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在1℃低温条件下,经叶绿体ATP合成酶ε亚基处理的菠菜叶绿体毫秒延迟发光的快相显著高于对照,增加的快相不仅是由膜两侧的电位差所引起的,并且为光系统Ⅱ水氧化释放的质子所促进。当温度升至25℃时,ε亚基对叶绿体毫秒延迟发光快相的影响几乎消失。  相似文献   

突变和野生型体ATP合成酶的ε亚基均可增强中绿体毫秒延迟发光的快相;不同的突变体对快相的增强强度不同,但与它们对离体CF1的Ca^2+-ATP酶水解活力的抑制程度情况一致。且这种影响在1℃左右的低温下较显著,而温度升至25℃时,这种增强作用趋于消失。加入解联剂后快相部分消除,ε亚基仍有增强作用。这些结果说明,ε亚基是通过与CF1的专一作用而影响光系统Ⅱ附近类囊体的动态结构,使质子不易从类囊体膜上流  相似文献   

突变和野生型叶绿体ATP 合成酶的ε亚基均可增强叶绿体毫秒延迟发光的快相;不同的突变体对快相的增强强度不同,但与它们对离体CF1 的Ca2+ATP酶水解活力的抑制程度情况一致。且这种影响在1 ℃左右的低温下较显著,而温度升至25 ℃时,这种增强作用趋于消失。加入解联剂后,快相部分消除,ε亚基仍有增强作用。这些结果说明,ε亚基是通过与CF1 的专一作用而影响光系统Ⅱ附近类囊体膜的动态结构, 使质子不易从类囊体膜上流失,质子动力势较难被解联剂所去除  相似文献   

从高粱(Sorghum bicolor L.var.R111)幼苗中提取总RNA,利用RT-PCR和cDNA的3′末端的快速扩增方法(3′RACE),第一次克隆了高粱隐花色素2基因(CRY2)的cDNA序列。该序列包括了一个完整的开放阅读框,编码大小为690个氨基酸残基的蛋白质,与水稻、番茄和拟南芥CRY2蛋白质的同源性分别为87%、57%和45.5%。高粱CRY2基因组DNA含有3个内含子和4个外显子。RT-PCR检测结果表明,高粱CRY2基因在根、茎和叶中都有转录。Western blotting结果显示CRY2蛋白在根、茎和叶中表达,并在黑暗中积累,蓝光下降解。高粱CRY2可能在蓝光诱导的幼苗去黄化反应中起作用。  相似文献   

烟草黄酮醇合成酶基因的克隆及其序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已知的黄酮醇合成酶cDNA保守序列设计引物,用RT-PCR技术从烟草叶片中扩增获得黄酮醇合成酶cDNA片段,再用RACE方法得到其两端序列。根据获得的序列,设计引物分离得到完整的1188bp的黄酮醇合成酶基因,其开放阅读框编码346个氨基酸。序列分析显示,烟草黄酮醇合成酶与高杯花、矮牵牛和马铃薯的同源性分别为87%、86%和84%,与其它物种中的同源性也在80%左右,表明不同物种中黄酮醇合成酶基因具有高度同源性。此外,在氨基酸水平上,该酶与其它依赖于2-酮戊二酸的双加氧酶及其相关酶也具有同源性。  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR技术从油茶中分离出一个柠檬酸合成酶基因,该基因的c DNA全长1 416 bp,编码471个氨基酸,推导的蛋白分子量为52.74 k D,理论等电点(PI)为6.95。同源比对显示其与其他植物的CS蛋白序列高度同源,将该基因命名为Co CS(Gen Bank登录号:KU161147)。系统进化树分析表明油茶Co CS与杜鹃和葡萄的CS蛋白的亲缘关系较近。荧光定量PCR分析结果表明,油茶受到低磷胁迫后根系Co CS基因的表达受到低磷诱导,表达量呈现先升高后降低的趋势;不同油茶品种不同组织(根、茎、叶)中的Co CS基因在不用磷处理下的表达模式不同。  相似文献   

可溶性酸性转化酶(SAI)是蔗糖代谢途径中的关键酶,对植物生长发育起着至关重要的调节作用,研究简捷快速克隆可溶性酸性转化酶基因方法,对于育种材料和品种资源的基因分型具有重要意义。本研究通过已知的高粱可溶性酸性转化酶基因序列及高粱基因组中该基因序列片段,设计引物,比较了分段克隆、基因全长克隆、巢式PCR克隆等方法克隆高粱SAI-1基因的效果,结果表明,直接扩增全长,扩增产物极其不稳定且扩增产物纯化、连接,转化后得不到阳性克隆;采用均等分段克隆,前半段扩增产物纯化、连接转化后得不到阳性克隆,但后半段克隆成功;针对高粱基因组信息中SAI-1基因上游的未知序列部分设计引物,进行单独克隆(635 bp),再单独克隆其其余序列,两段序列拼接后得到SAI-1基因全长。序列分析发现,SAI-1前段635 bp的扩增片段GC含量高达69.6%,而其后GC含量急剧下降至30%以下,所以推测全长克隆、均等片段克隆以及巢式PCR克隆失败的原因可能是SAI-1基因中GC分布不均匀,克隆高粱SAI-1基因较为适宜的方法为利用2对引物进行不均等分段扩增克隆,前段PCR退火温度较后段高1℃。该方法将为其他研究人员提供有益参考。  相似文献   

青钱柳法呢基焦磷酸合成酶基因的克隆及功能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
青钱柳是集药用、材用和观赏等多种价值于一身的珍贵树种。法呢基焦磷酸合成酶(FPS)催化=牛儿基焦磷酸(GPP)与异戊烯基焦磷酸(IPP)缩合成法呢基焦磷酸(FPP),FPP是植物次生代谢产物倍半萜,三萜,甾醇等的前体。本研究通过RACE方法首次从青钱柳中扩增了法呢基焦磷酸合成酶的全长cDNA序列,序列命名为CpF-PS(Genbank登录号为GU121224),序列长度为1 420 bp,包含1 029 bp的开放阅读框,编码342个氨基酸残基,预测蛋白分子量为39.60 kDa。通过BlASTP分析,推断的青钱柳FPS蛋白序列与木本棉(Gossypium arboreum)(CAA72793.1)、橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)(BAF98301)等的FPS蛋白相似度较高。蛋白质保守区、特征区以及进化树分析初步证实扩增到的全长cDNA序列为青钱柳的FPS基因。将该基因连入酵母表达载体并转入麦角甾醇缺陷型酵母菌株CC25(MATa/MATalpha,deltaERG20/+),发现该基因可弥补营养缺陷使得CC25菌株在高温中正常生长,证明所得到的青钱柳CpFPS基因编码的蛋白是有功能的蛋白。  相似文献   

利用生物信息学手段,在GenBank数据库进行氨基酸的同源性检索分析,发现来自谷氨酸棒杆茵(Corynebacterium glutamicum)一功能未确定的ORF序列被注释为假设的海藻糖酶(putative trehalose sesynthase),它与已报道的海藻糖合成酶的氨基酸序列有60%以上的同源性。本研究把这段ORF克隆到大肠杆茵进行表达及进行功能鉴定。实验表明这段ORF序列为一新的海藻糖合成酶基因,其表达产物能将麦芽糖分子转化成海藻糖分子。重组酶性质的初步研究表明重组酶在pH7.0~7.5,30℃转化麦芽糖效率最高。  相似文献   

As rapid changes in climate threaten global crop yields, an understanding of plant heat stress tolerance is increasingly relevant. Heat stress tolerance involves the coordinated action of many cellular processes and is particularly energy demanding. We acquired a knockout mutant and generated knockdown lines in Arabidopsis thaliana of the d subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase (gene name: ATPQ, AT3G52300, referred to hereafter as ATPd), a subunit of the peripheral stalk, and used these to investigate the phenotypic significance of this subunit in normal growth and heat stress tolerance. Homozygous knockout mutants for ATPd could not be obtained due to gametophytic defects, while heterozygotes possess no visible phenotype. Therefore, we used RNA interference to create knockdown plant lines for further studies. Proteomic analysis and blue native gels revealed that ATPd downregulation impairs only subunits of the mitochondrial ATP synthase (complex V). Knockdown plants were more sensitive to heat stress, had abnormal leaf morphology, and were severely slow growing compared to wild type. These results indicate that ATPd plays a crucial role in proper function of the mitochondrial ATP synthase holoenzyme, which, when reduced, leads to wide-ranging defects in energy-demanding cellular processes. In knockdown plants, more hydrogen peroxide accumulated and mitochondrial dysfunction stimulon (MDS) genes were activated. These data establish the essential structural role of ATPd and support the importance of complex V in normal plant growth, and provide new information about its requirement for heat stress tolerance.  相似文献   

CBF/DREB是一类植物中特有的转录因子,在植物抵抗逆境胁迫过程中发挥重要功能。本研究从陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)Coker 312中克隆获得1个棉花CBF/DREB基因,命名为Gh CBF2,该基因编码一个由216个氨基酸组成的CBF蛋白。序列分析结果显示,Gh CBF2与其他植物的CBF蛋白类似,含有AP2转录因子典型的保守结构域。干旱或高盐胁迫处理明显增加了Gh CBF2基因的表达量。亚细胞定位分析结果发现Gh CBF2定位在细胞核中。将Gh CBF2基因构建到由35S启动子调控的植物表达载体p MD上并转化拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana L.),结果表明,在干旱和盐胁迫条件下,过量表达Gh CBF2基因拟南芥的成活率显著高于野生型,并且游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量也高于野生型,说明转Gh CBF2基因提高了拟南芥的耐盐抗旱能力。采用实时荧光定量PCR方法分析胁迫相关标记基因COR15A、RD29A和ERD6的表达情况,结果显示转基因株系中的表达量显著高于野生型,说明Gh CBF2参与调控拟南芥干旱和盐胁迫相关基因的表达。  相似文献   

Exposure of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings to a high temperature (42°C) for 24 h resulted in a significant increase in tolerance to drought stress. To try to determine the mechanisms of acquisition of tolerance to drought stress by heat shock, the rice small heat-shock protein gene, sHSP17.7, the product of which was shown to act as molecular chaperones in vitro and in vivo in our previous study, was overexpressed in the rice cultivar “Hoshinoyume”. Western and Northern blot analyses showed higher expression levels of sHSP17.7 protein in three transgenic lines than in one transgenic line. Drought tolerance was assessed in these transgenic lines and wild-type plants by withholding water for 6 days for evaluation of the ability of plants to continue growth after water-stress treatments. Although no significant difference was found in water potential of seedlings between transgenic lines and wild-type plants at the end of drought treatments, only transgenic seedlings with higher expression levels of sHSP17.7 protein could regrow after rewatering. Similar results were observed in survival rates after treatments with 30% polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3640 for 3 days. These results suggest that overproduction of sHSP17.7 could increase drought tolerance in transgenic rice seedlings.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of chilling tolerance in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mutational approach was taken to identify genes required for low-temperature growth of the chilling-tolerant plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The screen identified mutants that were specifically compromised in their ability to grow at 5°C but were indistinguishable from wild type when grown at 22°C. The populations screened were mutated either by ethyl methanesulphonate or by T-DNA insertion. In both cases symptoms at 5°C included chlorosis, reduced growth, necrosis and death. This diversity of phenotypes demonstrates roles for chilling-tolerance responses in such diverse processes as organdie biogenesis, cell metabolism and cell and organ development. Co-segregation analysis on the first five mutants isolated from the T-DNA lines indicated that in three of them, pfc1, pfc2 and sop1, the chilling phenotype is the result of T-DNA insertion in a gene required for chilling tolerance rather than the creation of a temperature-conditional mutation in an essential housekeeping gene. This identification of T-DNA tagged alleles will facilitate cloning of the PFC1, PFC2 and SOP1 loci and allow for the biochemical and molecular genetic characterization of these chilling-tolerance genes and the proteins that they encode.  相似文献   

The yeast trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene (TPS1) was engineered under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus regulatory sequences (CaMV35S) for expression in plants. Using Agrobacterium-mediated transfer, the gene was incorporated into the genomic DNA and constitutively expressed in Nicotiana tabacum␣L. plants. Trehalose was determined in the transformants, by anion-exchange chromatography coupled to pulsed amperometric detection. The non-reducing disaccharide accumulated up to 0.17 mg per g fresh weight in leaf extracts of transgenic plants. Trehalose-accumulating plants exhibited multiple phenotypic alterations, including stunted growth, lancet-shaped leaves, reduced sucrose content and improved drought tolerance. These pleiotropic effects, and the fact that water loss from detached leaves was not significantly affected by trehalose accumulation, suggest that synthesis of this sugar, rather than leading to an osmoprotectant effect, had altered sugar metabolism and regulatory pathways affecting plant development and stress tolerance. Received: 8 July 1996 / Accepted: 10 October 1996  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F(1)F(0)-ATPase is a key enzyme in plant metabolism, providing cells with ATP that uses the transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient to drive synthesis of ATP. A 6 kDa protein (At3g46430) has been previously purified from Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial F(1)F(0)-ATPase. In this study, the gene (AtMtATP6; GenBank accession no. AK117680) encoding this protein was isolated from Arabidopsis and characterized. Northern blot analyses showed that the expression of AtMtATP6 gene in Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cells was induced by several abiotic stresses from salts, drought, and cold. Over-expression of AtMtATP6 gene in transgenic yeast and Arabidopsis plants increased the resistance to salts, drought, oxidative and cold stresses. Taken together, our data raise the possibility that induction of the F(1)F(0)-ATPase plays a role in stress tolerance.  相似文献   

苜蓿中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobiummeliloti) 0 4 2BM与耐盐有关的1 9kbDNA片段含有两个开放阅读框,采用PCR方法分别将它们扩增,连接到穿梭质粒上,并进行了耐盐功能检测,证明其中的ORF2具有耐盐性,定名为rstA基因。将它分别克隆到表达载体pThio HisA、B和C上,构建成重组质粒pGSA、pGSB和pGSC ,转化大肠杆菌(Escherichiacoli)Top10后,经IPTG诱导,pGSA获得高效表达。表达蛋白占菌体总蛋白的36 % ,但大多数以包涵体形式存在。对表达产物依次进行ProBondTM树脂亲和纯化、饱和硫酸铵盐析,最后得到纯度为95 %的融合蛋白。SDS PAGE显示纯化的蛋白质为分子量4 3kD的单一蛋白带,经Westernblot检测证实了表达结果  相似文献   

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