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Citrate metabolism in anaerobic bacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract The regulation of anaerobic citrate metabolism is very diverse among different groups of bacteria. In organisms like Streptococcus lactis and Clostridium sporosphaeroides which lack citrate synthase, the activity of its antagonistic enzyme, citrate lyase, need not be regulated. Many anaerobes like Rhodocyclus gelatinosus and Clostridium sphenoides are able to synthesize their own l -glutamate and contain citrate synthase. In these bacteria the activity of citrate metabolizing enzymes which are involved in a cascade system are under strict control. In Rc. gelatinosus activation/inactivation of citrate lyase is controlled by acetylation/deacetylation which is catalyzed by its corresponding regulatory enzymes, citrate lyase ligase and citrate lyase deacetylase. In C. sphenoides inactivation of citrate lyase is accomplished by deacetylation as well as by changing in the enzyme conformation. Activation of citrate lyase is catalyzed by citrate lyase ligase whose activity in addition is modulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation. Further, electron transport process also seems to play a role in the inactivation of citrate metabolizing enzymes in enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

Citrate metabolism in lactic acid bacteria   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Abstract: Citrate metabolism plays an important role in many food fermentations involving lactic acid bacteria. Since citrate is a highly oxidized substrate, no reducing equivalents are produced during its degradation, resulting in the formation of metabolic end products other than lactic acid. Some of these end products, such as diacetyl and acetaldehyde, have very distinct aroma properties and contribute significantly to the quality of the fermented foods. In this review the metabolic pathways involved in product formation from citrate are described, the bioenergetic consequences of this metabolism for the lactic acid bacteria are discussed and detailed information on some key enzymes in the citrate metabolism is presented. The combined knowledge is used for devising strategies to avoid, control or improve product formation from citrate.  相似文献   

Citrate metabolism and the citrate cleavage enzyme were investigatedin soybean (Glycine max (L.), Merr.) cotyledons throughout developmentand during the first 5 days of germination. It was noted thatboth the lipid synthesizing and the acetyl CoA generating systemsare present when the soybean seed matures, and that the activityof these systems declines throughout development as citrateincreases. Citrate represents 1% of the cotyledon dry weightat seed maturity. During the first 24 hr of germination, therewas an activation of the citrate cleavage enzyme and a concomitantdrop of some 60% in citrate content. Accompanying the drop incitrate content is the de novo synthesis of fatty acids foruse in the production of phospholipids. All of the data areconsistent with the hypothesis that acetyl CoA for lipid synthesisis supplied by the citrate molecule via the citrate cleavageenzyme and that activity of this system is necessary both duringseed development and during germination. 1 Research was supported by cooperative investigations of theAgricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture,and Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. 2 This research represents partial fulfillment of Ph.D. degree. (Received September 20, 1976; )  相似文献   

Citrate, an organic trivalent anion, is a major substrate for generation of energy in most cells. It is produced in mitochondria and used either in the Krebs' cycle or released into cytoplasm through a specific mitochondrial carriers. Citrate can also be taken up from blood through different plasma membrane transporters. In the cytoplasm, citrate can be used ultimately for fatty acid synthesis, which is increased in cancer cells. Here, we review the ways in which citrate can be transported and discuss the changes in transport and metabolism that occur in cancer cells. The primary focus is on the prostate gland, which is known to produce and release large amounts of citrate during its normal secretory function. The significant changes that occur in citrate‐related metabolism and transport in prostate cancer are the second focus. This review strives to relate these mechanisms to molecular biology on the one hand and to clinical applications on the other.  相似文献   

Information on the factors influencing citrate metabolism in lactobacilli is limited and could be useful in understanding the growth of lactobacilli in ripening cheese. Citrate was not used as an energy source by either Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 or Lact. plantarum 1919 and did not affect the growth rate when co-metabolized with glucose or galactose. In growing cells, metabolism of citrate was minimal at pH 6 but significant at pH 4·5 and was greater in cells co-metabolizing galactose than in those co-metabolizing glucose or lactose. In non-growing cells, optimum utilization of citrate also occurred at pH 4·5 and was not increased substantially by the presence of fermentable sugars. In both growing and non-growing cells, acetate and acetoin were the major products of citrate metabolism; pyruvate was also produced by non-growing cells and was transformed to acetoin once the citrate was exhausted. Citrate was metabolized more rapidly than sugar by non-growing cells; the reverse was true of growing cells. Citrate metabolism by Lact. plantarum 1919 and Lact. casei ATCC 393 increased six- and 22-fold, respectively, when the cells were pre-grown on galactose plus citrate than when pre-grown on galactose only. This was probably due to induction of citrate lyase by growth on citrate plus sugar. These results imply that lactobacilli, if present in large enough numbers, can metabolize citrate in ripening cheese in the absence of an energy source.  相似文献   

Citrate metabolism by Enterococcus faecalis FAIR-E 229 was studied in various growth media containing citrate either in the presence of glucose or lactose or as the sole carbon source. In skim milk (130 mM lactose, 8 mM citrate), cometabolism of citrate and lactose was observed from the first stages of the growth phase. Lactose was stoichiometrically converted into lactate, while citrate was converted into acetate, formate, and ethanol. When de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS) broth containing lactose (28 mM) instead of glucose was used, E. faecalis FAIR-E 229 catabolized only the carbohydrate. Lactate was the major end product, and small amounts of ethanol were also detected. Increasing concentrations of citrate (10, 40, 70, and 100 mM) added to MRS broth enhanced both the maximum growth rate of E. faecalis FAIR-E 229 and glucose catabolism, although citrate itself was not catabolized. Glucose was converted stoichiometrically into lactate, while small amounts of ethanol were produced as well. Finally, when increasing initial concentrations of citrate (10, 40, 70, and 100 mM) were used as the sole carbon sources in MRS broth without glucose, the main end products were acetate and formate. Small amounts of lactate, ethanol, and acetoin were also detected. This work strongly supports the suggestion that enterococcal strains have the metabolic potential to metabolize citrate and therefore to actively contribute to the flavor development of fermented dairy products.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from fermented orange juice and Lact. plantarum DSM 20174 was studied in the presence of citrate. When used as sole carbon source, citrate scarcely supported the growth of the bacteria. It was shown to enhance the growth of Lact. plantarum in glucose media. Under acid conditions (pH 4·0–5·0), 1 mol of citrate yielded 1·7 mol of acetate as sole major final metabolite with release of CO2 in the gas phase.  相似文献   

During the course of chronic renal failure (CRF) in man, renal osteodystrophy (osteitis fibrosa and/or osteomalacia) gradually develops. The present study aimed to establish a similar type of CRF leading to renal osteodystrophy in rats.During progressive CRF development over 225 days after 5/6 nephrectomy, the following serum variables were measured: creatinine, immunoreactive parathryoid hormone (iPTH), 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), a25-hydroxyvitamin D3, (25(OH)D3), alkaline phosphatase, albumin, phosphate, urea nitrogen, total calcium, and other blood electrolytes. Subsequent to sacrifice, mechanical properties of the rat femur, bone histomorphometry (osteoid and eroded surfaces) and bone contents of calcium, phosphate and hydroxyproline were also examined.Serum creatinine in rats with CRF gradually escalated by some 70%, while circulating 1,25(OH)2D3 was reduced beneath detection level. Total plasma calcium and phosphate concentrations were, however, almost unchanged indicating that PTH-induced bone remodeling due to moderate hyperparathyroidism sustained calcium homeostasis. Alkaline phosphatase levels were reduced by some 50%, which reflects chronically impeded bone formation. Bone histomorphometry assessment revealed substantial elevation of resorption with moderate accompanying fibrosis in about 70% of afflicted animals. Bone calcium, phosphate and hydroxpyroline contents remained unaltered. However, hydroxoproline/calcium ratio was marginally reduced. These results, together with altered mechanical bending stress characteristics and diminished diaphysis cross section area, confirm development of mixed bone lesions in the uremic animals.Our results are compatible with the early development of CRF in man. The established rat model is therefore useful in elucidating the precipitation and early treatment of renal osteodystrophy in humans.  相似文献   

Citrate metabolism was studied in non-growing cells of Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides and subsp. dextranicum with respect to energetics, formation of degradation products and stoichiometry. The use of selective ionophores and uncoupler showed that citrate utilization was coupled to the proton motive force generated by ATP hydrolysis. Differences in citrate metabolism observed in 20 Leuconostoc strains were related to strains but not to the species or subspecies studied. Citrate metabolism was stimulated by glucose up to a concentration of 25 mmol 1-1 and decreased at higher concentrations. The main degradation products resulting from the co-metabolism of citrate (10 mmol 1-1) and glucose (2 mmol 1-1) were acetate, lactate and pyruvate. Only four Leuconostoc strains produced low levels of acetoin and diacetyl. No strains produced ethanol or acetaldehyde. Citrate degradation ability was stable for at least 130 generations in 81% of the Leuconostoc strains.  相似文献   

Guanidinosuccinic acid is an aberrant metabolite isolated 40 years ago in the blood and urine of uremic subjects and a suspect in the toxicity associated with renal failure. It plays a minor role in the bleeding diathesis of uremia, contributes to the methyl group deficiency of dialysis patients, and is a factor in the premature atherosclerosis of end stage renal disease through the induction of hyperhomocysteinemia. As a major player, however, in the diversity and severity of uremic symptoms, it is a disappointment. Recently its source has been identified. It results from the superoxidation of argininosuccinic acid, which leads, also, to the production of gamma glutamic semialdehyde, an advanced glycation end product (AGE), which normally results from from the Maillard reaction, the non-enzymatic browning of protein. AGEs stimulate cross-linkages in protein that lead ultimately to loss of function, phagocytosis, and removal, and are important elements in the premature aging characteristic of renal disease, and diabetes.  相似文献   

Edmund R. Yendt 《CMAJ》1957,76(2):141-144

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