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Adaptation across environmental gradients has been demonstrated in numerous systems with extensive dispersal, despite high gene flow and consequently low genetic structure. The speed and mechanisms by which such adaptation occurs remain poorly resolved, but are critical to understanding species spread and persistence in a changing world. Here, we investigate these mechanisms in the European green crab Carcinus maenas, a globally distributed invader. We focus on a northwestern Pacific population that spread across >12 degrees of latitude in 10 years from a single source, following its introduction <35 years ago. Using six locations spanning >1500 km, we examine genetic structure using 9376 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We find high connectivity among five locations, with significant structure between these locations and an enclosed lagoon with limited connectivity to the coast. Among the five highly connected locations, the only structure observed was a cline driven by a handful of SNPs strongly associated with latitude and winter temperature. These SNPs are almost exclusively found in a large cluster of genes in strong linkage disequilibrium that was previously identified as a candidate for cold tolerance adaptation in this species. This region may represent a balanced polymorphism that evolved to promote rapid adaptation in variable environments despite high gene flow, and which now contributes to successful invasion and spread in a novel environment. This research suggests an answer to the paradox of genetically depauperate yet successful invaders: populations may be able to adapt via a few variants of large effect despite low overall diversity.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity can promote the emergence of locally adapted phenotypes among subpopulations of a species, whereas gene flow can result in phenotypic and genotypic homogenization. For organisms like amphidromous fishes that change habitats during their life history, the balance between selection and migration can shift through ontogeny, making the likelihood of local adaptation difficult to predict. In Hawaiian waterfall‐climbing gobies, it has been hypothesized that larval mixing during oceanic dispersal counters local adaptation to contrasting topographic features of streams, like slope gradient, that can select for predator avoidance or climbing ability in juvenile recruits. To test this hypothesis, we used morphological traits and neutral genetic markers to compare phenotypic and genotypic distributions in recruiting juveniles and adult subpopulations of the waterfall‐climbing amphidromous goby, Sicyopterus stimpsoni, from the islands of Hawai'i and Kaua'i. We found that body shape is significantly different between adult subpopulations from streams with contrasting slopes and that trait divergence in recruiting juveniles tracked stream topography more so than morphological measures of adult subpopulation differentiation. Although no evidence of population genetic differentiation was observed among adult subpopulations, we observed low but significant levels of spatially and temporally variable genetic differentiation among juvenile cohorts, which correlated with morphological divergence. Such a pattern of genetic differentiation is consistent with chaotic genetic patchiness arising from variable sources of recruits to different streams. Thus, at least in S. stimpsoni, the combination of variation in settlement cohorts in space and time coupled with strong postsettlement selection on juveniles as they migrate upstream to adult habitats provides the opportunity for morphological adaptation to local stream environments despite high gene flow.  相似文献   

We investigated fine-scale genetic structuring in the rare and vulnerable Mallorcan midwife toad Alytes muletensis using eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. The current range of this amphibian is restricted to some 19 sites of which six are derived from reintroductions, all located in the mountain ranges of Mallorca. We sampled tadpoles from 14 pools covering 10 natural sites and two reintroduction sites for microsatellite DNA analyses. Relatively high levels of genetic variation were found in most pools (H(E) = 0.38-0.71, allelic richness = 2.6-6.2). Only at one pool has the population recently gone through a bottleneck. Dispersal between pools in different torrents does not occur whereas downstream dispersal between pools within the same torrent does happen at low frequencies. This occasional exchange of individuals does not lead to neighbouring pools in the same torrent being panmictic. This can be concluded because all F(ST) values (0.12-0.53) differ significantly from zero and STRUCTURE analyses identified neighbouring pools as separate populations. Furthermore, assignment and migration tests showed little exchange between neighbouring pools. If upstream locations or complete torrents go extinct, they are unlikely to be recolonized naturally. For conservation purposes, reintroductions of tadpoles to sites where local extinctions have occurred may therefore be advisable.  相似文献   

Fasciola hepatica, the liver fluke, is a trematode parasite of considerable economic importance to the livestock industry and is a re-emerging zoonosis that poses a risk to human health in F. hepatica-endemic areas worldwide. Drug resistance is a substantial threat to the current and future control of F. hepatica, yet little is known about how the biology of the parasite influences the development and spread of resistance. Given that F. hepatica can self-fertilise and therefore inbreed, there is the potential for greater population differentiation and an increased likelihood of recessive alleles, such as drug resistance genes, coming together. This could be compounded by clonal expansion within the snail intermediate host and aggregation of parasites of the same genotype on pasture. Alternatively, widespread movement of animals that typically occurs in the UK could promote high levels of gene flow and prevent population differentiation. We identified clonal parasites with identical multilocus genotypes in 61% of hosts. Despite this, 84% of 1579 adult parasites had unique multilocus genotypes, which supports high levels of genotypic diversity within F. hepatica populations. Our analyses indicate a selfing rate no greater than 2%, suggesting that this diversity is in part due to the propensity for F. hepatica to cross-fertilise. Finally, although we identified high genetic diversity within a given host, there was little evidence for differentiation between populations from different hosts, indicating a single panmictic population. This implies that, once those emerge, anthelmintic resistance genes have the potential to spread rapidly through liver fluke populations.  相似文献   

The Sinai primrose (Primula boveana) is one of the most endangered plant species worldwide, with less than 200 wild individuals surviving in the Sinai mountains of Egypt. There has been a decline in both the number and size of its populations in recent times, possibly caused by threats that include habitat aridification and the impact of human activities. Studying the standing genetic variation and extent of inbreeding of P. boveana is necessary for the design of appropriate conservation strategies for this species. In the present work, we used a set of seven, recently developed, polymorphic microsatellite markers to characterize the genetic variation and levels of inbreeding of the extant populations of P. boveana. We found low levels of genetic variation (H T = 0.470), high differentiation between populations (F ST = 0.737, R ST = 0.935), and very elevated levels of inbreeding (F = 0.862) due to recurrent selfing. These results may be the reflection of low levels of genetic variation and high levels of inbreeding over a long evolutionary period, suggesting that the current genetic pool of the species may enable P. boveana to persist in a habitat where water availability and pollinator services are restricted. Nevertheless, in sight of its rapidly dwindling abundance, it seems prudent to adopt swift measures, including habitat restoration and ex-situ conservation, to prevent the impending extinction of this emblematic species.  相似文献   

The Miami blue butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri) is a state-endangered taxon in Florida and a candidate for federal listing. Here we report 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci appropriate for use in population and conservation studies. We genotyped 114 individuals sampled from a metapopulation in the lower Florida Keys over a 2-year period (2005-2006). These results show 4-14 alleles per locus, and ranges of observed and expected heterozygosities are 0.02679-0.79630 and 0.06154-0.69565, respectively. Large deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) are observed across the whole sample set. When a single breeding population is analysed alone, seven of the loci are in HWE.  相似文献   

The Tasmanian tiger or thylacine was the largest carnivorous marsupial when Europeans first reached Australia. Sadly, the last known thylacine died in captivity in 1936. A recent analysis of the genome of the closely related and extant Tasmanian devil demonstrated limited genetic diversity between individuals. While a similar lack of diversity has been reported for the thylacine, this analysis was based on just two individuals. Here we report the sequencing of an additional 12 museum-archived specimens collected between 102 and 159 years ago. We examined a portion of the mitochondrial DNA hyper-variable control region and determined that all sequences were on average 99.5% identical at the nucleotide level. As a measure of accuracy we also sequenced mitochondrial DNA from a mother and two offspring. As expected, these samples were found to be 100% identical, validating our methods. We also used 454 sequencing to reconstruct 2.1 kilobases of the mitochondrial genome, which shared 99.91% identity with the two complete thylacine mitochondrial genomes published previously. Our thylacine genomic data also contained three highly divergent putative nuclear mitochondrial sequences, which grouped phylogenetically with the published thylacine mitochondrial homologs but contained 100-fold more polymorphisms than the conserved fragments. Together, our data suggest that the thylacine population in Tasmania had limited genetic diversity prior to its extinction, possibly as a result of their geographic isolation from mainland Australia approximately 10,000 years ago.  相似文献   

Oxyrrhis marina, a widely distributed marine protist, is used to model heterotrophic flagellate responses in microbial food webs. Although clonal variability occurs in protists, assessments of intraspecific diversity are rare; such assessments are critical, particularly where species are used as models in ecological studies. To address the extent of intraspecific variation within O. marina, we assessed diversity among 11 strains using 5.8S rDNA and ITS sequences. The 5.8S rDNA and ITS regions revealed high divergence between strains: 63.1% between the most diverse. To compare O. marina diversity relative to other alveolates, 18S rDNA sequences for five strains were analysed with sequences from representatives of the major alveolate groups. 18S rDNA also revealed high divergence in O. marina. Additionally, consistent with phylogenies based on protein coding genes, maximum likelihood analysis indicated that O. marina was monophyletic and ancestral to the dinoflagellates. To assess ecophysiological differences, growth rates of seven O. marina strains were measured at 10 salinities (10-55 per thousand). Two salinity responses occurred: one group achieved highest growth rates at high salinities; the other grew best at low salinities. There was no clear correlation between molecular, ecophysiological, or geographical differences. However, salinity tolerance was associated with habitat type: intertidal strains grew best at high salinities; open-water strains grew best at low salinities. These data indicate the need to examine many strains of a species in both phylogenetic and ecological studies, especially where key-species are used to model ecological processes.  相似文献   

Senecio cambrensis (Welsh groundsel) is a new allohexaploid species, which originated in Wales, UK, in the early part of the 20th century following hybridization between the native tetraploid groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) and the introduced diploid Oxford ragwort (Senecio squalidus). A survey of the number of populations and flowering individuals per population of S. cambrensis in Wales was conducted at peak flowering time in June 2002, 2003 and 2004. The results show a dramatic decrease in both population number and population size of the species since the 1980s when the last population census was conducted. A survey of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) variation showed that this decline has occurred despite the fact that S. cambrensis contains a high level of genetic diversity with each individual screened possessing a unique multilocus phenotype. The level of variance within the species was similar to that found in one parent (S. vulgaris) and slightly greater than that among samples of the other parent (S. squalidus). Only a small proportion (5%) of AFLP diversity was partitioned among populations indicating a lack of population structure and possibly high levels of gene flow via seed dispersal in what is predominantly a selfing species. Senecio cambrensis showed closer similarity in AFLP phenotype to S. vulgaris than to S. squalidus. Possible causes of this and also the high level of AFLP diversity found in S. cambrensis are discussed. It is suggested that intergenomic recombination following occasional multivalent formation during meiosis in S. cambrensis is likely to be an important cause of both phenomena, although other causes are not ruled out.  相似文献   

Despite rampant colour pattern diversity in South America, Heliconius erato exhibits a ‘postman’ wing pattern throughout most of Central America. We examined genetic variation across the range of H. erato, including dense sampling in Central America, and discovered a deep genetic break, centred on the mountain range that runs through Costa Rica. This break is characterized by a novel mitochondrial lineage, which is nearly fixed in northern Central America, that branches basal to all previously described mitochondrial diversity in the species. Strong genetic differentiation also appears in Z‐linked and autosomal markers, and it is further associated with a distinct, but subtle, shift in wing pattern phenotype. Comparison of clines in wing phenotype, mtDNA and nuclear markers indicate they are all centred on the mountains dividing Costa Rica, but that cline width differs among data sets. Phylogeographical analyses, accounting for this new diversity, rewrite our understanding of mimicry evolution in this system. For instance, these results suggest that H. erato originated west of the Andes, perhaps in Central America, and as many as 1 million years before its co‐mimic, H. melpomene. Overall our data indicate that neutral genetic markers and colour pattern loci are congruent and converge on the same hypothesis—H. erato originated in northwest South America or Central America with a ‘postman’ phenotype and then radiated into the wealth of colour patterns present today.  相似文献   

Habitat islands, genetic diversity, and gene flow in a Patagonian rodent   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effects of terrestrial habitat islands on gene flow and genetic diversity in animal populations have been predicted and discussed in theoretical terms, but empirical data are needed to test these predictions and provide an understanding of the relationships of life-history characteristics to genetics of insular species. We studied saxicolous mice ( Phyllotis xanthopygus ) in Patagonia to explore genetic structure, phylogeography, and gene flow in a species inhabiting natural habitat islands. Phylogeographic analyses based on mtDNA sequences revealed two haplotype clades, which presumably reflect early Pleistocene factors that temporarily separated the mice into two geographically isolated groups. The Río Chubut, which lies within a glacial drainage basin bisecting northern Patagonia, might have affected gene flow in the species. Although we anticipated isolation by distance and founder phenomena associated with habitat islands, in some habitat patches we found evidence of high local genetic diversity. The amount of divergence in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (≈ 3.4%) in animals at a single locality could best be explained through a combination of historical factors and metapopulation source–sink theory. Demographic shifts, dispersal, and episodic recolonization are important in the life history and genetic population structure of P. xanthopygus .  相似文献   

Although previous studies have characterized the genetic structure of populations from Haiti and Jamaica using classical and autosomal STR polymorphisms, the patrilineal influences that are present in these countries have yet to be explored. To address this lacuna, the current study aims to investigate, for the first time, the potential impact of different ancestral sources, unique colonial histories, and distinct family structures on the paternal profile of both groups. According to previous reports examining populations from the Americas, island-specific demographic histories can greatly impact population structure, including various patterns of sex-biased gene flow. Also, given the contrasting autosomal profiles provided in our earlier study (Simms et al.: Am J Phys Anthropol 142 (2010) 49-66), we hypothesize that the degree and directionality of gene flow from Europeans, Africans, Amerindians, and East Asians are dissimilar in the two countries. To test this premise, 177 high-resolution Y-chromosome binary markers and 17 Y-STR loci were typed in Haiti (n = 123) and Jamaica (n = 159) and subsequently utilized for phylogenetic comparisons to available reference collections encompassing Africa, Europe, Asia (East and South), and the New World. Our results reveal that both studied populations exhibit a predominantly South-Saharan paternal component, with haplogroups A1b-V152, A3-M32, B2-M182, E1a-M33, E1b1a-M2, E2b-M98, and R1b2-V88 comprising 77.2% and 66.7% of the Haitian and Jamaican paternal gene pools, respectively. Yet, European derived chromosomes (i.e., haplogroups G2a*-P15, I-M258, R1b1b-M269, and T-M184) were detected at commensurate levels in Haiti (20.3%) and Jamaica (18.9%), whereas Y-haplogroups indicative of Chinese [O-M175 (3.8%)] and Indian [H-M69 (0.6%) and L-M20 (0.6%)] ancestry were restricted to Jamaica.  相似文献   

The critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle ( Haliaeetus vociferoides ) is considered to be one of the rarest birds of prey globally and at significant risk of extinction. In the most recent census, only 222 adult individuals were recorded with an estimated total breeding population of no more than 100–120 pairs. Here, levels of Madagascar fish-eagle population genetic diversity based on 47 microsatellite loci were compared with its sister species, the African fish-eagle ( Haliaeetus vocifer ), and 16 of these loci were also characterized in the white-tailed eagle ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) and the bald eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ). Overall, extremely low genetic diversity was observed in the Madagascar fish-eagle compared to other surveyed Haliaeetus species. Determining whether this low diversity is the result of a recent bottleneck or a more historic event has important implications for their conservation. Using a Bayesian coalescent-based method, we show that Madagascar fish-eagles have maintained a small effective population size for hundreds to thousands of years and that its low level of neutral genetic diversity is not the result of a recent bottleneck. Therefore, efforts made to prevent Madagascar fish-eagle extinction should place high priority on maintenance of habitat requirements and reducing direct and indirect human persecution. Given the current rate of deforestation in Madagascar, we further recommend that the population be expanded to occupy a larger geographical distribution. This will help the population persist when exposed to stochastic factors (e.g. climate and disease) that may threaten a species consisting of only 200 adult individuals while inhabiting a rapidly changing landscape.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation often restricts gene flow and results in small populations that are at risk of inbreeding. However, some endangered species naturally occupy patchy habitat where local population extinction and recolonization are normal. We investigated population fragmentation in the range‐restricted New Zealand small‐scaled skink (Oligosoma microlepis), documenting changes in habitat occupancy and analyzing mitochondrial, microsatellite, and morphological variation sampled across the geographical range of the species (approximately 100 km2). Small‐scaled skinks have a strong preference for rocky outcrops that exist in a mosaic of other habitat types. A metapopulation structure was indicated by both local extinction and colonization of new sites. We found relatively high mtDNA nucleotide site diversity within this narrow range (π = 0.004; 16S), evidence of inter‐patch gene flow, and no statistical support for inbreeding. Gene flow was limited by geographical distance, although the existence of pasture between habitat patches apparently has not prevented skink dispersal. Generalized linear models indicated an association between body size and location suggesting a local environmental influence on phenotype. Prior to human‐induced habitat modification, native forest probably separated preferred sites and, less than 2000 years ago, volcanic activity devastated much of the area currently occupied by O. microlepis. This skink appears able to re‐establish populations if other human‐linked factors such as agricultural intensification and introduced predators are limited. Although in contrast to expectations for a scarce and localized species living in a highly modified landscape, this lizard may have previously adapted to a dynamic, mosaic environment mediated by volcanism.  相似文献   

We argue that insect species conservation at large scales should take account of the distribution of genetic diversity among populations. Maintenance of genetic diversity may be vital in retaining a species' adaptive capacity and evolutionary potential. We illustrate the concept using the example of the large copper butterfly Lycaena dispar in Europe. This species has become extinct in parts of its range and is declining rapidly in others, whilst conversely, increasing in many areas. The latter has recently reduced its conservation status. Mitochondrial DNA analysis is used to construct a phylogeography from a preliminary sample set obtained from across Europe. A cytochrome b fragment of 402 base pairs was sequenced and 10 haplotypes were found. Relatedness among populations suggest that those from northern and central Europe are closely related and probably form one evolutionary significant unit (ESU) reflecting post-glacial colonization from southeast Europe. In contrast, the sample from Italy is divergent and should be considered a separate ESU. Our results, combined with ecological data, suggest that conservation action for this species should be targeted on specific regions and populations.  相似文献   

Detailed information about the geographic distribution of genetic and genomic variation is necessary to better understand the organization and structure of biological diversity. In particular, spatial isolation within species and hybridization between them can blur species boundaries and create evolutionary relationships that are inconsistent with a strictly bifurcating tree model. Here, we analyse genome‐wide DNA sequence and genetic ancestry variation in Lycaeides butterflies to quantify the effects of admixture and spatial isolation on how biological diversity is organized in this group. We document geographically widespread and pervasive historical admixture, with more restricted recent hybridization. This includes evidence supporting previously known and unknown instances of admixture. The genome composition of admixed individuals varies much more among than within populations, and tree‐ and genetic ancestry‐based analyses indicate that multiple distinct admixed lineages or populations exist. We find that most genetic variants in Lycaeides are rare (minor allele frequency <0.5%). Because the spatial and taxonomic distributions of alleles reflect demographic and selective processes since mutation, rare alleles, which are presumably younger than common alleles, were spatially and taxonomically restricted compared with common variants. Thus, we show patterns of genetic variation in this group are multifaceted, and we argue that this complexity challenges simplistic notions concerning the organization of biological diversity into discrete, easily delineated and hierarchically structured entities.  相似文献   

To date, the function of most genes in the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome is unknown. Here we present the first analysis of the novel, plant-specific BRX (BREVIS RADIX) gene family. BRX has been identified as a modulator of root growth through a naturally occurring loss-of-function allele. The biochemical function of BRX is enigmatic, however several domains in BRX are conserved in the proteins encoded by the related BRX-like (BRXL) genes. The similarity between Arabidopsis BRXL proteins within these domains ranges from 84% to 93%. Nevertheless, analysis of brx brx-like multiple mutants indicates that functional redundancy of BRXLs is limited. This results mainly from differences in protein activity, as demonstrated by assaying the propensity of constitutively expressed BRXL cDNAs to rescue the brx phenotype. Among the genes tested, only BRXL1 can replace BRX in this assay. Nevertheless, BRXL1 does not act redundantly with BRX in vivo, presumably because it is expressed at a much lower level than BRX. BRX and BRXL1 similarity is most pronounced in a characteristic tandem repeat domain, which we named BRX domain. One copy of this domain is also present in the PRAF (PH, RCC1, and FYVE)-like family proteins. The BRX domain mediates homotypic and heterotypic interactions within and between the BRX and PRAF protein families in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and therefore likely represents a novel protein-protein interaction domain. The importance of this domain for BRX activity in planta is underscored by our finding that expression of the C-terminal fragment of BRX, comprising the two BRX domains, is largely sufficient to rescue the brx phenotype.  相似文献   

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