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黄林韬  黄晖  江雷 《生物多样性》2020,28(4):515-328
造礁石珊瑚是珊瑚礁框架建造者, 具有维持珊瑚礁生态系统功能和稳定性的重要作用, 其分类对于造礁石珊瑚和珊瑚礁的研究与保护至关重要。目前, 随着分子系统学的不断发展, 造礁石珊瑚的分类体系发生改变, 伴随着出现大量同物异名。近年来也出现许多无中文学名的中国造礁石珊瑚新记录种, 这些都给物种认定和命名带来困难, 阻碍了中国造礁石珊瑚的研究与保护工作。为此, 本文收集了中国造礁石珊瑚物种记录文献资料, 采用最新的造礁石珊瑚分类体系, 确认同物异名, 形成中国造礁石珊瑚物种名录, 并对中国造礁石珊瑚物种的中文名进行统一的规范和命名。结果表明, 中国共有造礁石珊瑚2个类群16科77属445种。与《中国动物志·腔肠动物门·珊瑚虫纲·石珊瑚目·造礁石珊瑚》相比, 科级分类阶元新增7个科, 变更5个科; 属级分类阶元新增26属, 变更1属, 合并3属; 种级分类阶元新增291种, 变更13种, 合并20种, 新命名305个物种的中文名。并且筛选出187个同物异名。此外, 由于造礁石珊瑚分类体系现仍有部分争议, 文章也进行了讨论说明。  相似文献   

以涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚群落为研究对象,分析其群落物种组成、多样性、Raunkiaer频度和种间Spearman轶相关,探讨群落组成与水环境因子的相关性,并结合近10年来涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚变化情况,找出涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚群落的主导影响因素。结果表明:(1)近10年来涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚覆盖率显著降低,珊瑚形态组成趋于块状化,尽管珊瑚群落多样性较高,但群落分布较松散,群落结构较不稳定,部分优势种种间竞争较激烈。(2)悬浮物含量是影响石珊瑚群落最显著的环境因子。石珊瑚优势种群在不同水深中分布差异显著,泥沙覆盖率、营养盐对不同石珊瑚种群影响差异较大,大型海藻覆盖率在局部区域对优势珊瑚形成较强的竞争关系。(3)营养盐和泥沙沉积物的增加与涠洲岛近海养殖业及生活排污、海岸工程及海岸侵蚀密切相关。  相似文献   

西沙群岛海域造礁石珊瑚物种多样性与分布特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2006年3-5月,采用国际通用的截线样带法对海南省西沙群岛主要珊瑚礁海域的18个岛礁造礁石珊瑚进行了实地调查,共记录13科45属188种,其中62个新记录种.整合文献资料,该海域共记录造礁石珊瑚13科50属204种,基本包括分布在我国(不含台湾省)的所有造礁石珊瑚科属和绝大多数种类.造礁石珊瑚以生长速度快的分枝状珊瑚为主.物种多样性最高的是华光礁海域、金银岛海域和永兴岛海域.聚类分析可以把18个调查岛礁分成3个类群:有人类居住的大型环礁群、独立岛礁群和无人居住的大型环礁群(华光礁).为了有效保护珍稀的造礁石珊瑚资源,按照其种类多样性和分布特点重点保护关键海域是十分必要的.  相似文献   

造礁石珊瑚共生藻的系统分类研究对于理解珊瑚礁生态系统对全球变化的响应具有十分重要的意义.本研究利用PCR技术扩增核糖体基因人亚基片段以及限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)的方法,对海南三亚鹿回头岸礁的8科14属22种造礁石珊瑚的共生藻组成进行了研究.结果表明鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚共生藻以C系群为优势系群,偶尔发现D系群与鹿角杯形珊瑚(Pocilolpora damieornis)和黄癣蜂巢珊瑚(Favia favus)共生:另外丑鹿角珊瑚(Acropora horrida)和丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)可以同时与C系群和D系群共生.共生多型性的发现暗示珊瑚与共生藻的共生关系具有灵活性.研究结果同样显示共生藻的核糖体基因人片段的DNA多态性偏低.未来应该结合其他的分子标记对鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚共生藻的DNA多态性进行更深入的研究.  相似文献   

2008年5-6月在徐闻西岸设置了25个站点,运用截线样带法调查了造礁石珊瑚的种类多样性和空间分布.本次研究共发现造礁石珊瑚57种,每个站位的种类数均不超过30种.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均值分别为1.79和0.42.二异角孔珊瑚(Goniopora duofasciata)、盾形...  相似文献   

造礁石珊瑚繁殖生物学是开展珊瑚有性修复技术的基础, 对珊瑚礁生态系统修复具有重要的指导意义。本研究选取三亚鹿回头多孔鹿角珊瑚(Acropora millepora)与丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)作为研究对象, 观察它们性腺特征, 明确多孔鹿角珊瑚与丛生盔形珊瑚有性繁殖类型。结果表明: (1) 多孔鹿角珊瑚是雌雄同体产卵型珊瑚, 丛生盔形珊瑚是假雌全异株产卵型珊瑚; (2) 多孔鹿角珊瑚和丛生盔形珊瑚的虫黄藻都由后天获取; (3)多孔鹿角珊瑚在其卵母细胞和精母细胞发育到Ⅳ时相后, 卵巢与精巢之间肠表皮消失, 并在随后的5 d 左右产卵; 丛生盔形珊瑚在其卵母细胞发育到Ⅲ时相后的20 d 左右产卵。本研究结果, 为三亚海域造礁石珊瑚繁殖生物学的深入研究提供基础数据支持。  相似文献   

罗勇  俞晓磊  黄晖 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8331-8340
营养方式是造礁石珊瑚获取能量与营养物质的基础,影响其生长与分布。近年来珊瑚礁区悬浮物含量与组分结构发生显著变化,其对造礁石珊瑚营养方式的诸多影响正成为当前研究热点。研究系统综述了珊瑚礁区悬浮物变化特征、悬浮物对造礁石珊瑚营养方式的影响及其适应性研究现状。发现近年来人类活动加剧与强降雨事件频发是驱动珊瑚礁,尤其是近岸珊瑚礁区悬浮物含量递增、组分改变与变频加剧的主因;悬浮物变化对造礁石珊瑚光合自养与异养营养的影响存在显著的种间差异,这主要与悬浮物消光效应、生物可利用性及造礁石珊瑚种类密切相关。虽然少数种类造礁石珊瑚具光合可塑性或异养可塑性,能在高含量悬浮物存在的弱光环境中较好生长。然而对绝大多数造礁石珊瑚而言,其营养方式适应性较差,无法在悬浮物影响下较好地获取生命活动所需的能量与营养物质,进而难以生存。总体来说,悬浮物被认为是近年来影响造礁石珊瑚生长与分布的重要环境因子之一,而关于造礁石珊瑚营养方式对悬浮物变化的响应及其适应机制,当前研究仍较薄弱,需要进一步加强相关研究。  相似文献   

造礁石珊瑚   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
珊瑚是统称,它包涵了腔肠动物门的珊瑚虫纲和水螅虫纲不同种类的海洋动物,扼要介绍造礁石珊瑚常见属,种及其生长的生态特点,并指出造礁石珊瑚是“濒危一动植物 国际贸易公约”中的二级沾光顾动物,需拯救、保护以及通过立法,严禁非法买志  相似文献   

鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚物种多样性的研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
于登攀  邹仁林 《生态学报》1996,16(5):469-475
定量分析鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落的种类组成,选择α-多样性和β-多样性的度量方法,分析了该群落造礁石珊瑚种、属和科的多样性及其与所处生境的关系。结果表明:鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落的物种比较丰富,多样性和均匀度指数都较高,但在不同地段之间存在着明显的差异。水深中等的地段(2.4 ̄5.0m)的多样性指数高于较浅(1.5 ̄2.0m)和较深(5.5 ̄6.5m)地段;潮间带与潮下带之间和礁平台与向海斜坡之间  相似文献   

根据石珊瑚物种的总数、石珊瑚覆盖的百分率、物种多样性和均匀度,对鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落结构类型所处在演替阶段的时间状态和生境的空间状态进行分析。在中等和深水区物种多样性的时间变异,随演替的发展而有所下降;浅水区不随演替而变化。在不同生境区珊瑚生长的聚群上,与时间的发展无关;每个演替时期,物种多样性的类型与生境的变化有关。  相似文献   

Patterns in the diversity of bacterial communities associated with three species of Acropora ( Acropora millepora, Acropora tenuis and Acropora valida ) were compared at two locations (Magnetic Island and Orpheus Island) on the Great Barrier Reef to better understand the nature and specificity of coral–microbial symbioses. Three culture-independent techniques demonstrated consistent bacterial communities among replicate samples of each coral species, confirming that corals associate with specific microbiota. Profiles were also conserved among all three species of Acropora within each location, suggesting that closely related corals of the same genus harbor similar bacterial types. Bacterial community profiles of A. millepora at Orpheus Island were consistent in samples collected throughout the year, indicating a stable community despite temporal changes. However, DGGE and T-RFLP profiles differed on corals from different reefs. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling of T-RFLP profiles showed that samples grouped according to location rather than coral species. Although similar sequences were retrieved from clone libraries of corals at both Magnetic and Orpheus Island, differences in the relative dominant bacterial ribotypes within the libraries drive bacterial community structure at different geographical locations. These results indicate certain bacterial groups associated specifically with corals, but the dominant bacterial genera differ between geographically-spaced corals.  相似文献   

Coral reef degradation is often associated with regime shifts from coral‐ to macroalgal‐dominated reefs. These shifts demonstrate that under certain conditions (e.g. coral mortality, decrease in herbivory, increased nutrients supply) some macroalgae may overgrow corals. The outcome of the competition is dependent on algal aggressiveness and the coral susceptibility. In undisturbed reefs, herbivore grazing is regulating macroalgal cover, thus preventing the latter from overgrowing corals. However, some macroalgae have evolved strategies not only to outcompete corals but also to escape herbivory to some extent, allowing overgrowth of some coral species in undisturbed reefs. Epizoism represents one of those successful strategies, and has been previously documented with red algae, cyanobacteria and Lobophora variegata (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae). Here we report a new case of epizoism leading to coral mortality, involving a recently described species of Lobophora, L. hederacea, overgrowing the coral Seriatopora caliendrum (Pocilloporidae) in undisturbed reefs in New Caledonia.  相似文献   

Coral in Alaska: distribution,abundance, and species associations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Heifetz  Jonathan 《Hydrobiologia》2002,471(1-3):19-28
To help identify fishery management actions that minimize the adverse impacts of fishing activities on corals in Alaska, the distribution and abundance of corals were analyzed based on trawl survey data collected during 1975–1998. We also examined the species of commercially managed fish that are associated with coral. Soft corals, primarily Gersemia sp. (=Eunephthya sp.), were the most frequently encountered corals in the Bering Sea. In the Aleutian Islands gorgonian corals, primarily in the genera Callogorgia, Primnoa, Paragorgia, Thouarella, and Arthrogorgia were the most common corals. In the Gulf of Alaska, gorgonian corals, primarily in the genera Callogorgia and Primnoa, and cup corals, primarily `Scleractinia unidentified', occurred most frequently. The Aleutian Islands area appears to have the highest abundance and diversity of corals. Some fish groups are associated with particular types of coral. Rockfish (Sebastes spp. and Sebastolobus alascanus) and Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) were the most common fish captured with gorgonian, cup, and hydrocorals, whereas flatfish and gadids were the most common fish captured with soft corals.  相似文献   

Hydrozoans of the genus Zanclea have been acknowledged only recently as a fundamental component of the highly diverse fauna associated with reef‐building scleractinian corals. Although widely distributed in coral reefs and demonstrated to be important in protecting corals from predation and diseases, the biodiversity of these hydrozoans remains enigmatic due to the paucity of available morphological characters, incomplete morphological characterisations and the possible existence of cryptic species. Recently, molecular techniques have revealed the existence of multiple hidden genetic lineages not yet supported by diagnostic morphological characters. In this work, we further explore the morpho‐diversity of three genetic lineages, namely Zanclea associated with the coral genera Goniastrea (clade I), Porites (clade II) and Pavona (clade VI). Aside from providing a complete classical characterisation of the polyp and medusa stage of each clade, we searched for new potential taxonomic indicators either on symbiotic hydroids or on host corals. On the hydroids, statistical analyses on almost 7,000 nematocyst capsules revealed a significant difference in terms of nematocyst size among the three Zanclea clades investigated. On each host coral genus, we identified peculiar skeletal modifications related to the presence of Zanclea symbionts. Lastly, we discussed the potential diagnostic value of these footprints in the characterisation of Zanclea–scleractinian associations.  相似文献   

Speciation by host shift is a common phenomenon observed in many symbiotic animals. The symbiont–host interaction is highly dynamic, but it is poorly documented in the marine realm. In the present study, we examined the genetic and morphological differentiation of the coral barnacle Wanella milleporae (obligate to fire corals) collected from four different Millepora host species in Taiwan to investigate the host specificity of this barnacle. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial COI gene for 241 individuals of Wanella revealed five distinct clades, whose sequence divergences are comparable to values between other cogeneric barnacle species. The five clades also differ in shell and opercular plate morphology and colour. Genetic and morphological differentiations together strongly suggest the presence of cryptic species. Although the five clades do not display species-level host specificity, they showed a significant difference in preference on host growth form. Clades 1 and 2 were predominantly found on encrusting Millepora exaesa and Millepora platyphylla , while clades 3, 4 and 5 live exclusively on branching-form fire corals Millepora dichotoma and Millepora tenella . Phylogeny inferred from the combined mitochondrial COI, 16S and 12S (2182 bp) analysis suggests the division of the five clades into two major lineages congruent with the morphology of the host coral. Multiple independent invasions to the same form of host and subsequent speciation are evident in the Red Sea and Taiwan. Our results indicate that ecological/sympatric speciation could occur in marine symbiotic invertebrates through host shift and specialization. It appears that, as in their terrestrial counterparts, host–symbiont radiations in the marine realm are more prevalent than we expected and thus warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Reef‐building corals are at risk of extinction from ocean warming. While some corals can enhance their thermal limits by associating with dinoflagellate photosymbionts of superior stress tolerance, the extent to which symbiont communities will reorganize under increased warming pressure remains unclear. Here we show that corals in the hottest reefs in the world in the Persian Gulf maintain associations with the same symbionts across 1.5 years despite extreme seasonal warming and acute heat stress (≥35°C). Persian Gulf corals predominantly associated with Cladocopium (clade C) and most also hosted Symbiodinium (clade A) and/or Durusdinium (clade D). This is in contrast to the neighbouring and milder Oman Sea, where corals associated with Durusdinium and only a minority hosted background levels of Cladocopium. During acute heat stress, the higher prevalence of Symbiodinium and Durusdinium in bleached versus nonbleached Persian Gulf corals indicates that genotypes of these background genera did not confer bleaching resistance. Within symbiont genera, the majority of ITS2 rDNA type profiles were unique to their respective coral species, confirming the existence of host‐specific symbiont lineages. Notably, further differentiation among Persian Gulf sites demonstrates that symbiont populations are either isolated or specialized over tens to hundreds of kilometres. Thermal tolerance across coral species was associated with the prevalence of a single ITS2 intragenomic sequence variant (C3gulf), definitive of the Cladocopium thermophilum group. The abundance of C3gulf was highest in bleaching‐resistant corals and at warmer sites, potentially indicating a specific symbiont genotype (or set of genotypes) that may play a role in thermal tolerance that warrants further investigation. Together, our findings indicate that co‐evolution of host–Symbiodiniaceae partnerships favours fidelity rather than flexibility in extreme environments and under future warming.  相似文献   

Recently, we showed that mechanical stress on scleractinian (stony) corals caused a rapid release of antibacterial material (referred to as coral antibacterial activity, or CAA), which killed various bacterial species, including the coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus . We now report on studies on the regulation of CAA release from stressed scleractinian corals. Corals can repeatedly release highly active CAA as a result of sequential stress inductions. Coral fragments were transferred 19 times from one beaker into another with a stress induction each time after 10 min. There was a decrease in the level of antibacterial activity released during the first four to five transfers. After the fifth transfer, the corals kept releasing CAA for the rest of the experiment with no significant decrease. Apparently, the release of CAA is downregulated by feedback inhibition, depending on the concentration of CAA in the surrounding water. By separating CAA-treated V. coralliilyticus from the surrounding water, it was shown that CAA was bound irreversibly to bacterial cells in a stoichiometric manner. Approximately 4 × 102 bacterial cells were sufficient to bind 1 U of CAA. Resident coral bacteria were more resistant to CAA than bacteria isolated from seawater, suggesting an ecological role for CAA. CAA release was obtained from corals after removal of the mucus layer, and the mucus itself contained antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

The Caribbean staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, was once a dominant habitat creating coral, but its populations have declined dramatically in recent decades. Numerous restoration efforts now utilize coral gardening techniques to cultivate this species, growing colonies on fixed structures or from line/suspended nurseries. Line nurseries have become increasingly popular because of their small footprint and ease of use, replacing fixed structures in many nurseries. To evaluate the efficacy of the line technique, this study evaluated growth, condition, and survivorship of A. cervicornis nursery colonies of three distinct genotypes grown via two line nursery techniques (suspended and direct line attachment [vertical]). Direct line attachment of nursery colonies resulted in poor survival (43%) and growth (9.5 ± 1.33 cm/year), whereas suspended culture had 100% survival and increased growth (61.1 ± 4.19 cm/year). Suspended culture had significantly reduced disease prevalence and prevented colony predation. Suspended coral growth was also comparable to a neighboring fixed structure nursery (55.2 ± 7.86 cm/year), and found to be as effective in propagating corals as fixed structures.  相似文献   

Patterns of hard coral and sea urchin assemblage structure (species richness, diversity, and abundance) were studied in Kenyan coral reef lagoons which experienced different types of human resource use. Two protected reefs (Malindi and Watamu Marine National Parks) were protected from fishing and coral collection, but exposed to heavy tourist use. One reef (Mombasa MNP) received protection from fishermen for one year and was exploited for fish and corals prior to protection and was defined as a transitional reef. Three reefs (Vipingo, Kanamai, and Diani) were unprotected and experienced heavy fishing and some coral collection. Protected and unprotected reefs were distinct in terms of their assemblage structure with the transitional reef grouping with unprotected reefs based on relative and absolute abundance of coral genera. Protected reefs had slightly higher (p<0.01) coral cover (23.6 ± 8.3 % ± S.D.) than unprotected reefs (16.7 ± 8.5), but the transitional reef had the highest coral cover (30.8 ± 6.4) which increased by 250% since measured in 1987: largely attributable to a large increase inPorites nigrescens cover. Protected reefs had higher coral species richness and diversity and a greater relative abundance ofAcropora, Montipora andGalaxea than unprotected reefs. The transitional reef had high species richness, but lower diversity due to the high dominance ofPorites. Sea urchins showed the opposite pattern with highest diversity in most unprotected reefs. Coral cover, species richness, and diversity were negatively associated with sea urchin abundance, but the relative abundance ofPorites increased with sea urchin abundance to the point wherePorites composed >90% of the coral cover at sites with the highest sea urchin abundance. Effects of coral overcollection was only likely for the genusAcropora (staghorn corals). A combination of direct and indirect effects of human resource use may reduce diversity, species richness, and abundance of corals while increasing the absolute abundance of sea urchins and the relative cover ofPorites.  相似文献   

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