Sar, sp. nov., are described. The characters permitting their identification are specified, based on comparison with type material of the morphologically similar species P. amara Stidolph and P. elongatum W. Smith in the light (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). New information on the type material of P. elongatum is presented and its taxonomic concept is emended. The main criteria for separation of the species discussed here are: valve outline, path of the raphe-sternum, raphe angle and angle of intersection of the oblique striae in LM; and external central and terminal raphe fissures, internal details of the central area, external and internal apical structure, and morphology of the hymen-occluded internal pores in SEM. The occurrence of these (and probably other) species in the genus Pleurosigma in net samples is adventitious and not indicative of a true planktonic mode of life.  相似文献   

Differences in morphology among species are proximately caused by changes in the ontogeny of individuals. It is therefore of importance to analyse possible differences in growth parameters among closely related species in order to understand what parameters are most and least likely, respectively, to change in evolution. In this paper I analyse growth in two closely related sympatric species, namely Great tit, Parus major, and Blue tit, P. caeruleus. The former is considerably larger than the latter in all external traits. The growth rates of the two species were found to be very similar for all traits, thus excluding differences in growth rate as a potential cause of evolutionary size changes. Offset of growth occurred at relatively similar times in the two species, excluding this factor as a major cause of the final size differences. However, size differences at hatching were pronounced and remained so throughout ontogeny, pointing to initial size (egg size or hatching size) as the target of factors promoting change. Bivariate allometric relations of traits vs. body size (mass) were similar between the two species at all ontogenetic stages. There was a high correlation among traits especially at intermediate age stages (5 and 8 days), but these correlations became weaker at older age and approached the low pattern of integration found in adults. All this suggests the operation of a general growth factor affecting all parts of the phenotype simultaneously, which has its major influence at the time of maximal growth. If closely related species in general have highly similar growth patterns, strong evolutionary allometry as found in many avian taxa is to be expected.  相似文献   

湖南紫菀属(菊科)一新变种--垂茎三脉紫菀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了湖南紫菀属Aster一新变种——垂茎三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.pendulus W.P.Li&G X.Chen。新变种与宽伞三蔓脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.laticorymbus(Vant.)Hand.-Mazz.最为接近,但以如下特征与之相区别:茎下垂,基生叶和茎下部叶背面常为紫色,茎生叶常条形,叶上面被糙毛,总苞片较宽。新变种因叶常条形和舌状花白色而与小花三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.microanthus Ling相似,但总苞片顶端旱绿色,1.25-1.75mm宽,具明显横走地下茎而不同。  相似文献   

Three new benthic, photosynthetic dinoflagellate species, Prorocentrum norrisianum, Prorocentrum tropicalis, and Prorocentrum reticulatum, from floating detritus and coral rubble of Central America are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, thecal plate ornamentation, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. norrisianum are ovate with a cell size of 20–25 μm long and 13–16 μm wide. The theca is delicate, its surface smooth, pores species specific with 95 to 105 pores per valve. Pores are round with a diameter of about 0.1 μm. The periflagellar area is V-shaped, located on the right valve in a shallow depression. It has no ornamentation. The flagellar and auxiliary pores are unequal in size. The intercalary band is smooth. Prorocentrum tropicalis cells are ovoid, 50–55 μm long and 40–45 μm wide in valve view with maximum width behind the middle region, narrow at the anterior end. The periflagellar area, situated in the right valve, is a V-shaped wide triangle with a deeply indented depression; the left valve exhibits a flat ridge. The periflagellar area is unornamented, and the flagellar and auxiliary pores are unequal in size. The valve surface is rugose with evenly distributed valve poroids. Each poroid appears to have a small dome in the center. The intercalary band is rimlike around the cell margin, granulated, and horizontally striated. Prorocentrum reticulatum cells are oblong in valve view; cells are 55–60 μm long and 40–45 μm wide. Thecal surface is reticulated; it is composed of a labyrinth of ridges with alternating depressions that vary in size and shape. Each depression has a narrow, oblong-kidney-shaped opening about 0.6 μm long. The periflagellar area is a deep, V-shaped triangle. The right valve of P. reticulatum is excavated, and contains a large flagellar pore and a smaller auxiliary pore surrounded by a narrow apical collar. The left valve margin exhibits a curved flat ridge. The intercalary band is smooth.  相似文献   

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