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The ability of the cytosolic tail of a plant p24 protein to bind COPI and COPII subunits from plant and animal sources in vitro has been examined. We have found that a dihydrophobic motif in the -7,-8 position (relative to the cytosolic carboxy-terminus), which strongly cooperates with a dilysine motif in the -3,-4 position for COPI binding, is required for COPII binding. In addition, we show that COPI and COPII coat proteins from plant cytosol compete for binding to the sorting motifs in these tails. Only in the absence of the dilysine motif in the -3,-4 position or after COPI depletion could we observe COPII binding to the p24 tail. This competition is not observed when using rat liver cytosol.  相似文献   

COPII-coated vesicles, first identified in yeast and later characterized in mammalian cells, mediate protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus within the secretory pathway. In these organisms, the mechanism of vesicle formation is well understood, but the process of soluble cargo sorting has yet to be resolved. In plants, functional complements of the COPII-dependent protein traffic machinery were identified almost a decade ago, but the selectivity of the ER export process has been subject to considerable debate. To study the selectivity of COPII-dependent protein traffic in plants, we have developed an in vivo assay in which COPII vesicle transport is disrupted at two distinct steps in the pathway. First, overexpression of the Sar1p-specific guanosine nucleotide exchange factor Sec12p was shown to result in the titration of the GTPase Sar1p, which is essential for COPII-coated vesicle formation. A second method to disrupt COPII transport at a later step in the pathway was based on coexpression of a dominant negative mutant of Sar1p (H74L), which is thought to interfere with the uncoating and subsequent membrane fusion of the vesicles because of the lack of GTPase activity. A quantitative assay to measure ER export under these conditions was achieved using the natural secretory protein barley alpha-amylase and a modified version carrying an ER retention motif. Most importantly, the manipulation of COPII transport in vivo using either of the two approaches allowed us to demonstrate that export of the ER resident protein calreticulin or the bulk flow marker phosphinothricin acetyl transferase is COPII dependent and occurs at a much higher rate than estimated previously. We also show that the instability of these proteins in post-ER compartments prevents the detection of the true rate of bulk flow using a standard secretion assay. The differences between the data on COPII transport obtained from these in vivo experiments and in vitro experiments conducted previously using yeast components are discussed.  相似文献   



Inactive protein inclusion bodies occur commonly in Escherichia coli (E. coli) cells expressing heterologous proteins. Previously several independent groups have found that active protein aggregates or pseudo inclusion bodies can be induced by a fusion partner such as a cellulose binding domain from Clostridium cellulovorans (CBDclos) when expressed in E. coli. More recently we further showed that a short amphipathic helical octadecapeptide 18A (EWLKAFYEKVLEKLKELF) and a short beta structure peptide ELK16 (LELELKLKLELELKLK) have a similar property.  相似文献   

Sorting of major cargo glycoproteins into clathrin-coated vesicles   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The AP-1 and AP-2 complexes are the most abundant adaptors in clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs), but clathrin-mediated trafficking can still occur in the absence of any detectable AP-1 or AP-2. To find out whether adaptor abundance reflects cargo abundance, we used lectin pulldowns to identify the major membrane glycoproteins in CCVs from human placenta and rat liver. Both preparations contained three prominent high molecular-weight proteins: the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CIMPR), carboxypeptidase D (CPD) and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1). To investigate how these proteins are sorted, we constructed and stably transfected CD8 chimeras into HeLa cells. CD8-CIMPR localized mainly to early/tubular endosomes, CD8-CPD to the trans Golgi network and CD8-LRP1 to late/multivesicular endosomes. All three constructs redistributed to the plasma membrane when clathrin was depleted by siRNA. CD8-CIMPR was also strongly affected by AP-2 depletion. CD8-CPD was moderately affected by AP-2 depletion but strongly affected by depleting AP-1 and AP-2 together. CD8-LRP1 was only slightly affected by AP-2 depletion; however, mutating an NPXY motif in the LRP1 tail caused it to become AP-2 dependent. These results indicate that all three proteins have AP-dependent sorting signals, which may help to explain the relative abundance of AP complexes in CCVs. However, the relatively low abundance of cargo proteins in CCV preparations suggests either that some of the APs may be empty or that the preparations may be dominated by empty coats.  相似文献   

Malhotra V  Erlmann P 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(17):3475-3480
COPII vesicles mediate the export of secretory cargo from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit sites. However, of 60-90 nm diameter COPII vesicles are too small to accommodate secreted molecules such as the collagens. The ER exit site-located proteins TANGO1 and cTAGE5 are required for the transport of collagens and therefore provide a means to understand the export of big cargo and the mechanism of COPII carrier size regulation commensurate with cargo dimensions.  相似文献   

Sorting of soluble ER proteins in yeast.   总被引:64,自引:14,他引:50       下载免费PDF全文
In animal cells, luminal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins are prevented from being secreted by a sorting system that recognizes the C-terminal sequence KDEL. We show that yeast has a similar sorting system, but it recognizes HDEL, rather than KDEL: derivatives of the enzyme invertase that bear the HDEL signal fail to be secreted. An invertase fusion protein that is retained in the cells is partially modified by outer-chain mannosyl transferases, which reside in the Golgi element. This supports the view, based on studies in animal cells, that ER targeting is achieved by continuous retrieval of proteins from the Golgi. We have used an invertase fusion gene to screen for mutants that are defective in this sorting system. Over 60 mutants were obtained; eight of these are alleles of a single gene, erd1. The mutant strains grow normally at 30 degrees C, but instead of retaining the fusion protein in the cells, they secrete it.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(6):1365-1373
Nascent pre-mRNAs associate with the abundant heterogeneous nuclear RNP (hnRNP) proteins and remain associated with them throughout the time they are in the nucleus. The hnRNP proteins can be divided into two groups according to their nucleocytoplasmic transport properties. One group is completely restricted to the nucleus in interphase cells, whereas the other group, although primarily nuclear at steady state, shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Nuclear export of the shuttling hnRNP proteins is mediated by nuclear export signals (NESs). Mounting evidence indicates that NES-bearing hnRNP proteins are mediators of mRNA export. The hnRNP C proteins are representative of the nonshuttling group of hnRNP proteins. Here we show that hnRNP C proteins are restricted to the nucleus not because they lack an NES, but because they bear a nuclear retention sequence (NRS) that is capable of overriding NESs. The NRS comprises approximately 78 amino acids and is largely within the auxiliary domain of hnRNP C1. We suggest that the removal of NRS-containing hnRNP proteins from pre- mRNA/mRNA is required for mRNA export from the nucleus and is an essential step in the pathway of gene expression.  相似文献   

Sec16p potentiates the action of COPII proteins to bud transport vesicles   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen that escapes from a phagosome and grows in the host cell cytosol. The pore-forming cholesterol-dependent cytolysin, listeriolysin O (LLO), mediates bacterial escape from vesicles and is approximately 10-fold more active at an acidic than neutral pH. By swapping dissimilar residues from a pH-insensitive orthologue, perfringolysin O (PFO), we identified leucine 461 as unique to pathogenic Listeria and responsible for the acidic pH optimum of LLO. Conversion of leucine 461 to the threonine present in PFO increased the hemolytic activity of LLO almost 10-fold at a neutral pH. L. monocytogenes synthesizing LLO L461T, expressed from its endogenous site on the bacterial chromosome, resulted in a 100-fold virulence defect in the mouse listeriosis model. These bacteria escaped from acidic phagosomes and initially grew normally in cells and spread cell to cell, but prematurely permeabilized the host membrane and killed the cell. These data show that the acidic pH optimum of LLO results from an adaptive mutation that acts to limit cytolytic activity to acidic vesicles and prevent damage in the host cytosol, a strategy also used by host cells to compartmentalize lysosomal hydrolases.  相似文献   

Isolated human fibroblast plasma membranes that were attached by their extracellular surface to a solid substratum contained numerous clathrin coated pits that could be removed with a high pH buffer (Moore, M.S., D.T. Mahaffey, F.M. Brodsky, and R.G.W. Anderson. 1987. Science [Wash. DC]. 236:558-563). When these membranes were incubated with coat proteins extracted from purified bovine coated vesicles, new coated pits formed that were indistinguishable from native coated pits. Assembly was dependent on the concentration of coat protein with half maximal assembly occurring at 7 micrograms/ml. Assembly was only slightly affected by the presence of divalent cations. Whereas normal appearing lattices formed in a low ionic strength buffer, when assembly was carried out in a low pH buffer, few coated pits were evident but numerous small clathrin cages decorated the membrane. Coated pits did not form randomly on the surface; instead, they assembled at differentiated regions of membrane that could be distinguished in carbon/platinum replicas of frozen and etched membranes by the presence of numerous particles clustered into patches the size and shape of a coated pit.  相似文献   

Protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by the accumulation of COPII proteins such as Sar1, Sec23/24 and Sec13/31 at specialized ER export sites (ERES). Although the distribution of COPII components in mammalian and yeast systems is established, a unified model of ERES dynamics has yet to be presented in plants. To investigate this, we have followed the dynamics of fluorescent fusions to inner and outer components of the coat, AtSec24 and AtSec13, in three different plant model systems: tobacco and Arabidopsis leaf epidermis, as well as tobacco BY-2 suspension cells. In leaves, AtSec24 accumulated at Golgi-associated ERES, whereas AtSec13 showed higher levels of cytosolic staining compared with AtSec24. However, in BY-2 cells, both AtSec13 and AtSec24 labelled Golgi-associated ERES, along with AtSec24. To correlate the distribution of the COPII coat with the dynamics of organelle movement, quantitative live-cell imaging analyses demonstrated that AtSec24 and AtSec13 maintained a constant association with Golgi-associated ERES, irrespective of their velocity. However, recruitment of AtSec24 and AtSec13 to ERES, as well as the number of ERES marked by these proteins, was influenced by export of membrane cargo proteins from the ER to the Golgi. Additionally, the increased availability of AtSec24 affected the distribution of AtSec13, inducing recruitment of this outer COPII coat component to ERES. These results provide a model that, in plants, protein export from the ER occurs via sequential recruitment of inner and outer COPII components to form transport intermediates at mobile, Golgi-associated ERES.  相似文献   

We have characterized the mechanisms of cargo selection into ER-derived vesicles by the COPII subunit Sec24p. We identified a site on Sec24p that recognizes the v-SNARE Bet1p and show that packaging of a number of cargo molecules is disrupted when mutations are introduced at this site. Surprisingly, cargo proteins affected by these mutations did not share a single common sorting signal, nor were proteins sharing a putative class of signal affected to the same degree. We show that the same site is conserved as a cargo-interaction domain on the Sec24p homolog Lst1p, which only packages a subset of the cargoes recognized by Sec24p. Finally, we identified an additional mutation that defines another cargo binding domain on Sec24p, which specifically interacts with the SNARE Sec22p. Together, our data support a model whereby Sec24p proteins contain multiple independent cargo binding domains that allow for recognition of a diverse set of sorting signals.  相似文献   

Transport of secretory proteins out of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by vesicles generated by the COPII coat complex. In order to understand how cargo molecules are selected by this cytoplasmic coat, we investigated the functional role of the Sec24p homolog, Lst1p. We show that Lst1p can function as a COPII subunit independently of Sec24p on native ER membranes and on synthetic liposomes. However, vesicles generated with Lst1p in the absence of Sec24p are deficient in a distinct subset of cargo molecules, including the SNAREs, Bet1p, Bos1p and Sec22p. Consistent with the absence of any SNAREs, these vesicles are unable to fuse with Golgi membranes. Furthermore, unlike Sec24p, Lst1p fails to bind to Bet1p in vitro, indicating a direct correlation between cargo binding and recruitment into vesicles. Our data suggest that the principle role of Sec24p is to discriminate cargo molecules for incorporation into COPII vesicles.  相似文献   

The secretory pathway of plants is a network of organelles that communicate via vesicle transport. This process involves budding on donor membranes followed by their targeting to, recognition by and fusion with the acceptor membrane. Protein sorting through the plant secretory pathway is a process that requires the specific recognition of signals by receptor molecules. For soluble proteins, recognition takes place in the lumen of the secretory pathway. The sorting receptors must mediate signal transduction across the membrane to convey the information about the presence of cargo molecules to cytosolic factors, which regulate the formation of transport vesicles. Recently, a number of key elements in this process have been identified, providing tools to study protein sorting at the molecular level.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1589-1601
Synaptophysin is a major transmembrane glycoprotein of a type of small vesicle with an electron-translucent content (SET vesicles), including the approximately 50-nm presynaptic vesicles in neuronal cells, and of similar, somewhat larger (< or = approximately 90 nm) vesicles (SLMV) in neuroendocrine (NE) cells. When certain epithelial non-NE cells, such as human hepatocellular carcinoma PLC cells, were cDNA transfected to synthesize synaptophysin, the new molecules appeared in specific SET vesicles. As this was in contrast to other reports that only NE cells were able to sort synaptophysin away from other plasma membrane proteins into presynaptic- or SLMV-type vesicles, we have further characterized the vesicles containing synaptophysin in transfected PLC cells. Using fractionation and immunoisolation techniques, we have separated different kinds of vesicles, and we have identified a distinct type of synaptophysin-rich, small (30-90-nm) vesicle that contains little, if any, protein of the constitutive secretory pathway marker hepatitis B surface antigen, of the fluid phase endocytosis marker HRP, and of the plasma membrane recycling endosomal marker transferrin receptor. In addition, we have found variously sized vesicles that contained both synaptophysin and transferrin receptor. A corresponding result was also obtained by direct visualization, using double-label immunofluorescence microscopy for the endocytotic markers and synaptophysin in confocal laser scan microscopy and in double- immunogold label electron microscopy. We conclude that diverse non-NE cells of epithelial nature are able to enrich the "foreign" molecule synaptophysin in a category of SET vesicles that are morphologically indistinguishable from SLMV of NE cells, including one type of vesicle in which synaptophysin is sorted away from endosomal marker proteins. Possible mechanisms of this sorting are discussed.  相似文献   

We present evidence for two subpopulations of coatomer protein I vesicles, both containing high amounts of Golgi resident proteins but only minor amounts of anterograde cargo. Early Golgi proteins p24alpha2, beta1, delta1, and gamma3 are shown to be sorted together into vesicles that are distinct from those containing mannosidase II, a glycosidase of the medial Golgi stack, and GS28, a SNARE protein of the Golgi stack. Sorting into each vesicle population is Arf-1 and GTP hydrolysis dependent and is inhibited by aluminum and beryllium fluoride. Using synthetic peptides, we find that the cytoplasmic domain of p24beta1 can bind Arf GTPase-activating protein (GAP)1 and cause direct inhibition of ArfGAP1-mediated GTP hydrolysis on Arf-1 bound to liposomes and Golgi membranes. We propose a two-stage reaction to explain how GTP hydrolysis constitutes a prerequisite for sorting of resident proteins, yet becomes inhibited in their presence.  相似文献   

Poliovirus (PV) replicates its genome in association with membranous vesicles in the cytoplasm of infected cells. To elucidate the origin and mode of formation of PV vesicles, immunofluorescence labeling with antibodies against the viral vesicle marker proteins 2B and 2BC, as well as cellular markers of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), anterograde transport vesicles, and the Golgi complex, was performed in BT7-H cells. Optical sections obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy were subjected to a deconvolution process to enhance resolution and signal-to-noise ratio and to allow for a three-dimensional representation of labeled membrane structures. The mode of formation of the PV vesicles was, on morphological grounds, similar to the formation of anterograde membrane traffic vesicles in uninfected cells. ER-resident membrane markers were excluded from both types of vesicles, and the COPII components Sec13 and Sec31 were both found to be colocalized on the vesicular surface, indicating the presence of a functional COPII coat. PV vesicle formation during early time points of infection did not involve the Golgi complex. The expression of PV protein 2BC or the entire P2 and P3 genomic region led to the production of vesicles carrying a COPII coat and showing the same mode of formation as vesicles produced after PV infection. These results indicate that PV vesicles are formed at the ER by the cellular COPII budding mechanism and thus are homologous to the vesicles of the anterograde membrane transport pathway.  相似文献   

Soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins are essential for membrane fusion in transport between the yeast ER and Golgi compartments. Subcellular fractionation experiments demonstrate that the ER/Golgi SNAREs Bos1p, Sec22p, Bet1p, Sed5p, and the Rab protein, Ypt1p, are distributed similarly but localize primarily with Golgi membranes. All of these SNARE proteins are efficiently packaged into COPII vesicles and suggest a dynamic cycling of SNARE machinery between ER and Golgi compartments. Ypt1p is not efficiently packaged into vesicles under these conditions. To determine in which membranes protein function is required, temperature-sensitive alleles of BOS1, BET1, SED5, SLY1, and YPT1 that prevent ER/Golgi transport in vitro at restrictive temperatures were used to selectively inactivate these gene products on vesicles or on Golgi membranes. Vesicles bearing mutations in Bet1p or Bos1p inhibit fusion with wild-type acceptor membranes, but acceptor membranes containing these mutations are fully functional. In contrast, vesicles bearing mutations in Sed5p, Sly1p, or Ypt1p are functional, whereas acceptor membranes containing these mutations block fusion. Thus, this set of SNARE proteins is symmetrically distributed between vesicle and acceptor compartments, but they function asymmetrically such that Bet1p and Bos1p are required on vesicles and Sed5p activity is required on acceptor membranes. We propose the asymmetry in SNARE protein function is maintained by an asymmetric distribution and requirement for the Ypt1p GTPase in this fusion event. When a transmembrane-anchored form of Ypt1p is used to restrict this GTPase to the acceptor compartment, vesicles depleted of Ypt1p remain competent for fusion.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,107(6):2491-2501
The intracellular distributions of the cation-independent mannose 6- phosphate receptor (MPR) and a 120-kD lysosomal membrane glycoprotein (lgp120) were studied in rat hepatoma cells. Using quantitative immunogold cytochemistry we found 10% of the cell's MPR located at the cell surface. In contrast, lgp120 was not detectable at the plasma membrane. Intracellularly, MPR mainly occurred in the trans-Golgi reticulum (TGR) and endosomes. lgp120, on the other hand, was confined to endosomes and lysosomes. MPR was present in both endosomal tubules and vacuoles, whereas lgp120 was confined to the endosomal vacuoles. In cells incubated for 5-60 min with the endocytic tracer cationized ferritin, four categories of endocytic vacuoles could be discerned, i.e., vacuoles designated MPR+/lgp120-, MPR+/lgp120+, MPR-/lgp120+, and vacuoles nonimmunolabeled for MPR and lgp120. Tracer first reached MPR+/lgp120-, then MPR+/lgp120+, and finally MPR-/lgp120+ vacuoles, which are assumed to represent lysosomes. To study the kinetics of appearance of endocytic tracers in MPR-and/or lgp120-containing pools in greater detail, cells were allowed to endocytose horse-radish peroxidase (HRP) for 5-90 min. The reduction in detectability of MPR and lgp120 antigenicity on Western blots, due to treatment of cell homogenates with 3'3-diaminobenzidine, was followed in time. We found that HRP reached the entire accessible pool of MPR almost immediately after internalization of the tracer, while prolonged periods of time were required for HRP to maximally access lgp120. The combined data suggest that MPR+/lgp120+ vacuoles are endocytic vacuoles, intermediate between MPR+/lgp120-endosomes and MPR-/lgp120+ lysosomes, and represent the site where MPR is sorted from lgp120 destined for lysosomes. We propose that MPR is sorted from lgp120 by selective lateral distribution of the receptor into the tubules of this compartment, resulting in the retention of lgp120 in the vacuoles and the net transport of lgp120 to lysosomes.  相似文献   

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