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We have used imidazole (Im) and N-methylimidazole (MeIm) as probes of the heme-binding cavity of membrane-bound cytochrome (cyt) c1 in detergent-solubilized bc1 complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Imidazole binding to cyt c1 substantially lowers the midpoint potential of the heme and fully inhibits bc1 complex activity. Temperature dependences showed that binding of Im (Kd ≈ 330 μm, 25 °C, pH 8) is enthalpically driven (ΔH0 = −56 kJ/mol, ΔS0 = −121 J/mol/K), whereas binding of MeIm is 30 times weaker (Kd ≈ 9.3 mm) and is entropically driven (ΔH0 = 47 kJ/mol, ΔS0° = 197 J/mol/K). The large enthalpic and entropic contributions suggest significant structural and solvation changes in cyt c1 triggered by ligand binding. Comparison of these results with those obtained previously for soluble cyts c and c2 suggested that Im binding to cyt c1 is assisted by formation of hydrogen bonds within the heme cleft. This was strongly supported by molecular dynamics simulations of Im adducts of cyts c, c2, and c1, which showed hydrogen bonds formed between the NδH of Im and the cyt c1 protein, or with a water molecule sequestered with the ligand in the heme cleft.  相似文献   

Heme proteins, which reversibly bind oxygen and display a particular fold originally identified in myoglobin (Mb), characterize the “hemoglobin (Hb) superfamily.” The long known and widely investigated Hb superfamily, however, has been enriched by the discovery and investigation of new classes and members. Truncated Hbs typify such novel classes and exhibit a distinct two-on-two α-helical fold. The truncated Hb from the freshwater cyanobacterium Synechocystis exhibits hexacoordinate heme chemistry and bears an unusual covalent bond between the nonaxial His117 and a heme porphyrin 2-vinyl atom, which remains tightly associated with the globin unlike any other. It seems to be the most stable Hb known to date, and His117 is the dominant force holding the heme. Mutations of amino acid residues in the vicinity did not influence this covalent linkage. Introduction of a nonaxial His into sperm whale Mb at the topologically equivalent position and in close proximity to vinyl group significantly increased the heme stability of this prototype globin. Reversed phase chromatography, electrospray ionization-MS, and MALDI-TOF analyses confirmed the presence of covalent linkage in Mb I107H. The Mb mutant with the engineered covalent linkage was stable to denaturants and exhibited ligand binding and auto-oxidation rates similar to the wild type protein. This indeed is a novel finding and provides a new perspective to the evolution of Hbs. The successful attempt at engineering heme stability holds promise for the production of stable Hb-based blood substitute.  相似文献   

Mimosine is an effective cell synchronization reagent used for arresting cells in late G1 phase. However, the mechanism underlying mimosine-induced G1 cell cycle arrest remains unclear. Using highly synchronous cell populations, we show here that mimosine blocks S phase entry through ATM activation. HeLa S3 cells are exposed to thymidine for 15 h, released for 9 h by washing out the thymidine, and subsequently treated with 1 mm mimosine for a further 15 h (thymidine → mimosine). In contrast to thymidine-induced S phase arrest, mimosine treatment synchronizes >90% of cells at the G1-S phase boundary by inhibiting the transition of the prereplication complex to the preinitiation complex. Mimosine treatment activates ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)/ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR)-mediated checkpoint signaling without inducing DNA damage. Inhibition of ATM activity is found to induce mimosine-arrested cells to enter S phase. In addition, ATM activation by mimosine treatment is mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). These results suggest that, upon mimosine treatment, ATM blocks S phase entry in response to ROS, which prevents replication fork stalling-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

BAG6 is an essential protein that functions in two distinct biological pathways, ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation of defective polypeptides and tail-anchored (TA) transmembrane protein biogenesis in mammals, although its structural and functional properties remain unknown. We solved a crystal structure of the C-terminal heterodimerization domains of BAG6 and Ubl4a and characterized their interaction biochemically. Unexpectedly, the specificity and structure of the C terminus of BAG6, which was previously classified as a BAG domain, were completely distinct from those of the canonical BAG domain. Furthermore, the tight association of BAG6 and Ubl4a resulted in modulation of Ubl4a protein stability in cells. Therefore, we propose to designate the Ubl4a-binding region of BAG6 as the novel BAG-similar (BAGS) domain. The structure of Ubl4a, which interacts with BAG6, is similar to the yeast homologue Get5, which forms a homodimer. These observations indicate that the BAGS domain of BAG6 promotes the TA protein biogenesis pathway in mammals by the interaction with Ubl4a.  相似文献   

General anesthetics exert many of their CNS actions by binding to and modulating membrane-embedded pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs). The structural mechanisms underlying how anesthetics modulate pLGIC function remain largely unknown. GLIC, a prokaryotic pLGIC homologue, is inhibited by general anesthetics, suggesting anesthetics stabilize a closed channel state, but in anesthetic-bound GLIC crystal structures the channel appears open. Here, using functional GLIC channels expressed in oocytes, we examined whether propofol induces structural rearrangements in the GLIC transmembrane domain (TMD). Residues in the GLIC TMD that frame intrasubunit and intersubunit water-accessible cavities were individually mutated to cysteine. We measured and compared the rates of modification of the introduced cysteines by sulfhydryl-reactive reagents in the absence and presence of propofol. Propofol slowed the rate of modification of L240C (intersubunit) and increased the rate of modification of T254C (intrasubunit), indicating that propofol binding induces structural rearrangements in these cavities that alter the local environment near these residues. Propofol acceleration of T254C modification suggests that in the resting state propofol does not bind in the TMD intrasubunit cavity as observed in the crystal structure of GLIC with bound propofol (Nury, H., Van Renterghem, C., Weng, Y., Tran, A., Baaden, M., Dufresne, V., Changeux, J. P., Sonner, J. M., Delarue, M., and Corringer, P. J. (2011) Nature 469, 428–431). In silico docking using a GLIC closed channel homology model suggests propofol binds to intersubunit sites in the TMD in the resting state. Propofol-induced motions in the intersubunit cavity were distinct from motions associated with channel activation, indicating propofol stabilizes a novel closed state.  相似文献   

DNA replication in all eukaryotes starts with the process of loading the replicative helicase MCM2–7 onto chromatin during late mitosis of the cell cycle. MCM2–7 is a key component of the prereplicative complex (pre-RC), which is loaded onto chromatin by the concerted action of origin recognition complex, Cdc6, and Cdt1. Here, we demonstrate that And-1 is assembled onto chromatin in late mitosis and early G1 phase before the assembly of pre-RC in human cells. And-1 forms complexes with MCM2–7 to facilitate the assembly of MCM2–7 onto chromatin at replication origins in late mitosis and G1 phase. We also present data to show that depletion of And-1 significantly reduces the interaction between Cdt1 and MCM7 in G1 phase cells. Thus, human And-1 facilitates loading of the MCM2–7 helicase onto chromatin during the assembly of pre-RC.  相似文献   

Ubiquitylation of histones plays a pivotal role in DNA repair. The ubiquitin ligase Ring2 was recently shown to be the dominant ubiquitin ligase of histone H2A. In a series of experiments using the human bronchial epithelia cells (16HBE) and small interfering RNA (siRNA)‐Ring2 cells exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), we measured dynamic changes in the levels of DNA damage, expressions of ubiquitinated histone H2A, and nucleotide excision repair (NER) subunit xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) groups A, C, and F (XPA, XPC, XPF). We found that in vitro exposure to BaP increased DNA damage in a time‐ and dose‐dependent manner in 16HBE and siRNA‐Ring2 cells. The results show that although decrease of Ring2 causes DNA hypersensitivity to BaP, the levels of XPA, XPC, and XPF were not affected. These results indicated that Ring2 may effect the DNA repair through other pathways but not through the expressions of NER protein. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J BiochemMol Toxicol 27:357‐363, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.21497  相似文献   

Psoralen 4 (Pso4) is an evolutionarily conserved protein that has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes including RNA splicing and resistance to agents that cause DNA interstrand cross-links. Here we show that the hPso4 complex is required for timely progression through S phase and transition through the G2/M checkpoint, and it functions in the repair of DNA lesions that arise during replication. Notably, hPso4 depletion results in delayed resumption of DNA replication after hydroxyurea-induced stalling of replication forks, reduced repair of spontaneous and hydroxyurea-induced DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), and increased sensitivity to a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor. Furthermore, we show that hPso4 is involved in the repair of DSBs by homologous recombination, probably by regulating the BRCA1 protein levels and the generation of single strand DNA at DSBs. Together, our results demonstrate that hPso4 participates in cell proliferation and the maintenance of genome stability by regulating homologous recombination. The involvement of hPso4 in the recombinational repair of DSBs provides an explanation for the sensitivity of Pso4-deficient cells to DNA interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   

Several Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria employ near-iron transporter (NEAT) domains to acquire heme from hemoglobin during infection. However, the structural requirements and mechanism of action for NEAT-mediated heme extraction remains unknown. Bacillus anthracis exhibits a rapid growth rate during systemic infection, suggesting that the bacterium expresses efficient iron acquisition systems. To understand how B. anthracis acquires iron from heme sources, which account for 80% of mammalian iron stores, we investigated the properties of the five-NEAT domain hemophore IsdX2. Using a combination of bioinformatics and site-directed mutagenesis, we determined that the heme extraction properties of IsdX2 are dependent on an amino acid with an amide side chain within the 310-helix of the NEAT domain. Additionally, we used a spectroscopic analysis to show that IsdX2 NEAT domains only scavenge heme from methemoglobin (metHb) and that autoxidation of oxyhemoglobin to metHb must occur prior to extraction. We also report the crystal structures of NEAT5 wild type and a Q29T mutant and present surface plasmon resonance data that indicate that the loss of this amide side chain reduces the affinity of the NEAT domain for metHb. We propose a model whereby the amide side chain is first required to drive an interaction with metHb that destabilizes heme, which is subsequently extracted and coordinated in the aliphatic heme-binding environment of the NEAT domain. Because an amino acid with an amide side chain in this position is observed in NEAT domains of several genera of Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria, these results suggest that specific targeting of this or nearby residues may be an entry point for inhibitor development aimed at blocking bacterial iron acquisition during infection.  相似文献   

The ability of the flavonoid lentinan (LAN) to enhance the repair of paclitaxel (PAC)‐induced DNA damage and apoptosis in mouse bone marrow cells was investigated. Moreover, the possible mechanism underlying this modulation was determined. LAN was neither genotoxic nor apoptogenic at doses equivalent to 1 or 2 mg/kg/day. Pretreatment of mice with LAN significantly enhances the repair of PAC‐induced DNA damage and bone marrow suppression in a dose dependent manner. Moreover, LAN affords significant protection against PAC‐induced apoptosis. A significant increase of reactive oxygen species and a decrease in reduced glutathione levels were observed after PAC treatment and prior administration of LAN before PAC challenge ameliorated these oxidative stress markers. Conclusively, our study provides, for the first time, that LAN enhances the repair of PAC‐induced DNA damage and apoptosis that resides, at least in part, on its ability to modulate the cellular antioxidant levels and consequently protect bone marrow cells from PAC genotoxicity. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J BiochemMol Toxicol 27:370‐377, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.21499  相似文献   

Human IgG4 antibody shows therapeutically useful properties compared with the IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 subclasses. Thus IgG4 does not activate complement and shows conformational variability. These properties are attributable to its hinge region, which is the shortest of the four IgG subclasses. Using high throughput scattering methods, we studied the solution structure of wild-type IgG4(Ser222) and a hinge mutant IgG4(Pro222) in different buffers and temperatures where the proline substitution suppresses the formation of half-antibody. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that both IgG4 forms were principally monomeric with sedimentation coefficients s20,w0 of 6.6–6.8 S. A monomer-dimer equilibrium was observed in heavy water buffer at low temperature. Scattering showed that the x-ray radius of gyration Rg was unchanged with concentration in 50–250 mm NaCl buffers, whereas the neutron Rg values showed a concentration-dependent increase as the temperature decreased in heavy water buffers. The distance distribution curves (P(r)) revealed two peaks, M1 and M2, that shifted below 2 mg/ml to indicate concentration-dependent IgG4 structures in addition to IgG4 dimer formation at high concentration in heavy water. Constrained x-ray and neutron scattering modeling revealed asymmetric solution structures for IgG4(Ser222) with extended hinge structures. The IgG4(Pro222) structure was similar. Both IgG4 structures showed that their Fab regions were positioned close enough to the Fc region to restrict C1q binding. Our new molecular models for IgG4 explain its inability to activate complement and clarify aspects of its stability and function for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2) is a nonspecific lipid-binding protein expressed ubiquitously in most organisms. Knockdown of SCP-2 expression in mosquitoes has been shown to result in high mortality in developing adults and significantly lowered fertility. Thus, it is of interest to determine the structure of mosquito SCP-2 and to identify its mechanism of lipid binding. We report here high quality three-dimensional solution structures of SCP-2 from Aedes aegypti determined by NMR spectroscopy in its ligand-free state (AeSCP-2) and in complex with palmitate. Both structures have a similar mixed α/β fold consisting of a five-stranded β-sheet and four α-helices arranged on one side of the β-sheet. Ligand-free AeSCP-2 exhibited regions of structural heterogeneity, as evidenced by multiple two-dimensional 15N heteronuclear single-quantum coherence peaks for certain amino acids; this heterogeneity disappeared upon complex formation with palmitate. The binding of palmitate to AeSCP-2 was found to decrease the backbone mobility of the protein but not to alter its secondary structure. Complex formation is accompanied by chemical shift differences and a loss of mobility for residues in the loop between helix αI and strand βA. The structural differences between the αI and βA of the mosquito and the vertebrate SCP-2s may explain the differential specificity (insect versus vertebrate) of chemical inhibitors of the mosquito SCP-2.  相似文献   

Heme binding and uptake are considered fundamental to the growth and virulence of the gram-negative periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. We therefore examined the potential role of the dominant P. gingivalis cysteine proteinases (gingipains) in the acquisition of heme from the environment. A recombinant hemoglobin-binding domain that is conserved between two predominant gingipains (domain HA2) demonstrated tight binding to hemin (Kd = 16 nM), and binding was inhibited by iron-free protoporphyrin IX (Ki = 2.5 microM). Hemoglobin binding to the gingipains and the recombinant HA2 (rHA2) domain (Kd = 2.1 nM) was also inhibited by protoporphyrin IX (Ki = 10 microM), demonstrating an essential interaction between the HA2 domain and the heme moiety in hemoglobin binding. Binding of rHA2 with either hemin, protoporphyrin IX, or hematoporphyrin was abolished by establishing covalent linkage of the protoporphyrin propionic acid side chains to fixed amines, demonstrating specific and directed binding of rHA2 to these protoporphyrins. A monoclonal antibody which recognizes a peptide epitope within the HA2 domain was employed to demonstrate that HA2-associated hemoglobin-binding activity was expressed and released by P. gingivalis cells in a batch culture, in parallel with proteinase activity. Cysteine proteinases from P. gingivalis appear to be multidomain proteins with functions for hemagglutination, erythrocyte lysis, proteolysis, and heme binding, as demonstrated here. Detailed understanding of the biochemical pathways for heme acquisition in P. gingivalis may allow precise targeting of this critical metabolic aspect for periodontal disease prevention.  相似文献   

The sublethal effect of naphthalene (2.5, 5, and 10 mg L(-1)) was studied in an estuarine crab Scylla serrata with reference to macromolecular changes. Biotransformation enzymes such as cytochrome P450, cytochrome b(5), NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, glutathione-S-transferase, and UDP-glucuronyl transferase were elevated in the hepatopancreas of naphthalene-exposed crabs in comparison with control. Remarkable amount of DNA damage and cell necrosis was observed in hepatopancreas, hemolymph, and ovary of the crabs exposed to naphthalene, when compared with control. For all the parameters studied, a concentration-dependent gradient of the changes was observed. The expression of DNA damage and cell necrosis suggests an increased production of oxidants during naphthalene metabolism.  相似文献   

Despite the passage of ~30 years since the complete primary sequence of the intermediate filament (IF) protein vimentin was reported, the structure remains unknown for both an individual protomer and the assembled filament. In this report, we present data describing the structure of vimentin linker 1 (L1) and rod 1B. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra collected from samples bearing site-directed spin labels demonstrate that L1 is not a flexible segment between coiled-coils (CCs) but instead forms a rigid, tightly packed structure. An x-ray crystal structure of a construct containing L1 and rod 1B shows that it forms a tetramer comprising two equivalent parallel CC dimers that interact with one another in the form of a symmetrical anti-parallel dimer. Remarkably, the parallel CC dimers are themselves asymmetrical, which enables them to tetramerize rather than undergoing higher order oligomerization. This functionally vital asymmetry in the CC structure, encoded in the primary sequence of rod 1B, provides a striking example of evolutionary exploitation of the structural plasticity of proteins. EPR and crystallographic data consistently suggest that a very short region within L1 represents a minor local distortion in what is likely to be a continuous CC from the end of rod 1A through the entirety of rod 1B. The concordance of this structural model with previously published cross-linking and spectral data supports the conclusion that the crystallographic oligomer represents a native biological structure.  相似文献   

4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) has been widely implicated in the mechanisms of oxidant-induced toxicity, but the detrimental effects of HNE associated with DNA damage or cell cycle arrest have not been thoroughly studied. Here we demonstrate for the first time that HNE caused G2/M cell cycle arrest of hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 (p53 wild type) and Hep3B (p53 null) cells that was accompanied with decreased expression of CDK1 and cyclin B1 and activation of p21 in a p53-independent manner. HNE treatment suppressed the Cdc25C level, which led to inactivation of CDK1. HNE-induced phosphorylation of Cdc25C at Ser-216 resulted in its translocation from nucleus to cytoplasm, thereby facilitating its degradation via the ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal pathway. This phosphorylation of Cdc25C was regulated by activation of the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR)/checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) pathway. The role of HNE in the DNA double strand break was strongly suggested by a remarkable increase in comet tail formation and H2A.X phosphorylation in HNE-treated cells in vitro. This was supported by increased in vivo phosphorylation of H2A.X in mGsta4 null mice that have impaired HNE metabolism and increased HNE levels in tissues. HNE-mediated ATR/Chk1 signaling was inhibited by ATR kinase inhibitor (caffeine). Additionally, most of the signaling effects of HNE on cell cycle arrest were attenuated in hGSTA4 transfected cells, thereby indicating the involvement of HNE in these events. A novel role of GSTA4-4 in the maintenance of genomic integrity is also suggested.  相似文献   

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