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β-Site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme (BACE1) is a membrane-tethered member of the aspartyl proteases that has been identified as β-secretase. BACE1 is targeted through the secretory pathway to the plasma membrane and then is internalized to endosomes. Sorting of membrane proteins to the endosomes and lysosomes is regulated by the interaction of signals present in their carboxyl-terminal fragment with specific trafficking molecules. The BACE1 carboxyl-terminal fragment contains a di-leucine sorting signal (495DDISLL500) and a ubiquitination site at Lys-501. Here, we report that lack of ubiquitination at Lys-501 (BACE1K501R) does not affect the rate of endocytosis but produces BACE1 stabilization and accumulation of BACE1 in early and late endosomes/lysosomes as well as at the cell membrane. In contrast, the disruption of the di-leucine motif (BACE1LLAA) greatly impairs BACE1 endocytosis and produces a delayed retrograde transport of BACE1 to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and a delayed delivery of BACE1 to the lysosomes, thus decreasing its degradation. Moreover, the combination of the lack of ubiquitination at Lys-501 and the disruption of the di-leucine motif (BACE1LLAA/KR) produces additive effects on BACE1 stabilization and defective internalization. Finally, BACE1LLAA/KR accumulates in the TGN, while its levels are decreased in EEA1-positive compartments indicating that both ubiquitination at Lys-501 and the di-leucine motif are necessary for the trafficking of BACE1 from the TGN to early endosomes. Our studies have elucidated a differential role for the di-leucine motif and ubiquitination at Lys-501 in BACE1 endocytosis, trafficking, and degradation and suggest the involvement of multiple adaptor molecules.  相似文献   

Trafficking of the pore-forming α-subunits of large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels to the cell surface represents an important regulatory step in controlling BK channel function. Here, we identify multiple trafficking signals within the intracellular RCK1-RCK2 linker of the cytosolic C terminus of the channel that are required for efficient cell surface expression of the channel. In particular, an acidic cluster-like motif was essential for channel exit from the endoplasmic reticulum and subsequent cell surface expression. This motif could be transplanted onto a heterologous nonchannel protein to enhance cell surface expression by accelerating endoplasmic reticulum export. Importantly, we identified a human alternatively spliced BK channel variant, hSloΔ579–664, in which these trafficking signals are excluded because of in-frame exon skipping. The hSloΔ579–664 variant is expressed in multiple human tissues and cannot form functional channels at the cell surface even though it retains the putative RCK domains and downstream trafficking signals. Functionally, the hSloΔ579–664 variant acts as a dominant negative subunit to suppress cell surface expression of BK channels. Thus alternative splicing of the intracellular RCK1-RCK2 linker plays a critical role in determining cell surface expression of BK channels by controlling the inclusion/exclusion of multiple trafficking motifs.  相似文献   

Steady-state surface levels of the apical Na/K/2Cl cotransporter NKCC2 regulate NaCl reabsorption by epithelial cells of the renal thick ascending limb (THAL). We reported that constitutive endocytosis of NKCC2 controls NaCl absorption in native THALs; however, the pathways involved in NKCC2 endocytosis are unknown. We hypothesized that NKCC2 endocytosis at the apical surface depends on dynamin-2 and clathrin. Measurements of steady-state surface NKCC2 and the rate of NKCC2 endocytosis in freshly isolated rat THALs showed that inhibition of endogenous dynamin-2 with dynasore blunted NKCC2 endocytosis by 56 ± 11% and increased steady-state surface NKCC2 by 67 ± 27% (p < 0.05). Expression of the dominant negative Dyn2K44A in THALs slowed the rate of NKCC2 endocytosis by 38 ± 8% and increased steady-state surface NKCC2 by 37 ± 8%, without changing total NKCC2 expression. Inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis with chlorpromazine blunted NKCC2 endocytosis by 54 ± 6%, while preventing clathrin from interacting with synaptojanin also blunted NKCC2 endocytosis by 52 ± 5%. Disruption of lipid rafts blunted NKCC2 endocytosis by 39 ± 4% and silencing caveolin-1 by 29 ± 4%. Simultaneous inhibition of clathrin- and lipid raft-mediated endocytosis completely blocked NKCC2 internalization. We concluded that dynamin-2, clathrin, and lipid rafts mediate NKCC2 endocytosis and maintain steady-state apical surface NKCC2 in native THALs. These are the first data identifying the endocytic pathway for apical NKCC2 endocytosis.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that the C terminus (CT) plays a crucial role in modulating G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cell surface. However the molecular mechanisms that govern CT-dependent ER export remain elusive. To address this issue, we used α(2B)-adrenergic receptor (α(2B)-AR) as a model GPCR to search for proteins interacting with the CT. By using peptide-conjugated affinity matrix combined with proteomics and glutathione S-transferase fusion protein pull-down assays, we identified tubulin directly interacting with the α(2B)-AR CT. The interaction domains were mapped to the acidic CT of tubulin and the basic Arg residues in the α(2B)-AR CT, particularly Arg-437, Arg-441, and Arg-446. More importantly, mutation of these Arg residues to disrupt tubulin interaction markedly inhibited α(2B)-AR transport to the cell surface and strongly arrested the receptor in the ER. These data provide the first evidence indicating that the α(2B)-AR C-terminal Arg cluster mediates its association with tubulin to coordinate its ER-to-cell surface traffic and suggest a novel mechanism of GPCR export through physical contact with microtubules.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export and cell surface transport of nascent G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have just begun to be revealed and previous studies have shown that hydrophobic motifs in the putative amphipathic 8(th) α-helical region within the membrane-proximal C termini play an important role. In this study, we demonstrate that di-acidic motifs in the membrane-distal, nonstructural C-terminal portions are required for the exit from the ER and transport to the plasma membrane of angiotensin II receptors, but not adrenergic receptors. More interestingly, distinct di-acidic motifs dictate optimal export trafficking of different angiotensin II receptors and export ability of each acidic residue in the di-acidic motifs cannot be fully substituted by other acidic residue. Moreover, the function of the di-acidic motifs is likely mediated through facilitating the recruitment of the receptors onto the ER-derived COPII transport vesicles. Therefore, the di-acidic motifs located in the membrane-distal C termini may represent the first linear motifs which recruit selective GPCRs onto the COPII vesicles to control their export from the ER.  相似文献   

LptC is a conserved bitopic inner membrane protein from Escherichia coli involved in the export of lipopolysaccharide from its site of synthesis in the cytoplasmic membrane to the outer membrane. LptC forms a complex with the ATP-binding cassette transporter, LptBFG, which is thought to facilitate the extraction of lipopolysaccharide from the inner membrane and release it into a translocation pathway that includes the putative periplasmic chaperone LptA. Cysteine modification experiments established that the catalytic domain of LptC is oriented toward the periplasm. The structure of the periplasmic domain is described at a resolution of 2.2-Å from x-ray crystallographic data. The periplasmic domain of LptC consists of a twisted boat structure with two β-sheets in apposition to each other. The β-sheets contain seven and eight antiparallel β-strands, respectively. This structure bears a high degree of resemblance to the crystal structure of LptA. Like LptA, LptC binds lipopolysaccharide in vitro. In vitro, LptA can displace lipopolysaccharide from LptC (but not vice versa), consistent with their locations and their proposed placement in a unidirectional export pathway.  相似文献   

In tight junctions, both claudin-2 and claudin-10b form paracellular cation-selective pores by the interaction of the first ECL 1 with permeating ions. We hypothesized that a highly conserved aromatic residue near the pore selectivity filter of claudins contributes to cation selectivity by cation-π interaction with the permeating cation. To test this, we generated MDCK I Tet-off cells stably transfected with claudin-2 Tyr67 mutants. The Y67L mutant showed reduced cation selectivity compared with wild-type claudin-2 due to a decrease in Na+ permeability, without affecting the Cl permeability. The Y67A mutant enlarged the pore size and further decreased the charge selectivity due to an increase in Cl permeability. The Y67F mutant restored the Na+ permeability, Cl permeability, and pore size back to wild-type. The accessibility of Y67C to methanethiosulfonate modification indicated that its side chain faces the lumen of the pore. In claudin-10b, the F66L mutant reduced cation selectivity, and the F66A mutant lost pore conductance. We conclude that the conserved aromatic residue near the cation pore domain of claudins contributes to cation selectivity by a dual role of cation-π interaction and a luminal steric effect. Our findings provide new insight into how ion selectivity is achieved in the paracellular pore.  相似文献   

In the kidney, epithelial cells of the thick ascending limb (TAL) reabsorb NaCl via the apical Na+/K+/2Cl co-transporter NKCC2. Steady-state surface NKCC2 levels in the apical membrane are maintained by a balance between exocytic delivery, endocytosis, and recycling. cAMP is the second messenger of hormones that enhance NaCl absorption. cAMP stimulates NKCC2 exocytic delivery via protein kinase A (PKA), increasing steady-state surface NKCC2. However, the molecular mechanism involved has not been studied. We found that several members of the SNARE family of membrane fusion proteins are expressed in TALs. Here we report that NKCC2 co-immunoprecipitates with VAMP2 in rat TALs, and they co-localize in discrete domains at the apical surface. cAMP stimulation enhanced VAMP2 exocytic delivery to the plasma membrane of renal cells, and stimulation of PKA enhanced VAMP2-NKCC2 co-immunoprecipitation in TALs. In vivo silencing of VAMP2 but not VAMP3 in TALs blunted cAMP-stimulated steady-state surface NKCC2 expression and completely blocked cAMP-stimulated NKCC2 exocytic delivery. VAMP2 was not involved in constitutive NKCC2 delivery. We concluded that VAMP2 but not VAMP3 selectively mediates cAMP-stimulated NKCC2 exocytic delivery and surface expression in TALs. We also demonstrated that cAMP stimulation enhances VAMP2 exocytosis and promotes VAMP2 interaction with NKCC2.  相似文献   

Several residues are conserved in the transmembrane domains (TMs) of G-protein coupled receptors. Here we demonstrate that a conserved proline, Pro247, in TM6 of platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) is required for endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export and trafficking after agonist-induced internalization. Alanine-substituted mutants of the conserved residues of PAFRs, including P247A, were retained in the ER. Because a PAFR antagonist, Y-24180, acted as a pharmacological chaperone to rescue ER retention, this retention is due to misfolding of PAFR. Methylcarbamyl (mc)-PAF, a PAFR agonist, did not increase the cell surface expression of P247A, even though another ER-retained mutant, D63A, was effectively trafficked. Signaling and accumulation of the receptors in the early endosomes were observed in the mc-PAF-treated P247A-expressing cells, suggesting that P247A was trafficked to the cell surface by mc-PAF, and thereafter disappeared from the surface due to aberrant trafficking, e.g. enhanced internalization, deficiency in recycling, and/or accelerated degradation. The aberrant trafficking was confirmed with a sortase-A-mediated method for labeling cell surface proteins. These results demonstrate that the conserved proline in TM6 is crucial for intracellular trafficking of PAFR.  相似文献   

Chromalveolates are a diverse group of protists that include many ecologically and medically relevant organisms such as diatoms and apicomplexan parasites. They possess plastids generally surrounded by four membranes, which evolved by engulfment of a red alga. Today, most plastid proteins must be imported, but many aspects of protein import into complex plastids are still cryptic. In particular, how proteins cross the third outermost membrane has remained unexplained. We identified a protein in the third outermost membrane of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum with properties comparable to those of the Omp85 family. We demonstrate that the targeting route of P. tricornutum Omp85 parallels that of the translocation channel of the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts, Toc75. In addition, the electrophysiological properties are similar to those of the Omp85 proteins involved in protein translocation. This supports the hypothesis that P. tricornutum Omp85 is involved in precursor protein translocation, which would close a gap in the fundamental understanding of the evolutionary origin and function of protein import in secondary plastids.  相似文献   

Two novel regulatory motifs, LDEVFL and C-terminal regulatory Glu (E)-rich motif (CREEM), are identified in the extreme C terminus of the ABC protein DrrA, which is involved in direct interaction with the N-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the membrane protein DrrB and in homodimerization of DrrA. Disulfide cross-linking analysis showed that the CREEM and the region immediately upstream of CREEM participate directly in forming an interaction interface with the N terminus of DrrB. A series of mutations created in the LDEVFL and CREEM motifs drastically affected overall function of the DrrAB transporter. Mutations in the LDEVFL motif also significantly impaired interaction between the C terminus of DrrA and the N terminus of DrrB as well as the ability of DrrA and DrrB to co-purify, therefore suggesting that the LDEVFL motif regulates CREEM-mediated interaction between DrrA and DrrB and plays a key role in biogenesis of the DrrAB complex. Modeling analysis indicated that the LDEVFL motif is critical for conformational integrity of the C-terminal domain of DrrA and confirmed that the C terminus of DrrA forms an independent domain. This is the first report which describes the presence of an assembly domain in an ABC protein and uncovers a novel mechanism whereby the ABC component facilitates the assembly of the membrane component. Homology sequence comparisons showed the presence of the LDEVFL and CREEM motifs in close prokaryotic and eukaryotic homologs of DrrA, suggesting that these motifs may play a similar role in other homologous drug and lipid export systems.  相似文献   

Elevated saturated FFAs including palmitate (C16:0) are a primary trigger for peripheral insulin resistance characterized by impaired glucose uptake/disposal in skeletal muscle, resulting from impaired GLUT4 translocation in response to insulin. We herein demonstrate that palmitate induces down-regulation of sortilin, a sorting receptor implicated in the formation of insulin-responsive GLUT4 vesicles, via mechanisms involving PKCθ and TNF-α-converting enzyme, but not p38, JNK, or mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation, leading to impaired GLUT4 trafficking in C2C12 myotubes. Intriguingly, unsaturated FFAs such as palmitoleate (C16:1) and oleate (C18:1) had no such detrimental effects, appearing instead to effectively reverse palmitate-induced impairment of insulin-responsive GLUT4 recycling along with restoration of sortilin abundance by preventing aberrant PKCθ activation. On the other hand, shRNA-mediated reduction of sortilin in intact C2C12 myotubes inhibited insulin-induced GLUT4 recycling without dampening Akt phosphorylation. We found that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ agonist troglitazone prevented the palmitate-induced sortilin reduction and also ameliorated insulin-responsive GLUT4 recycling without altering the palmitate-evoked insults on signaling cascades; neither highly phosphorylated PKCθ states nor impaired insulin-responsive Akt phosphorylation was affected. Taken together, our data provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of PKCθ-dependent insulin resistance with respect to insulin-responsive GLUT4 translocation, which could occur not only through defects of insulin signaling but also via a reduction of sortilin, which directly controls trafficking/sorting of GLUT4 in skeletal muscle cells. In addition, our data suggest the insulin-sensitizing action of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ agonists to be at least partially mediated through the restoration of proper GLUT4 trafficking/sorting events governed by sortilin.  相似文献   

Two-pore domain potassium (K2P) channels play fundamental roles in cellular processes by enabling a constitutive leak of potassium from cells in which they are expressed, thus influencing cellular membrane potential and activity. Hence, regulation of these channels is of critical importance to cellular function. A key regulatory mechanism of K2P channels is the control of their cell surface expression. Membrane protein delivery to and retrieval from the cell surface is controlled by their passage through the secretory and endocytic pathways, and post-translational modifications regulate their progression through these pathways. All but one of the K2P channels possess consensus N-linked glycosylation sites, and here we demonstrate that the conserved putative N-glycosylation site in K2P3.1 and K2P9.1 is a glycan acceptor site. Patch clamp analysis revealed that disruption of channel glycosylation reduced K2P3.1 current, and flow cytometry was instrumental in attributing this to a decreased number of channels on the cell surface. Similar findings were observed when cells were cultured in reduced glucose concentrations. Disruption of N-linked glycosylation has less of an effect on K2P9.1, with a small reduction in number of channels on the surface observed, but no functional implications detected. Because nonglycosylated channels appear to pass through the secretory pathway in a manner comparable with glycosylated channels, the evidence presented here suggests that the decreased number of nonglycosylated K2P3.1 channels on the cell surface may be due to their decreased stability.  相似文献   

In L6 myotubes, redistribution of a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope-tagged GLUT4 (HA-GLUT4) to the cell surface occurs rapidly in response to insulin stimulation and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation. We have examined whether these separate signaling pathways have a convergent mechanism that leads to GLUT4 mobilization and to changes in GLUT4 recycling. HA antibody uptake on GLUT4 in the basal steady state reached a final equilibrium level that was only 81% of the insulin-stimulated level. AMPK activators (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide ribonucleoside (AICAR) and A-769662) led to a similar level of antibody uptake to that found in insulin-stimulated cells. However, the combined responses to insulin stimulation and AMPK activation led to an antibody uptake level of ∼20% above the insulin level. Increases in antibody uptake due to insulin, but not AICAR or A-769662, treatment were reduced by both wortmannin and Akt inhibitor. The GLUT4 internalization rate constant in the basal steady state was very rapid (0.43 min−1) and was decreased during the steady-state responses to insulin (0.18 min−1), AICAR (0.16 min−1), and A-769662 (0.24 min−1). This study has revealed a nonconvergent mobilization of GLUT4 in response to activation of Akt and AMPK signaling. Furthermore, GLUT4 trafficking in L6 muscle cells is very reliant on regulated endocytosis for control of cell surface GLUT4 levels.  相似文献   

Active transport of NaCl across thick ascending limb (TAL) epithelium is accomplished by Na(+),K(+),2Cl(-) cotransporter (NKCC2). The activity of NKCC2 is determined by vasopressin (AVP) or intracellular chloride concentration and includes its amino-terminal phosphorylation. Co-expressed Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) has been proposed to interact with NKCC2. We hypothesized that THP modulates NKCC2 activity in TAL. THP-deficient mice (THP(-/-)) showed an increased abundance of intracellular NKCC2 located in subapical vesicles (+47% compared with wild type (WT) mice), whereas base-line phosphorylation of NKCC2 was significantly decreased (-49% compared with WT mice), suggesting reduced activity of the transporter in the absence of THP. Cultured TAL cells with low endogenous THP levels and low base-line phosphorylation of NKCC2 displayed sharp increases in NKCC2 phosphorylation (+38%) along with a significant change of intracellular chloride concentration upon transfection with THP. In NKCC2-expressing frog oocytes, co-injection with THP cRNA significantly enhanced the activation of NKCC2 under low chloride hypotonic stress (+112% versus +235%). Short term (30 min) stimulation of the vasopressin V2 receptor pathway by V2 receptor agonist (deamino-cis-D-Arg vasopressin) resulted in enhanced NKCC2 phosphorylation in WT mice and cultured TAL cells transfected with THP, whereas in the absence of THP, NKCC2 phosphorylation upon deamino-cis-D-Arg vasopressin was blunted in both systems. Attenuated effects of furosemide along with functional and structural adaptation of the distal convoluted tubule in THP(-/-) mice supported the notion that NaCl reabsorption was impaired in TAL lacking THP. In summary, these results are compatible with a permissive role for THP in the modulation of NKCC2-dependent TAL salt reabsorptive function.  相似文献   

Hyperekplexia or startle disease is characterized by an exaggerated startle response, evoked by tactile or auditory stimuli, producing hypertonia and apnea episodes. Although rare, this orphan disorder can have serious consequences, including sudden infant death. Dominant and recessive mutations in the human glycine receptor (GlyR) α1 gene (GLRA1) are the major cause of this disorder. However, recessive mutations in the presynaptic Na(+)/Cl(-)-dependent glycine transporter GlyT2 gene (SLC6A5) are rapidly emerging as a second major cause of startle disease. In this study, systematic DNA sequencing of SLC6A5 revealed a new dominant GlyT2 mutation: pY705C (c.2114A→G) in transmembrane domain 11, in eight individuals from Spain and the United Kingdom. Curiously, individuals harboring this mutation show significant variation in clinical presentation. In addition to classical hyperekplexia symptoms, some individuals had abnormal respiration, facial dysmorphism, delayed motor development, or intellectual disability. We functionally characterized this mutation using molecular modeling, electrophysiology, [(3)H]glycine transport, cell surface expression, and cysteine labeling assays. We found that the introduced cysteine interacts with the cysteine pair Cys-311-Cys-320 in the second external loop of GlyT2. This interaction impairs transporter maturation through the secretory pathway, reduces surface expression, and inhibits transport function. Additionally, Y705C presents altered H(+) and Zn(2+) dependence of glycine transport that may affect the function of glycinergic neurotransmission in vivo.  相似文献   

The rare neurodegenerative disease Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) results from mutations in either NPC1 or NPC2, which are membrane-bound and soluble lysosomal proteins, respectively. Previous studies have shown that mutations in either protein result in biochemically indistinguishable phenotypes, most notably the hyper-accumulation of cholesterol and other cargo in lysosomes. We comparatively evaluated the kinetics of [3H]dextran release from lysosomes of wild type, NPC1, NPC2, and NPC1/NPC2 pseudo-double mutant cells and found significant differences between all cell types examined. Specifically, NPC1 or NPC2 mutant fibroblasts treated with NPC1 or NPC2 siRNA (to create NPC1/NPC2 pseudo-double mutants) secreted dextran less efficiently than did either NPC1 or NPC2 single mutant cell lines, suggesting that the two proteins may work independently of one another in the egress of membrane-impermeable lysosomal cargo. To investigate the basis for these differences, we examined the role of NPC1 and NPC2 in the retrograde fusion of lysosomes with late endosomes to create so-called hybrid organelles, which is believed to be the initial step in the egress of cargo from lysosomes. We show here that cells with mutated NPC1 have significantly reduced rates of late endosome/lysosome fusion relative to wild type cells, whereas cells with mutations in NPC2 have rates that are similar to those observed in wild type cells. Instead of being involved in hybrid organelle formation, we show that NPC2 is required for efficient membrane fission events from nascent hybrid organelles, which is thought to be required for the reformation of lysosomes and the release of lysosomal cargo-containing membrane vesicles. Collectively, these results suggest that NPC1 and NPC2 can function independently of one another in the egress of certain membrane-impermeable lysosomal cargo.  相似文献   

Dynamin-2 (Dyn2) is ubiquitously expressed and catalyzes membrane fission during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in nonneuronal cells. We have previously shown that Dyn2 inefficiently generates membrane curvature and only mediates fission of highly curved membranes. This led to the hypothesis that other endocytic accessory proteins (EAPs) generate curvature needed to sculpt a sufficiently narrow neck to trigger Dyn2 assembly and fission. Candidates for this activity are EAPs that bind to the dynamin proline/arginine-rich domain (PRD) through their SH3 (src homology-3) domains and also encode curvature-generating BAR (Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs) domains. We show that at low concentrations, amphiphysin and endophilin, but not SNX9 or the curvature-generating epsin N-terminal homology (ENTH) domain, are able to generate tubules from planar membrane templates and to synergize with Dyn2ΔPRD to catalyze vesicle release. Unexpectedly, SH3-PRD interactions were inhibitory and reciprocally regulate scaffold assembly. Of the three proteins studied, only full-length amphiphysin functions synergistically with full-length Dyn2 to catalyze vesicle release. The differential activity of these proteins correlates with the relative potency of their positive, curvature-generating activity, and the negative regulatory effects mediated by SH3 domain interactions. Our findings reveal opportunities for the spatio-temporal coordination of membrane curvature generation, dynamin assembly, and fission during clathrin-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

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