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Aims Some shade-tolerant understory tree species such as mountain maple (Acer spicatum L.) exhibit light-foraging growth habits. Changes in environmental conditions, such as the rise of carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) in the atmosphere and soil warming, may affect the performance of these species under different light environments. We investigated how elevated [CO2] and soil warming influence the growth and biomass responses of mountain maple seedlings to light availability.Methods The treatments were two levels of light (100% and 30% of the ambient light in the greenhouse), two [CO2] (392 μmol mol-1 (ambient) and 784 μmol mol-1 (elevated)) and two soil temperatures (T soil) (17 and 22°C). After one growing season, we measured seedling height, root collar diameter, leaf biomass, stem biomass and root biomass.Important findings We found that under the ambient [CO2], the high-light level increased seedlings height by 70% and 56% at the low T soil and high T soil, respectively. Under the elevated [CO2], however, the high-light level increased seedling height by 52% and 13% at the low T soil and high T soil, respectively. The responses of biomasses to light generally followed the response patterns of height growth under both [CO2] and T soil and the magnitude of biomass response to light was the lowest under the elevated [CO2] and warmer T soil. The results suggest that the elevated [CO2] and warmer T soil under the projected future climate may have negative impact on the colonization of open sites and forest canopy gaps by mountain maple.  相似文献   

Plants respond to feeding injury by chewing insects by inducing both a general response to mechanical wounding and a specific response to herbivore-associated elicitors. In both cases, plant response involves complex biochemical and physiological changes. We compared chemical and physical responses of paper birch (B. papyrifera) and European white birch (B. pendula) stems to mechanical injury to determine if aspects of their wound response correspond with the much higher resistance of paper birch to bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius). We also characterized stem responses to mechanical wounding plus bronze birch borer larval homogenate to determine if larval cues elicited a more specific response than mechanical wounding alone. In both species, wounding decreased concentrations of individual phenolics, total phenolics, and condensed tannins, perhaps because they were diverted to lignin biosynthesis, the concentration of which increased. Nitrogen concentration increased in both species while free amino acid concentrations declined, perhaps because they were utilized to synthesize proteins. Application of larval homogenate did not elicit a response different from that induced by mechanical injury. When comparing wound responses of the two birch species, phenolic profiles differed most conspicuously. However, multivariate analyses revealed no differences between constitutive and wound-induced phenolic profiles within each species, and the rate of wound periderm growth was equivalent between species. These results suggest that components of the wound response we measured may not contribute to interspecific variation in bronze birch borer resistance of paper birch and European white birch.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that mesophyll conductance (gm) would be reduced by leaf starch accumulation in plants grown under elevated CO2 concentration [CO2], we investigated gm in seedlings of Japanese white birch grown under ambient and elevated [CO2] with an adequate and limited nitrogen supply using simultaneous gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Both elevated [CO2] and limited nitrogen supply decreased area‐based leaf N accompanied with a decrease in the maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vc,max) on a CO2 concentration at chloroplast stroma (Cc) basis. Conversely, only seedlings grown at elevated [CO2] under limited nitrogen supply had significantly higher leaf starch content with significantly lower gm among the treatment combinations. Based on a leaf anatomical analysis using microscopic photographs, however, there were no significant difference in the area of chloroplast surfaces facing intercellular space per unit leaf area among treatment combinations. Thicker cell walls were suggested in plants grown under limited N by increases in leaf mass per area subtracting non‐structural carbohydrates. These results suggest that starch accumulation and/or thicker cell walls in the leaves grown at elevated [CO2] under limited N supply might hinder CO2 diffusion in chloroplasts and cell walls, which would be an additional cause of photosynthetic downregulation as well as a reduction in Rubisco activity related to the reduced leaf N under elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of heavy metals in growth substrate are known to reduce root growth more than shoot growth. We hypothesized an increased sensitivity to drought in plants exposed to heavy metals. The hypothesis was tested using birch seedlings grown on a substrate with three levels of Cu–Ni containing slag (0%, 0.5% and 2.5%) mixed with sand, and were either well watered or exposed to drought. The experiment was conducted outdoors for 4 months. Both the slag addition and low substrate moisture reduced plant dry mass. There was a significant slag × moisture interaction. The effect of moisture was most pronounced on slag-free substrate, whereas at the highest slag addition level there was no growth response to moisture. Stem diameter, length of radial file and cell size showed similar responses, but error variation was high and the individual effects were not always significant. The general picture is, however, clear, the effect of moisture on all growth parameters increasing with decreasing slag concentration in the substrate. We conclude that metal-contaminated substrate leads to an inability of the plants to respond to improved soil moisture, an effect which can be seen even at metal levels which do not show any large growth reduction. In addition, reduced plant size, caused by heavy metals, results in feedbacks that increase the relative availability of water and mineral nutrients. At the highest slag addition level, substrate moisture was slightly higher than in controls, probably due to a reduced transpiration, and the senescence was slower, probably due to lower nutrient requirements of the smaller plants.  相似文献   

To determine how elevated night temperature interacts with carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) to affect methane (CH4) emission from rice paddy soil, we conducted a pot experiment using four controlled‐environment chambers and imposed a combination of two [CO2] levels (ambient: 380 ppm; elevated: 680 ppm) and two night temperatures (22 and 32 °C). The day temperature was maintained at 32 °C. Rice (cv. IR72) plants were grown outside until the early‐reproductive growth stage and then transferred to the chambers. After onset of the treatment, day and night CH4 fluxes were measured every week. The CH4 fluxes changed significantly with the growth stage, with the largest fluxes occurring around the heading stage in all treatments. The total CH4 emission during the treatment period was significantly increased by both elevated [CO2] (P=0.03) and elevated night temperature (P<0.01). Elevated [CO2] increased CH4 emission by 3.5% and 32.2% under high and low night temperature conditions, respectively. Elevated [CO2] increased the net dry weight of rice plants by 12.7% and 38.4% under high and low night temperature conditions, respectively. These results imply that increasing night temperature reduces the stimulatory effect of elevated [CO2] on both CH4 emission and rice growth. The CH4 emission during the day was larger than at night even under the high‐night‐temperature treatment (i.e. a constant temperature all day). This difference became larger after the heading stage. We observed significant correlations between the night respiration and daily CH4 flux (P<0.01). These results suggest that net plant photosynthesis contributes greatly to CH4 emission and that increasing night temperature reduces the stimulatory effect of elevated [CO2] on CH4 emission from rice paddy soil.  相似文献   

Seedlings of European white birch (Betula pendula Roth) were grown in growth chambers for one growth season under four carbon dioxide regimes (350, 700, 1050 and 1400 ppm) and at three fertilization levels (0, 100 and 500 kg ha–1 monthly). The soluble carbohydrates and secondary phenolics in the leaves and stems were analysed. It was found that fertilizer addition reduced the amounts of glucose and fructose while sucrose remained almost unaffected. The sugar content of leaves increased at 700 ppm and 1050 ppm of CO2 and decreased at the highest CO2 concentration (1400 ppm). The amounts of proanthocyanidins and flavonoids in leaves decreased with fertilization addition and increased with CO2 enrichment. The production of simple phenolic glucosides varied according to the fertilization and CO2 treatments. The triterpenoid content of stems seemed to increase with fertilization and CO2-addition. Our results indicate that the production of phytochemicals in the birch seedlings is very sensitive to both fertilization and CO2 addition, which is in agreement with earlier studies, and thus provide some support for the hypothesis of carbon allocation to plant defence when there is an excess of carbon and nutrient. The considerable variation in the production of secondary components may indicate that the synthesis of these defensive metabolites can be regulated by a plant to certain extent, depending on the ability of the plant to acclimate to changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

Silvola  Jouko  Ahlholm  Urpo 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):547-553
Birch seedlings (Betula pendula) were grown for four months in a greenhouse at three nutrient levels (fertilization of 0, 100 and 500 kg ha-1 monthy) and at four CO2 concentrations (350, 700, 1050 and 1400 ppm). The effect of CO2 concentration on the biomass production depended on the nutrient status. When mineralization of the soil material was the only source of nutrients (0 kg ha-1), CO2 enhancement reduced the biomass production slightly, whereas the highest production increase occurred at a fertilization of 100 kg ha-1, being over 100% between 350 and 700 ppm CO2. At 500 kg ha-1 the production increase was smaller, and the production decreased beyond a CO2 concentration of 700 ppm. The CO2 concentration had a slight effect on the biomass distribution, the leaves accounting for the highest proportion at the lowest CO2 concentration (350 ppm). An increase in nutrient status led to a longer growth period and increased the nutrient concentrations in the plants, but the CO2 concentration had no effect on the growth rhythm and higher CO2 reduced the nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

White birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings were exposed to ambient or doubled ambient carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]), three soil temperatures (Tsoil) (low, intermediate, high), and three phosphorus (P) regimes (low, medium, high) in environment‐controlled greenhouses. Height (H), root‐collar diameter (RCD), biomass, and leaf phosphorus concentration (leaf P) were determined four months after initiation of treatments. The low Tsoil reduced H, RCD, shoot biomass, root biomass and total seedling biomass whereas the high‐P level and the [CO2] elevation increased all the growth and biomass parameters. Elevated [CO2] significantly reduced leaf P. There were significant two‐factor interactions suggesting that the effect of elevated [CO2] on (1) H, total biomass, biomass of plant components, and leaf P was dependent on Tsoil, (2) total biomass was contingent on P regime. For instance, the positive response of H and total biomass to elevated [CO2] was limited to seedlings raised under the intermediate and high Tsoil, respectively. In addition, [CO2] elevation increased total biomass only at the high‐P regime but not at the low‐ or medium‐P level where the effect of [CO2] was statistically insignificant. No significant main effect of treatment or interaction was observed for root to shoot biomass ratio.  相似文献   

Small birch plants (Betula pendula Roth.) were grown from seed for periods of up to 70d in a climate chamber at optimal nutrition and at present (350 μmol mol?1) or elevated (700 μmol mol?1) concentrations of atmospheric CO2. Nutrients were sprayed over the roots in Ingestad-type units. Relative growth rate and net assimilation rate were slightly higher at elevated CO2, whereas leaf area ratio was slightly lower. Smaller leaf area ratio was associated with lower values of specific leaf area. Leaves grown at elevated CO2 had higher starch concentrations (dry weight basis) than leaves grown at present levels of CO2. Biomass allocation showed no change with CO2, and no large effects on stem height, number of side shoots and number of leaves were found. However, the specific root length of fine roots was higher at elevated CO2. No large difference in the response of carbon assimilation to intercellular CO2 concentration (A/Ci curves) were found between CO2 treatments. When measured at the growth environments, the rates of photosynthesis were higher in plants grown at elevated CO2 than in plants grown at present CO2. Water use efficiency of single leaves was higher in the elevated treatment. This was mainly attributable to higher carbon assimilation rate at elevated CO2. The difference in water use efficiency diminished with leaf age. The small treatment difference in relative growth rate was maintained throughout the experiment, which meant that the difference in plant size became progressively greater. Thus, where plant nutrition is sufficient to maintain maximum growth, small birch plants may potentially increase in size more rapidly at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 are rising in many regions of the world. Little is known about how these two commonly co-occurring gases will affect reproductive fitness of important forest tree species. Here, we report on the long-term effects of CO2 and O3 for paper birch seedlings exposed for nearly their entire life history at the Aspen FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) site in Rhinelander, WI. Elevated CO2 increased both male and female flower production, while elevated O3 increased female flower production compared to trees in control rings. Interestingly, very little flowering has yet occurred in combined treatment. Elevated CO2 had significant positive effect on birch catkin size, weight, and germination success rate (elevated CO2 increased germination rate of birch by 110% compared to ambient CO2 concentrations, decreased seedling mortality by 73%, increased seed weight by 17%, increased root length by 59%, and root-to-shoot ratio was significantly decreased, all at 3 weeks after germination), while the opposite was true of elevated O3 (elevated O3 decreased the germination rate of birch by 62%, decreased seed weight by 25%, and increased root length by 15%). Under elevated CO2, plant dry mass increased by 9 and 78% at the end of 3 and 14 weeks, respectively. Also, the root and shoot lengths, as well as the biomass of the seedlings, were increased for seeds produced under elevated CO2, while the reverse was true for seedlings from seeds produced under the elevated O3. Similar trends in treatment differences were observed in seed characteristics, germination, and seedling development for seeds collected in both 2004 and 2005. Our results suggest that elevated CO2 and O3 can dramatically affect flowering, seed production, and seed quality of paper birch, affecting reproductive fitness of this species.  相似文献   

The requirements for the experimental study of the effects of global climate change conditions on plants are outlined. A semi-controlled plant growth facility is described which allows the study of elevated CO2 and temperature, and their interaction on the growth of plants under radiation and temperature conditions similar to the field. During an experiment on winter wheat (cv. Mercia), which ran from December 1990 through to August 1991, the facility maintained mean daytime CO2 concentrations of 363 and 692 cm3 m?3 for targets of 350 and 700 cm3 m?3 respectively. Temperatures were set to follow outside ambient or outside ambient +4°C, and hourly means were within 0.5°C of the target for 92% of the time for target temperatures greater than 6°C. Total photosynthetically active radiation incident on the crop (solar radiation supplemented by artifieal light with natural photoperiod) was 2% greater than the total measured outside over the same period.  相似文献   

The effects of manganese (Mn) toxicity on photosynthesis in white birch ( Betula platyphylla var. japonica ) leaves were examined by the measurement of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in hydroponically cultured plants. The net photosynthetic rate at saturating light and ambient CO2 (Ca) of 35 Pa decreased with increasing leaf Mn concentrations. The carboxylation efficiency, derived from the difference in CO2 assimilation rate at intercellular CO2 pressures attained at Ca of 13 Pa and O Pa, decreased with greater leaf Mn accumulation. Net photosynthetic rate at saturating light and saturating CO2 (5%) also declined with leaf Mn accumulation while the maximum quantum yield of O2 evolution at saturating CO2 was not affected. The maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) was little affected by Mn accumulation in white birch leaves over a wide range of leaf Mn concentrations (2–17 mg g−1 dry weight). When measured in the steady state of photosynthesis under ambient air at 430 μmol quanta m−2 s−1, the levels of photochemical quenching (qP) and the excitation capture efficiency of open PSII (F'v/F'm) declined with Mn accumulation in leaves. The present results suggest that excess Mn in leaves affects the activities of the CO2 reduction cycle rather than the potential efficiency of photochemistry, leading to increases in QA reduction state and thermal energy dissipation, and a decrease in quantum yield of PSII in the steady state.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in how ecosystems will respond to changes in precipitation. Alterations in rain and snowfall are expected to influence the spatio-temporal patterns of plant and soil processes that are controlled by soil moisture, and potentially, the amount of carbon (C) exchanged between the atmosphere and ecosystems. Because grasslands cover over one third of the terrestrial landscape, understanding controls on grassland C processes will be important to forecast how changes in precipitation regimes will influence the global C cycle. In this study we examined how irrigation affects carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in five widely variable grasslands of Yellowstone National Park during a year of approximately average growing season precipitation. We irrigated plots every 2 weeks with 25% of the monthly 30-year average of precipitation resulting in plots receiving approximately 150% of the usual growing season water in the form of rain and supplemented irrigation. Ecosystem CO2 fluxes were measured with a closed chamber-system once a month from May-September on irrigated and unirrigated plots in each grassland. Soil moisture was closely associated with CO2 fluxes and shoot biomass, and was between 1.6% and 11.5% higher at the irrigated plots (values from wettest to driest grassland) during times of measurements. When examining the effect of irrigation throughout the growing season (May–September) across sites, we found that water additions increased ecosystem CO2 fluxes at the two driest and the wettest sites, suggesting that these sites were water-limited during the climatically average precipitation conditions of the 2005 growing season. In contrast, no consistent responses to irrigation were detected at the two sites with intermediate soil moisture. Thus, the ecosystem CO2 fluxes at those sites were not water-limited, when considering their responses to supplemental water throughout the whole season. In contrast, when we explored how the effect of irrigation varied temporally, we found that irrigation increased ecosystem CO2 fluxes at all the sites late in the growing season (September). The spatial differences in the response of ecosystem CO2 fluxes to irrigation likely can be explained by site specific differences in soil and vegetation properties. The temporal effects likely were due to delayed plant senescence that promoted plant and soil activity later into the year. Our results suggest that in Yellowstone National Park, above-normal amounts of soil moisture will only stimulate CO2 fluxes across a portion of the ecosystem. Thus, depending on the topographic location, grassland CO2 fluxes can be water-limited or not. Such information is important to accurately predict how changes in precipitation/soil moisture will affect CO2 dynamics and how they may feed back to the global C cycle.  相似文献   

Interactive effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on biomass production and N2 fixation were investigated using black locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia ). Seedlings were grown in growth chambers maintained at either 350 μmol mol−1 or 710 μmol mol−1 CO2. Seedlings were inoculated with Rhizobium spp. and were grown with or without AM fungi. The 15N isotope dilution method was used to determine N source partitioning between N2 fixation and inorganic fertilizer uptake. Elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased the percentage of fine roots that were colonized by AM fungi. Mycorrhizal seedlings grown under elevated CO2 had the greatest overall plant biomass production, nodulation, N and P content, and root N absorption. Additionally, elevated CO2 levels enhanced nodule and root mass production, as well as N2 fixation rates, of non- mycorrhizal seedlings. However, the relative response of biomass production to CO2 enrichment was greater in non-mycorrhizal seedlings than in mycorrhizal seedlings. This study provides strong evidence that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi play an important role in the extent to which plant nutrition of symbiotic N2-fixing tree species is affected by enriched atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Huang  Y.  Eglinton  G.  Ineson  P.  Bol  R.  Harkness  D. D. 《Plant and Soil》1999,216(1-2):35-45
The effects of nitrogen (N) fertilisation and elevated [CO2] on lipid biosynthesis and carbon isotope discrimination in birch (Betula pendula Roth.) transplants were evaluated using seedlings grown with and without N fertiliser, and under two concentrations of atmospheric CO2 (ambient and ambient+250 μmol mol-1) in solar dome systems. N fertilisation decreased n-fatty acid chain length (18:0/16:0) and the ratios of α-linolenate (18:2)/linoleate (18:1), whereas elevated [CO2] showed little effect on n-fatty acid chain length, but decreased the unsaturation (18:2+18:1)/18:0. Both N fertilisation and elevated [CO2] increased the quantity of leaf wax n-alkanes, whilst reducing that of n-alkanols by 20–50%, but had no simple response in fatty acid concentrations. 13C enrichment by 1–2.5‰ under N fertilisation was observed, and can be attributed to both reduced leaf conductance and increased photosynthetic consumption of CO2. Individual n-alkyl lipids of different chain length show consistent pattern of δ13C values within each homologue, but are in general 5–8‰ more depleted in 13C than the bulk tissues. Niether nitrogen fertilisation and elevated CO2 influenced the relationship between carbon isotope discrimination of the bulk tissue and the individual lipids. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

CO2浓度和温度升高对红桦根际微生物的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
肖玲  王开运  张远彬 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1701-1708
应用自控、封闭、独立的生长室系统,研究升高的大气CO2浓度(环境CO2浓度 350(±25)μmol.mol-1,EC)和温度(环境温度 2.0(±0.5)℃,ET)及其交互作用(ECT)对不同栽植密度条件下红桦根际土壤可培养微生物数量的影响。结果表明:(1)EC显著增加了高密度条件下根际细菌数量;在整个生长季中,最大的根际细菌数量增加出现在7月份;而EC对低密度处理的根际细菌数量影响不显著。除了5月和6月份,ET在其余月份均显著增加了根际细菌数量,但是与密度处理没有有意义的相关;ECT对高低密度处理的根际细菌数量均未产生有统计意义的影响。(2)EC对低密度条件下的根际放线菌数量有显著增加,而对高密度条件下的根际放线菌数量无显著影响;ET和ECT对高低密度条件下的根际放线菌数量均未产生有统计意义的影响。(3)EC和ET对高低密度条件下的根际真菌数量无显著增加,而ECT显著增加了根际真菌数量。  相似文献   

The influence of light, dark, and ambient CO2 on nitrate assimilation in 8- to 9-day-old barley seedlings was studied. To develop the photosynthetic apparatus fully, the seedlings were grown in nitrogen-free Hoagland solution for 5 days in darkness followed by 3 days in continuous light.  相似文献   

利用封闭式生长室,研究了CO2浓度升高(环境CO2 350 μmol·mol-1,EC)、温度升高(环境温度 2 ℃,ET)以及二者同时升高(ECT)对川西亚高山红桦幼苗养分积累和分配的影响.结果表明:经过一个生长季, EC处理下红桦幼苗单株N、P、K积累比对照分别增加44%、45%和11%(P《0.05),ET处理下分别增加37%、76%和9%(P《0.05),ECT处理下分别增加24%、88%和20% (P《0.05).EC处理使N向红桦幼苗叶中分配的比例降低11.68%(P《0.05),向枝、茎、根中分配的比例分别增加2.95%、3.39%和5.34%(P》0.05);ET处理使N向叶中分配的比例增加11.09%(P《0.05),向枝、茎、根中分配的比例分别降低0.69%、10.35%和0.05%(P》0.05).ECT处理下N的分配格局与EC处理相似.3种处理下P和K在红桦幼苗中的分配变化差异较大,CO2浓度和温度升高可能促进植物养分的积累,改变养分在植物各器官间的分配.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature on resource allocation and secondary chemistry of white birch (Betula pendula Roth) under a non-limiting nutrient and water supply was investigated. Birch seedlings were grown in closed-top chambers exposed to ambient CO2 and temperature, elevated atmospheric CO2 (700 ppm), elevated temperature (2°C above ambient) and a combination of elevated CO2 and temperature for one growing season. Elevated CO2 significantly increased the total biomass of the seedlings. The combined effect of the elevated CO2 and temperature treatments further increased the total biomass, but not significantly. The content of nitrogen and water decreased, while some secondary compounds (such as condensed tannins and flavonol glycosides) increased in leaves subjected to CO2 enrichment. Elevated temperature increased the concentration of total flavone aglycones and decreased that of total HPLC-phenolics in the leaves, due to the decrease in individual flavonol glycosides, cinnamoylquinic acids and (+)-catechin. There were no significant interactive effects between CO2 and temperature in the phenolic concentrations of the leaves and in the stems, while the number of resin droplets in the top part of the stems showed significant interaction. This clearly implies that carbon allocation into secondary metabolites in the leaves and stems differ under enhanced CO2 and temperature, and the combined effect of CO2 and temperature on the herbivore resistance of birches, is lower than that of CO2 and temperature alone.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated carbon dioxide levels on total bacterial communities was studied in a series of controlled and replicated model terrestrial ecosystems over a period of 38 weeks. The bacterial community was profiled using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified by the Polymerase Chain Reaction from DNA extracted directly from soil. Bacterial community DGGE profiles provided three major findings: (i) there was a high degree of profile similarity after ≈ 12 weeks (one plant generation); (ii) whilst overall DGGE profile was maintained over the 38 weeks (three plant generations), the banding patterns became more diverse with time; (iii) DGGE data provided no evidence for a shift in bacterial community structure resulting from exposure of the ecosystem to an increased atmospheric CO2 level.  相似文献   

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