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为解析小麦叶片直立的分子调控机制,以快中子辐射诱变获得的小麦直立叶突变体MtHS29及其野生型衡S29为材料,通过转录组分析挖掘与MtHS29叶片直立相关的差异表达基因。结果表明,突变体MtHS29的叶片相较于野生型衡S29存在不同程度的缺失,其中旗叶和倒二叶的叶枕、叶舌和叶耳全都缺失,叶片呈直立向上生长的状态。突变体MtHS29和野生型衡S29倒二叶、倒三叶和倒四叶的叶枕部位存在共同差异表达基因1567个,主要富集在植物激素信号转导、淀粉和蔗糖的生物合成、苯丙素的生物合成、内质网的蛋白质加工,以及氨基酸和核苷酸糖代谢等通路。进一步分析发现,参与细胞壁松弛的细胞壁主要成分合成相关基因、参与调控叶舌形成和叶夹角大小的生长素和油菜素内酯合成或信号转导相关基因,以及多个参与植物器官形态建成调控相关基因在突变体MtHS29中差异表达,与叶枕处近、远轴面细胞分裂和伸展活动减弱,以及突变体叶舌、叶耳和叶枕等结构的缺失密切相关。本研究为小麦株型育种提供了新的种质资源,也为阐明小麦直立叶形成的分子调控机制提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

选用生产上常用的5个杂交水稻不育胞质与5个高配合力恢复系,采用NCII模式对产量性状、芒、粒形等主要农艺性状的亲本配合力、方差贡献率及遗传力进行分析。结果表明:胞质效应和恢复系效应在所测性状中均达到显著或极显著差异水平,芒长、粒形、单穗重受环境的影响较小;产量和收获指数的非加性遗传作用明显,受环境效应的影响也较大。亲本效应方面,恢复系的效应远大于胞质效应;产量性状JW型(爪哇型)胞质和蜀恢527的一般配合力效应较高,同时JW型胞质和R21属于Ⅰ类亲本;粒形性状G型(冈型)胞质和蜀恢527的一般配合力效应最高,同时均属于Ⅰ类亲本。  相似文献   

杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的配合力和遗传力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用7×7不完全双列杂交设计,对反映杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的5个指标进行了配合力和遗传力分析.结果表明,杂交水稻苗瘟抗性遗传力高,受加性和非加性基因效应共同控制,但以加性效应为主;恢复系的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应明显相对重要于不育系,不育系苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应对F1代的抗性有显著的影响;14个供试亲本中,多恢1号、成恢149、K42A、K40A具有较好的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应.因此,在杂交水稻抗苗瘟育种中,对恢复系的抗性GCA选择和对亲本的抗性GCA评鉴至关重要,但不应忽视不育系对组合的抗性贡献和对组合的抗性评鉴;多恢1号、成恢149、K42A和K40A可作为优良抗苗瘟亲本加以利用.  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)是我国最主要的粮食作物之一, 其穗部形态直接影响着水稻产量和稻米品质。在秋光和七山占构建的重组自交系群体中发现了1个散穗突变体材料sp (spreading panicle), 田间表现为穗部一次枝梗向外延伸, 与穗轴夹角增大, 且向四周散开, 故暂命名为散穗突变体sp。与野生型相比, 突变体sp穗重、每穗粒重、千粒重、粒宽以及粒厚均极显著减少, 推测SP可能是1个参与调控穗部形态建成和颖花发育的基因。遗传分析表明, 该性状受1个显性核基因控制。利用sp与02428构建的F2群体进行基因定位, 将该基因定位在4号染色体长臂端, 位于E3和RM17578之间的62.9 kb区域内。该结果将为SP基因的图位克隆和揭示其作用机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

直立叶是构建合理株型和培育密植化栽培品种的重要指标之一.本研究利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变高粱BTX623,获得一株可以稳定遗传的直立叶突变体,暂命名el(erect leaf).该突变体叶片从6叶期开始出现直立性状,直至整个生育期叶片均呈直立状态.抽穗期突变体el植株倒1叶至倒7叶各节位叶长极显著缩短,叶片宽度也显...  相似文献   

江苏省直立穗型粳稻品种主要农艺性状和品质性状分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对江苏省淮北稻区种植的主要粳稻品种品质状况和近十年来育成的直立穗型粳稻品种(系)主要品质和农艺性状的分析,发现前期育成直立穗型粳稻品种相时半直立穗型粳稻品种加工品质低,垩白率高和垩白度大,蛋白质含量高;而近期育成直立穗型粳稻品种在上述品质指标上有了较大改进,食味品质也有了显著提高.在主要农艺性状中,近期育成品种呈现每穗总粒数上升、穗长变长、着粒密度下降趋势,产量水平的提高与每穗粒数的增加有着紧密相关.  相似文献   

CL系列甘蔗亲本的遗传力及配合力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨CL系列甘蔗品种作杂交亲本的遗传特点,采用3×3不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)遗传设计,估算了7个产量和品质性状的遗传方差、一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)。结果表明:锤度的遗传主要受母本加性基因效应控制,株高的遗传主要受父母本加性基因控制,而锤重的遗传主要受非加性基因效应所制约;CL83-1163作为母本,糖分配合力高,且能把高糖特性传递给后代,CL88-4730为父本,产量和品质性状的配合力大,其杂交后代表现高产高糖;根据配合力总效应(TCA),综合表现好的组合有CL83-1364×CL88-4730、CL83-1900×CL84-3152、CL83-1163×CL88-4730,可用于今后的甘蔗有性育种计划。  相似文献   

本研究了小麦籽粒蛋白质合量在Fl及F2代中的表现情况。结果表明,控制蛋白质合量的基因作用以加性效应为主,同时存在非加性效应;Fl代子粒蛋白质合量与双亲平均值高度相关,F2代中子粒蛋白质合量分离呈正态分布,且正态分布的峰值蛋白质合量也接近双亲平均值。蛋白质合量的一般配合力大于特殊配合力方差,并计算了蛋白质合量的广义和狭义遗传力。  相似文献   

不同穗型水稻群体生态环境的比较研究(简报)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中午前后(10∶30~13∶30)直立穗型水稻群体光照度和温度以及气体交换效率高于半直立和弯曲穗型,群体相对湿度低于后两种穗型。  相似文献   

通过EMS诱变籼型重穗恢复系蜀恢498,获得一个直立穗突变体R1338。与野生型相比,突变体表现为植株变矮、穗直立、穗长变短、一次枝梗变短、着粒密度增加、穗部抗弯曲力极显著增强、籽粒增宽增厚、粒长变短。组织细胞学分析发现,穗颈节直径、纤维素含量和木质素含量在穗部抗弯曲上发挥了重要的作用。遗传分析表明该直立穗表型受一对半显性核基因DEP2控制,通过重测序以及MutMap方法定位发现,在R1338突变体中,DEP2第7外显子有一个A到G的碱基置换,导致第928个精氨酸(AGG)被置换成甘氨酸(GGG),推测R1338直立穗性状可能由DEP2中该SNP导致。用R1338、野生型与不同穗型不育系分别配组,R1338与弯曲穗不育系所配组合穗部表现半直立,且保持较高的结实率和杂种优势,与DEP1直立穗不育系配组表现为基因累加效应的直立穗。本研究还讨论了直立穗突变体R1338在杂交水稻育种中的利用价值。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的飞速发展,通过基因工程方法可以更快更好地获得农作物抗逆新品种,其首要任务是通过分离相应的表型改变的突变体来鉴定、克隆在胁迫条件下表达模式发生改变的基因。主要介绍几种常用的及最新的突变体诱变和筛选技术,并分析每种技术的优缺点。  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a critical staple food crop that provides more than half of the world's population with its primary nutritional source. Breeders and growers of rice would profit from robust genotypes with improved morphological and yield-related characteristics. The aim of this work is to determine the nature and magnitude of gene action on yield quantity and quality, to define the best combinations of earliness and yield characters, develop hybrids that perform better on yield quantity and quality. Three replications were used in the experiment's randomized complete block design (RCBD). During the 2016 season, seven different parents, namely Sakha 101, Sakha 104, Sakha 105, Giza 177, Black rice 1, Black rice 2, and Black rice 3, were crossed using A 7 × 7 half-diallel set analysis without reciprocals to generate 21 F1 crosses. The results indicated that genotype-dependent mean squares were very significant for main characteristics. Significant combining ability SCA variance estimates were more considerable than general combining ability (GCA) variance for all characters except days to 50% flowering. It demonstrated that both additive and non-additive genetic variance played a role in expressing the attributes investigated. The Parents, Black rice, Sakha 105, and Sakha 101, were recognized as the best general combiner for most growth and yield attributes. Sakha105 × Black Rice 1, Sakha105 × Black Rice 2, Sakha101 × Sakha104, Sakha105 × Giza 177, and Sakha101 × Giza 177 all demonstrated non-additive gene activity for the majority of maturity and yield traits. Heterosis breeding would be most efficient for qualities where high performance was determined by dominance and dominance gene effects. The increased yield of crosses results from parents with a diverse genetic background and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

小麦蛋白质组分含量的配合力和遗传力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用5个小麦亲本,按Griffing方法4组配一套完全双列杂交,研究小麦籽粒蛋白质组分的配合力和遗传力。结果表明,同一性状不同亲本的一般配合力效应和不同组合间的特殊配合力效应差异都较大。球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白含量的遗传主要受加性基因控制,清蛋白含量的遗传不存在加性基因作用,以显性基因作用为主。Abstract: A set of diallel crosses involving 5 wheat parents, according to the random model of Griffing Method 4, was made to study the combining ability and heritability of grain protein components in wheat. The results indicated that GCA effects of different parents for the same trait varied significantly. And SCA effects of different combination studied varied obviously. The inheritance of globulin, gliadin and glutenin contents were mainly controlled by additive genes. Dominant genes functioned mainly on albumin content without additive gene.  相似文献   

Summary Two sets of diallel crosses involving seven tetraploid and five hexaploid alfalfa lines, previously selected for seed and forage yield, are studied. On the basis of combining ability and heritability estimates the following conclusion is drawn. The dominant and epistatic interactions (heterozygosity) are the major components in the expression of variability for yield and characters associated with yield in tetraploid populations. In hexaploid populations, however, there is an appreciable amount of additive variance, and the additive effect of genes along with interaction of various forms may account for the expressed variability for all the characters studied. Better genes and desirable interactions (possibly through heterozygosity) are the two essential genetic components of yield. The selection of better genes is feasible, but by itself will not produce the desired results. Future improvement may therefore depend on the utilization of heterosis and other forms of interactions. There is, in general, a very strong genetic correlation between yield and its components, and therefore, when a direct selection for yield is not feasible, the selection program may rely on a number of closely related characters.  相似文献   

Evaluation of circulant partial diallel crosses in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The present study was conducted in maize (Zea mays L.) on crosses among 20 diverse parents. The materials were evaluated in four different environments for eight characters. Combining ability analysis was carried out following diallel and partial diallel crosses. The number of crosses per parent (s) varied from 3 to 19 and the results were studied to identify the critical value of s that would provide an adequate information with minimum resources. The S5 partial diallel was as good as the S19 for the detection of differences among general combining ability (GCA) effects. Even the S3 gave adequate information in the case of characters with high heritability. However, partial diallel analysis was less efficient in detecting the differences due to specific combining ability (SCA) effects. These results varied with environments, and characters with low heritability were more prone to misinterpretation. GCA effects showed fluctuations in partial diallel analysis which were more pronounced in S5 and S3, particularly for characters with low heritability. The average standard error of difference between GCA effects increased with a decrease in s, with a steep slope for s < 7. The partial diallel analysis was more efficient for the estimation of the variance component of GCA than for SCA, as the estimate of SCA was biased upwards. Estimates of broad sense heritability obtained from the partial diallels agreed with the full diallel analysis better than the narrow sense estimates. Smaller partial diallels gave erratic estimates of heritability, particularly for the characters with low heritability.  相似文献   

Combining ability and heritability of bolting character of four non heading Chinese cabbage inbred lines were analyzed using Griffing diallel cross I. The results showed that the general combining ability of inbred lines M11 1 2 and M11 1 4 were better, with as bolting resistant potential parental material. The broad sense heritability and narrow sense heritability of bolting character were 9742% and 9141% respectively, and mainly affected by additive genes.So,the selection of bolting characters in non heading Chinese cabbage was effective in early generations.  相似文献   

抗咪唑啉酮油菜种质的发现与鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在喷施豆施乐除草剂的大豆试验田,发现抗咪唑啉酮类除草剂的自生油菜突变株,经连续3年自交纯合和抗性鉴定,该突变体抗咪唑啉酮类除草剂的浓度是除草剂有效杀草浓度的2倍以上,抗性性状稳定、抗性效应明显。该材料的发现对于开发具有自主知识产权的抗除草剂新基因,选育不受环境释放限制的油菜新品种,均具有重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

Summary Stability analysis on 7 parent varieties and all their possible crosses (excluding reciprocals) in generations F1 to F5 are reported. The regression coefficient (b) of the parents ranged from 0.66 (Sonalika) to 1.34 (Kalyansona). On the average the b value was lower in F3 (.87) and F2 (.88) followed by F1 (1.04), F4 (1.06) and F5 (1.16). Phenotypic stability appeared to be associated with genetic constitution of the parents as well as level of heterozygosity and heterogeneity of the populations. Distinct differences were observed in general combining ability values for regression coefficients among the parents, indicating transmissibility of this trait. However, no such trend was observed for deviation mean squares. The data on yield and stability parameters showed that high mean yield is not necessarily associated with average regression, indicating the possibility of combining high mean yield with high stability.  相似文献   

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