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The male part of the spadix of Dracunculus vulgaris exhibits a degree of temperature regulation by inversely controlled heat production over a 20–35 °C range of tissue temperature. To clarify the effects of temperature on cellular metabolism, comparative analysis was performed using 51 metabolites from two distinct tissues (florets and pith) of thermogenic male spadices that had been temperature clamped at either 20 (to produce high respiration) or 35 °C (to produce low respiration). Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering analysis showed that changes in metabolites in the florets, but not in the pith, were associated with temperature change. The energy charge in the florets treated at 20 °C was significantly higher than that of the florets treated at 35 °C. This indicated the presence of an increased energy-producing pathway that ultimately led to an increased level of thermogenesis at 20 °C. Intriguingly, succinate, a direct substrate for complex II in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, was the metabolite most significantly affected in our analysis, with its concentration in the florets 3.5 times higher at 20 than at 35 °C. However, the mitochondria fed with succinate showed that state 2 and 3 respirations and the capacity of the alternative and cytochrome pathways were all significantly higher at 35 than at 20 °C. Taken together, the results show that the male florets are the primary sites for temperature-induced changes in metabolomic pathways, although succinate-stimulated mitochondrial respiration, per sé, is not the control mechanism for thermoregulation in D. vulgaris.  相似文献   

We describe the spontaneous mutant mouse scoliosis (sco) that carries a new allele of Pax1 (un-i, undulated intermediate). The Pax1(un-i) allele is lacking the 5'-flanking region and exon 1 to 4 which is mapped to nt -2636 to -640 and -272 to 4271 of the Pax1 gene. Homozygous mice show a mild form of the known phenotypes of other Pax1 mutants. Adult mice have a lumbar scoliosis and kinky tails. In homozygous embryos the skeleton ossifies early, ossification centers of the vertebral bodies are fused with the ossification centers of the pedicles. Neural arches and spinous processes are underdeveloped but the pedicles and transverse processes are overdeveloped which is in contrast to other Pax1 mutants. In the scapula, the acromion is missing and the deltoid tuberosity of the proximal humerus is shortened and thickened. Among the inner organs the thymus development is affected. In late embryos, the thymus is small and thymocyte numbers are reduced. T-cell development from CD4- and CD8- double negative (DN) to CD4+ and CD8+ double positive (DP) is decelerated. The percentage of CD90+ cells is also reduced but in contrast to other Pax1 mutants no alteration of the expression level of the CD90 (Thy-1) could be found.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mutations of the murine limb deformity (ld) locus are responsible for a pleiotropic phenotype of completely penetrant limb malformations and incompletely penetrant renal agenesis and/or dysgenesis. The ld locus encodes a complex family of mRNA and protein isoforms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To examine the role of one of the more prominent of these isoforms, isoform IV, we specifically eliminated it by gene targeting. RESULTS: Unlike other mutant ld mice, homozygous mice bearing this isoform IV disruption display incompletely penetrant renal agenesis, but have perfectly normal limbs. Whole mount in situ hybridization demonstrated that this targeted disruption was specific for isoform IV and did not interfere with the expression of other ld isoforms. The isoform IV-disrupted allele of ld does not complement the renal agenesis phenotype of other ld alleles, in a manner consistent with its penetrance, and like the isoform IV-deficient mice, these compound heterozygotes have normal limbs. Sequence analysis of formin isoform IV in other ld mutant alleles did not detect any amino acid changes relative to the strain of origin of the mutant allele. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the disruption of isoform IV is sufficient for the renal agenesis phenotype, but not the limb phenotype of ld mutant mice. Structural mutations in this isoform are only one of several genetic mechanisms leading to the renal phenotype, since amino acid changes in this isoform were not detected. These results demonstrate that this gene is limb deformity, and that variable isoform expression may play a role in generating the pleiotropic ld phenotype.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy has been epizootic in cows for the last two decades, and most probably causes variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. A thorough understanding of prion pathogenesis relies on suitable animal models. Modeling the transmission of BSE to primates is a crucial public health priority, necessary for determining the tissue distribution of the agent and for devising therapies. Susceptibility of humans to BSE is partly determined by polymorphism within the gene encoding the cellular prion protein, Prnp, a fact that must be taken into account in primate studies. However, no information is available on Prnp polymorphisms in primates. We have sequenced the Prnp open reading frames of 30 non-consanguineous Rhesus macaques. All macaques were homozygous for methionine at codon 129, which is polymorphic in humans and seems to modulate prion susceptibility. However, we identified a novel polymorphism in macaque Prnp, localized on codon 226 (Y226F). A modulatory effect of this polymorphism on the development of prion disease is possible because codon 226 is close to the suggested binding side of the factor X, which has been invoked as a determinant of the prion species barrier.  相似文献   

Whole-genome DNA microarrays were used to examine the gene expression profile of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 during U(VI) and Cr(VI) reduction. The same control, cells pregrown with nitrate and incubated with no electron acceptor, was used for the two time points considered and for both metals. U(VI)-reducing conditions resulted in the upregulation (> or = 3-fold) of 121 genes, while 83 genes were upregulated under Cr(VI)-reducing conditions. A large fraction of the genes upregulated [34% for U(VI) and 29% for Cr(VI)] encode hypothetical proteins of unknown function. Genes encoding proteins known to reduce alternative electron acceptors [fumarate, dimethyl sulfoxide, Mn(IV), or soluble Fe(III)] were upregulated under both U(VI)- and Cr(VI)-reducing conditions. The involvement of these upregulated genes in the reduction of U(VI) and Cr(VI) was tested using mutants lacking one or several of the gene products. Mutant testing confirmed the involvement of several genes in the reduction of both metals: mtrA, mtrB, mtrC, and menC, all of which are involved in Fe(III) citrate reduction by MR-1. Genes encoding efflux pumps were upregulated under Cr(VI)- but not under U(VI)-reducing conditions. Genes encoding proteins associated with general (e.g., groL and dnaJ) and membrane (e.g., pspBC) stress were also upregulated, particularly under U(VI)-reducing conditions, pointing to membrane damage by the solid-phase reduced U(IV) and Cr(III) and/or the direct effect of the oxidized forms of the metals. This study sheds light on the multifaceted response of MR-1 to U(VI) and Cr(VI) under anaerobic conditions and suggests that the same electron transport pathway can be used for more than one electron acceptor.  相似文献   

A new rare allele for esterase D (ESD) is described in a family from Düsseldorf. The variant was tentatively named ESD Düs 2.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomic studies continue to reveal that many current polytypic species of birds are in fact constituted by two or more species and therefore have been central in uncovering ‘hidden’ or ‘cryptic’ biodiversity. The Olivaceous Flatbill (Aves: Tyrannidae: Rhynchocyclus olivaceus) currently has nine recognized subspecies distributed throughout the Neotropics, but so far, no complete phylogenetic hypothesis exists to test the validity and evolutionary relationships among them. To remedy this, we conducted a multi-character integrative taxonomic revision of the genus Rhynchocyclus, focusing on the polytypic R. olivaceus. The combination of a taxonomically dense sampled multilocus phylogeny (including three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes) with phenotypic analyses including morphological and vocal characters pointed to several taxonomic inconsistencies within R. olivaceus. The analyses strongly support that R. olivaceus is paraphyletic, with an exclusively cis-Andean clade (where the topotypic R. olivaceus is found) clustering as sister to Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus, to the exclusion of a clade grouping trans-Andean and western Amazonian populations currently placed in R. olivaceus—one of which is unnamed and fully diagnosable based on vocal and genetic characters. Consistent with the phylogenetic results, our vocal analyses identified at least four morphologically cryptic lineages within R. olivaceus that can be mutually diagnosed from each other by different loudsongs and call parameters. Therefore, we provide evidence for splitting these four groups into separate species, two of which are sympatric but not syntopic in western Amazonia, including an unnamed species described herein—Rhynchocyclus cryptus, sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2DC17190-2BDD-49EC-88E6-4CF2FC2562A3.  相似文献   

Europe has one of the best-known Lepidopteran faunas in the world, yet many species are still being discovered, especially in groups of small moths. Here we describe a new gracillariid species from the south-eastern Alps, Callisto basistrigella Huemer, Deutsch & Triberti, sp. n. It shows differences from its sister species Callisto coffeella in morphology, the barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase I gene and the nuclear gene histone H3. Both Callisto basistrigella and Callisto coffeella can co-occur in sympatry without evidence of admixture. Two Callisto basistrigella specimens show evidence of introgression. We highlight the importance of an integrative approach to delimit species, combining morphological and ecological data with mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Furthermore, in connection with this study, Ornix blandella Müller-Rutz, 1920, syn. n. is synonymized with Callisto coffeella (Zetterstedt, 1839).  相似文献   

We have found a new allele at the structural locus for glucosephosphate isomerase (called Gpi-1 c ) in a population of wild mice. The Gpi-1 c allele codes for an enzyme of greater cathodal electrophoretic mobility than either the Gpi-1 a or Gpi-1 b alleles found in the wild and in the SM/J and C57BL/6J inbred strains. Mice homozygous for Gpi-1 c have erythrocyte enzyme activity reduced to 33% of normal levels, altered pH profile, lowered heat stability, and normal K m 's when compared with SM/J and C57BL/6J mice. The activity of the enzyme in brain, liver, and kidney is not so markedly lowered, although the electrophoretic mobility, pH profile, and heat stability are altered in these tissues. Deficiencies of erythrocyte glucosephosphate isomerase in man, to this level, can cause severe hemolytic anemia. Homozygotes for Gpi-1 c show only mild hematological symptoms. The frequency of Gpi-1 c in wild populations of mice is discussed and the occurrence of a further rare allele Gpi-1 d is reported.This work was supported by M.R.C. grants to Professor R. J. Berry and Dr. H. Kacser, whom we should also like to thank for much help and useful discussion.  相似文献   

白鱼线粒体DNA控制区结构和种群遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用特异性引物对白鱼(Anabarilius grahami)DNA进行PCR扩增,获得了白鱼线粒体DNA控制区基因全序列(930bp)。控制区T、C、A和G碱基组成为29.8%、22.5%、33.0%和14.7%。对照其他已报道的鱼类控制区结构,对白鱼控制区结构进行了分析,识别了其终止序列区、中央保守区和保守序列区,找到了终止相关的序列TAS以及保守序列(CSB-F、CSB-D、CSB-1、CSB-2、CSB-3)。同时运用DNA分析软件对白鱼一个驯养种群(中国科学院昆明动物研究所珍稀鱼类繁育中心)及两个自然地理种群(江川县明星鱼洞、江川县牛摩村)进行了遗传多样性分析。结果显示:两个自然种群存在较强基因交流,未出现遗传分化;人工驯养种群遗传多样性最高,种群复壮程度较好。  相似文献   

鱇[鱼良]白鱼线粒体DNA控制区结构和种群遗传多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
用特异性引物对鱇(鱼良)白鱼(Anabarilius grahami)DNA进行PCR扩增,获得了鱇(鱼良)白鱼线粒体DNA控制区基冈全序列(930bp).控制区T、C、A和G碱基组成为29.8%、22.5%、33.0和14.7%.对照其他已报道的鱼类控制区结构,对鱇(鱼良)白鱼控制区结构进行了分析,识别了其终止序列区、中央保守区和保守序列区,找到了终止相关的序列TAS以及保守序列(CSB-F、CSB-D、CSB-1、CSB-2、CSB-3).同时运用DNA分析软件对鱇(鱼良)白鱼一个驯养种群(中国科学院昆明动物研究所珍稀鱼类繁育中心)及两个自然地理种群(江川县明星鱼洞、江川县牛摩村)进行了遗传多样性分析.结果显示:两个自然种群存在较强基因交流,未出现遗传分化;人工驯养种群遗传多样性最高,种群复壮程度较好.  相似文献   

Lesions in the gene encoding the adrenal enzyme steroid 21-hydroxylase (P450c21) result in defective adrenal cortisol synthesis, often accompanied by aldosterone deficiency. The symptoms range from severe neonatal disease to inconspicuous symptoms in adulthood depending on the nature of the mutations. The 21-hydroxylase gene is present in close proximity to a highly homologous pseudogene, and both genes show variation in copy number between individuals. For complete DNA sequence characterization, we have applied selective polymerase chain reaction amplification and direct sequencing of all full-length steroid 21-hydroxylase genes present in individuals. Using healthy individuals with only one remaining steroid 21-hydroxylase allele as normal references, a new allele was found in two siblings, in whom clinical and laboratory findings demonstrated moderate enzyme deficiency. Full-length sequencing of this allele displayed an Arg 484 to Pro codon change in exon 10, in the same position as a previously identified GG to C mutation found in a patient with severe 21 -hydroxylase deficiency. Arg 484 is located within a stretch of amino acids that are highly conserved between mammalian 21-hydroxylases. The finding of the presently reported 21-hydroxylase allele indicates that the GG to C mutation from the severely affected patient has arisen by a two-step mechanism, consisting of a G to C transversion accompanied by an adjacent G deletion. When sequencing 26 pseudogenes, both these mutations, which are not present in the pseudogenes hitherto reported, were found at low frequency together with a number of other polymorphisms. Thus, also rare mutations can spread via the pseudogene and can therefore be expected to arise independently in unrelated individuals.  相似文献   

To identify genetic loci influencing bone accrual, we performed a genome-wide association scan for total-body bone mineral density (TB-BMD) variation in 2,660 children of different ethnicities. We discovered variants in 7q31.31 associated with BMD measurements, with the lowest P = 4.1 × 10(-11) observed for rs917727 with minor allele frequency of 0.37. We sought replication for all SNPs located ± 500 kb from rs917727 in 11,052 additional individuals from five independent studies including children and adults, together with de novo genotyping of rs3801387 (in perfect linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs917727) in 1,014 mothers of children from the discovery cohort. The top signal mapping in the surroundings of WNT16 was replicated across studies with a meta-analysis P = 2.6 × 10(-31) and an effect size explaining between 0.6%-1.8% of TB-BMD variance. Conditional analyses on this signal revealed a secondary signal for total body BMD (P = 1.42 × 10(-10)) for rs4609139 and mapping to C7orf58. We also examined the genomic region for association with skull BMD to test if the associations were independent of skeletal loading. We identified two signals influencing skull BMD variation, including rs917727 (P = 1.9 × 10(-16)) and rs7801723 (P = 8.9 × 10(-28)), also mapping to C7orf58 (r(2) = 0.50 with rs4609139). Wnt16 knockout (KO) mice with reduced total body BMD and gene expression profiles in human bone biopsies support a role of C7orf58 and WNT16 on the BMD phenotypes observed at the human population level. In summary, we detected two independent signals influencing total body and skull BMD variation in children and adults, thus demonstrating the presence of allelic heterogeneity at the WNT16 locus. One of the skull BMD signals mapping to C7orf58 is mostly driven by children, suggesting temporal determination on peak bone mass acquisition. Our life-course approach postulates that these genetic effects influencing peak bone mass accrual may impact the risk of osteoporosis later in life.  相似文献   

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